the xeu-s It Uie oUnat !imvKw r l-twi"n The Dullos nl Wiiinr-tnuocn; tli Inr grot eirruUtinn, thrmforo in tli Ixnt for nth m Using. THE XEWS l.i n iirttajstper for tin pfdjilc, In lining for tlio jHMijilr nml the avn- titlll'llU of till" n. lit- of it own tiniut C'lHinty. ) a Arm cora I.Y: 1 I I Volume XII. C.-LYYOX CITY, Git si XT COUNTY. 0 It EC OX, THUItSD.-l )', (WTO II lilt 10, ISOO. Ntuuh'-r !(). 1 Y NEWS. AVENGED AT LAST; Or, a World-Wide Chase. A STORY OF IM-TKinUTION. "WAIIAMII." IcnrrHiuHT. in l CHAITKK III. 'Din morning afur the iniinlor Vnlas UP nriMta uttrly, as win tlm fustom with nvory om In tho Sonoma valluy, and aturtod nut for n rldo. Ho ilitl nut to Iimvo had a vory ld night of it and, (or a limn who muil havo had tin) rweollprtlon of a rooont uiunlur tnur .IrAtatriL Iwtfnr.i Mm. Im mmarbnhlv HClf-JXHilOASwl. Alter leaving thn party of men who wert? otf.orlln th ' dea l body of .Mario Ddvro Into ( tin llttlo town of San l'.iola, ho hastened to thn railroad ilcjxit ami sent a tnossnp) to friends of lilt victim's young wlfo lulling them of the horrible xjcurronco ami warning ilium to li careful In breaking tlm news to her. Ho then atnrtod Iwek nifd roarhod tho little, low bulldlni,', dljrultlod by tlm iihiiio of City Hull, a few mum nti alter the oDlcurj liail urrivod with tlioir clinrKe. Tlm lily was placed In a room con noctod with tho hull, after which the noronor wan promptly notilltd, and It wai not long he fore ihu ni-us spri-nd through the town. Thu body lud hnrdly luion ear.i-d In lioforo n Horvant from Dolaro's homo caiuo rushing along in eager lusto on Ills way to tho collars. The m-.n had piun up tu tho htt lroom to call D.daro und found that tho door was oponed, tho 1. imp still buniHig with a low, dickering light, hut tho hod ha I not been slept on. Knowing his master's intention to visit tho cellars on tho previous ovon luC, ho was now hound thither. Tho man was noun told of tlio sad now and hastened hack to tho house, to inform tho other servants ahout It During tho long hours of that hazy, warm sutumer afternoon thero was a great deal of bustle and extraordinary exci'.eimut in Sail 1'aola. It reached fever heat, however, at Dularu'it lato homo and among tlio workmen at the cellars. Volasquoj: undertook tho charge of nllalrs In tho place, of Dolaro and acted lis though ho in tended to run matters with 11 high hand. In tlio afternoon tho coroner called u Jury together and commenced his of llclal Imo.itigalloti Into thocauio of tho Joath. Tlio first wltnosi called was Anion ltcymr.ii, who lesttlled to having parted with Delaro on the previous night about ton o'clock, noar tho ontranco to thecol l.irs, also to lludiug him dead anions tho vines 0:1 tho following morning. l'roin tho surroundings of thu tnur derod uran ho could Imagine nothing which would indicate hy whom tho deed had been committed, hut Holloed that he hail been stabbed in tho back. Tho other Workman were then called, hut tmly corroborated Anions Then the men n ho were present lit tlio cellar.! whon Ihd.iro call' d in on that (at il nlghl wo.-e iU"llu.i d n to what hal transplrol o;i that nc.-.islou. Tin y each told the Bauie stoiy, saying Hut Mr. Ildaro wn In a very bid l- m per over tho (act that a lar,'o nunUty u( wins had Ik'oii t.Nilod owluir to caro le:, iiu-a.1 0:1 thn part of tho man who had cliarjro of It. and that ho sjhjUu rather sharply to all of thorn. "Did bo ps aujiry word) with any one in particular?" a iked thu oroaiir o( the last wltn , a burly ( irMiiu. Tlio mm boiluvtwl boforo r 'plyln';, tboti slid: "Vos, ho KpoUe (jult i 1 n ; to Antou Iteyman, a'Htut ko.)pl.i' a tharpor eye on tho m"n " 'Were thpto tho llrst crotj word 1 ripoken lunUlny hetwcui Mr. Dolaru and Antun?" ihu next (iiotiou. "So," replied tlu wurUuiau; "thoy bad noisy taiki that day and Anton, who is hiintolf rather hot-torn )K'red at lllues, Ulki'd back and kaid ikjiih thlii.T uboul understanding his bul net, but that ho