Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, June 19, 1890, Image 3

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Thursday, June I!).
Soiiih measles linger in our inidnt.
W'lio did yon liorrow this paper
'1'ow Williams' "Jordan" won tho
J-inilo nw at P.iirn on .Juno .1.
lBmor om! I.iltta Ovorhnlt refinied
hmne Sunday, from Portland, whore!
tuny liftvn bm attending school.
ltpnwntitivn Dustin rocoivod n
majority nf IS nUs in llnrnoy coun
ty according to tie figurus.
Stnt treasurer Mi-Uclian soon to
U on i veil homo last SaM.itli, in itt
jKirently good hrcilth after his roeo.
Mis ttinlio I,evvis who 1ms Unit
visiting hwt ratnmed to hsr homo
imir Dityvilla, ninl noon .Mr. Ia'wU'
family will join him nt The Italic.
Frank Sols who started to Hoppnor
with n Inml of hor' last week was
jotting thorn nil right nt last accounts,
having had good luck during tho trip.
Mrs. Phillitw has not leased her gar
don to Wan, or was mentioned in
those columns hint wink. Wiin only
lutR tho crop on shams, mill no control
of tho grounds.
Wo loom thnt procctor arc (lock
ing hy thu bundled into tho Croon
horn sou t inn of oountry. Thnt gives
promise of licing one of tho grontoat
camps on tho coast,
Qurtzburg, six miles iiIhjvo I'mirio
(Jity is u dull camp thin summer, nl
though considerable gold wits mined
there last your. I-ack of capital, per
haps, is tho roason of tho inactivity.
.Mowing wild hay in Hirnoy coun
ty hits already commenced, and tho
crop will lw abundant this season, al
though tho giain crops do not giu
iromiso of being ntm fine, wo hum.
It appears as though tho U. A. It.
do not intend liming a celebration in
this county on our nation's hiithday.
Too Isul and extremely sad that homo
thing cannot ho donu to break tho mo
notony of mere existence.
Crops on tho .lohn Day aro looking
lino, and farmers and iitook raisers uro
to havu ouo yonr of prosperity. Kv
orythiitg hinges upon them, and if they
an; prosperous all classes of business
fool an enlivening thrill.
Numerous fishing putties desecrated
tho lust Soblstth and generally canm
homo well laden with tho speckled
le ui tie. Trout are plentiful in all
tluT streams, probably owing to tho
continued high water of the present
Tho groat contest in our sister coun
ty teaches one thing to a certainty,
and that is thnt a county seat proposi
tion should never como up at n gotier
ii I election. When a county seat is
to bo lncatod a.waVH have a
election by which to accomplish it.
List .Monday Mr. H ly brought inn
load of new rvo hay. Wo montinu
" this for the loason that it was tho
timt of the soason, and was from
(iuudlach's much a way tip on tho
UmicIi. Tho rye was sown last full
and giew foity inches tall, attaining
this propoition without irrigation.
Ilnrney county electtxl the following
ollluors: Judge, Win. Miller; cominis
sinners, Wm. Altnow and N. IS. Dun
can; sheiill', A. A. Cnvvinn; clerk, W.
IS. draco; troasuror, T. II. UoIkuU;
school suporintondent, Chas. Newell;
assessor, W. IS. Allmrson; surveyer,
T. A. McKinnon; coroner, K. 1'.
Moon; hogs running at large, "No."
Curriogo and team hoinos aio said
to bo cheaper in lirniit county this
summer Ulan ever was known. Ono
mtsou for this is that they have al
ways Umoi held Uxi high and tho rnne
Itjcnmo overstocked, lluyers could
not iilibrd to puichnso them foro.xpoit,
and now jntoplo lind tlieinele.-t with
more horses than they can properly
euro fur. lisidos thi, lust winter
gave stockmen a scare.
M. ,M. lirierly of Harney county,
was over during the week, and from
him wo loom that tho result of the
vote in his county is yet uuceitaiu as
regards tho county sent. Hums claims
it by eight vots, but thele were elev
en blanks which Ilnrney clainu should
Im thrown out, which would leave tho
county soul where it is. A contost is
inevitable, which will tn tho legal
ability of tho state.
