w a jt-Jm twt Tvyrw. ! ---"-;. 117111' I CITY HOT ELi Cnnnmninnl MptiI ! (liimlitnrs W'lin llnvn ltnf,,rtneil Slrnncn Hxhluitluns of Nerve A reporter ot tho Alhcnii (Da.) Manner, wbilo rt-atluK from hU labor on tho door slop of a prominent harness mnUtir In our city, waannnn gurroundctl by sovnrnl who' In llirlr younger ilnyt ivcro conslilorod adepts In tho management of tho pasto-1 bonnl alKinilimtlou. ! Ha'.l ono who U now a bright HkIiI In tho j elm roli: "I wiw nlnvlni; draw linker and fixed un ' tho nurds to glvo my o(iorciit t queen full, while 1 would hold four lives. "Thodntwcnino, and my opponent il row thrro cards to n quern and n nine, thus k'v Ihk hltu four queens, wlillo I," said tho Kentlemnn who sitaovor In tho amen cor ner, "drew four card to a fire and ROt j threo mow live. Thinking my opponent i hsd n queen full and mo with four tiros, I i went for him, nnd wn novcr quit betting ; until it show wus called for on account of ' no mora money. 1 "I laid down my four flrc," tnld tho t Clirfotiaii Keniloman, "whllo my opponent, emu red them will) four queen, beating inn out of nil tho mutiny I had tueepl t'.& "Thin wat an uwful mlstakn In lliluif uu . tho hand, nsd tho only wny 1 h.nl to (el oven wai to plar him threo up atltMn (runic, nnd I bout lilm seventeen slrulKlil mid rcleaineil my fallen fortune on Urn iwkor (famo. This wus a lilir pieco of luck ilullhoio dnyanra over, and now 1 would not play a gamo If 1 know I could wlnn mill Ion," Tltl prooitlui was considered doubtful for u few inomenti by tho rfirter, nut euanca to win n million l very raro and , would bo KniblwHl by any one. Another old Konttoinsii, who Is now In tho iiero and yel.i w iruf and who haa wxu ilia , up and iIcUlb of cliy lile Informed tho ronortcr Hint !o had bin Med ntfainsl llm ! Utrernu tuoio tt.an ono c .naion. nnd hail plied up In olnni to inn limit every time, i "I was ouco pi.i)in(( ui(u.nt tho (anion ; 'Illll Moon,'" Mini tut oid Rentleinuu, who now all Hi the ninen corner nf thu chimin, ' 'and wa playing lor bl stakes. In tbo ! lulddlo of tho ileal I naked Illll what ho would pay if I caned tho next time. Illll , quickly roumrkoil: 'I will pay youJIUOTor ' aim.' 1 ended it with II vo chip livo six nnd 1 Itcamiijuitii 1 culled It, nml I imokulod u fjood round linn on tho call. 1 hnvo piled ! ttioni up In my day vory lively, but till I , nil In the; tust. I havo quit tint bulno nnd am now workluc to mawo a living Willi out It." i Thero wcro suYurul others of minor im-itortntic-n Who Rnvo thotr Xtorltiee, nnd tho general opinion I thai thoso days of t'liinltlliiK a ro in the pl. I FnENcTiT?OUSEKEEPINO. j How I'urUliin l.mllea Lighten i:itiiaea Uf ' I'rnclKMj llettiioiiiy. ' In un nrtlelit on ", I-Veni-h U'oiiinti nt ' Homo" In Hid ladles' Homo Jnurunl. Dor othoa nayai Hlio help lo cook tlio dinner klio ha lMii(jht for servants am wasteful mill tlioohnrroul nnd alio knows tonu inch how llllln alio inn iio. in that marveluu placa il l'roue.ti kitchen, whoro tiro or thrnslltllo bole in u stnvo iwk nuelideli mito dlliu4,nnd iwi fonn aueli culinary feat us our (rimt roiinuc coal lire hnvo niiiwi ccpliou uf - she till about IIUou falrj ,i'n:it Injt muitlciil uioKse out of raw inutcrml of tlio inol ordinal y drcriillou. Yoa, thiittKhn lady born and bred, rellned. eUKuntniid ucrciniiilo in Miciety, n hlloin bur wny, yet sIumIoih not think it bunonth hor dignity to IlKhleu tho botioliotd ex pontes uy practliml ccunoiiiy nnd m llvlly. Tho iliunor nf it I'reui h fmnlly I cheap anil. kiuiili). '1 nuro i uitvny n otip, itio mont of tho Ktew i.in-kniui'tlnie. If not nlrlc'.t lu cxiendlture, iiuolher lato of incut Ki'iiorally two