. ; . 1 " ' , . ' ' .-, . ' .. .';,' ' THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY 31. 1904. ' I ' nojrrr to loaa. tUtU H. BTKONU, FINANCIAL AGKNX. wM to ewe. o euaiuilealoa. ; I ! I Dual lion te make lmnf1ot Inane en Improved real mUU or fur brild , j. I"g purpoaee: imnnl; moJarate lutef- eel. Wt approve loana from pirn and aa- vanee money at bnll-llug prngrta. Optloa .. iwiwriufnt arrar on yar. - rUEU II. ITHOMl. kin. eel. I Itul - , . 108 Bocoad At., arer Stark. in ealarir4 employ, arage-earaer, aaa -gat Month. M-raontk. Week. . 0 00 Repay to aa f 13.US or KIM or 13 3.1 JSOie kepay to a 1 8 S or 13.85 or it. Sa tin -aiK par In u oo or $1.00 or 11.00 a UMiooamiai. ; no McKay bids., lost BAIAKY LOAN" Any ealarIM peraoa bavtag a ateady poeltlou with reaponelhl Brut eea . eotala piiner on th laay payment plan, artta ? J! ' '"'I ' tto'l " nraa treated uiuaun wiag., city. . , MLN,01 THE IAST-PAYMRNT PLAN ,T Salaried Paopla. . Strictly Confidential, Office nmira. 0 a. m. to 8 p. aa. . EaU-lorERS' LOA CA. wt J4. Room T1S. Tat Dream bid. . s. n. bw. -antra aaa waaninvtM at. , ' . ' Unuvv a- a . , - . . . V : . " ... , t-, on rraa, peraonei ana col lateral rerun tv! ap-clel attention to chattel . mortgage! notes bought.' C. W. Pallet. 811 vhotciii pib. raoua aura lane. WOHIOAGB I)ANS oa Improved ettr and ram ... property at Inwaat rurraat ratoa; halldlux !r. .:. nnt toaoa. .. wb, Macauatar, . u vvoreoaior iiinff. "' laaaed on pturtoa, fnrnltqra and other ; ciiiim arriiritlpa: all Bnaloeaa atrtetlr on, ata. K0HTHWKST LOAN CO., 21 .UV oa, bUt-. altjr. . . . , MONEY to LOAN n Urta or aaaall amonata nod aerorltr; lowaat rafaa. , William aara. vji f alllr f nag HUNK ADVANCED aalatied nttnW. tramatara. ' ., wltbont arcnrlty: raay parmaata: lar- . t!i hnaltiaaa In 4 principal cltUa. Tolnaa. i 123 AblBctoa hl4. . . CHATTEL loana In amnanta ranrtna from 13 tn ail AiiA. i i i.i. M ra Laaa AV Treat Co., Jlhlnctoa bide. ; LilATTKL loana? ' roAmlna hnnaaa a aoaetaltr. loana tn aalarlrd people, tirw Era Loaa A .' iroax uo.. (US Ahlnatoa bld. UoNKJf TO LOAN PROM 2iio FP: J-II1VATR PARTY. ADUKESsPoSJ MOHAWK ULD0. MONEY TO LOAN aa Improved or nntmprorod ina or CO.. SOU AlaeV at. LOANS at lovwat ratea oa furnltnra. plnnna , anr aararitr notaa nnrrhaaad. Eaatern Luaa nrnra. ia McKay tilde. UONET TO LOAN on Claekamaa coantr landa. B. P aV r. B. Btlay. 08 Chambor a( Coat. BIOTOIJCa. -STAR N09RI.TV WORK teera tn aarond. hand blcyclaa; caacral rapalrioa;. ST Caloa 8XASS W0KJU. . PBIBB BROS. BRAM CO., S10 Rorth RlaTaath. oraaa, Dranaa caatuga, awoai aiaainaT. i oral wora. . t. - C0TTA0K BUITOES. 'CALIFORNIA RUNOALO I hara fuat retnrued . from Oalirnrnla and vlU, build yog a hunaalo cnuae irom ito op. v Aaaraaa Lr l llara, elty. Phone Hub. TSS. COAX AHD WOOD. llthj waahrd lump aootlaaa ' coal, $tio6 per ' 'n. bdi. .-.iAf, agenia snr tjuaiiMriana . . Ranee'. $T.00: Caatle Uata. AM. of): wboleaala , prlcue: free dellTery; full welghta; aatlafae- iiwo anaraiiteea. rnon aiain van. .; CITKAPE.ST fori In Portland; coal 3.TS per -ums au aiuoa i . wooa at rweat markt't vrteea. - '.' MB KTORKT, " r v Waah. 8t. ' Phone Mala M7a. BE KB la roar chanea tn aet year wlnter't boa wood: Vlre UaiOa. 