Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, July 12, 1879, Image 2

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    ft But County M
OlHoial Paper For Grant County.
(J'ifvon Cstv, Saturday Jul 7 12. 1S70.
1 '
P. H. Shepherd, Editor.
The Prospect.
The pro-sp'cts for a railroad
through this vallev ara about
as good as any valley in East
ern Oregon. We have not
heard anvthinp definate as to
the route t lie company are apt
to adopt. But from what we
read 'n other papers and from
the way the surveyors are
prosportii'ff and inspecting
around and about ''old Iron
side" Mountain between here
and Malhuer City, we are in
clined to beheve that we may
hear any day that the company
have decided to ad pt the John
Day Valley route for the Salt
Lake and Dalles Hail road.
That tho have settled upon
i:c pk-s or valley as yet is cer
tain, and why are not our
chances equal to, or for that
matter, better than those of
Grande Uonde to secure the
road. When we bear in mind
thai this is a through line and
not particular to go out of the
road to catch a few small
towns, and also that by com
ing this way they not only
have the advantage of the low
est pass and cheapest route
from Boise (. ity to the Colum
bia Hiver, but is six hours the
shortest route from New York
to Portland, and four days the
shortest route from iSTev York
to Hong Kong, and that is
what Jay Gould & Co. are
looking to no doubt. Besides,
from Boise to the river the'
pass through about 125 nvle.-.
of the finest timber on the
Pacific coast. No doubt the
directors have taken into con
sideration the advantages of
this rouie and if they have, we
hope to be able to announce
to our readers before many
weeks that the railroad will
come this way.
31 J. lJKiiiAiu. W e nutice th;it
jioui: 1 o a xch n g".s :ire ciMunnir
Maj. Riii' hart for tyi'"J to g-1 thf
l.tli.ns to return to the Malhu-T
Ho-i-rvatio". This is ii'just t- Mr.
Hinehart, but of cou se it is dono in
the interest of oth t po-ts. We wen
shown the d spa'ches and orders to
Indian Ajjent Rinehart from lieni-qu-trtors
aid know thit he is only
acting in conjunction with tli 'se orJor-.
We d rot spe.-ik of this hocaiise we
want I lie Indians back in this section,
(we speak of this county, not uf B 1-k-T,
where the quar-crs :iro satiate I,)
for -we know that all tho s-tt ler.- in
H irtn-y, Alv. r.l aud Si in Muma;n
are d :th on Indi 'U-, but becau-e we
atv per on-i'ly adquniuted with Maj.
W V. Bin -ha t aid bdieve lvm. to bo
a gentleman, and n t deserving of
1 larue for bevim: 01 dor.. We have
pood reasons f r believing and saving
that neither Maj. Kinchait nT fie
peojdc of this viriiiy care a fig about
the loturn of tiie red devil-. The
nhoe i? all w have to say n the ros
es v. i n qi stio . for 'he smi le ieasn
that ht- 2Sev,s and a mjo:iy of 1 ts
eadrs h?ivt lost no Fiutes.
Body Found. Foui the Oteir' nian
we h a. 11 1 1 at t' e bvd of a iiiiin wis
fctiu'i in t; e river at P"ithtnd a IVw
da g,x. It if ihe belief of the jury
that the body has been in the watt r
about month. It might be the body
of Mr. Sours, forniirly of this city, but
who left here a little more than a
ino: th ago for Portland and since he
h ft 'he PallfS his wife has not hesrd
from hi 111. She is fearful that ?om
fu! deed has befallen her huband.
Mrs. Sours broke up houekoping hore
about a we- k n.o, and took her de
parture for Sun Francisco, where she
hag relatives residing.
Happy Yalley. From Mr. "Wni.
Barton we ham fhat a valley of the
above name is sit'iatrd in this county
about fifty miles from Harney ad
about the same dis'ance from C'ltnp
Alvord, and that it h a fine body of
land capable of maintaining at
onj doz-n nixie fatnil-e-5 than are n. w I
settled there. Th re i- a -choo' dis- J
trict there nd about 25 cholas in 'he .
district. The dirrctr di sin-s to hire n i
man teacher to commence scl ool sow,
and will psiv a traeh. 540 p r mon h
and board; -md if h suits will be eni
ploypd fof an in l fin. te 1 eri d.
