Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, August 23, 1879, Image 3

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    ;ie Bruit Coin Hews,
Saturday Morning, Aug. 23, 1879.
Notice. Simple announcements of
births, marriages and deaths, will be
inserted without charge. Obituary no
tices will be charged ibr according to
their longth.
A, F. aod A. M., holds its regular
CommuDications on the Saturday even
ing of or next proceeding the full moon
in each month, at seven and half o'clock
P. M.
HOB AH LODGE. No. 22. I. 0. 0.
F., meets every Thursday evening
at their Lodge Room in Canyon City.
Visiting brothers are invited to nttond.
Order of N. G.
ooxxnsrirsr JsrEi'Kxr&m
Editor News: I se by the Dalles
Mountaineer that a corresdondent writ
ing lrom this !ace Fays: "It seems to
me that people who need homes con do
Wire than come hero. There is hut
"ne tin hop in thi county, but one
blacksmith shop in thi town, only one
paint, f-hnp here. T ain satisfied a good
steady painter cmld find work if he
would c;tabli-di a shop ht-r-."
Now, while I admit that poople can
do well here, I also wish to say that
Max Mctschan, with the aid of all the
stores in the county that keep tinware,
can and does do all of the work that is
to he done in his line in the county.
It. ha bei?n fully demonstrated that
one blacksmith shop dots all the vrork
that coiner to this plac. There
are two paint shops in this place, and
as far as we know both are steady men.
It is seldom, indeed, that you find so
good a p:iint?.r, in a place like this, as
is Sjirr. Sired. I enjoy a joke, but
I never, w ll hardly e?er, -oi Sam.
t ike a drink, hence I rc-ommn I him
as a steady painter.
In connection with th above vc
simply ask would it he r:rht ?o all mn
to advise, in addition t the ab ve,
for the following professional men
to come here and hope to divide
the trade an I m ike a living: a
printer, a brewcryman, a photura
pher, a harness makor a barber, a law
yer, a liverym in, a dentist, anl a shoe
maker. Our readers can answer the.
above for themselves 13 n t we are sat
isfied that a irond watchmaker, a cig'ir
maker, a god tailor, a good milliner,
and a mod "Unsm't'i would do well
hire as there are none of the ab.ivo
trades represented in thscuinty.
We will w.iger our hat that the Or
egon people eat more b. ef and drink
m.ire whisky than the people of any
other Shre in the Union, and vet it is
seldom that you see a drunk )eison.
We have sejn more drunk men and
"bigger" fb-Is in civilized towns in the
East than we have ever seen in any
unincorporated mining camp on this
Music -Mr. F. W. Fnrman, of the
firm of Sutliff & Watson, music deal
ers at the Dalles, paid this valley a visit
this week. He our has thanks for the
present of several pieces nf fine sheet
music, among which were "Strangers
Yet," "Turn Down the Liht," "A. B.
C," and several other elegant pieces.
Send to Sutliff & Watson for vour nice
Joaquin Miller would lauh and
sigh if he could see hi old home in !
this city now. Laugh to see how full j
the mnt tre-.'s are with delicious fruit,
and sigh because he does not now own
the place. Mr. Kvlly now reaps the
benefit at.d blessings of Joaquin's early
labor on the place.
The new pnstoffire is about complet
ed and Mr. Hall expects to move in
to the new building about next Wed
nesday. It ie a decided 'improvement
over the old room. It will be very
unhandy for the mailing clerk of the
News office to carry the mail so fai,
but "sich is life."
Dr. J. W. Howard's new drug
store room will he finished in a few
days aod then you will see a way-up
drug storo in Canyon Cif
From Louis Bappe.
Fort McKinny, W. T.
Aug. 7th, 1879.
S. II. Shepherd: Some noble-hearted
son of your place was kind enough
to send me a copy of yur Grant
County News. I was glad to see
such a well put up paper for a new be
ginner in that country, and I wish to
get your paper once a week for one
year. I sond you S3 for the same.
