Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, May 14, 1891, Image 3

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Thursday, .Way I
John Pay valley rancher have
wntr turned on their inadnwi for
"Sndal venire" Ihvvc Is-eu the
fulhioo lately, in order to obtain jurors
for tin- many tiled.
Andrew Cititttiino nntl .Ice Pigeon
each stnibsl Mow last Saturdnv, in
dltarft f Clay Ttxlliuntr iiimI Flunk
The Weat Sltore, which 1k done a
gr)nt dml toward tin- development of
tin (rnt Ntliwc,t, l.ns uM'intal
f'no.y Itwdidtmli Ml nt this oilier
latWy a speimin of gtsxlhstking nre,
which he find in tin ipmtt. cfamtry
mm th of here.
Itfvt'f rancher oxjierienced n slight
frost dining tin' week, lnit it it
tlwvuyht tin fniit fmp n not inate
linlly tlumagisl.
Ilrlit Uiniitnintpt, who has Wn
iitttfiuling Uprigo College, nt Ato;iiU.
Main, writ that he will ittirt for
lioulft nUml the first of June.
Partner tip the alley nre pmyiinj
fee itmttner xlmueni to iimiu' the
gniill crop on hill ranohe. where
water i xsuree for in iyitinit.
e timlerstnttd the people up the
crtwk an' making exery piepinitlon
nnciwaiy for the nnccefc of the Pomtli
of July celelimtiou lit Sola Spring.
Circuit eoiitt for lliuney county
will eomcne nt IStiriiH tiet Mondiiy.
Judse ('lillbnl will adjourn court here
curly enouijll thin week to rench there
in time.
Co to the I in Fiont llilliiird Hull
for a cimiI, ii-fiimhiui; drink of the
finest lujjer In-er in Ivistern Oregon,
lltiuk U-er on tap on und after
May Int.
II. IS. Huudiicl, of Fossil, n life
ilisiinmce uent, thinking there nu't;ht
1h- eousiderulile huiueos in his line
up around here, wuh Miliciting during
the week.
Some ood ground i luting workel
hy the llumloldt (..)., in their claim
near town, thin heason. I.'ist week a
nugget was picked up from i'drvk,
which tipped the scales at j?f00.
Tilt! town council lias passed an
ordinance imposing a t.i of on
oiilinary doifs, which, ih; to the
uuiiiInm' of such animals owned in this
town, ought to furnish a lare amount
of rceuiio.
Tom (tiaid, of lleppner, eM-cU to
drive alout L'0,000 head of mutton
sheep from l iruiit county this season.
This iiuiiiIht, at prices nini;in from
f'.'.'Jfi to $l!.7.ri, will leae a little haid
cash scatteied around.
Our watchluaker here in Canyon
City has just Uniht a line of specta
ides and eye-glasses which is uudoulit
edly one of the l'-.t and most complete
ones in Oie'on. Ceiiuimi prhlile a
.specialty. .Mislcrute price.
.Mr. and .Mrs. Carlos I Ionium, of, were in town a few day dm in-;
the week. Iz.-e is flourishing, a Salt
Uith kchoj) haing l-ecn ori;ani.iMl
with Coo. Cillioit in superintendent 1
und Mrs. I.onham secietary.
iS'ow is the time to luihteu up '
your pituiiisox ny usin puiut tieely,
for nothing inliU moni to the geuend
appeuniuce of u town, or makes a nunc
f ivonitjle impression on otiungeiH than
neatly hi'utml houss and fcnciss.
Mr. Ciiiuille Chuk intends enga
iii1,' in the drug luminehs in the Dr.
I lorsley drug ktoie as soon .is neces
sary arniugeuieiiU can 1st made. Mr.
Clark is a professional pharmacist, and
will undoubtedly do well hete in that
Fifty lulsucrs have l-eu udvcititcd
for to work mi the Suiuptcr Valley
miliood. Idle uieii can isiru an
honit dollar, Iswidcs hastening the 1
time when the lion horse hint 1 1 smut
down the i-iilch hsidius; to the John
Day river.
While moving the engine which
runs the steam derrick in Horace
Sloan's placer mine, at Suwiuv ille, the
orow'lsir on which he was lifting
slippisl and struck Mr. S.oun in the
side, fnicttirini; a lih, in cousispieuce
of which he was inuaKicituted for
vtoik for some time.
X. Ilumlull, of lloise City, a mining
epei t, ouino in Sunday niht and
ttHik conshlcruhlc interest in our
iptalt'A pHMiMH.'t. We uuderktulid
'.Mr. Itundall contemplates uiiothei
trip hero next month, when some of
the numerous ledges in this vicinity
inuy Ui Uauhsl and more extensively
The occasion of Henry Itl.ickwell's
recent illness and panilytic stroke wiu
said to have heeu copperas poison.
He arrived home, and his wife Isuug
away, ho picuucd supper. Instead
of hiking jKiwder he mixed his dread
w ith pulverized coppeias hv mistake,
and Isung miliar hungry, he ku took !
or a cliuul; ot tne stull calhsl lirisnl,
hence the agony.
