The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 26, 1900, Image 3

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Tbe Leading House of Astoria
TCLd'HONR r.61.
All cont rue t for iidvcrtisirm in
tlig Astoiliiu ui-tf inuJo on n Riiur
untco o( circulation four times
lurKcr than that of any paper
jniblUlicd or circulated in Clut.
nop county.
POUTLAND. Auk. !.-Orvirn. fair,
warmer, vxwil mar tltu cmuii, Wash
ington, fair, warmer, exc-ci m-ar lint
lc mam JOo a Quart at tha owlor.
J. II. K.Hy and family of Konul
Urvvo aru In the city.
IirKt IB-cent iiiciU. Rising Bun
lauiaul, (12 Commercial sirest
Jiff's It.-mauraiit the largest and
brat. A trliU will convince you.
Mr. A. Van Imam ha returned from
I'allf.iriila, much lmprvril In health.
The firm prlso In the 20-f.xilnra race
vu awarded to tho aloop Ulamonda.
The Hwllpy Gutim ha U-nn repaired
ami will be ut on Ikt tvgular run to
day. Btophon airarJ. of I!.xjulm, Wash
ington, li vlalttng hi brother Alex Olr
ard. lnn McAllrn, of the firm of McAlIm
A MclXniirll, I lit tho city for a brlof
For Rnt. Four unfurnished rooms,
fur hue keeping, Enquire at 177 Tenth
The Addenda went out yealerJay
morning with lumber for Melbourne,
There will be no German Lutheran
aervlie today. Sunday school at the
uaual time.
Mini Lin Lewla. of Portland, la a
gueel of Mr. A. J. Faatabend for a
few days.
The beat and cheapeat tailoring tn
the city at A. KIUUNEN. 621 Com
tnerclal Street
Wanted.-Two flrat-claes lady clothea
Iromre at onoe. Apply at Columbia
Steam Laundry.
All of the vlaltlng athletes aay that
tho grounds at the park are the brat
they have ever sen.
When you want a Myllah new ault
made cheap, call on A. KIUUNEN.
5.2 Commercial Street.
Rev. Dr. Rockwell, of Portland, will
preach at the Methodist church thla
morning and evening.
The mnnual trnlnmg achool was clos
ed during the regatta but will open
again tomorrow morning.
Mlsa Echo Q. James and Miss Lulu
Coleman, of Cornelius, are among the
vliil tora during the -egatto,
Kupene 3. Hughca, sign painter, of
San Fronclsao. Is now with B. F. Allen
& Son. 435 Commercial street.
There have boon no arrests worth
mentioning since the regatta began.
This speaks well for tho city.
The evening trains for Portland and
Seaside took away most of the visitors
who were, here during the regatta.
Mrs. AVIlllom O. Wilkinson will give
a reception In honor of the rogatta
queen, Monday, August 27, from 4 to 8
Contractors on street work are em
ploying Japanese. They claim they are
forced to do so because of the scarcity
of white labor.
Curo Sour Stomach,
Constipation, cto
! ( SS ot. at drat tone.
'Cream Puis Rye. America's finest
hlaky. The only pure goods; guar
an tel rloh and mellow. John L. Carl
son, aole agent
Call on Flaher Urs. for wagon watt-rial,
Just received a carload of white
Kaatern oak. Agents for the Rushford
and Rain wagon.
A most wonderful clairvoyant and
buolnm- medium will glv rendlnea
dally, for a abort time only, at room
14. Main Street HiHina,
HeiiKtnber we guarantee our Ice
rrrdin to contain n'Mhlng but cream
and unr and flavor. It la 15 ci-nls
ix-r pint at tha Parlor.
Arraiigvments for a fight betwien
Purtell and Jost during the carnival
at Portland r now hHng made. It
will be a gixxl drawing curd.
ItuMlyn coal lust hmger, Is cleaner
and iniikin ln trouble with stovea and
chimney (ttiea than any other. Qeorgt
W. Hanborn, agent. Telephone 1311,
Owing to the al'tre from the city
of ('luiultmun tltlx, the i)'s und
mran committee hnve bei-n unnblu to
git together on the light pniill!on.
