1 V fr -pgr; Theory About Food. A German physiciau has started a new theory with regard to food. He maintains that both the vegetarians and the meat eaters are on the wrong track. Vegetables are not more whole- -rv"Ti rtn f n "v n w ah r OKJllXs 111(111 1J1XU I1U1 lllXZlhL U11U.11 vegetables, and nothing is gain ed by consuming a compound of both. Whatever nutritive qualities they may possess, he stiys, are destroyed in a meas ure, and often by the process of cooking. All food should be eaten raw. If this practise were adopted there would be little or no illness among human heings. They would live their apportioned time and simply Jade away, like animals in a j wild state, from old age. Let those effected with srout, rheu matism and indigestion try for a time the effect of a simple un cooked diet, such as oysters) r....:. v.. :i., i i will find all medicine unneces sary and such a rapid improve ment of their health that they will forswear all cooked articles of food at once and forever. Intemperance would also, it is urged, no longer be the curse of civilized communities. The yeaniino: for strong drink is caused by the unnatural ab stract ion from what is termed "solids" of the aqueous element they contain uncooked beef, for example, containing from 70 to SO per cent, and some vegetables even a larger pro portion of water. There would be less thirst, and consequent ly less desire to drink it our food was consumed in its natur state without first being sub jected to the action of fire. Eound for Btj.ncii Grass On the opposite bank of the river and a short distnn -e smth. of the L shvei la ding of the Stark street, forry boat, may "be seen a number of covered was; onsand scampering about in the vicinity may also be seen numerous children women, and men: The little colony has stopped to allow their horses to rest and recuperate for the rough trip over the mountains to Eastern Oregon. The men were farmers up the valley and were struck with rust. s iiu.uuiic uiumuu, sum ; out their farms, formed a little ! coloivy, and are now on their way to new homes somewhere in that great bunch grass em pire east of the mountains. Bee. AH Bitters :ir vhi-kfy ih a di-u'UH-?( form. It is t'nv beMr nd more hon orable fir a man to "brace up" to a bar and call for hikey than to sneak in the back door of his house with a bottle of Bittets under his coat. It's whiskey in a bottie "all the same." No whisey in Pfunder's Oregon Blood Puri fier. Rev. L. A. Banks has removed to this city and commenct d his pastorate at Hall street last Sundiv. lis res -dence is on Sixth street opposite the Harrison Street School. Rev. L. Diehnan, fV-r many years lo- C't'od at SjiUmii. i at prsent rector of St Clary's Church, Astoria. Rev. Y. Capelle is Father Dielman's pro tern during his abcncc. A gond doal of interest Ins been felt in the final outcome of the lato coulit:on or union, or whatever it. may be call ed, bptween the Me'h 'di-t an.! (Congre gational Cli lire hrs at Forest Gr ve. The Evangelical Ascia'ion haw nearly completefl hoir new church Huildinir on the crrn v of Iny and Ei httre-'s, if is n'uv heing ( bi-tf-red inside and will soon be re idy f.r occu ra'v. It a very subsfant'al and hftudson e building, nd i cedit to the association as well a 'o h w rthy pastor, Rev. j'lr. Axthelm, who has been very active in the planning and eoibpletion of the edifice. Lumber! Iiimbe"! AT THE STZ&M SA vV it ILL OF; VS Q flUTHWflRTIT HAYING put my Mill in good repair I now offer for sale all kinds of Buildiiig and Feii ciiig Lumber, at prices that DEFY COMPETITION- Grain. Stock and a limited amount of Vegetables taken in exchange for Lumber. Give me a call before pur- , . . chasing elsewher e. W.S. SOUTH WORTH, Proprietor J HI WOMSEV GEO. inUSMAN WOOLSEY k HOUSMAN, CANYON CITY, OSEGntf. fjnrni! R.R i supplied with pure Wines bo - Liq'ior?, Beer. Alo, liitters and Cigar?. FINE BILLIARD TABLES Tn the Saloin. 