viutilblim, drritted nod oiiton Muniluly, nnd nuiolluic, not it I way,n nwrot illuli; if nnttliat.iillttlo fruit mull ii uiuy bo tlio cheapest nnd lu tlio ri)Mit ecaon. Hut thero I very llttlo tit cacli thlii),', nnd It I rather In itrrnn(teinent (hull in luntothi that they iipiwur rich, 'l'ho Idea that tho I'ront'li nro ((oliruintid lu prlvnto llfol In ctirreot. They upend llttlo In iatiii(; and tlmy oat Inferior tlilnc; tliouuli tholruook cry It rather u KCii'iiro thnu it mot n nreldent of clvllliatlon. At humo IhoKrenlulmot tho Kreueh la to save, nml any solf wio rlllro that will lend to tin result Is cheer fully underlnlion, moro eiKH'ialiy lu eating than In tho merti luxury of intuit iilleuo. No French woman will mmh1 ii cut to avo herself troiiblo. Him would ruthitr work IIUu n dray horse to hoy nn extra yard of riblion or u new iwlr of clove than Ik on tho ofUt sofa lu tlio world In ptnold llno-ladyliin, with crumpled k" or barn hand. RUNNINQ FOR OFFICE. It' an IltiilrHttnl I'rtH-erillnc IT Vutir ItvrttMl I Nut t'leiiri "Up III my country," said a OoiiKromnn to ii Wiishinutnn l'ot reMirler, "thero I an j old chap who live on it faun three mile i ouL 11 I u lino farm and old lloxey , ImHAttdy )ieniiy put by. Iluthohutuiiover uiHiulnit nmbl lun to Im n politician l,at fall bo was nointnnlrd fur county nurveyor. A soon a tho nomination was uiiulo he proceeded to 1111 up hlmtelf nnd tho crowd About ten o'clock In tho uvenlm; ho nn- 1 uounccO hi departure. "'.Mush coliuiuo,' sanl he. 'lllc 'rtaiit liUlino to homo, tlood - hie jjikhI oven', j boysh. JIusti tell M'riaof ihisiioinlnaoliuu. ' ileo blo inwK'lieroii'kH'tbiniluy. Whusser-j inazjue wit ll"xev ' He' u rl'.' "lie i ..uiicnml Ills ntn, and uflersevunil j futllO uffwl ellm!l into tho wnunn mid , hjited Uine, TI16 dncilo horse knotrthtti way, and when tat pulled them Into tho j ditch in Ids weary ofTurts to luernaao their ' peed would Ktlnlly 1I1111I1 Iwck into tho ' riMd und co on. l-'inully they whuld Into ' lit yunl nnd Ktoptwd by tho kitchen door. ( lloxoy promptly tumbled out nod onuvle.1 Into thtt liousts whero ho wtlled hi wlfo. , Bhe huil rotlred, but ccmo out, oundlo in i hand. "'Jl'tla', Bald Iw, gravely, oUsulytnit hiin. tolf by thotnulo, wu uny yor folk over In prlthonl' "Why, no, John. What I the mat tuff "HiiWUVfd.lier Into hllomv. 'WuMi-lilo wnaher fatter huugl '"JJo, Indeeil. lie w in rnxv "'Jow over IUc--M'rm; Jew over do nuy thliiK wronc 'forg I hlo foro 1 iimrrlnl yyut' '"Cortaluly not. Why do you ask snoli question!' "'.M'rlu, I'vo ltuoii nominated for county sh'veyor, 'n 'f you'vo over ilone-lilo Uon uny thliiB wrong It'll ull bo In I lie. apur!ii ah' tuornm'.'" 1'nllhriil Jirrn In Ainrmlly, A Konllemaii wn out lioollnff nupr Tollies, Uni;., tbo other day, when ho bad tlioinifortunotoalioothliliK I'orn 1110 meal ho wat too ininh iivenvinn ton what Uuimik'o ho liaJ done, and baforo ho bail rcoovered hltusolf tlio animal, 11 hlaeu rolrlovor, huil -coinouptohlui, brinmiuK In it mouth Its own tall, which had been shot clean off. lliooiireo of Ibo I.niicuukh. Oucst (at cheap restaurant) "llnnjf ins n ham sandwich nnd u gla of milk " AValter ifortlssliuo) "ilacadamito u urkl OuowhltoffftlUl'l-- l4 1. IM VmU. It, Ml , Mt wn U W U Ul w, I... Itllf.l ifl .1 4A fc tH (Ml L. ,M H. 4 f M,t lk ..-4M rlt W .W. M, fMt A, M,tlMW,4 ILtaltwWMtM fMlWpillllM K, i,MltulMln,abU,iiult,ll . U h . Su iwu.,.HA. uk.,.. Wtu ' KtS.-...Jtt -wK ,.) lMi t. .MwiH tf-W U,tu,li Cm I. Ill Uni III, CUul,sl h ,..,. ,. ujiuv xvjlkjOjv xuai ac 1. 