The Img Creek Ivigle has turned
over a new hmf, and pioinitm to U u
lsi'.tcr jsiper in futiiie. Iist week's
issue makes numerous gissl ioohes.
The Nr.WH is pleasisl to see this ivi
dence of reform in the, which
binl Ikk eviiientiy come 10 uic eon-
elusion that inisreprjksBiitatioiis: und the maif Wo win dun debtor and ttirea. Talk is cheap, hut it take
uneallyd for uttnoks ukui the chmucter dodge cnalitoiti without oi-guniziii" a inoimy to run iievA'akUwr.--ICven-of
any individual aie no ood. j "Publishing Co," ( tJlugnim.
I Inrnrt Sloan relumed home
during tlit week from his-miner, at
Susunville, nntl rcixirtft the outlook
favorable for his placer mini1, which
na neat fUirttHi ami everything
i working satisfactorily. Several fiHir
or five-dollar nuggets have Ihxmi
picked up nlremly. They c.xsct
to work considerafdo more ground
this season than last, as the steam
derrick is in letter trim.
Smith. Stevenson v Scott have
wl.l their Miiart claim, at tin- hciul
of tjuarU gulch, to the Centennial
.Mining ami .Milling i n., oi 1'orllniwl.
John Hughes is now taking out
soimi line-looking ore from hi lodge
on the right Imnk of F.Ik creek.
Ives are running their
arastr.i on Hear creek. James
Short is riiiiuing tie John Hughe
a-astra at Sloan'ji mill
Horace Sloan intend starting up
his imarU mill in nU.ut a month,
11 iKsstinic
i Hin Mnyer la running lus Deep
creek placer, lie picked up a
siecimen tne nrst nay lie workiil
Mnilli Kroa. i oiitrinplate n tup
over to Wallowa county, on a p
ecting eolitioii, mkmi.
.Minerc in the ICIk creek country
are all in gmwl rpiriti, ami nil prod
iKfti mi far have Ih-ch wtnl favor-
ahle. Mr. Sloan ha three feet of
fliil ore in hi Min-king Hlnl letlge,
uml the vein aptKara to lie widen
ing. (IoihI titneji are certainly in
tore for the iptarti miner of (Jrant
count v.
Attorney Seek, of Itiirim, wa in
our iiiidnt a few day latt week.
CuipcU, wall pajwr and carjtel
KM'r jiut teil at Oveihnlt'.
Itoin, Monday night, to the wife of
1 (). I',
Lrtwip, a younif deputv tliuiitl'.
Itev. Ilailev Diistio held leliirioux
service at lwer Tow a Suhlxtth even-
j Cricket are devastating inenduWH
and grain tields in Wasco and Slier
! man countitrs.
I IjiM vteek' coiil tifure weie
j ill error. The amount of wot Ihsitisl
, down was near tlve huiidnsl corvU.
.1. O. Ilumukcr, lepreiMMitins; the
'Suite Insurance Co., of Salem, hu
; lieeti in this vicinity ihiiing the w-k.
(Jul (iiignliy i suid to U ipiil. ick
at his home in Hear valley, anil Dr.
Oil- was called to see him lint Tue
.las. Iifton nMiita that on Utr
j valley range the yiounil is Ueouiing
'just dry enough fnr grasn to ijrww with
' a tush.
' New-gixxls .lust leeched at Over
j holt's.. The linet alnl most eoiuplete
i line of dry t-tsuls ever brought to Can-
you City. '
Thornton Williams and wife, of
Harney, have l.'eu in the city during
the week, Mi. Williams having some
husinc-KS to triiiisiirt.
President lluriisou, while in Pott
i land, i eluded to shake an old colored
womun' hand, und the hi old lady
was nearly hroken hearted.
in the cusc of Itich.inl lliuktou va.
j Tilluiy I'ruitt. uppisil from the justice
I couit, the jury failed to ugiee after de
. Iil'liltlll' ilUillt tweutV -seven hollls.
! Tic fry I tin, have liuihis shearing
' and dipping their lamd of sheep in
1 Itisir valley. They were the Mint one
, in all the valley to put their sheep in
j summer ti im.
I Minor aie evpecttsl to Ugiu
tliK'king into the liieenhoru country.
1 .Snow on the higher runges ha inter
I fensl with tlliVel to Mime evteut, hut
) the snow will m ! ione, we uniler
I stand.
j Joseph McAllister WHaiietsl hist
, Monday and tried U-loie Judge Ituli
Mill the follonini; day on a charge ot"
I thiikitouiuK the life of his ucighl-or
! (iisirye Itipley. The prisoner wat ae
The itditor of the Ni;v was indicted
hy the late grund juiy for lihel, iilh'isl
to have eaumittsl 041 the Iftth
day of luit Juiiuuiy, in the piihlicotien
(if a communication headed "A Scinp
of Hiitoiv.'
t The action of the coiiimissioueiV
couit in uiukiug a siihiII appropriation
' for the Itohiusouville wagon nsiil is a
comiiicud.tlilc one. The milieu over
there aie deserving of J1 lends, ami
nothing impresiHN. a stniuger in our
I county us fuvnrali as gos thoioiijh-
1 fan.
