The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 14, 1900, Image 3

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TUK MORNING A810IUAN, ffilU. fCMBft 14, 1900.
K'cn's linen
M"ii' iilnln hemstitched linen handkr
chief's, We, Mc, 80o, J5e, 40c, BOO, 60o
Ull I Tint KMC'h,
Hpi-rlal .'rivet by tin Hon,
KletTs Neckwear
Choirs pcllnjr for gift In this ft I
nating Int. I'rli-v b'-irln at 23c. Very
effective high novelties, II to II taoh,
Buy a Calendar
Wt've beautiful collodion of this
continual friendship re-mlndcra.
New Initial Uandker
chlcfs fcr lsu!cs
In mat Uttla boxen for ChrUimoa gin,
Itlchatdaon'a pure lln!!. Initial hand
iiibroldrod, . , .
Uox of tlx Handkerchiefs, I! 5 nd 11.(0
The critter tablet show a hunt of
fancy Celluloid erll'-U-i to grav the
drriMi'i, You can't Judge their attract-
Ivemsa by those price. How so little
money tn buy to much It t marvel,
IIanilK"iclilf box" 2&o and HOc,
Uluv. b x, 25o to 1. ,
ChII.u- and Cuff (Ma. Mc, 75c.
liruah ami Cumb Traya, 20o and Mo.
Work lloxct. Wc and 7Sc.
Alt conlrncU for ndvartmiiiK In
tlm Aatoilmi uro iniiJo on n gtmr
untee of circulation four tlnua
largsr than tlmt of any purr
published" or circulated in (Jut
op county.
POItTLANl). In-'. lf-Orr.m and
Wanl.lngl.ili, occasional rain, and gaVa
aln th roast: Idaho, cloudy and
threatening, with ruin In the north and
Wrral Mrton.
Ji'lm Hunter, of lUaco, waa In tho
city ettrday.
J. O. llogan. of Chinook, waa In the
city yesterday
Isaac Hanson, of Frankfort, wa In
the citv ywrtorday.
Jud.e l... C. llrorwvr la In Portland
today on bualnrM.
rorv A. Cnnhid, or Knap pa, waa In
Astoila yesterday.
Howell Lewis, of John Day, waa In
AitorU eterday,
Ml." Holm, or Nae, U visiting with
friend in thla city.
P, de H. Olnry. of Portland, la reg
istered at the Occident.
tt, Paul dra-maimtf parlors at Cen
tral HoiH. Mtaa Wllkea.
K. M Kabcit, of South lnd. I ref
ltird at tho Occident.
Girl Wanted For general housework;
amail family. Apply thla ollioa.
E, II. Iialdwln. of Corvallls. wa at
the Occident yesterday.
Mr, ani Mra. M.Oulnv of Fort Canby,
were In the city yesterday.
The ateamer IV N'rt arrived down
the river yesterday morning.
Adam H. Collin, of Pun Franclaco.
waa In the city yesterday,
I D. Fuller, of ConVyvllle, Kan., I
n-glsterrd at tha Occident.
Prat 18-cent meal. Tilting Hun 1U
taurant, 61J Commercial ttrL
Henry NIc. of Newport. u regis
tered at the Occident yesterday.
Jeffa rtaurant th larraat and
teat. A trial will convlnoa you.
Mr. and Mr. lan Mclean, of Wcat
port, were In the city yterdy.
O. 8. Cooper, of North Yakima, waa
In Atloria yratertlay on buelnet.
F. O. Walter la able to be about
agulu after h n-cnt attack of lllneea.
P. F. Halferty. the flklpanon clam
canner. waa In Aatrrla yeaterday on
Th n.-.l,lnt kartwr ahon haa ihrm
flral-cla barber under Ita new man-agwment.
J. T. !toa la In Portland on bualnea
penneotrd with the emmpany'a atore In
tnat city.
A ..llarJ TlmM" .kr.lnl wfta twltl At
llnlh,.rn'a toll taal avpnlnr bv the
orucr or waiminenon una . very nmu
l.laT UK Will aa pieaiiant umo waa r
I Christmas Offerings
Holiday Neckwear I I Men's fancy Shirts
Nowtwt Styles - AH tlio Now
Intent rutterns Patterns . . .
28 cants to I.OO QU 9I.2S and t.BO
20 per teat discount 20 ter cent discount
You may select any stylo you wish, make
a small deposit on same, and wo will
reserve it for yod. . .
