THE XEWS 1 1 the oldott nmvn per bctwoon The Dalles nnd Winnemucca; tlio lar gest circulation, therefore m the host for ndvcttisinv;. THE (m ANT WTO NEWS, la npwsiwpor for tJit) people, laboring for tliu hmiiIo tml voicing the sen timent of tlio iwoplo of iU own Orniit Ooeuty. 1 Volume XI. WJW CITY, GltiWT COUjYTY. OliEGOA', TWHSDA X) JANlJl HX' JO, 1S90. 1 iU . THE GRANT COUNTY HEWS, I'L'BUSIIBt) KVBSV TIIUIUiDAY UOUSI.NO HY B.I..ASBURY Editor nnd Proprlotar. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER S'lbsfrfplion 1 year in ndv.uico S2 50 not pam within 3 months . .83 00 s's Months 1 f0 -three Montln 75 ADVKHTISINCJ HATES. 1 inch 3 oh 1 oi ol 1 Oil 3 mo 3 mo 3 mo 3 mo !i mo 8 1 .50 8U.00 12.00 '21.00 10.00 1 your I year 1 yoar 1 year 1 yoar $15.00 $32.00 H i 00 888.00 110.00 SWT Fur standing tliitplny ads only. All Reading N'olicou in Local "ohimn will bo charged nt tho ralo of 20 conla por lino for first, mid 10 eta oach nulwsquont insertion. Spocialratcs to regular advorlisors. WE Aim rilKI-AliEI) to kxecuti: Job Printing or nvsitv nuscnitTio.v, cheaply Posters, Dodgers, Rillhoads, Loiter bonds, Notohoudrf, Slato , incuts, Invitations, Tit-kola, Cards lite, olc. I'HI.itkd to oanr.K. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Co. JllllgU Work Tteasuror Commissioners Surveyor Sheriff Assessor School Supt Stock Inipoctor. . , V. R. Mnxcy. . Phil Mctachan ..N. 11. Holey. J. II. Mcllnloy. II. II. Davis. .... J. H. Ncal ....W. P Gray , CIms. Titnins. K. HnycH. ... T. H.Curl DUt. Judges " ' Disc. AUornoy. . . U It. Ison Junius A. Foo ... .J. L. Rand Church Directory Itov. A. Fads hoMu diviuo scrvico nt tho Wit.ogar school houso nt 1 1 o'clock a. m. on tho lt Sabbath of each month, mid at 7 o'clock in tho evening nt (ho M. Ii. chuich in Prai rie City. Also nt tho Strawborry Kchool house at 11 a, m, on tho 3rd Sabbath of naoh month nnd nt Prai rio City in 'ho evening of the siuno day. At John Day City at 1 1 a in. on tlio tied und 1 th Suudayn, mid nt Canyon City nt 7 in the ovoning of ll.o amo day. DEPUTY STOCK INSPECTORS NOTICE is honiby given that I havo nppoinlod tho following nniiind porsons as my DoputioH, viz: AJIE8. POHTOPMCE. I j. I). Luco Wanton Win. llnll Prairio City Job F.tmH, Fox Vul John i)uy I.ove Railoj Slowurt R. W. Carter Hamilton W. W. Hiiiton Monument Jolui O. Luce John Day Warren Carsncr WHgner Jan. Wallace Long Crook L II Johnson Dayvillo John 11 Huker Caleb W 11 Gillis Ritter T. II. Cum, Stouk Inspector for Grant County. Posloflico Ml. Yornoii, Or. Cavox City Okeoox. Itoet. or Hboe. tuU t utJc. St bmUj rl'ttrvd. All Work Warranted r'lrt-el J. Li B. VIAL & SON. II 'ATCIIMA KERS ami JEW EL JCltS, llAKCU CITY, - OllKdO.V. Dealers in WATCHfc'f, CI OCK8, JEWELRY, SILVERWARF, V OLINS mid GUITARS. Uaujr W Umii ou CotUUrtU. Sr Oppwilo Union MoatMtrkil, Mttiu Strut t. PROFKSSIONAL OAUDS. Q W. nARlUJli, M. I). l'lijhlt'luu kV HurtMin. Oa.vvox City : : Orufon. OBlco next door U C, tanir1! ollleu, Mnlu Street, jj If.- YOUNG, II. D. Homcoop dtJilMl Physician and Surgeon. John Day Citv, Or, g ORR, M. I). Cnnyon City, Ogn. OlSw M Sli 8trct In IUM faruMtlr otu Anl tj lr. llowknl. Q I. IIAZKLTINM X'-liOtOBVftpllO c CAM VOX 01 IY. 0UK00N. g & DEN NINO. Attorn y-n 1- I.n u. IONQ ClIEUK OllEOON JTJ A. KNIGHT, nOHJKT'I'XQ'jEr. aVNYON 0!TY - OtlKOOX. Ofllc'o over John Sohniidt'ii onliinet nhop; oflico hourti from On in to -I p in ALL WOIIK WARRANTED. Juuusii k. COZ.U). ATI'ORNEYS AT lV. Oa.nyox City, - Oitixo.v. jp a JIORSLEY, M D. Guaduatsoi-the U.vivkhbity op P.n,vhvi,vamia, April 8, 1818. Cnnyon Citv, Orugon. O lien in bin Drug Store, Main Street liilciH for DrugH promptly ftMotl No profcKHional ptiti-onago Kolietel in' diicctiono nro strictly followed. rr ir.r. "aTi lt. Attornoy-at-Law AMI Notarv Public. Puauiik City ... Oiikoos, Also A caul for tho Halo of School Lauds. J. OLLIVEE, Propriotor of the John Day Milk Ranch' rrwh milk di-livoroil daily to my customcrH in John Dnv mid Canyon citioH. Cio mo your orders. II. MO LEY, xs 33 icr a 2: a rv . (f)lli.