I Till: MOttMMi ASTOKIAX. Sl'XDAY, NOYKMM.l, 17. mm Telephone Main L TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Sent by mall, per year Bmi by triitlt, per month Brvd by carrier, per month.... .W.00 ) . .50' weekly. Bent by mall, per ywr. In advance. JtW The Astor'stt guarantee ti Us sdv'r tlaen th largest circulation of any nirpaper r"hilshd on the Columbia river. T1MR FOR ACTION T are ples-sAl to see th? interest th hurns men and Wtltena of Astoria ! ..,e ,n ,uojv.t Ol ..nt,jll.KlnT ((, mjUnU,n ,h,. tvmct1d a,tt,n '.n rji project of J brinirnR t tN ni-tlc of our M na tion In oiTMrresw th imtwrnnc of re- ' movlnc th OeUlo obstruction to the niv'.Kntion of the Columbia rivfr. Thb". !n our opintm. Jj th iu-tion of mist vital imp-wnnoe t) the et.itt' at this tint The oommer of th Pacific ootw: Is I vill wttrew a!mit unpnvt'Jentd jrrxrth In th volum ,if hlpjri frm thia aid of th nn-M. nd t!, , the pvWssi,m ,vy por which offer th be,t nni oh 0Pt ,tir,nc ,hs( nj n.lt!n of , w irlJ f.iilti, for brinnx he Wand and MuM bf templ(J j 4;(lok tm fwlfrn trannportatton ovnipinl to gether will rciv the bneflts of :hat ncrw. Th first In Importance l. of our?e. th quesrjott of dJHvrlr(t h piMduoW of export to Oi pia- of trans-hip-mtt. Of o vHU lmp.wt Is this branch of tb qu:n thsf. irtthout belrur bl to pla praduota at the sJ, of ocean- g-Mng ressels at a minimum cost fnun th producer to the xpv;r. no port. howvr ureal Its other and natural advantage may be. can reasonably ex pect to botd !ts own In the struggle for (upremafy. There are but three places on the Pa cific coaai where nature baa provided natural harbors the mouth of th Co lumbia river. Pugt S.und and San Francisco Bay. Gauged by th acces stbilltv to both foreign and Inland com merce, th harbor at the month of the Columbia river siunls pre-eminjt. Nature -has done tier part an J It only remalrw for the pe fU of the giat em pire drained by th? Columbia tj u-? the nitural ailvantag -s t-!us provid d to b'jlll up at l:s one suivrb hartvir the eart tietMP 'lis of the Pacific ciast. This cannot b J. n- wl:i"ut pnipr action on th prt of th p-n'e in the territorj drai:il bv th-smiehtv river hl h nature ia d sJun-d as a er?at cimm-roial highway. It .ann -t 1m dn by tne construct! n of raii roads or th ffori to p.'rform ;h" Im- popsihle, such as taking th Columbia hirb r W mile !narJ. Ra:ln.!s hav a way of pooling their interests and making rates to given p-.lnts o as to equalize advin-taxes. anj experience ha dem mtrtte.l the fallacy of trying i to maintain a thiny-f t channel from j Portland to the s-a. Every month, in deed, every day furnishes evidence that Portind is not securing, and cannot secure, a very large (.hare of the new commerce requiting from the opening of greater trale relations with our Pa cific Island pmsefsijns and the Orient. These new shipping enterpr.sea are going t Seattle and San Francisco, and it la time the prlu?lng population of the Columbia basin should call a halt on this dog-in-the-manger ilcy of Portland and demand that the effort t open the Columbia river to navigaUoo be directed toward the removal of the one obstruction to such navigation tha Celilo rapids. By ref?rmee to the estimates made by the englntrsrs for the Improvement of this great riv-r we flnl that 1325.000 1 rccommendei for the purye of Im proving the river from Astoria to Portland. This, toi. when it has b en thorougltly d'tn inslr ait -d that ery dollar expended in thU pet h jbby of a few grain buyers and foregn ship owners is pra"tically throvn away. If these enginers have In'-luded any recommendations for the improveni.