A I Shnw .V Cc, arrived Sunilay
with froight for our iiierchnuU, and
roorU a nmyh road from hero to
lloppner, Tonmsters always find a
rock when thoro u one in the roid,
and with tho largo 11111111411' of iheep
driven over tho grndos lietween hero
and Iloppuor it is alnuwt impossiblo
for tho suporviaioiK to keep thu high
way clear of pebbles. I.ut us have a
law fixing a severe penalty for driving
stook over tho gmdo on n mountain
loo I'igpon who is oonsidurod a
tough Cftso rocfittly buiglari'.isl Tied
Millwi's cabin and then skipped the
country. A warrant was sworn out
,or tho thief, hut his whereaUnits
wort) unknown. week John
Fitk who holds n commission of depu
ty shsriH" was over in llnrnoy county
and thorn saw Pigeon. He did not
hnvo tho warmnt, but employed tho
Utd man to work for him. They nr
rivisl at Soda station for tho night,
.mil tho follow who wiu to l a priso
ner on tho morrow evidently "got to
thinking," for in tho dark hour pio
coding tho dawn ho nut nwny and
could not Ihi found oven to thin day.
There will In) plenty of huoklober
rios this Mfttaou.
Solinrfl Hnw. sold thoir wxil nt
lleppnor for 1GJ cents.
f.rnnt county's jwoh crop is n fnil
uro this yonr, also her plum crop.
"Have ymi lmd the niaulos; if so;
Ihjw tnanyt" asks tho census enumera
tor. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. W. Poiudextor do
jsittwl for thoir homo in Montana hut
Ion Clmvnr has recivwl his com
mission ns rogistor nt the bt (Jmudo
html ofllco.
W. W. Ctmhvull nnd wifo of
BuniM wore in town this wook on
their wny to Portland.
Miners who svnd ore to A. H. Kl
mer, Paker City, for nwwy, receive
prompt nuil reliable returns. Miller who wns it dolognto to
the Masonic grnnd lodge at Port
land arrived homo Tttonday even
ing;. Just received from below, nt II.
K. Scln' Htore, a fresh stock of an
wjrted groceries. (Irent induce
ments to ciihIi buyers.
Deputy sheritr Yantis, of William
county, was in town during tho wook,
on truck of some criminal wh'Mo name
and otleitse we did not lonrn.
I ten .t Itlackwell who purchiml
fi(M) htsul of cuttle in (imiil county
will deliver 100 bend at Ailington oil
the 'Jnth, for Poitlnnd butchers.
Snow is plentiful yet on the range
of mountains to the south of this val
ley, which means that strtxttn nnd
springs will not be ns low ns last sum
mer nnd fall.
On n visit to Prairie City Inst week
the editor found tho people attending
to their own business as usual, and
lint disposed to grumble nt the tcstilt
of the election.
lee-cream and strawberries, at !
tho Cirango hall in John Day next
rriday evening, June 'M. Como
everybody. For the benefit of tho
Sunday school.
Supervisor Smith hns Utin working
on tho lino of the old Ilnrney road for
11 week, and desires to finish thnt
thoroughfare Wore he descends to the
Canyon creek nstd,
Woiser City, which was destroyed
by firo a few weeks ngo, will imiohuilt
on a new site uenier tho Oregon Shoit
Lino railroad depot, within a shoit
distance of tho .Snako river.
Dr. Trowbridge returned Monday
with a sack of diit which ho found
over nlnnit Silvis valley during a pros
pecting trip. 1 In w ill "pan out" tho
dirt, nnd if prospects mo fnvomble
limy locate diggings in that country.
Mr. A.J. CiiininingH informs us
that F01110 of the ranchers down tho
country will commence harvesting
their bay crops during thid week.
The crops throughout the country
this season average better than lust.
Mr. I'Yed Zwicker came from Hunt
ington last week nnd informs us that
the new stuiui!xit t run on tho ii
per Snake river was launched a few
days ago. This Unit w ill ply tho wa
ters U'twcen the railroad and tho lich
iuut. camps of Idaho mid Oregon.
This little valley, which will always
U the U'st place of its ii.o in Oregon,
will just vontinuo in its old way ami
will not make much headway in the
way of improvement until n mihnad
shall reach its Uuders; then poople
will find us and a great stir will come
iiM)U thu natives.
