TUN M0KN1N0 AHI'OItlAN FHiLA. JULY t, '9W. ft JUST ARRIVED: Ladles' and Gents' FtotlilnA CliUc C. H.COOPER THE LEADING DKY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE 01' ASTOKIA. TODAY'S WKATHEIt. I'OKTLANl, July 8. OrcKnn end Washington, fulr- today. All contract for udvcrtiNiiiK In the Astot tun uro inudo on u Rtmr. nnt ( circulation (our time lnru,er thiin that of uny rP" published or elrculuted in Ctut nop comity. AROUND TOWN. Frsh tiuttormllk at tlx Tartar, llorav fur aala at Uaaton's stabls. h- errant c a .Hurt at the rarlor. John Wnl, of C'aihlamct. Is In the .lty. Mr. A. Tliomprin, of Hrnald. Ii In town. J. E. Wlckman. uf Hammond, U In town. J. J. Ilurkt, of New York. In at the VclaViit. T. A. McUrldP. of Orrgun City. In In the city. I Janira oame down from Vancou ver lout night. Ole IMnaclh. of Waahougal. Wnah.. la In the dty. Frwl J. I'y, ( fhlnwk. waa In the city yptt-rdty. A. Toung, of Youiisa river, waa In the city yeetrday. ' J. Duatlf, of lloqulam, waa In Aa torla yostorJay. Qeorg II. Hayes, of California, la at the Pars.fr Houae. V. D. tUmons. of Aberdeen. Wash.. was In town yterday. Mrs. It. N. Bmlth. of Wooduurn, la vlaltlng friends In Astoria. J. It. Iloblnjon, of North Yamhill. waa In the city yrati-rday. E. 7. Hoed, of Pendleton, waa at the Tarker IIoum ytnttnlay. licit lS-cent meal, Rising Sun Res taurant, 1J Commercial atreet. Juft'a reataurant the largest and beat. A trial will oonvlnoo you. For rent 7-room houae, nicely fur nished. A i' lily at 13 Eicharige atreet Sweet cream at tha Parlor, 10 cent a a pint; Just what you want for bcr rlea. E. W. Wlcat and family and George E. Uitraer, of Ouk Point, Wash, are In town. The beat and cheapest tallorlna; In . t- . ..... k , T x r. VT cam ' ine cuy ai j. kiwu.i - vuiu morclol Street. rtcorge and E. M. Rclngaman. of Nnpavlne, Washington, were In Asto rla yeatcrday. Roslyn ooal laati longer, la cleaner and makea leaa trouble with atovca and chimney fluea than any other. Oeorge W. Banborn, agent. Telephone. MIL BEST 15-CENT MEAL; SUV RESTAURANT. RISINO It is Incontrovertible! The Editor of the "Christian Million," under the heading of General Notet, on Auguit to, iM, wruta i ' A good ankle will eland unon Ha own mrlU, and we may rly upon II that nothing will conllnu long which doe not, In a mora or leu degree, harmnnlie with tha ttata menu which are publUhed concerning It." Mr. Ball Calne, Author of "The Deemtter," "Tha Manx man," "The Chrlitlun," etc, whn ipak ing on "Crltlciim," recently, Mid s " When a thing that la advertlted greatly li good It gnri and gore permanently when It li bad. It onlv sue for a whlii i the eubllc ) llndaltout." toe rropnciuroi BEECHAM'S PILLS has uld ovtr and ovtr again i " It li a fallacy to Imagine that anything mill fill hiit becitiae It la advartiied. How m (lo.trumi have been itartcd with glare onJ jnulled out In gloom? The fact la, a man li not eailly gulled a aecond timet and vary diautlnflod purchaier doea ten timce mora hirm than one aatlilled doea good. Aiiurediy the tali of more thin 6,0O0,0(X) boea ol IILIXtiAM'S PILLS per annum, altera public trial of hall-a-century, li con clusive leetlmony of their popularltv, au pirlorlty and proverbial worth." Itotchim't illl. h.vi for n.ny vlrt hMn th. popultr fkmilw mfldlrlna wha,., th. hniflUh Uniru.r. hauuken. ind lh.y now .iiol without i rrv.l. In Uvm., m nnli wtu f cat. Hth. it U uiuf itoiet. iii Hi Youths' and Klcn's j Bathing Trunks $ Hi Mlaa Ida Pucker, of Portland, la via Itlng her alatvr, Mra. J. W. (lorinan. II. It. Pitta, of HI. Loula. waa Hay ing at thn Ot ddt-nt yeaierdny. The halibut a'hoon-r Ji-mI la rx (lecled to arrive tuTe In a few day. The Or r man hl ltuknwr Illtkinera went up to Portlund at t.V) a. in. yea