1.R0 a load, or alngle k.ada at tl.75 a load. Multnomah Wood Coin- ' paay. t'nona Haln-Bliw. - TEKL BRIDOB WOOD YARD la tba place to , bar your wood and coat. Of flee S18 Bolladay k aea. ram Mat aaa, j. uiaaariM, Mgr. ... ALBINA rt'ETl CO., Railroad at. and AIMna . are., near ferry; alab and block weed, dry coon Mat oia. WE8TBRM PEED A VVmU EO.. Phone 101IL . Caatla Oata coal and all other coal oa tie i- maraer. in North rim at. BOOVER A CONWAY. BIS Water at., the place Pbei for cood 4-foot, lira Main 4o3. ' flr Bra wood. . PIONEER Pael Ce., ranared front foot Mar- naoa so root aiain at. rnoaa Mala lit. 0. B. YBLIN. wood and enalt eftlea IS Alblaa a to., near retry., rhone East Java. CREOOM FTFX CO : all ttnne of coal aad 44 Morrlann. Phone Main WL CR0CKEXY A3TT OLAMWABX. WROLEBALB erockcry and laaaware. PraaL, negeie m co.. iwi w luti ruin, cor. start at 0ATES. THE OP PICE, 28 WaaMnrtoa at-, .hone B. mmu iia. (-lean at v if neaaw . . CAPR K RATE. -12 Blttfe at, A Baa In ark Barren, et all hoara. , . CABPHf TEBB An TTLDEEB. " 'i fU.Ti10 H- . WOOD, carpeatera - aad bnlldere-, reualrlnB end JbMnc; atore , . aaa tiur, aiiaree jtuuw BAop au iiolambla. i dodo tiay laoi, -. , PANNING aV ARMSTRONG Carnentera aad bulldera: repalrtna- and )nbbln; reaaenable ' ratea. fbop car. Poartk and CelaatM. Preat O- W. OORDON. rnnnrera. ahrlTln. hnaaea built . - CHIROPODY AXD KAJriOVBDrO. " WM. DRVENY A ERTELLR DBVENY, the only erlentlflc chlropodlata. narlora room tot Drew mac.. IB neenna at. mono Main IWI la the lona-halred aentleinaa. man yon are looking for. Thla Be la the eomtiBsioK mmm RVERDINO A PARRELL. produce and ennmle- eion nertnanta. iw rroat au. rnruaaa. ur, ' I'hone Mala 1TB. e . 0LAIXY0YAMX AKD PALMXBT. nanira. The irrateet parohlc palmlat and isaplra. tlonal card reader; telle all, brlnr forth your , - urairea uu givea aourenira. xiu ataaiaoa at. MADAMS JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, palmlat, card reader; I aire facta reliable and In portent on in affaire of teal Ilia. Readlua oue. ivo rourtu at. , EDWARD EARt.B, Independent elate-WTtter aad nieainm ot pan Franciam. '-ine uncoin." ' enrner of - Mnrrfaoa - and Elaranth atreeta. ' Phone Mala BS1. OISAJtS AJTD TOBACCO. UPBKBOOUN8T CI BAB CO. -Dlatrlbaton ef , , . pins cioin. Portland. Oregon. CEXEMT C0VTBA0T0XB. HAWKINS A CO. Realdenre, BOB Poarth at., pbone Pmat 128A: rament Work - of all Aa- . . arrlptloaai atep work epeeialtyl work ( - anean. ' - , - . ' CHAS. R. CARTER, avneral contractor; cament alrVwalka; cement work a apeclalty; ell work f aaranteed. 167. Orand are., N. Eaat 14M, CHAS. H. CARTER A CO. (formerly Carter A Ell), cement enntraetora. 674 Targart. Phone f Eaat 1TS. All work narnnteed. aaaaatBC--Bt- Lit-?-' ! in mm i 'n af- aiafie w fflg - BOB) ABB HORSE" R0BPITAX, DR. B. J CARNEY Veterinary eoreea. InS - orta f'h at. iboae Mala 1484; raa. phone. Mala SegT. DXESSMAXIBO, AIRS. McKlRRPW. artlatle dram and Cloak, maklnr Ml Montana) at. . DECORATORS. HENRY BEROER ISO Ptrat at. ! wallpaper, Ingrnlna. tanaatrlaa. appllooa trieate, tnter- etnatlna'. . ' , YKATXKBAIi tBSTXAKCX, . ORDER OP WASHINGTON Poremoat f rater. pal enelety of nnrtbweat; preteeta the He ' Inc. 1. L. Mltrnell, anpreme aeerrtary. 