1 n-t in i v wmv in m M ' A rriHiriiT nf ttm Ailin,,. n ' mt . .. . . " n 11 in 5s WmiliinjjUin Slice t, CRAY II KAOS, mur.tns ix - All Kinds Of 11 Wlmlriulo ami Itelall. Jill orders filled on Shorl JS'olhuu G. C. MILMDR. General Blacksmith Canyon. Cthj Uu kociiM LdiisUtiitlv on linml nml fur UmI, also iioiiMi; saiiji, ikon. mu:i, t tut, wnnn.iiTiti.i-', nkck YOKKH, Wlli.CM, HI'ltlNCK, I'lt'lt ll.Will.lJt, VI.KIKIi: IIA.NIH.K.S M.IIIHIIM llllll WKIMIC, 11 UK IHOS, I't"., I'tC. I't'. f7?" A IMU.ST Ol.AHS WAdON SHOP AT HAM K STAN H. (MUItl.KJI'.S ltl!C;ii:S V llUt ICItO.llCII.S .lludu to onler. gmr A UHASON.Vm.H DISCOUNT FOR CASHI -MS Forwardiiii 4 Commission Bakor City, Bakor county, Cooper's Sheep Dipping Powders For Sale al Wholesale Will ulwityH nuilunvor to obtain ft r pai tiort coiik! 'iiiny to im, sin i, thuir iliwito. tlio liolil Marie all goods h CITY HOTEL!. ' It. I It HE CI T J ; 0 It id OA J. II'". JS.'ITUS, Proprietor. Tim f !iiliniiiy Depnitmoiit in iii olinrso of ('otimcti'iit nml Ivxj orioncoi'l LVokw, wliojjmro no lnlior lo ilu Imiior lo '.iio pnlnltm of tho l'nlilic. III (.'oiiiiofllion tvilli tliiH Popular llotol is ul nil liiniia Hiip)lictl with llin lliint Ilrnnds of WinoH, l.iipiorH nml Oigitix. MtMi i.i: noom rou commi-uciai. tii.vki.i:i:h. 1 piSO-S UHMI.DV KOItOATAKUIl. IloHt. KiiHiost -L to lino. ChoatmtiL llchef ih liiiiuoiliato. A euro in curium. IVil I in tho llo.'til it lnw no equal. 1b1 iy mail. AiidrtHu, ' J T. IIazi.i.tinii, Wnrrcn, Va. mK THE GRANT COUNTY NEWS. For The iMi.i, will fttU- in lijij nun ; ihkviI Mill-1 novur I'litjtr Ho noil- (UtituUnI fur , tliero!" ixirtisnit in truth, Imxmu- During poiiltCM; will u inn .NUWrt uio ymr w itevoto it con- wunU to li uunt now iiluinliUi n- u rttliuUa i-' siiltsoriU'iK niotitit of iu ; onuiit of j by t Jm tmin mkici to thu ' fitctt nml , luul Imt mi fiivorHltlo itolhiiijr hut kiokutn. If mention of fuel, nml t-o,you intend iwerv nuw ' gnstnln n h- i U) Mihscrilto ,i ... i (Mit(ii')in k y utiitloii lor lor tlio i Ihi In iiiytiru- truth in iU toil ilminx mot snored tho your in souse. Onint Cuun- Kiiitlioi'- ty. .Mi lien moid, we ilo- will Ut nn siw In retain itntniivi))y our oliiiin to "lloomiMi"ini a wnl ion nf our consoion- Unit inlioiil- nor nml thi nk you will rOffrut the iial ti ft or wiihIk jilwisc don't do it. Tun Nnws would In hnsod to visit your homo, hut likofl to Ut it!roei iitetl, nml umilo to foal Unit it co nml the unco miiicIi dovolitjiiiient ' wifml to nil wot k tition will hut cost! r.diloii nnd wo know to a ciii (iiln ty tlmt "Iv. thtiin inliiiit, :ii no Cniiyoii City, Oit'jjoii. Proprietor. FIUOSK MEATS Tr( 1 a Oregon kiIx. ikiiihi'iioch. litUil nml unfit- House. Oregon. liiglii'Kt iiiiii ket ii-!com on wooIm, nlc. or foi wanl tti) Kinlt) ac'onlii. BAKKR CITY S. .7 HEJLjYFJI. )'cur ISDO. il worth your iiinnuy, nml not ta ken fur Swoet (.'lim it v'h wikc. " Finally llictliicn A Sislorn, wo llPOtl MllllO iidditiouiil clothing mid n s.tck or '2 of llour. Do you roiiieuihor tlmt littlo pitH-o of pc tt try Itojjin nine,: When tho Dow ii on tho No Vsiu l'ur. ADVER TI8E! s Ctinlern-Stilcki'ti Nnliller OliUllifil n llrlnk In Iinl . I came to IttdU In IK't- as n prlvnto In the th regiment ami tny cotnpanjr tornicil wrt oftlie pirrlttou ut Arcot, says a wrttcrin 1 1 lucU wool's JlaKiime. IJfc In burrock In lndi.i Is very ilull, mul II was with great satlslWllon tlmt wo lioartl an order linil lievn lvcn (or our company to march to Volloro to strenKthon (tio irarrison there, wliich liiul been very much reduced by chol era. It was tlien about the mMdlo ot March, ami consMiuontly later than Is usual for tnovliiK troops, as tbo tlsysbcgln to Rctvcry baton thd plains in tlio Uarnallo about that tluioof ttioyoar. Hut ours was special duty, anil, as wo should only