Snow sins' litres on fiHIt feet of snow
is what the miners of Oinnt county
me enjoying just now, while down
heie a few thousand (tfl Is-low, che."
ries ,u e tinning lipe ami the ptsiple
nre trying to keep cool. Wonderful
fouutiy, this, and lich in miiientl ie
The iis'enl school enteitainilieliU at
this place were giiu tluit our excel
lent public school mi-lit li maiiitiiimsl
, the full nine mouths. The tisichero
, ihssitrve ciodit for their ellbrt in inuk
ing them a Hucviwa. Tim special tax
levied for this your fuihsl to nuch the
exp. - ctcd staudanl.
The llird over on the Crick unuoiin
cos that iu management has lcli
inergnl into the "Patterson Publish
iug Co.," hut thut iU ptesent tslitor
will continue us such, and as business
malinger. The Nlws mini might now
organize the "Asbury Publishing Co."
consisting solely of Col. D. 1. Anbury,
or oi plum, everyday "Dun," hut what a
I.AW lasrKrT.
John Kltiwnl v. W. P. Omv el
aldamaaes; iudnmeut of ditmaMtl
nni fnr
Margaret I 'owe! I vs. .Murray Knvs.
and Kenneth Mclennan recovery
of money; iimtioo In on tip judg
ment denied.
W. K. Maacall ami Annie
Jackou vs. .Murray llrof. inic.
P.. Hall vn. Murray Itrtw. rmiv
ery of money ; judgment ami onler
fur of rumhT protautv in this
and llarnev conntv.
F. C Sell v. Murray lr..
A. I.. Uruwii vs. Murray Itro.-
Mini", S.YW attorneys' fet's allowed.
J. C Huberts va. Murray llros
name, tlg.'i(X) fouml to lie a reason
nlle attorney's fee.
It. (i. TlKmwoit. administrator.
v. John t'nrrey recovery of iiMMiey ;
juilgmcnl as iirnvett for.
1 -. i , t , ninir'
It. I1. .Mcltwan vs. W.
Ujll -j.rumiiMmrv mHe; iliamiweil al
plaintiira cwta.'
;jt iTV iKH-Kirr.
lUttie Masteraon vs. Joepli Mas
ter son divorw; tlrn-ree of dlvon'e
ami plaintilf allowel to nwiime her
former name, ami judgmnt for
John Carrey to Chns. S. Ditntin
aaaisinmeiil, continued for the term,
i HIMIN VI. fHM ki:t.
State v Shepherd Conlaon. In
diitetl with Andrew Cantaino
larceny in a dwelling houae; verdict
ot guilty, ami dctemlaut given one
yar in the ienitentiary.
State v.-. Vim. I,. Williams
aiatiU and hattery; deft, pleads
guilty, and lined il'lMK).
Stale vsi. J J. M irphy larceny
of a .teer; continued for the term.
State va. Tice C. Adkina aidling
and giving intoxicating Ihpmra to
a minor, indictment So. 2; jury
returned a verdict of guilty. Judg
ment that defendant pay a due of
fiNXi and coat.
Siytu of min, hut all siirn apmr tn
fail in dry weather.
Couit I "mini to drug its wmry
leni(th toward a clow.
Itttusc cleaning is at hand, m you
had heller irisprs-t Ovrrholl's stock uf
cur'U and wall taper.
The treaaury dejwrtment haa
ordered a tlulv of 2. per cent.
i.m ! 1 .. .v.'..
M I nao liv expreaa.
1 mcugo w not to want tne eariu.
It Mcurc the world' fair, and ih
already demanding hoth national
conventions next vear.
Pruit proin'ctK continue lirt
cla. and it .-eeins uf if it would he
t niH-eaaary to do much thinning after
the fruit is firmly !et on the trct.
I'mler the law lately enactiHl the
California atate treasurer recently
gent to Siskiyou county f 17(H) for
the Mipj.irt of indigent aged js-ople.
In unlucky New York City the
other day the Moplu died at tin
rate of one in every jtix minutea, the
heavieet mortality of any day dur
ing this year.
Dr. l!aiUr was called on a piofos
sioital visit to Ijongwnter the other
day. The practice of Canyon City's
two physicians is not, cirvuiiMu-i itstl
within an area of sinty miles.
People in thia mountain country
are not nlllicted with (ieorge l'raiiciii
Train and other cray leelurca, na
jH'ople are who live on the railroad.
Por thia we Miould feel thankful.
Dregon'a game law ioidtively for
hida the killing of elk, deer, inooi
or mountain alup at thia season of
the year, and jieraona guilty of the
violation of this law are aul-jeet to a
heavy line
Distiut Attorney Hvde, lawyer
C0-0I unit some others, tiuilotl to inu-leriuli.-
at Sumlay sch) last SahhaUi
hut turiesl up in tie evening with a
long o! and a Uuket half full of some
thiuif, so we have l-eeu told.