Prices from $4 to $10.50 20 per cent discount
Silk Handkerchiefs . Silk Suspenders
Initials, Fancy Bor- Immense Assortment
dor, Plain Wlrito, mmmmm Newest Patterns
etc., in great variety. M a a -A
25ct5to$l 25tsto$1.50
20 per cent discount 20 per cent discount
...Earl & Wilson... Men's, Boys' Hats
Collars and Cuffs in ail tho Now
Full Dress Shirts FttU Shtli,cs
Largest Stock ' Prices from $1 to $5'
in tho City. 20 percent discount
25 percent discount on Suits,
Overcoats end Mackintoshes
Sale Positively Closes December 31
On ttocount'o' """Una blcng down
110 bur report waa fwlved yetrdtty
Mr. J. W. Vumy, tit Portland, la the
ueat of h-r aimer, Mr. W, L, llulib,
of tula tlty.
I, All. hi.ff the notiulur rlftar avenl
of I'oiiUnd, waa In tho city yeaterday
on bualncaa,
Cttoliln Wlcklund, of the Point
Admn lire-aavliia; atallon crew waa in
the iltv ycatcrday.
' The I)uiiyre left down the river from
Portland yeaierdMy In tow of the ateam
ed llurvrat Queen
The Itobert Dollar aalled Tueaday
from Hun Franclaco for Heattle and
other XTta on th Hound.
The Baxaarl Holiday aoodi, bam.
boo furniture, ladlea' underwear and
notlona; 6x1 Commercial atreet.
Kenator J. 1. Meith'r and wlf have
orm to Denver to attend the weddlnf
of a niece of Mra. Mcicler,
I). (. MdjiiiKhlln. of Pn-aton, Iowa,
and Kd. M: Joneifle, of IX-atur, Iowa,
were eealafred at the Occident yeater
day. Chanea Junll, th 4 year-old "n of
lvr Juntl. dl-d of epllepay eariy ya
terdny mornlnar at hla home In L'nlon
town. An adjourned arwdon ot the county
court will l held on Haturday to com
plete aoine of the uotltHahed bualneaa of
luat v.i. k'a acvalon.
Cream Pure Itye. tmenca'a
whukv. Thrf oniv nure food; t'ar.
anteed rich and mellow. JOHN U
CAHI.PON. Bila Atent.
The ldle aid amlety of llie Connre
Ktli.nii church will hold their vale
on rt.ilurday evenlnir, lec. 15, In the
baaeinent of 'the church.
iintvn Uaia iniirer. la cleaner
and makea lea trouble with tove and
chimney Hue than any other. Oeorge
W. Hanboni. agent, xeiepnone mi.
t'.u. HHMHi.i t, rutv for the lrn
liroveitu nt of Kk-vrnth atreet between
Fianklln and Harrlaon avenue waa
fll.-d In h audllor'a fflc yiaterday.
The amount of the aemeni la $aa3.C0.
Th Kr.-n. li bara Caaaard wna etaiud
ui. the river yeatertlay morning at t
oci'K-k. 8hA will dlacharge her cargo
of kioti barn-la of cement At Portland
and take on a cargo of grain for Eu-
Mr tti.lio ( in Im "fimmendrd and the
ih,.i,.r.if.iinir nulillc cimeratulated UDon
the very hlgh-claaaof attmctlona which
have preaented o Ir tnia aeaaon
and are book h1 r the coming month,
at Kinher' opera houae.
FUh Commlaaloner F. C. need haa
returned from Portland after complet
lna and filing hut annual report and
left yeaterday for Beaalde to look after
the Incatlon of the hatchery thut 1
to be atarted near that place.
Mr. A. C. Flaher. of thla city, re
ceived word yeaterday afternoon that
her n.other. Mra. Mattaon. In Hun Joae,
California, waa very III. Mra Flaher
left for that place on the train laat
evening accompanied by her huabaad.
The Canadian PacMc la to have a line
of Meanicr on the Upper Yukon. La at
aenaon there were about twenty vee
ael In aervlce betwe-n White Horae
and Daw-Min. Thla coming year It la
climated that there will be betwi-en
forty and fifty.
