NOTION I 1 m. . r KKY 4 www VOL. k AST0U1A. 0KK00N, TUXSDAY. APRIL 17, 1900 NO. 27 1 V- ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. ..The Empire and.. Mikado Separators NONE BETTER CALL. ON... rOARD & STOKES CO. A;F.NTS, Aatoilu. Ore. and . convinced tliat lin you gt hti Empire or a Mikado that you will gut th Prut Separator manufactured. Investigate before you buy elsewhere. EASTER... ESSES "Acme" Health Coffee And n full lino of Ralston's Whole Wheat Flour and Health Goods . . Golden Pheasant and Coryallis Tlour ; Are KtiitratittHxl to pleas'. WK A HE AGENTS A fln llrt of ToHle yip HclinhcM imicJ Hautea Juki In. Ross, llllns 0 Co. CLATSOP MILL CO.: ASTORIA, ORE. Fir, Spruce and Cedar Lumber Boxes. Sash and Doors, Shingles and Mouldings W F 3C fI EE 1 13 A lull lln of PImi, Tabsccs, ai5mokr' Artlcl... 474 Commercial at. C. Jf, TRENCH APD, Commission, Brokerage. CM,tom h6m. nr-oker. - 1 . rtt ASTORIA, .OREGON urance ana. Snipping. . A.iw.r.oo,apMM,KSpWMCOK. The Drain uKin your purse will amount to very III tie If you hnvs us do your repairing unit plumbing of all kinds. Wo ui always reason able In our charges, prompt and obliging in service, and our work rmiimt be excelled In plumbing, gas or (liiiin fitting. How U your old plumbing wearing-let u know. fri "ft Cards and Booklets Bibles, Prayer Books Devotional and Religious Books GRIFFIN & REED (5) E honAi" v". R"e?'bu "La Belle Astoria" Clfar Scheme's Opera Star Scheme's Special And Other Brand. POWER OF BOERS IS DECREASING Roberts lias Spread His Net Tar and Wide. THE ENEMY IS RETREATING Rspla Advance oa Pretoria Will Be Impof slble, Owlrtf lo the Lack ol Horses, the F.ormoiii Dcma.d (or Wbkb Cimol Bf Flllea. LO.Mmi.V, Anil 17. 4:15 a, m.-Lord Roberts ha spread his net far and wide to catch the adventurous com nmiiili that hicve been "nuking nils chief In tin H-iuili.-.iKti-rn part of the Free :nt-. Tli- iivt tias not yet been drawn In, but ht the halU irlerg of Lrd Robert. tti Impression exists that the power of the H.. ra I. decreasing. Evidently th.i feeling at Hloemfon-t-ln U that the disposition of Lord HulHrtM forces ore such a to enable him to concentrate u large fori" rapid ly at any ilnt. Tim lto.r. tnlnu a wan- vf (Mm, iiio pruumvl to be ItilnkitiK now rlilt-lly of ri'troaU Tin1 Invt-nlimnt of Wepvni-r, uooord Inif lo a lul dixpatch front liloem font. in. Iwia aliMolutvty Vt,i aban- tloilrd. rhra rtiMirti com from Natal, we axd-rtlnit Hint the Tlora have Ttlred In-yiind (lie IllKKarHtMTK ranx: uad an-otht-r ituylnir thnt Rome of thvm are hiw to I-JiJynrnllh. Iiiidin wait confidently fur the aK himi Immmllato announa-mimt of ueam favoiKbl to !! HrltUh. DlHtruNt eiclhtK, however, h to ny rapid, ronilntioua advance toward Pre toria, chiefly ,n ai-ruunt fr the lark of bora-?, many of which iir In the roume of the lonf voyage. Lrttera frrro the t'a aay that the ihne day Jour my by rail la made In opn trurka, that arrantmrnta for feed In com! wa tering an Inadequate and Wat tlw unfnrtuniiie nniinule bn-ak down rapid ly In coniMMjurnoe of theae liardahlfa. lefl(e the enerny of tta buyer abroad, the war tr?lfe forwea much dllTlrulty In aupplylng the enormous number of horaea required. IloKItS ltETRK.T AT 'fl'EPII.N'EI!, LONDON. Aprtl 1.-A Klm-mftinteln i-orn-HMiiileiit if th. Siandard, tele- KraphlnK Monday, aaya. Tlie Hot-ra are in full rt'troat from Wep.-ner, huKplrif th ltawutiilarid bor der. llST FtXT THE E1I-L. South AfrUaa Wlnera and Otla-r Cnpl- . Itallme Will Ha-e to Tiy for the War. NEW VOllX. Aprtl 18.