Mr. Bar'on sis that th i part of j
G'anf county i" ne (fhe fin -t a.
lieultural sec-ion ii the Wet. Bit'
what je- tns ptian." to the eiders in
ilu.t vicinity 'S that t' ey have 11
c unty ro d- They bud I all tVr own
reads. Thi is ''t dull , and a pe i
tion should be ci cul-ted f r 0e jvir
pns of curi-'g a onnty road fr 'in
('amp II v ey to ("amp MeD' m it
Cm-RIIIE- Mr. 0: a- B lsbaw. "f
h s valley, br.-nght a quantitv f cli-r-rii-s
t-i thi marke' 1 i-t, th t
f'u qnal ty and flavor aie hard t b a.
Mr. Beblriw informs us h-t he has
one tiee that is nine ei:s old, twenty
live ft'ft high, and has on thi year not
les-; than five bushels of cherres of thf
yellow Sp inish vari"ty. lie says the
lruit crop never laAs on hi place.
TlIK qeestion w th qnitn n nuuiber
of our cit'zens i wh"therhe is a woman
or .he is a man. Tho conclusion wi'h
u is that if he i a man she is her
own man, and if he is a wunan h is
some other man's w-man. But wheth
he or she be a man or woman there juv
but fw m-n or women t-haf can com
pete with him or her on tne.-tive.
Go to-night and sre for your3elf.
IIobaii Lod-e. Xo. 22, I. O. 0. F,
of this city, i' stal e I into their respect
ive stations the 'olio vinjr . fiic-rs: W
A. Jacobs, N. G.:Phil. Me's-ban. Sec;
D. G. Overholt, Tr-as.; J as. W. Allen,
W.; John Ia.shal, Ond.; W G.
Overhoh, R. S. N G.; das. Small, I.
G. Geo. Dollina insta'linjr officer.
OurAlvord Letter.
Alvor , Ogn , July 3d, 1879.
Edit..r News: You ask for
news; there is but little of gen
eral interest in this part of the
count'. The season has been
remarkably cold and dry. The
grass crop was very short and
is now effectually wiped out
Davis & Co. have been herd
ing most of their 12 000 head
of cattle in Alvord Valley since
the 1st of Ju;:c. consequently
the grass-hoppers arc perishing
for want of food. The Superin
tendent Kiile 1 to get more than
S 000 cattle out of this valley,
east. They are n w returninr
to French's Ranch with the bal
ance and will try it again next
season, with what lives through
the win er.
The boundary is at last set
tied a d we are happy to find
ourselves still in Grant Couutv,
although we regrot the 1 .ss of
our able or.
Permit me to congratulate
you upon our success in est ib
lishinga paper in (.'anyon ' ty
and 1 1 1 e jieople of the County
upon at last having a . ivio pa
per that talks and me ais bus
iness. TP & I" PS.
Mr. W'w. Hyatt, ever mind
ful of the printer, has our
thanks for favors show n us.
D . Glenn, i he II. 15. nominee for
Governor in C-difomii, is a brje land."
holder anil cultiv tie-i the largest wheit
fi id in C.dif'inia. p rhaps in the
world 25,01)0 or 30,000 aces. He iR
the leading land tnoni polist in the
Mr. Glenn is a partner of Peter
French uf this, Gra itcou ty, Or-gon.
Britsh Columbia.
Black fro-t on Monday night cut
down ad ihe otatoes in this neighbor
hood. The crop is utterly ruiiwd.
This being Domini m Day, and a
statute holiday, it is being generally
obscrvpd .
Administrator's ISTotics-
1 1 the County Court fur Grant Cun
'y, StitM i.f Oroiron.
In the matter of the estite of Israr
Wilk' s, d. c' sod.
XDl'ICICi- h-reby pivpu that th
nndeisijnel has bee't appuntd ad-mitii-tr
itoi- 'f t'e Es-"i of lsa 1
Wi-lce--, deci-as'-tl, late of Grant C ui--
ty, OreiOi.