Wanttd S00 corda more or leaa of
flret growth, purtly aeaaoned fir wood,
four-f.Mit length Delivered about 100
corda per month on board acow near
Hanthorn cannery. AOdreea. B. 1.
JOHNSON, ftoom 10, I. O. O. F. build
ing, Portland. Or.
Mr. Kmma Galloway, aaalatant de
riHrtnienl Inaiteclor of the Woman' He
lief Corp, of Oregon City, wa In the
city yeaterday and inapeoted the local
organisation of that body, yeaterday
afternoon, tflie la toe gueat or mra
Zec,.r while In the city.
The Youna- Men1 Chrlatlan Aaaocia-
Hon of Balern are to erect a building
for the aaaoclatlon at that place. 1 in y
have up to the preaent time occupied
rented Quarter, but have failed In their
efforta to renew their leaae and have
concluded to have a home of their own
Tha litoearv Henartment of the Eb-
worth League hrtd the flrat of their
regular monthly aocial for thla aea
aon. in th M. E. church laat evening.
An excellent program waa given, con
flating of recltatlona. aelectlona on a
graphophone, and the reading of No.
1, Vol. 2, of the Epwortnian.
Jack, the Poisoner," la active again.
He haa been quiet for more than alx
mnntha. or lnce early laat aprlng. but
It la evident the unknown mlacreant
who hn& been noiaoning valuable Ta
coma dog for the paat four or five
eara haa commencd another winter
campaign. A voluaoie piunter pup w
hla first victim.
Mlllmen In the atate of Washington
a-e contldent that within a short time
they will brt grantel a 40-cent rate on
fir lumber to the Missouri nver. a bbk
ed for by the lumliermon'a committee.
In fact. It U thought that It will come
shortly after the Kastern business open
up In the? spring, and with the assur
anci they are satisfied to wait.
Many of the nunibeta on the program
at the dance given this evening in
Foard Btokea hall for the benefit
of Hnrry Twilight will consist of entire
ly new music never berore heard In As
toria. The Columbia orchestra and the
Astor Club, who have the affair in
charge, are using every effort to make
the event an especially pleasant one.
Lnrkln C. Former, who wna shot
Monday night In Portland while resist-
In a highwayman, died yesterday as
a result of the wound In the breast.
Although a number of detectives have
botn at work on the ense since the at
tempted robbery occurred, no clue to
the Identity of the osstissln haa yet been
Owing tt the absence of County Clerk
Wherity from the city yesterday tho
canvass of the vote of Wednesday's
ult election was not made. Until this
I done It cannot be ascertained whether
tho act to appoint a park commission
wa adopted or not. The vote on the
question stood 615 for acceptance and
122 against It, but to carry, the yeas
have to have a majority of all the votes
cast. The highest vote for any one
candidate waa VU3, but thla may not be
the total vote. The fact Is pretty
generally accepted, however, that the
vea will w in aa the total vote would
have to be over 1029 to defeat It. As
Judge Urower will be out of town to
day the canvass will not be made bo
fore tomorrow.
Oipialn Tlinmoft. w ho has been oper
ating. Ilia cannery on the Coqullle riv
er during the paat aenaon, haa returned
to hla home her for the winter. He
returned on the steamer lad Norte and
waa accompanied' b bis family. He
reports . tb pack on the Coqullle aa
Ha-htly better than lt year, which
la an exception to the, rule this season
on the Oregon coaat. '
The l'.rltlh ahlp Muskoka cb ared at
the custom house yesterday afternoon
for PI) mouth, gueennown or Falmouth
for order. Hhe carries a large cargo
of wheat consisting of Vtn bushel
of wheat, valued at 1.1.33!. She hlp
p.'d alx men from the ullor boarding
houae firm of Kenny It Lynch yes
terday morning and If the weather per
mit will probably get to '-a today. ,
For ale. In the basement of the
Congregational church Haturday even
ing. Lie. ember IS. a quantity of fine
holly. Moglcan drawn work aent for
esiH-cl'illy for the thla sale; burnt wood
and leather work; tuncy work; home
made candb-a, cak'a, Jeine. and mince
meat. Uefreahment consisting f cof
fee and sandwlclws, Ice crtam and cake
will also be served.
F. C, lirown. suiierlntendcnt of the
i'im river salmon hatchery, say that
thirty thouahnd llsh have already been
hatched thla season, and owing to the
scarcity of egga due to the washing
out of the rack, theae young salmon
ahould be fed several month before
being liberated, but aa to the time they
will be turned loose, he will have to
follow the order of the higher otllcal.