Canyon City is my old home. I arriv
ed in Canyon in the spring of 18G3
on the 12th day of May. I lived on
Canyon Creek as a placer miner up to
June, 1874; then moved to Silver
City, Idaho, and lived there until 187G.
I left that place lor Deidwood City, in
the Black Hills. I stayed in the Black
Hills four monthsand prospect d all the
while. Not finding what I was after,
I concluded to look for something else.
Arrived at Fort McKinney in August,
1877, and have been here ever since
I have some relations in your t)wn and
some in Prairie City, where I opened a
derrick claim at the mouth of Dixie
Creek, and perhaps the claim ia in op
eration yet. Jud Haguewood, from
Canyon, and Nick Thorton, from Prai
rie City, aie my brothers in-law. I
don't know whether they are dead or
alive, and I would like to find out by
your papir. Yours truly,
Louis llArPE.
In answer to Mr. Rappe we wiil say
that '"Nick" Thorton is still at Prairie
City. Jud Haguewood is driving on the Baker City and Dalles
daily stage line, but a few days ago the
horses started to run and threw Jud,
thereby dislocating his shoulder, he is
nn ajiain and lining wt-ll. Dr. O. M.
Dodson married Mrs. N. W. Th.rntnn
a few months since. The claim you
opened ar the mouth of Dixie Creek is
now run by a lame force of Chinamen.
Mr. Geo. H. Tracy, at Baker City,
will receive and receipt for all monies
due the Grant County New. II'.
will also forward all n iin.'s of subscrib
ers and ad-i i t semc'ts to be given to
the News. In selecting our agents we
have been .-low, as we drnre and int-nd
to name no man as agent, who does not
tand on the top r..uud in his own coun
ty as a perfect gentleman and honest in
every respect. Mr. Edwin Hall is our
agent at Canyon Ci y. John F. Mil
ler at Monument, Geo. H. Tracy at
Baker C'ty, Win. L. Eppinger at Port
land and L. P. Fisher at San Francisco,
Kill or Cure. The DuPrez com
pany will give an entertainment t in
this city on next Wednesday evening.
They will play Kill or Cure, and give
a minstrel first prrt. It will be thir
last app-?aranc' in this place until after
they return from a trip to Baker and
1'nion. The manager informs us that
they will de assisted by six gentlemen
of this city
Religious. Rev. R G. Hawn will
hold religious services at the following
places as below stated: Antelope, at
Masonic Hall, 11 A.M. August 31st;
Prairie City, Sep. 7th, 11 A. M.; Can
yon City, Sept. 7th, 7.J P. M. Quar
terly Meeting at Canyon City on Sept.
18th and Uth.
By referring to another column it
will he seen that Company F, 1st Cav
alry and Company H, 21st Infantry,
are to be stationed at Fort Harney.
The cavalry is looked for at any time.
Honest Man. A gentleman at
Portland sent Dr. F. C. llorsley, of
this city, a sum of money this week to
liquidate a doctor bill that he has been
owing the Dr. for, lo, these twenty
In Town Mr C. W. Daggett and
Mr. Hiatt, of Robinsonville, have been
spending several days in town. Mr.
Daggett went out to Long Creek a few
days ago
Charlie Dustin has taken a case io
the News office. We hope no one will
lose their appetite over him this time
We know of no girl that has a hanker
ing after him at present.
Public school will open next Mon
day at the Long Creek District.
Miss Forester has been engaged to
teach the school at Harney valley.
Good Prospects. Mr. J. G. Cutn
mens sent us a sample of his oats grown
this season, and also some fine cabbage,
potatoes and corn. Judgiug from the
samples, we say that Mr. Cummens has
a fine prospect to at least regain part of
his wealth that he lost last season by
the Indians. The oats straw measured
seven feet high. The heads on the
stalks are ooe and one half feet long,
and the grains are large and well filled
We are told that his whole field is
about as good as the sample sent to us.
The oats will perhaps yield over 75
bushels to the acre. The stalks can be
seen at tin? office.
