n Grant Coitj lets Saturday Morning, Aug. 2, 1879 Notice. Simple announcements of births, marriages and deaths, will be inserted without charge. Obituary no tices will be charged lor jiccoijoMng to their length. CANYON CITY LODGE, NO. 34, A. F. and A. M., holds its regular c t i. i r ii lnir Of or next. nrfP.PPfl nnr tliP fil l mnnn in e.ch month, at seven and half o'clock P.M. HOB A II LODGE, No. 22. I. 0. O. F., meets every Thursday evening :it thoir Lodge lit mm in Tanvon City. Visiting brothers sire invited to attend. By OrdiT of N. G. Cabby the News to Many: The East Oregoniau copies our reward no tice and then adds the following: "Correct, and wj will now give no lice that anyone caught cutting or de-! facing any poster print-d at this office will be prosecuted to the full extent of thel .w, under the tirle of malicious iniurv to nerson.il nronertv " I .i . i i We hope to see tin t'me when every paper in the state will ''follow suit," thru people will gir. job work done j knowing that it will he projected by j the pre?:s. ! Tuorr IMSHINC Since the fishing yOU jt is strange it is marvelous, sa-on lms opened our fishermen have wonder so tmeomraon an event been speculating upon the b.-st places should give you food for editoiial bill to hMi. Some think Be-ir Valley a imte for months. Curse Bir.ehnrt, ,"0(1 place, others think rh- lake about , ve ,llan tf iiinrti:il fame and civic hon- North Fork, a botfer p'ac. and some Indian Crek. But. .since tin; E;ist Oregonian was received at this pi ice. and in which was a notice about a "pe culiar stream'' in which snnie one had been fishing -for trout, several of our enterprising fishermen lnvc aboit de termined t g over i;it' Crand llonde to see if they can rateh some of the trout. We opine, however, that the b ys may iind peculiar (rout instead of a peculiar stream.' Mb. Geo. Kicdex and Mr. Hnlpii baclc, from the Malheur Agency, called in last Saturday. They were in for the purpose of taking a Pitt's separator our t- the Bserva'ion. They s y that the crop on the form are excellent, that the oas will aenge. about fifty hush vis to the acre, and the wheat thirty live or forty bu-hels. No Indians are there as yet. Boys Look Out: A gentleman told ns the other day that the boys were , bathing in the creek opposite some of the house" om Main street and that com plaint was liable to be m ule about it. We hope a wrd to the wise will be ! 1 I Miffici.n. Go up the creek about a j mile furthfr, by.s, we hate to see you j tet into trouble. List of Letteiis remaining in fhcJ Post fiice at Canyon City, Aug. Ut David Gnrmnn, Emile Saner, Mich ael Huck, J. "V. Jackson, Jus. K. Klein, J. Platte, W. Quick, John Ward. E. Hall, P. M. Mr. W. S. McMekn, from Prine ville, has been in our city several davs. He reports grass never btfter in the Ochoco country than now. He is in the sheep buines and says his sheep are doing well. Of cour-e he subscrib ed for the News. Ixawhide Brown drove rhe longest! freight team last week, that ever cross ed the Blue Mountains eighteen mules and five Sentinel. wagons . Mountain The editor of the Portland Beo, who seems to have discovered some resem blance between Frank Parker and Gen. Lamerick, thinks Frank will fight. What o lasting impression a sound rawhiding does make on some people. It has been many years since the Bee man has seeo Lamerick, yet lie has not forgotten him. For Conference. Rev. Ilawn took his departure for Conference on last Sunday afternoon. Rev. A. Eads and wife started Conference on Thursday lai. for f 11171 One Dollar and sifce, and not JJIillJJ a 16 karat, Solid Gold Cable llm". made and sent by return mail by CHAS. ST. LOUIS, tf Baker City, Oregon. Babbitt Metal. We have about 100 pounds of the best kind of babbitt metal which we will sell fcr 40 cts. per pound, if sold soon. We intend soon to send for some new type amd cannot do so until we dispose of this babbitt metal. Mill men