-nt of the up.er Columbia tne amounts are S3 small tV.ey are n.t ine'ed-d In the , , lee-grapnic tepins. xoes- is':tnaiK I by the erngin.ers are used a ba.is I by cmsntw in making 't .'p.-Toj.ri-a- ! tlons fir these lmprovem-n'c. and; Tn Cln r-., ,nv ,,arll.mnt h.-' been enless the matter !s properly pWH further ;ror--)oi..-d until January 1.',. bef 're the Itivers and Hirbors eomml - J Following tb action of the Nntn tee by our Jei-gatlon another s -sp; n j weit-rn, oth-r "hi' ago-Omaha linen of r.Migress will have om.- and gone j ai? pre;iaring to m iter. ally re-lue,. the ani absolutely nothing will be .cci. ! nn"inK tisn" "' :r"ns b-tixeen ,1 . . ' ln;" dtiif. pllfhed toward trie opening ut the up;e-r I Columbia, while $325,000 of public fund., I In ,h" -p-rimfnts in eb-cirU -trai.tlon . , . 1 on the Russian -nitirarv lin.n. t r,l b? "P-n the fa lacy of I , mil.., a nour .haa b.J oh. "thlriv f t chaitnd" tro.it Portland u th sea. The merchant end ; r du ei of the lower a.nt u,pt O hrabs shou'd ni moi.i: ly t.tk ,.;l vt t bring this mA.t T fotvi l- :o do .vlcnil ut of our f 1 1! nw-ij of Ciem in uncertain terms tl-.lt the Imp" .v;net of lie Columbia river s.touM b dire. t J a; otto ;o th rem ning .f :h 1 1 obstruct l.;i. In a spevh In-fur lite Middles.! Oiub riven. I, S tutor Lodge- In his con.-li.ling remark to k strong gt" nu ts for h lium-sta:.- tittil.llns up of a l-owofu: ray by th,. IMt.d S ft'. Ho .:.!: 'TXw is no nation m Hi j world ti whom po.t -0 '.. so import tnt a it . t til I tiib-d Stiii". '.n order , t.t sit? ample eyeojie. for the Kro.it pro- gr) we are muk'n. We are In it vd ' relations no.v (;h aU the world and It , will be. I am sure, th effort of Presl- Jn: Rv.svvtl:, a it wa. of rrvs-d.-nt tlis. There i vmly on, ;v!nt of o"jn gr. arJ t. o-ur p- aoe e must ir -t.vt ours:ve In tha: dtiwti.m. F'rnilv j but quietly tV irnrw ,l.vtrn nuit I b risiJ'y uphkl. The ntrum- of any ' preit EuriVM Pow.t rito theAntertvttn I hmUphrr. ethT bv th aiui!;i: n of ! territory or th e;ab:ihmo:'t of forts anj natil a:l m. wmiUl l the in- st.int m-TOiV of the pio . are o ; 1Kj ,0 u to maintain. The bot Insur ance an! the b-t euamjite of m,v plt ptvpera-lon U th surest pr-.Heo. tion arrnint ar ami war Is wh.it we wish to vU. not on!y m rallv but economically In vrv h.wkr.ib! way." In his inBuirural Jirv to th Yale Iaw ach. Henrv Wa.le Rogers, f irm erly prsl.l.int of Northwrstem fniver. ,k . stty JI.-uss-J th dantrs of corpora tion, and corrupt ion in citiea. in which h critlclse.1 th. powers (riven to trusts. and adwat.M legislation by th stati restrUtlng th corporal! na He mid that th oorpwatl ns ciMild reconstruct at will the industrial moo of th coun. try and could Jet, mln th location of a'l minr burvs !nteret. Munici pal misgovern men t and corriorate gr--d. he sail, were the gratet two evils that thratned th- country. I: will n.iw b In order for the gr-at , r,.nriu or iniiis :n tno t -wr nt Portland to pr veoj to charact-rlz Prof. R igrs as an anarohWt and irre. sponsibl- demng'gu. j Edaa.-l c. Rur. who htu lMn ; manisin? r'v Asto-I in unler !- . sine rh first div of jf vm Vr. has b-n su.nmond ti Jiin.-m .n u-cont . busing and will av f r that t it.-.' in a f.v davs. Hurin? his stay in rh 'itv. Mr. P.usioll male a th Tough can , v.s of the situation, an 1 has n- .-iu.W that th JmrnaU'tie fl-M h-r- holds o-it only dubious ;.r sr-cts in r- ; turn f.ir the outlay of '-nTtry and capl-I ta.1 rvu'red. He ha-, th r -fore. turned the plant and pt"-r ovt to tie former nropr'e' it. C,ov-TTior Rog"n "1 Washington in j r.-.patedly refusing ti commute th entnees of persons cinxdctel .