Oregon ia a great state, not only
in area, hut in all thoae natural
elements that go to make a cum- ,
mouvu-nlth niiiilnua, iiroaiHToUK,
, ,1 , , . 1
7i 1 ', 1
the higheat degree ot civihation.
The jury emiiiifhsl to try the cum-
of State vs. Clms. Loire, fiw man-
sk,ughu.r, found tla. defendunt guilty
tllllllIIIIMI Otllltrilllf lit Ullll tlllllkt'llllJ .
oinmeialisl l ti tit to the
Colli t, SeliU'iice hits
meivy uf the
not vet ln
The Phikertou agency in Chicago
has sent llfty iiien to the Pimuayl
vania coke mines. The Philadel
phia agency sent the same number,
who were reinforced hy a similar
number from the agciicv in New
York Citv. The men were all
Hilly armed with revolver. ,
Land Ollice Commissioner Carter
says that final pioof must he made i
on all desert land entries under the i
act of March .'!, 1S77, within thice
years, and when sought to Is- s-r- 1 under the act of March, l.s'.i
within lour years iront ihe date oi
entry ami piihlication of notice.
The susHinsiou of the puhlicutiou
of the West Shore seem to illus
trate the s-rils of journalism. The
West Shore was one of the hct puh
licutiou of the kind in the country.
It was a credit to Oregon, ami yet
it was wrtH-ktsI ou shoal wine
. . i i i . ... 1 1 i
wrccKeo ou suoai union
Inutile coast of journalistic veil-
on h-rcu n tlulv ot - imt cent, on' ... . . i
m... i ... ... .J...... ....v. iicar in the iicuitcntiarv. ih workiua
(iMAMTi:. .May !t, ISHI.
I'majwlor are cttming In and
new dipcnvrrle are iemrlel every
Dun I'erkiif ia down fmm Windv
Crevace ami rcnts alumt four feet
of ,imiw at that place.
nmw fhix race will take place
lietween rete ( arpenter and Jack
l lava i:et i in lay
Distance one
Teams are now going lo Itohin
Minvillr with freight, ami looney
ami Itnchman w ill start their fast
freight line in nUitit one week.
'10 Jimmie, our road uKrviior.
ia out on the road with hia u, cut
ting fallen (iiiilx'r and getting the
nwd in gcsxl ha for the summer
Mr. A. M. JiHws, a sdMer of Mr.
Cut ridge of (iranite. haa taken
charge of the loarding hottH at the
Anaconda mine. Mrs. .lone went
in fmm (iranite on muiw shoes, a
distance uf eighteen miles, while
her hiiokind pulled a hand ahil on
wliich wan tlieir twt-var-old dniigli
ter. (iKKKMIUHvril
Came to IVaeh Cn-'k singe sta
tion. Friday, MavH, Ihll I. one small
hay horao with hnVamorv nis on.
I Ins saddle mnrka. and hrandeil JN
connected ami circle X on left shoul
ler. ami J on richt hin. Weight
Thaps mhi. Utvm r can have same
hv proving property ami paying all
charges. Kn. CoMrms
Peach Crwk Stalion. Oregon.
The Mast Oregon I lerahl of lltirns
iaatte a credilahle aemi-weekly.
McKay, arreated for leivd cohah
itation, pleml guilty yestenlay
lunma ChamlN-rs, of Long Creek
waa examined as lo her aonitv. ls
late lo report in thin isaue.
The primmera conlined in the
county jail at Haker City attempted
lo aecurc their lilerty Wwlncmlay
night of last week. Their plans
were fruKtruted hy the vigilance of
the alierin" and his deputy.
It is sue! that Sandy Olds, who
murucrcil r.uul
four t rin 1m tins
Weher ami after
sentenced to one
"ide hy aide with a man who a to u
i . , ' . . . ,
1 twenty dollnrx and wna aent up for
1 Twenty live year ago .loo Pit-litx-r,
ovviilm' i'f the Now York
! World, wii an ohscute rejiorter
! working for n week. Now ho
j oea a pleasuring on a Si!.l,()()0
1 steiuii yacht, (ireatis the pmer
j of the prcaa, if your ia jier has a
succenfitl Ikkiiii attachmotit.
A woman of Valley City. Dak ,
warded that she cutiM put the
slip on live pillow while nnv man
present at a ehundi fair could en
case one, ami seven diircrcul men
look her up ami sulft-ntl defeat.
Xo man can over acijnire the
knack of holding a pillow in his
teeth to work with hoth hands.
The Chicago Inter Ocean savs:
"It i estimated that Oregon fms
merehantuldc tiuila r amounting to
lOO.UUtl.Unil.OOU red. At a nital
erate price, n s an atithoritv, it
would pay the national deht twico
over. The rime is coining when
il will he of more value than any
mine of gold or bilver. The
world i just waking up to the
imtortnuce of growing fnrestn."