Continued cool nightH are a fruit
ful t-ouree of comment. They ap
peared to bo nothing unusual in
former years, but last summer be
ing somewhat similar to the Mini
mum east of the rocky mountains
spoiled the people and they expect
the same weather again.
A resident cf Hear valley says
thev may have all tho strawberries
and ice cream in this precinct on
the -Itli of July that they want, but
he intends to dam Silvies river and
fix a place for people to skato on
that (lay. llo'll have the biggest
crowd, too, if bis enterprise don't
The Cmcker erok mines which are
distant fiom linker City nUmt tliiity
miles have lain idle for some time, but
there is a proUtbility of work Iwing
ir.Hiimed ut an oaily day. The ore
will be treated by 1111 entirely ditleient
proceft from thnt which failed, and it
is to Ik) hoped that it will Ih success
ful. Should those mines prove n fuil
1110 all lvistein Oregon would feel the
woeful uH'ocU.
Wo have received the prospectus
of tho second annual exposition of
tho North Pacific Industrial Asso
ciation, to bo bold from Sept. -oth
to Oct. 2f, l.SiK). Tho mammoth
buildings of thin association occupy
0110 nero of ground in tho city of
Portlnnd, and thoro can bo seen
products of agriculture, the stock
farms and of all tho varied indus
tries and resources of Oregon.
Mighty acres of tho J. II. How
ard ranch lying up and tlown thu
river was recently found to be va
cant government land, no title ever
having been obtained to the tract
Dan Kisk took a trip to the land
oilico and looked up the records,
when he filed on this piece which is
lich meadow laud, just above tho
houso occupied by J lid llaguowood.
Hundreds of aeros in this country
nre hold just simply because the
persons claiming the land have it
fenced, but have no title from the
.Iudg Clifford is home again for
a short vacation.
Mr. Potter, representing Staver .t
Walker's agricultural supply houso of
Portland, is in tho city.
Miss Chnrlotte Hlnke returned
home Sunday evening front attend
ance at tho Bishop Scott academy,
In lk)ston, when a guest wants
whisky straight and a dish of Umns
ho holds up four fingers and wig
gles his thumb.
Cuprfr is riiim; in value. Now
would 1 n gtxsl time to Uigin devel
opment work on some of (Jmnt coun
ty's copper ledge.
The pioneers in nenrly all the
counties in Oregon have formed as
sociations for social reunions. Why
not (Smut county?
Willie Koltertson passed through
town during the week Itotind for his
home nt Drewsoy. He has been at
tending school at Portland.
tin to the John Day Millinery store
for your tth of July hats, a new suit
ply just itvcived. Aim) nil assortment
of extra blk. hosiery, Indim ready
made underwear, etc.
linker City had a $10,000 lire
Saturday night. The ICagle brew
ery nnd some other buildings were
destroyed, thought to have hcu the
work of an incendiary.
Prod 1 lectors continue to find oie
which assays tolerably well on tho
surface of the ledge. Thev want to
attain depth, however, ami then its
worth can be ascertained.
J. Campbell Martin of Dayville
says they hove now jtotatoes as
large as a mutt's fist in bis neigh
Utrhood. Wo believe it, although
we did not have an opportunity of
sampling them.
A citizen of Wellsville, 0., now
seventy-four years old, boasts that
he has never paid a cent to lawyer,
doctor or minister. Will bet a
nickel that he goes further and nev
er pays the printer.
Canyon City is away behind any
other place in Oregon, hut in the
opinion of Mr. Cardwell, an nblo
lawyer of Harney county, she has
the best hotel in ICastern Oregon
outside of linker City.
The America u hog got a black
eye in several counties of this state
at last election. Harney county
among others voted that it was
against the dignity of the law for
his hogship to run at large.
Major Whitehead Smith has been
industriously engaged for years up
behind Marysville in prospecting
for a rich vein of quartz, and jf per
severance counts anything we hope
to see him sooner or later ttrike it
Immigrants have commenced to
move, but their migrations this year
are unlike those of last summer, in
asmuch as more than half of them
are traveling in a northerly direc
tion now. Then everything was to
ward the south.
SubscrilRTH who do not get their
Nkwh regularly will pleac make
the fact known and we will try to
have the matter remedied. The
paper is mailed regularly at this
ollice, ami if not delivered to tho
proper person it is surely the fault
of the U. S. postmasters.