trrduy, P. M. (iarrli.n, of Mi-Mlnnvllle. U vlnlllng In AaDrlu. Mra. II. J. Hood, a fattur, of Michi gan, will aoon vllt her twin brother, ICniilneiT Hutki'tt. W'lii-n you want a atyllah new ault made thi-n, cull on A. KIUUN1CN, 1:3 Commt'txlal Ktn-et. A ainall lme at Clataop for aale or rt-tit. Huliabtit fur chicken ranch. Ap lily to A. Tagg. Parlor Candy Store. KOIl KAI.K. Two ho. lota. Noa. 5 and (. bl'xk 31. McClure'a addition, Enuulrn Frank Fabre, Sfttttle. Waah. Advertlacmenta for the following Juy'a laauu ahould be brought In be. fi-re p. m , unlcaa di iltfin d for Hie Iik.bI rolumna. Cream lure Itye. Amerlra'a flnrat whlaky. T.ie only ure gooda; guar anteed rich and mellow. John L. Carl ton, aole atient The circuit court did not convene yeatcrday ae expected, but Jmlge Mo llrldo haa telegraphed that he wilt be here Hilar afternoon. The river atcamrr T. J. Potter arrived luat night at duk on her third round trip from Portlund to Iiwaco. Sl.e brought down to the beach on thla trip one hundred and twenty paseengera. Remember w guarantee our let cream to contain nothing but cream, and augar and ilavor. It la fifteen cent per pint at tho Parlor. On and after July IS, all barber ahopa In the city will remain cloaed on Sun day morning. They will remain opvn Puturday nlghta until 13 o'clock. A good deal of local matter ot ainall Importance) waa crowded out of our yraterday'a laaue to make room for our full and lengthy report of tha featlvl Ilea. Roalyn coal la tho beat and moat eco nomical coal for household uao In Ae torla. Try It once and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, agent Tclt'i hono 1311. The Fourth of July committee de Ire a to expreaa thanka to I how who oaalRtcd In the proKram, apci-lal 'praiae being given to the local dully papera for their ahare. Howard Plnnell, formerly In the em ploy of II. K. Allen eV Co., but now In buainesa for hlmt-lf In Brltlah Colum bia, la upending a few daya In town vlxltlng old frl.mda. The Untied States transport Lennox, with a cargo of horaea and mulea for tha army of occupation In the Phil ippines, la expected down from Port land thla afternoon. During the aummer the chapel at Mount Angel College will be renovated, and tho students dormitory will under go repair. A large number of students Ig expected for the next term. J. A. Luckcl, E. P. Tobln, Frank M. Warren, Charles B. Trescott, (,'rarlea M. Welch, W. C. Noon. Jr., C. B. Han thorn, F. A. Mitchell and II. Allen, nil of Portland, were In town yesterday. To those wno drink whiskey for pleasure: Harper's Whiskey adds lest to existence. To those who drink whlHkcy for health's sake, Harper's Whlakey makes life worth living. Sold by Foard A Stokes Co.. Astoria, Divine service at Grace Church next Sunday morning at U o'clock. BlHhop Mortis will olllclate. Evening service will be omitted. Afternoon service nt Holy Innocents, at 3:30. The rector of Grace Church wll conduct services at Logan's hall, Seaside, Sunday morning ut U and evening at 8. Too much cannot be said In praise of the public-spirited citizens who spent so much of their time and strength In making our Fourth of Ju ly celebration a grand success. The next thing is the regatta, and the men who have that In charge should re celvo every possible help and encour agement, so that too heavy a burden may not be thrown upon a few. ... What a luxury Pears' soap is! The cheapest soap in all the world besides. By a carelcaa en or the neat decora tions of the Aitorla National Hank were credited to the Aatorla Having" Hunk In Wednt-uday's Issue. Tin Fourth of July committee ac cepted an Invitation liuit night from Mr, HiM-fTli-r to Indulge In lew cream, each member Indulging. While Mr. HoWIW-rs tr-at was cold the committee had a w.trm time of It. The cruiser Philadelphia left at 130 yraterduy afternoon mlr.ua a murine, who presumably deserted. An officer atatvd tliut they hud had more vlsltora during the 3rd and 4th here than In any lw cmaeutlvc duys apent In any other port. Some of the men from the Philadel phia got Into a fierce scrimmage on the atr'.