Two years ago C. II. Preacott, of
Teloeaaet, I'nion countv, receivwl a
small ipiantity of vW'hite Chall"
wheut which he danted on his
farm, harvesting enough ccd to :
tun' two ami one-half acrea last i
year. From thia small piece of,
ground he liarvealeil I .'- huahela of 1
grain, or at the rate of " lushcls
jar acre. This season he haa
jdtUlled Ji ncrea. Mr PreM'olt
aaya It is the la-at wheat he haa
ever aeon for dry ground. On the I
l; 1 t m oil
. . -
gnniml last year he lined no irriga-
Af ex.rl ,(,., vxnMilwf it
and pronounced it a moat excellent
Hour maker. I'nion llepuhlieaii.
(l fl.w ,,., MIV. t1(, Tai.olml
11. ,lu. lt,,i,ii..r lulli.ti l,it,,ift
of molten metal and wen pod with
a few trilling hums, yet John
Adams, of Tacoma, did il, the
other night, lie is an employe of
the liy an smelter, working on the
night shift, ami it is only through
great presence of mind that he
was not burned to death. I!y
some misstep he lost hi halance
ami slat ted to rail headlong into
hii imiueiise jsjI of molten metal,
A he fell he caught the rim of
the kjI, ami although he wa tin
uieiel alunist to hi armpit he
drew himsoir out and w ith aluio.t
M,,M.rl t.mrt threw himself
intoauailjoiningiKit filled with cold
iwatei. Soiuuofhis fellow work-
j mon .aw him east hu.i.oir into the
; second sit, ami, rushing to his
'assistance, rescued him. Ilia ,
! hands were hadly hiirniHl, hut
otherwie he had hardly a near on of tlieir dead clicif, William Chi
him. The secrut of hi"t'iopu wat nook. It will ho of marhlo ami
that ho liml ou lumvy woolon uu- on the ahaft will ho ongnivtsl a fun
(hirwoar and outer 'ulotlilug, and fcimilo of the iiitalal tho chief ro
huforo It had Injun Iminia through ,cuivod from I'ighiduiit Vim lliueii
Atluins wits in tliu jsjt of coltl watur. j in lSS7.---Mouiitaimer. ,
To the llonoralde Circull Judge
of Circuit Court of the Mute of Ore
gon, for the county of (Jrant:
We.jionr grand jury, n'gularly
imnnclcd and sworn, on the lirtt
day of the proent term of this llon
oralde court, U'g lenve to n'jsirt
that we have ln-en in season twelve
full day.-, that we have examined
into a voluminous amount of husi-
no presented for our consideration.
ami have found and returned into
this court nineteen true hilln of in
dictment ami live not true hills of
indictment; that we have examined
the ollice and records of the county
clerk of thia county, ami Und every
thing Li'pt with care and precision,
and from such examination as we
were aide to give, in an entirely
satisfactory condition: also have we
examined the slierill's ollice and
the jiiil of this county. The ollice
i satisfactorily kept, ami the jail,
ao far as the same can I to done,
under it present arrangement. We,
however, liml that the jail is iuade
plate to the demand of the county,
and extremely dangerous to the
sherill' ami deputies, who have the
same in charge; that there should
la1 provided and furnished at least
one steel cell, for the proor keeping
f prisoners, and some dillcrcnt
arrangements made inside the jail
for the safety of the sherill' and
deputies while earing for and keep-
ing prisoners, and we earnestlv rec
ommend the county court of" this
county to sccdily take such steps
ns will remedy these evils.
We did not, Mraonally. visit and
examine tin- countv sor farm, hut
carefully examined into its condi- 1
tioti, and liml the same edcuatu to
the needs of the county, and prop
erly kept, with regard to tie' welfare
of the county paupers.
Wo liml the IkkiIcs of the county
treasurer to he procrly and sys
tematically kept; that the state
taxes for the year I SIM ), amounting
to r V-i I'' ti'J have hecii paid in full,
hut that there is now u delinquent
tax of the county aggregating ahotit
l.s.uxim, which we recommend
shall he collected and paid into the
treasurer of the county as secdily
aa (HHtsioic.
Wc tender our thanks, and heg
to compliment the Hon. Morton D.
Clillord, judge of this court, for his
' immrtial and cortcous conduct at
nil times, ami the verv satistactorv
manner in which he has disposed of
a great amount of husincss hefore
Also, to our district attorney,
( harlea I-. Hvde, lor his assistant')
and advice in e.xjH'dttuig our labors,
and for the satislactory manner in
which he lias conducted imsincss in
court, with a view
toexK.Mimon ami
1 economy.
To our hailiir, we aie under
c'cial obligations, for his constant
, attendance ami assistance to us at
any and all times, and ttnderstaml-
i iug that he has pei formed this duty
for a number of years past, we
ehceifully recommend that he he
continued in the same jNisitiou
during future terms of couit of this
Having completed our Inhors, we
most ress'ctfully ask to he ilia
charged. Dated at Canvou Citv, thia fllh
day of May. A. D., I MM.