6tt and SIS Maroiiaa bld., portlaad, Vf, Ttle ,j paena AUia 4a, ; v , . DYHVw ABD CtXAXIHa. Berlin Steam Dretnf A Cleaning Work a Beat euulprwd dra worka In the city: dry cleaning ef Imiliee' Sne garaient a anadalty; redaoaable prK-e; proaiut aerrica; flrat-clata woraaiieraa ieed. 411 Alder at. pbone Main PORTLAND STEAM CLEANINO AND PYRINO Worka; practical hatter la connection; feather pert 211 rourtn. Phone Clay T04. . . HUNTER, BM Jafferaoa at., ateaat carpet . and mattreaa eleanliigii feather renovating! ail wora guaranteed, rhone alala 114. CLOTHES CLEANED AND PRESS RD II pee month. iaigua laiiurmg Co., eaT waahiog. .' tua at , .. B. W. TVRNBR, nmfeaatonal dree and earaaer, 600 Jeff arena at. Phone Main MIS. ELECTRICAL W0I.KB. NORTHWEST EI.BTR1CAL ENOINEERINO Company. Ka) Stark at.. Tort land; 0. K. for ererxtnine in., the -electrical line. . Phone, Main irtw, 7L0UX ABO rSXS. I LOUB. feed, potatove. rot L etc. ' Rermaa Banna, em naat aarentn at. rnone Brett 4AI) rWRBITURE EAOTOEin rURNITUHE manufacturing and apeetal ordere. L. Ruranak'e faraltuee factory, 170 Proat at OREGON Pural tare Minttactaiine Compear Manufacturera ef furniture for the trade. SOS Flrat at HOTELS. Hotel Portland, Amarleaa plan) SI, SB par day. Belrederei European pleat 4th aad AMer ata. HATS CLXABED. SUHTBBN Hat Manafaetnrlng Oompann, S2I rtrat near Clay; bate djred, cleaned, blocked; Bad ever . la latent atlea our epeoUJl; Panama bate. - ... OXOCEXB. WADHAM8 A CO., wboleaala grocers, maae- facturer and euuimtaalua Aucrchaani. Peurta aad Oak eta. .-. , , ALLEN A LEWIS, eommlaaton andprodace mer- esania. eroai ana vavu ata., rortiaaa, ur. LA NO ft CO., Ptret and Ankeny ati. HORSES ABO CABXIA0IB. OMTKD CARRIAGE .CO. Robber-tired car- rla 1 lagea, tally-no rlga. i in. cor. Morriaon. I'hone Mala 222, 103 XBSVBABOX, IBAAO Lr WHITE, Ore teekrmace. BOO Oekna JAB. Met.1 WOOD, emptmra Hablltty aad In. dividual accident auraty boada of all fclad. Phone 41. Sua MeKay bids. H. P. B ARTELS COMPANY. Bra Inenranca. 441 Sherlock bids. Oregon phone Clay Sat. PIHB INSURANCE). P. Kennedy A Co., S31 heriock mag, rnoa MaU 1(464. v . . , . ARTHUR WILSON. Are tnasraaee. Bbarlock Mdg. Pbone Main 100S. XX0V W0EXB. rnntKIT lanu - wiihi w.. utj, piHiiuKr?; prompt anenuon to repair work I'hone, Eaat 29. Hawthorae are. it R. Id. r LOCKSJaTTHB. I. O. SMITH Lockemlth and general repairing. 44S Waabtngton et. Portland, phone OUy BUB. XtAOBETIO HEALER. BUCCESSFCtXY treat all forma of dleeeae. whether chronic or acute j atoo teach o there. lira. L. n. Hart 211 Allaky bids. KTJb'IOAX. VIOLIN, mandolin, comet, clarinet and ell etrlng aad wind Inatiumenta. Prof. Edwin A. Bmltfi. Mala 4703. 264 Twelfth at X. B. LA'WSOB. 140 Park, ror. Main, plaao ka ..w nvennnii, rnone rronc 411. I MASBAOX ABS BATES. vatxBtb. R- 0. WRIGHT, lawyer) patents a epeeUHyi V ror laventloaa. Boom S04 Dekaai PLATIBO, TH'l OREGON PLATING WORKS. 401 Week, tugtoa t treat. Htioae 2676. , PollabUig, plat. tae anq mennenag VRUtTrBO. B18HONH A CO., Pront and Stark eta., print-' Ing. lithographing, blank booka and office - eutipliea; work dune ea time: moat eoauilete prlutlug office In the weat Mala 104. , ANDERSON A PT1NIWAY COMPANY, printing, lltbo-n-aphlng, blaiX hooka. Phone aula U. (US Alder et xoorora. PERRELL'B Bamaoa vMade-aa-Lald roof: aU klnda of roof painting and repairing. W. i. -Terrell. SO iSrat et Phone Scott S41 TIN HOOPING, a-nttering. rer-alrtng aad Jolng. . Jxtall, 111 