could not bo reaponi bio (or the mistaken ami caroleskueu o( idle uorthbss fellows like tboso Mr. 1) daro MimPlimuti omployoil at a busy time," Then the coroner Inquired i( Anton ofU'll allowed uttfns of hot lempor. "Ho i;cts in a ra;;e sotuottmos, when things iluu't no quite rlk'ht, but It soon pusaot olf," was tho response. Aftfr thl iother wltninMos wcra calloJ who ttutilled U) sovonil rovont cjuarrels botwoou ),daro nml Anton, though nil Insisted that noiio of theso iot-ord' jiassntfos were at all nortous alfalrti. Just nlnml tlils time one o( tin) ot liters npprouohe.1 Antun and b.'iit down as though tocxamlno his olothlne;. "Whore did you K't this blood on your overalls'" ho Inquired o( Anton. Iteollilnn tho horrible purport o( thu ijuestion, Anton replied: "I jot that as 1 kirilt ovor tlio Unly of my dead em ployer this ii(iriiiii(f, " was tho reply. "Somo on your shirt, too," miU tho otllcor. "Is that thu sumo shirt you woro last nlKbt?" Anton's ijulck temper mado the hot blood ily to his cheeks, and tho veins In bis mck distended as lio angrily re plied: "Vos, it Is; but why do you ask such Insiiiujtliii,' ijuvstiou' I must buo got tho bloud 0.1 my sulrl whon I ex amined tho body in my curiosity to sen whether tho wound wits solf-hulloied or not." "A protty tbin story, ain't It, our onor'" asked tb oBbr. The corunor btoked witu And said that that ws kr the Jury todocido. TIim.-o boln(f no furtUerwitoo'!! to bo exam ined tUo Jury were uall'-id uiton fur a verdict. It did not Hko Ilium ton W roaob a doclslua,nd In very (ow maitinu ihuy declared that tho doud man camo to hit l-ath at the hands ot an unknown tnur-d'-n'r. I'raetirall.r. however, thf "unknown lean" o( their verdict was a (iw, (or ihey added: "We strnnfly adleth..t Anton Itfvnisn l hrld In custidy lor further examination U-(on) a justtco," The same dy Anton was takon bo fort) a Justice -opl in tbes pnfU 'ran no lima In such matters-for ox 1 ml nation It Is not wocoasnry to go oer tho S round cove red by the wttpvt nifaln Tho same withoftM-s who had boon brought lfori tho coroner onco more apionriHl and res-ated what thoy had tlruady said. Many minor (lolnta were -"J iikuu did ni our 1111s iii.oodov Mlfll iivi:uai.ij?" magnified, however, and tho con iuenco was that almost Inifero tho full tnnor of thn situation had mado luolf felt in Anton's mind ho stood (harmed with tho murder of Mario Delnro. Tho accused man's dlstractiHt wlfo had arrived on tho scene by this time, and as soon as it was told to her that her husband would Ixi tried for willful murder she swooned away. Hut before the order for Anton's com mitment to prison could ho mado out a man arrived on the scout) for whom every fiody made way as if by instinct. This was none other than Mr. Joel Wil cox, tho richest man in Sonoma County, an uncultured, pxid-naturod, largo hearted, "Krasp-my-hand-tltflit" down Katie r. licet had made an Immense fortune in I'altfornia and spent his days In the valley at a larRO and luxuriously appointed house which he had built In tho midst of a beautiful estate. Ho know everylHxly for miles around and hob-nobbed with rich and poor. and small. All met him on equal terms and ho had a giiod word or a hearty lau(-h for evervbmlv. lilt, ares, was untiily ami lll-llttlnir, on ill!- to the fact that he paid very lit tle attention tu outward apHarauccs, He liked a man of his own ilk, but he hated, as he said, "them as put on airs bokas they'd mod a bit o" money." Accompanying him was Vclasqtiot. the man whom Wilcox despised above all the many despicable pooplu he had mot in tho course of a lonj life limit. "Hello," said Wilcox, in his free and easy manner, to tho Justice, "what's tiiiT Ho had like every one else heard all a Unit tho traced-, but felt bound to Uho vent to the slt-rooty Hd Inquiry. Tho old gentleman walketl across to tho Justice and sat down beside him u hllc the administrator of law and or der rtdatisl to him tho moro recont de velopments