A demurrer to the romplulnt !n lh
ra- of T. H. Wymonde v. tho Co
lumbia River Pin king Asm'atln was
lllcd by the county :lerk yeterduy.
No a4TVlres will be held In the Swed
ish Lutheran church today, owing to
the abst-tid of the pastor from the city.
Sunday school will be held at the us
ual hour.
Services at the Congregational church
today as usual. Service will b con
dueled hv the ReV. P. 8. Knight. Sub
ject of the morning aermon, "The Test
of the Disciples."
Deputy I'nlted States mnrshals came
down the river yenterday from Port
land on the Ocdarhsnk to k(-p an eye
on the sallora. Dvsertlone are becom
ing so numerous that something must
h done to prevent It.
The excellent condition of tho ath
letic field was the rteult of hard la
bor on the part of R. C. F, Astbury.
Ho was on the grounds early yesterday
morning and worked until the first
event waa called, In getting the track
In condition.
There are sports In Astoria who will
back Purtell to their lant cent, In his
next fight. Paddy gained a host of
admlr-m. not only by his clever block
ing and ring genrralahip, but also by
his gentlemanly behavior In the ring.
B. P. M. Co.. Astoria, 528 Commer
cial atreet, wlah to announce that they
have made a speclU cut on their beau
tiful photographs for a short time on
ly. FuM-slsed cabinets, $1.50 per doien;
half cabinet, 95 cents per dog. Other
sixes In proportion.
Some one In the crowd standing
watching tho balloon ascension re
marked that It the Elks had all tho
rubber In the necks of the spectators.
In their barrels on the street corners of
Portland, they woutd be assured that
the carnival would be a success.
Relglan Hares. For one woek only,
we will sell a few more does at Los
Angeles prices. Aatorlana are begin
ning to appreciate our bargains. We
have as fine an Imported buck as is to
be found on the North coast Visitors
welcome; 359 Commercial atreet.
E. O. Spltxner, teacher of violin
Oernian method. , Talented and am
bitious students of every ago will re
ceive complete Instruction from ' tho
elements of musical science to the
moxt artlstlo finish.
Marqtmm Rldg., 715-716, Portland, Or.
At the Presbyterian church, services
this morning will be held at 11, In
the evening at 8; Sunday school at
12:15: V. P. S. C. E. meeting at 7
o'clock. Tho theme of the morning
sermon will be "An Old Man's Retro-
rpect." Evening theme, "About Sui
First Baptist church, on Exchange
street, between Eleventh and Twelfth,
Rev. L. J. Trumbull, pastor. Preach
ing today at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun
day school at 10 a. m. Junior Union at
4 p. m. B. Y. P. U. at 8:31 p. m.
Prayer meeting. Wednesday, 7 p.m.
Captain Gregory, with the lighthouse
tender Manxanlto, will go to Portland
this morning to bring down the light
ship No. 67, which has been In that
city for the pat two months under
going repairs. It will be placed off
Umatilla reef, thirteen miles south of
Cape Flattery.
Slrango. but true, ' When the start
ers for ths running races at the park
wanted a revolver for use In getting
the mn undVr way, there was not onu
to bo found, Police and other officers
of the law were called, and asked for
ths loan of a revolver, but they said
that In Astoria, noii'J were required.
Th acreonaut who made tlis balloon
ascension at ths park yeaterday even
ing was picked up In an unconscious
condition a few miles south of ths
city and brought In a wagon. He
was found by two boys, who partially
dragged and carrlsd him to a nearby
house. The man was not serlouHly In
JiTed, yet the Jor he received when he
struck the ground will serve as a re
minder for many days.
Rev. Dr Oeorpe W. Cue, of Port
land, will be In ths city tomorrow on
htmlneiis connected with the closing of
ths conference year of the Methodlat
church here. Dr, Que was recently
signally honored by an appointment cs
delegate and easaylst to the ecumen
ical or world-wide conference of the
Methodist church, to be held at Londjn
In September, I'M. Dr. Ooe will be
one of 129 delegate who will represent
the millions of Mcthodlats In America.
