I TUK MORNING AHJ'OfllAN' WI)NS1)A, MAKCJl 1), mi New Spring jj 1 Goods H9 New Goods Arriving Dally C. H. Cooper The Leading: House of Astoria ,,i(,,',l,v',-.y)-cY--i- (!)() (.it (! 4! (lKilXt) 4tt i WsH-X TODAT'i WBATHER. ror.TI.AND, March fl.-Waahlniton, Oregon en.l Matin, fair wrather to. ditjr. arounITtown. AJolph Juhitaon la In l'ortlanil. A. W. Mowrey of H(kII Is In the cily. UlTa li "the only" restaurant. White MIm Carullns Young I visiting U friend In I'urlUnJ. J. W, 8rWt was over from Hwaco ilT(lay uu business. ' Captain Whlinimb of J'ortlsml was In the city ynstenUy. Cherl C. WooitriR'k of l'irtln1 l furnt at IIib Orcl.lonV. I ro cream evrry day at The 1'arlor. Telephone number lo:j, Herman Wl0 Ml yesterday for Han Francisco on a business trip, August UanloUon haa gone to Ban Krsmlsco for a brief vlalt. Uat 15-oent meal. Rising Sun reataa rant, fit Commercial atreet. K. A. Meyer of Chinook U In ttlt city, to nrnialn a day or two. JtfT'a restaurant the largest and hrti. A trial will convince you. Mr. and Mm. V. W. Uwli of Tort land arv guests of K. O. Lewis In this city. HutUT market declining, Whit t'lovcr creamery now us 12 cents for eitmm. J. Dawson of Hklpanon waa In the city yealcrday to pay hla tuxes and at lend to other business. Hun Jm.'olm. it, a native of Germany, waa granted full cltlaenahlp a per by JU'lgo Grsy yesterday. Hurrlson Allen waa In I'ortland yes terday, returning on tho evening train, ummipunled by hla wife. J. 11. Venn, the well-known logger of t'atliluinet, la In the city, attending to private business afTalra. For Kent. Three furnished room for housekeeping, on ground floor; 414 Kxchangn itrvet, near Ninth. OeorKi) T. Meyer, the I'uget aound ranmiryman, was In the city ver day to bid for the Jessie Uorthwlck. Clam, to dog.; Smolt, So pound; veg etable, fruit, milk, bread eto. New Market, 4(0 Duane Street, near Tenth. sa-asas A aniall place at ClaUop for inie or rent Suitable for chicken ranch. Ap ply to A. Tninr. Parlor Candy Store. Mia Morey hit consented to give another cooking lesson today at 2:30 p. m., under the auspices of the Aatorla (las Light Company. Herring at Cook, Commercial street, between Tenth and Eleventh, la the only flret-clasa all-night lunoh house In Aatorla, J. Vt'. Cook, the Port Townsend can neryman. who waa the successful bid der for the steamer Jeaalo Uorthwlck, left for home on the evening train. Cream Pur Rye. America' finest whiskey. The only pure food; guar . anteed rloh and mellow. John I Carl eon, sole agent Hoslyn coal laata longer, la cleaner . and makea lei trouble with stoves and chimney flue than any other. George W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1S1L Roslyn coal la the beat and moat eco nomical coal for houiehold uae in As toria, Try It once and you will have no other. George W. Sanborn, Agent, Telephone 1311. The spring opening at Mrs, Rosa'a millinery store will commence on Wed nesday and continue till Thursday evening. The ladles of Astoria are cordially Invited to attend. The secret of good living lies In wholesome and well-cooked food. When . a restaurant haa established a reputa tion along this line It la the place to :patronlie. The Model baa this reputa tion. Near Foard A, Stokes. Our immoiiHo rtoik is now almost com plot in all d(Ht-tmoiiU I Mr ! y The launch Iris I now on the run between Aatorla and Warrenton, pre pared to handle freight and passongers. She will connect with the Portland steamers. Having succeeded to the business of Mrs. McKensle. I will ODcn on Wcdncs day and Thursday, March 21 and 22, a line of now spring millinery. MRS K. W. DUN U Alt He good to yourself and good to your friends. When yoe treat a friend to whiskey, give him the beet Harper whiskey Is the beverage for your friends and fsr you. Hold by Foard Htokes Company, Astoria, Oregon. Letter of administration In the es tat of Louis Chance, known as "In dUn Louie," were granted by Judge Uray yesterday to Hllas D. Smith. The estate consist entirely of persons! property of an estimated value of Men Wanted To learn barber trad. Only sight weeks required; special In