The regular annual meeting of tho
Aatorla Progressive Commercial Asso
ciation waa held last evening. Kf port
of und committee were read
and other business of the association ,
transacted. The report of Fl)h Com
missioner Heed to the fish commission
waa commended by the association an I
a copy of the resolution was ordered
sent to the commission. Plana were
formulated for the future conduct of
the organization and some of the reg
ular feature of the club were modified.
Two new timber companies, with a
capital of half a million dollara each.
have been Incorporated by Frederick
Weyerhueunr and other wealthy lum-
termen of Mlnnes.rta. Wisconsin. Iowa
and Washington to deal In timber lands
and nicrat logging camp, sawmills,
shingle mills and generally do all that
pertains to the lumber business. They
are the Humblrd Lumber Compnny
and the Clearwater Lumber Company
and the article of Incorporation were
flbil at Tawmia' on Wednesday. The
h ad'tuarter of the two companies wilt
be at Tacoma.
The atate fish commission, consisting
of Governor Oeer and Secreary of State
Dunbar and Fish Commissioner Heed,
in riling Ita report for the legislature,
nays- The commlrelon la of the opin
ion and would most respectfully recom
mend that the act of MH be amended
so that the e.ilue state shall be ln
clude.l In one district, which will per
mit the larger streams to aid the small
er on-, bring the plan now pursued
In tho state of Washington, and would
further rec(mn-nd that the compensa
tion of the flab commissioner and hi
deputies and their expenses be paid
frm ih he'cl-erv fund. Thla would
relieve the general fund of an expense
or Jbooo eatn yiar.
The case of 8 Normlle against the
Oregon Hallway A Navigation Company
was on trial before Justice Urower yes
terday. The plaintiff aska damage In
the extent of $J"0 for Injuries received
by one of plaintiffs mules that waa
brought down from Portland by defend
ant and placed on their wharf where
It was. it appears, tied to a plow. The
mule wa Injured by striking one ot Its
l"gs against the plow, and plaintiff
"eka to eecjver damages In the above
amount. A number or witnesses were
ended, and the argumenta were heard
The case wa then taken under con-
sldeiailon. W. 8. Bristol, or Portland,
waa the attorney ror the O. It. & N.,
and Pillion Uroe. for Mr. Normlle.
General H. B. Compswn and V. E.
Keaay, of Portland, officers of the
Hockefeller Mining Company, have re
turned from an Inspection of the prop
erties. They brought back sample or
ore taken rrom the ahart of the New
Kra, which gave rich results. J, O,
Hanthorn. president or the company,
had tn assay made at the government
assay oltUe in Seattle from the pay
streuk, v.lilch went $455 gold to the
ton. The general average across the
four-foot ledtre taken from a number
ot afcsnys gives an average of 133.75 pir
tan. The Rockefeller mine are con
ceded to be among the most promising
ndnea In th? Bonanxa district, located
in the Greenhorn mountains, in Eart
ern Oregon.
The act In relation to city parks
upon which the vote was taken on Wed
nesday, pnnldes that if accepted the
mayor, city engineer and five cltixens
to be eppolnttd by the Judge of the
circuit court shall constitute a park
commission, but not more than three
of the cltlscna appointed shall be of the
same political party. This commission
hall have charge of all city parks and
shall have power to levy a tax of not
more than ',i mill each year to make
Improvements on came. The commis
sion shall alao have authority to pur
chase lands for a park and make a
levy of not to exceed mill per year
to pay for same, provided that the
proposition to make such levy be sub
mitted to the vote or the people at a
regular city election and a majority
or the vote cast ravor it.
Plated Silverware.
Finest Quadruple Plated
Goods. The new Joan ware
is the sensation ou the marktt.
Tea Sets
Coffee Sets
Baking Dishes
Cake Baskets
Tea, Table
and Dessert Spoons
Knives and Forks
Many Other Fanoy
Our 'Prices !
Just Like Finding Money.
i ',-
Great American Imp ortiii? Tsa Co..
671 Commercial street. Aatortv
Secretary of State Dunbar ha bn
confined t his bed for over two weeks
with an utta k of malaria and typho.d.