-K dlapaU-h to the Tribune from London ayi: While there i a complete ahrinkage of war newa. there la much .ulet dla ruaslon among South A f Henna In Lon don respecting the future . mining Industries after the clo of hostllltlea. Mr. llhodi has buen conferring with Alfred Iklt aad other large capitalists, but hla views are not knowa. Mine owners are retVent from a good caiiBo. for they know from the speeches of the chantH-llor of the exchefluer and the tone of the press that there Is a deliberate Intention of bleetlhig the capitalists so far as povelble In settling the bill of exix-tMH'ji ju" the war. There are oftT, two interests In the Dutch republlea which tan be levied upon when the Indemnities are uaaessed for the cost of tbe war and tir -dum-ases to property In Natal and Tape t'olony; these are the railway and mines. The railway In the Free State la owned by a government, which, as iJciieral Huberts has declared, no long er exists. A portion of It, with rolllBK stock, has been selred by the British army and as Oeneral Roberts' advances to the Vanl the remainder of It wtU full into his possession. This state railway with tta potential earalnK and resources may be regard ed as a valuable asset In possession of tho Ui'lUsli government. When the Transvaal Is Invaded, the railways be longing to the Netherlands company, will nlso be seized, and these In time Special IRON BEDSTEADS, $3.15 Oak Cobbler Seat Arm Rockers, $1.75 CHARLES HEILB0RN & SON . 591-895 COMMERCIAL STREET of peace were coinpellrd to pay 80 mt cent of their profits to the Trans vaal government. . ftouth Africans as sert that this M per cent will go here Uter to the I.'rltlsh government. The main resources for meeting a war Indemnity will be the mines. Well Informed Houth Africans state that the nnnuul expenditure of the Transvaal government In lecent years have been about $22.M),iM and, under British ad ministration at leusf $7,fi00,W0 can be saved. This margin 111 allow the pay ment of Interest on an Indemnity loan of iJ'W.'fO.W'. but the total cost of the war cannot be less than .'00,W)0,000. Without thise mines and railways there would ! no possible resource for meeting an Indemnity, WKUKTiCK AND HUT AN. ilope of the Transvnalers That They Will Involve America In the War. LONDON. April 10.-A ur;nc(i Manues corresponden; ftf lhft VuUy Mull. tel. grn,,,, (,,m,lay nayv. T,"4 tone of the Standard and Dig ger New shows thut the Transvaal government Is relying strongly Upon American Intervention. Or-at results are exiected from the campaign of Webster Davis and from the presi dential contest. . THE l'UKtfBYTKRIAN FAITH. Movement to AWtsh the ter Nnfeslon. Westmlns- flllOAOO, -April 1.-Dr. W, C. Orey, editor nf the Interior, has preared for this wvek'a issue of that paper an editorial In which be announce Unit lb Inrt'ftr will advocate & movraent ti. sutwftute a trl-f evangelical i-reed f the l'resbyterian type of liught and 'eTpreislon for the Westminster conreslon of faith. 1I gives live aep arUte reasons fur thal'demaixl. Sfeaklng ol the aabjeel, i)r. Orey saM last nlgfet that the hurche In Scotland relieved taemsehea of objec tionable stan-menta In (he confessljn by adopting a aiplemviury and an explanitory siatewent, wklch thus be came their working ciwhI. The Pres b)terU -church of England set the confewaicta aald wud, formulated a new. brief I'ouc whloti Is nr' the doctrinal s)-mtxil t the -hurch. Dr. Orey sjwke of the itaefTecUial steps taken t-n years au hr the Northern Presbyterian Church to revise the confession, ana d lured that peook- now demand krelliy, cluarness rnl simplicity in docuiinul nttitementa W'tille -the mills' incident did ut crutkte a -demand -tor a brief deed," he xvniiliiu.'d, "It revealed a degree of uilMinderslandlng -und confusion that mtivls clearing up." WlUC MILL9 SHUT DOWX, Tavelve IFuvtorivs Close on Acc.caiut of Over-Production. NEW YOllK, Afirll 1.-J.jan W. Sates, 'president f the American Steel 'lre Campany ;on:lrmed the statement that. twelve mills bad been abut dn. Tlu-r are located :at yitta- Uutg. CJevelaniUJollet, Waukeun, 111., Uekalb. ;lll., Newhrastle, IniL. juid Art- IursoD, 41n J. Gatoa .ald toe -ause cf the dosing down tot the talQs was o;r sroduo- aiun. .It is said 4,000 enipleyes are rfdtected fby the. abut down. NEW .YOUK'B GREAT LOSS. rSo .More Prize. Fight Permita Can He OUtalned. In That State. XKW .YORK. April 16.