-.f mur- d.T is ing an exanvle which If fol Jbwd rrnr-i -io.se'y bv g-rvernors of 'other stat s would have th effect of I rhr-king the present rapidly 1n.Ta.Tig j crime if taking human life. j Preld-nt Ro-mo.lt has reriu-st d the j whi prepare documents f ,r hi (signature to date them simply from the j "Wh!u House" Instead of the some j what misleading iltle "Executive Man- ,l0n " Th"' mav n'H m ,h WMW' al nt ,ur A"""nlflc snobrary. but it will have the heirty approval of the genuine Democracy. "Spokane haa a pipe organ," ex claims the Chronicle of that city. Ever inr the halcvon days of the Srkan real estite boom bubbler. It has b.n suppned that -a-h of the papers f that Hty would Mil the bill of "pipe organ to a nlrev. During the r!.n of Henry VIII .f England, m-o-e th.m lKs) people w--re hang.-d for povjrty. If uch !ln. wer.. enforced In this day there nould be a ranM de.-r..-ts in the numb.-r of . ... net. p.i,ier pu'illsh-r n' the country. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, I !n si. th- f re mi'oy vl lie. n a liUVoit volts. Tho Ftvnc, mi iwt r of odua:on Is l'r.'vii!ng .ians for th,. rof rut of Ihr n.ltwl of ;.v'M:ig l-ittlisa. ti.nmut m l tl'ir f.-r !n .uiku.ik ,n lb,. ,. .-inw. m. nc has N it c 'ti. lii.l he at liri.aln an. Tmk. v :th I (,,.., vi v t the do liml itl hi of t'ie r iv "i'WIl,' ,:p!t ! , f illlllUMC a.t l fo-lll- i.-in Vttt "ii Yemen n l Ad u Tti- hu n ldr.svl ,t c-rl al !e. l-'t t Mr Ctapl'. A'osta- IvK cat.. t tlf Phdippln c.-ng; itul i .: Mm up -n h. enlU-ltieii.M cii .n In fa vor tf r-li,-in ,:td c -nvcr doit Keen: ma:l ,d i.' s frnt It itou :t t h tt t'.enc'ul Qulnti'ix iaM.'in. he acting vt't try of slate hits as-iini- c 1 the du;lcs of the minister , f war. iv ll. v ng Mr. Conch i, h s. liistlth is Im- pvilnsl. M. Ptn! K.pumottt is bringing to a ol.w. ncg.N.r.lon.s .h t v Ih-ln, of Monaco's engineers for tlv ciwtnictl n of an :teil nm b'lo th. C tv of Monaco on the ground bn! Ting on th boulevard J l C tidainut Wil'lun S Weir, la presl 1 nt of the Weir Plo C..inny t, ,,.,,,1 )fA is tvars. He Invntod th flr-t Mtriddle row euiM.ator in nirtnuf tcturrl is for .onto ytr, recently dl-p.uiiig of it to enter upon th' nmnufaottire of rrtilt jars ,-.f which he w.t. th- piten'ee. Wl.l.yn H K. Relnt'nl. M p. Is conducting a vigrus canvas f the Cilwav Cttv .lectors on behalf of Cd nel Arhur I.y.ich. Mr l.s.n.td urg. the elcy rs to "haul d n th hl.vt.lst :n.l. n M'kv-st tin, d "flag ,t Knciand and hit 'h bk.tMr of the g-v n nationality." N civn.M from Melhotirne that the cominonaiMlth s-rwte d'tvit ng jhe emigration rtw.Ju-1 n bill whVh ex- o!t!.lN ail norsms who cannot M'.ik Kunnvsn anguag. T ie I ib r iartv pni's.M an am'tt dntnt mir.slu.jng ti e cwlcr test, in ork-r to exclude Asiatic. A close division is expvted. An unfavorable bulletin r.'garllng the oorelitn of Pnnc Chrlsttn. eldest son of the Crown Prlnc .( Denmark. s given out last night. Th prlnc is suf fering fro'n scarletlrsv. His stnengih diminishes during the day and he be "niej reatleiw and delirious at night. Hi temperature ta relatively u-w Th Vienna. corrpondnt -f tf L mdon Times and New Y wk Tim s,iys a private letter received front TabHi. PereAi. points out th tncr.sts- Ing woknes of British influen.v In Persia. This. Mys the tyrlter. cm- at a tint whTt Russia U mtik'ng us of every opportunity to further hr P' litical anl e.-.inomlc intersM ' thtt di ruction. LfODKRN Sl-ROKRY SFRPASSKP "While suffering from s bad cae of piles I consulted a phyi ctin w.io ad v:sv,l me t try- a box of PWrtr Wit. h Haxe; ?aUe," says Cr. F. Carter. At. la;i: i. Cla. ' prt-ured a '"X and was -r::re:y rur-d. D-Witt's W.'eh Hat I Sale- 's i spb-n.llil cil-.' f r piles. g'V i.ng M.ef insiaiitly. and I hoarily re.'