Among the projected features of
this year's Fourth of July celebra
tion at Portland, is a mammoth
balloon ascension. While moving
between heaven and earth, a mar
riage ceremony is to be performed,
the daring couplo to be presented
by the committee with an elegant
tot of furniture and a magnificent
diamond ring.
It looks like Cleveland and Cray
for IMC!, but it may bo Cleveland
and Ponnoyer. Thu delegates to
thu Illinois democratic convention
were ennvaaod to ascertain their
preferences to the next presidential
ticket. Tho vote stood: For Pres
ident, Cleveland Ml, Palmer (17,
Hill 7, Abbott Whitney 2; for
vice-president, (irav .'!S1, Palmer
1 12, Morrison 7(1, Itlack J!U, Strough
ton -21. K. O.
Itaker City Democrat: In the
case of J. P. Faull vs. W. II. Cooke,
the decis:on of the lower court ver
dict in favor of defendent was af
firmed bv the supremo court, the
supremo court bidding that when a
settler takes up a piece of land,
through which a stream of water
Hows and perfects title thereafter
under tho land laws of the Tinted
States, his right dates back to the
first day of his settlement, nnd that
no person can divert the stream
from its natural channel, after the
day of his settlement.
The old phrase ''a bad man from
away up the crick" used to be all
the go, but tho men quieted down
and tho phraso fell into disuse. A
couple of Canyon City residents
had been away up tho creek last
Sabbath and wore returning in the
time of dewy eve when holy
thoughts alone should possess the
soul. Holy thoughts, however,
were far removed from them, for
they had a few words occasioned by
Jack Powers omitting to make the
grade tufijcicutly wide to admit a
fast team passing a slow one, and
fell UH)ii each othur's necks not
because one loved the other more,
but because brotherly lovo was up
the valley assisting Hro. Kads to
convict sinners and was not around
when his services were required,
No urrostH.
Canadian Indians hang thoir
dead on large trees. So do Texas
I County clerk Shearer and wife
1 were in town Monday looking for a
I duelling houso.
I will spend nest Sunday in Umr
valley nnd thonifore will not 1st in John
Day nnd Canyon City nt the usual
hours. A. K.Uis.
It is said that an Omaha doctor
kisses his wife sovontv-livo times a
day. That's what might bo called
a good practice.
A wool buyer says that COO sacks
of wool are stored in The Dalles
warehouses, only nlntut 100 of
which have been sold.
Chicago 1ms occasional evidence
that it didn't hang all the dynami
ters in that city while it was about
it. More is the pity.
Kxplorer Staniuy evidently be
lieves thoroughly in cleanliness,
lie has ersotily indorsed fourteen
different brands of map.
The Siwnshcfl are becoming civil-1
ized. A tonus klootchman up at
u....t- fi. 1 i, ,1 c.,.-, o.., iiiiiih .iv. c 1. . 1,
davs auo because of disappointment
in love a Hairs
A '"black list" has been distribu
ted among Pendleton saloonkeepers
containing the names of so-culled
habitual drunkards, to whom they
are forbidden to sell liquor.
Scrofulous eruptions, rucIi its
Pimples, Discoloration of the Skin,
especially on face, aro causal by
impure tdood and will disappear
rapidly by using Pfundor's Oregon
Hlood Purifier.
It is uusafu nt this time to write
on editorial upon tho present state
of tho weather, for tho same is li
ablo to change within six hours.
At this writing wo arc thinking of
pniyiug for mm.
Some Kansas people held a meet
ing at Tojteku, tho other day, ami
drafted resolutions asking the gov
ernor to call a special session of the
legislature, to re-submit the prohi
bition law to the people.
A cloud burst on the -lib inst.,
totally destroyed destroyed llrod
shaw,' Neb., ami nearly washed
away Underwood. Many wore kill
ed and wounded and hundreds of
thousands of dollars worth of prop
erty was destroyed.
The superintendent of the census
says that no one will he punished
for declining to answer the "chronic
disease questions," but full answers
are c.cctcd to the mortgage in
quiry, and any one who refuses to
give information must take the con
sequences. The village of l.oveland, Iowa,
was almost totally destroyed by a
water spout lost week. Several
lives were lost. Tho town is located
in a gully in tho Mayor valley. A
terrible storm passed over the val
ley, and near the upper end a cloud
burst occurred, the water sweeping
down through tho fatal village leav
ing hardly a house intact.