of the case. When Wilcox heard that Anton Ituy man was charged with tho murder ho oxcitodly Jumped from his seat and shouted: "Why you tbunderln' blockheads, you aru not colni; to commit an honost man llko Keyinau for tho murder ot Mario Dularo, Just because ho hail a few aiif;ry words with him and happened to bo tho first man to toiler him out of tho cellars last nlk'lit'" "Thoro seoms to bo no alternative," said the Justice, "but you may rost as sured ho will have a fair trial." "Ah, by od. that ho shall," said thu blutl Yankee, "If it takes every cent of money I've not to secure It, Dammit, he's no moro guilty ' that crime than his Mxir llttlo baby Is." As ho spoko these words whether In tentionally or not his (-lance wandered towards olasiUOZ, who was In the room, and II struck him that Velauuz k I need. Then he crossed over to Anton and said: "Cheer up old lsiy and keep a tfood heart. If there's any Justice in those parts at all you shall K''t It" Then turning' to Velasquez, bo said: "And as for you, I dupiost) now that Ditlaro Is out of the way you are pleated at the bottom of your hard heart. You'll bo trying next to turn thu widow out of her house and homo in order to (,-ot money to throw across the tables up to l'rlsco. I know moro than you think I do alout your k'olns on, and you can make your mind up rik'ht hero that you'ro not KoinK to liavo it all your own way. If Mrs. Dolaro ovor wants protec tion from such Infamous blood-sucker as you she knows where to Hud one." Volasquc listened apparently quUtly, hut inwardly (nil of Interest, and said as politely ns he could: "I fall to com prebend what I have ever done to merit this abuse, Mr. Wilcox." "'1 huu you can know now that I've Kot a mlk'hty tood reason for my words and you'll liottor bo careful." With this they Isith walked away. That lilht Anton sient behind tho liars, charged with tho droadful crime of murder, fllAITItlt IV. Whllo Antun lay in Jail wearily awaiting hlrtrlal, Vilaiquei arrived it tho conclusiun that about the boat lb. ntf ho could do wai Ui movu out of the alloy. So luu lwy) wom coulll in trar.1 Ut Dalnro's otaU. ft4 Hr liovor "l dlHpttWH ft M,itp(fltut wai ngrutHl 1. tho horrible ass.lations of the district would 1k i.mi much for her, resolved to sell every thlntr and move 10 unta ltosa where her friends and parcnln had lonf roldwl. In all her negotiations and other business maltom, she was ably assisted and Indeed guided by Joel Wilcox, and this proved a (oclunito srrangsiinent (or lrr. I'or a woman with no moro knowlwlgtt of law ami business than Mrs. iHtlani would have bon a pliable tool in tho h .inls of stt unprlnclplutl and crafty a man as Velasquea. Tho estate, tncludtii) the wlno cel lars and every tlimi; else connected with it, was sold, und, alter all the rlnul details woro settled, Yolaituez re a uhock for vory nearly the aamo amount he hail agreed upon with Mario IK-I.iro on the nl(-ht of the murder. He lost no time in bidding "tie-si-bye" to tht Valley, iMindlui his steps toward his old haunts In l'rlscu His stay there was not of lonj; dura tion, lor ho liotfaiuti fearful thnl Anton Iteyman inltit bo actUltttHl of the charge tit murder, following which event tho Impetuous Joel Wilcox woul I. undoubtislly, make matters rather un pleasant (or him, It bis whereabout were know 11. tio ho realised on all valuable papers In tils poisvsslon and started Hast. Nearly a month elapsed liotwceu the enui-tmi ut of tho vlneyartl tr.tgoily and the time of I .eon Velasquez's II licit dis appearance from the Sonoma valley. With the assistance and ad v loo ot .loci Wilcox, Mrs. Delnro was preparing to d!sKsu ot her house and leave the dis trict. Thanks to thu old Yankee's busi ness tact, she found that s i had suf ficient money loft from the proceeds of tho sale to keep bur In comfort for a number of yenr.s. Still she was anxious to ho rid of tho bouse also. In any case she would havo boon com pelled to sell It shortly