-c tij i'.-.t Mivmu-.- llnll) Cauyou CR7 .... Oregtn. CZT .111 Work Warranted. Livery anil Full Ho. LEE MILLER, Propr. Cunyou City, Orniit Co. OroK"" I'CTKIl KfllL's UU) BTANll Having bought thimo jiopulai SlableH I n-Hpectfully Koliell ahhnro of the public patronage. Fiul-clnBu Singlo and Double TeutiiH to let. tlHK uuuaiuH It IIOAII CAUTS. Special attention given to the raro of transient stcck. mm CtTMU, tad TraJt Mrk obulncl, nd til 1'it at builniM eouJacUnl fur mooi natc Ttit dim oinet i OrMiiTi ,u,e patikt orict tCil nt uu ircun ulcut lu lux tlug ttau lUo. rvmoUi frjm WfliU';ft' a, ..... benj moJ I dnwlos or J.lmlo., llh djttrlp tlo. W diM. If itrvUU nr not. fiwi U cbtrg. Our fo tut duu nil lrut U trcuiwl. A PAuriutr "How toOlulii 1-aUintf," Mltb nauio of rlul cllrnta la Jfuur buiv, cwvutjr, or Uin, ivulfrwu. Addrixi, C.A.SNOWt&CO. or-f. patcnt Orricr, Wiminotoi, D. C. Prnneo is tlio grontcst nation for tlie coitiiiiinplton of onulT, and a few ymrt ago it averaged eovoii on nce a yor H-r inlmbitHtit. Af ter tli Praiico-Ciorinan war tho amount was todiiuwl, until now onlY livo ounce pur imiabilant is ittotl. In niioiuut tiincii oratory was tlio only clmnnul of communion tiou Iwtwcon 111011, nnd tlio only inutliod of dlsMiiiiuutiiig intolli police. It iillod tliu plncu which ,n now flllwl liy tliu daily pruxs. I'ooplu did nil their thinking tliroudi the orator, just as many now do tlirougli tlio ncwupapurii. A diiitillory at I.yncbbury, ()., hwl in store the other wot-k just an uvun million gallons of whisky. If you liavo it piut-o of clmll; nnd a Imm lloor you can pcrlmpn ligure up tlio number of drunks, mur der tight, cii3s-woi(l and family rows sucli a (pmntity of red oyc ia cnjviblo of producing. Tho countries of Kit rone, taken on uti avurnge, upend dollurj ou food investigations whero this country ipcnds eent-i. in this conimratively thinly settled coun try it sliould'not lw' necesiiary to spend 11 proortionntu amount; but as n inattor of fact, thu pro portion of nilultcriitwl to tho puru fool sold hero is higher than in any European country. Many of tlio ncliool houses of Da kota are being provided with bar rels of water, jHjtntocs, beans, collco and cooking utensil, und in en so thirty or forty peohiri) are penned up by a blizznrd for two or threo days this winter there will bo no danger of starvation. AI.'TOIUATIO SKWI.MJ .71 ACIt IM! Has no equal In dvlivernl free every wlieie. I'li-niio henil full I'ofct Oflico ad iIiumi. incliiiliiig (''unity, mid nliK your khllipliiL' adit icm, iiicliidlli! inllroail tn- tiou nu.iil ronvt'iiiviit In yi'ii. One rent pnHtal ciipein'o will l.rinii tu you ouir tliiiiL' ur'. ami iiniiorl.'iiit forcteiv Inm tly. I'or full patlu ill im plcnixi mini to .No. -li, VH-t .'III Mlftl, Atf iotK City. Prof. Loisetlxs II SB HI M M1SQ V!tV tdta DISCOVERY AND TRA1HIKQ METHOD In ipit ' lnltrl.l litiutuxit wt.loh rxm U t)rr &r-l p'- ! iult . t lti t)ri.itwt, lit 4iw ( tb murrpr4tiA!-by m t e.n" lit, ftiwt mt U- I "1 ! trt.tpt 1 'f-lM fif til fru.l.f hU r.ill ' I n l(H.ti 1I1 1.1 Kttm utul'Htl-ttMi uiKnritr ami i--i rt 1 u tvcwici. Urif7CulturA llf v-i.-r.i.tii t.