tiiatrli In tho very oorly imirnlni;, wo did not fear tholnoon vewieneo at tlio mid day heat. It was on tho second day after leaving Arrot that, lata In tho afternoon, I was listening ton description of Volloro by ono of our fallows wbo hod been there, when suddenly I felt spasms and slrtmoss. Holloa! old fellow, how bluo you look." remarked n companion slllluc tint tome, mid ns ho spoke my comrades shrunk terror-stricken from me. It needed no doctor to tell what was the matter. Tlio cholera had relied mo I I was hastily convoyed lo tho temporary liospltal, where our assistant surgeon rrtvly had wtverul cues uf tho dlsoaso under trentmenl, nnd I wnslnkl mi ncliarjfty I rap Idly Mssej f mm the II ml to tho second iUico of that matatly, und by iiino o'clocl: at nlKht tho Incessant vomliluif and purging luul re ducod mo to u onnditlnn of weakness ap prtKwIilnif '.nsensltilllty. 1 was consumed by ii biiruliiK, rasing thirst, but tho dresser illsreganleil nil my entreaties for a drink of water. Tho system of treatment fur chol era lu thoo duys ulloweil the palieul nolli Ing inorolhiin Just to havo tho lips molstciiod ix-calonully with weak brandy and water, unit this simply aggravated tlio torturo of thirst. Nowiulays rlianiagiio is given, and the sufferer Is allowed todrlnk pretty freely. Tfio hospltnl was, uf course, only u jtandal, hastily construrtcxl with p.ilmyw-leavcs, with n Urge cuscus.mat ut tho entrances at carli cud. Two largo chatties of water wcro placed just outside ouch cntranco. 1 hail begged, sworn and unnaced al Intervals, but no ono pjll tho slightest hoed to mo, and I was sinking into that condition of torpor which Is tho Immcdlato precursor of tho tiilniaiid futiil stage of cholera, when I heard volcosln the pundal. Tlinasslstant surgeon wns making his last round for tho night, uccouiiuiilcd by tho hospltul-drcssor. U Ith a violent effort I rous. l myself, nnd eagerly ilstcn' d for their approach. I wanted to boar my fata pronounced. They stopeil nt length whoro 1 lay, and thi doctor nxiimlncd my body. "Mottled." I heard lilm remark to tho dresser; "dots insensible already, and will not Inst long. Ho Wolherull will mako six '." "ilakoslxl" 1 saUI to myself; "mako six what? Hlx oorpses, of course, for burial ul davllghl to morrow morning." They had go no and tho place was in dark ness, save for tlio glimmer of uooooanul oil lamp. I heard tho scratching of inu. inootios jusl outside, m ml o by tho oamp followcrs, who wcro digging a common grave for six of Us, 1 leu utturiy siunnoiianiiquiioiniitiicrcul as toiny futo. My tongue was llkoapieoe of dry leather in my mouth, which had long sliico cotised to yield uny saliva to relievo the ugoniilng burning uf my throat and pal nte. 1 could not havo mado any sound hail ' I attempted toiloso; but I did not try, for i tho attendants wcro all stretched on tlio ground fast uslccp. I felt I was deserted , Iclltodlc. I was beginning to wander, I think, , was buck twin In the bright, green, lln ; gllsh moailows, picking dalsicil with my 111 ' tie sister, and so 1 should havo passed away, j Ilul jusl ul thul moment, tho coollo, who 1 hud llulshcd digging tho grave my grave j jkissed tlio entrnucuof tho pnndat; mid ono of thorn throw u pauulklnful uf uatcr on tho matting screen. It wus llko a gulvunio shock to me. I re solved to havo a drink nt uny risk. I had to die, so what matter If 1 hastened my death nn hour or two by drluklng cold water! I tried to got up, but I was too weak to stand, uiul fell duivu at once. Then I ro. Heeled that I wus moro likely to bo seen If I walked, und If delected In myultcuipll shnuld be brought bock and perhaps bo strnpiod down lo