Jeft. Borx, PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., eor. Pearteaath and Nortnrep ata.. Portland. Or. BUBBEX STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. B4S Alder at., phone ( Main TIOi rubber a Urn pa. era la. atrurlla, bag gage, trade checka; aendforcatalogne. BPXAYTNO ABD WHITE WASBJB9. SPRAYING aad whltewaaMna. meaia, Darna, oocua, etc M. a. Morgan a On. Call up Scott S&4, we will call and E've Too Sguree on your work: Th largeet aaaollne apraylng and wbltewaablng oniSt in Multnomah awuty, BTO. MUwaulla at, Pertlaad. Or. , rT Ana. LARGEST etock ta cttyi Dltbold worti lock oata epeoedr repalra. Jail work, eteel celling, treat- aper-t ana gooaa mennng year Datmaaga. , e. , ai. iavia, vt SS Third et. BprxmrAusit. MMB. ADWARD CRAMER, eplrttnallat median. can be oonaulted en bualneea, law eulte. love, matrimony; anltee the ae pa rated, no matte the dlatance or caaae; aatlafactlon gnaranteed. SS North Beventh, near Bverett Mention The Journal, BT0XA0X AJlb YXABSrXB. BAPE8, planoa and furniture moved, pecked ready for ahinnina and ablm-ed' all work guaranteed; large S-etory brick fireproof warebonee tor atorage. ornce ya runt et C. M. olsen. Phone Mala B4T. C. O PICK, office SS Ptrat at., between Stark and Oak eta. I phone 60S: plaana and fornl " tiire mryved - and narked fnr ahlrmtnjr! coaa- moaioua nreproot nrica warenonee. rroat and Clay eta. SHOWCASES ABS nXTTXEB. - Dill' V .nu... vi mrf or- , m ,h , r.in, kvnw and atore nrtorea made to order. The Lathe Manufacturing Co., fort l ana ana Bee rue. TTPIWXITEXB. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS ntera err eei. We rent repair, eell, rxebaoge typewrttere. a.ii euppnea tor au macninee, - Standard machlnae 2& and up ts StnO. Do jon want a atenngrapher nr typletf ., we bare Hat of good applleanta, , '' , V Pbone Black 2871. ALL MAKES ef typewriter for rent at Onder- wood Typewriter Agency, on rroni at. TXAXSFEK ABO HATTUBO. OBBOON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth, telephone Mala a. Beavy , hAUilng aad atorage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. BOOK Week- ingtoa et rhooa u. Main van. TXTJBX YACTTSXY. TAPOR bathe and maaaage by lady with t aee-eiani. itu ronrraf room a. nTTTSIO DEALERS. PISHER MHSIO CO., ISO Third at. Victor talking machlnea; repairing. Red t-SX, - 0YZXAIXB. - ,'-. BOSS OP THR ROAD OVERALLS and mechan- Im .Wkl... hi j mi. .- manufacturera. Portland. Or, PL DMBEXS. FOX A CO., canltary plnmbera, BS1 Second, bet mm ana naimoa. uregoa pneue. Mala nuui. DONNRRBKRG A' RADEMACHER. nlambara. re moved ti 84 Pourth at Both phonea. LOW-PRICED raa flrtnrea, 415 Waatilngtoa. vnjvuora-tiia m win,' rinmbera. PA1XTIBG AKD PAPEX-HANOIUO, X. BUTTON, painter and naperhangar. 1TB " - - . wwm V pritiim. MAKE UnKtri l:it oarta , nn.wn. Ring ap Black 11 aad ord.w - a mouth' aervtee aoverlng every town In aay or all eoeet ata tea; dally meaaenger aervlce; advance re porta yn all oon tract work. Portland efae 100 Second t I" -- PAIBTS, OU ABO OLA SB. P- E- BRACH A CO. Pioneer Paint Co.. eelllag . Ti aainge maoe in peinra ana -general building matrrlala: window-glaaa and glaalng a aaecilalty. 131 PI ret ltd pbone Mam IM DA,T.,DJ!