ducemrnta this season; Illustrated cats logue, map of city and souvenir mall. d free. Holer's IlarUr College, Ban Francisco, California. For the first time In many days not a vessel crossed over the bsr, out or In yesterday, as far as reported from Fort Canby. The exceedingly pleasant weather of the post few days cleared the harbor completely and nothing was on the outside. Several vessels are on their way from Honolulu but are not yet due. Mias Annie Jeffrey Is In Portland to meet her father, who has just returned fmm California, where he haa been for several weeks past' Miss Nellie Jef frey, who has been In Oakland for the past two weeks, will remain for some time, as her health boa been quite poor. Mr. JeftYry will return to As tori a some time during the latter part of, the week. Claude Thayer, who bought the wrecked schooner Llla and Mattle lying on the beach at Tlllambook, haa a crew of men under Fred Arthur at work trying to gut her Into deep wa ter. Those who hav examined the wreck say the hull Is not the least bit Injured, slid with the proper appliances that It would be an eusy matter to get her Into deep water aguln In good condition. The Oriental committee of the Push Club, whlrh Is composed of 1). II. Welch, clwtlrman; J. H. Johansen, sec retary, and W. O. Qoaslln, has an nounced that It has entered upon Its duties and Is ready for business. The club expects this to be one of the most Important committees of the organi sation and satisfaction Is expressed thnt the personnel la made up of such active and competent gentlemen. There Is much to be done, for the encourage ment of our trade with the Orient and the club expects soon to be able to re port some Important developments as a result of the labors of this commit tee. The resignation of W. A, Sherman, lieutenant commander of the Oregon naval reserves, will .vault In a spirited contest for the otllce vacated by him. Those who an considered the most probable candidates are W. T. Car roll, lieutenant of the First division, and Uvorgo W. Freeman, the former lieutenant of the same division. The otllce Is that of battalion commundor with tho rank of major. Mr. Sherman will not tender hi resignation until he reaches Portland Thursday night and he will leave Immediately for San Francisco where' he will take up the duties of assistant cashier for the Pa rtite Sheet Metal Works. A most enjoyable entertainment was given at Hanthorn hall last night by Gateway Tent of the Knights of Mac cabees. The affair was arranged chief ly because of a visit from Suprem Deputy Commander Frank A. Bouter lous, of Portland. An excellent pro gram had been arranged and all en joyed the several numbers. The even ing opened with a violin solo by Joelah Kemp, followed by a vocal selection by Mr. Gerdes, entitled "The Cobbler Song." An address by Mr. Bouterious on the principles of the organisation was the next in order, and Josiah Kemp followed with an address on "Fraternity." .' Mr. Kemp also gave a vocal selection entitled "Eight Hours a Day." The- last number on the pro gram was a aong and cake-walk by Mr. Kemp and wife. Each number was thoroughly enjoyed. A short sea son of dancing closed the evening's entertainment. Mr. Bouterious states that it is his lntertion to return to As toria during the coming week, at which time ho will work among the cltlsens In the Interest of the local lodge, , , NOW BRING' ON YOUR RODENTS COUNCIL PASSES BOUNTY LAW OrdliiDce Amended So That Kits May Be Killed la Any Old Kay Action Unanimous! At a special meeting of the city council last night the ordinance pro viding for the payment of a bounty of five cents on each rat killed and deliv ered to the chief of police, wss passed and signed by the mayor. The ordinance as read at the meet ing on Monday night provided that only rats caught In traps would bo ac cepted by the city. After the final reading last night, Councilman Han sen stated that In his opinion, no re strlctlons should be mode as to the manner In which the rats should be killed.' The object of thn council In providing a bounty for the extcrmlna lion of the rats was for