-The Vw.rd of lsaice commissioners today refused the' ujiplkutlon of the. Coney Island sport-' lug club for a permit from May 1 to Sejaumber 4, when the anti-boxing law will go. Inta effect. It is probable all famllar applications will .be refused. ASkOTUWt FILIPtKO REPULSE. MA3ILA, .aprll R-rOeneral Young report .that 100 Insurgent riflemen and Uwlomun attacked the American garrloa at UiUoo, In , the province of North Douoa, jiesterday but were re pulsed, toning JW6 mei). The Ameri cans had no .casualties. DR. HIUI3 IS.WT. CHICAGO, Apri 16.-The name . of Dr. Hillis, of Brooklyn, was today ei-ased from Jhe' foils of the Chicago Presbytery at' Ws teciuest. Week Only- SULZER AGAIN IN EVIDENCE He Creates Another Scene Couer d'AIene Hearing. at SOME SCANDALOUS CHARGES Democratic Governor Charges' WHk Forjlox Mamei to Pctllios lor Federal Troops' Reteollofl-dmportiBl WitacH Gives Jfttiwftiy. WAHHINOTON, April 16.-An excit ing controversy occurred at the after nwh session of the Couer d'AIene In vestigation, when the petition to the secretary o fwar from several hundred citizens of the Couer d'AIene d.strlct asking for the retention of th fed eral troops was presented In evidence. Representative Sulzer denounced the petition as "bogus and fraudulent," de claring that many of the signatures were forgeries and that other names had Wen secured by Intimidation. He asked to Introduce aflUlallu attack ing the petition, but bfter an animated cifitroversy, these were ruled -ut, the vote being on party lines. A motion by Sulzer, calling on the president for the alTldavlts bearing on the petition, was simlliariy ' voted down by the committers Sulzer sharp ly commented on the course of the majority and bis exchanges with Act ing Chairman Marsh were at times personal and emphatic. Messra. Sul er and t "apron also had severol words of colloquy. Dr. Hugh FVunce, who Is regarded as an imimrean witness, vince he act ed as coroaer when the Bunker hill mill was Mown up, and shared with iiartlett Sinclair in the direction of the affair Mlowlng that event, was put on the tand. Dr. France sakl he was graduated from Cellevue hifepiul. New York; and he denied being In the cmptoy of the Bunker Hill mine, as had been alleged. and mid he was chosen by the mln ers as their physician . and furgeon, receiving his pay from them. I? described the warfare between the union and non-union men, culm! nrting with the march on Bunker Hill aad the dynamiting of the concentra- Dr. France defended the work of the coroner's Jury againat the crlUctsnu 4rxide during the testimony, and ex plained the regularity of the various steps taken. LATE PHILIPPINE COMMISSION, Statement of Their Fay and .Expenses Submitted to Congress. WASHINGTON. Airii It Comply, ing with a resolution of intialry, the president sent to the senate today an Itemized statement ot the expenditures of the Philippine coninUsskm. The statement Includes the following items:. Compensation of 118.000 each to Com missioners Schurman, Worcester and Denby, $30,000; per diem allowance t the commlsloners afu-r their return t the I'nlted States, $j,2S5; secretary of the coinmision (compensation, JS.50CL per diem, $3,660) $12,160; transportation.' J13.6S7; household expenses In Manila $9,252: clerical services. $31,701; Mlseel leaneous. $H.9!S; total. $HI.lSi Tbe president also trausmited with his endorsement a recommendation from Secretary Hay that provision be made for the payment to the naval and military members of tie commission (Admiral Dewey and General Otis) compensation at the same rate aa that paid to the other member. He says they have received nothing .dor their services In excess of their regular salaries. PROCEEDINGS TO BE KECJ1ET. Kew Naval Policy JVtfrd Will Not Hold Open Sessions. VASHINGTON. April 16. The New n&.val policy board be!4 its first meet' ing at the navy department today Admiral Dewey la preeiednt ot the board. The board decided that the charae ter t the work to be .undertaken In volving, as it does, the preparation of the schemes of defense of the country as well as offensive campaigns, renders It absolutely necessary that; ajvrecy shall surround its proceedings. CONGRESS AFTER TRUSTS. Drastic Measures Agreed on by Sub committee of the House Yes