Rich Ledge. Mr. Fred Miller was
in town last Thursday and showed, us
some rock taken from hi9 ledgo on Can
yon Creek about five miles from this
city. The quartz shows free gold in
every piece and is the richest rnck we
have seen yet. Parties in this place
have taken an interest in the minw and
rock will be srnt to San Francisco to
be assayed. We will give more par
ticulars of the ledge in the future.
We take a leavo of absence for a few
days to go to Baker City to see our
aged father, who intends to return
East in a short time. One day will be
our stay in Baker City, Wh would
like to remain longer, but business
forbids. Mr. Neal will start for the
valley soon, hence wo have to make
our visit before he leaves. Report of
our trip next, weftek.
We are informed that "Dick," a
sheep herder for Wolfinger and Hel
mendach, became paralyzed while
herding sheep in Bear Valley this
week. Tie crawled about four miles to
the road, where he was found and taken
to the Warm Springs.
We are told that Mr. A. II. Groth,
of Camp Watson, has purchased Mr.
Beison's interest in the City Hotel.
Mr. Gioth will take pospcpsion the
first, of next month. Rulison &Goth
will keep the hotel up ta the old repu
tation. Some four Chinamen undertook to
mb the race in Sam. Hillis' mine on
last Monday night, but Mr. H. was in
waiting aod gave them a lad of
buckhot and they cut the matter short
and lefr the claim.
Mrs. W. B. Lass well took her
departure for home a few day ago.
She wa" accompanied as far as South
Fork by Mrs. Turk. We wish Mrs.
Laswell a safe trip home and Mrs.
Turk a pleasant visit.
Mr. John Stenoer and Miss Hun
saker, from Harney Valley, prrived in
town on last Wednesday. Mr. Sten
ger will purchase a few cattle in this
sec'in bfore he returns.
New Ohoan. Mr. Furman disposed
of an elegant Palace oriran to Mr.
"Jack" Wnolsey of this place. Also
one to Dr. Prudence. This makes
three new organs purchased of him
this week.
Mr. Tom. Crawford is putting up
a dwelling house on the opposite side
of Canyon Creek, opposite the Steiner
Two of our subscribers cot into a
fight at Dayville a few days ago.
We are sorry to hear of this, for they
are both good men.
Geo. Houseman spent .several days
of last week and Granite
Civek country. He returned last Mon
day. 420 pounds of paper for; the News
arrived on hist Saturday. Over 500
pounds is yet on the road.
Threshing machines have started up
down on the South Fork. The yield
of grain is very heavy.
Frank McCallum hi s received his
commission sis Postmaster at John
Day town
John Herburger is up and around
Jas. Robinson is still on the sick
Green Corn aud all kiods of the
finest of vegetables have been selling
ou our streets for a few weeks past.
M. H. Abbot has sold the Dayton
(W. T.) News to Mr. J. E. Palmer
Mrs. M. L. Olmsted, after an ab
sence of several weeks in llarnev val
ley, returned home on last Wednesday.
Mrs. W. J. Cooksey accompanied her
Ma- Geo. Housman has purchased a
Mason & ll-unlin Organ from Mr Fur
man, for his wife. Geo. always keeps
pace with the times.
Miss New and Mr. I3aufi'man, of
Granite, I'pent scv ral da) s in our city
last Heek and returned home lat Sun
day. Mr. 0 ran vile Clark is in the city.
He has been ut in the Steins m un
tain country for several weeks.
Water melons made thcil appear
ance in town lat Wednesday.
Services will beheld in St. Thom
as' Church on Sunday morninjj to
morrow at 11 A. M, Dr. Nevius olfi
ciitiug. In tub City Judge L. O. Sterns is
in the city on legal business.
Mr. Meyer, of the firm of Flecken
stine & Meyer, of Portland, left on the
stage from here for Baker City this
J. F. Br wn, proprietor ot the Mc
Dermit Division of the Fort McDermit
and Canyon City Stage Line, has re
ceived another handsome stage wagon
from the factory of Pike tfc Young,
Sacramento. Silver Stete.