All per-on-s haviu c'aims aLrn-t
ail Ks aie ar-- r quire I to p n'
the sun , with the popjr v-u-h is, i-.i
'In u ! rsiir- e I at M umi Wr o",
Grmt ( '':nt , S '' o ()' O". it h
-is mo t iV.ini thn d tii 'i-n:'.
S '
1. J.
14-1 S
Ha'S!a- signed th- ae: li whie'
1 ere ftr h- s 11. of e ol a - in d.
vc 'ai'da-d dul ais, ha f d I
qu n rer-, il mes an I I all' dime- sh M'
be a h'iial te'dr fir t' s m f 11
rJoears .r any less sum. J in- a ra s
d' live on t!:e s'an'arl winch it dis
places, aid a ri c.'iii ition a -0 'd' 1 1 o
suli-idiaiy co n mr 'fhe nevt .-e-si n
will I'l'nb.ib'y rais-' the ani'M.nt nf legai
tender m siivei to twenty dollar .
I'Ymui the' A v t'anc e.
Sena'or ShitiT, f O ej-i'i. ha- sud
denly come to the fr nt in t-at b dy
and befoiV t' O C'lUi t' V, '- Vu pr. p 1
ration of his lill m ce-ipe ih- imjo -a-
li'in of CO"! OS and 1 ff C'Uallv ti .nve
all who are heri iiom the land, a- d b.
hi- able, i'ieii'u- and remaika'de
sp' ech in support, of the proimsttion.
Mollie iMoCartv w-n the ureal race
at Cliicatro Tiui'sday, taking the Gar
de City Cup as a prize, and I'ea'in
iwi'ht- nf liie be-t hmso- in t1 e coun
try. Fully 840,00!) went imo the box
ajjca'nst McCaitv, and ajjainst h-ss than
Slo'VO Aec-rdiiiir to the di-patchs
itwah'r r:cc ::nd .-':e t'jt k it when
s!ie w -nted to.
Piolo-or Ptsc5 al Plant, of 13;dti
m r' claims to have iir i-nted a 111:1
cl'inp calculat' d to sepaiate ir-dd frnm
arth 'i aiavel w thnut the ail nf'-r. Tin New Yok Sun ssrr
hat several nf the nncl.ines have been
.-ent f the Pa ilic con-t. We have
ii'it h-'ard of theii arrival, but ifthev
.re really c-'p-ibb? of accomplishing what
their inv n'or claims lor them, they
will be heartily v.elcomed b our mi
nrs. Is a Ictcr written from the Sheri
dan mill", Grant couutv, dated June
16th, we find the foliowimr. "Pros
j)eet r icnorally have had fair succis
(erc'bouH An an-atrar has jut
bci'ii put in operation. W. P. Mount,
F. CI aver, Isaac K!"pp an I G'-o.
M. Cleaver co'i.-titu-e the fompa'iy.
'fhere is smiie talk of c-)i dida-inir t' e
Sheiidan and the M unumental. Smek
in She-idan is now 2;") cent j. Nrt u
and others are on Onion ce-k, t;rce
mi e-- mnh ' tii- Monuu 0'tal. Tlwy
wdl lone an arra tar iio'im son:.
Tneir location eonipii-f- a seri s '
veins. the la--jes' of wh -h ab-mr
einht feet ant the '"hots avcae ab u'
h-e f t. Th- B a!e r k :s ir ?:.
c ci mo . 1 1 4. :., 1 1
from-i'ldU t o ,0 pe- ton in .ol ! an'!
would ro d'-uhl- thai in silv- r if 'lie .
cmild save it Th Mouuin n al i
jr-adin for th ir m 1 , w . ch j" oni es
t- be as jo d an i stil!is mi n f ! o
kind as 1 1 p. u i on the c ast. It will
ave t ii amp- i h c p.ic ty I r
tW n' ." Avala idle.