afterwards, fur on the twentieth of tho month, thirty days atti r Delaro's death, a notice was sen. tl on the executors of the estate to the 1 It -rt thai a nolo (or (W,oo.)) IKty-thou tund dollars drawn In favor of I. eon Velas que and discounted by him In San I'ranclsco. was duo and must bo jtuld In three days. Thl i threw a new light on altalrs and Mrs Dclaru was amtizod. Why had hvi husband given Velasquez a note at thirty days for such an amount of money? She was utterly unable to solve the rldillo, and at onco sought her tdd friend for aid. This Is what old Jool Wilcox, the millionaire, s.ild about It: "You kin di peii I upon it, Mr. Dolaro, that there is moro in this than you or 1 know at present. This nolo that's a lyln' I., the bink for ymi to meet was drawn on t'o nght that mv (rlend Mario mik. muni -red, anil I'm as suro that It's got suiiuhln' to tin with that dirty worU n. I am that Anton lioymau !, Innocent ol It all. The noto'll hev to be met, htr it'll knock a big bole in what you got out of the sale o' too vlneyartl U do It V i. 11 you re rt .my 10 at II your house do. 1 t go to anyl-ody else I'll buy It and giio you a (air price (or It." Mrs. Delnro was much stirred by old Mlcox s words, and II was with a blanched (aco that alio looked opal the big millionaire, and said "Mr. Wilcox, tlo you think (or ontt moment that I.eon Velasquez had any thing to tlo with the death o( my poor husband?" ."Yin I do," was tho reply, "and w hat's more I'm going to Und out Just how much ho did her to do with it, or my name ain't Joel Wlloox." "I don't llko to think this without somo gttotl grounds for thu Imllof." said tho beautiful woman; "but I will nrouse myself at onco. I am unusually quiet and do not as a rule Jump at cun cluhions; but when my husband was cruelly taken from me It seemed as thouifh my heart had been forcibly torn from its place to be rcplut-cd by a spirit of revengo. Henceforth my duly shali lie to find Mario's slayer. I, too, tlo not bellevo Anton Keyinau guilty, but--" here hor voice became choked with emotion and passion. Tho quiet, pas sim nature of tho lady was fast tailing lio(oro the hot southern blood of an aroused woman, and It was with eyes and panting breath sho earnestly exclaimed; " u-itf llnd "1 tll.'lli: ISMtllli: IS THIS THAN Wi: KNOW at nu:.SK.NT." murderer, and may tho blessed Virgin have uiorcy on him whon I do- for I w ill havo none." J00J Wilcox promised that ho would liiavtflio stono unturned, but ns Key. man's trial was to comu olf In ulniut ton djys ho must go to San Francisco and Interview the brokers, so as to llnd out all ho could about Velasquez's rocont actions. "That Is tho olow I must follow," ho said to tho widow. "In tho meantime, you, of courso, will keep your oyos and ears onn to all that transpires in this liniutsllatti iittlghborhood," Such was tho compact which Jool Wilcox nml the widow of Dolaro on- j tortsl into that night, and through many woary years of uilnglod hus ( and dbwippointment, thoy kopt tho uuu aim lu eonskiut view. his Thn mxl morning Jool Wlleox started (or San I'ranclsco. to learn what he csiMltl about tho money which Velas. quet had raises! on the nolo. I'or this purj oso he . .lit ., at toe ot l,.e of t'randall .t to, Inv. .tinent lis.ker. Delaro had often told hint that ho was In tho habit of deln- a lit tle speoulatiltg itccatloiinlly through tits l.ouse. VrlaMticx Invariably eon ducting tho deal. So Wilcox naturally thought this would ho a g-ool starling point. On entering ll.o oiBce, ho Inquired for Mr. l'-..mlll, and was usberod Into the gentlmnn'a prliato room. As soon as Mr. t'randall hoard tho naino ot lilt tailor ho uricltel up bis ears and was Immediately prepared to net aa ouu-qulousl.r as an olrtflulous man possibly could, under such elranm- Sluices. Tor Joel Wilcox was a well-known man In Krlsco, his enormous wealth being a matter o( (mbllc gossip, and the little Ivnv-oytsl broker thought ho was In (or a