The luHt ecumenical conference was
held nt Washington, D. C, three year
flovernor T. T. fleer. Secretary of
Htate F. I. Dunbar and Flh Commis
sioner F. C. Heed Inspected the Clacka
mas river hstchry the first of the
week. In company with Dr. A. C. Kmlih,
senator-elect from Multnomah county.
Aa usual, they found thing sutlnfuc
tnry and enjoy-d a pleasant trip In
the mountains on ths way. The gover
nor expressed conablerable Indlgniitl-jn
on ill-covering the fish wheel In opera
tion In the fljih ladder constructed at
the fslla In the Willamette river, und
will endeavor to Impress un the leg
iHlntiiro the necexty of keeping the
holder unobatructed. -Oregon City En
terprise. Vesterilay morning the queen of the
ri'ioitu, In r maid of honor and ihe nut
of her suite were In attendance at the
at-r sports. The Columbine was
bi orded at the O. R. A N. dock and
Kteaioed to the grandstand. As the
Columbine drew up to the wharf, all
vessel In the river blew their whls
ties and th band played the nation
al air. After the aquatic rport w-re
finished the party again boarded the
Columbine and wa taken to the O. R.
& N. dock, whr carriage were In
waiting. Preceded by a band, the pro
cession passed up Commercial street
snd through the principal trets of the
A lively, one-sided mix-up occurred
last evening In front of a commission
house cn Bond street. Two gambler
from Portland, w-ho had been drink
ing too heavily of Astoria bug-Juice,
were Inclined to Join tho powers In the
war against the Boxtrs In China, so
they assaulted a couple of Chinamen.
fhe trouble began near the I. R. & N.
dock and one of the dock hands stop
ped the scrap. The gamblers, however,
were not peaceably Inclined, so follow
ed th Chlnamn to the street and
rtruck them a number of hard blow.
One of the Chinamen had his nose brok-
n and thf sidewalk looked as If It
had been frescoed with vermilion. The
uninjured Chinaman lan for the police,
but some friends of the gambler help
ed them escape and they took the
rlan for Portland, before the officer
could catch them.
The steamer Canby being laid up for
repair, the Intention waa to cut
off the boat for Ilwaco, making
connection with the 8easlde flyer. A
large crowd came down from Portland
to spend Sunday at the North beach,
and when It waa learned that there was
to bo no boat to carry them the" crowd
were highly distrusted with the com-
jpany furnishing such poor service. It
was Dually determined to run the Nah
cotta over to Ilwaco late In the even
ing, but most of the passengers had
made arrangements with the captains
of several of the gasoline launches tied
up near by. When it was seen that
the majority of the crowd Intended to
go on the launches the representatives
of the transportation company threat
ened to have the landing cf the party
at Ilwaco prevented by the company
at that point. The captain of one of
the launche said he would carry his
passengers ashore on his back If he
could not land them otherwise. It
could not be learned up to the hour
of going to press whether or not the
party were refused a landing place.
Four sailors from the British ship
Cedarbank were taken from that vessel
last night by Sheriff Llnvlllo and Con
stable Kelly. The men are charged
with larceny committed In a dwelling,
the crime having been committed In
Portland. Their names are: Geo. Jef
fries, Ole Thomasson, A. Norbln and
N. Johanscn. The case Is one that will
take much good Judgment to decide.
It seems that the men were recently
released from Jail In Portland after
serving fourteen days for desertion.
They claim that they were, treated un
fairly by their counsel, but forgot the
matter and were ready to return to
their work. After the Cedarbank left
Portland a boarding house keeper
claimed that some blankets had been
stolen from him and charged the four
men with the crime. An officer came
down to this city last night and swore
out warrants for their arrest in Justice
Brower's court. Constable Kelly and
Sheriff Llnvllle went out on the Triton
and served the paper on the men.