A .Joint resoluiinn, provid
ing for a further treaty with
Mexico, was passes I on the
28th nit. by the House. The
resolution authorizes the IVo
idenl to appoint nut exceeding
three Commissioners. ;it a s d
aiy of $5000 each to take seps
to entering into a treaty with
Mexico. In onr opnimi it
would be better to enfo ci the
provisions of the present treaty,
as far as raiding on the border
is concerned. Uur neighbors
aie not mindful, unless Ib.eed,
of the spirit ot the ten com
ma n d n i e nts-Empire.
About 40 Chinamen took
their little packs upon their
backs this week and wended
! their wav to Olive Creek.
Prairie City, Oregon,
ttttttt tr ttttttt
Would most respectfullr an
nounce to the Public that they
have received a large stock of
gM dv. a-.d keep constantly on
h I'd a full Pne of choice fami
ly f i.c airs.
I'ADY ?d A D E ( 'LOT I i I XG,
1 A a d C :
il i I: D wake,
(J 1; ;R a-: TO MA (TO,
patent m:-:di vines,
P A TNT '.
2ntOTION. &e.
We ke -pa large and w-ll .-e'ect-"d
.tin:' nf 'I.' -al Merehand se. Ca'l
hi d see f u - ir e ves.
P. a ri- fit . Jul- .d 1S70. 13-f.
r () L '
I f
Julks Le I)U. tik takes pleas
ure i11 annouiiciug to the peo
ple of tliis county that he has
removed his stock of goods
across the square, in the room
underneath the
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Prairie City, Oregon, where he
has just received a full and well
selected stock of General Mer
chandise and Notions, and in
vites those wishing anything in
his line to call and see him.
Post Otlice is also at his new
storeroom. j
Prairie Gty, July 1, I $79. nlotf.
Sheriff's Sale.
By viktuk or an i:xkcltion i-sueu
by the 1 leik of ihe Circuit Court ol I'm;
S a'e if Oregon lor G.-ant County and
to m dir ct-d, n the 1-hh ay of
dune, 1 870, 'o ati-fy the sum ol Five
Hundred and t'uty-ix Dollars and
lift.-s x certs (Sn'M) SG) due on a J mli.
menf rentleted l.y sid (jurt o the
11th dav of Pebiuary, 1S79, for the
ii'ii ol Six IlMn'bvl ami t lu r v-six dol
I rs :md titiy-s:x c n-s (StioO 50) in
fiv n- of II. Fleeken-tinc and S Jo ins
M y r, p ai' tdf-, and a 'ins- M. S e i-vii-.
'iife-ia-' aid inters' "n said
: ."i'j thj 1 ! th hi of Febru-
j :.r isjy ,.,.til M,.- 12th d.-yofM y,
87i), nd mieiest from tl e 12th ;
" 1379. on t e sum o' Sooli i3li.
' at ' e ' 't-- of o e p 1 1: 11 p r mon'h
1 .... . '
il l I I ill" I Ml U -"Mill ' L 1 W ll'
'.'"! All
d :i t
p m i :e
t a
-i ht. c m (Slo S't) costs
uinir (si , I av- I. v ed
ll-'v g des'-ri ' ed p pc ty
rune i el' nd " t t -v" :
: ! :ii in e K"c- er
1 ter Hons 1 and "tie
t i he t n-e urr if dim:
h o.
th sin , il of aid ir pe tv b log
-i ua -d t In i p n.lo '-e, (Itant Coun
t. . 1 ,,e: n. Now th n-lbre pursuant
i- t c In sitn-u' in -anl action and by
v t e o ai l evi eu ion n
Thurslay the 31st day of July.
1870, .1 no -i ur ilO'i-t (I "T i C!n
)on Citv (iia t County, Oregon, at
h- h uir of on - o'clock. P M.. of aid
day I ill i II the above d"crib d
p'ope ty t V bi''Auei' n for cah in
h n I .i the hit-e-t an I be-t bidder to
srsl'v f-.i-soi -tin ofSo3C) 56, with
i te s s above s'a ed and ti-r eots
md a : ui"g co-'s.
i( )!1 X J. W SH.
S r if Grant Countv,
P.y R -ijekt Lorivvt"i. I e uy.
iJ ted hi '23d ..ay ofdun, lTW.
Heal Estate & Collecting Agents
Baker City, - Oregon.
Will Practice in all Courts of the
Si i:p.