('it vui i:s I' n.n .
TcjcIicis' liv Jiniiutlon.
Notice is hereby given that, for
the pitrMo of makiiiK an examin
atioii uf all persons wlio may oiler
themselves as candidates for teach
ers of the M'hiHils of this county,
the county superintendent thereof
will hold a public examination at
Canyon City, Oiegon, commencing
on Wetlnosdav, the '.'7th dav of
Mav. A. I)., I Ml I .
I'lntml thia '.)th dav f May. IMH.
M. N.,
County Superintendent,
(irant Countv, Or.
(into the lied I'rout liilliard
Hall, Canvou City, for line winea,
liipiors ami cigars. '
After all the talk that haa heen
made, (ioveruor Pennover extended
a hearty welcome to tlie president
at Snli in-
The Pacillc llrewery'a l.'elehrated
llcer, the heat in Kastorn Oregon, is
uotv kept coiiataiitlv on tap at the
Ited Front liilliard' Hall.
President Harrison and party
were greeted hy immense crowds at
every stopping place while ou their
trip through ( regoii.
Minor llrothers, dealers in general
uic I'chnmlisc, Main street, lleppner,
Oregon. SHcial discount to cash
huyers. (itssla at Dalles prices.
Orders hy mail promptly tilled. '
When you vend away for goods
remember the firm of Collin .v Mo
Parland at lleppner. They not on
ly guarantee you first class goods at
lowest prices, hut they pay mail or
express charges on same to any
"li'S" ''hco to (irant or llarnoy
,'ntiea. See tlieir new "ad" for
fur,1,l'r particulars.
The Indians at the agency have
ordeiml a monument to coat nhoiit
$7., to he placed over the remains
In the matter of the pmposed
change in the Canyon City ami
Long Creek wagon ro;td, Win. Pat
terson, Woods Carter and John
Carrey were a'poiutcd viewers, and
J. W.'.Mack surveyor.
In the matter of the prosxetl
change in the road from Canyon
City to upsT South Pork, Prank
Pearson, Win. Allen ami lllake
Lambeth were apiilntod viewers, 1
and J. W. Mack surveyor.
The resignation of llenrv P. lod
n, constahle of. Pnion ' precitict
was accepted.
mil All'crt orlev
was apiHiiutetl constahle for said
Paul Vallier resigned his ollice of
road supcrvhor tif district No.
ami ), N. Ponl was apsiiutcd in
his place.
HnmlsofJ. H. Itutler, supi'rvisor
'of district No Id, were appnived.
James Dillin, suisTviir of dis
trict No. IS, tiled hi ! Hinds, which
were approved.
I). I). Iliiitoii, mail siis'rviio ',
hail more money than he thought
he had when his resirl was made,
so he refunded it, amounting to
The sum of i-iM was appropri
ated for the county mud from the
junction of Olive and Clear creeks
to Itohiusouville.
The sum of fl'O was appropri
ated for the county toad leading
fiom the ten mile tree to Heaver
creek, in district No. '21.
Shetilf Cresap suhiniltnl his
rcmrt as tax collector, which was
License was granted to J. D.
Comhs to sell liipiors in John Day
pieciuct for a oriod of six months.
Mills were allowed and warrants
ordered drawn on the treasurer ag- 1
gregating the .sun) of f l.iaMl.tlS.
Flour, dull. Un, Hal ley, (cither ,
giound oi w hole) Chicken feed, Itve, j
Middlings, Hutu, Shoits, ,vc, A'c, at
To exis.d the impurities in the .
the hlood mid give strength to the .
system hefoie the oH'cets of warm
weather are fell, use Plunder's Ore
gon IIIimmI Ptirilier.
They apparetitlv have a new
sort of code up tit IVndleton. One
evening, not long ago, Hank
Vaughn went into a restaurant
where a Dr. I'leiscliner, with whom
he had a few words, was cut i no,
ami proceeded lo "do linn up hi
good sIiiijic, adiiiinistcriug aseveio
piinisliuient. aiiglin wits arrested.
i,ul immciliately afterward re-
leased ; nut I' leischiier was lined
SKI for "disorderly conduct."
Two IJx.n I j I chemists have eoucluil
I ic.)!- ex.-i imelll . thnt pliusphui'-.-ii.-i-
cm Is- iM.nbiceil by ojeoiiIciI
itei .
I '. n loiiiilte I In- low eat miuiiiI vour eur
in -h has Im'cu imule by litsi vlhru
iuos. while i'ic highest tone teiicheil
,ou tift.-r making .' 'i'is.oj.i vlbnttluiis.
A '.r.iv pi'iN-es fur biiruiiig ounl with
iul sin ti hits leoeiitly beeudlst'oveiiMl.
t coiitisl in sprmlillug tv liter coutulu
:ig u . ;e, prvi,ii',iliuu of resin over
'ie c itiul the result there Is no
in-.Ui- itiul III,- I,, ui, intense us
Kxri iiiui. i bas prove. 1 tlmi. If u ,,.
lat.1 Jilcc of laee b,- placisl Ik! ween all
noli plule anil it ill' I; of guiiNiW'iler, anil
tll' latter Isi iletimateil. the luce will be
.oilillilluteil. but Its Impression will be
.-lenrly si. i m pel on the iron.