Canning Green Corn. Cut the
corn off the cob and fill your cans afier
thoroughly scalding them with the
corn, take a spo-n and press very hard
so as to fill the can full, put on the cov
er loosely. Put your cans into your
wash boil u after putting something un
der them to prevent them from break
ing. I use the grate from the bottom
f the oven. Fill in cold water up to
the bulge of the cm, put on the boiler
cover and boil for two hours, take off
the stove, let stand until cool enough
to handle, fasten the covers light
and set in a cool place in the cellar.
I usually get mine ready in the fore
noon and boil after dinner. If these
directions arc strictly followed, you can
enjoy the same pleasure that we have
for years, of eating sweet green corn
in the winter. It will need only to
warm when you use it out of tho can.
QUMTi ne onar n(i s'ze ani st
UJuilU a 16 karat, Solid Gold Cable
Ring, made and sent by return mail by
tf Baker City, Oregon.
One Homestead of 160 acres, situ
ated about five miles from Canyon
City, known as the
Fred Marhold Place.
Also one dwelling in Canyon
City and one garden with house and
stable on lot. All three places will be
sold on reasonable terms.
All persons owing the estate of Fred
Marhold, or persons bavins: claims
against said estate, will please call on
the undersigned for immediate settle
Manufacturers and dealers in Flour, of the
Best Brand, Graham Flour, Corn Meal
Shorts, Bran and Feed. For a
Superior Article
OF FLOUR, go to the Strawberry Mills
TheBe Mills are located in Strawberry valley,
in the upper John Day valley, Grant county
2r Accommodation a specialty. Reason
able prices. Give ua a call. -S
A ii ton Juleiej
Would most respectfully announced to hi3
Friends in JOHN DAY VALLEY and outside
Camps that ho has started in BusinoBs reocn
y on his own book io
3 oian 33av City
where h will keep constantly on hand the very
of overy thing that is wanted in a Country
Store. Ho has no rent to pay, no Clerk8
hire; consequently be can sell as low as any
older establish merchant iu Grant County.
N Rombon.
Canyon City, Oregon,
BIESEN & RULISON, - - Proprietors
Bg leave to inform their friends
And tho Public Generally
That they oan be found at tho
And are alwaws ready to furnish good
Board and Lodging
The undersigned takes phasuro in announc
ing to the goneral public that they have open
ed a FIRST CLASS HOTEL in the bull ;ng
known as Tue Golden Eagle,
Canyon City, - - - - Oregon,
Whore you can find the
North of Portland,
Tjlx oBods
Are all new, and tho rooms bavo been furnish
ed new throughout.
Loard, f. per week; 1. per clay
Menls, 50 cenhs.
J. Steiner fc Co., Proprietors.
Gr.mge Hotel.
J. EL Car dm an, Proprietor.
The accommodations at the above Hotel are
good, and every citru will be taken to makd
gunfltR feel at home.
Comfort able bed?, aod as good a tnM
hr the market afford a furnished at reasonable
- w-
Mrs. James 1 Cleaver has
just removed to her new Build
ing on Main Street, Praire
City, where she is opening out
a fine assortment of Ladies and
Misses Hats, just received from
N. Y., also a well selected sup
ply of Ladies Underwear and
Linen Suits. Also a general
assortment of ladies goods
which will be sold cheap for
Now offer their entire stock
at "Great Bargiiis."
Canyon City, April 25, 1879.
FEANK McBEAN, - - Proprietor
Is nov running Book-boards on the above
Lioe; with good stock.
Doparts from Canyon City on Monday, Tburs
day. and Suturday, of each week.
Arrives nr Canyon City on Son'I'v, Wr!
nosday, and Friday, of each week.
Has on liana iho Largest and Fines
selection of Furniture in this Count?
Housr;, Sign and Carmaue.
painting neatly executed, at.
reasonable rates;