1 't r- if Be Iraj Mi Hbws, Saturday Morning, May 10, 1ST 9. NoTfCE. Simple announeoinenfs of births, marriages ami death?, will he inserted -without charge. Obituary no" tices will be charged fur according to their length. V.'e have just received from M. Gray, 117 IVt Street San Francisco, ' I? an exquisite little ballad entitled ''Granfather,s Home" It has simple heartfelt words, wedded to a melody that leavosa lasting impression on the hearer; th.it brings to mind the pood old timr songs, 'Old oaken bucket. "0:d Kentucky homo, "Lilly Dale, etc ft J xk ft UUUMUUMUMU'U m iiiJimiiiDJiiiimuo. STJimONS. IN tbe Circuit Conrt of the State of Oorgou for the Count? f Grnt, Martha E StowoU, Plaintiff. VS. Jmes Stoned. Defendant. To Jarre? St"rM, Dtferdnt above named. Viu mvrw "'"'t j j i - . ., . i n -e , In the name of tbe State of Oregon, yon are re- Mr. Gray inform? us that his uniform kqajro(i t0 appoar in tha above Court to ba bjti j songs, -'Where is heaven?" has caught th li'ver of popularity in the E .strn H ANTON CITY LODOPi, NO. 34-. , , . . . , r.m ln, i ! i i t , M , 1 States: w ueh menus orders from 100 W A. 1. a:: A. .!., horns its ivgulari ' . , , Communications on the Saturday cvo:i inj; of or nt-xf preceding the full moon in e.ich month, ati-oveu and lialf o'clock jj,") .-tanin-' P. M. I to f0U eooics a d'iv. Either; of theso two pieces will be mailed on receipt u'.' J Stji a y n i . r rom the ra n re on lu 1 ey ')11I1 LO 1)0 10, No. 22. I. O. O.j Cr' b, os;' lay mar, black mane a: d nt.si,r rtM. ir nvr.nin.r! tail- .. 1 1. .11 r f 1 1 np vpars oh! : inurkod and . their Lvduo Iamoui in Canyon Ci?y. ! rall ied as follows: A and 2 on left VLsitini? brothers are invited t- attend. ! frh-uildcr; onv hind f.ot white to above IJy Order of iS. U. letlock. I will ay oiu to any one who will deliver $?.M mnro to me ai my uii.k Tin- first copy "i'tho "Quant County Kews', published at('ar:vo:i City by S. '11 Sh-'phnrd, has r.'a-di:d our table and riirht Utllv do v,.i welooine it to rniuth. near .J'hti Dav Citv, or to the Xkws Office at Oanvon Citv. n51"mo J. OLLIVEK. at the Court Houso in CnDyon City, Said Ci ty and S iln, rnmmnnine n thoFOoond Dijtof .Ttitio, A. D l."79 itd bero make hnswornd ileftjcca to tij.; 0 . :!)' ...t oi tui p'airJvt''d iu u civil action therein. Tdo iitf?oda-.' will tks Njtict; ti;t if tic tail to fi.e answer or oth i ?rv. ins ripnq.ir :r .vid action on T leJoro said secund duy'of Jno. tho j!a:n:ja will taUoJua; rvmji tigjiost lum lor the H:liof in PllT's. oin plHint Dotnand'iJ. To wit: a disiolution' of hn mr.rrn.-s fir::rnct ctiatinff 'bat weoil P.ff. nd !).-? and n dtferto y livrcu in favor of PitT., r.uil for ojsts cud dinburei'tiien:.'. M. L. OLMSTUD, PIU'b. At'ornoy. Tbit.SumDjoni li pabllhr..llr irroJci iu tbo Crusr Counrr KcaB, by ordr t L. L. Me Ariliur. Judes of 3.1J Coart. A i7. 