die. Ho 1 tried to cruwl. I was about ten minutes dragging myself from my cot to tlio entrance, und 1 wriggled under tlio screen. There wore tho chattlos before met Tlio llrsl I soiled was empty, mid tho dis appointment nearly made mo swoon; but . tho second was brimful I threw my arms 1 around II and dragged myself to it. I iluii gitl my head Into tho duliclous, lim pid water, unddovoitrcd, rather than drank, huge moulhfuls of the cool nml heavenly II ii lil. I felt my stomueh swelling with tho enormous draughts I swallowed; but I laughed and drank again and again, I recked uiiught of life or death then. At length I could drink nu moro, nnd then dlsclplluo usioilcd itself. 1 knew I hud no right lo bo out thero, uud I thought If 1 were missed from my col I should bo rcwrtod. Ho I crept buck the way I had come, nnd shortly niter full Into ii profound sleep. It wus broad daylight when I invoke and saw the assistant surgeon and dresser standing Itosldo mo. "Howlsthlsl" asked tho doctor; "Wotli croll ought to have been dead I'1 Tloaso, sir," s.iKl I, "I urn feeling much ltctter, nml hnvo no wish to mako tho sixth this morning." "I hero wcro six without you," said tho doctor, sadly. I rapidly looovered; nnd as I had novcr Indulged in tho pernicious country iirruck suldto soldiers out here, I wns socu quite strong ngulu. Hut II was somo time before 1 told uny one haw I recovered from my at tack of cholura. However, I told tho doc tor ono day ull about II; uud though ho said tlio colli water ought to huvo killed me, I observed tho wor fellows who were iu hospital with cholera got uu extra allowance of water. i A Ceiiiittrry fur Morses. 1 Ono of tho moat unique cemeteries In tbo United Hiatus Is thai ul Hlieepshcml Hay, Iong Island, tho burlul ground for noted horses. Il was established two years ago, , and by tho end of tho llrsl year threo noted racers luul found u resting plnco wlllilu Its quiet precinct. Tho threo in question were Lucky II., Dow Drop und Porter Ashe's Vea. As heretofore, tho common brulos which live out their ullottcil days uud die without making a butter record than will bo given over to tho tender mor- 1 cles of the cqulno itoltcr's Hold boss on llarron Island, which is in tho nnuicdiiito vicinity. Tho racer burial ground U lioautl fully decorated with (lower uud shrub bery, und suitable headstone mark tho last resting places of tho kings uud queens of the turf. Tim Slut uf uNlsrs." A "slio" Inu coat Is an Inch; lu under wear tho same; In a sock un Inch; In u col lar il half Inch; lu u shirt n half Inch; In . lumts ono Inch ; In gloves ono fourth of un Inch, und lu hats ono-elglilli of un men, Consumption Surely Cuttd, To tiiu FniToit I'lonso inform your romturti Hint I huvo n ponitivo iciniily for tho uliovo nnmod iUhuiiso. liy it h limuly iiho (IioiihiiiiiIh of liopolcHu ciih oh hnvo boon lioiinnnuiitlv uurod. mmll lx ,'liid lo fcoinl two boltlon of , iily fivo to nny of your roml- mvmtiii' ern who havo fonsinnntion if thov I will hcn.l mo thoir oxpWHnnd post- Ollloo llllllrOSS. HosilOolflllly. T. A. SIOPIJM M (' IKI l,.i-KI V V ai.DCU.M. M.I.., 101 1 fltrlht., r, . ro tint "tmrmnrtf in rwro" all cln of i1Ucac, lint only aiirh result from b disordered liver, Vertigo, Headaclio, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Gostivcness, Bilious, Colic, Flatulence, etc. For thrao iy ro not warrant td h fultMr, lint urn n nrly an u II iujut Itilo to mako n rciitely I'rlee, aicls. KOIil UVKKl'WUHlti:. AtToji.tTic fii;riMi .iiAriiiM Uns tio equal I delivered frco every wlicto. I'loaso send full l'tt Ofllco ml dtoss, liirlndliiK County, and nlMt your slilppltiK aililtcss, Incltiilliii; tnllioflil