I. 4 i IIIK MOllNLNO AHi'OIUAN, . JJJTMIAl. PtCEMBKtt n, 1900. BEGINNING WEDNESDAY January 2, 1001, our Socond Annual Clearance Sale will commence and continue for" Thirty Business Days. All contract! for lulvcrtiainK In the Aitoi Inn urti iniido on a nuur antcg of circulation four time Inrucr tlinn that of nny purer published or circulated in Clut nop county. TODAY'S W BATH ICR. roitTLAND. 1 J9. iri.tri. fair civrii ruin In tlin nnrthwrni portion. Wnalilnaion, occasional mln, warmer In tllci milhitim portion. AROUND TOWN. J. K. Jiihrmm, of Olny, va tn tli city ymicnlBjf, W. U. hlr. of IVriMnd, was In th flty yppriltty. W. K. i:ilwaiiar, of Portland, wa In h city yricray. Oo, A. CJl.l.tm k. of 8eallli wu In h i-lty ymit-rttay. jur rrnnrt: Vlml, uut)K-at. Hunt; cloudy; bar. smooth. O. I. IVkum. of Portland, If fltU trml at th t.Hclitenl, Mr H. A. Fcfil, of lUninmtxl, wat In the city yan-rday. B, Norniilo la In battle for a fw day on a buinrs trip. J. It. Hurkf. f Cnililamnt, waa In As toria yratrrday on bualnea. J. B. Ilralry. of (lray Itlvrr, If rI Ulrrnt at th 1'nrk. r House. Drat U-csnl meal, ItUInf duo Rcf taurant, 613 Commercial atrsat. n. T. Mltrhfll. of Portland, waa In tha city yratrrday on bu!iir. Jeffs rtaurnl ths (art and trat. A trial will eonvlno you. AV. T. fary. of Han F"ranrlco, n-f lati-rrd at th Occident yesterday, Whtra do you ft your Sunday din ner? I take mine at the Ontral Hotel. John IWf, of the Iwla and Clark, waa In the city yeaterday on tiualneaa. William Itatlereon waa a parnr frtmi .Whalrm on the ateamer Harri son. Iff a friitleman'a whlnkey. a pure Acllolou bcvcraire and a Brand appetl r. Ixm't foret the nam. "I. W. Harp'' whlakpy. The kind your irnuidfathrr uwd." fold by Foard and Htokm Co.. Aatorla, Or. HEBT IS-CKNT MEAL: JUMNO fUN HEBTAURANT. Hoy Wanted. To work In printing oftlce: apply to the J. 8. D1SLL-INOICH CO. Claude I.. Blmpeon, of toni Ururh waa In the city wt evutuni on uiimi nime, The airanK'f Houth Portland aallrd for thla port from Han Kranlo y- trnluy, . The Mc-c'Ment tmrlier ahop haa three flret.(:ltt barlKTt under IU new man aili'llirlll. Tim two llrltleh till Munkoka and piihuyre were lowed to fa yrsn-rduy afternoon. Hark Iiuhrry h rcturni-d from a month! llt to the name prewrvea near Uulwy. Mr. IHIIInK. of lwltnn, Malm. I (ho Ktii'Ht of tier nltrr, Mr. M. J. Kx on Twrifth atrret. Mra. (leorae C. Klavrl. of Portland l vlltin In the city, the U'-l of Mm. J. T. Uithter. tr. and Mra. Will Madlaon have re. turned from a vli.lt with frlenda In the WlllamHt? valley. Mr. and Mra. Bhanktand. of Portland are In the city pp-nom- the hollduya with Mr. and Mra. True. The panlor of the Hwcdlah Lutheran rhurrh rerelved a Chrlatiimf lfl of $3i from the conKmtatlon. The nataar) Holiday oodi. bam boo furniture, ladlea underwear and notion; CM Commercial atreet. Cream Pure Ir. mnra'i flneat vhink. Th nnlv nure coodi: liar. anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L, C'AHLSON, Bol AaenU A new foundation If belli put Under the Fouler bulldlli on Commercial atreet by Contractor Iebeck. The Work wa commenced yeaterday. Iloalvn co lafta liwiifr. la cl'fner and make lea trouble with ftovee and chimney Hue than any other. Oeorne W, Hanborn. acent. Telephone lin. VrA Plrehtn fnrmerlv of Amdt A Pip, hin n hn ran an Iron Work In thl clVv. now of Ban Franclaco. la apendlng a few oay in Afioria wun irienaa. The Tarnenbek and Inchcane Rock n.tra int.. I on the river yeeterday morning for Portland, where they are under charter to load grain ror r.u-rope. During the recent high water on the BlUKlaw river. S.0O0.OOO feet of log were floated down In two day from the logging camp on the upper river to llenedlct'a boom at Acme. The log brought 132.009. DON'T LEFT!!! Y3D AYS K3 I OF DAHZGER 'S GREAT 20 PER CENT AND 2& PER CEIT SUM TOIL Hi oenii an From now until the end ttt January, 1901, I will nuika all klnda of fulta at a reduction of 1(1 per cent from the u iihI price, A, I.AKK, nlerthunt Tailor, The Drltleh ateamahlp Kalaon, which w due to arrive In yeatenluy, did not put In an appearance, having prob ably been delayed by the recent gale on the I'acinc, , Aa P, J. Ooodman and Co., are g dng nut of