terday. WASHINGTON, April 16. Two measures directed against trusts were determined upon today by the special sub-committee on, trusts of the house Judiciary committee. The special sub-committee has spent many days examining the various remedies proposed and conferences were not concluded until today. As agreed, upon, the .remedy lg two. fold, namely, a constitutional amendment, giving congres full power to deal with trusts and a new anti-trust law mak ing the following extensions to the fr'herman act: 1 Requiring the branding or mark ing of trust-made goods shlped cut of a state, so as to be easily Identified as the product of a trust. 2 Prohibiting the Inter-state traffic of trust-made goods not so branded and making them subject to seizure and condemnation. 3 Requiring corporations having a capital of over $1,000, 00 or doing an annual business of I1.000.CKjO to file a report of their affairs with the sec retary of state. Providing the process of injunc tion against combination sending trust-made goods from state to state or to foreign countries. 5 Prohibiting the use of the r.alls to concerns, and their yfTI'laia jroven to be trusts, NAVAL POLICY HOARD. KlrHt Meeting Held at Washington Yesterday. Nt:W YORK, April 16.-A special to the Herald from Washington says: The policy board, of which Admiral Dewey Is chairman, wis assembled to day at the navy department tj dis cuss the strategical matters which have been placed in Its charge. This will be the: first meeting ri the board. Adr.iral Devey bus sinltb; ! hit will ingness to serve on the board and will be Its permanent chairman unless he should be selected to the presidency, In which event he will retlra and HearAdmtral A. 8. Crowninshield will succeed him as chairman, Secretary Long said Sunday that the battkrfhip Texas and the cruiser New Lork will not be placed out of com mission on their arrive! at Hampton Unads. Orders will be given the battleship Kearsarge to. Join the flag and when the Kentucky has completed her trial next month she will also be assigned to Admiral Farquhar's com maud. It Is expected by the depart nient that some Important maneuvers will occur this in accordance with a program which probably will be adopted by the policy board. WATCHING THE JAPANESE. Their Immigration to Pacific Coast Giving Concern at Washington. WASHINGTON, April 16.-Up to this point nothing has been done by the Washington authorities looking toward the restriction of the Immigration of Japanese into this country, beyond the applK-ation of the contract labor laws. The figures of the Immigration bu reaus on the Pacific coast are, how ever, being cloaely watched, for upon their showing may depend important recommendations upon the subject. FIVE PER CENT DIVIDEND. WASHINGTON, April 1.-The con trolUr of the currency has declared live per cent dividend in favor of the creditors of the insolvent Merchants' National Bank of Seattle. ALASKAN CODE HILL. WASHINGTON, April lt-During al most the entire session today the sen ate had under consideration the Alas kan civil code bill. An amendment pro vlding for tbe mining of the gold along the beach in the district was perfected, GOVERNOR OF PUERTO RICO. ASHINOTON, April 16,-The pres ldent today nominated Charles H. AI len, of Massachusetts, to be governor of Puerto Rico. FUSION IN WASHINGTON. All the Enemies of Peace and Pros perity Will Fight the Repub licans in One Body. SPOKANE, April 16. -The democrat Ie state central committee today fix ed .May i as the date and Spokane as the place of the state convention to selert delegates to the national conven tion, Thomas Malony, the former secre tary, tvas elected chairman, vice H. l. Jobws, resigned; C. H. Goddard of Dayto was elected secretary. a conference with the populist slate central committee developed a dispo sltion for usjon and it was agreed by foth bodies that the Axing of the state convention should be postponed until after I ha democratic national con vention, when the two bodies will meet at Seattle and arrange the hnsia nf the fusion, which will probably be one convention of 600 members with 250 democrats. 