8. SbathTrcrtb, Clerk. Canyon City, Ogn , April 10, 1S79. nlu7 TJ:-.clk Eli Lester was in town the other day an ! delivered 8(00 pounds cf line cornnica! to his eut 'iuers That is not all he did: ho alo subscribed and TO MxViN Street, Canyon City, Oregon, J. W. HOWARD, M. D., - rTJl PHOPRIETOR Uavino- recently received fi full and carefully selected slock of Di-iand Medicines I am fully prepared to iuniish every thing iisually kept in a First Class Drug Kouse, at reasonable Prices. Also a full Stock of the Standard Patent Medicines on hand. Call, everybody, and see, and buy of my fresh goods. J. W. HOWARD, M. D., Proprietor. 11.1 w ' 11 ' f3 Hotels. G. BlMiBB. Notice of Dissolution. Ourj)Xehan-:e U,t. .ur, uV n , f iho .mil iMiiM-f mini nf mi tirin riienv. ifood , , . . i "mh " - " 1 .1 nbd.ly as a -.vr.ier a-id ep.ici diy so a- ordered Lour of litem scut to his m-plr CVT:1. " a fair niiniifd clironicler of lo'Jid event. mid one who i willing to work una anxious to improve the cfi'inty through the in'.hiencu of itis eo!uu;';s. and : s M0-v subscril.'ers. AVe hope the other Sueh deHcrvMS the tmdivided support d j ,, fjriJh:li,t. will do as we.il. lie ii.forms 1 - - - Mil. PoiNDKXTKit returned homo sev eral ufTys since and brought us a list of the prjophi of Grant O.unty. For some- r..is'n v.nkuo;vn to u.- Onmt County :nr, no. lier -t-jforo peer, cruisid.-red a first chs location for a county m-.vs p-ipcr. e h 7o us that ho has. purclianed an immense stock of ironeral nierel'andise. Miss An.lross and her sister, who have boon vir-iting relatives in Canyon l.owcver,that 5-lw phetd will s-icceed ; City for several thiys returned home in rallving the pe ple to hid supp-.rt, jtnl we woitbl advice tlo-p ojd- if that; us well as a'i th.r c-)u-.tis ot'Eist urn Ore" n, w sustain their county j)-.per if in so doing, they are compelled to ui-c mt'iMue taking all o'hers. V.'e take the above complimentary j notice lrm the Mi'imtain Sentinel, ub lisried at Union, Oregon, and em-ting as it does fro-n that Jourr.al, ami from the pen of li. S. Mi'G.mas '.vh.. in our opinion is one f the wt writers on the coas?, e liarily know how to expre-s -tltaftk Tlie fact o( h.is kn-.win.i: us. ers-m-dly f r three yoar prist only nllkeVttironuun lfoweve 2I.c, when wo meet I will "set 'em up to the sue ce.s of you and your valuable paprr. this week Sjgn Tt. We are pleased to cc 'ho interest our citizens are taking in effort fo have a daily mail established between here and MeDeiijnit. It a petition that e.vrry one sh .uld s'sjn, for if the in crease is ordered it insure- us a maii from the east a d from S-n Francisco thine (lay. sooner than by any other rout-1. It 111 also give travelers tiiree davs the advantage. N0TICK !3 hereby giron that tho partner ship bctvcii Geo. . Bit-son and A. A. .Nicolas btsl kupcrs at Ctw.yon City, Oro jji r. , unJor ths firm n.i'no 'ffic). Iii"soo t Co., trna d'i8iolv.d hy tnittunl conS'.-nt Nov. I2tli, IS7S, ACil all :rc mnt; dtio tho lira havo been tra!iifrr,-nd to tho u'jdars'cnod a'id by mo plnc cd in the hntulB f 0h . W. PurriBh, Attorney at Lw, f-r ooUcn.'ion. l'jronr. owin tho firm ni so:t't imrno.i'istlj with said jiltornoj j).:td Caavjy Cv, 'April 10th, 1S70. iJtf " A. A. NICOLAS. I intcrt.l t rp'" sis wci'cj aftcrplito, to ths U. S. Ija'i I Otli a at Lo Gr.ndo, Oregon, for tho ri-pnynjon'. n- mo tho njoney puid Juno 21st, 1871 to tho Rc "iv;r r.t putd land effice a pur.'ino uior. j I r t'.? V of X W and S E (.! N W . of S'-ct' 2ft T in S K 30 IS. W. M. to wis: the sici t SlftO. Tao R-icoivors Receipt for time -li: t.r.vio. hcon lost nd thv U. S. huving r.'tOL'cd nsi'iiln t inn tborof.