good stroke of business, hit ot course surmising thai lb.) millionaire was on the lookout for 1111 investment. Ill this, as we know, he was doomed todtviptmlntmont, Tho broker foresvw what was coming when Mr. Wilcox asked: "Do you know If I.eon Velasquez Is In town, Mr Crandall?" Now. the broker and Velaxiies were "Ihisoui cronies," having workitl many quiet and sometimes nbndy deals together. Still, the broker was by far tho hrowtlur of the two men, and while Velasquez brought the lambs to the laughter Crandall managed to catch most of the blood. Therefore, when this question wns suddenly sprung upon him he was diH-ltltslly surprised, Itul at the same time was tot) old In the busi ness to lietray any undue agitation. "Mr. Velasquez. Ah, yes, I rciiicmb"r him now; the gentleman from San l'ao la?" he said, with assumed iudillore tiro. "Hut why do you come here in search of that gentleman, Mr. Wilcox: It Is hardly probable that 1 should be aware of tho fact liven If ho did happon to bo In town. Ills calls hero are oxcetsllngly few nml far between, llko angels' visits, as it wore, If I may 1st wrmlttod to miiko use of such an old and familiar expres sion." "What a lie." thought his clerk, (a young Hngllshmau) who had without Intention left the door ajar when ho ushered Mr. Wilcox Into the private room, and thus hear,) the remarks as ho sat at Ills iltmk in Hie public olllce. "Well." said Mr. Wilcox. "I havo been Informed that he had a good matiy business transactions with you and thai this would be a likely place to tlml him." "Yes," the litiln broker responded, "Mr. Velasquez certainly did have somo business to transact with hid but his visits hero always of tho most formal nature, and we woro not on such Mr.i Vt CI I 1 irmi 're-., "tin: wriiK isijt'iiii.Mi Aiunir iu. vr. i.Asgt'i:?" terms that I could Iw supt)sed to know much ot his movements while In this city." Thu uloik outside had Ihhioiho Interested by this lime anil mentally ojactilaltsl. "What a liar!" "I am not thu sort of man to bo it around the bush, and I may as well bo plain with you," said Mr. Wilcox. 'You have of course, heart) of my friend Mario Delaro's murder near his own wlnu cellars on the night of the twenty-llrsl of last mouth?" "Yes, I did hear ot the sal occur auce," was tho rejoinder. Joel Wilcox continued: "Tho week Itoforo that inur tier Mr. Dolaro told mo of a ileal ho made with you, though Velasquez, In some mining stock that paid big, and I'm here as a representative ot Delaro's widow to know if the matter lias ever beep llx od up." "Yes, I hollovn It hr.," replied Crandall; "hut to make sure I will step around to the olllce of the broker who sold the stock for Velasquez and in quire If the money has been paid," .t -lug which he rose to go and huude.l Mr. Wilcox a iieivitpuer to road during his lcuiorary absence. As soon as Crandall had gone Joel W ilcox muttered to himself: "Well, I wonder how much more money the vll Han has scraped together. There ! no account of that money liolug paid to Delaro on his hooks, at least I couldn't tlml It if there was. Tho yr.llt r-sklii-netl 'possum tried his host to clean out his best frlund lie fore he killed him." He was not left to his thoughts vory long, for, no sooner wai ('ran tail's back turned than thu clerk mado an excuse to come Into thu room with n bundle of paport in Ills hand. As soon as this in dividual got clom enuugh to Mr. Wtlcux ho hUtM-rod; "You woro Inquiring about the trans actions of Mr. Velasquez with this house'" "Yes, I was," tho astonished million aire reKiHtleil. "Then apMiBt 11 meeting with ma to night and I w ll $Uv you tome Informa tion that will pror.' ot value." "What do you k.iw about the bu.l noaa" quTi" 1 Mr. Wilit. "Mo- ' M. rejoinder, "but I'm Rotting tired of II and must toll somebody. What hotel are you stopping at?" "Tho rlAco,"w-as thetumwor. "Koom 41." "Uxpect me there to-night at nlno o'clock, then," said tho clerk, who then left the room, not .1 moment tot) soon, for at that moment Crondall returned, his walk out to tho other broker's olllce ahvlnglieon uiorely a "blind." Without waiting until ho was seated he Informed Mr. Wilcox that the stock certificates hud been sold and tho money paid lo Velasquez, who hold 11 power of attorney for Mr. Dolaro. At this Mr. Wilcox rose to leave, for bu felt that the Interview with tho clerk would serve his purpose fur tietter than any quantity ot talk with the un principled broker. With many jhjIIW) farewells and expression of hop for future Interviews, ns welt us regrets at the shortness of tho present visit (en tirely upon the part of tho broke.-, how over), the two iiioii parted. rtinrtnally at the hour ot nine ("run dall's clerk put lu his appearance at the Palace Hotel and was shown up to Mr. Wilcox's room. lie Introduced himself by means ot a card lienrlng thn legend: "1'oivy lleau fort l.ovol." "Now, Mr. I'ercy llo.uifort Iivel,"sald the Jovial host, "I gntMi you kno.v 11 good cigar when you try one, 10 help yourself out of that liox 011 thu table: anl I know you can drink a glaas ot wine, tdso you ain't Kugllsh. So si' you down and I'll cnll for aouie of tho genuine article, then we'll have a talk. Hut supM.,e. Instead of culling you Mr 1't-rcy Ilc.uforl l.ovol, we drop pnrt of that dime novel tltlu ami cull you plain Percy?" Tho Kngllshman made. 110 demur to any of these suggestions: so the wine was brought in, and, under its stendll , Increasing intlueiice, ho toll the mill ionaire all he knew about Velasquez. "So you say ho was squeezed Into a corner the day boforo tho murder." asked Wlleo.x. "Yes, and a pretty tight one, too." was the rejoinder, "but, as ho left the oltlco, I heard htm tell Mr. I'mml. U that he would get the money III thrte days by lair means or by foul." "Whew:" was theonlv reply. Then Percy proceeded nd told wb. had happened since, how Valasq t Ihiughl up the milling sto.'k Cyrillic it and sold them at a sleek profit, and I. .. ho hal holla nolo for fifty thou land d.. lnrs, giv e him by lljlaro, which C. tlall managed by false ropresontutioi. to get discounted for him oil the quit Kinally, l.mol told how only a wee ago, Velasquez catiio Into the oltlco mi went with Crandall to cash n chock fo. a good part of torty IhoiHiin l doll 1 which he s.ild was tho p ocee Is of share In tho sale of the Posada m;i yards, l.ovol gave it as his opl.m that Valastiuuz had started Ki,t w 1 vory little short of a hundred thousuiu. dollars cash money In his tm-uiesalou. "Do you know which way ho woul?" asked Mr. Wilcox. "No, I tlo not, sir," wns the reply. "Now, come, Percy, we shall irei along a good deal U'tter without any ol that kind of business. Don't 'Sir' n o any more,'' n.ild tho plnlu-spokeu Yan kee l.ovel smiled and continued: "Vt:i que said ho might slop at Deliver awhile, but he expected to Im) III Chica go Inside of ten days." This Information woke up tho mill ionaire and ho said: "Then time Is precious. Are you willing to go with mo to San Paula to-morrow, Percy?" "Well," s.ild l.ovel, "tho question Is rather sudden, Mr. Wilcox, nml I might lo-.e my place if 1 go without Mr. ('ran djll's permission." Cui-sii your o4ltlon!" t-Jiu-ul tied Wilcox, run that that yon Come with nie and In lp to villain to earth and I II havo 11 poilllou as long 11 . I live." "Th it settles It," said Percy "I lne i drifting all over (or tie- I . .t n v years an I I may as well keep it up' Tho next day thu uillllonairi ..11 I ' MCM-foilli l (rlend, Hie "' r ln-i t lerl; started oil to San I'.ed.i lo - and foi ged links of friendshl t 1' only -.n.ipp -d by death. hil 1 . n 1 but .1 coo I i lei k w Im was too huncsl to his quo-,! tunable service. Tho I 11 1 . unco ot purlf j .np Hit Iimm ran nut l e toe. ntiin.itrtl, fer w,il.-,i n l.-.t )uu riiiuiiil 1 nji.y cihkI 1,i jltli. Al llili n ceil liculy t-i.ry ono nfnU a rooil im .Hi .in. lo purify, vitjli.