Tie M Com lis, Saturday Morning, Dee. 25. 1880. S. II. Shepherd, Editor. r OB AH LODGE 3sTo. 22. IOO. U, i., uieet every Thursday evening At their L'-due It nun in Can von City. Visiting brothers are invited to at'end. By Ord. r of N. G. HrracecEset OUNTAIN VIEW LODJi:,No, SI 33. I. O. 0. F., I'rab-e City, Ore gnn, m-ets every Saturday Ev.. in Members of the order :t r. invited ro attend. By order of'th- X. 0. MM The Grant County News is regis tered at the Post-Office at Oak yon City as second class mail matter; according to law. - ' , TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. The Teachers of Grant Countv and all friends of education are in vited to meet in the Cuiu- Ho'i i$ i; Canyon City, on Tuesday, Dcjc. 2v lbbl), to hold th annual sess:oii tuo. All members and icacher who can attend, are urged to do so. J. W. 3IACK Co. School Sr.pt.. "Well, here we arc in onr new office and we shall, of course hiivo to say a little about it W. A. Jacobs, of the firm of Jacobs k, B is ford, took the contract to build building suitable for an ome and residence but a week or two since, ad he, with the assistance of Mr. Pegg, completed the whole business a few days ago. Such work is sur-ly- commendable, and when w.. see that it i3 all done so well ve aav that they surely merit the mime ihey receive, i. e., the best contract -ors in this upper country. This j-b makes the 12th -that they have com pleted, this year; the largest of which took over 22,000 feet of lumber, and the smallest consisted of a combi nation of ten stables for the Gram County Agricultural S-.iev We feel under obligations to Mr. .Jacobs for his sjDeedy supervision of tbo work on our building and recom mend Mm to our friends as a sue ' cjessful contractor. THANKS. We, the teachers and pnpils of the Canyon City School, tender our sin cere and 'heartfelt thanks to the members of the Masonic Fraternity for the use of their hall ; and to 3Ir. and Mrs. McCoy, who as musi cians, are equal to any and second -to none in Oregon; also Mrs. Win. Sail for the use of her piano; and o the Thaiian Club for the use of their scenery and curtains; likowise -toE. E. Purrington, who aided us in our exhibition: and while we are -thanking others, we would by no means pass by the Canyon City Cor jiet Band; whose music was highly .appreciated; and succeeded in draw ing to but benefit a good audience. The School Exhibition given by -thV Canyon City public school on ?V -i i J lastly can esaay evening was agruwu success in every particular, and par ents and teachers should feel proud of the advancement that their chil dren have made under the teaching oi 3fr. and Mrs. Bonham. We j Though 1880 ye.,r. have passed, yet should like to mention each one, but to-day the event is as hallowed to canuotas space is not broad enough, j the weary exile in the depths of fro To mention a few as doing well zeu Siberia as it wa to the peaceful would onlj confound matters for all, shepherds on the plains of Judea. both pupils and teachers, did The world has taken up the re AiA frain of that angelic song of peace TliAfcreceiDta were $82,25 Ccross receipts, 86.25. NOTICE. Tne Copartnership heretofore ex isting between the undersigned, the Blacksmith Business, und-r t ! firm name of Shaw & Jones, at Piva rie City, Grant Co., Oregon, was, on the 4th day of December, 1880, dis- ortltrarl V- mnfnnl pnTlSRllt. Ail par- ties interested willplease take notice. 382 I: jsK: Eead our editorial on the first page under the heading, A Different "Shut the door," is the popular exclamation in these days. The weather is everything by turns and nothing long. "VVe noticed quite a number o Stawberry Valley people in attend ance at the exhibition. Christmas gift, did voa say? Treli we beat vou this time. Head our clubbing announcement with tha Cuieago Weekly Isews. Excuse us this week, it is Chrisl mas to-day Some person could make money j here, perhaps, by starting a Kinder- .' garten. Come aud seo us in our new of fice when you conn to town, and "don't you forget it" either. We h :vc j i received a piece oi mil?