wiil please take no tice. Fon Sale. Any person desiring to ' lu"WA,'r" J 1 n ! purchase a No. 1 milch cow will do i well to call on John Phillip, of this city. He has about 30 head of good cows that, he will sell reasonable. Go and see them. tf "The manngement of Indian affairs on this coast is a scandalous chapter that needs vontihition." Walla Walla Statesman. The scandalous fact that inspires the above and similar assertions o plenti fully indulged in by the editor of the j j above named paper, is that the agent at 1,10 Alaineur Jnuian Aiicncy iorceu that oditor 10 Vl' 805 75 tllHfc lfl ow" ed n"n Now jig-a-deer Brindh. C .lonel or j'nmk tou'ker will you please ventilate 'i Let the world know exactly how so extraordinary an event was brought about. There are numerous persons, not disinterested, who desire to k'10W how an Indian agent, or any . otJier man, could get S6.1 7-r out of ors. Swear at him ! y night and' slan der him by day; for who but he has ever before compelled you to ttste the very dregs of huruilbition in the pay ment of that which thou owed. Du. F. C. Hoksley informed us a few day ago that a Chimman had had the luck to get caved on in the placer mine of Mr. Stmuel Hillis. Foil G ran itu Cukkk. Mr. Phil. Mesch;n, Ned Turk, Henry Ritzer ami Sergeant Piper started fur Granite Creek n last Thursday morning to visit the Monumental and other mines in that section. Ti'E new potoffice buiiding is rapid idly neirin completion. Ovciholt & Jacobs are the contractors and they always put tilings through in double quick time. Li'MUsa f r the John Day school house h-is been par'id'y delivered on (he. ground, and the buil ling will foon lie under way. The Dunrcz show company will give an entertainment in fchh eitv on r .. rj.it next Wednesday evening, fur the oene- fit of the cchooi. liOHT. N ekok, J. J. Wash and Dr. Trowbridge have returned from their prospecting tour, but they failed to And the ''rich ledge." J. J. 1oberts returned fr.im Grande Ronde Valley on last Thursday with a load of flour. He lms our thanks for the present of a fine ham. James Komnson has been sick for several days past. We hope to see him out again soo. Sergeant Piper, of the Comissary Dept. at Camp Harney, made us a very pleasant call last Monday. Cull again, Sergeant. Messrs. Norton. Edwards and oth- jers arrived in this city from Granite ! Creek on last Wednesday eve. and ou Thursiay proceeded up Canyon Creek j about five mile on a prospecting trip. Qy 0U11 me ledges, but not good enough to pay to open. PcospECTons. Robt. Neece, John Miller and one or two others packed their animals on Thursday afternoon and set out on a prospecting tour up Canyon Creek. They informed us that they would go to the head of the creek. We hope the boys will strike it rich. A Kew school house is almost com pleted at Camp Harney, on the Selvies river. The directors talk of employing a young physician, who is prospecting j in that country. t0 teach the scholars. The stereotyped feditor of the Walla Walla Statesman says Ave "were so frigh?cntdat what we said of him, that we tried to keep him from knowing it by not sending a paper to him that weelr." His namR now appears in the News for the first time, hence we could not bt-afraid he would see something we did not say. If he did not see a copy of our paper it was because we "run short" on account of new subscribers, and as we had not received a copy of the Statesman, would naturally cut it off. But why have we not received a copy of the Statesman 1 He must have been afraid Major llinehart would see what he was misstating about him. The Daily Bee has also suspended sending us a copy of their paper. Are they afraid too? By the action of these two papers it will show to the other journals thjit the managing edi- tors are simDlv colts. The fact of the whole business is that there is some thing back of all this, and simply be cause we said that Maj. llinehart