-, .0.1I . i.n,-h Ilia bhsMl, .mil wo auk ymi to tiy ll.x,. Pnrnlinr t'1'ai'rlll.i. H in imtiinn roouiuu ai Uj, ,y,lrllli rrratas an appetite, and tunes tie- ihgr sin, wlills It fraUlriite! tlln-ai. He- i.iiliar cowblustkiii, prorlliii, ami pn-psrtiun nf tho ugrtsble rrmnllrt uinl givs to Hood's Barwparllla s)ri,. -r ii.-ir tar rurativo powers. !,'o O llSCIl ttlir lutdleine hassuch a ri-n rd ..( i.mlrtf jI cirt. If ymi luvo mada uj. j .ur mliul tu buy Hood's Harsaparllla do nut be luducrd tu tike any other Initead. It ii a i'rtullar !(sUrln, and It worthy your runout-ucc. Hood's Karsaparllla Ii sold by all rtrugg litt. I'reistratl by C. I. Hood A Co., b.nn-11, ilan. 100 Dooos Ono Dollar HOOD'S COMPOUND "IRACTyVV GST fm M 1 1 ) saj AN ECCCfs-IHIC DOCTOR. The Quaint Wu) ,.f s Nur-rful Nrw thiflniul Mxn. Dr. Charles Wild prnclict-d motliclnn In HrsHikline, Msss , in tho days when people insisted upon taking largo doses of calomel, rhubarb, Jalap, plcrn, ipts-ac, antimony and countless other drugs, and oil being blistered nml bled. The doctor was tsjtial to tho occasion, and gave his patient their money's worth of physio and service w hen they could stvure his attendance. I'or the do. tor was a dllllcult man lo find, ami, wh.-n found, to Impress with the itlea Uiat ho was actually needed. I'nless the easo was represented as a matter of life and tlettli, ho was apt to delay bis visit until tho patient had re covered or tiled. Those who hunted for him, knowing bis habits of going from one patient to another, without going home for a day or 11 night, used to go thlough tho slieeUs looking for "old Sal," his sorrel mare, and his familiar old buggy, Htamllng lieforo somo house door. Hut such was tho publlo eonlldeiico In him, thai In ordinary lllneet people would wait his tardy lsll rather than send (or another phvslcinu. I Tho author ot "SkeU-hes of llrooV-' llnti" tlescrlbs him as entering a house in the breety way, stamping olf the snow or thu mud, throwing otf his over coat mid letting down his black leather pouch, with noise enough for three men. Ills salutation, Uttered In a deep, grulf voice, wai likely to Ik, If the utlent was an acquaintance: "Well! w-!l! what kind of n kick-up have you gut now?" j He gave nlCiiiames lo the children, ' and would aik: "How's Nli-odcmus to da) '." or: "Well! Is lohabthl s ttsith ready for the Ian.-" this morning? " A iriemt.s child, who 10 name was Flor ence, hocalltsl "lioine," ".Milan," or by M'lernl other lliillan cities. A meuiberof his family, w hlle making out tho doctor's bills, was peri. le veil bi ll charge iism the Urnks of a visit ti "Don Sebastian." On inquirv it prowsl to bo the hlt-kiiiimu of 11 cluhl of tho CnUit faintly. W hen the doctor had studlisl the case ami given the patit lit his dose of medi cine, bo would, ( there was cause (or anxiety, seltle hlmsi ,1 tor a nodal visit of two or three hours, during a hich he told droll stories, ami acted Hu m out to till) amusement of thu chi..lreii, who wnro very fund of him. It th case was Herious lie was grave ami silent, catch ing tiles, If ll.ore were any to cateh. or 1 walketl there in in tleep thought. I The tits tor was more than a physician, I bii was the counselor ol bis patients, j who eontiiltisl him Uhiii nil sorts ot ! matters, from choosing a wife or a bus ' baud to building 11 lieiwthip. Ills opin ion wns an authority that tow disputed, for his good sense w.h 1.0I1I0111 al fault. lllsquaint humor, on b.iiing.i sick room, would ofton express itself tu some Hiioh salutation as this: "Nun K you can't steep well ami don't know what to do, you can amuse your-oU w Ith taking an omelic." -Youth's Companion, j SLaVrn Out of (, Ily malarlnl Juoam, tlm htnum marhlntry cannul half intrf.irm Its eUl.i-e. DlKcmiiin. Ms-i.illon, oracuaiiiiii art) tllaurdorn,), tlio IiIikhI hwoincs walnrjr, Hut nrriui frelilc. Hit) countenance gh.iMly, U-fp iliaiurlHsl ami iqqirllta fJirlt l-.os. 'I t rrllilu In Hits tlUcaso, (illilsriiitnpitiu-rs. 