The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 06, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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New, correct and pretty things that
will b eagerly sought by dressy, ap
preciative women.
Narrow Net Tie, entirely new. at
20c and 25c ca
Net Ties, two yard long, with fancifully trimmed ends
Sl.OO ca
25c to $1.50
Headquarters for Dry Goods
RATTLr: vrrn outlaws.
Officers Ambushed by Bandits One of
Them Fatally Wounded Held
the Fort
PHOENIX. Aria.. April 5.-The fol
lowing details of the ambushing of of
ficers Scarborough of Deming, N. M.,
and Blrvhfield by outlaws In the Clilr
ucusft mountains have been received
The outlaws discovered that they
were being followed and laid a trap for
lb officers, who walked Into It As
soon as 'they came within rlHe range
the party of three bandits opened fire.
The first volley wounded Scarborough
and Birehfield. one shot striking Scar
borough In the leg, badly shattering
the bone; another struck Birehfield in
the left arm Both men were disabled.
The wounded officers held the outlaws
at bay although hard pressed several
times. A continuous firing was kept I
up until dark.
In the meantime Birehfield managed
to huild a rude rock fort in whioh he
flared Scarborough and as soon
from being observed by the bandits.
went for assistance. Returning at
daybreak he found Scarborough still
alive and holding the fort but suffer
ing Intense pain, from his wound and
exposure, it having rained and snowed
all through the night
The party arrived at San Simon at
2 o'clock yesterday afternoon with
Scarborough, and he was sent to his
home in Deming. His wound will
probably prove fatal. A large posse
has started in pursuit of the outlaws
who have evidently gone farther ba?k
Into the mountains where It will be
almost impossible to dislodge them..
.Attempt to Assassinate the Prince of
Wales a Premeditated Act.
17 ; " 2-
BRUSSELS, April 5. The attempt
at the assassination of the Prince of
Wales yesterday was the sole topic of
conversation on the streets, in the
cafes and theaters last evening.
Tfce Patrlote says: Investigation
proves premeditation.' The interroga
tion of the prisoner lasted four hours,
and it shows that he was instigated
by an unknown person, w ho persuaded
him to buy a pistol on Sunday in the
Old Market for three francs. Then they
went to a wine shop, where Slpide
wrote a letter, saying he had employ
ment He then went to the railway
station and asked the hour of the ar
rival of the train. Later he entered
a neighboring cafe and loaded his re
volver in the lavatory.
The magistrates are going to verify
the prisoner's statement. The com
mittmentcharge8 the prisoner with an
attempt at assassination. Slpido's
parents were deeply moved at the act
of their son.
It is believed that this event will has
ten the return to Brussels of King
Leopold who is now at Wiesbaden.
LONDON, April 5. No remarkable
demonstrations were observable in '
London last evening, partly owing to
the fact that the news of the attempt
to assassinate the Prince of Wales was
only generally known at a late hour.
The morning papi-rs editorially voice
the popular feeling of gratitude that
the prince has received a harmless
baptism of fire. They denounce the
anti-British outbursts of the foreign
press, which are, they gay, the direct
cause of such attacks by half wit
ted fanatics, and express the hope
that continental governments will take
the lesson to heart, both with respect
to the control of the newspaper mouth
lngs and the proper protection of for
eign visitors.
Annual Meeting and Election of Offi
cersRoad In Fine Condition
MONTREAL, April 5. The annual
meeting of the Canadian Pacific rail
road took place yesterday and was
most harmonious. The reports all
thowed that this had been the most
prosperous year In the history of the
Act like magic strengthening the Mus
cular System, restoring the long-lost Com
plexion, bringing hack the keen edge of
Appetite, and arousing with the Rosebud
of Health the whole physical energy of
iu unman irame. une ol the best guar-
antees to the Nervous and Debilitated is K
that Boccliam'g PilU have the I.argM "
bale of any Patent Medicinein the World, 8
and this has been achieved without the g
publication of testimonials. . ,
' (0 cer.ts and 23 cents, at al drug store
the Lower Columbia.
road. The president In his address
called attention to the gratifying fea
ture of the aTTairs of the company,
which showed that an addition of 150
per cent of shareholders of record in
Canada had been secured. He also
stated "that the return to the basis of
5 per cent dividends on the common
shares was an assurance of the con
victlon of the directors that even In
the rase of an unforsevn commercial
disaster, no lower standard would be
nece.sary." The old board of direct
ors was re-elected.