- .tl-WNB A CO. Phoenix Paint aad uii worka; manaucturere and Import era palnta. otla and anrera. ete.i phone ST. OfBce and factory. Sherlock are. and Nineteenth et vT. P, Pt'LLER A CO.. mannf.ctnrere Pioneer Lead. Ptinenla Paint, Knpallnei a guarantee given with every gallon ef paint menu 'actor' by oa. THR KNAPP A HART CO.. en for the l( In loch houee palnta. 888 Hawthorae are, Pbone Eaat 184T. ' BASMrSEN.-A CO., JoM-ei-a. palnta. oHa. gUum. -ei aeo none, tan -rt at. PORTLAND TRUNK MFG. CO. Wholeeale and retail, Phone Clay I Cor, 8d A Pine. Portland. Send for catalogue, TOWEL SOT" PLY. $1 per month. Lewrence Brne.' Towel Supply c-iiupauj, jim ana -.eara, rnone eaw. WHXXX TO OIVX. BTROUSE'S RESTAURANT, flrat -clan beet eervtce. 228 Waahlagton at He Is Worked Half to Death Prof. Palmer's $2 Readings J for 25 Cents : V Keeps him as busy aa a beeu Tha readings art Identical with bin famoua 12 ' readings, and ha la giving theaa prices only for A little time, that ha may become acquainted with the people. Those he has once read for, when they nna ne nan correct it rtortraved their life and truthfully explained the future, will gladly then pay him his full charge. nonsuit tnia great pnycnio oracle, men. ma mow tor yotirseivra mat ne is t vroaTDEB or TXX TXMXB. OOOD YOB ONH BB BBAOXBTO) If Free en ted Within BLx Says, Upta Fayment of 99 Oesta, nor. palxxx Parlors '1 and (. The Conmoa. Fourth ana Morrison, over Beuing s, , VAN CORTLAND IS (9 0 Crowds of reopl Are BtUl ThroBS-las: by -Water And Ball to Bat) the Wondarfal BenoBstrAtlOBB of . the World-famed ClAlrvoyut Bad Aatxo.Trance.iiediam. Special Charges For One Week 50c-Rcadings-50c . A Free Teat to all who corns prepared to have A readlns. - -Without halting a question he tells you your name, your mother's maiden name, the name of the one you lovei tells you your age and what you called for without aaklng a single question. . There la no affair of Importance. fast, preaent or future but what Pro enaor ' Van Cortland's occult eya fen plainly reveals He will point out ths way that will lead to attcceaa In bual - nees, speculation, ' Investment, love, courtship, 'matrimony, divorce or any , thing you may be In trouble about. ,AUVUM.4MUt Honrs front B A. at. to S p. n. ttOf Aaa loaday. Permanently Located at 313 Washington Street. Also Private Entrance on bwth street. . BlDH BERN! CLAIRVOYANT $10 Complete tife Readings THIS WEEK OINL.V ' London's moat famous palmist and clairvoyant IB Bcknowledged by press snd publto ths BTteat Uvtnv BUB r 9MAMOM KXSXVXC i She tella what you came for before you litter a word; does sot salt questions. No matter what your trouble 1 nay, be. Call and ahe will guide you with a certainty higher than human power. . . , 'Wmt DEAD TRANCE. MEDIUM nra obxt adbft or xtxrooo oomx.T BrrsnBixiB rxvAOTxexBO xbt akzbioa at tbtb run"- She holds diplomas from the OOOUXaT OOU.1QB OX UTDIAl alao Of YeOBrBOBJ, BBraieABTXr, AJTV AXCXBX OABT BBBBABOXT BOCTBTT. , Theae are open for Inspection of publto At all times. BtTBAK BXSB8JXQTJB Is today probab ly the one belnf of Caucasian blood who can command the occult . Ifitelllgence, Initiated Into the mysteries of the Mahatmas. BBIB BTABTDB AXaOXTB, posaesslns A TOBCB, A POWXB, A QLTT, explain. TJBXJuV TOT7 WBXBT ABB WXOK TOU WXXXi BLABBY. , . "Born With a Double Veil j ' Educated in Occult Science in Egypt and India. The. Tolled Ipopheanw, And the flrat alien to be