It u 1ms si fiH-t ilcep were tilled with
sea e. ..ter and nllowcd tu cvurutc un
der the mi. there w .mill be two Inches
of M,lt .ui the bottom Tul.iiiK the uter
ig. ileptli ul tlieix i mi tuln'thlee miles,
tticn wotilil U-nil. in uf pine mult WO
feet thick on the Ih'iI uf (1,,- Atl.llltle.
In a erhulmtl hilel.v behemli'il In
I'ruwce l!it' IkUlts uf the heurl weie
ni'lt-d iltirlug more than six iiiiimt
sad rMH riia. i.tswcie nude u, .lemon-
.tiuteth, liuleuden. I the ventricu-I
lur uwl willeulnr euiitr.i. tioiis: (Ills Is
the lbs!
i V i I in .
time such
h uu iiihii.
Nl.vv uiik staiuh. well llimiiciully ,
her ertuul . lu pins Udug bl." Ul.'ai; 77 '
l..l oHl bur(,lui-.. the other ihiv
stole eight hundred sets of fulse ti i tli
tisiui a torc
Is i ili.t.-iet th'tween Seventeenth and
Mtieteeiilh streets Nev Yurie, bvi liiu
iSHI X'ium,.. vvheic there ur. eight
chin- ' e und ibo suliuik.
Tl.l .'. 1 1 years ugo se.siblv ' (ssj roses
u d..) wus the limit of n;ii) foi Ni it
Vork clly. now a. uiuiiv us 'siiim A
cull ofU-ll be found there.
.l w Voim h. nhend uf nil tin- .,t li.-t
cities If iiidlvlilunl tlchi-s running up
into i-v-cn or mure llguio iv in ant 1 1
t uld Utnt .New Vurl. bus ov(r one '
iIhiiis.iIkI iiillllooaliws. while l.oinlon
'n.s klv litoebeil. I'nrb live liumb cil
llcrilii two luuiilriil vod N'icnnii one
A Nl.w Vollll club leceiilly nve it
liuuer to ull the principal freaks In the
Km r museums. Living skeletons, fat '
vota.'li. turtle Isiys, rontoitlouUts. '
U4-'llt tic women, I'hluese giants, calf
ieulel biys. Hire.' nrunsl nml four
le-'. b ire iII.iihI and danced with
tlieir luets until u verv lute hour. 1
.. M"f '"II dn
iwuit .uu .iiisin ,ioi(.w .ii jo; st)u,i.i
, UU ii..sji i ijiim ppio.u ,n linn a'.iois
.11,1 ;,IIHJ SH.W C 0P(.VV S)l(ipi JUS0( .U.H l. . 's.MIII.I, "Jt ( SII.IIIIJI ,
o) ; ii(Cv,.in puy ou sjn.a' xs
n. iH:j tupi .ipiim iui) .uou.n ,,-ti.woj,
4Ulltti i u p A'jo)S "1,1,,. Jo -ld4.s'
ttuiiui hii;uo .11(1 joj sjnop p.upuun
JW kli..iiu ii,i,h siii( 'isipnou pun u iiiii
lhIih:- '. ihuhji .uu tnto ii
et i(d ijS.'inss j(j j uUu)uo jjiltU
i ) fMitfittl s) l pi rn m uy i;jj
Itfsi.v h.ts the largest royal family of
nil elvllUril countries. On .l.inunry I
. the ttviutv-Mriul)i living Kusslau
grand duke tvus Isiru. The Itusslsn
grand iluchcwes muntjcr eighteen.
.SroviM nre 'coniH-)lcd to do doiihh)
M'rvh-e In Uusslit to wnrin two rooms
nt the neie time. They nre hullt la
the wnlU. Is-twccu two nwius unit thus
the nmrlmriit on each side are vvuruieil
liy the Mime store.
'I'm: eutr did gtssl work In extinguish
ing the II iv which hroke out la the St.
Petersburg pulucc, hut when It came
to shouting, swearing nml drinking
visllil itiul liho'W etilTee he hint to lake a
- 1 Xk'u s"", "'""" ,m" rtwinen.
,1 ' Z
n ukivse onlcrlng that nil s.irdlue tsaxes
nre lo In. opened nt the custom houses
on the frontier. It upeiirs thnt sliosls
of nihilist tracts nml publications Imre
recently Is-en Into ItussU
from France In apparently genuine sur
tllne tsixes.
Tio.lo: nre resirts from I'oluuil of
fresh ptoUliigs uguliiKt the ctur and the
secret )llce are said to Ih adopt lug
measures .if tirulnl srv. rlt v to lliut out
tlie chief coiiMirtit,,n,. urrvlliiir for
Hint pore tit.- wive- ami iliioghterv at
siissvU. who are .iilijecteil to horrible
i turtures lo lual.e them illtulge their v-
j eivts.