-onim.-'ul t to all sufT-rers.-' Surg.ry is untiv-ss.iry i i cure p.!.-.s. Jv-Wi't's Wi;, h Hag. Silve will ctir- nny , as... Cut, bums, hru's s and a'l i !h-r wi-und, ar.. also qui. k'.y '-ur- I l.y it. Ft-wir ? ooiinlerfeits CH AS Rik;. HI'..-', Druggist. Pra'ieiilv ti,.. -n'-t-e fire, o' I ,,. t-Ao b-g tann-r.-s of the I,.g.il :-ll II w:g Tanning Cotnpinv n .-'.uih San Fra ' i-c, ! ou- n sir.re O.-i Inn-lr-1 anl s.-y n'y-fice tn-n l av.- ol y . a cull of tno Tanners' 1'nlon and d - clln I to go to w irtc until they ,u d c me to s .me d.rf"rent .irrangem.-n with ti'ir employ. -rs wbo they- lalm are pufitig non-unon nie-i o work. They do n..t complain of tho.r av hut want r-f-.gtiltl.in fr their util n. II K KI-.'IT HIS l.KC. T-.' -lve years ago Z W. Sullivan, of Hartf.r-I. Conn, scratched hi Ug xvith i runty wir-. Intlammation and blool pos.in.ng set In. For two years he suffered int-risely. Th-n the best Iie t rs urged ajiiputatl n, "but." be writ's. "I use yne bottle of Kb-ctrlc Bitters and Vi boxes of Bu tklen'j Arnia Salv and my leg was sound and well as ever." For Eruptions. Eczema. T-tter. Salt Rheum, Sores and all blood disorders Hectrlc Bitters has no rival on earth. Try them. Hart's Drug. st.re will guarantee sittisfactljn or re fund mony. Only 50 cents. Oertlemn who have lost large ums In corire-r stocks ar still swapping ex perienres. They may find som. con. soiatlon In the reflection that they are the alvance guard of swarms of other gentl-TOii who will dlsnwer In time that It is an Impossibility for stocks of all aorta to continue to go up In price Indefinitely. Chicago News. TH-3 CHILDREN'S FIUEND. You'll have a cold this winter. May. b you have one now. Your children will suffey too. For coughs, croup, bronchitis, grip and other winter com. pialnts On Minute Cough Cure neVeridid." says County Physician O-o W falls. Ac's promptly. It is very oi.-as- - S, roggs. of H ill county, M. "Itelng a ant to the taste and perfectly harm- 1 physician I have pr -scribe, It and found i. -s. ... n. ijisirge. y incii -so-r. n y : ,t to give (he best re'illts " If th" xxnt.-s "Our little girt was attar kd 1 food yon eat r-m-tln undigested in with -r nip lat one night anl was so y Mir n-wn.n-i Ii decays and pdsoits hoar.se she could hardly speak W- th- syst in You rjn 'pr-vdii Ihls by gav.; her a few dos-s of On- M nute dieting but thai means starvation. Ko '"ough ''ure. It relieved her Immetl. ate- ! i,,i iivsn-.sij i'n u i. ht .... ly and she went to slten. Wnen si,el,.,lf. y n,,., suffer n-i h-r cy-oF-axvoke n-xr morning she had no .lgnHHj nor siarxalion. T.ne xvorit e,-,s-- ,,r 110,1 ii-s.s or L-rouij. '.ii.x.-x. r.'i'e 1 HUH. Druggist. Deadly Narcotics Any honest. In'ellg.-nt druggiat or physlelm will till vou '.hit narcotic P ii.-oiii. Kii- h ,ls oplurn. henl.aiie, d.-.i llv nightshade or cocaine and mercury are and hav been sin th" Dirk Am u,.ed In all I'll,. Medl.-ln'-n and Hint yuch m-dit itlon r"al!y j, -rrr-tuaies piles. VV-rus Pile ('urn Is n.t a r.-llc of the D ug Ag'-s. henc. conlalne no ri ir i- jtir-sj ,,r mercury. '" RKVVAUD if a trac of any nr, t-: or rnej-.-jrv can 1- found In - rus. All other Pile Me llcinm contain narcotic or mercury. Deny It ir y-,u dare, m wlflckii. VA REWARD If Venis fails to lure; any ae of Piles. Worst eases cur.-d wit.n ..ri" box of V-rus and 00 delay from hiieilii'-ss, Ov'r 10.0W t'.-niiari'-nt cures in five years. FOR SAW! UY THE FOMAVIN.J TWENTIETH CE.vrt.'RY DRE'J'JIST" Charles Rogers. I The Conn Drug Co. IV Cl lti: A CiUMH. S'op coughing, as It 'rrltates th hums, and glvs tit in no c'ian, to heal. Vie a II ncy and Tar euro witl-otit cNiisng a strain In ihrowltig o(T ;he phl'gnt like comm Vi emu ex. xv!oraitt. Hart's drug store. Tini'i-.iex el ,-te t w coieiei In New Y 'ik It ne.d d th.