McHrtH from Sutter county. Cal.,
on the Sacramento river, are to the
ell'cct that not an acie of wheat or
barley will lie raised tins season.
. .. '
This district, which is one
one ot tne
most fertile in the state, has been
Hooded since December last. Not
only was the grain ruined, but alto
fruit trees of all descriptions, ex
cepting pear trees, which still Hour
isb. Hunt is expected in Maker City
within a few days after ho arrives
at Walla Walla from New York.
He conies hero to look over tho fit
nation with a view to extending his
road from Union on through Pow
der river valley, via. Suinptor, to
the Harney country. Maker City
can't have "too many roads, in fact
all roads should lead to our own
particular Home, anil Hunt's will
bo as welcome as any other.
At Virginia City, Mont., says the
Denver Mining Industry, it is sup
posed that the ipmrU vein which
was the source ot tho gold found in
Abler gulch in tho early days has
been discovered. That gulch has
yielded first and last over f (50,000,
0(H) in placer gold. Somewhere to
ward its head the gulch must have
crossed an immense vein of gold
bearing quartz. If the vein that
threw oil all too millions ot gold
lias not been found, it is pretty tor
tain that it will one day bo discov
ered. The gravel washes to tho
eastward of the Sierra Nevada
mountains are of a local character,
therefore they may bo traced
throughout their whole course and
the ssit whence they derived their
gold pretty correctly located. On
the west sido of tho Sierra Nevada
range it would be hopeless and a
useless task to attempt to trace to
its source the gold found in the
channels of what is called the "dead
rivers" or that found in the deep
hydraulic diggings. There the grav
el deposits are of hundreds of feet
in depth, and extend along tho
main Sierra range for hundreds of
miles. Tho beds of gravel there ap
pear to have been diqiosited by
some general overllow of water;
were probably at one time under
thu ocean. " What are called the
channels of ancient rivers run north
and south, thu same as tho main
range of thu mountains, and some
j miners think that thu source of thu
gold found in them is somewhere in
j the far north up toward tho north
I pole.
Over $ 10,000 changed bonds on
the result of the election for govern
or in Portland.
Hugh Smith intends retiring
front busints the first of next
month, therefore will not take out
another license.
Tho vote for representative in
Wallowa county is a tie, and n spe
cial election will he necossory to
finally moke a choice.
Wo have a fow copies of thu ab
stract of tho vote, snnie as was
published in thu N i:vs, printed on
heavy mper, for sale at 10 cents
or t!f cents eitth whichever is the
hnndiest to make change for.
(Ireen Hill Presbyterian church,
in Philadelphia, which has for some
time past maintained the largest
Chinese Sunday school in the city,
has di'cidiMl to give up the work of
teaching these people after Julv 1.
Stories of leprosy have frightened
the young lady teachers.
Tho emigration of Mormons from
Ctnh into tho Seirm Madro, has
Ummi lan;o during the last six months.
At Junrz there nre seventy fatniie,
... :,
,Ht to",,w and Con- x-u!!oy twenty
mill 1 inn 1 lt 11. 1 iiv 'i D.MV4I r K'
much encouragement to Mormon colo
nies, ns they will mil in destroying
tho Apache, nnd uro mpiilly develop
ing the .igticiiltuml tcsouivcs of the
Our new "ad." front the enterpris
ing firm of Collin v MeFnrland,
llepnner, speaks for itself, and it is
worth your while to read the same.
In order to gain new trade they in
tend presenting a fine lorge book,
which retails at td.00 each, to every
retail purchaser of dry goods, cloth
ing, boots and shoes, hots etc., to the
amount of 'r'Jo.lX), allowing until
Jan. 1st to make out the amount.
Hive them a trial order, when you
send away for goods.
It is believed that the remains of
(ieorge Nutting, of Crook county,
who so mysteriously disappeared
about a year ago, have been found.
The Prineville News says: "About
three weeks ago a young man, the
son of I Ion. Itobert Mays, of Wasco
county, while herding horses on the
Muddy, in the northeastern part of
this county, found what he believed
to be the burned remains of a man.