-a lr-j. l rt rlA tllkl llHU IV. . .tJll IV 4Ullt I tl tl It I 'r.-.ta.! t.itiiu.HiUI a..t 1 CITY LIVERY STABLE! AXIJ- (OltltA!, aLd FEED HTAllLE W. R. CUNNINCTON, Proprietor. (Wood A Churcli'ii old Stiind) (luO.1 IrtlJ lint hIw HfcWW Hoi." furnUlwil m ll liuur .4 tlio Ujr or lilhl a rMMiiialtl itIo. I'ArUvulMr llvnlluti ubl la KNTIIAKUE Main im! W.l,lni;l"ii iit.iu. PAT CAMPBELL. Wholesaled Jielail liKALHIt IN GROCERIES PROVISIONS iFlonr ad M WEAR THE DEPOT, BARER CITY, Or. Goodii found to bo not lint class nuy lo returned. W. S. SOUTUWOETIl, j'1101'iiii.Ton or-- fJtGam Sasli & Door Factory Canyon Citv, Or. Sasli. Doers, Windows, Olaw, Putty, iuouiuiiig, anil urcsccu i.uinucr Etc., Coiutantly on Hand. Furniture Made to Order. I THi: CUKStt OF TIUUBT. How a Holy AnRtl Laid a Curse Up. on a Hardened Man, and How She Took it off after Ma. ny Yean. I'huro i ir itnlv n fountnin, fsnys n writer in the Chicago nuioa, over wlticn ie tlio Ututo of n beg gnr drftmiug at tt spring. it is cnllod tno "Ik-ggnr' jPountnin," and this h tliu story: Oucu uhjii tiino thero lived, so siays tho leg end, a very proud and haughty innn, who lintod tlio poor nml o"t himself nlxno nil th world who were not n wl-kIiIiv and well drogscd an hiuuelf, ami his want of charity was so great that it had become proverbial, nnd n buggnr would no inoro Invo thought of nuking broad ut his gatu than of asking him for his fortue. However, there was u spring on Ins land, n sweet spring of cold water, and, a it was the only one for miles, innny n wayfarer juvusud to drink of it, but novor was per mitted to do so. A servant, well uriuod, was kopted upon thu watch to drive such persons away. Now, thero never had been known beforu any one so avari cious as to rcfttiu ti cup of cold water to hie fellow. man, and the angels, talking among onch other, could not believe it; and one of them said to thu reel: "It i imiHissible for any but Sa tan himself! I will go to earth and prove that it is not true." And so this fair and holy angel disguibed herself as A llinitiAlt WOMAN, covered her coldeu hair with a black hood nnd cIiojo the momuiit whan the muster of the house him self was standing uoar the spring to comu slowly up thu road, walk ing over tho stones with bate feet and to paiuo beside thu fountnin and humbly ask for a draught of its sweet water. Instantly tho servant who guarded the spot interposed the pike he carried, but thu angel, do siring to take news of a good deed, not of an evil one, back to heaven, tinned to the muster himielf. "Sir," she said, "I am, in you sou, a wanderer from afar. Sa how ltoor my garments are, how Mail led with travel. It is not surely at our bidding that your servant forbids me to drink. And Tlie lir:aiica of purlf)tnp tlie blood can not o orcirKtliiiattHt, fur n illmal I'Uro Muol you eaiuint t njoy e.kxI licatlh. At tliH c.t.iu neat ly cury ono a CCkhI mfilluiiii l uiUy, Halite, ami enrich tho Llixxl, ami wo niW yu to try llooil'j Daz-nllir" ''(rina. Ititrenutlifin rCUllliai aii t.uii.1, p i,0 ,jitcm. crrats.1 an appftlti-, ami tones llm illtilun, nbllo It eradicate iIUcajo. Tlio iwenlbr combination, iroortliii, ami frpparatlon cf tlio rct'tablo rcroctllri uiimI clvo to Ilnod'a RnrJiarlla eciil. -t- i-of lar curalho (ouert. I.'o 0 llocll DtltcriM(llclnolia4iiKli a rrronl of wonderful curcj. If you tiavo uiado up your mind to buy Hood' Hartaparllla do not bo lndiivt to talio'any oilier liutrnd. It U a IVcullar iledlrlne, ami li worthy your couOdeiKC. Hood's Sariararllla l ioM by all drucf lit. I'rci ared by O. I. lluod ft Co., IajwcII, ll us. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar PIANOS, ORGANS U. I!1YJ:S, John I)'nY, )r. Agent for tho While Howinj; Miiuhiuo, tho bout in tho world. A.'hd for the EnrhulV OiKaim, and Rush t OerU Pianos. Hieko instriiinonlH nro mi- oxeullud and sold at fair prioes. Mr. uayH will call on vou for orilors for Dr. Scott k hloctnc uooda ami homo- its your orders for Gold and Silver wat'ohos, Charms, Solid Jewelry, ami I'luted Tabluwara All goods war- united as represented. J'lciiHO givo mo a call. CCUPCUSD EXlfUCT even if it is, l prny you bid him lot tno nlone, for I am very thirs- y." Thu rich limit looked at her with stornful eyes und laughtnl contemptuously. "This is not a public fountain," ho said. "You will liuil ouu in thu next village." "Tho way is long," pleaded tlio angel, "and I inn a woman, and but weak." "Drivu hoi away," eaid tliu rich man, and, as bespoke, tho beggar turned; but ou tliu instant Iter black hood dropped from hur head and rovenltvl Hoods of rippling gol- don hair her unseemly rags fell to tho ground nnd thu 'shimmer ing robes that angels wuar shonu in their place. I'or a moment she hovered, i-oihkii as rrui'i.i: wi.nuh, with hor bauds folded ou her bo som and an iuelTublu sweetness of sorrow in hor eyes. Then, with a gush of mimic and a Hood of per fume shu vanished. Thu sorvant full to thu earth like one dead. Thu rich man trem bled nnd cried out, for he know that ho had forbidden n cup of cold watur to an angel, and horror osocd Ins soul. Almost instantly, also, a terri ble thirst fell iiKin him, which uothiiiL' could assuuue. In vain ho drunk wines, sherbets, draui'hts of all pleasing kinds. Nothing could slnku his thirst. The sweet water of the spring was Salter to him than the nun. lie who never in his lifu had known an uiigratitl- od desire, now oxperiunceil the torture of an ever iintatislied lout;- iug; but through this misery he began to understand what hu had done, lie repented his cruelty to the poor. Alms were given daily at his gale. Charity was tho bus" iuess ot his life. The fountain was no longer guarded, and noar it hung over a cup ready for anyone who chose to usu it. Hut the ourso --if curso it wuro was never lifted. Tho rich man -young when the angel visited him grew middle aged, elderly, old, still tortured by this awful thirst, despite his pray ers and repentance; hu had him self broken bread for the most inis erabiu beggar who eamu to Ins door. And at M) yours of age, bowed with infirmity and wi;ai:y or 1 1 if i.ii'i:, he sut ouu day hcsiihi the fountain weeping. And lo! along tins road lu- saw approaching a boggiir-wo-man, hooded in black, wonring sor did rugs anil walking over tho (tones with her Imro fe'dt. Slow ly hhe came ou and paused hcido the fountain. ".May I drink?" she asked. "There are iioiiu to forbid thee," said the old in .ti, trembling. "Drink, poor wntiinu. neo an augel was forbidden hero, but that time hits passed. Drink, ami pray for one athirst. Hero is thu cup. The woman bout over thu foun tain and lilled tho cup; but instead of putting it to hur own lipi shu presented it lo thosu of thu old man. "Drink, then," t-liu cried, ".ml thirst no more!" Thu old man took thu cup ami emptied it. Oh, blessed draught! With it tho torture of years do parted, and as lie drank it hu prnihod heaven. And lifting li s eyes oucu nioro hu saw the lieg gar's hood drop to the ground ami her nigs fall to pieces, ror a mo ment sliu stood revealed in all her beauty of snowy skin and golden hair ami silvery raiment; and shu stretched her hand toward him, im in blessing, and then, rihiug ou purple pinions, vanished in thu skies. A strain of