Another Great Trust Formed Taking
In All the Large Sheet Mills
in the West.
NEW YORK. April 5.-Discussing
the condition of the iron and metal
trades the Iron Age today says: .
"An event of great importance ts
j the completion of the consolidation
j of Western sheet mills under the name
! of the American Sheet Steel Company
I .. I U ... &ntlA T , C , t
" i w i .in Afuuu 11 vm aim i i v. i 'i n -
nanv im-ludtd This make. fh ori?An-
; ...... mM ,. fh .
j polio had been continued as an inde
pendent establishment The absorp
tion of this great company, the largest
producers of sheets In the world. Is a
triumph for the promoters of the con
solidation. Those whose interests require them
to make some decision relative to the
particular course of the Iron market
are In as great perplexity as ever.
Nothing has really occurred in the past
week to indicate decisively whether
values are more likely to go down or
up. The great consDlldatlum are now
exerting their influence In maintain
ing prices which was so freely predict
ed a year or more ago at the time when"
they were being formed. They seem
to be undisturbed by the concessions
being made by small establishments
compotlng for the same class of trade.
Further, the price of Bessemer pig
iron, which may be regarded as the
key to the dteel situation, remains
''The report that the Carnegie com
pany has made a contract to deliver
40,0-W tons of structural steel In Eng
land durin? the summer Is officially
denied. Sales of pig Iron and steel
rails are being made for export, how
ever, and the prospects for continued
business of this character are excellent.
Inquiries are dally being received from
Germany and Austria, as well as from
England for quotations on pig iron
Over Twenty New Vessels Now BHng
Built, Including Several
Large Liners.
NEW YORK. April 5. There are all
of twenty new vessels being construct
ed by the leading steamship lines for
the trans-Atlantic service between this
and foreign ports. In addition to these
there are at least fuv new liners that
are nearly finished, and which will be
placed In commission in the early part
of the coming season, besides a large
number of vessels that will carry
freight exclusively.
Following Is a statement of the new
ships that will shortly be put on by
the various lines:
Cunard, two; American, six; Hamburg-American,
one; Holland-American,
three; North German Lloyd, four;
Atlantic Transport, four; Compagnle
General? Trans-Atlantique, two; White
Star, one; Wilson, two total, 25.
Although not strictly trans-Atlantic
liners four large new cargo vessels are
also being constructed for the American-Hawaiian
Steamship Company for
the New York-San Francisco-Honolulu
A Policy of Stubbornness Manifested
Toward All the Powers.
BERLIN, April 5.-The Pekln cor
respondent of the National Zeltung
describes the growing stubbornness of
the Tsung Li Yamen (Chinese foreign
offce) toward all the powers, Rucsla
included, and he mentions the fact that
Russia finds herself unable to obtain
the consent of the Chinese government
to a railway from Mukden to Pekln.
Germany's efforts to penetrate up
the Chinese rivers with gunboats have
failed because the boats draw too
much water. The German naval de
partment has accordingly ordered the
construction of seven fiat-bottomed
gunboats for this special purpose.
A Rich Real Estate Dealer's Wife
Wants to Be Free.
NEW YORK, April 5. Mrs. W. E.
D. Stokes has brought suit for an abso-
lute divorce against her husband, th
millionaire real estate dealer, W, K. D.
Stokes. Rumors of difficulties between
Mr. and Mrs. Stokea have been freely
circulated for some time.
Mrs. Stokes was formerly Miss Rita
Fernandei de Alba de Acosta, and la a
daughter of a Cuban, who was exiled
for political reasons.