8" Give us a call. i. n. woon j w. cnur.cn. WOOD & CHURCH, LIVERY STABLE AND- CORE L, and FEED STABLE. Good buggy teams and nice Saddle horses furnished at all hours of the day or night, at reasonable prices. Particular attention paid to boarding and grooming transient stock. ENTRANCE On Main and Washington Sts , Canyon City, Oiieg in The cheapest place to "buy PA WTS, OiLS, TURPEI3TBME, GLASS, POTTY, VARNISHES And iALL PAPER Is at Sam. Sired' s, opposite the M. E. Church, Canyon Oregon nl2tt BAKER CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. A.B. ELMER "Watchmaker and Jeweler BAKER CITY. OREGON- O All work done promptly, and warrontcd to rivo satisfaction. Has constantly on band a full and complete etock of WHtches, Clocks and Jewelry, for sale Chonp for Cash . All good wnrrentod as represented. Watches and all other articles sr.nt for repairs may be left wi'b S II. Shepherd, who will attend to forwarding the same. A. B. ELMER. WM. GOOS, BAKER CITY, OREGON, CIGAR MANUFACTORY, ALSO Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tobacco and Smoking Artie es, i T. 0. HYDE, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Baker City. Oregon. Officf Carney of Court Avenue and t ; iberty Street Haines & Lawrence, Attorneys t Xjicx,-w7 IJAKER CITY, OREGON. Wi'i pmctice at law in all courts Mn OaegoD and Idaho. ADAMS & CRAWFORD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS; Weal "Estate & Collecting Agents Baker City, Oregon. Will Practice in all Courts of the State. CLA Has CoxstANTLY on Hand at THE OLD STAND, A" Large Assortment OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, , Consisting of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HOOTS, SHOE?, r T? niHTIViJ UlUnixl u... PROVISIONS, TOBACCO & CIGARS wall paper, i-iouskl1xing, crockery, glassware, lvmPs AND LAMP KIXTlTiES, R ND a thousand oher articles loo nu 13, merous to mention, all laid in ;it low figures, and for sale CHEAP FOR CASH. Our motto: "Large sales and small Profits." Highest Cash price paid for Furs. CITY BREWERY AND SALOON, "Washington St., Canyon City, Oregon F. C. SELS, ProptY. Co-fltrir 1 1 v on hnrJ an'l f r Supoiior to any in the S FIXE UQUOHS AND PIG Ml; th0. M A LT. MA LT V IN EG A R A N I) CHOICE OALTFORNIA HOPS AND LA G E It BE EU -W H OLESALE AND RETAIL. LIQUORS AND WINES, Fur salo io quantttias loss than FIVE GAL LON?. STOVES AND TIN WAKE BY MAX CANYON CITY, OREGON, Keeps constantly on hand a. Kcodas sortition! of STOVES AXD TIN WAR K And fucb otbor artirW usunily kept in a first" rlnKi Tin Establiskmciit, AT MODERATE PRICES. HENRY SIEGART, Fashionable Barber, WASIIINOTON ST., opposUo City Brewery. HAIR CUTTING, SHAVING, AND SHAMPOOTNG, AND RAZORS HONED With tbo uttnofit skill and cam. Mil JL UIU Yi tJUJIUUXl n i WALLA WALL A. W.T- A boartiint: airl day c!i"ol for siir's. T HE UT. RRV. P. WITAK MOUItlS, n. D.; K'cU)r. If'S5 II. R G.'inet-on, Principal. Tr-Q Fall Krtn op'V-s September '2 J?vV Cataloiio. and particulars ;ni(lro.- Miss II. I. (iarretson, n21ml Walla Walla, W. T. Administrator's Notice. Notico is hereby p;ivcn to '11 por-ons concprned, that the undcrs'irnccl Ipis liein duly appointed, hy the County Court of the State of Oreiion for Grant Count; , Administrator nf the Estate of Otto Schodt deceased, kto of said County, and all persons h iving claims against said estate are required to pre sent the same, with the prprr vouches, to the undersigned administrator at h's residence in Pririe City ins ii-1 I ty and State, within six n.r.i.f' s fr-.. ; the date of this notice. Dated ieptem-1 u k.i io-n ! ber 5th, 189. NT W THORNTON" I n22n25 ' Adminhtator. 