sta tion most convenient lo yon. Ono rent Kital expetue will brine to ytt sonic tblnj; new nml ltnoilait fr every fam ily. Fur full paitiritlatH plc.iMt iciul In No. 4.17 West iiUli Sttict, Niw Yotk City. WHAT SCQTF3 EMULSION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS V7astlng Dicoacoa CURES Wondorful Flosh Producor. JInuy Imvo gniuetl ono pouiul per day by it use. Scott'rt JCintilHion i not n nocrob remedy. It eontaiiiH tlio Ktiinulnt inif jiroporticB of tlio JlypojilioH jilnttu nnd tno Jforwoginn Coil Liver Oil, tlio potency of both iioinfj lnrijely itirrcfutotl. It jm imod by l'liyiiiciiinn till over tho world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druyotettt. BCOTT &. DOWNE, Chomlsto, N.Y. r ii'I'INvot r s m.u'..7.isk. vm in J-t yritt .mJti.t l,t .tiltati, iiailmrt It hut i Jtt.l n k ifpt iiutfi friil an uti ft vtl it nu ) imm)'. .V . ior! nit th tit imt a hng lUtjtvtk at fnii irt iifj lj(ihh fm tnt j vi nt Jtttir t i MUr .t.t iltr, ,WVMif tt n fJth xmmktr )u git an4tnD.l'ftj fktr ot'tHtit,tithgttt ycu .1 m .fjm.' It hi i ikt Mrwt. Tbtrifi it. ti k.v t Ittm ilnitk o Ht g itfwiy ? fiwr, wt ! .! IkrMikmt tit tmti't I I uaj t tt-iy .iff in. tll'l Mlfltlti itiiJi m Ikt rent tf mmlklf fuitit ti !. t It fit mil lriJtljr-rtjJ-atJ Ulkt I f (nilu It tf Hi tirjtn tht utrlJ, for fi-l da. nfiivt urivMn, ttJJrtll urr.vcorrsM it: ixxk.wjMhu oo (tryrtr. s t t'mjtt nwfor. Tht toihtiiktr ef tkit yittr ul it; tin jvr niterfit, NOTICE TO SIIKUr OWNKItS Tho Slock Inttpoclor'H lnw, Scl. I, umondud nt Umlaut turm of tho loiri lntiiio, tcqttiroH nil jiorsoim moving Bhoop within tho county to jjot u per mit, nnd uny jiomon moving Hhoup whoso pormit hn boon ivon to cx ccoil !)U dnyfi prior to moving Iiih fihcop lnyH liimsolf liublo to proHoctt tion. joiis' ('. Luor, Doptils" Inspoclor. John Dny, Or., May '2G, 'Ml. .701 IN DAY HOTEL Chas. COBB. Proo. John Da ij, (Iron I Co., OreJ. To Hlop ul thii populnr hotiso once ih n Hin tlmt you will oonut ngniu. Tho best of it2commodittiomi for fpiotitH, nml rntcH of board nn 1 lodg ing runsonublo. Ii Uio Mr t amt tr t Kl'ulr srlrntllte snd inorlisM cm rsiwr iul l.hnl n1 hat lhi Isrvi'.l rir mr i.ri f nnj Mipr 1 1 Id r a., in On wurld. I'ully ltu-lrMlril llr.l ri r( 'tuX rtitfrsv Inm. I'ubli.nr.l tifeklT trtul f ir etOnco iif, Prir Si tmr lour nt'nlh' trial. II. MI NN .M O., It in inn nis, 4 lliusunsr, N.T. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition or Sclcntlfio American. O A rcl ilM-.. Ksch l.iun ennlslni mlfitf J lllliMittaMliii .uuviil ruuiiirrsml riir rttldcn. c r I'uMte buil.llttw. Nitnit-rtiu riisrsTlQut an.t luil I'lstif anil ill. nlt.-t.f fnr thttuts til uulissei'iilvtuiiUtii t.uii.'in 1'ilnt 1211s yvsr 11 III. S O J.jr. Ml N.N A CO.. I'l IILISUSUS. lATEMT tlUTMlMuN m1 1 in; to tfvss tit UIlTs A ( n.a il hv liAtl uvrl laniii nni'iiiti an fur Aiuvriran ml lor 1 ljfti imlrtilt. hunil lot llaiitlbotjk. Curiv (ui)slcucu rutljr r nfia I r,t ml. TRADE MARKS. Zn rsis jour matt la nul rrclilrriU In lbs I'at. sal lim. r. al'p'r I" ill SN i In., ami ltucul teuurJlala H .(ik'Ii.iii, tivial tot llsndliooh, COI'VltllillTS for t.