the purpose of having them exterminated and there was no resson In his mind why a spe cllc method of dealing death should be prescribed. , Councilman Parker supported this view, followed by Councilman L'ttln- per, who thought that poslon or any thing that might be employed should be permitted. Clerk Nelson stated that he had been asked during the day If shooting the rodents would be permitted. He replied that it would lie a good Idea as 'or every rat shot the person could be fined l-'.OS for discharging firearms In the city and the treasury would be, at that rate, 11 : a head gainer, In stead of five cents loser. This was ac cepted good-naturedly, Councilman man Parker deprecating Mr. Nelson's alarm with the statement that he was not expecting small boys to go about the alleys and cellar with modern llowllscrs In purs-il: of tlw elusive ro dent. Councilman Hansen stated In asmuch as shooting would be done with air-guns, If at all, there was no reason why such means should be pro hibited. Several good-natured flashes shot back and forth and then the roll was called, resulting In the passage of the ordinance wlhout oppwlllon. The may or signed it at once. So, the rat bounty ordinance Is now In force and anyone now having a stock of the pests on hand can receive the reword money today by deliv ering the rat to the chief of police. The bounty ordinance will be In ef fect for 30 days. MR. CURTIS WITHDRAWS. Will Not Seek the Republican Nomina tion for the Legislature. C. J. Curtis announces that he has decided to withdraw as a candidate for the nomination for representative In the slate legislature before the repub lican county convention. This declaration was freely made about town yesterday and reiterated In an Intreview with an Astorlan rep tesentalive to whom Mr. Curtis de clared that he was convinced that. In spile of many previous assurances to the contrary, he had been "thrown down" by the members of the county central committee who had selected men for delegates who would undoubt edly support Johan Young and John MoCue. "I can see the slate through and through," said Mr. Curtis, "and I wa ger I can name the nominees of the next republican county convention to a man. Tht-re're going to start In by throwing Whcrity down for county clerk and nominate Deputy Sheriff Prael In his stead." 'What reason have you to believe they wll throw down Wherlty?" the reporter Interrupted. "Well, I don't know," was the reply. "Naturally, Wherlty is entitled to a re-nomination as he his served only one term. As to Prael, the only objection I have heard raised against him la that he has already held oitlce for eleven years." Resuming, Mr. Curtis said: "The ticket, from clerk down, will be about this way: LInvllle for sheriff, Thompson for treasurer, Carnahan for assessor, and Lewis for commissioner all re-nominations." ' Mr. Curtis stated that it was his In tention to go before the citlsen's coun ty convention for nomination aa rep resentative. "They are going to put up a ticket composed of both republicans and democrats," said Mr. Curtis, "and will make a good, hard fight." THE JESSIE BORTHWICK SOLD. J. W. Cook, tho Port Townsend Can nery man, the Highest Bidder. The steamer Jessie Borthwlck was sold in this city yesterday afternoon by Dan J. Moore, administrator of the estate of the late H. B. Borthwlck. J. W. Cook, the Port Townsend can neryman, proposed the last and high est bid and the steamer was knocked down to him for $10,350. There were several bidders, and for a while the bid ding was quite spirited. When Mr. Cook offered 210,350 for her, however, the others dropped out and Mr. Moore declared the sale closed. While there are many who express the opinion that Mr. Cook paid a rath er high price for the Bteamer, there are those, who claim to thoroughly un derstand values In this line, who de clare that while the figures were high the Borthwlck Is worth every penny paid for her. Bh Is exceedingly well built and was planned for heavy ser vice. . She was built by Contractor Joe Leathers, of this city, lost year, and the Iron works and machinery was fur nished