-l yesterday morning and the bloody fin e of one 'of them was any thing but a pleoalng eight. Soma of Act ra from the cruiser, with conalder ublo trouble, finally got them aboard. A new simp, tWxtv feet. Is to be erect ed at Tillamook at once for the Tllla m ok Iron Works. It will be very sub alunllully built to accommodute the heavy machinery which Is to be pur chased. The luteal typea of lathes, bolt cutters, ploliuTa. aow-nliurpenera, etc., will b procured. The float of Foard Stokea. which the committee gave second place In their award, was omitted from our re port tif the parade, as published at length In yeaterduy'a Issue, because It waa lute entering the line, not having yet fallen In when the parade punsed the Aatorlan otllce. The member of ihe Fourth of July committee wound up the 'celebration last night by exploding a number of Chinese bombs on Commercial street. The committeemen, feeling that the hud provided plenty of fun fur the mul titude, thought they were entitled to a bit of hllnrlus sport, themselves. Yesterday there were ten canea of drunkenm-aa, two of fighting and one of gambling In the police court The amount of forfeited ball waa 10. Three drunka had their fines remitted be cause they had spent two daya In jail. Several aoldlers and marines were also Jugged, but released on aobering up. Yeaterday morning, Anna M. L. Zleg- ler, daughter of the deputy county clerk, died of acute Inflammation of the kidneys, following acarlet fever..' from which ahc waa Juat recovering; at the age of five years and eight months. The funeral will take place tomorrow at the family residence ca Seventeenth street. The executive regatta committee) will open Ita headquarters In the headquar ters recently occupied by the Repub lican county central committee on Bond street. The committee will meet today at 10 a. m. to appoint a committee to select honorary vice-prealdents and such other business as may come up before the body. Thla morning at 10 o'clock In Justice Brower's court a civil suit entered by Ole Grove against Constable Fred Wlckman will be tried. Mr. Grove sues to recover damages for an alleg ed wrongful attachment and holding of a boat and net which the constable levied upon In the case of the Colum bia River Packers Association vs. Ole Grove. The Fourth of July committee felt much disappointed on the Fourth be cause of the failure of Aeronaut Earls ton, and Ulondln, the tight-rope walk er, to show up. At a meeting of thoae In charge ot the Fourth of July cele bration last night It was the consen sus of opinion that the regatta com mittee should bar both Earlston and Bloitdln from the regatta contests. Daniel Cronk, a member ot the G. A. R., who created some excitement by dropping unconscious on the street from the effect of a hemorrhage on the Fourth, died at St. Mary's Hospi tal Jtst after noon yesterday, though before his second attack In the morning some hopes were entertained for his recovery. Deceased was a native of Newark, New Jersey, and served In the Connecticut volunteers during the civil wnr, being wounded at the bat tle of Gaines' Mill. He leaves a wife and a daughter, Mrs. Captain Cann. The funeral services will be held on Sun day and will be under the auspices ot the G. A. R. Yesterday morning a disastrous fire laid waste moat of the business portion of Rainier. The fire started in the Blue Goose saloon, and would have burned the entire