Fighting Reported In the Streets
the City Will Involve This
NEW YORK. April 5.-A Smh-UI
the Herald from Washington :
"It" Is now admitted that the dis
turbances In Ianama, Columbia, are
serious, and the authorities are be
ginning to pay attention to them.
"Mall service has been Interrupted
In consequence of the operations of
the troops and It was reported today
that there had been fighting In the
streets of Panama. Inquiry at the de
partment of state, however, failed to
elicit any Information on this point.
"A revolution In Columbia Is of es
pecial importance to the United States
because of the guarantee mad by
this government to preserve frvo trans
It beween Colon and Panama."
Divided Against Themselves as to Ap
pointment of an Archbishop '
for Iowa.
DUBUQUE. Ia.. April 5.-A serious
division In Catholic circles seem like
ly over the naming of a successor to
the late Archbishop Hennessy. Pr. Car
roll, of Dubuque, Archbishop Keane,
of Washington, and Father McI.Himh
Iln, of Clinton, were nominated by the
convocation of priests on March 1.
Some days later the bishops nominated
Bishop O'Gorman, of Sioux Falls, Hint
Bishop Scanlun- of Salt Lake. Today
the German priests of the diocese for
warded to Rome a protest against the
appointment of Archbishop Keane.
A projected meeting of the bishops
to arrange for a division of the diocese
has been forbidden by a peremptory
order from Archbishop Martlnelll, the
Apostolic delegate.
Colorado Has a Bllxxard That Breaks
Down Wires and Tangles
Up Business.
DENVER. April 5. Snow has been
falling all over the state of Colorado
for the past 24 hours. The warm
weather makes the snow so soft that
it clings to trees and electric wires,
breaking them down. Much trouble
has been experienced in this city.
Telephone, light and trolly wires are
down in various parts of the :lty;
many telegraph and long distance tele
phone lines have been disabled. The
street cars are stopped on many lines.
Trans lslanl Line to Be Built Syndl
cate Has All the Money Needed.
M.W YORK, April 5. A strong
syndicate has been formed for the
purpose of constructing a railroad ex
tending the length of Cuba, a distance
of about $00 miles, as soon as the nec
essary authority can be obtained. The
full amount of capital required for this
undertaking, It Is understood, has al
ready been subscribed by the syndl
Rev. V. V. Alenanderof, who was or
dained a priest of the Russian Ortho
dox church In the Russian cathedral
of this city Sunday last, has te-n
chosen rector of the Seattle mission,
which includes the states of Montana,
Oregon and Washington, British Col
umbia and the Northwest Territory of
Canada, with a membership of about
QUINCY, III., April 4.-Mrs. Alda
Lawrence is dead at her home here.
She was one of the oldest actresses In
the country. She played leading parts
with Edwin Booth and also has acted
with Laura Keene, Junius Brutus
Booth, John McCullough, Joseph Jeffer
son and other tragedy and comedy
stars of the first magnitude.
ALAMEDA, Cal April 5.-Anson C.
Fisher, one of .the excursion party of
New York Central railroad engineers
who arrived here last Friday, Is dead
at the residence of his niece In this
city from an attack of the grippe. .His
remains will be sent East.
CHICAGO, April 5. A special to the
Record from Wagoner, I. T., says:
Tom Gaylor, while Intoxicated, shot
Night Watchman Humphreys, Dick
Kelcher and two men named Brown
and Scott. Humphreys Is not expected
to live. Gaylor Is still at large.
NEW YORK, April 5.-The Spanish
American Salt Company has'flled artl
cl s of Incorporation at Trenton, N. J.'
The common capital stock lg stated to
be $3,500,000.
NEW YORK, April 5. Mrs. Marie
Doble, wife of Budd W, Doble, the
horseman of San Francisco,' has filed
suit for divorce, on statutory grounds.
Sloss Iron and Steel Company IVclare
. a lArge Dividend.
NEW YORK, April S.-Th annual
report of the Slosa Iron and Steel Com
pany, which Is now owned by the Sloss
Sheffield Iron and Steel Company,
shows the earnings for the year ended
January 30, I AH), to have been SOJ.67,
Which, after deducting :'t.1.7.M for In
terest and taxes, depreciation and re
newal fund, leaves 15SS.9U net profits.