music lingered a perfume tilled tho air, and those who eamu thoru soon after found the old man praying besidu thu spring. He fore hu died hu built thu fountain from which thu spring still gushes, nml it, with the splen did mansion boyond it, now a hos pital, has been given to tliu pour forovor. A social problem is, if it takes ouu woman three hours to attend six receptions the buiiiu afternoon, how nintiv enn two women visit ill seventeen ilayu ami twenty min utes r Statistics show that Ohio has 31 ,o00 inoro ly than girls. lug Tavern ia tho naino of a prosjwrous village in Georgia. A wifo in Vinttllmvcn, Me., left hor Intslwnd hccntiH) hu wouldn't buy onions. Itanium's show in London eon tiuiies to draw well, but not the enormous crowds of thu hrsl ier formanees. All tho fashionable reports in the South of Franco are rapidly filling up with visitors from varioiiH parts ol tho worm. It seems to ho undecided wbetb or the eustoinarv court balls at the llorlin Opera House are to ho bold this winter or not. A cilkon of Warren, Ohio, claims that two ghosts met Inm ou Hie street one evening, He recognized both as friends long dead. Frank Crone, a rich merchant of hno county, Ohio, was married the other day to his sister's grand daughter. The groom is (la and the bride LM. The latest Umdnn wrinkle in the way of insurance is a nchetno to in sure against burglary. A private residence nnd its contents are insur ed for R'2 cents a vear. Articles specially insured, liku jowolry and plate, cost extra. A eitien of llawkiusville, (ia., Mili'erlug from the uHtlima, was ad vised to try a remedy sometimes UKeil by the negroes. Ho got a hor nets nest, boiled it made a tea, drank the liquid, and was com pletely cured. , Tho licentiousness of the English nobility, and upper stratum ofoei ety there, has been carried to tim-li an extent that the people are now about ripe for a revolution. Tho crown peerage and hereditary rank is perishing fiom the vices of the nobles. o A new cause for a pension is re ported by the Union correspondent of the Hock lit ml (Me.) Courier, who says that a veteran in that town "is sum-ring from strengthening of the brain, general ability, and ehroiiieal information of (ho sponta neous hilarity Hpstom." A man named Laird, at Rattle Ground, hid , a short time ago, went to a neighlKir's hog pen, killed a fat porker, dressed it up in men's clothes, putting a lint on its head, and thi n placed it on thu seal bo side him in his huge;'. Rut the trick was detected ami he was ar rested la-fore ho reached his own house. There is great exoitomont throughout Spain over tlo limita tion in fuvorof n republic, that linn been growing since thu overthrow of the Brazilian empire. It has in creased to Hiieh a degree that an uprising is imminent. A crisis was averted by tho Queen llogont agree ing to a uiudiriertiou of the cabinet lo apH aso tho republicans A St. Louis woman thinks that married men ought to wear riugon their fingers, as the ladies do, indi cating their fo in I status. She says that if tlu-y did there would not he so many wounded lieaits lying around. When a gentleman ap prom hrd a lady she could readily determine whether or not he is in or out of tin- matrimonial market, and demean herself ai eordingly. They have an effective way of th-aling ttilh habitual drunkards in Norway and Sw h-n. They put (hem in jail and feed them entirely ou bread and wine. The bread ii sleeKid in wine an hour before it is served. Thu lirtt day a man will lake it, but before many more he will hato the sight of it. After an incarceration of this fort tunny be come total