The party was accompanied aahore by
Deputy United States Marshals Mayger
and Roberts, who were put on the ship
at Portland for the purpose of keeping
sailors from deserting. They are In
charge of. tho men and had to come
ashore with them. The case was call
id In Justice Blower's court lato last
night and many complication have
arisen. Th men were In charge of tho
deputy marshals, who had an op'-n or
der from the United State court to
dellyer thtm to tha captain of he hj;.
When the warrant wa crved tte
marshal showed their paper but the
prisoner Were taken from the ship
despite their proteat. Marshal Rob
ert served notice on tho court that
the men acre hi prisoner. The ques
tion of Jurisdiction between a Justice
and I'nlted State court then came up.
It will be argued Tuesday afternoon at
1 o'clock.
No Record Broken Multnomah Shows
Up Well.
A large crowd of enthusiastic peo
ple filled the grand stand and grounda
of the A. F. C. park yesterday after
noon to witness the field events, held
In connection with the regatta.
The day wa a perfect one. Early
In the morning the mists cleared away
and the sun was given a chance to
dry th grounds, and by doing o, turn
a hat would have been a very discour
aging r-gatta celebration Into a decided
success, o far as field sports were con
The first race on the program wa the
100 yarl dush, and brought forth as
contestant Milll. Ponlsnd Y. M. C.
A.: K Iceman. Blurnt-nthal and Dam-
mum-h, of the Multnomah; Paris, of
Hiat'le A. C, and Burgess, of the
In the first trial h-at MIIIIs won,
Dammasch. second; time. V) 4-5 sec
onds. The second trlul heat wa ivon
by Ultinienthul, Paris, second; time, 11
The final wa won by Paris, Dam
masch, second; MIIIIs. third; time,
10 3-5.
The contestants In the high Jump
were Watkln and Kerrigan, of the
Multnomah, and Knox, of the Univer
sity of Oregon. Watklns went out at
5 feet 5. Knox cleared the the bar. but
went out at C feet 7. Kerrigan won
and then went after his own record,
but owing to a wind was unable to do
better than 5 feet 9.
The 120 yard hurdle brought out
four athlete .Thoma of the Olympic.
Murphy, of Multnomah; Knox, of :ha
State University, and MIIIIs, of in?
Portland T. M. C. A. There were two
heat to decMe the runner In the
Inal. In the first heat Knox and MIIIIs
were paired. Knix qualified. MIDI
(iulttlng before he had fairly started.
Time. 21 2-5. Thomas won In the sec
ond trial heat, Murphy, second; time,
20 1-5.
Thi final heat was.wm by Murphy.
Thomas, second; time, 19 1-5.
The running broad Jump was con
tested by Burgess of the Olympics, and
Cutter of the Olympics: Knox, of the
University of Oregon; Mlllls, Portland
Y. M. C. A., and Kerrigan, of Multno
mah Kerrlgm won by a Jump of
21 feet. I Inch; Cutter, 20 feet 5 inches,
second. Burgess. 19 feet. i Inches,
Th Northwest record I held by the
winner of this event, but the ground
waa too soft to permit him to go after
his mark.
During an Intermission, ten small
hoys were brought out In the field,
their hands tied behind them and giv
en half a pi! each to devour. This
event was the most exciting of the
meet. Ths favorites were cheered and
urged on. but the crusts were not the
kind mother used to make. Albert
Purdy, his face and hair filled with
cherries and dough, was announced as
the winner.
For the 440 yard dash, Paris, of Seat
tle, Blunventhal. of Multnomah, and
Burgess, of the Olympics, were enter
ed. Paris ran easy and won In 55.5 sec
onds; Blumenthal, second.
The polo vault was the next event
called, and six young athlete came
to try their skill. Kerrigan and Mur
phy represented Multnomah, Knox, the
University of Oregon; Mlllls. Portland
Y. M. C. A.; Cutter and Thomas, of the
The start was made at 5 feet, 8
Inche. and the contestants vaulted for
an hour before the limit was reached.
Cutter won with the bar at 10 feet 5
Inches, Kerrigan and Murphy both
cleared 10 feet 1 inch, but went out at
the winning height.