-nt W J Kit vely. l!.t;es 1; ... O , srvAH iltg of ISanner Sihc. as: 'I ti vd il f r piles a i l !t livs don,, .pe more ti v I than attv salve t hav.. crr . and I have tr.ed a gr tt many Kin Is " -Hart s drug stove. Ii Is uenoia'It Hexed ih i! the Atig 1 Milan' l.w III ,lra t e 'I io ai c ni traoiing :n,:-e - nicoti.t i Si ind.it I V H Utiait. I. 'ma. V, eng-n,.r I. K W. It 1!. writ.ji "I !ne been troubled a great ,!etl itli backache I was Ind iced to n v Foley's Kl.lv Cuiv, and on bottle entirely rei:-v. me I gla llv rvoinnien It to any on esivvially inv friends am 'nc ibe train no'ii who ar usually s!m larly attl.cted " - Hart's drug store. The vl 'r of Hie Now York City ts lltl.al , itnpalgn i.'itt.ttds us of the war of the rosn H Is i dllTeien: ! - New York Commercial. Dt'N'T I.KT TH KM Sl'FFBH. Often chldtvii are torture I with Itch ing and burning e. gern t mid other k:n d'.seises but Hucklen's Arnica Salve he s the raw- sore, rxi U liin.iniina tloit, leayes the sklr tvltlieu: a scar. Clean, frairai'.t. ch.-ap. there's no salve on earth as g vhI. Try It. Cure guaran teed. Only ;.V Hart's trugt.'r A New- Y. rk Aitar.-hist has kilLHl h itis.K At las; inv,. h'-rd of an anarchist whi d.d imih -tiling pra.s worihv i;.vor.l-ll ni I. t,erge A P-ltits, Croer Sanlusky. O.. wrt:--: "I hive l.-n ng Fo ley's Honey and Tar for Hoarseness, and find t the Nvst rme Iv I ever trie). I: stopped the c'u;h Immedi ately and relieved ,i; sirrn-s." Take only Foley's Hart s drug st re. A nun csnn.it .1 i much out of the or Unary the., .lavs w tt-iout l-!ng threttoned with f. D-wi-ratlo tioml-tti-'tt f'r the pn-e; b-n.-y Washington Pi-St- A lolph Blunter. (Irani M 'iind. la.. rl!es: ' I have used Foley's Honey and Tar In my family and think It is the best cough cure on th . nuik- t ! would not b without It in mv home, ss there Is nothing so go.nl for coughs and cl i " Hart's drug store. It is now uu to Citcle Sam to , g .Itwtt and pay Admiral Schley's ex xnse in the iMurt -if lniulrv. or as Ha.kett. Sampenn e; 1 for the anioun: of them. FOR HOARSF.NES3 B.-nJ. Ing'pvn. of Hutton, Ind , kays he hil no! pken a word above a whisper f -r m-'nths, an I fiat one bot tle ,.f Fol )' Honey and Tar r. si,.r-d hts voice, ft sure you g.-t Foley's Hart's drug store The K'rl of R.lm has an I lea he i- in break th bank at M .nte Carlo A man with such an exr-nlv.. lea ilk that ought I i pn vld-' htmself with a'l Anirica fath.-r-tn-l.iw RKMAIH.K AND tlF.NTI.n "A pill's i p 11." ,tvs 'h. siw Hut th. re are pill a- I .m;.. Vol want a pill which I i-'-r'tln. 'h ir-iu:t at. I g-ti'le, Mus.-i't i.r've. .. Witt's Ut ile I-I.ir'v Ills rs PI! the b II Purely vg-iulh -. I n..t fore., ton ; .sst i, e l-.w-'s t. . u ' -ngto -n and I -v g- -n-e Slll.t'l a-d e..y , 'ik'-l'lIVS Ifi-IKIIS. ,1 A-i't'.T !.i.x has ..t- u'lih.iit in-n-I -n I-' th.. ; ..T ..' J I'l-rp.',; Mo. gn .1 P tin in -. ; .i.y-tir-e s lul l ).-" -r h-r - a i- e f x-. .- . I,..k htni no it. I hat h" s ...--r Ri:'''iMMIIM IT T' TRAIN'MIIN S-xmo,i- V th. M .If. N. V, nt.:,! "I hive b-n trcili'e with my kl lnv for te -entv-tlv y- irs. .m l had t : r -. I o-y.-ra' phvs.ei.m, l,,t r r.-c. -i v -I i re lief ul,f: I h nig.'it a bottle .f p I y s Kldn-y f'nr-. After u-lng txvo botil" I XV. IS !,s,,,te'n- , ur ,) ,.,ir..tiy r mtn.eid p..!-y' Kidney Cure - Take only F 'l-v s Hart's drug st.T-. 'irov- "..v.and thinks It w..u;. b-l.-tt r for the .,rll If t.iere ,-r- es ..f this m i l fornme-oh is ng and nv-re tl.s ling Itut invln.lv ho has been a "ik-i s.fui In , halng a f.rtune tis has Mr. (''. vei.in I . an .iff r 1 to go flehmg. 