thoroughly call It what you, will, that no on eaa The) Tnd Prophetess, v i';- '"'''' V'.''"' Ella 1 Wheeler WUcot, the poeteaa says:-. ' "Budah Bernlqu saved ms serious mlatakea. . Bhe Is a marvel among men and women." "Budah Bemtque Is ihe beat and clevereat clair voyant In the city." Chi cago Record-Herald of April 31. William J. Bryan says: "Budah Bernlque la. the freatent aclentlat in bar ine. She has thoroughly convinced me." . , ,s FsIlswlRl Ihrti lead by ladsh Strslqwi Hundreds who srs successful In baatneas, happy In their homes, or re attaining success, thank clalrvoyancy and Dtidah Bernlque for the blesainss they . enjoy. JTo man or woman has ever been oonarulted hi more notable affairs than she. In Europe and America she has ad viaerl thousands in various walks of Ufa and a wsys to their advantage. Are you tn trouble? Poes uncertainty block the path?' Are you dealrous of making a change. In law suits, bad health, family difficulty or' questioning what Is before youT There Is but one thing to do, conault Budah Bernlque if you wlah to know the truth. You will leave her studio wiser and happier than , when you en tered It, .... , ' , - If you Are unhappy, unfortunate, unlucky or discouraged, there must be a cause. Bndaiv Bernlque will show you what It ts. Psychlo power will teach you how to overoome It, . ?Pon't lose) hope until you b Ave tried this great And lasting help. - This strange and wonderful woman 1 gradually but aurely turning the tide of skeritl eiam. Ordained to 'do what she does, her marvelous aohi evements demonstrated In your presence while you look, lis ten and wonder. - . Jntla Marlowe. Melaa Uculd. Mr. Roneavelt. Sire.' Mark Ha nna. ' llllaa Rueeeil. Kmperor Germany, 1, Queen ' Victoria, X King ef Portugal, U King et Bulgaria, 1. Saltan tmw), A fehah PereU (aow).l. Leg. lienor Inane),!. Sarah Bernhardt. Hi a Wheeler Wlknaj, Mr. Reckefallar. . . Admiral Devnav. Kmperor ef Aaatrta, 44n King of Bngland, 7 I King er Italy, a . King of Bervla. 1. . Bo ltaa (Abdul AalaK X. Shah Parala (Trn'r), S. , Kins of Sweden. 4V -Hon. C BL Barrlaoa. ,. $1.00 GREAT REDUCTION S 1 .00 Readings by Man $1. Send Date of Dlrth; Departed Friend's ame.jiSixQuestlons OFFICE HOURS 10 A. M. TO I P. M, SUNDAY AND DAILY." PARLORS FTRST FLOOR. " M4 YAMHILL STRECF, CORNER SEVEMTli STREET OPPOSITE HOTEL PORTLAND. - WALK IN PRIVATE NO SIGN. Miss Virginia Wardel Like a Spirit From the Mysterious World" " :J i t Ii W' '; a. f i " B?e .J' V V ft x ,--, PROF. HERRMANN . - ; THE GERMaAaN PSYCHIC PALMIST The Greatest Living Adviser on the ContinenL ' , Direct Y?i -Yjri-s;o . XT ..VP t( ; 'r ' u rivixi ncreuu 041141 c, new mix, ; ; Strangely faaclnatfng are ths words that com from ths cultivated lips of this most interesting woman, whose journey of Ufa has already taken her through aU ths renowned psychic schools of Egypt, IndlA and Europe). It seems, indeed, ss if her knowledge must corns from that mysterious world of which we all would know, yet longing cannot know. Bhe seems to hold us poor mortals up before her transparent vlalon as If we were but a bit of glass, and then she reads us through and through. "You foollahly imagine ev ery One thinks ill of you." she remarked to a very styllah young woman whom one would never suspect of such s thought, because she appeared