Young Mays asserted that the skull
was burned so but what it was eas
ily recognized as that of a human."
This is the neighborhood in which
Nutting was last seen.
It has come to the kuowlo li;o of the
Itlnde that two new additions to Ma
ker City have U-oii located in the dos
ed hills southeast of town, 'they ate
two and n half miles out of, an I
are out of siht and iini'Ii. l'o. tliud
ai ties a:e manipulating tin in, and
the lots are being told to the Willam
ette sucker", 011 the same principle
that Uiys "swap" jack knixts, "1111
sight unseen." This soit of thing
will net ns u loomenui,' fur our Unnii
if it is pel silted in, Mnkor is aheady with additions that have mer
it, but dune fake town lots ought to
Ihi expose. I. Mlado.
When you want t: buy a really
good and reliable time-piece at 1 ot
tmn price, that is a price which can
not be competed with by any big
ieweler on aeeoiiiiL ol" the interest be
, ... 1
mis 10 iiniKi' 011 me inoiiev iiivt-nieo
in his stoi-k, besides his clear profit,
not to speak of his other high ex
po uses an 100 to .f.'iM) a month
rent, etc., como ami sec watchma
ker Albert llinseh, at Canyon, you
can be sure that ho will do anything
possiblu to please you and get you
just that kind of a watch you would
like best, both as to the outside
liKikiugofit as wull as to works
that will stand rough handling the
beat. Fine watch repairing a spec
ialty. AH work guaranteed nt very
moderate prices. Wallhiiiu and
Klgin watches.
Divine Services.
The Mev. Mr. (loss will (D. V.)
hold service ami preach at Prairie
City, on Thursday, June lUth, and
Tucsdnv June 'Jlth, in the evening;
and on Sunday June -"Jud, at Can
yon City, morning and evening.
The Holy Communion will be cele
brated at the morning service, Can
yon City, Juno "J2nil, and at the
evening service, Prairie City, Juno
If I tli. All communicants' are re
quested to he present. Holy Bap
tism will he administered at any
service or in private.
- I4k, . -
All persons indebted to the estate
of Martin Cundlach, deceased, or to
either of the firms of (ieorge (.lunil
Inch iv Hro., ami James Norman .v
Co., ore urgently requested to come
forward and settle immediately, as
the the business of said estate mid
partnership mi st m: ei.oi:n. All
notes and accounts remaining un
paid after I'Oth of July next will be
placed in the hands of auollbcr for
lir.o. Or.vnt.Ai ii,
- -
Closing Out Bale.
The stock of goods belonging to
tho late firm of (Ito. (iuiidlneh v
Hro., of Canyon City, Oregon, is now
offered to purchasers at cot for
cash. The hooks of said firm are
positively closed, but cash purchas
ers can procure bargains by calling
, soon.
(ii:u. (!i'II,
Hermann is elected by nigh 011(0
D.OOO majority.
flo to tho Mod Front Million
Hall, Can von City, for fine wines
hquorx nnd cigars.
A Chicago hotel furnishes a sharj
raior to thoiH" of its guests who de
sire to phnve themselves.
A gsl Singw Srwing Ma.diino for
mitt almost new. A lurgnin for cash.
Kmpiiie nt II. It. Sols' ttore.
For information concerning tho
Victor Mower, lh Ust nmde, add 11m
1). It. Kisk, lUkor City, Oregon.
The next Oregon legislature will
stand: Senate, republicans 22, dem
ocrats X; hoiiM', republican 10,
democrats It).
The Pacific Hrewery' Celebrated
Hoer, the Ust in ICastern Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap at the
Med Front Milliard" Hall. x
Ltke Chelan, Wash., never
freexes, although in IS dcg. The
I'lnsou given is that it is ileop, and
tho warm water rise from tho bot
tom to supplant the cold.
The lluiiibohlt mining company
have struck a rich lead of gravel
in their claim, lending oil" into the
lull, and will fulluw it up with
their giant hydraulics.
Notwithstanding the constant
heavy emigration the K)pulntiuo
of (treat liritaiu has increased
111010 than 1,000,000 since lsSo.