- f . ; ' urea's music house, 'M P., i .-.. Iu I "Oh err v !31o3 ' . i iong and cho- Mr. Gunalaeh, ., brother to oar follow iownsmon, is in the city and will remain tor an indeiinatc period, iie forai:iy resided here and we .veluume h.m back again. t4r . ii..yiock, near Prairie ;ii jnas the public that . t o do ar:!i.c wluv- u.ic ijiiovving piic8;: $ h cen per yard and fur- ;:p; w.ti nut furnished, 2.1 els. The uvrstin tr .jeraons who bor- rosvrd the plan or, crowbar, etc., from my tool houe, will please to ho au kind lo bring them home, .iM i iu.-.v :ub.c i several good oppor i.uir.i:u.. iid Jiem .;incj thoy were borrowed. N. Boniiai, Mt. Vernon. The Epis opal Church de-sires to .ijjink t.d;-.anvl gentle. nen of 0:utv,n t it. vrv v;du...i rv k.iKily for their the church: .spci:dly lh Gmidiach, Sir-. Horsier. Mrs. Shep herd and Mr. hikI Mr.-. McCoy, GiiiusTMis Skuticf.s. There w 11 be Divi7iC Services, lor Chrbstmas Day, end the celebration of the Holv Communion in the Episcopal Church Canyon City, Saturday morning at II A. M. On Sunday morning, 11 A. M.5 Episcopal service will be held in the hall, Prairie City.. SOTICE. To all whom it may oncern. e, the undersigned, would respectfully inform all persons indebted to us that they must settle their account on or before the 1st of Jan., 1881, either by cash or note. We must and will balance our books at that date, ard those that do not .;ettle in some way with us by that time will have to settle with an attorney. "We can't stand the pressure any longer. GRAY & BItO. Centuries and centuries have made their marks on the tablets of time since Ahe humble birth in the mra;.:er at. Bethlehem, u! Jn.l , and jjst all ages since have h.-ld sacred and holy the Nativity; kings and monarch have become His subjects. Ion earth, good will to men, and thousauds have ptr.led their lives to tell these gl.d fc .dings in the jungles of India, and in the tropical forests A e- 11 the centu- i. r 1 -f1! : .vc followed, r yi above ;i -o.:ti -t oatae or too sc oi hatnan pai'n, that same roic-i hi bet.:: h-ul speskiug in His divin narair- and saying, If thine eliemy thir, give him drink; if he huner- ve f00d- UMispntoi in the BSQ3B CLAIM of mi tts VEEY BEST 0P2RATHT&, aiTICEEST SELLING, I!Al7SSOiEST AND Mdrel! WEI W Ever offered lo ,o pnbiie. TIJiDB OZZLTZ BY EK0ELS10R BfEiatiUFACTUSlNB GO. Ncs. 612, Cli, 615 & 618 IT. Kain St., ST. LOUIS, MO. it. I F SIIL1.. Al) i ISTlsl (.' GENT, 21 Me,ci'-'iit.-.' Ec aniie. Sat! Fmn"i- o, 'A autho' i'' l i r rfcivi' :i 'v-r i-. . M0ft for lln rulunv s ol'rl .- jarKr. Now is the time to imv vour Clirist mas present'.;. Everybody has a full stock and this is the best time to gel a. good selection. T'ie aiagos have been a little late for the past week on account of the bad roads. ' Washington, tin. 1 7. Hi-h-goe an mi, of U ah. why lias ft- r wn-s a- ii :i sea. in I'on-.T- ss is no' iy wih il lv re o-'s fn-iu Ft li t' at Jiovi-ni -1 r.-.y will w tl)''il.l lii c-rdii t a (I ive H to Camibll iinn da on -d t!i t ';-nn mi i ipurr:eil i. u h, aiei has neve' b n l-al' at nlh ii a ei zen of il b U S n no s y-, I'll k h (J..er-"i- m11 ! ty as l"ng as io-siil' i liv uj m c -Mifirat-. I ilt.uht if h- w il "ivc t o ( 'iiplji 11 N onfj il 'spires n ajo J "i- -he l i r -.- f t; e fit c: n i: (I rn -r i- o 'y a "-inist i llic r. II ct no' i tie f inv e'ec io:r. Th II ii.- i- fc'ieonlN i od em j) h;1 lojudr i.j ihe qn:.lilic-.tio I" its tm in iir er--. ''ani'lell vi I P'ob bis cunt st rn y a :. II c ai s t hat I am not a h-izoh nv lizel citi 7.cm the U. S Th t quest'oa w;,s (;'tU'l hy the 44? h C.n:fros My 3B t was quett' iie'l at tint ii u'-, th iTjMfsiion if pitiz"ri.-hi heir.g the p: in c'fial in. c lit vol ved. While no icpurt mi th-'t qii Btion was over mane to t' e H.'u.tfe, nir niher.o of the committee wtue nuitiiiAinii.siy of tlu 'ipini'in that I had bocn proprry na'ui-alz r. Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Grant County, In the matter of the estate ) of Caleb Ban, Deceased. I No ice is hereby given that the Administrator of the above-named estate has tiled in -Jal f 'ourt his fi nal account of lr . .si'iistration in said estate and tlui- Tuesday, the 4th di?v of January, A D. 1881, a! eleven o'cloek A. .1. of ;aid day ha b.-n aipoinod by said .-ourt for h h-iriirr ait't tlb'm'-nt .-.. couii.. a- -h r;r:ie and ' -n at: person interested in said Estate may appear .and file exceptions to i.id account and contest the same. Dated, November 2hd. 188u. W.M. McD )WLL. n3i-n38 AdtninUt.rat -r. Land Office at La Grande, Ogn.,Dec. 10th, 1881). Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to mako final proof in support of his claim and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of 31. days from the date of this notice, viz John Muldrick. pre-emption D S. No.25GS, befoethe County Cb rk o! Grant county, Ogn., at Canyon City, said county, on the 2."th day ot J in.. 1881, for the S. W. j sec 31, Tp. 13 S., R. 33 E., W. M., and namos the following as his witnes-es, Peer Kuhl, T, W. Parsons, D. G. Over holt and B. S. Martin, all of Canyon City, Grant county, Oregon. HENRY W- D WIGHT, n3641 Register. The Inland Empire has suspend ed on account of "Tom" getting too much "Savage." Bro. Merry will start up again as soon as spring opens so ho can get material from below. The Steamer Elder has been en- o-acred for the South American trade and the Oregon people will see her v o j. i no more at the Portland (.lock. The Editor of the Timer, says that Jeffries, of the Ochoco Pioneer, t- i t iiw n.;n,i Knows how to wield the i Inpod V,V11. well, show us the editor tiiat t-ver fails to 'hold the tripod close to he lloir, and we believe "Jell" is exception to 'he rule. We have a new White Sewing acliino for sale cheap for cash, Tlio very l.eat nuiehitie made. Light nnnins. noisoloss. four drawers, .i-lns, caster, on feet, drop ... Q ft bler wen w to rc KMoruii- iiiiieiiiiLv , w . R ker City recently. r- v'pf vr Lv Guvxde Ogm, Nov. 13th, 1880. ' J Notice is hereby giren ttiac mei; followinr-named settler has hied no- tic of his intention to mako final prool in support of his claim, and wcure niial u ry thereof at tne ex .ir. rion o: thirty days irom the date i thU notice, flz: Martin MqClure, ! I.-C.'t-.i:i.y CUrk, at Canyon City, n: Co. intY, Oregon, on Decem or 18, 1880,' for the NE.j- of Sec. 31, T IL, South R 20, East of Willam :s . eridian, and names the fol ! ring as his witnesses, viz: Dillard Steritt, A. P. Lamb and Wm. Mc Cain of Fox Vatley, and George Knit sidy of John Day City, Grant Councy, Oregon HENRY W. DWIGHT, n33-n38. Register. WMrVA R NER'ii vjmflM. t &1 titii EvM: .'J fr Wumw IBs. T leadi' s iunt st of to-dav agrei' tha: o ost iii-e:'Stc ' cau-i d hy disor d r d Ki n s o Lir. If. t eref r , the Kidneys n i biv-r sirr kept in ; r ecfe urie-. perfVc' h. ;dth will he th r.-sult. This truth ha-'O'dy b. n k wn a r-hort time anl l'r e..ra pao- Iq uirer ed i re.it ag y wi'iout loeinir 'h' find lelief. The discow y of Wa- er's Safe Kidoy ami b ver Cure m rks a new era in the treatment of these tr ubleM. M.ide f'om u ini le r-pi- h f of rare value, i contti-n ju t th leito'irs noee aary t- nmiri ha d i viiiO'iiV-' o th f th"seg eat organ , nd alely e nri1' ke p fchein in de it is'a POSI ' IVE H ined for 1 dis v -gs '''hi can e fiains n th' low' lar f He lu)d or t rp d Live Me a '-lies - J:iu-due I )izzi as Irax 1 Kevt-r, iru Malarid P-ver n ' ii I d ffi.-nlb f th- K iy-, Liv. I a vxr 1 mi a I 8fe lomedy r fvi.de- 'iiiri g 1'ieg acy. it wil tr M n t n tin a- d t- invaluab e ut-o- ic- ' fal!i"g "f'th'- womb. H l ! riS i t ih uneqinled' A - v?;i .s i at mak the HEAD THE RECORD. ,Cl, y ij. L.k.h,Sel- A a i 'It s th - r ms -y hat will cure rhe .01 v s s s peculiar tn w mien. b-e. 1 h i s' I a razve. ed s v.-re t"sts and won n o i-eiu at- from me of the highe-t e o I 'M:.t in the couutry." New V rk T rid. N- r medy ! er-fe'fore diseoered n be If o mome'it i'i c m a wi-h t" It v. C. A. Han), I . I).. V sh i t n D. C. Thi- o' which has done .'