It is announced that the rever has left
him, but hla physician aay he will
not be able to go to hla office before
January 1. Aa this 1 the s.-am when
tho secretary's biennial report must be
prepared, It la especially Inconvenient
for him to be absent from his office
wrk at till time, Mr. Dunbar's Ill
ness Was perhaps brought on In part
by too close application to his work,
for he la at hl office early In the morn
ing, and returns and worka several
hours by lamplight.
Steamer Queen City, which returned
to Victoria, H. C, from Nootka and
way porta on the West Coast, bring
new or. the rinoing or the nameboaid
of some craft and a strange assortment
or wreckage at Carmanah. W. Day
kin, who la In charge or the Carmanah
light, discovered the latest addition to
the flotsum of the Island coast, and
he describes it aa follows: A broken
board, painted red. with yellow letter
A. L. vlde ntly the final two letter
or a name, and the figure ti. The let
ters and figure were about eight In
ches long. A great quantity of small
pieces of tongue and groved lumber,
painted white, several oars, piece ot a
boat's gunwhale, painted white; a great
many empty cases and four life belt
with 8. 8. San Pedro.
Mr. Zimmerman, of the firm of
Wolff lc Zwlcker, at Portland, when
aiked yesterday morning regarding the
story that wa being re-porttd that the
elforta to flcat the lightship were
to be given over stated that no thoughts
had been entertained of abandoning
the lightship, and that a crew was
kept constantly at work at the scene.
She was moved down the beach 40 feet
lately, and Mr. Zimmerman said more
progr wus being made daily. No
date ha been set f.r a final attempt
but the contractors are confident she
will le worked oft the sands gradual
ly. She l.'ea on the sands at McKenzl;
H?aiJ, and although two time extensions
have teen made, the contractors are
encouraged with present prospects, and
will continue the work.
The comedian. Walter Walker, ac
companied by the dainty comedienne,
Mildred St. Pierre, and a cast of un
usual excellence will present "That
Mini it Fisher's opera house next
Monday night. This Is the comedy that
made all New York laugh when pro
dueed at the Herald Square tlR-a'er.
and out of over sixty newspapcra it
received not one bad notice. The role r.f
Theophllua Montjoy's is very happily
suited to Mr. Walker's talent ror he
certainly did score a great succen sea
son berore last In the star role in
"A Cachelnr's Honeymoon," and last
season In "The Nominee." and It ia the
general crlnion that the young man will
ere many Reasons rank as our fore
moat comedian. Advance sale of seats
op ns at Grlflin & Heed' Saturday
It Is safe to say that, should the op
portunity again occur. Fisher's opera
house will be found too small to ac
commodate the crowd which will turn
out to learn "Why Smith Left Home."
Th piny last night waa positively the
best comedy which has been presented
In Astoria for a great many months,
and It merit wa appreciated by the
audience, aa was evidenced by the al
Tost continuous applause and curtain
calls at the end or each act. It would
he unfair to single out any one mem
ber of the comDany for praise. Each
character, no matter how small, was
painstakingly handled, and careful at
tention was given to costuming and
tage setting. It might not be amiss
to say that Liszie May Ulmer. aa the
"secretary of the Cook Ladies' Union,"
Is entitled 'to the cake.
Sheriff Frailer, of Portland, when
abkkd concerning the charges made
against a deputy sheriff by District At
torney Chamberlain in regard to the
jury on the Fay Severe caae made
the following statement: "In regard to
the assertion that one or the deputy
sheriffs Influenced the jurors, or at
tempted to. I know nothing more than
tht a deputy met the Jury and in
vited them to take a drink, and that
while ro doing he may have said some
thing. One or the Jurors made this re
port, tut declared that he did not be
lieve the deputy meant anything out or
the way. I am willing to have the man
Investigated." It Is rumored that the
deputy In question has been suspended.
When Sheriff Frailer was asked about
the rumor this afternoon, he replied
that the deputy had not been suspend
ed, but had been laid oft for a while.
There is one book every one should
make an effort to get, tor the new
year. It contains simple and valuable
hlntj concerning health, many amusing
anecdotea, and much general Informa
tion. We refer to Hostetter'a Almanac,
published by Th-j Hostetter Co., Pitts
burg Pa, It will prove valuable to
any household. Sixty employes are
kept at work on this valuable book.