Out of this rt dividend of l per cent
was declared In March. Practically
all of this dividend goes to the Sloss
Slulllcld company ns the latter now
own all but thirty shares of the :0,(K0
share of the rapttal stock of the Sloss
Iron anil Steel Company.
LOS ANGELES. April 5.-Jud J.
E. Rockwell, of Denver, the well
known Jurist, died ut the home of his
uncle. Dr. Rennet, today. Judge Rock
well and wife came to !" Angeles last
February, In the hope of Improving his
health, but he has been steadily fulling
since his arrival here. lie was TS
years old.
Soltlllne! Soinilne!
If you are sick and tired of rubbers,
which protect your feet from wet or
cold, and wish to save continual re
soling of your shoes; if you wish to
stop greasing your harness and pro
longing the life of same at least fifty
per cent. If you wish to save greas
ing your belts In ycur manufactury,
go to Peterson A Brown, at Astoria,
and try a case of SoMllno on your
shoes and harness. Buy your shoes
only of those who have that scientific
remedy. Take no other.
lienor! Agents, Astoria, Orego.
Totul Number of Names on the
to Date.
Astoria Precinct No. 1 1M
Astoria Precinct No. 2 1
Astoria Precinct No. 3 HO
Astoria Precinct No. 4 12
Astoria Precinct No. 5 ITS
Astoria Precinct No. 6 114
Astoria Precinct No. 7 H
John -Day Pretiuct 20
Svensen S3
Wailuskl !4
New Astoria 97
Warrcnlon 27
Clatsop SI
Seaside 74
Melville 1
Chadwell 32
Youngs River 14
Olney 30
Knappa o
Clifton 6S
Westport 1)
Vespar 1
Jewell 12
Mishawaka 14
Elsie 22
Push IS
Total to date 15
Man Is mad-to crvate. from the p.t
t th-
All is mystery; but he Is a slave
who will not struggle to p-netrate the
dark veil.
.-Nonce is neieuy gnen mat tne com-
mon council of said city has deter-
""7 "' " '" i" ooi'iove in wiui
,ein oi .,iniii mreei in uie cny 01
Astoria as ibiu out ana recorded oy
John McClure, Clatsop county, state
of Oregon, from the north line of Bond
street to the south side of Astor street,
to the full width thereof and on the
established grade. Said Improvement
Is to be muie by filling in from curb
to curb with dirt so as to bring sal I
portion of suid street to the established
grade, and laying stringers thereon
and plunking the same with covering
plank 4 Inches in thickness by 12 inches
wide, and by the construction of shie
walks ami gutters on each side of said I
portion of said street bald Improve- I
meni in matters or detail, except as
herein otherwise provided, shall be con
structed in conformity to the provi
sions of general ordinance No. lWJl, en
titled "An ordinance In relation to the
Improvement of streets." approved
Januury 3, 1HS5, except that either red
or yellow fir may be used so long as
the same Is good and sound lumber.-
Thut the cots and expenses of said
Improvement shall be defrayed by spe
cial assessment upon the lots, lands
and premises fronting upon, adjacent
to ami otherwise benefitted by said im
provement w hich said lands are hereby
included in a special assessment dis
trict to be assessed to defray the
costs and expenses of said improve
ment and which said district includes
the lots, lands and premises benefited
by said Improvement and Is as follows,
Commenting at the southwest corner
of lot 6 in block f and running thence
norm to the northwest corner of lot
3 in block 9, thence east to the north
east corner of lot 2 In block 65, thence
south to the southeast corner of lot 7
In block 55, thence west along the south
lines of said blocks 9 and 65 to the
place of beginning and containing all
"The World
Owes Every Man
a Living"
But what sort of living is it you get
witli a poor stove or rauo iu your
kiti bcn? Buy a
Star Estate Range
i They Insure tfood living
Hi J. ocnllVi Afient mjhmt.s
. - c
f 431 BOND
Attacked br Grip On Family E
capw oy usuuj re-ru-na.
.,v;'.' 1!