230 populist and 100 silver republicans. N. Y. CARPENTERS STRIKE. They Demand Less Hours and High est Wages Ever Known. NEW YORK, April 16.-AU the car penters on Staten Island went on a strike today. They demand an eight- nour day for five days of the week and a four-hour day on Saturday, the minimum rate of wages demanded is forty cents an hour, with double pay co Sunday, and holidays. HILL'S BOAST TO BE MADE GOOD. The Ground Is Clearing for His Connecticut Shipyard. MONSTER STEAMERS IN VIEW Latest ia the World for Trias-Paelflc Com fierce Will Be BetuR la Three MonttM-WIII Be Too Deep for tbe Portlaao Ctussel. NEW LONDON, Conn., April U. The Eastern Shipbuilding Company' today took possession of the land at roton, on which will be established. its plant, and at once set a gang ot men at work clearing the land. Within three months the keels of tw steamers, the largest In the world, will be laid. The steamers are for tho trans-Paclflc fleet of the Great North ern railway and are to be of 21,000 tons llsplacement. Their dimensions will be: Length, 630 feet; width, 73 feet; depth, 6 feet. They will attain from 12 to U Knot under forced draught. THOSE PEACEFUL ITALIANS. First Bloodshed at Cornell Dam Re. suits In Death of Sergeant ' Douglass. CT.OTON LANDING, N. Y.. April !. The first bloodshed as the outcome of the strike at the Cornell dam occur red tonight at 8: SO, when Sergeant Robert Douglass, of the Eleventh sep arate company of Mount Vernou, was shot dead by an unknown assassin . while he was relieving guard. Tha ' wildest excitement prevailed through out the camp as soon as tbe newa oC the assassination spread und the sol diers are frantic over the crime. Douglass was talking . to Corporal McDowell and other members ' of the guard, when he suddenly f lasped bla - hands to his stomach and said: "Lord, boys, I'm shot,'" and immedl. ately fell to the ground. It was pitch dark at the time, but McDowell and others fired a volley Into the clump of bushes nearby without hitting any one. No one saw tha flash or heard the sound of the shot which killed Douglass, and It waa a most mysterious affair, ' MUST STAY OUT OF POLITICS. Assumptionist Fathers Must Cease Publishing Papers of the La Croix Type and Other Cath- . ollc Orders. PARIS, April 16-The Rome corres pondent of Temps, In a dispatch that has an almost official significance,, says: "The Papal decision prohibiting the assumptionists from continuing th editorial management of La Croix was arrived at after a colemn conclave of bishops and cardinals. . . "Hereafter no religious congregation will be permitted to take any part in polities. This decision Is binding up on Catholics all over the world. In eluding the American Paullsts." DECLARED UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Anti-Lynchlng Law Giving Heirs Right of Action Against Counfy Affairs Is Illegal. COLUMBUS, O., April 16.-The su preme court today declared that' the heirs of any person who la .lynched nniy collect $;.,0O0 from the commis sioners In the county in which the af fair occurs. The decision was rendered In the case of Mitchell, hanged by a mob at Urbana, nd J. W. Caldwell, who us snot ana beaten by strikers at Cleveland. HOKE SMITH'S LUCK. His Interest in Atlanta Journal Sold for $159,000. ATLANTA, Ga., April 16.-Hon. Hoke Smith today sold his Interest In tha antl-lynehlng law Is uncmstltn. tlonal. The law .provides that th Atlanta Journal for $139,000. Theamount Involved In the entire transaction i- 27e,500. George H. Dickinson, former- ly of the New York Herald, will be he new publisher. AN ORIGINAL SENTIMENT. Telegraphed All the Wav Frr.m Washington City. WASHINGTON. April 16.-In 'Br. seining the naval appropriation bill to. aay in me house, Fobs said: "The Nation which Is armed nd ready to fight Is least likely to be called upon to do so. The best paee conference Is the strong and mn.t Pf' fltient navy." STRIKE. AT KANSAS CITY, KANSAS CITY. April l.-Four hun dred union carpenters went out r, strike today for an increase n va