builnenN, their entire atock of boot and ahoee are lt aale at prlcr It will pay the public to crn and aee; at No. Commenlal at reel, Mr. J. II. Morback and Ml Maud Kinney were niurrled at Newberg on I'hrlitrnn diiy, Mr, Morback la a well known lumhermiin of that mrlon and Mlaa Kinney in relative of Mra. Will Kinney of the Clutaop Mill In thl city. The tearmr Hue H. Klmore arrived In from TllluriUMik yeeienlny noon with a heavy caro of aalmon, butter and cheeae, Hh'f nleo carried a number of paaefig i f. With weather permltilng the i.lmoie will leave out on Hunduy morning. Acting Kurvcyor U. A. M Ian m'-a- ured the MW launch Ivigle of Juinea heutlng' and flnda her to be of U 69 ton gna and ten ln" net. The Ka. gle which I being built at Warren ton ttlll b ready for aervlce In a few day. The eteamcr W. H. HiirrUon arriv ed In late Thumduy night from Neha (in with a cargo of auliiiiri and dairy proluie. Hh hua b-en bar bound down the emu! for l-carlv three week. Hhe will leave out thl moinll.g for N'1 huli'iit and other count polpt. Mi. 1'iiyle recovered mnaelouanifa yintirdiiy for the flrat time alnce h'-r mroke of puralyela hint week. For a lime It wua tliought tliut ahe. waa dy Ina hut later ehe relapeed Into a atate of uiiconM'loumMi very much aa before and hn Miner remained In thla condi tion. Mr. and Mr. Frank A. Hound, who have been down from Itulnler aie-ndlng fhrletma with Mr. and Mra. Wm. True of thl city, returned home on Wednea day morning train. They are going to move to California about the aec ond of Jimuiirv. where they expect to apend all thl winter and inxt Bum mer, After the departure "f II"' Bnlnt IV de and Thyra. which veewia are about ready to aall for the I'hlllpplne with government war auiipllea, there prom Im to b- a lull In the trnnaport bul ne. a far aa thla port la concerned. fir aevenil month at leat. The Balnt Hole, which I loaded to the guard with out and Imy. will probably have down the liver today ami the Thyra Monday. The Thyra will carry W0 horae and mule, in addition to car go of forage. k r ..... I..r. u m nlli.in rnmt irrAn U I.V n l . 'l ."II v mr .,. " j Mendumi ttndolett, Iteed and Comuhnn to their mother. Mr. M. Nowlen. In honor of her elghty-aeventh birthday. fr Vnuli.n u-iia luirn n.r PoltimllU. Ohio, and hua lived In thla atate for flfsy year. Her huabund, M. Nowlcn. la alao mill living and la In hln eighty- Uth year. Among the Invited gu-aU were Memiume. v.. iiare. m. m. i.ii man. J. W. Conn. Aug. Kinney, O. Wlngate, C. P. I'pahur. J. Smith. M. Hume, N. Clinton. M. Hall. Hawthorne. A Vi.m fliiun T A llvliiml M Tren chard, W. W.' I'urker. M. J. Fox. K. Ilobaon. j. o. Tmiiinger, ana inning. of IwlHton. Idaho. The llrltlah bark Pegaaua foundered off 1'enarth lload yeaterday. One of her crew landed at Cardiff. The fate of the ret I unknown. The Peguaua wu well known at thla port. Hhe aull ed from here July 1 with a cargo of wheat and waa bound for the United Kingdom. 8he wna 2437 tona net regie- tcr and when leaving port carnea a crew of thirty men. The email tug Kl Salvador atarted Tueaday from Ban Francleco on the long voyage tn Salvador. She will be lined towing lighter to and fmm the ahore In connection with the codee in duatry. The VA Salvador la a tug of only about twenty tona and waa built by John Twlgg It Son. She la commanded by captain iyior anu carrle a crew of alx men. She will low a lighter down to Southern Amer lea. The local police court had a at'salorl for buslne yeaterday afternoon for the flrat time In nevenU week, all the regular contrlbutore having evidently turned over the customary new leaf a month ahead of time by mlalake and arc Junt waking up to tnelr error. One man. John Aho, waa arrefted for con duct unbecoming to a gentleman and waa fined ten The other victim, John Lockland waa drunk, very drunk, and made a rough house out of the Jatl ao he .wat given the game amount. The flerman bark Alaterufer cleared from Portland yeaterday afternoon for QuecnMown or Falmouth, ror oruere. h wa dlanatched by Kerr. Glfford ft Co.. and carrlea 150,814 bunhela of wheat, valued at $82,950. Her departure bring the number of clearances for thla month to alxteen. and he waa followed