'hii'iig Tribune, FOOD ClIA.VillD TO POISON. Putrefying food In the Intestine pro du. e, eff-rts like thoa, ,,f arsenic but Dr King's New Uf,. T'lIIsi xpej the p.ilsins from clogged bowels, gently, asily hut surely, curing Constipation. Ililiotnn ., Sick Heada. be, p.-vem. all Uver. Kldn-y and Row.-l troubles. Only K5o at Hart's rmigstor. "t believe," siys a l-rg-roiin, nd Itswslng a convent). .11 of Mlchlgnn Rhp tlsts, "that there Ut a glnrtoiw future In store t"r the Anglo-Suxim n-gro." "Cndoubtely th'Te In. If th 'Angl.i Saxon' negro Is ever ratiht a gk.rloiis futunt In th museums. Ixiulsvlll Courier-Journal. A PHYSICIAN TESTIFIES "I have taken Kndol Dyxpepsla Cure and have never ii-d any:hlng In mv life that Otlil me the ttixt. i:J, k.v cure 1. .Never falls. " HAS ItOdEItH, Druggist, .'Al.l. Fll A HKPl'ltl.UWN CON VKNTION FOR TI1K CITY OF ASfMKtA, A Republlc.ltt tvnventloit or the City -f As'orla, Clalsop County, State of Oivg.nl. is h -rehv called to ins at the court house In the Cttv of Aston, on Thursday, Not ember :'I. A IV, I'Hil, at the hour of I S'l o'clock p lit., for li e purp srt of n inilnatliig (h,. follow lug oltl,- rs of said vl .v. lo be yob'd PU' at th next g.-n rl rlecli. it In aM . Itv. to Ih It 'Id on Wrd les liy. Deec-n-ber 11. A iv. Ii. l-wU: One may or. One t'r-asiti-er On an liter and 'l'e- Jillite One p..1;,- ootiuitisslo'ier, t'n snryeyor. One etr s-t SuPi-rinten b-nt. One c.i inedinait for the First xxard One c.'ii'iclnian f-r the H,s Mid ward On,, c uiii. Uniait for the third ward Notice s further itlxen, that a pri mary elect! ett is hereby called l.i bo held lit the OI:v of As! rl.t, Olttsop County S'ate of Oregon, for th puipo of electing eleven delegates In each ward of a. I city, t.t the Itepuhl'can c -invention of the Cllv of Astoria, aforesaid, to be hell at s.tM Cllv of Astoria, on Thurs lty. November HI. A IV. 1H0I. at I Ito ,,'ol.v-k p in.; said primary elv. :ln shall be h 'I I Thursday. Novem ber H. l'."d. from the lieur of 12 o'clock it. -n I ' me n mr or o cio, g p m r sild day. . . . .. . . . . ... The f.,llo,il,. 1...III1,- ..'... 1.. ..,.x ward of city have been eslablloh- id, ntniclv; In xxarl Ni. I. court (pulse . In w ard N-. J. Welch hi h-V. In ward N J. Axtoil, n x Co. The follow. tig Julk-es liax be.-n ap. , ilnteil. to.wl;. Ward No I. tleorge Johns n. I E H-w eg anl W II Young Ward No !. John Welch, August Nelson and It, s lax Wart No J. A Brlx. Oust II 'line tnl I. Agren. llv order of the City Central Coiitinll-t-e. W F. M ORFV.OIt Attest- Chairman F. P I.niNENWEHEIt. ''II.!. FOR CITIZENS' CONVENTION A miss) meeting of th cllleti. vot rs and tsx-payfr of Astoria Irren. I'eetlve of party adulations. Is hereby ealle to niee; at th otiera tiou on W.slneav evening. November 0. 1901. a! 7 JO p. in . for the purpose ef nomi nating the f .Mowing officer It tie vol. -I f-.r at the general city elecllott I i b h'ld In th Oltv of At'rla on Weluday. December II. 1901: on mav r One auditor anl p-'l!oe Judge, Ope p die commissi mer. One t-enuri-r. One ilp-.-ln!'n lnt of streets One siirr-ynr. On. couti. Ilma-t frittt the Flmt. See 'ti l an I Third wards. rci-eol:iTty All vo'.-'s. Irrest-e.-tlte of pirtv f fl' ill e,s, who ti-II-ye In an h -n-st anl nomlr.it a Vv.lnis'rai'oti rf ei-y nt. fi rs, th-- "itrie 'hit his character ted the g-v rnni nt .f the rity .f ,x-.,. r:a liirtiir -he pis' f ur vein un .-r vie r it. ti .r t-ie i ,: ..'is 'u-.y.-m i if I vx -.. ir- ,.( ""I t, ri,. anl ... . .,-. I ... 1,-.' TI I and i.vt!-,ut in Ihe d'-llhe. a'lutis I'v r ! r o' v it .