-V.. clouts, lusi'i, sic cjulcSlr .ntcutiHl. AUiJrt-a III.'SN .V CO., I'slrnl riullcliora. UtxiUAL urrici XI UnoAitn-AY, .V. T, GCND Ton OUR CATALOQUC.ho HHICtC ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ADVERTISERS can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American mrfr: liv nr1r1rf?;;infr Pt4Jt-li' " iuui WjauiVj Clnr P 1? nsiroll Rr Cr Nw.pp.r Alv.rt..lil0 Uura.u, IO 3truoo St., Nw York. a.a l0o, for ioO-li.Us) punnl t. CITY HOTEL MAl.t RTIIKCT Canton Oitv, Okkoon, Proprietors. TrAvolmg plciisnnt nml which to stop. men will find this n dasirublo plnco nt (sil t! MM II Cllll iper & Canyon CHf Vin. IOitf,' Cm'k nnd Monument, enrrryinj; until, oxjirowi nnd freight. uvkiiv fnovisto.v maiii: nut thi: covmiiiT or imwunoiiiik. Therp is n fitving of 21 Ihiuw timo nnd $10 omh oy biking thin routtt to Portland. Stnx" lonvoii Cnnyon Oity every iluy itxccjit fcumlay, nt I n. in. V. II. GliAUK, Agent. ii BIT SALOON!" can vox cirv Orricoii Hugh Smith, prop''. A KuH lliurt. StssV of ths 1'urr.t U Wind tod Tl.c llifi tlifsrs In lli Msikct. IIAKIIK nnd iCA.VVO.N CITY STAGE LINE, WloCUEN &. OIUI'FIN, Proprs. Ouod Irsms, roJ curtisn(rs snil fait tints Ktcr sttcnt on ltin to ttic comfoil of paiitti.-cn Cliiirgits Itnasonnblo. thi:- Line. I'll t v PA Jowott &: Mcbeant 1'ioprs. NtaKnlratvt Can) on MntiJar, WriltisaJar and I'lttlay at ii a In.. ahJ Uat.a llurui ou Tuikia) Ttiura-lajr sih! salunlajr. 1'a.aciurraall.l I'rctclit at rsaffilial ratM ,wr.Y I'oss Watch-maker and Jeweler. CAHYOH CITY, Orojion. Keep for snlo WnlohcB, Clooki. docs nil Linda of I nn 1 Jewelry, Itcpillllllv'. ntnl suns cci:t IMMUf .m . -s . unr iii inn VapQ rrtwk I it ilir vrtt. Ink rftllMtr irr- in 4IMS4a4l4, J 1st UM'sdsx.! B tI fist-ailtl WsJH UDII rUMI ili ttclslr, ftitL .n tb '! iu lftl fMras lsak tbUsf. Al)sstll lilsrnUIS tsstiw r r- I WlM til- f - Ut sfl sVl lts iss4 7- H W $' I Its ! ' -1 - lb- Ml t ts. lfM' fl( I 4s f EY AT,HORE1 I- TUMI UutlS. SSUlh lfl -fll, l-i. a ltl..r.l 4llffll.lrt M,al.-., i. .,J I ..try IV. m.Ui.im.,1, n, as f', tea talk. fruM. I IS I .1 I. -t. fl m Ik iia.t US. al tl tt,i ihi. .1 m., W. an ..,. i S.i,., a4ti.M,ii iiiti.i.rrn.u.. u.hihI,h.u.i.ii,ii vim nrvunt ouT'jns issuo'l Iila en n: 1 itot., (cocli y :. It is uu ency clopedia of useful inlor mstion for all who riur- rbn-.c tlio liuurtes or too IlOLCLiltlCO ot Itfo. Wo oan clotho you and furnlsli you with all tho noorsssry ami unnocsssary nppliancos to rldo.woll.. dnnco, sloop, oat, nli, hunt, work, c- to church, or stay at homo, and la varloua sltos, stylos and rjuantttios, Just flsuro out what is ronilrod to do all thoso thlnRS COM TO IITAULY. aad you can inafco a fair oillnisloof tho valuoof tho IlIIVKltU' UUIDE, which will bo sent upon rcoolpt of 10 c nts to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Ul'Ui Jllchlsau Avonuo, Chicago, UL PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM KVan&M mnt lMUUAf (ha Ll tvrfisou a iu turUm tfn Hi. Nvr FalU lo nitor Orat H(rlotU Youthful Color. CtrMMIpillMMsui1 KxJr fallini fcw At lirtursUU. BARKER'S CINCER TON I 5 r JuilUi tot I taifiLj, (.VUj, lat'ani fSU, tlhsiusk l!ur btiiliicaa tiutaulta st the Ivittaiiil ll'l.lnrit Cullriir. IMillsitil (Irruiiti urslllic Vstilst llus inraa Ciitlruc halclil. Uirgun. IMh sclitatls sir uiulcr Hie iiuiiunciitcnlof A ( Armatiutii;. bstc saiuecuuiac nf stutltca siul aauie rales of tuition. It ii m i ii v s n, S Ii o r I Ii a ii (I . T liewt llinii. rcnmait,lill ami Hugllali llrtwit luriils. llay siul ncnliiv aeaawns, Nwlrutaail iuiiicii si any nine, t urjoiui vaisiOk'Ur, sililiras raniiss ssusru iwirtr, (lit usual tam (aiir(f, IVill.iu.l, uncoil vlt halriu. Oirgou mm i Ml- I I mi mm nt uni ums Ton-ttn run inaitfil Tours, anjluu- . i.p I Htsn-rr. Ask jronrilil r tor 1M. I Huntley ft Ca's ILOTHING If rntr (wis are t"i In tlio luuiils of sows hTOIlKKKI".l'l".ll In tottr e'll.tr. jroo cult I'lK). CUIli: T11HM fr.,i ilw ltKHT KNiVN and largHt Mit.