center of the town had not the timely arrival of the Bailey Gat sort brought assistance, The local Are department was Incapable of handling so formidable a blaze unaided, and Portland was telegraphed to for as sistance, but the Are was extinguished before the Portland, department could respond. The buildings destroyed were the Blue Goose saloon, Wagner's bar ber shop, W. J. Dleti's grocery store, J. Morgus' dry gooda store, W. Clark's notion store (containing tha poatofflce) a shoemaker s shop, a vacant building and a Chinese laundry. The origin of the fire Is unknown. The loss Is es timated at about 110,000, mostly on stock, as tho buildings were cheap structures and mostly old. OFFICIALS FURNISH BONDS. Llat of Official Whoae Bonds Were Approved Yesterday, Yesterday at the court houae the newly elected officials were qualifying and furnishing bun 'I. The following Is the llat of officials, their bonds men and the amount of their bonds ns approved yeaterday by Judge Gray: O. Paulson, Justice of the Deace, tl0Q; bondsmen, William Bock and J. C. Relerson. John Larsen, road supervisor, 1300; bondsmen. David Tweedle and Antonio Furlado. Chits. Gronnel, road aupervlaor, 1300; bondsmen, Oua Gronnel and A. Reler ion. P. F. Hulferty. Justice of the peace, 1100; bondsmen, A. J. Mclntlre and F. M. Warren. . W. J. Dyer, roal supervisor, $400; bondsmen, W. J. Dyer, as principal, and W. J. Heckard. John Lewis, road suiervlsor, 3350; bondsmen, C. Clinton and John Lewis. William C. A. Pohl. coroner, $3000; bondsmen. Tho. LVuley and William Bock. It. F. C. Aatbury, surveyor, $Vi0; bondsmen, R. C. F. Aatbury, as prin cipal, and E. G. Rogers. William Kelly, constable, $1000; bondsmen, John E. Gratke and H. H. Zapf. Peter Olaen, road supervisor, $350; bondsmen, Peter Olsen, as principal, and Wm. J. Armstrong. Albert Borglund, road supervisor, $.!jo; bondsmen, Nis Borglund and Charles Anderson. C. E. Foster, road supervisor, $1000; bondsmen, W. A. Foster and W. G. Prefecott. Herman Kablea. road supervisor, $350; bondsmen, Alfred Dawson, sr., and O. B. Wirt. N. A. Calmberg, road supervisor, $300; bondsmen, N. A. Calmberg, as principal, and S. A. Cables. Olof Etickaon, road supervisor, $350; bondsmen, Olof Erickson, aa principal, and W. J. Ingalla. S. Closer, road supervisor, $450; bondsmen, Theodore Bracker and Her man Wise. t'haa. G. Johnson, road supervisor, $500; bondsmen, E. Johnson and H. Thompson. Thomas Llnvllle. sheriff, $10,000; bondsmen, C. H. Page, John Fox, A. V. Allen and H. F. Prael. M. McFarlane, Justice of the) peace, $1000 bondsmen, V. Boellng and N. Scblussti. V. M. McLean, road supervisor, $400; bondsmen, J. A. Mcintosh and Robert McMath. E. Dawson, road supervisor, $500; bondsmen, A. J. Hill and J. W. Caw ker. COUNTY CLERK'S REPORT. Summary of Official Report for the Year Ending June 30. M Warrants outstanding Jan. 1, 1W0 $106,(30 92 Warrants Issued from Jan. 1 to June 30, 1900 14.738 57 Warrants paid general fund. 33.134 94 Warrants paid bridge fund No. 1 6,155 83 Warrants paid special road fund 479 45 Warrants paid public road fund 59 65 Warrants cancelled 40 00 Total amount of warrants outstanding June 30, 1900.. 83.499 72 Cash on hand applicable to the re demption of warrants: General fund 1U52 20 Bridge fund. No 1. .. 504 43 Special road fund 310 82 Totul amount of warrants outstanding less cash In the treasury "0,690 27 Deduot warrants outstanding bridge fund No. 1, for which special tax has been levied 10,311 66 Total amount of warrants out standing general and special road funds June 30, VM0... 60,378 61 WHAT OUR FLAG STANDS FOR. Wherever the American flag Is raised In token of sovereignty. It stands for liberty, Independence - and equality. What our flag Is to the nation. Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters Is to the Individ ual. Inasmuch as it not only gives you freedom from your ailments, but pro tects your system In such a manner that they cannot return. When your stomach gets out of order, causing you to belch after eating, or when you are so nervous that you toss about all night, unable to sleep, you should cer tainly try It, because It will strengthen your stomach, steady your nerves, and Induce sound, healthy sleep, and for Indigestion, constipation and biliousness there Is nothing to equal It. Rheuma tism is also counteracted by Its direct action on the kidneys. HUMMER RESORTS. "To the mountains our people In In creasing numbers yearly look for those days of relaxation and recreation nec essary to maintain the human ma chine In fair working coniltlon. The languorous sloth of the seashore proves very seductive while It lasts, but many have decided that the an nual outing should provide not only radical change of air and surround ings, but also such stimulation of flagging energies as will provide brawn and vigor for the return to labor. For this they urge the mountain climb and ramble, the balsam ot the mountain pines, and the clear, unadulterated mountain air. 'In this direction the Shasta Route now affords a wealth of attractions. The entire line of road from Ashland to Redding Is studded with charming and acceaalbla hotels and camps, where are cheer and comfort and heating at reasonable cost, and whert you can hunt, fish, ride, loaf, or play with equal facility. "Or If you look for healing waters, none better can be found, hot or cold, than the springs of Ashland, Colestln, Anderson, Bartlett, Byron and Paso Robles. "Before visiting Europe, the people of the Northwest should see the glories or xoaemiie vauey, ana ine won'irou groves of Mariposa and Calaveras; the Parisians are likely to make In quires concerning these attractive re- aorta." Send to Mr. C. 1L Markham, general paaaenger agent Portland, for new booklets on Castle Crag, Shasta Springs, McCloud river. Yosemlte, and excursion rates thereto. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED WEEK LY EXCURSIONS, An experienced excursion conductor whose dut'h are to look after tu wants and welfare of passengers will be In charge of Tourist sleeping car to Chicago via Union Pacific. This car leaves Portland on "The Portland-Chicago Special" at 9:15 a. m., making close connections at Chicago with similar aervlce to Bston and New York. El derly people and ladles traveling alone or with children will find this service very convenient and satisfactory. For tickets, berth reservations and full information, call on G. W. LOUNSBERRY, General Agent, O. R. & N. Co. Or Astoria, Oregon. J. H. LOTHROP, General Agent, 133 Third St.. FortJand, Oregon. IMPROVED SERVICE AND EQUIP MENT. The new schedule of the O. R. el N. which went Into effect April 22nd, shortened the time to Chicago 13 hours, and gives a double dally service be tween Portland and Chicago. Train No. 2, leaving Portland at 9:13 a. m. I known as the "Chicago-Portland Special." Its equipment Is new throughout making it fully the equal of any train now in service from the Pacific coast to the East The "Overland Express' leaves Port land at 6:20 p. m. and furnishes com plete service both via Huntington and Spokane to the East together with the beat of service to all local points on the O. P- A N. lines. A NEW TRAIN. The Chicago. Milwaukee & St Paul Railway Co. will place In service April 29th a New Train between St Paul and St Louis, called the "Flying Dutch man." The train will have through sleeping cars and be first-class throughout Ask any ticket agent for particulars or address C. J. EDDY, General Agent Portland, Oregon. THE CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY On June 17th opened up tor traffic their new line from Belle Plalne, Bjl, to Mason City; also their new Fox Lake branch. The length ot this new line Is 195 miles, which added to their mileage, gives them a total ot 8,462.85 miles, the largest mileage ot any rail' road In the world. TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that there are funds in the city treasury to pay all warrants drawn on the general fund and endorsed prior to December 1st, 1S99. Interest will cease after this date. F. J. CARNEY. City Treasurer. Astoria. Or., July 3, 1900. YES, MADAM ..THIS WEEK.. Candy Free! A box given free to every purchater of our celebrated TEAS. COFFEES, SPICES We lead. Best goods. Lowest Prices. FRESH ROASTED COFFEES 10, 15, 20. 25, 30, 35c per pound. EXTRA FINE TEAS 35, 40, 50, 60, 70c per pound. PURE SPICES 10, 15, 25c per can. LARGEST DISTRIBUTORS OF Teas, Coffees, Spices, operating 100 stores throughout the Pacific Coast states. THAT'S WHY QUALITY so good. PREMIUMS so many. PRICES so low. PREMIUMS so beautiful. COME JUST TO SEE Great American Tea Importing Co. 571 COMMERCIAL ST., ASTORIA Dr. T. N. Ball DENTIST. 673 Commercial Street ASTORIA, ORE. Over Schlussel's Clothing Store. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Paoifla Brewery, of which ( Bottled Deer for family ti or kef Mr John Kopp is pror-ietor. makes beer (or domea'io and export trade. North Pacific Brewery ASBESTINE WATERPROOF COLD WATER PAINT For Outside Use on Wool Brick and Stoiw. A DRY POWDER Heady for immediate use by adding ...COLD WATER Made in Brilliant White and Sixteen Colors. For sale by FISHER BROS. Astoria, Oregon. TA -..KV.1t.S.'iT fMKTrwrrrrrr-i 31,:- . .- .... I' jlll'tf W-aaviaiaJ WEDDING CARDS WEOD'HS CMOS v. G. SMITH & CO.. VSmKG CARDS ENGRAVERS, BUSINESS CARDS 22 and 23 WasbiaTton Building, , 4th! and Washineton 8to. over Lilt's, COPPES PLATE PRINTERS Portland, Oregon. VISITING CARDS . .-wm mn a a " ir worm Owes Every Man a Living" But what isrt of living in it you get with a poot stoTe or range in your kitchen? Uny a Star Estate Range ..-.They insure good living V. J. Scully, Agent 431 BOND Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, ' Farmers and Loggers. A. Ve ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Mreets Pacific Navigation Company Steamers "R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison" Only line- Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, llobsonville Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad 4 Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. for Sac Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates aply t. Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA, ORE. COHN A CO Agents, Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co., TILLAMOOK. Ore. A. AC. R. R Co. PORTLAND. Ore. TuxriAiVVUUiJiAnJVUtAnJiJVUvuviru uuwiru uvuirvuvru uvuvuwn, H OTEL PORTLAND, OR. The Only FIrst-CIesss Hotel In Portland 5 Trunjininuvvuuvuajxniruuir We Rent New r - X beer supplied at any time, delivery ii. I tbe city free. A BET ON CIGARS Their quality, flavor and general quality as to workmanship, etc., will win every time if the bet is placed on the celebrated American. There's enough Havana in them to start another Spanish-Ameriean war, enough right-flavored nico tine to quell all the battles of the world. The price? You don't have to guess. WILL MADISON mi i i :! . . STREET n fH K U f 3 "aj rTTTTj PpaatV f8-aaU. PORTLAND Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 5m!th Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free ... 4 L. M. ALEXANDER I CO. i Exclusive l'auiiic Count Dealers 245 Stark HI, Portland, Ore. ; F W. M'KECHNIE, Local Agent.