-ns' r .refnit'' e ?' It Si i'EY. Se r-: i-v PRAEL & COOK, Tit ANSI T.R CO.MI'ANV T-b ph ne ::i. ; DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All g i.-ds shipped lo our Car Will Ite.-elve SP'-cUl Attntl'M. No. S.H Duan H: W. J. COfK, Mgr Ites. T-l, 1131. A't 'rla, Ore. J.A.FASTABEND GENEUAIs CONTRACTOR AND BI'IIJJEIt. GO EAST VIA SHORTEST flfID QUICKEST LINE TO St.Paiil,Diiliiili,.MInni'aii)lis.('ii(:aKo and All Polnis as:. DAILY TRAIN'S; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY KN ECJUAI.ED. rtirough Palacp and Tourist Mleepers. Dining anj Huffet Hmoklng Library Cars. Tickets to points East via Portland find the Oreat Northern Ky., on sals at O. R. & s. Ticket Olll.-e, Astoria, or (Jr'-at Northern Ticket OMIct laa TIMHI) STREET. PORTLAND. For rales, folders and full Information regarding Eastern trio, call on ,r ilresii A. B. C. DRNNfUTOM City Pans, and Ticket Ag?nt, Portland. IVJ .Wslo'WH'i I IVpet, Kifih ,nd laav HtieeH Arrive ' IS a in MK) p. in Overland Ki press Train for Salem, ltcbuig, Ash- 111 11,1 Sm.-i-m Mtnltl.t J W p til Oii.l. u, Hun Finn.' tlscu, Mcjave. I A tin. lea l-:i I-iimo 'J.JO a m N,.w o,,.i d ths lias I. At Woodbiirn idally rxc.-pt Sun day), inornlii ts-nlu iMiineots r tt it train for Mt. An gl. Hllvrrtnn. H r o w n t v 1 1 1, Hprltiitleld. and N'alnin, and avt-n-lug train for Mt. Angel and Hllxur- I I. -II. IlitJOa.tn Corvallls rassen- IIS Mum irr. lis W p ml Sheridan pan- Hi !J m l er. . 'I'ally xi,y except Sunday Rebate tl, kets nn sal b-tween Port land. Haermttmto and Han Franclaco. Net rate 117 first rlasa and til second rias. ittciu.lllig slmtwr. Kate and tickets lo Esslern n.Jnts Slid KtiroiM Als.. i-l.i.. ti ..." n . i, ,,,iin, ii.inu. I lulu and Australia. Can b obtained j from J. II. Klrklmtd. Ticket Agent, ii I '"ir'i "irret, YAMIllt.I. ttVISKN Passenger depot f io of J.-rTcr.on HI lv for Oswego daily nt ? : 4 a. in ; tS JO. I Hi, J jj, j II, .:5. 1. II Hu P nt end H IH) p 111. on Sunday oiily. Arrlt nt Portland dally at SI, J'l. 'lo SO s. in ; I Ji, u j 14 t . T til. lo 00 p. in ; 1; 40 ni. dally neepl M.m lav: I 3D nd to i . m. on Hun days only. !av for t'allas dally except Hun day at 4 JO p. in. Arnv at Portland at t 3d a. nt. Passenger train Iraves Dalits for Alrlre Mondas, We.liies.tay, n.l Fri days 11 3 4i p 111. Itelurns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. Hxej.( Hu-'dav It KOEIII.EH. Manager C H II Alt K II AM. 0n. rrt. and Pass. Aft, Ii Travel UXURIOUS Th, "Northwestern I 'ml'.'d" (rlna, les-lrl llghled Ihriughou', both Insid and out. and t'eam healed, art with out sicep I Ion, th f1nt train In th world. They entliody Ih latest. rwi nl btst Idea for comfort, convenl ri and lutury ver or7rit tb travelling public, and altogether r th pied complet and plndld production f th rar kulldvr' art, " Th splendid Tra'ns Connet With The (!rct Nnrdicrn The Northern I'orif ic and The. Co nii.l Ian I'ailflc AT ST. PAUL Fon Ch(CA(;0 nnJ the PAST. No extra rhargs for these s ierlet ichuiiio lot. ons and all . U-. f ji. k. et are avallab' for I'asxtua ,1: 11, ' , "", '""" are prote-i , i,y ins . XX l l l-T I 1 II. I. SlHt.Mlt. i (1'iiersl Agrnt. Traveling Ag t I Piirtl.ind, 1 ireg -n OCEAN AND RIVER Hdt EDl'I.K From Aslorla I All ailing dati-' I subject t chong" For Han Fmn. 1 , ro every five days I 7 a. nt. ! Columbia Itiver ; a. m. j Da.lv ex. 1 To Portland snd exc. 10IJ!U1.:.W"' Iso'i'litifrs. ! Monday Hienmr Nahcoita l.aves Astoria on lid dally, ,-xcept Hui dny, for llwat-o, .-.nne.