by the Hrltlnh bark Dlnlrhoyle, which flnlahed. and cleared later, bringing the total up to seventeen. The Alaterufer haa been In the river 27 day, while the Illalrhoyle haa atayed loading but eighteen days. Captain Young of the stranded bark Poltallock haa gone to Portland to meet Wllllnm Potter, one of the firm of Pot ter nrofl., owners of the unfortunate vessel, who la expected to arrive In that city today from New York city, Mr. Totter comes here to look over the aituatlon and clrcumntancea aurround Ing the Poltalloch and doubtless some more definite action will be taken on the matter of trying to float the ves sel. No bids were received by Cap tain Young on hlf recent notice for bids, a the "no cure, no pay" system proved too much for prospective bld derf who have Been too much of that sort of thing. Considerable attention wm attracted at the O. R. & N. wharf yesterday by I he presence of an odd-looking craft lying alongside the dock and looking like a bob-tailed river steamer. The vewl Is the lllatarred Klickitat, which was started by the Portage Railway Con. puny of which Paul Mohr was the prominent figure and when that com pany which wu to build a boat rail way at The Dalles, want to the wall during the past summer the Klickitat was eold to satisfy a mortgage. She wrs a splendid model of a river steam er nnd was to have been one of the finest boats of the company but Bhe was never completed and bag no ma chinery or wheel and consists of only the hull and outer shell of her upper works. Bhe was purchased by the O. RAN. Co. and Is being used In the rather Inglorious role of a barge. She has on board some seven thousand sacks of wheat which are being ligh tered down for the steamship Chlng Wo. . , Pears' Economical soap is one that a touch of cleanses. Pears' shaving soap is the best in all the world. All of pop1 Pf' "P. all awl dw Mil II, CipKUlly SfUggMU. The preliminary go at the Louvre to night promlaes to be a most Interem Ing event. The affair will be a ten round contest, between Kid Hogan and Chick Houghton and la aure to bring out "iiie lively work. Hogan la well kiiown here and a great deal of Inter est renters around thla part of the program. The prlnrlala In the main event. Martin Denny and Jimmy Itlley, have given evidence of their ability In plenty and with the existing clrcum stincea surrounding the present match the spectator are aure to be witnesses to some excellent p'rt. The event haa stirred widespread Interest and a large crowd la sure to be present. "Hrmll crawfish be protected?" la a 'luesilon that appeara to be agitating the mind of several of Oregon's law makera )ut now. It will be remem bered that a bill for the protection of crawfish was Introduced at the Inst a.ssl'in of the atule gu.a.ure. Hy reiiMin of the fact that the crawfish was but llc.le undersPsjd. however, ond WITH THK CHURCHES, All the usual services will be observed at the Kapllst church tomorrow. The subjects of the ermon, suggested by the tlm the close of the y ar and the century, will be "Ioklng Iiackward" and "Looking Forward." Kverybody is cordially Invited to attend. At the Presbyterian church Service as uual tomorrow. Theme of the morn ing sermon, "A message for the New Year." Kvenlng theme, "Retrospect and Prospect." The pastor Is espec ially desirous that as many aa can hall be at these last services of the year. There are no services In the Swedish Lutheran church tomorrow. On New Year's day there wilt be services at 10:30 a. m. In the Swedish language, and In the evening at 7:30 In the Eng lish, The Christmas tree will then be lighted again and the church Illuminat ed by candles. Everybody welcome. On the 2nd of January the church holds Its annual meeting beginning at 10 a. m. At the Methodist church next Sun day, Rev. L. E. Rockwell, V. D., will occupy the pulpit morning and even ing. Dr. (inkwell I prld!ng elder of the Portland district and this Is his first official visit to this (hur.h. He Is a strong preacher and we may rea sonably expect two excellent sermons. The first quarterly conference of the Methodist church is held this (Satur day) evening. Dr. Rockwell will be present and preside. There will be held the regular aer vlces In the First Congregational church at 11 a m. and 7:30 p. in. At the morning hour the pastor will preach the third and last sermon In the ser ies upon the subl'ct of the Atone- ih. n...n. fF it. i.n.inlliin wu uit mme tor ine evenoig; ouur apparent, (lie measure fulled to Ik- -ome 1 '.Some Memories Connoted Itb the a law. Klnce then renewed Interest has I pV " Year." Sunday school at 12:15. been manifested In the Industry, andpld-week mating. Wedn-sday the.e are those who believe that Its -venlng. at 7:30. Strangers always perpetuation In this state depend upon I welcome. , . . .1 1 l . 