Administrators Notiee.
Notice i hereby given that the un
dersigi ed ha.-. I een nppnirted ad
mil istra'or nf tin Estat d Cahdi llan
def .ised, late f (J rant Cnuntv. Oreir'm.
All p'rs''s havimr chdm- a,'ain-t said
Esate are reqirred t- pre-ent the -ame,
with 'h pro)!- voucheis, t the nn-der.-ir
ed .t John Diwown, or t C.
W. Parrish Ano" ey f r -ai 1 Es ;tc at
C-myn City, in sml P. unty, within
six mnn'hs f-om f'edat I.m of l-'ted
.Line 14th, 1S70. l!',,14
Dissululk n cf a tneiship.
Notice s h' r4 ui n that tl e (' -pa
it' ers'"p I I'l-i-t- for- Exi t ng-
n-l d- m busines in 0anr 'unty.
O'Ciro", in tin firm name of Poind xfc r
!t ' 1 rk hasihi- dav b en di-s lve'L
All ter-n- inde te 1 to said fbtn will
n'e s- call a d s tl- w"t' our u nece
s it delay. W. II Plarlc w ill e ntim e
I Pii ine--- at ihe o'd st nd. a- d the -ol-
I. i-i O ' of ou-tatiIi ! due. an 1 5tle
ineni of ' ot art'ii-r-hi' Bu-ine-- uil be
c ndui- ed with j ron pt ess and dis
patch. Pated Jim- 12th 170.
Administrators Notice.
W. Ikt'vss st a t rm of 'he O u' ty
i .rt f tl'ant P-unb , (h-egon,
- t " ir i' pr-' a e ' n the 1 1th !av of
.lu e 1879. 'be undeisi-jii' d. 31. P.
Jarrel. v"as dn'y app dntcd admni-'r-lorof'be
Ivtat- cf J-lm H Adorns
deceind, vho ded ln'e-tate in said
countv. No t erebue a'l persons ow-
,1 C ! 1 .1 1 II
in.' tn' esr-i O 01 saui nee a e iu
Hi'i-ons haxiiiL' ela'uis ::irainst he smo
are hcebv ri'ijuned k present the same
in due and le::il lbrm to mo, f 1st said
administrator, within s;x months from
he da e hereof a' n-y residence at John
Pay Cifv.drant Cun y. Or :0'.
C'aiiv-n Ci-v, Onu-t (3untv () iron,
June i:Uh. 1S79. A. C. JAHPELL,
Adniini tra or of tho Itate ol' John E".
Adams, deceased. nlOnli.
A d m i n is t rato r s Notice.
In them 'ter of the Estate of Ira
-r 1 I.
iM'-ore ne oas'o:
Th" ud(s;Mi! d Adniini.-tra'or f the
Kstnte ol lr M ore, di-c'?" d. having
Jib'd in the Cou;.iy t'ou.t of the "t;it
of Oregon, br the Com ty Cra t, his
fin d ccoun of his admn-istr ti- n "11
sa:d e.stat, No'iee is heieby g'ven to
all pe'S'Uis i'sti res'e 1 in .-aid s'ate 'o
he and appear in said cotrt at the curt,
house ir. Camo'i Citv. (JrMit Counts,
St te of OreL" n, n to 14th day of
Jitlv, A. D. 1S70. at the hour of 11
o'eloek. A. 31 , h n "d thre to show
eaue why said account honhl nor be
approved, the admini-tra'ion closed -md
tlie adunnis ra'or di.-charged and bis
(ondsmen rele sed.
nl In 15 A dm in'S r tor.
Lumber! Lumbs"!
IT A VP G put my Mill in
j rno( repair now oITer for sale
all kinds of HuibDinG and FEn
cinG Lumber, at prices that
Grain, Stock and a limi'ed
amount of Vegetables taken
in exchange for Lumber.
(jive me a call befoiv pur
chasing elsewhei e.
W.S. SOUTHWOETE, Proprietor.
The cheap 3sb olac to buy
PAINTS, Of 18,
Is at Sam. Sired' s, opoosite
the M. E. Church, Canyon
City. Oregon. n!2tt