-tlng there with trains for le'tig Hencii. Iloga snd North Hench polsis. iieiiiriuiig arrives at Astoria same even lug. 0. W. leOl'NKIIEUIlY. Agent, Astoria. A. I CIUIO. (li-nerttl Passenger Agent, Portland. Oregon, A FEW INTERESTING ! FACTS When iopl ar rontempl iting 1 trip, whether on business or pleusure, they naturally wont Ihe best r.rvlo obtainable as far as spend, comfort and safety is ront.-ented. Employes of ths WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ar paij to 'rv the publlo nntl our trains are operated so as 10 make close Con nections with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair i-arg on through trains. Dining car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obialn the flrst-class sr. vice, ask the ticket agent lo sell vou a iicki'i over The Wisconsin Central lines and you will make direct connecllons nt St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further ltiform.tl tn all on any ticket sgent, or correnpnnj wlih JAS. C. POND. 0n. Pass.' Ag't. or JAS. A. CLOCK, Milwaukee, Wis. General Agent, TUB CHICAOO A NORTHWESTERN KAILWAY. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. I KAY K It'll II AMI J At I II Ht nt ti mi )i in in 111 j I'.'lllmi.t I 11 eh h i. I . 1K1 p 111 l'r Aii.M is slid Way I I'.illlls AMUIIIA Il-llll: ft I'.OtUlul II. I tt. f S II' p in 1 I'ellils 11 g m lo. wp m I.I-A- llK Pl lnS I 111 1 lslell.1 er Vx rtrrt-ul.ili, T HI a in II 'Mm - tlili'l. toll M I1' in, 'x 11 1 . II sii. I and Anon I'liil 'sw 1. ix a nt ; -. l,. foi tt srrriii.'ii, I: ri s m II si p ... 1 lls.s1. IU11011 iid tot. t " -i . m DOS III I "Irie 1 ail. I Ail'illS el S Hiiudiy only. All (rain mak close i-.iu it c : Ion al liable with all Niirili'tn PaciDo trains In snd from Iho East and Huun I I'o.tiH. i. c. mato, Orii'l Freight and Pasaengsr Agnt. ..Forlland Astoria Houfo. STR. "BAILEY fiATZERT." Dally tt 'ii 11 J Trip Ecpt Hundiy. TIME CAHO l.rav, IVirtUnd le-atn Asian.. . T a. in. ..7pm. The Dalles Boat STR. " TAHOMA," llecen Porilaiid. Th Dalle, ,nj m,f Polui. HMt CAHO tayrs Portland. Tuealays. Thurslay and eUiunUt at 7 a. nt. Arrtve Tlio llr (he tm day I P in. Usves Tli lilies. Hundara Win- tla a I-.'. Fridays at I a. m. Arr.yri Portland, sain day, I p n Thl rx'tit bos the grandest on ic t Ir. II " en earth ten ting Fool of Aldrr ire. ' llotlt 'I'li-n's Main 111. A. J TAYUK. Agt. A.torU JOHN M FIl.l.oo.M. Agl. Th Dll. I'HM'IIHII llAUNKo, Agt lUxsJ Itiver. Wll.l-hltD WTEUJl, Aft. Vhl( Halm on. J c WYATT. Agl Vny.nivr K W ClttCIITtN. Agl. Portland. OREGON ''- ii T LINE and Union Pacific TIME H' Dpart 1 In.- in,, poriinn I S;e,- ! il a 111. via Hunt- lllKt.'tl Atl.llitY Ei press 9 p 111. via Hum 'ngt.iii Hi. Pan! Fast mall t p. nt, via Hpokan IMS P',tln,l Arrlta I From Salt I sk.-. I s nv -r. Kl Wo'ili. 1 'ma h 1, K an-as Cty 4 )0 p m. Hi I. n . riiu-g an 1 K.ist 1 H.lil I. ik.-. Ii.-ny.-i Fl, Wot th, 1 una iht. Kansas I'liy. K j , , ! Si le'tus, 1 'h'e.ig .iind East I Wall 1 'tVi.l, flsl.,ti. Ml. 0. k ill" M ntirnp H- Pun, Duiiith ; 00 a. in ;Milaiik.e. t:,l-i c.'go sn.l East ' TS bouts fr.xm P.inland ti Chicago. No Chungs ,,f rarti BESTOF EVERYTHING lii a Word This Tell. f p.,, er Hervlc vis fho Norlhweslcrn feinc. Eight Trains Dally llstw.e,, St. Paul and Chicago, comprising The Latest Pullman Hleep-rs Pserles, Uin(r cnv F If"! (l,"r''"n Cars. Ire Reclining Cbalr Cars, The :0(h Century Tnilns- -Runs Every Day of th Year. The Finest Tram in the Worla electric Lighted Ht I',,,. '1 V. " """ Hetweeii Line '"' t-"l,,u. via th Short Conneellnns from tj,, wm Made vU The NORTH Kliv r.rniie.ci'' VU CAKT'r',mS AND CANADIAN PACIFIC R VS. Tills I lllso Ihe IIICU-P I ir,, .. .. ... Omaha, ftt rnu Z' .... r. ji.-u -iicKi'tj vij, The Northwestern Line W, II. MEAD. it t, bimf.pi flenernl Agent. Truv Am Alder Btrtol, Portland' M ti V Attl s-s vsu-jy