The total jHtpiihttfon is (bout US,
The fourth quortoily meeting will
be held at Canyon City, June 'J.Sth,
and 'i'.lth. tjuarterly conference
and preaching by Floor Wakefield
at '2 o'clock Saturday, June 'JSlh.
Baptizing on Sabbath.
A. K.vns, P. C.
There is a man in Southern Ill
inois who laughs at the idea that
marriage is a failure. He has just
married his' sixth wife. Koch suc
cessive wife brought him a farm,
and he is now one of the largest
laud-owners in that pnrt of the
Makes llio lives ct ineijr 'roilo mlicraUc,
.Hi. I 1. (If 11 lo.uH 1.1 .lf ,l. .niill,Mi. Dunns
nflrr .-utln. ur Mum.ii-li, tick lirail.irlio.
In. .11 1. urn, Id 11 of a'x llto, ;i (aint, "All ;uliu"
recline, tail I.1.I1', ce.ituil tongue, nntl Irrcuu
. hilly ot Ilia uovieli, aro
DIBtrOSS sumo i( the moro common
After iriouu. iyiciih .loci
not set well of Itself. It
Ufltin ,.,Ufe careful, pentitrtit
.ttleiillon, nml s remedy Ilka Hood's Ham
jwirlU.i, wlileli nrla i:eiitly, yet urely nnd
efficiently. It tunes tlio itnmach nnd utticr
urgmti, tctniUtes tho digestion, create! n
good npprtttr, nnd ty tlius Sick
OTciroinlnc llio Uk-oI jiii-j, . .
touts removes llio j'iiia- HOaOtlCnO
lliello rHecM ot tint dltenjo, lunUlie.1 tint
tuuuhrlio, ninl letrenlics tho tired t ill ml.
1 lay a U-eu troubled with. i!yH'uh, I
had but lllllo nj-ivrllto, nnd vvlnt 1 did
m . tllttrcued tno, or did ma
1-1 on n- llulo r.ood- ut na hour
bum nfti.r o:illii I would eipo
rleneu n falntneat, or Ured, nll-ipm" feeling.
n though I h ul in tiMleaanjIhlni!. My trou
ble, I think, wan n,::riv.Ued by my l.uilueu,
nhiih l Ui-l of .1 ..i!nt.r, nud from being
morn or Iris abut up In .1 Sour
rvomwllhfrehp.,l:.l. e." , ' .
upriiig i t.k itiHui n n otonincn
rllLi look Uueo l.. ti:n. It did mo rui
Imincmui mii.unl ti i. d. It navo mo an
npltllte, and my liuxi ullihed and irill.lloil
the (-raving I bad pn i-trlnced."
Uuoiint: A. P.tur., W.iti'ilown, MaJ.
Hood's Sarcaparilla
tot.ll.y ullilrucsUU. f, -,lif..rl 1'rrpnrcil only
I; C 1. lllKlll.t CO., Aotl..-arli,l.uKe:i, Htut.
tOO Dooos Ono Dolla-
I ft ' - 1 -. i.uMI
i'i.:.1.-. . :. liMSci
, t t .i" , .
tfitMi 'Wns'iiirtiUf
aii isnt; t wantkh V'-Tlr.-uiT::'.1
lurMti..!. v r.i.
I .1 cr-
.Who is hoiobv given to all whnin
it inny toii'-orn, that hv deed of us
sigiiiiicnt utndp Mil) Nth IMIO, (leo
(itlll llttl ll, (III illholvi lit, iiHxigned all
ll s pro el'ty to the undeiM giu-d fill
tl o brni lit of all his i-iinIiIoih and
that the undersigned has duly ipiuli
I'ud and (tuloiid upon tho di.ehaigo
of his duties as such nhttigneo. All
pi rsons having jul claims tigninst
hiiid chtttto are unfilled to present
tl'osriuio duly verified to the under
Kigned nt the stine ot (leo. Otitul
dull Hro. in Oniyon City, Oregon,
within linen months front the ditto
of this notice.
Juno 1-. A.
I), mm.
.). W.
SucccssoiH to J.
Jit 1 her City
Tho Mosl Comploto Lino of Ammunition in Eastern Oregon.
Lyman Hear
Siglils by Mail.
f '.
' I.yniou Spur
' ting Front
' Sights -i1 1. (Ml.
Diamonds batches Clocks Jewelry Silves-wore
ui in it iini line in
A I.onj; List of People Cured by Dr.