1 Pan'!! nnnn OTEEHOLT k MDLDRICI Cantos City, Arc Receiving their Heavy Stock of r J Sjrii k Snmrnor Goofs COMPKISING- ' DRY GOODS GROCERIES, HARD. WARE. R B A D Y M AD K CLOTH ING, HATS, CAPS. BOOTS A- SHOES. ETC. ETC. i :VJU Stork U complete nrd inoxbau3t'i' U Mining Cump Supplies in ondlossqurriiy ' antl at reasonable prices. j ni ! New Coodsof Every De- scription, A full Stock of CROOK33RY. GL ASSAY A EE, PAT. ENT MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, SCHOOL HOOKS, STATIONERY AND NOTIONS, ETC. on hand. We bnvo thu best pn'ooted and largest Stock of Gerf!ril Mrchnndiso in flrant County. jPiS-Call and spo for yourselves. &sf OVER HOLT 3l FVl'ut.DRICK. Vvr. P. Gray & Bros. Canyon City Meat Martet Washington Street, CANYON CITY, OREOON, GRAY BROlS., jPropriotors OE ALE RB 2 N FIIESH MEATS, IT JLi By Wholesale and Retail. Orders Filled on ort 3XTTr:ioo. Frank cGallum's "Variety Store, John Day City, - - - Oregon. DKALKU IN CHOICK GKOriiUIKS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, STATION BUY, Nl'TS AND CONFECTIONERY, ETC., ETC. "RTould re'prntf'illy solicit a shnrnoftho ;;f V T ronnso of ibo citi.ens of John Day ard surrouudinc country. MAIN ST., JOHN HAV, - - OGN. !. E. TURK 5 Opposite tho Odd Fellows' Hall, IWAT.KU IN FAMILY flttOrKRIH, TOBACCO AND nr.Ar.s, CK 0 C K K U Y, 0 L A 8S W A UK , GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, WITH A MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF TIIK Latest Sty I e Hats. A l.o a well seleeted stock of Ladies' and Gents' Boots and Shoes. "AN DIES AND NUTS, SEWING MACHINE NEEDLES, AND OH.. NAILS. AXES, ' ROPE AND CUTTLEHY, In fact a thousand otccr articles too numerous to men'ion. ALSO AGENT,,F0R. THE PACIFIC UVITT'X'TT AT,. Life Insurance Company-.. CALIFORNIA. OLLIVER & CO, Proprietors of the o 11 CI Cou-'John Day BfiiR Ranch , . 1 ... . im anl Gnnron Cities with milk oy the . gallon or qnurt. sM UlC bcrtf mm r chanres are reasonable. HENRY R. SELS, Dealer in General MerchnndJEC, j Woald most respectfully announces to tho Pub- I H ia peooral tbnt he bn jost recced and j will keep constantly on band, a full line cf CHOICEFAMILY GROCERIES, Lard and Bacon. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Cents' fu nishins Coods CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TOBACCO, CIGARS, PATENT RflEDSCeNES OILS AND PAINTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, i STATIONERY AND NOTIONS. ALL order? for Gond will h ns uun5. filled promntlv ami ato!"atfr ly. N. 1j Stcro will he c'o?otl hcnuif'cr :ii noon on S ut -.day's. Ca.nvon City, Okkcun. BLACKSMITH SHOP Fetor Kiihl, Propt'r Canyon City; Oregon AY A GOXS, rr.ovvs and nil work in his line made juhI repaired in a workmanlike nnmner. Particular ;ittention paid t,e TT MBrilB-SflfliM. FEE) STABLE In connection "with the shop I luive - a eoimnodious Feed Stable. Horses boarded at Reasonable Prices. PETER KUIIL. s ACQETT, Pr.Al.EI IN BOOTS AND SHOWS, ITAliDWAHE, riU)(.MCKKV. GRO CKRIKS, IilQPOHS ANO Miners' Coeds 3f Evprv Dp- p'i n. (Juant County. Okegun. We also keep a Hotel, where the weary can find rest, and plent' to e;it. 1 U o- CANYON CITY, OGN. JOHN HERBURGER Dealer In Choice lUTTON, VEAL, PORK, HAMS, i$aco:- LAHD, CORNED U'jY)h POULTRY and GAME, In Season. Jg-Goods promptly delivered free, CIIARGE'3f A. HUPPRICH FASHIONABLE BOOT AIID SHCE MAKEE, CANYON PITT. OR TO ON. I S folly jT'-pPTe to 'urn cut first-rtprF worif out of tbo "ery beat material and finest fin sb. jj"RttpIriiff neatly and frkcuplj doe.