-.r. ' IKDW.MtD S. PKN FIELD. DnUd Canyon City, April 10, 1ST). nlr.7 iMltS J. 11 Yousc will picas4, ae-cr-pt our thanks for that fine butter sjp! s-ut us. Our wife and all the rest of the household pronounced it as par ex-. (client. Mr. and Airs. Ymtng keep the fir-t Station beyond Prairie City, and CITY HOTEL Canyon City, Oregon, BIESEK &RULIS0N, - - Proprietors Bog leave to inform thoir friends And tlio Public Generally, That they can be found at tbo OLD STAND, And are alwaws rendy to furnish good Board and Lodging AT MODERATE P11ICES. 1 , -t t,!.,n in n... t v.ui ever t):iss tlnre about meil time n urtisuti int':et a- taixn in oiif . Quarterly rdee:in- held in thi-- City or: hxr-t .Saturduy ar.d Sunday. Rev. Gran nis delivered a tlioroujih discourse on Saturday typing to a crowded house At eleven o'clock on Sumhy the Pre iding KUer preached a very logical discourse, after which Rev. Hnwn jid-tninister-'d the holy rites of bapvbim on H.M.rv Frrdriok I icrbur.'ror ar.d Leo'i t-p, fr you are sure to get aa square meal. See the advertisement of the City Hotfd. "Our Hotel and Restaurant" has deposed of the old s;gn. IT,BA DQi" UTKKS Dltl'A UTM F..VT 01: the Columbia, j VAXCorvntt Vr.T., April 20, 1870. Lewis Shcpho.rd. A colk-c'ior. -vas ta- j " "X0 .j;.d::e C. I. IJazeltine, J..J. ken ;ij and tho droppini; of coin int-j Wash and others of Grant County, the hui va nnJp the "palter of t'.b- Q-.v-or.. Geu'lemon Yrnir etiioi Hof; rain ovfrhaad." AH v.'ent ay j ::.,t. j itjj.taiit asking tlmt Fort liar -well pl--a?d, but fnly ti return airnin nCy be niRinfeained as a military pot rvt ni-il't- witii ir.ercastid numbers to hear j is ;,t hand. R.-v. JfcKi-an preach another of his c.c-j J my judgement Fort Harney will cdlent sermons, after which ho oprn-'d J not be abandoned until additional bar. the doors of the church and the follow, racks and quarters arc furnished else- Io'tl e Circuit Court of tbo StateJ of Oregon, for Grnt;l C"ti:ity. ' J.;SiU ri. Dcinc, Plaintiff vc Sa'.mda Devine.DtifcndAnt. To fV.ir,'- Dcv'uc tho D..ffr.d:f. ahovo nam ed: Io tho nn:iic of tht- Stat -3 r.f Oregon, t U r.ve berehy rrtjo.rod in appo.r io tho above on ti'le'l ct'uft hji'J answer tbo ro-t:i l.-iir.t filed :Kiiit yMj in the enf''- l mix, nn or be- fti.vjjtif: 2:id d.i;.- " Jn-.c. 1S79. th oita beine rh" G.-k' ttnv of iru Jumo T'!M., K70, of raid C"urt: at1.! if yru foil to o Kfifvcr, fur ant lcrro., th 3 pi.un-iJT will pp!y to snd court '. the f ik i!nt:de 1 tnraid cotitiiRiit, to for a'-i.-rrcc di?s tlv if.ir tbr tmnd o' tnatri m:iy existing-jbt'Wi'un suid P!r.itttiff pnd do ..nriaot; and you will furthrr tUo notice that thi- inn: in." tie if poh'.irhod by ordiir of the Jnd;:o of tiuid court tuado t-n tho 15 dav of April.lSTl). 