1 1 .. I ... 1 irh.r, I. r. a Ha. I JUUM I'lUW I Kininie'll. iii i. iiu nylra the faet that the consumption of crawtlsh Is yearly Increasing. but w hether or not there la danger of exter mination In the event thit no pro tective legislation la enacted la an open (Uestln. State Fish Commissioner F. C. Reed frankly admits that he kno-wa very little about crawfish, and for that reason he hesitates to recommend any legislation n relation to them, LIST OF ASSESSABLE PROPERTY. Amount of Taxable Property in Incor porated Town and Cities Sub levl to School Tax Levy, County Clerk Wnerlty has completed a list of the property valuations In th? various School districts anA In. Ieorporated cities and towns In the , county upr" which the taxes for school The steamship Chtng Wo that had purpose for the coming year will be troubles of her own w-lth the ''hogback" off Tongue Point, succeeded in getting off the first Rnd bar, but ha not yet come to the end of her difficulties. Two of th river tug want to her assist ant early yesterday morning but the captain of the steamship unuer tne Impression doubtless that he would be able to come down on the afternoon lld could not come to an agreement a to the consideration for such ser vices and refused the proffered aid. At luteal advices th? captain expected to get over In safety early this morning, but that did not take Into considera tion the present southeast gale and he may be detained until the unusually high tide of Monday. The vessel la said to be drawing between twenty-two and twenty. three feet and despite the fact that the Portland papers tried to cover iid the real time of her departure and siute unblushlngly (hat the has arriv ed down here, she I nevertheless still up the river and likely to stay there a wliilc. a warning or tnus rar snau thou go but no farther to heavy draught vessels with charters on the Columbia. ... It Is likely that In a few days the Rrltlsh shin Ilathdown; a line three- masted ship with double topgallant yard, of 20&8 tons, will be posted at I.loyils' as missing. The vessel is now out k8 days from Yokohama, In bal last, for this port and the wle ones regard her as a goner. About the time the ship sailed from the Japanese port a typhoon was doing business In the same latitude, and for a month after her departure the storm lashed the Pacific Into a fury all along the sail Ing course between the Japanese port and the Columbia, it is reared tnat the vessel, being lightly laden, wa swamped or overturned In the storm and perished with all hands. The price of reinsurance on the Rathdown has been mounting steadily since she was first posted on the overdue list, until the price now quoted la 85 per cent. Even with this tempting figure there are few men taking chances on her, even though It la known that the Rath down was a staunch vessel. According to the etory of a man who waa late ly a mate aboard the ship, but who re signed Just before the vessel left Yoko hama and for obvious reasons does not care to have his name mentioned, the Ilathdown's steering gear Is In very bad condition and is hardly able to stand a severe etraln. - . REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mary E, Stanley to Albert E. arid Horace S. Butterfleld tide land In front of lot 4, block 2, Grimes' annex $500. Mary R. Jeffery and husband to Mark S. Warren-lots S and 4, block 128; lot 4. block 130; lot 5. block 132; lota S and 4, block 15S. McClure's; 1171 Wondering about that present ? Suppose you go down this line. China Orookery Glassware Fancywaro Jardineres lamps - Ornaments Silverware Busts-Figures Dinner Sets Fish Sets Game Sots Onyx Tables Gups, Saucers . Plates, Salad Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, Vases Olocks, Steins Everything that's Beau tllul for Christmas Our Prices Just Like Finding Money. Great AmcncanlsSaSortissTBa Co. . 