WlONA, Stark Co, Imd.
During ths winter I and mr fm
lly of sis were taken with la grippe
The dUeaso was very prevalent at thai
thus In the village where I resided
nearly everyone Miir sick with
Our doctors treated It a taut they could,
but were very unsuccessful In the trea
tnent of It As soon a my family wore
taken sick 1 went to the drugstore and
bought sis buttles of IVru-ua, aud w
all took II according, to the direction
given on the hot tie j and although out
cases seemed to be more thau usually
violent In the outset, yet our recovery
was proiiipl.siid w e were all well mu'
sooner thn those who were treated bj
the regular physicians.
Many peopledledof this lagrlpKdm
Ing this epidemic, and few If any, were
sick so short a time as mysulf ami
family. After we wore all well wo hod
ous bottle of IVru-aa left
C. T. Ilattlvld
Send for a free copy of "Winter C
Urrh." Tuts book contains a lecture Li
Dr. lUrtnmii on la grlppo which hai
attracted wide attention and hi; btn
reported 'o leading papers. Address Vt
ilarinun, Columbus, Ohio.
of loH 1, 3. 7 and 8. in 'Mock 05 and
lots I, I, S and. In block 9. all In that
p.iit of the cltyof Astoria, Clatsop
ounty, state of Oregon, as laid ou
and recorded by John McClure and
extended by Cyrus Olney.
This notice Is published III the Dally
Astorlan for eight days In pursuance
to a resolution duly adopted by ths
common council of the city of Astoria.
tlie first publication of this notice be
lnt on Thursday, the Gth dity of April
A. u.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City of
Notice Is hereby given that the com
mon council of said city has determined
ard Intends to Improve nil that portion
of Fifteenth "street In tho rlty of As-
torla. Clatsop county, state of Oregon
as laid out and recorded by J. M. Shive
ley, trom the south line of Exchange
st if et to the north line of Irving ave
nue, excepting the Intersection of sulil
portion of said street with the cross
strvfts, by planking the same to the
width of twenty feet th roll ah the cen
ter thereof with sound red or yellow
fir plunk, 1 Inches In thickness -by 12
Inches wide, the plaukiiu to be placed
upon the stringers now on said portion
of said stre-.-t after removing tho pre-
'ni ' P'anking.
The costs and expanses of said lm-
prowmmt shall be defrayed by special
' 1,!'"'4'"n""1 u'':m ,he "l. J" "J
i pr-oiH'-s fronting upon, adjacent to
, and otherwise benefitted by said lm
i pi jvement which said luuds are hvreby
i iiitiuded in a, special nsse'sment dls-
, tili t to be a?ed according to hen.-llts
; pro rnta to defray the costs and ex-
pense-f of said Improvement and which
sanl district Includes the lota, Innds
und premises benellted hy suid lm
! pr vemeru and Is in follow , tit-wit:
Coiionen.inn lit the .uthest corner
, f t u, (1U) 1(l bllM.k lwenty co) and
running thence north through the mid-
,(. f,f blocks SO, 17 ami 115 to the north
i ..,., i, ,i,r. in i i,iu
i 11-. . ,,. .,, ,. iku n,.Pih tin.
ld. irks 115 and 114 to the northeast cor
ner of lot four (4) In block 114, thence
south through the middle of blocks 114,
11 and 21 to the southeast corner of
lot nine (9) In block 21, thence west on
th smith line of blocks 21 and 20 to
the place of beginning and containing
lots 1. 2. 3, 10, 11, and 12, In blocks 115,
17 and 20 respectively, and lots 4, 5. (, 7,
X ami 9 in blocks 114, 18 and 21 re-
sr.ectlvely, all In thnt part of the city
,,f Astoria. Clatsop county, state of
ir,.Kn. ns luld out and recorded by J.
M. Shlveley.
This notice is published In the Dally
Astoiiun for eight days In pursuance
to a resolution adopted by the common
council of the city of Astoria, the first
publication of this notice being on
Wednesday, tho 4th day of April, A.