ss one that every one would love. "I csnnot help It, wss the reply. ''That seems to be A part or tne nature porn in me. - i- : But most of all. Miss Wardel not only tells us the psst, but the future aa well, and. with equal accuracy. She looks as far away into the dim. mys terious ruture tne great DBfonu acrupa nm onra cnaam wmcn atparaiet tn human hnriv from tha flitting, aoul and that which la to be ta told. The sepa rated are brought together, foes are made friends, lost property is recovered, the mlat is brushed away from bunineas ventures, the hand is so guided that failures are averted, the earth's surface Is explored, its treaaures laid bare to her myeterioualy perceptive mind, and her visitor sits dumfounded at the revelations she makea to him. Bhe la surely a woman of the panning time. Bhe attracts to heraelf all who make her acquaintance, Bhe haa amased the multltudee who have favored themselves by coming to her for a portion of her unexplalnabla wisdom. ..... f ' Parlors 26 and 27 Cosmos Bldg. v Over Selling's. fourth and Morrison Streets Bntranoe also oa Fourth street, next to flr engine honse. VALUABLE GIFT TO STATE MUSEUM aVAbob pobtbaxt or tebbttob- 1AX OOTSBBOB ABB BOLB. JOB F, OAXBXB ' BUBCBXTB9 HOT U BUB WSBB BAXBTBB FBXOB TO lAK TLYU XJSATIBO TXBOIBTA, Two hslf slss portrslts In oil of his torical interest, painted bf Artist Byra of Ldttle Rock. Ark., have recently been acquired by .the Oregon Historical so ciety. -They sre portraltg'of ex-Gover nor and Mrs. John poiiana uaines wmcn were painted before hey came to this-stat. By the addition Oi tneae portraits o the muaeum sn Interesting bit of the the early history of this stats is re called. Oovernor Oalnea was born tn Augusts. ' Vs.. In September, 17X. He removed to Kentucky In .early life snd waS A soldier in ths war of ml. June M, .Ii, be wss married to Miss EUba- beth Klnkead, an estimable young lady of Versailles, Ky. Governor Oalnea served in the Ken tucky legtalsture a number of years snd later represented his stats in Congress. He served In the Mexican war aa Major of Cavalry and became a personal friend of Preatdent Taylor, who appointed him governor ' of the Territory of Oregrm, October 1, 149.. He started for this country with his family January I, 1810, on the sloop of wsr Falmouth, Arriving at his destination In August of that 'year. While on his way ta Oregon his two daughters who left the states blooming with health, were attacked by yellow fever at fit. Catherine's, off the coast of Brazil, snd were burled there August IS. 1111. Just after Governor Oalnea and his family" had gone to Clataop county to take posseaslon of a farm, where he expected to make bis future home, his wife met with sn . Aeoldent while out driving In' which she received fatal In juries. Shortly sfter this accident Gov. ernor Oalnea and his family moved to Salem snd there be died In December, 1817. '' ' . The portraits which wre contributed tn the Historical society by Abner P. Gaines of Los Angeles, ths only surviv ing son of ths old territorial governor, were painted more than'fO years sgo. judging from the styls of the garments worn, - V,,.. A yfcJNaja'- LAST 'WEEK OF THE GREAT REDUCTION The Name HERRMANN A Double Guarantee At A glance, before you have a chance to utter one word, ho will tell