0. W. PARRTSn, Plaintiff's Attorney. A n ton H a cli e n 0 y 0 Would most rcspiolfu'ly announced to h'u Fntuds in JOHN DAY VALLEY and ontside CAcn;:s that ho bas etarlod in BusinoBg recen ly or. h;.9 own hook ta CTojcili. Z33r City T7borc ho will keep constantly on hand tho Tory CHOICEST STOCK. of O7ory thing that u actod in n Country :'turc. lie ha? no rent to pay, no C!erl:a hire; consequently ho can sell as lov? aa r.ny jitier sitiihlishoJ more hunt iu Grant County. I i STONER MOUSE, 0 The undersigned takes pleasure in announc ing to tbe general public that tbey have open. od 0 FIRST CLASS HOTEL in tbo building known as The Golden Eagle, Canyon City, - - - - Oregon, "Where you can find tho BEST TABLE V. . TS1T. A. JACOBS OYBRHOLT k JACOBS, Wagan Making A Carpantorlng. On Main Strwt in rer of Poter Kubl's Blaokamitb Shop, Canyon City, Oregon. Wagrons and Buggies repaired at roas- oidable rates In ff OrtiBE-lttB 1PJ Building and Jobbing prompt ly attended to. Building Material, Doors, Sash, Etc., Constantly on hand and made to order. Fib MB MiriM!-! new stoke and New goods. CAYOI C5TY, TTfla rTi li n"n rl fha Ijnrircst and Finest North Of Portland. soloction of Furniture in this County. TlioBodLs liOrjSE, blGN ana OAflPJAGr. Aro nllnew,.ndtho rooms have been furnish- . . neaU exCCUtCd, at ed nw tbroughont. 1 o J '.Board, S5. per week; ?1. per day reasonable rates; Mcal, 50 cents. J. Steineu it Co., Proprietors. CANYON CITY & McDERMJTT Independence Hotel. STAGE LINE, iiv ladic went forward and joined: Misses Sui'cns and Fancher and Mrs. rymer. A 'missionary collection' was ta&m, which amounted to One Hund red Dollars and twen'y-five cents. ,Our thounhtSj were waftetl over to Baker City where,. S10 va a fair donafirn; our memory wasnlso carried back to "old Keopauqua," Itawa, where wc were wont to attend churchNm our boyhood days? and if a niissionaryNoHection of 3 was received there it was vonsidercd extra. Wo wondered vrhat tho pcojde of the above places would think Xf r.uch a col lection should be taken in tMir town. Prior. Eads made us a pleasant call a few days a:o. The Professor i the Principal in the public school at tHn where. I Will forward your petition to higher authoritoy, and call special at tention to it. Very respectfully, O. O. IIOWAKD. Jules Le Bitirrn: passed thrnuh our city this week on his way to Port-land- Judge F. C. Sels returned home a few days ago j 1 n, r.,i;ia vo,v knowledge of grammar and spelling, place and is advancing the pupils veryV c c r Mrs. Turk has taken advantage of Ned's absence and renovatrd tho Store throughout. Wanted. A boy between fourteen and eighteen years of age, to learn the printing business. Must have a fair rapidly both in education and morals. Miss IJouthit is his assistant, and i; a good teacher, and is well liked by all 0 her pupils. The school at this place is -considered one of the best 111 Eastern Oregon; and why shouldn't it be; peo-, pic can send their children to school in Canyon City without exposing them to that dreaded disease diphtheria. Mr. J. C. McCul lough has returned home from below. ,nnd n"rce to remain three years. Amly to this office. Qresat Excitement at TUkS ARIETY STORE. For t4ie Mines, and Closing out .business. All persons . indebted to me will please call and settle and save c&sts. ifi. E. TUKK. Canyon dHy, April 22nc lSTO.lm 1 