Uarrln In California Three Years
Ago. Thus Showing The Per
manency of the Electric
Mrs. II. V. Haiiey, lleiuciit, Cab
Total deafness in one ear twelvo
wars, caused bv catarrh troubles;
cured last May and remains poritia-
Mrs. I. Ueswrole. Fresno. Cal.
Cured two years ago of femolo weak
ness, fallifu! of tho womb, and
change of life, also liver and kidney
.Mrs. K. I'. McKinlcv, rone
street, Son I'roncisco Dcnfncas two
years; cured in ten minutes.
.1. II. Zweifel, 10 Haves at root,
Son Francisco Catarrhal iloafnesa
fourteen years in one car, and total
eafness in the other, caused by
paralysis of Hip drum nnd auditory
nerve; both cured.
Chas. Itogers, (57 drove streot,
Son Francisco Uisehorge of tho
tr, deafness ami noises in the car
since tl months old; perfectly cured
three vears ago.
William Heinz's girl, 12 Halo
bice, oil' (inhlon (iatonvenuo, be
tween Hyde and Levenworth streets
San Francisco Diopsy, heart di
sease ami iniiaiinnittorv rneunia-
tism, limbs swollen to an enormous
size, life despoiled of; cured in 0110
Mifs T. M. .locqucin, telegraph
operator at Herkcley, Ahiinedii
ountv, Cal. I roublesonte (I 1 h-
barge of the cars, seven vcars; enr
William Cuniininirs. dr., linn of
Cunnnings it Sons, American jew
elers, ;t'J Kearney street, Sun Fran
cisco Paralysis of the muscles of
the arms ami shoulders and great
pain; cured.
lieorgo Thistleton, editor Patriot
ic American, St Franoipco, testi
lies to the cure of his daughter of
deafness and soreness of ami
side of the heoc.
Prs. Dorriit can be consulted freu
at the Washington building, corner
of Washington and Fourth streets,
Portland, and Hotel (iaudolof, Tit
coma. Hours It) to .1; evenings, 7
toS; Sundays ID to I 'J. All chron
ic diseases, blood taints, loss of vi
tal power and early indisi rctioiiH
permanently cured, though 110 refer
ences are ever made in the press
concerning such casen, owing to tho
delicacy of the patients. ICxnminn
tions free to oil, and circulars will
be sent to any address. Charges
for treatment according to patients
ability to pay. Tho poor treated
free of charge from 10 to 11 ditilv.
All private diseases conlidentially
treated and cures guaranteed. Pa
tients at a distance can be cured by
home treatment. Medicines and
letters! sent without tho doctoru'
"aine appearing.
Important Notice.
All persons knowing themselves,
indebted to .1. S. lliiptonstiill indi
vidually, or to the old linn of lliip
tonstiill A Dait, will please eoiiie
forward and settle, for we must
close the business of the old linn,
and I waul to go to California for
inv health. All who do not settle
up by the I Mb of .Inly USUI) their
accounts will bo turned over to an
attorney at that date.
.1. S. llAlTllNHT.W.I..
.lohn Day, Or., May '28, IS'.K).
Pacific llrcwcry liter.
Nolieo is hereby given that I
hnvo this day established an agen
cy for the sale of the llcor manufac
tured at the Pacific Hrewery, Maker
City, Or., within the county of
(Irani in Canyon City, and that Mr.
II. Stansell is the authorized 111:11m
gorofaaid Depot. All orders from
(Irani county for this celebrated
beer, either in bottles or kegs, will
be tilled by Mr. Stansell.
Proprietor Pacific Hrewery, Itaker
City, Or.
Grand Kouith of July.
Picnic and celebration at Thomp
son's Warm Springs above Priiino
City on duly Ith. Oration, foot
racing, plug-uglies, etc., during thu
day, and fireworks and 11 grand boll
in the evening. Music for thu ball
will bo furnished by Halph Fik.
All are cordially invited to eotnu
and celebrate with us.
S. A. TueKh'u.
It. fiardner. J
A Full i.inoof
Fishing Tackle,
hooks, lliofl, rods,
lined, reels, etc.
Fly hooks per
do.., ")0e, by mail.
.Miihirni j iistritlllf Ills.
. 'r