-ueh o i!re i.j I'M 0 !. I'M r.y n t e L -rg s' S z d bo f nd i- ci ne a. on th u aik t' i'r !,' i a- ' all neniera $1 2o p r ot !h. F r Dibe'c. en 3 q lire I r W .r er's S te 1 iab -ies Cute, t , I'm i iv Ren."dy. H. II. WARNER & CO , Roches ter. N. I. I CITATION. In the County - ourt of the Stats of Oregon, for Grant County, In the matter of the estate ) of M. A McNeal, deceased, f To Joseph McNeal, Jams McNeal am1 all nersons in anY wise intersst- ed in said Estate, greeting r- In tue name of tiie State of Ore- gon f you and each ofyoaJ; fcy C1ted and reqmrod to appear m the County Qonvt 0f tij8 State of t Oregon, for Grant County at the ' ' Court House, in Canyon City in said County, on the 7th day of January, )., 1881, at the hour of 11 o'clock . a. M., of said day, then and there i f-0 8l10w cause why an order of sale be not made br said Uourt, autnor- izinsr and directing the administra- irl ofn.f.P tn rpII the follow- W V X. V. HAVt V.WWW www p . nronorfT belonsrini? to said estata, to-wit: the Vii of the NWJ ; and the NEJ: of the NW aud th. ! NWi of th of Sec. 23.T 12 S "iXpeSf said Court, prayed. Witness the Hon. G. I Hazelfane, T , f ... n L t u,,. .jucigcoiuitt Louuty uuun, ui tuo gtate ot Oregon, for rant County, ! with the seal of said Court affixed n23r1 div of "ber, A. D. ! SEAL. : Attest W. S. SQUTHWORTH, n31-n38. Clekx. 1S1ILUHERY AND DBESSB1AKIBG. M. L. Pu'hit raks pleaaura in an notinci' g t the public that the baa just received tn eitenive stock f hat.,bou-net- aml o'kor Millinery gnoda of yery variet of the lattat and suojt popular stylt-s. Also that she naa enlarged krr stock of I)n ss-tiiniHiings Ladies' and Chil dren' Underwear, Hosiery, Fancy aed small ai tides of every description. Shu a so kftep?an assortment of'Geat' Tie-J and Shields, such as are not fouad siMvheie in the pla'f. There will he found, too, a full stock )f" I lolalay ao d, t ought sj ecidly for i i e season. Smt'e U"- Las placd withi'i reach of the Imli-s f diis pi .sc and vie nity the b st qualm of g ncia in this lina evar dfeivd :l em at j ricis riveling thoe of j uy plac this hide of Poi tland, ah p-i- nely s ic ts ti e liberal pubrobage ol ,11. Notice of Fiunl Settlemant. Tn the County Court of the State (i egon, for Grant County, Iu the matter of the estate of ) J. Vardaman, Deceased, j N itice is hereby given that the Ad ministrator of the above-named es tate has filed in said court his final account of his administration in said estate and that Tuesday, the 4th day of January, 1S81, at 12 o'clock M. of said day has been appointed by said Court, for the hearing and settle ment of said account, at which time and Court any person interested in said estate may appear and file ex ceptions to said account and contest the same. Dated, Canyon Cty, Not. 23rd. 1880. J. H. BLAKE, n31-n3S. Administrator. FINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the ex ecutors &c, of the Estate of John L. Miller, late of Grant County, Or egon, deceased, have filed in the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Grant, their final report and account in the mat ter of the administration of said Es tate, and that tliG fourth day of Jan uary, 1881, has been appointed by said court for final settlement thereof, all persons interested are hereby notified to appear in said court on said day and show cause if any there be why said report should not be accepted and this Estate De cree fully settled and these execu tors discharged. W. G. OVERHOLT, D. G. OVERHOLT. M. L.jOlmsted, Atty. Executors of the last will and testa- I meut of John L. Miller, deceased. ! n34-38. NOTICE. To f ac ilitate my annual settlements I desire to balance my books by Jan. 1st, 18S1. I will accept, in payment, of accounts, farmers' proHuce of all kinds, at the highest market rates, n case payment is not made by date above mentioned, I desire the bocki balanced by negotiable paper. JULES LeBRET. Variety Store, Prairie City, Oregon. i