The Issue for 1901 will be over eight
millions, printed In the Kngllsh, Ger
man, French, Walsh, Norwegian, Swe
dish. Holland, Bohemian and Spanish
languages. It contains proof of the ef
ficiency of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters,
the great remedy prepared by the pub
lishers, and Is worthy of careftil pre
servation. The almanac may b-- ob
tained free of cost, at any druggist or
general dealer In the country.
Peter Welman to Clara Weiman 150
acres In section IS, T N. R 8 W:
Charles Forsnan to William. Olsen
lot 11, Unlontown; 111.
Ltrtited States to Michael Gorman
160 acres In section 24. T S K, R 7 W:
The Astoria Company to Laura H.
Whnlley quitclaim deed to lot 5, block
7, Hailroad addition to Ocean Grove;
Laura H. Whalley to Delia L. McCul-
hy same property; $150.
The rural mall service, to run from
the Salem postofllce to the surround
ing country, and give the rural popu
lation surrounding Salem a dally mall
service equal to that In that city la
now established, so far as the laying
out of the routes and the appoinment
of the carriers Is concerned; the report
on the work has been sent to the post
ofllce department at Washington by
Special Agent 11. J. Ormsby, and noth
ing now remains to be done except the
approval of Captain Ormsby's work by
the department, and the order to start
the carriers on .their routes on a day
to be fixed by the department. Eight
routes were established, covering a ter
ritory of 240 square miles, with Salem
as the center; the carriers will serve
on an average or 1-a families each, giv
ing a dally mail service to a popula
tion or about 6000.
It was thought by shippers that the
present troubles In China would strongr-
n 1
J ft I Eft
Did Her
1 1 M Clothes
That's why
we urge
you pre
sent your
one of
suits of
6r Stylish Pair of Pants
A Full Line of
Helnze's Mince Meat, Gneen Olives
and all kinds of Holiday Delicacies
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all Jcind9 at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
A. V. ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets
ly affect the shipments of American
merchandise to the Orient and especial
ly that or flour. While the shipments
were affected slightly they have been
much larger than waa anticipated. The
war has probably relieved the flour
situation. A blockade at Hong- Kong
had been diligently forecasted for
months by exporters and shlping men,
but this was averted by the outbreak
of the war, which resulted in the use
of American flour.
K'l lai h
Shipments have continued as regular
ly as they did before tne ouiDrean.
i.m... k..4 haon o iimiilatlnif In Hong
Kong and it was stated in advices from
thei Orient that the warenouses at nuiig
Kong were full of flour and little op
...,.nit r.r 11ftrVinn' nff tho accumu
lated product waa offered. It vvas ex
pected that shipments would have to
cease for a time, or at least be cur
tailed until the stocks could De woraea
The -coming of a large force which
was accustomed to the use of flour
made it possible to dispose of the stock,
and the regular demand made It possi
ble to continue shipments. The threat
ened exclusion of Amrelcan flour from
Siberia resulted in. shipments from
Hong Kong to Vladivostock. and It Is
now reDorted that Hong Kong- has no
more flour on hand than Is needed.
San Francisco Bar, California, No
tice la hereby given that on December
10, 1900, Light Vessel No. 70 was re
placed on her Btatlon, about i miles
outside the bar oft the entrance to San
Francisco harbor, and the gas buoy,
temporarily marking the station, waa
No change has been made In Light
Vessel No. 70, as to characteristics of
lights, fog-signal, or general appear
ance. This notice afreets the "List or Lights
and Fog-Signals. Pacific Coast. 1900."
page 14, No. 22, and the "List or Bea
cons and Buoys, Pacific Coast. 1900,"
page 18. ,
t?y order or the Light-House board.
There are a number or cases of small
pox at Pendleton and considerable ex
citement haa been occasioned thereby.
The cases until the present time hava
leen of a very mild type, which is a
good thing one way and bad another,
for there is so little fear attached to
It that those afflicted and members of
the families do not comply with the
law regarding quarantine, leading to a
still further spread of the disease.
Notice Is hereby given that there are
funda In the city treasury to pay all
warrants drawn on the road and cross
ing fund and endorsed prior to October
5th, 1900, also warrants numbered 13.
616, 13,022, 13,036, 13,023 and 13.023 on
game fund endorsed Octob-r 6th, 19W).
Interest will cease after this date.
City Treasurer.
Astoria, Oregon. Dec. 11. 1SC0.