D. 1900.
Auditor and Police Judge of the City
of Astoria
The committee on streets and pub
Hi! ways of the common council of the
City of Astoria, Invites proposals or
bids for lighting the streets of the
City of Astoria by electric lights for
one or more years, and nsks that the
same be submitted to said committee
on or before the 16th day of April,
1S00. Said nrooosals should state the
I rum hoc iltrht I n Ha oenliihnfl nnA
the charge per each light.
W. 'G. COOK,
Com. on Streets and Public Ways.
spun '111.1 " i ...mi
Wis '-
grarrTTTIPn II.
A Delicious and Palatable
Drink Absolutely Pure
The North I'mIAo Brewery, of which Bottled beer for family dm or keg
lr.Joha Kopp is pror-ictor, makes betr boer mpplir-i) (to time, dellmry Id
for domea'lo and export trade, the city Iree.
florth Pacific Brewery
Pacific NayigationCompany
Stnmcr-,,R. I. I'.lmorc," "W. II. llui-rUon"
Only lino-Astoria to TllluntiMik, (iwrlhulJI, liny City. llotiitoitvUld.
. Connecting at Astoria with the Orvgiin lUllroad A Navigation Ou. and
also the Astoria A Columbia Klver It. It. (or Man Francisco, Portland
ml all points east, ror freight and passenger rates apply
Hflmiil Rlmor U Co. Oeneral Agent. AHTOIUA, ORE.
(JOHN A COM Agents, Dreg, n lUllroad A Navigation Co.,
TILI.AMOUh Ore. A. k C. 11 K Co. ItMtTLAND. Ore,
We Rent New Typewriters
Many new imrovcimMits ntldtHl.
S'o our lutost
6tT f No. 2
f X N
ew Art Catalogtio Free , , .
TcI.;Ms!d 574
Miss Lkrthn flartln's
Decorative I
j Room (10 Dikuut Utilities, Id
&S 6X1 1 i 0 S
Colombia Eleetrie & Repair Go
SucceBsor to
Longing Engine
Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specialty
Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed
... " Harrison Section" Propcllor Wheel ..
Contractors for Electric LigbU uiul Power Plants.
Of New
Subscribed Capital,
Paid-up Capital,
Assets, -Assets
in United States,
Surplus to Policy Holder?,
las beenUnderwriti)ig on tlie
Resident Agents, Astoria, Or.
UnrmAii BiahOfM 1 1 1
Chiuck iiiT u.u l.u.,u.. I'uuu.tir
u. nrn, ,.y..m, . - "
ionoT, wosi Fowsr, Kjgni - i
... , M.. . " .... -
tflM, IdeulMw Ik. dtu utf Mm uiim hn,
m nqaMri, wist t tem, QuUalw. Ad4rM,
poif nor, won rowsr, Kignr-i.DKjB, iiDrma.orrnou inmiprtia, pains
n Back 6.11 smlnsl tmlfiiont, lm So'i, HsrvousDs-
Smith Premier Typewriter
Kxoluilvs l'noiHi' lmt Agent
2IA rllurk St., I'ortland, Or.
IsliliU t itpccliltr.
CkolcrCfelcctloi ol SKaiplag
Stifiplog- Sully Dost.
BC Wiihlogtos fll a. 4 T t( 1MB , Or.
Ss &! S i -$ 2
Kept la Stock
tJullt And RcpntrvU
UJ ft CMITU ft ffl
i vi. wiiii i ii a uv.
22 and 1!3 WuLlnuton Dulidin-,
4th and WuHliliiiftm Hts. orr l.Itt'a,
Mgr., San Francisco.
Pacific Coiifct ovcr.twenty-two years.
luv. tn In uh er to ..... .... i ....... u
cur.. Hi. oM , j y,Mnf Ifi,r, hoim ika
- . UUf, kOt 1 "!. I
- D5i .cip.rmu.ufino.u InmmniH, Pi
. . . I ' , . Kralnrn .Mill, imirnwp.
t I t f. II; n.ll. hyaiW A winn rrnnw, cw
Blshoa Mtmsd. Co., san rranelseo, Oak