671 Commercial street, Astoria, levied. The valuations for the cities and towns are as follows: City of Astoria il.5S8.349 Town of Clatsop 131.140 Town ot Kaw Astoria 33.312 Town of Seaside 14.225 City of Warrenton 84.os In no city or town 838,142 Total ,.12,87,254 ANNUAL MEETING. The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Alaska Fishermen's Packing Company will be held at the office of the company. Astoria. Oregon, on Wednesday the th day of January, 1901. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors to serve for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. JOHN NORDSTROM. Secretary. THIS IS THE DAY. Saturday Is now here, the special day for children at the Edison Co.'f next to Petersen & Brown's. A beau tiful program has teen arranged for the little ones. Every child under 13 years will be admitted for S cents. BUSINESS FOR SALE. Good general merchandise business. Ben opening on Columbia river. Good reasons for selling. Address. J. D. M'FARLANE. Knappa. Ore. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA. At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of businesa, December 13th, 1900; - KESOURCES. Loans and discounts 2234,509 9S Overdrafts, secured and un secured 4,004 63 U. S. Bonds to fecure circu lation 12.500 Stocks, securities, etc 94.828 74 Other real estate owned I.SS2 63 Due from National Banks . (not reaerve agents) 4,217 36 Due from State Banks and Bankers 42,394 89 Due from approved reaerve agents 123,411 S3 Internal-Revenue Stamps .... 794 74 Checks and other" (ash Items. 2 50 Notes of other National Banks 280 Nickels and cents 94 23 Lawful Money Reserve In Bank, via: Specie 104,500 Legal-tender notes ... 20 104,520 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 of circulation) 625 Total S631.5M 53 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 60.000 Surplus fund 25,000 Undivided profits, less expens es and taxes paid S4.0S0 71 National Bank notes out standing 12.000 A Due to State Banks and Bankers 136 81 Individual deposits subject to check.. 3406.804 08 Demand certificates Of deposit 103.544 S3 510,349 01 Total $631,666 53 State of Oregon, County of Clatsop, as: I. S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knoa ledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of December, 1900. Correct Attest: C. R. THOMSON, Notary Public JACOB KAMM. J. O. HANTHORN. . W. M. LADD, Directors. SOMETHING NEW. Just published by the Southern Pa cific Co. la a phamphlet upon the re sources of Western Oregon, which In cludes an excellent map of the state, and contains information on climate, lands, education, etc., existing Indus tries and their capabilities. Attention 1 also directed to such new fields for energy or capital aa promise fair return. This publication nils a need long ex perienced by Oregonlans, in replying to Inquiries of eastern frlenda, - CoDles may be had of local agent Southern raclflc Co., or from C. H. MARKHAM, G. P. A., Portland. Or. THE - ONLY WISE WEEP SALE STILL ON mm Tfl SUABLE JUST RECEIVED A Full Line of . . .STOCKFIl Heinze's Mince Meat. Queen Olives and all kinds of Holiday Delicacies FISHER BROTHERS, ASTOKIA, ORE. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS. TQBACCQ AND CIGARS.... .. Supplies of all kinds at lowest rales, for fishermeii, Farmers and Loggers. A V AlwlUEENs Tenth and Commercial Streets .uuinjuxtAnnrinnnrumruiAnAfixxruuwiriru tnjuwuvininvrvwunnp RTL.AND PORTLAND, OR. e Tlie Only First-Class Hotel In Portland j? ih runJiaruuuiruwuuuinnnjvu POUNDED A. D. 1TIO SUN INSURANCE OFFICE OP LONDON , , i THE OLDEST PURELY FIRE OFFICE IN THE WORLD. Cash Aaot, ... CainAmU In United State $rl,goo,ooo a,6i6,935 J. B.F. DAVIS & SON, GENERAL AGENTS. WTNFIELD S. DAVIS BURT L. DAVIS CARL A. HENRY 215 Sansome Street, - - ' San francisco, Cat. SAMUEL ELMORE & CO., AGENTS. THE ASTORIAN.... Delivered ot yotir office Btoro or residence,. 50c per month KM) 4