-miii n li'1c.al t'Uimisn lli.Uaa In II srorU. at lftx-s tlsst lll H.M! YOHII tres iisiibikI Kl iOt! Kwa.Ius) Ism mtcaii snord TO IMI IT. If y vt IiK.VUKIt Jr not two our (fmit. a-ikl to us oml v Wild, fur. nlsh you a Null t Ov. ro.., asprms or mail itstd. on rri nf prion. Vf will ln atsl UM rour tiatrtitiaee If yon try as sltli an onUr I W lints twill nn Ibis ImitKws ImslneM by our I'AINBTAKI NCI uwtliOila. Mid by doing byotlw irs as no sioiilit bm dtitio liy. r Ko. U IlusTtRf Co . Myto Originators. Iiionlt-iln n.illa i r Ovfioals olisrita strlrtl, f.-llot u iukM fur tnoosnnw ,m llrMat m.aaiirr. o. r vest, t Inso lilt nn- rtrr anns. Wnlai i.tposuri'. t tsr jrtiiU. lusld K- iihasui i-, tr jui tndeh to htwL References-ll"' national Hank of Chi. raSlT eilinl ti.iMi.an. OonUiwntol atlousi Dauk of Chicago, capital W.UU0,OCO, ED. L HUNfLEYTC0.f Manufacl urcrs and Wholesale Dealers in Clolhlng for Men, Boys and Children, 122 and 124 Market SL , Chicago, III. P. 0. Box G67. ft n n 62 5 "5 a o el y B ii .1 it c. " CtSl (11 H If." 22 S sir". H o . a O US Pi 3 -4 " a. 2 3 a !f3 1 y. vt n c s. rr Uag HO1 - k Pt V DC i e r . . i" ? IJ J;tM9 Ua2 n n r c6 v i Bo a" 2 5eSo m P L'aaa o ?3 r tmi J if 1 Hi nn: INTERNATIONAL A strk-tly first class innclilmi I'ully war ranlivl !iul from sen U-U uiaterlsLbyaklllrtl uorkinrn, nml Mllli llm Inst tuuls that hare rirr len ilrtiM-.! f,,r llm uini.o Warrajitivl Ui ito all that can lie ivns. uiably oiik cIiiI uf tlio trry U-atlyiatHrlterextaiit. C'aaiite of wrltlni; M inls i-r mliniii. i.r tnoru acconllm; to tlio ability ut the eiwrutur. J'l-lca - $100.00. 1 If llioio Is iio ajjunt in your town, nil iIiosb tho maiiiiiiictuii'iti, Tin: i'.vkish mi. co,, .Itfrnfs HVinfr.f. J'.l It t fill, .V. )'. CRCC BTKNi HI It AII I V ami TVl'EWllIT rnCC. IMI KUKK. nralebiasfneHlllrsaml ll of teaclicis. Aililnns. w lili aiamn for return Jtostai, TIIU I'AllISll 111-11. CO.. l'inian, W. Y, IF VOU WISH A GOOD REVOLVER ,"o,:,V,: SMITH & WESSON'S Hii.it snislt ? nkttiiifai luitsi i Mi.llliu nrlrlnilr.irall vxiMTU. Ill i-alllitra 0.', tl Slul ItliU Klliblo i.r S..iil. it-lion iMf.'ty Ham nu rluas siul Ysncci ntiNjala Ileal ii:llly trruutlil steel, rumrullir liiaiwv-t,il l..r tt.nkiiisu.iil,. .in.) ai.vl Vun sUU fori nnlalt, ilurtibilliy nu.l ureururr. Iti" not Iw.lwalvad lir ili.ap u.aHntWt i.on (uttltitLmt f.".'.n sW liar iho k'.-uuiiii arllcl.-. Tlit-Tntvunra-Usble SIW tlau,.i.,ua. Tin BulTII ft tfjuaoa US Si.il EuS sro alaiiiWlll.atlie lart la with mitt's iia.itt-. a;l.lrrj. an.iiUi.,rjiiriiia, an.1 are uuiir- Htlll-eit m-IIMl. IlwUl Ul.rfi l.a. I... .h.l If j.ir ila-alt-r euimut ui ily j..ii, an ittl'raiil la.t ftn-aa ImIiiw III it,-, i. i.r hum sltoiitlnn. Deseilli- I lauiiu.. ami i-rl . . ,..i i,iiraito-i, n.iiiiu ,v lo, -irluslli'ltl, Muaa. feSIKLEG6 AND MIS PAilD Il U.U ll.em all No bonk I. a it KtcliUjy aiitail, UOlllulllauiiua. I.iltiiuuf. lalhclM l'..k. 3 injiiuff. II.....I,. .1. ..r Jullll. la l.lllrf. 1 .1.1 ami ouni: Ui. ulw llii'UUndt of (i A K ait. I s... V... ... One ltl lias outer-. I ottr,ulUioU Anoiliic itiJe IM in I tu, an other look Uaiilria i., i miti in 1 O A R. i'.! LI.IM .cict,,y ,n,t ?l alUi. live illuu.......... Wall .Tbets" lltO KlltlClCUl.i. an., ..n. .T-..n Itroii Wrilp Wr.it- I. .1.1 IIU.I (bill Us Htlhl IMlMl ssstttxr VsirrMlr)lsata si.lll. liltlU Isitliilwr sNsM. Fit-Its UsUs'aUslrlsl sun st! mm '94 f ..l. I ...a h rkMU fa .-m1U m 4,r (4s , Ity. ti Hn ssr U'f its( UsM uf tlftttltl as lies) tasuiluta. ft! . lV't. 411 lla M .fk ItSst v v.: r-jKX err ( AAR s .... UW sO .t(al 1 1o U U tssl-vt Wrttl 1 -U ts lb sssr M laO . -J sH.r ftuutmitj -Um inji -'-.ui f ttti'trtrsaM ItltlVlMl lf(l I ( U .Saa. i.l t. f-f lltlMtSSMUn4. l I Li I rti( 1 ( 4. . Il .,.!, Attlil, K AtXtt fm kiw-w ii,n , uh t.ki k, 9r (J M.tW ft . r. lalVht t I.. Wilt WM.awtlilrtl istl(., HttH.WM (!,, IluK HIS, rjrCI.HIlJ, Mul ""''ntrr -'iiin!i1lsits!tii''to',M'9