was only doing his duty, these two back" biters assault the News wiihout cause. a Mr. Sam Parrisii spent several days in our city last week and this. He says that everything at Granite Croek is on the go ahead, and they ex- ! pect to have a lively camp there this fall. Piich leads are being sti tick every day and all feel confident tint the camp is bound to be one of the best on the coast. He says that the mill will soon be up and then something defi nate can be told as to how the mines there will pay. He returned on the stage last Friday morning. The best way to go to the East is via the Baker City and Dalles Stage line to this place where it connects with the Canyon City and McPcrmitt line. The fare from The Dalles to Wiime mucca by these two lines is SG2 50, and it takes nine days to make the trip. The fare from Baker to Wimiciuucca by these two routes is 847 50, and it lakes eight days to make the trip. Called. Dr. O. M. Dodson made us a brief call yesterday. The Doc tor looks pleased as he is now a mar ried man and has cast the cares of courtship overboard. He says he will preb-ibly go to housekeeping next Monday. Married. By a private letter re ceived in this city wq learn that the Rev. 0. W. Kennedy was married to Miss Belle Small on the 81st of July. Both of Baker City. Thcv hnve our best wishes for a long an I happy life. Miss Stella Bliss, from Ft. Sum ter, spent several days in this place last week. She returued home a ftw days ago. The Ladies' Sewing Society will meet at the residence of Mr. S. IT. Shep herd on next Thursday afternoon. Mr. M. Carry, of Mt. Vernon, has sold his farm and will remove to the Willamette Valley in a few day. Notice of Equalization. Notice is heieby given that the Roard of Equalization for Grant Coun ty. Stae of Oregon, will meet at the ollice of the County Clerk at Canyon City, in said county, on the 25th day of August, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day and Publicly Examine the Assessment Roll of said county for the year 1879, and will correct all errors in description and valuation, if property, if any there bp. J. 13. JOHNSON, Assessor. 17-21 Chicago, July 25, Sleepy Tom won the deciding heat in the pacing race to-day; time, 2:121, the fastest on record. Mattie Hunt, who started a length and a half behind him, came under the wire in 2:13. Sub-Treasurer Sherman took in $21,000 one day in exchange for full legal tender money. Chinamen are turning in half dollars lor silver certificates which they use in payment of duties. The absorption of so much money from the chan nels of circulation renders de fective coins more prominent than usual. FriKsds'? The double-distilled bas tard AY ho tries to edit the Walla Wal la Breech Clout, infoims the public of Walla Walla City that he has hosts of -'frieods" in Grant county. Well, now, if that isn't cheeky. The people of Walla Walla wiil b.-glad to hi-ax that ho has friends some place. But echo an swerSjWherc, oh, where? Indian Ponies. Two dashing young Piute bucks with red 8ashesar..und iheir waist, and hats adorned with feitheis, drove a band of ponies through town last cveniig at a break-neck speed. The ponies sueui to to be a different species of horse-flesh from what is generally seen in the coun try. They are much smaller thau or dinary horse5, American or Spanish, and the questio- is asked, Where did the Indians get them?" The Piutes had no horses of any kind before the whites came to California. In early days when gold seekers crossed the plains, some of their horses were stolen; and can it be possible that the breed, under savage training, has degenerated in twenty five or thirty years from the large-sized American horse to the inferior Indian pony? Silver State. Mrs. Durmiw.'i v was burned in ettigy at Jacksonville, Ogn., recently because she publish ed a slanderous biter in her paper, the New Northwest, concerning several of Jackson ville's citizens. A