you what you call for; give datea, facts and names of departed or absent friends. He tells every wish of your life, bow to gain suocess in love, courtship, mar riage and divorce; whether you'll be sucessful In business affairs. In fact, bo , matter what may be your fear, hops or ambition, call on this gifted man and find relief. .. His descriptions of your friends snd enemies are as real as though, they stood before you. He will send you away happier, wiser and bolder than ever before. . ' , . , . ,, ; . , . :i , , Tells You When and Whom You WiH Many Positively mentioning your sweetheart's full name or forfeiting 1680. - Settle love quarrels snd promptly reunites ths separated, no matter bow long standing. . . ,t - He tells you everything, good or bad; you hear the truth sad nothing bnt ths truth. - . . Ho gives resdlngs In English, French And German. ' ONE DOLLAR WONDERFUL . POWERS V i ! Tt ts untvernally conceded by the most profound scholars and deeneat think. era of the preaent age that Professor Herrmann haa been endowed by Nature with prophetic powers to a degree hitherto unknown. Keenly conscious of this great reeponalblllty, he has honestly endeavored to let his light shine, that all who seek may find the truth as he sees It. There la about him no air of mvetirlnm no Eavntlan rohea. no tinaeteA stars, no meanlngleae hieroglyphics, no "burning Incenae, snd no tmpoaltlon. Ladles may safely vlalt him without the leant fear of unpleasant surroundings; ' two private parlors; no chance of meeting strangers. OFFXCB BOTJB8 10 A. 1C TO 8 F. XL BAXXT. -Parlors, BBlVa Morris oa street (Benson bnUdlnr), U the heart of the elty. V Private lessons In palmistry oUlrvoyaats quickly developed. ' , ONLY HERRMANN PROF. HERRMANN THE VS&iSx , Corner Fifth And Morrison streets, Portland, Or- fire Bight. Suite 11, IB, 14, basso Boo of ths Boston Dental Parlors.' ; , FOBXTITBIiT BO BBABXBOS BT MATX. REMODELING MANY OF CITY'S SCHOOLS Many Improvements are being made In the public school buildings of this city this summer, representing an ex. pendture of over faO.OOO, including the reconstruction of the . Park school. Which wss badly damaged by firs lsat spring. In many districts ths Increase In the number of pupils has necessi tated the building of additional rooms to many of the buildings,- and in others repairs have become neceaaary. Work Is being ruahed on the Faik school building. HesMes the repairs. A bsw draining system snd a haatms snd ventilating plant are being in stalled. Four rooms sre being birtlt At the East Twenty-fourth and Davis street school, - sis are being added to the 'Alblna Central snd four. At ths Twenty-first and Halelgh-etreet School. Additions-sre slso being made to the South Portland school, the Atkinson, Brooklyn and Portsmouth. New beate ing and ventilating plants sre being In stalled At sll the above mentioned schools with the exception of the South, Portland. A new heetlng plant is slea -being placed in the high school build ing. - Ths vHarrlnon snd Williams-avenue school buildings jre to bave new roofs placed on them, and the Harrison. Thompson an4-elnsworth schools sre to receive new eoata of paint before the summer is over. Bids for some of tha propoaed work will be opened during the coming wee and lbs soatrauts AWATlleU, . . ' . -i