In the half mile run there waa a
squabble. Burgess, of the Olympics,
Davis, of Seattle, and Wood of Mult-
Crockery, Glassware,
Silver Hated Ware,
Kitchen Ware,
Great American Importing
Tea Company
571 Commercial St., Astoria, Or.
noroah, started. When the men came
down tha at retch Davis was leading,
with r:urgs, second. The latter
spurted when within fifty yard of the
tape and beat Davis out by at bast
four Inches; time, 2.15 2-6 There were
but two Judges at the finish. On was
in favor of calling tha run a dead
heat, while the other said Davis wa
l winner, Tit matter was left (o (ha
rtfer, who decided h,t ( waa wvn
by Eurgesa, Thla decUlon was recilved
with cheers from the audience and the
matter was thought settled, until a
few hours later when the announce
ment wa made that 'he result would
have to be decided Dy a committee,
which ha not yet been done,
A a;k race waa the next on the
program. Three mall boy rolled and
mped acros the field to the tape
Jack Rusl won, with Pete Muhson
a close second.
The 220 yard run (fiat) wa won by
Blumenthal, of Multnomah; Pari, of
Seattle, aecond; time, 24 4-5. Kleeman
and Dammssch, of Multnomah, also
ran. This race aroused much enthus
iasm a everyone thought Pari would
surely win out. Thla Is the first scratch
In which Blumenthal has ever beaten
the Seattle wonder.
The 220 yard hurdle was won by
Mlllls. of the Portland Y. M. C. A.;
Coman, of the Multnomah, second;
Thoma, of the Olympic, third; time,
29 4-5.
There wers but two entrle In the
mile run. Geile. of the Ariel, of
Pan Franclso, ran against Davis, of
Seattle. Tii? latter won. Time, 5.10.
In the rlhy rac? Multnomah waa
represented by Murphy, Kerrigan, Blu
menthal and Kleeman. The Olympic
runners were Thoma. Cutter and the
Burgess brother. Kerrigan was alow
In atartlng and -aa fouled by Thomas
once, but he came across the tape well
In the lead and the distance gained
by him wa retained by the other men
In the team, Multnomah winning hand
ily. Cutter for the Olympic did much
toward cuflrj down the Multnomah
lead but when Blumenthal went In he
regained the distanc; lost. His running
wa a wonderful exhibition of spted.
After the rac- the balloon ascen
sion took place. The aereonaut perform
ing on a trapez while on his flight
toward the clouds. When Well un In
he air the parachute was cut adrift
and filhd nicely. Balloonist and balloon
came down a few mile cast of the
park. '
Finished Yesterday Gloss Unfortunate.
as Usual.
Yesterday' water sports drew a laree
crowd, much larger than the preced
ing days. The weather waa all th
could be desired and the
and neighboring dock were crowded.
i ne nrst race, tha senior vs. the In.
termedlate barge crew for the coast
championship waa a well-conteeted one.
inree San Francisco clubs, the Dol
phins, Alaniedas and Ariels. were ren-
resented. Near the turning point the
Alamedas drew away from their rivu
and were not headed, finishing two
lengths ahead of the Ariels. The Dol
phins were three lengths behind when
the shot wa fired for the finish.
C. and F. Ayers. of the Alamedas.
were the only entries in the oiftrigger
skiff race. It was won by the latter.
The crew race between sailors nt th
Mansanlta and Columbine waa oulte
exciting. An Intense rivalry has ex
isted between the crew since the first
time they met here. The Manxanlta
boys won by two boat-lengths. This
Is the winning crew's third victory over
their rivals.
In the double pleasure bout
Alamedas won by two lengths from
Gloe and Patton, of Portland.
The consolation race for slne-le cni.
lers was between Gloss and Patton.
both of Portland. Gloss, who has been
iult unfortunate since comlnsr here
had his usual bad luck, an outrigger
breaking before the first half mile ua.
covered. Patton finished and was
awarded the medal.