correspond: nt of the Salt Lake Tribune writing fiom Eagle Rock says: "Things are dull and pr"sy, except the bustle s?ir created by perons pulling down their buildings prepara tory to our noxt move. The road was Soished to Camas Greek on the loth, and in consequence thereof the little town of Eagle Rock will be deserted for the above place. Many have al ready taken up their abode in Camas, and some talk of going straight through to the mouth of Reaver Can yon, which is to be our next shopping place. We will not stop at Camas more than i'nur weeks, and many, having their eyes open to economy, think it Avi.se to jump Camas and stop in Heaver Canyon, as we will, Ithiuk, be quartered there lor the winter." A. J. Cochiau's little boy, while playing with matches, set fire to his father's house on Willi I force creek, and burned it to the ground with all its contents. Los, SI 200. The citi zens of Pendleton Mibscribcd S100 to help the needy family. CANY OK" CITY & McDERMITT STAGE LINE '5 FRAKXMcBEAN, Proprietor Is now running Buck-boards on tho above Line; with good stock. Departs fr-im Canyon City on Monday, Tbur9 day, and Sa'urday, of each week. Arrivea'at" Canyon City on Sunday, Wed nesday, and Friday, of each week. STRAWBERRY VALLEY FLOURING MILLS, MOKE HEAD & CLEAVER I PE0PRIET0RS. Minufaoturera and dealers in Flour, of the Bost Brand, Graham Flour, Corn Meal Shorts, Bran and Feed. For a Superior Article OF FLOUR, go to tho Strawberry Mills. Theso Mills aro locatod in Strawberry valley, jn tho upper John Day valley, Grant couoty. j2r Accommodation a specialty. Reason able prices. Give us a call.vt A Eton Hoacli e ne y- Would most respectfully announood to his Fnands in JOHN DAY VALLEY and outside Camps that be has started in Business recent ly on his own book in 3" ohn -Dar City where h will keep constantly on band the very CHOICEST STOCK of every thing that is wantod in a Country Store. He has no font to pay, no Clorke hire; consequently ha can sell as low as any older establisbei merchant in Grant Ccaotr. I Hotels. U. Biesen. N. RutiaoN- CITY HOTEL Canton City, OrecIon, BIESEN fcHlTLISON, - - Proprietor Beg leave to iof.rm thair frienJi Arid tho Public Qonorziily That they oan bo found at the OLD STAND, And aro alwitwa ready to furnish g"od AT MODERATE PRICKS. STEINER nOU 3 Tho undersigned takes pleasuro in announc ing to tho general public that tbey have open ed a FIRST CLASS HOTEL in the building known as The Golden Eagle, Canyon City, - - - - Oregon,- "Where you can find the BEST TABLE North of Portland, Are all now, and tbe rooms baro been furnish' ed DRW throughout. Board, 55. per week; $1. per day Meals, 50 cen:s. J. Steineu fc Co., Proprietors. Giunge Hotel I'RAIHIE CITY, OREGON, J. IL Flardman, Proprietor, The accommodations at tbe above Hotel aro good, nnd rvery care will be taken to inako guo.-its foul ;tt bomo. j23"Comfortab'e bed?, acd as good a tihl as tbe market affords furnished at reasonable' rates. LADIES ATTENTION Mrs. James P. Cleaver has just removed to her new Build-" ing on Main Street, Praire City, where she is opening out a fine assortment of Ladies and Misses Hals, just received from N. Y., also a ttell selected sup ply of Ladies Underwear and Linen Suits. Also a general assortment of ladies goods which will be sold cheap for" cash. GEO.GUNDLACH & BRO, EALER IN GENERAL MER CH A NDISE, MAIN . STREET CANYON CITY, OGN. Now offer their entire stock at "Great Bargiiis." FOR CASH Canyon City, April 25, 1879. D. B. Fist, aifl f . E. Fist Blacksmiths & Wagon Makers, JOHN DAY OJTY, OREGON )-0-( All work in our line done with Neatness and Dispatch. Horse Shoeing is given Special attention. Our work is all Guar anteed. D. B. FISK & BRO. MMTO ElPOFillMi ! new stoke and Jt-KW GOODS. CANYON CITY, Has on Hand. i.h.e Iiargest and Finest selection of Furniture in this County House, Sign and Carriage painting neatly executed, & reasonable raks: . S CHEAP