I!.c:r explorations In New fiutilcu
: how that .nlilltloiiiil sh-t.s of nutmuU. uiursuilal eiilv, but .iImi lu-ects. au
coinm.'.i v.. hut i-iniiil, ;iii4 to nurtlierii
, 'I'm t.rminallou nlnul In llnwnlluu
name uu-uus "uf the heavens" Tims,
' I.iiIIimU boil inenns "l.ilt uf t'o et,
i -n . 'I'll.- new ipiren I !..- I l.imU
! hmk' gr-l i Nceiitivc .tiiility .tad U
, cuurutrc mis. tiuthful tout houcM. ,shu
1 a womnii of hitudsumc pic, Mice utnt
U n xklllful iiiuslchiu.
Tin: nutlves of the l'hlllliplnes uic
s,s'labte to nil extruoriliuurv degree.
Whenever one of them llmU himself
without a companion to partake of his
meal he runs till he meets w Ith oue:
, iiiol It U said thut however Ween hU
ou il ups-tlte inuy Ih he will not veil
tine to snlUfv It without u companion.
A Uuv III, I. bunking olllee proves u
prutit.ible iidjunct tu a buul. In I'a t
mcrston, New ealaml. It is n ct.rrliige
which travels iilung the rullwuy lln.
mill halt at the win stutlous In the
Muunwutu illatrlct. The .K't'iipaut Is a
band cleiU, who Is niilliorlt t to re
wive ntunc.v, i,v It uul, ensh ehecl.-s.
etc He onirics hU ensh In u satohel
iw uiigrviunit his uecli. mid - well armcit.
l i in vi crevuses in I nba are stild to
foreshadow Its ss.eilv breaking In two
and Mulling
Till, nveruge width of the path of ib
structiuu with toi ii.iil.M's is snlit to be
little more Ihiinunc thousand feel.
I v lloise t'lty, Idaho, the witter com
pany hits sunk mi site. Inn well one
biuiilicd nml twelve feel deep, fmta
vv hlcb llow . a ulphuiMiis t.'atrr with u
t ius,rntun of in degree.
A Si. .losi.cil (Mo.) vv.vtther prophet
Mil's that front Mity I, vi, to May I.
1 . will be nil ! a of ( 'ii r.t I deslru.'
tlou tbroiihoiit l!i. I'all.'d Slut -s.
I'arthipiuhe and volcauo.'s all over the
wot hi will lie very active.
In it rev the uiicmiiiiictr ou
the top uf the Klltel tuwer icgistered
six huiulreil ami Ihlrly miles mi lioin.
Ibid this velo. iti is'currcil at the Ipwl
of the city ctert chlmucv ttoublluivv
been leveled to the giounil
ilnsi:iiv vriu-.s seem ti -liiw ihal a
diere.iM' In the earth's latitude Is In
progress. Imply In;.- uu alter.. Una in th.
dlrvetlon of the earth's aK Tbe line
tuatloii is thought to be ibui to a m.
mile vs. lt In t ! m caused by -oiuo cbaiit-.-.
Ill lull mill wars of the earth. '
vilOlo.xi bus orgiiuWeil a tlsh
gneie league.
"Win ilu they call thrill 'fountain
IK-lis"' ' lib! I Mipsise because th
arc forever oi.-rUon lug.''
Toll tniublesoine wei-ils and for grass
In sldewullis, ili lvewuys, etc., apply u
ilrcs'lug uf coui-kc Mill; this will bill ull
giuivlh. lie ciiwful not lo put it on any
thing thut should not be destruyeit,
('it win. Kino, of Duuvers, Mass.,
clabie to Ih- one huiiibed and leu veurs
obi, ,i,i,l w lieu la. Is M-,itcd on a soap
Ihix in the euro, r griH'eiy he deiies ult
tin IkiVs t prole that he isu't u genu
Ote iiiitiiiie.
. .
,. ' - -.. o.-
ll " llectlially, yet gently,
wl'e isllve or hlllnlls, or W hell the
I I.....I....I...M .....I I.' I.. ..I
Ihsi-i tut ions uric I bhsid is impure or sluggish, lo per
manently cuic habitual toiistipa-
tlou, to awaken the kidneys ami
liver to a he.illhy activity, v'vithout
irritating or weakening them, use
Syrup of Figs
0J15 15NJOYS
Hotli the method and results when
Syrup of Pi'H is taken j it is pleasaut
and refreshing to tho taste and acta
gently yet promptly ou thoKidueyu,
Liver and Itoweln, demised tho ays
tcm clli ctindly, dispel, colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Kyrup of Figs ia tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho tasto nml ac
ceptable, to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly heiichcial in its
ellcets, its many excellcut qualities
commend it to all. It I foraalo iu
oOc. and tl Ixjttlca hy all leading
SN finsasco, CH.
totiimu.Mi. . Aivrar,. r
I, ' IV -1
s .
v 4
y .yesJEBf