OFF BO.GuHDLACH & BRO IWDEPENDENCE, CSAHTCO. OCN Mrs. John FiskPropt's- Wonld announco to tbo poople of Grent Coun ty and a.l others who contemplate coining to tho GRANITE CREEK MINES. that ehe ib prepared to furniih bo'ard and lodg irc at rcaponablo rates. Z-it-Thn IJakcr & Canyon City Stage calla at Independence. Grange Hotel- PRAIRIE CITY, OREGON, J. II. Ilardman, Proprietor. Tha accommodations at the above Hotel .iro pood, and every caro will bo taken to inake ftucstj frel at homo. Ti-Comfor'.ablo bods, ocd as good a table as tbe market affords furnished at reasonable rates. FEANKMcBEAX, Proprietor. 13 "V VP3 in 53 Lxa HE CH A NDISE. EHAIH STREET, GAYOa CITY, OCN. "Now offer their entire stock at ''Gkeat Bargiiis." CHEAP FOE CASH Canyon City, April 25, 1879. Omaha May 4 Joaquin Miller tho poet of tne Sieras, passed teroug Omaha to-day, en route to Oregon-to visit his parents who have resided their 30 years. He is going to remain on the Pacific Coast durinir the summer to recuperate his health He has lately been devoting most of his time in play writing. iw Boot k shoo Shop In Canyon CitY, J. A. Nunes. Proprietor. Boots and Shoes made to order, out of the very best Stock, nt. Reasonable rates. Egr AlIj kinds of repairing done on short notice. Prices low. JOHN SCHMIDT, CAXPBMTEm A5D Wagox Makkl. Canyon City, - - - - Oregon. Dealer in Hardwood, Spokes and Felloes, Furniture, Chairs, Faints, Glass, and Window-sash. Ib now running Buok-boards on tho abovo Line; with good stock. Departs from Canyon City on, Monday, Tbura day, and Saturday, of each week. Arrives at Canyon City on Sunday, "Wcd ; nesdoy, and Friday, of each week. STRAWBERRY VALLEY FLOURING MILLS, M01U5HEAD & CLUAVElll PROPRIETORS. 1 ranufacturcrs aod dealers in Flour, of tho Heat Brand, Grahr.m Flour, Corn Meal, Shorts, Bran and Feed. For a Superior Article OF FLOUR, go to tha Sirawberry Slille Those Mills aro located ia Strawberry valley, in tbe upper John Day valley, Grant county. ;j5Ef Accommodation a specialty. Reason able prices. Give us a call.lS I J. QUIVER & CO., Proprietors of the John Day Milk Ranch Will furnish the people of John Day and Can yon Cities with mil by tho Gallon or quart We sell the best of milk,' and our charges arc reasonable AT THE ME 0FII0E! . E. HALL, ' X3 3E3 Xj 23 X ZST Siationary, Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Candies, and Nuts. i Subscriptions taken, at Publishers' I Rates, for all the Leading Papers and j Magasines published in THE UNITED STATES. Agent for Titus Bro., Jew elers, Albany, Oregn. Watches Clean ed and Repaired. Cinyon City, Oregon, April 10, 1S70. MONUMENT kl Silver Mining Company. --CAPITAL STOCK: $2. 500,000 I 500,000 Shares. Par Value S3 Each, BOARD OF DIKECTOKS: E. J. W. Stemmo, L. D. Miller, C. S, Mil ler, Portland; Willinm Grant, Dalles; F. O Sels, Canyon City. E. J.W.Stomme, Prost., C. S. Miller, Gen Manager, C. D. Folgcr, Seo'y. Location of Mine Granite Creels, Grant County, Oregon OFFICE ROOMS Nos. 11 & 12 dtrowbridgo Building, First Strccc, Portland, Oregon. j233-Applioat:en for shares can bo made to F. 0. Sols on tbo Directors at ths City Brewery. , . l LI e 1 i s i