'llicru In, huwrtcr, a known aullilota to tho inl.oun.illo pouon. and a certain nff!usri ugsluat II. In malarious rrriuiH of ear Uniilh und Writ In Mouth Alfifrirn, llusloiiinU su l on llm liilinuu ot I'r.nniiM, as wi ll 11 . 111 irti .111a t lim 1-.11111I1I04 wlit'ii. ihu viii v-cevisi. ihu liiiiiillslilii pro. vrnliie and ri-nii-'l)-, IIo.ctlir' .siomnr.h Hun i. liming the Uni iliirty llva yrsr, h 1 11 telit.ill! ) t, I lllll lie) urra lit lt mo f Ul f l. 1, .lei l. m. i!-lr.ltll)g lis laon- l.i.i. t tiipliilnt iliNpceila, t-iinill pnli ..I, Llluy an I., lie . 1 -K-.ihouiuath.ui nud tlo- art -11 it, 1 !,c-l I.) 11 ElMVER, MS UlY, ST PAUL. ST. LOUIS. AND AIL I'OINTII Ivnst, North South, AT it v ii 1:1c HOWEHS rrv. Tlckot Auont. H C LBTTLE LIVER PSLLS. HOT CRIPf, SICKEN OH CONSTIPATE. Sun Cute roi Sick HrmeMr, 'utt Mill' g freui It I'ufl owmm 1 11 1 1 mi 1 l tact 'ut If imf IL IllsauJ. Ilia ilM f All In fit tJ lu 411 I ihm t av B I'll I l ' ! lt$m rtOsM. JUr (O Uk a niu I. f IV 1 1 1 . put up n m nmni f lt It i h wii t . i 1 1. I ti 1(mVI IIiImUmiiii ! llUt Ha. silk I ".rMlM !. Mark I 1 ut, f it. UUl ' ' 4 Ufm Hk Ur la lUft. . s.Df?' HABTCWO inON TONIO. V I tts Hilh M,L , , , NTMhir 11 l'HlllT4Tli uhui in tu i. .nmu -t nmnt,nirr-nf THL UR. HAflTIR W tOICIHE CO, ST. LOUIS, UO. ON SALE uiiiaiia, Kansas u v. inicaao l I 1 ' II SI rjrniis. 4?pi m riiy" I l ft Absolutoly Puro. ere 10 n st 1 1 n 1 11 1 Mil 111 iler. Iqltll. Aug. Ili i S ( 17, l.SSil. Ue. I I M ST loriirernstMi sti tavilli liioiiuisl no llliirr t la ,1 it u pori ttllv... I o liu ncr. liliinriit, II 100m cum lo 1 Tonic, Aitcrativo and Cathartic Properties. Toll's I'llls p., ,,, 4,,. .(tuiliil.. no milium! ili jrt i, mot In Sjjoodily K.ostoro In Itic liunrts tli. tr iiiiiiutl iivi Isiulita luollon, su nvi it I it regiilitrilj-. Sold Evoi'ywlioro. rial SB CONSUIYilSiQk 'MQIJcaCOLD nnoNCN!- SCROFU! Or unit . l'owrrt joii m r-si AiA: .cti:n l'Io:h 'Hitit ii .( f in ''MM PURE COD i-VR OIL With li ii ,n:iu uhltes. PALATA'J' jihtioiiim iirr. it ii ii ,So7 U., n, MILK. . ' ' o cr ' li (u SCOTT A. BOWNt .Clu.inlMtti, N.Y. IU NOW Al 10 MT LAN D, OIICQON. Br c o o n ci tl I c r- n X u n Hilt IIIOSi: MHO I tNMl. PO---HII.T Cf r- t'Kit biiMi.i.T, iiidii: utM ' -iM i-i.iii .' a. i.v i ut iti:i ii in v 1 1 i it i vni.i, nslA.M .tMOt , t.t.l.ll f AM) A l'tiniAM M tt Itk. "flip llint -pit-lv. -.11 t- Bill m.l lient t tlttf furl, .it o ih fl th- 1 leu I, A tiitu.-i mid all Thtoiit, lit.. . 1 i , ' I.i'iik, IK-art, Stoiii.u Ii, l.ivt-r .m l K.iln.y Alb. i. on-.. Nt-i Mint Dclnlits . 1 1 toiisuinpln n, ill its various 't-o, i, i.ioiuenil, ti.inl. I III AllOllN'S OKIl.lN.M. Mi'DK 111- Tit HAT MI'.NT mill llH MKD1LATI-.I) l.VIIAI.llt)NS Kivcs iiiil.iulaiH-ims iclit-l, litiihU up and (.-vitalizes the vili'dt- (institution anil lystelii, tlit-rt-by ptnlo'ii'lii lift- Wiak, iii-rvtius, ilcbllit.iU-d ai-d broken -dimi' roiistillltiuiis, tdd nti I )fi "K- if.n ibl t;uiti from tt-ii Id th-- y pmudu iu fiuiu lliiity to ninety daw. ' l)u. AiioKN'sphi-iiniiip'i.'d iki'-'atiil nmr vt'ltniH t-iirt-ti have in-ui-d II i- j(i uleM ustnuiiliuii'iit on tho lut ilii- t':tt nml thimij:lioiit the Aitn.-u aii ttniliiii nl, ilur IliK tin- past tut-iily t )i ais A lhtu.i, L'Htutrli of tin- Ili ad, i.u 1 n'l Tliront, Ilrou dual and I.iiiik Imuti'- instantly ritu-viil. al'ti Kur Iliscust-iiiinUli'iirut-fttioflci Cllicil pt-riiiauciitly ut fiisl ri u-'iltatlt,. Dit, AnoiiN'ti eaay nil lb'- "tiiiibility of Con ttitnptinii." und n li.-.tlise on "Culititli ol Ilie llfad." "illl rvidi-iifts of K. ) cx triiordiuury ciiu-a, liiuilvtl frcu. t 'I oi otldu s OH. AUORF I our Hi and Murrllcil Stt., i'ortlju ' r.'-lF Ham lif ilmrnt, rnrr!y . I r tl Id 'l 4ll . i-( l)i I'-Ii-Illk ( .J'1,1 ciii . -I ! I'ly t rtll iii pel i. AlLlNVIIin TO CAUFCH FREE COM-" (ii.vvo.v itv, on. c- L- '(irrisi A lino 8t(w' of fresh LUudit , Swte, 'I'olwoito, StiH iwiuiy, lite., Etc., ju,t rt coivi'il, Oivy mo it call. 1 1 s r If m EMU 5 L Wi Www