abstainers. The ritixens of Windham, Me., nro Inughing nt a newly married man of tlml town who went to Port land shopping, taking his bride with him, but who forgot hur when hu started for home, ami had near ly reuched Windham before the un easy consciousness that he had for gotten something dually resolved itself into the realization of the fact that it was his wife who was left behind. Ills Last Uequeet, I lipftnl n story on ni) Irish innn the other dy which I think is now," sriid a friend nt tlio club. "This IritltuiiUi .was in thu habit of going homo drunk every night of Ins I ilo ami beating His poor wifo Hiddy in the good old fash ion. Hu didn't lick her because hu disliked hor of wnntexl to ish her, but just lutwuno ho thought it tho procr thing to do. Finally, howover, the pfttietit wo man could stand it no longer and appealed to tho priest. Tlio rev. urond father went to her homo that evening and wailed for Pat. Ilo came, drunk as niml, and tho good prient took him in hand. "Pat," says he, "yon'ru drunk." "Via, vour rivere'iifH-," snya Pat, "Pin feclin' purty good." "Wull, how long is this pjoiu' to continue, I'd liku to krowf "list a!) long ita I kin git n tlhrop or tho creator," says Pat. "I can't stop dhrinkiu,' "Now, fcio hero, Pal," says thu good father, I'll tell you what. You'll stop this right hum to night, if you over got drunk again I'll turn vo into n mt tl'vu mind Hint! If I don't sue yu I'll know about it just tho 'suiin whether yu got grunk or not, ami if yu get drunk into a nit yu go. Now remember lhat ihoru's u good man. "I he pm-il went awny anu rat was docile that Light; but thu next niuhl when lie eamu homo and kicked open tho door onu glaucu showed Hiildy that hu wa.l loaded to thu hut. Shu guugori hij -jug' at onco nud saw ho was in tii'litiu'' trim, so shu doilyoii In:- html thu table in an attitude of de fence. "Don't be afrusd. darlin,' said Pat in a subdued ki-v, a ho stead ied hiuinclf before dropping into a uhair. -I'm not uoin' lo bate you this night. I'm nut goin' to lay thu weight of mo llngor on yu. 1 want vo to be kind to me tw-uight darlin, ami to rcinoinlior, if yo kin thu days whun wo was Mwaleliuarts, and when i was always kind to yu and yo loved me. Wo know liis riverunce was huro last night, unit hu tonld mo if I iver got dhrunlc again hu' turn in - into a int. I'm (lliruuk this m'liit, darlin'. Thu prasto didn't sue me, but In knows 1 in dl.rtiuk, ami this night into it rut 1 go. I want yo lo be kind lo uiu, darlin', nod watch me, mill whin yu see-ifn- gittin little, nud thu hair growin' out ou me, an' me whikkers gittin' long, for (lod's sake, 'a lin', n yo love mo, keep yer eye on the eat." Absolutely Puro. Tin. !!, r ii. f .i.f. i,i it t nf purltr. IrHtffiu n,i ..nt.' , . t. . Rlcal tluu I'M IKillll.r, fell, iU , ami '! iulil lu IMIIIIIiel'. Um lli ui ' '!' I I' 'Ii it Uht, alum or i'l,.iii.i l" ' "old mil) In can., IUi)l lUtnu I'oHilir i .. Ii, A .11 HI., N. Y. & Canyon Cm, Oiiuiion. ROBT, WARD. Prop. HARNICSS, WHU'rf, SPURS, And geuerul supplies constantly kept on baud. Knddhm ordorcd at a Kinnll count. Repairing done on shot I notice. I'or Imi.Iiii-m iurulU ut tin- fotlluuil llu.lnn. Lulkur. I-miUiiiI Orrnuii, ,mii,c tuiiltal Uti. Ilirwlollrur. Hull III. Iiiii.iii. hclliul ute liiiihl lli,;ai;liil,i,l,,r p Ariiirtioiut.ltnve Mlliri-ouii.f aiiwllc nml mime i jti ol tullU.u ESiiKiucKs, .Mioi-lliniid, Tyiwwrltl.m, lvniiintiitil. ami liiiRlUli Depart iii.iiU Hay mid rvuiiliiu mioiu. Mu.liiUad. -"-.7 -ini.. fill WI1U1 liUtllHl (alltrr. INHtlaud, OriROil. i Ull UU... , :. ' telleill, Otl'KMU, 0YM POWDER