An Innovation In the postal service
which Is sure to bo of great conven
ience Is a plan lately adopted of fur
nishing stamps In little books, with
wax sheete between them. The gov
ernment Is to charge one cent addi
tional to the amount- of stamps con
tained therein, and It is now estimat
ed that the profit on these books will
amount to 3200,000 per annum. It is also
estimated that the sum paid for the
Private Revenue Stamps placed over
the top of the bottles containing IIos
tetter's Bitters very nearly equals this.
Tho Bitters is a reliable remedy for
constipation, indigestion, dyspepsia.
biliousness, liver and kidney troubles.
It may be depended upon to cure stom
ach disordtrs, having done so for the
past fifty years.
For boarders and day pupils; Astoria,
Courses Academic Grammar School
and Primary Studies will be resumed,
Monday, September 3, 1900. Special
rtrte to parents desirous of entering
their daughters as weekly boarders,
that Is for pupils spending the five
school day at the Academy and re
turning to their homes Friday evening.
Circular ?nt on application.
WARD. PARIS, Aug. 14 American whiskies
received the official approval of the ex
position today when the first award
for merit was made to Bernhelm Bros,
Louisville, Ky., on their I. W. Harper
Efficient Preservative for Woodwork Ex
posed to Rot or Decay. Also a Radical
Remedy against all Vermin.
Fisher Bros., Agts.,
. Astoria, Oregon.
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Supplies of all kind3 at lowest rates, for fishermen,
Farmers and Loggers.
As V ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets
wEDDifls cmos yf g. SMITH & CO.,
BUSINESS CARDS 22 and 23 Washington Bnildinf ,
...... , .,.. 4th and Wsshinprton Hts. over Litt'i,
Cash Aaaeta.
Caab Asut In United Stat, .010.935
215 Sansome Street, -
Pacific N avigation Company
Steamers Sue II. Elmore." "W. II. Harrison'
Only line-Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Hobsonville.
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad k Narration Co. and
also the Astoria 4 Columbia River R. R, for Sax Francisco, Portland
and all points east For freight and passenger rates apply W
Samuel Elmore St Co. General Agents, ASTORIA. ORE.
( 0. R. &.
(O.R.&. N.R.R.C
(B & LAMB, TUla
Tht home of dickering
Kimball Pianos,
The B. P. M. Co., 52S Commercial
street, Astoria, beg to Introduce their
new operator, Mr. P. J. Cammack, one
of the best-known operators of Los An
geles, California.
An experienced excursion conductor
whose duties are to look after tue
wants and welfare of passengers will
be in charge of Tourist Bleeping car to
Chicago via Union Pacific. Thla car
Waves Portland on "The Portland-Chicago
Special" at 9:15 a, m., making close
connections at Chicago with similar
service to Boston and New York. El
derly people and ladies traveling alone
- San Francisco, Cal.
& CO., AGENT5.
N. R- R. Co., Portland.
, Portland.
lamook, Ore.
It is easy to obtain a good one.
Where no local dealer sells them, we
will send a piano or organ for a
small cash payment, balance in
monthly payments. Two years' time
to finish purchase if desired. We
would like to explain our method.
We will send an instrument guaran
teeing satisfaction, or the piano may
be returned to us at our expense.
Catalogues free for the asking tell
all about them. Special prices and
full information if you write.
la Hew Kmalo
Ml Waahlastaa tt Portland, Or.
Weber Pianos,
Down, Needham and
Great Western Organs
or with children will find this service
very convenient and satisfactory.
For tickets, berth reservations and
full information, call on
General Agent. O. R. & N. Co.
Or Astoria, Oregon.
J. H. LOTHROP. General Agent.
. 135 Third St. Portland. Oregon. ;
The Chicago. Milwaukee & St Paul
Railway Co. will place In service April
29th a New Train between St Paul and
St Louis, called the "Flying Dutch,
man." The train will f.ava thrcuri
sleeping cars and be first-class
throughout Aak any ticket agent for
particulars or address
C. J. EDDY. Gew-ral Agent,
Portland. Oregon.