by the Astoria Iron Works. Her hull I 77 feet over all, 17 feet beam, depth of hold t feet, draft I feet In ches. Her engines are fore and aft compound, 10-nch, ,and 20x20-lnch stroke. The surface condenser forms part of frame, snd contains 320 Vlnch brass condenser tube S feet long. She hus Independent circulating air-pumps. Her boiler Is 72 Inches' In diameter, 10 feel long and contains 150 two-inch tubes I feet long; she has corrlgated flues 40 Inches In diameter, I feet long, water-back connection, and Is allowed IV) poends of steam. ,, Mr. Cook was seen shortly after the sale ly an Astorlan representative, to whom he stated that he would have the Borthwlck taken to Portland at once, where she would be supplied with all fittings necessary . to make her thoroughly serviceable and to comply with governmental requirements. He Wo stated thai another of the company's boats, the old Ilwuco, which Is noV being renovated at Portland, would be taken to Port Townsend soon as ready and Immediately pressed Into service. When asked If the Borthwlck and Iluaco would comprise the company's "licet," Mr. Cook replied: "Oh, I don't know yet. We may have hit a dozen of them In service before we get through." It Is the purpose of the Port Town send Pocking Co., which Mr. Cook rep resents and manages, to use the steam. ers as tenders to their canneries at Port Townsend and Blaine, both of which will enter Into the business this season. ' Will your operations have any con nection whatever with the 'combine' ?' Mr. Cock was asked. "Not the slightest," was the reply. TO RUN DOUBLE SHIFTS. Kuitnrkable Ficssure of Orders at th Clatsop Mills. n The great rush of business of the Clatsop Mill Company will necessi.ute working double shifts within a lw duys. Already the 170 employes are working quatter over time, but this is not suflk'lcnt to meet the requirements tot It has been found necessary to keep the hundreds of wheels turning with out ceasing until the accumulated or ders shall have been disposed of. rhi. opening of the fruit season In California creates a tremendous de mind for boxes and much of this bus lness comes to the Clatsop mills. Then, too, the company Is branching out into new Aelds in the Eust and this business taxes very heavily the capacity of the mills. The eastern business will con slst entirely of best grade consign mints, such as spruce sidings for oulld lugs, railway coaches, etc., shelving, tiooring, rustic and other furnishings of that class. Shingles and shooks, too, will be shipped, as the railroad com panies have extended the privilege of shipping mixed car lots to points throughout the Middle West, which en able the mill people to supply the de mamls of the smaller class of buyers as well as the larger concerns. In an Interview with Mrs. W. S. Kin n y, manager of the Clatsop Mill Com pany, an Astorlan representative was Informed that the output of the mill thus far this year has been vastly greater than that for the same period a year ago, with prospects for even greater business as the season pro gresses. The mill Is rated as a 100.000 plant. but owing to the great volume of small work the capacity is reduced to between 70,000 and 80.000. The output for 1399, of spruce, pine and fir, aggre gated In the neighborhood of eighteen million feet. Of this, over one-half was spruce, most of which was converted into box shooks. For this class of work, the mill has a capacity of 6,000 boxes dally. All of this lumber, aa well as that worked up Into flooring, rustic, etc., is first seasoned In a huge dry kiln, which has a dally capacity of 60,000 feet. The company obtains all of Its spruce logs from its own lands on the Lewie and Clark, where they have an al most Inexhaustible supply. The fir and some other kinds of logs are pur chased on the market. Last year, the company's outlay for logs and towage alone amounted to over 2100,000; 270, 000 was paid for labor and fully 230,000 more was expended for the cost of maintenance and repair of the plant and Incidental expenses. Thus it may be seen that over 2-00,000 was placed In circulation In Clatsop county last year from this Institution alone, and to the energy and business ability of Mis. Kinney largely belongs the credit. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 3. Freeman and wife to Emma Aus mus lots 7 and 8, block 137; lots 14, 15 and 16, Uhlenhart's subdivision of block 10, Hustler & A kin's; lots 3 and 4, block 13, Wllllamsport; lot 4, block 14, lots 5 and 6, block 15, lots 13, 14 and 15, block 22, lot 2, block 23, Warrenton; lot 9, block C, lot 11, block 8, lot 4, block 9, lot 13. block 16, lot 2, block IS, lot 12, block 14, lot 16, block 14, Astoria ad dition to Warrenton; 21. J. V. Burns and wife to P. Lawlcr undivided half of lots 7 and 8, block B, subdivision of block 5.' Hustler & Aik en's; 2100. 1 Annie Frlcks to A. W. Lambert S halt of the SE quarter of the NE quar ter, and N half of the NE quarter of the SE quarter of section 25, T 8 N, R 8 W; 210. STOCKWELL'S "PARADISE." An Exceedingly Clever Play Ably Pro duced. The production of "In Paradise" at Fisher's opera house last night was well received. The house was well filled, the stage work exceedingly good and the audience fully appreciative. Those who went there to have a good jolly laugh-and that was the object In view by the author found not the slightest cause for disappointment. The play is cleverly conceived. Some may object to many of the situations aa extremely suggestive but none could say that this possible suggestlveness bordered on vulgarity, as stage produc tions are Interpreted. Block well Is exceedingly clever but It would be both unfair and untrue to soy that he, as clever as he Is, out shore some of his supporters particu larly H. a. Lonsdale, as Paphael De lacroix; Lawrence Crifflih, as Monsieur Grissllon and Mary Scott, as Care Taupln. And, by-the-way, the latter Is neither Care Taupln nor Mary Scott. Her true name is Mrs. Neville Castle, a well- known society woman of San Francis co, who Is not only closely connected with the family of Rear-Admiral Sump son, but can claim near blood relation ship to Rear-Admiral Watson. This alone might suffice to draw a crowd of the curious, were it known in advance but Mrs. Castle has ability and (.harms which overshadow the advantages of Illustrious relationship, for she Is not only a very clever actress but a very pretty woman as well. This is her first season before the public, and It Is safe to say that 8 lock w ell or some other wide-awake manager, will see that it Is not her last. DELEGATES NOMINATED. List of Republicans to Be Voted for at Primaries Today. First Ward-A. 8. Reed. August Jahl- strom, A. C. Fisher. Thos. Mokko, H.W, Sherman, Granville Reed, R. M. Leath ers, Alex Gilbert, George Johnson, D. J. McVlcar, Frank Carney, C. W. Ful ton, Lent Howes, Frank Patton, T. L. Taylor. Chas. V. Brown, I! F. Prael, F. P. Kendall, J. C. Bell, John McCue, C. E. Bain, Albert Dunbar, E. P. Par ker. Second Ward Frank J. Taylor, J. H. D. Gray, John Matson, Harrison Allen, August Dunlelson, W. T. Chutter, A. C. Callan. Martin Foard. Frank L. Par ker, Cosmo Franciscovlch, Horace Thing, J. W. Welch, Chas. Hlgglns. Third Ward-W. H. Barker, W. F, McGregor, John Nordstrom J. M, Young, Gust Holmes, W. T. Scholfleld, Iver Anderson. WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. The recent wonderful accomplish ments in wireless telegraphy bring to mind forcibly the value of electricity, It is probable that much work will be saved by means of this subtle fluid. There Is no limit to its possibilities. Applied to material objects, it causea them to move as with life, while with out It the human body cannot be strong and healthy. The best means of Oiling the body with vitality, is by the use of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Lack of life In the stomach causes indlges tion, dyspepsia, constipation, bilious ness and malaria. Any of these symp toms means the bitters Is needed at once. Just now. when the seasons are so variable, it Is particularly valuable, and a regular dose will keep the bowels active and healthy. MILLINERY OPENING. The latest In spring millinery will be on exhibition Wednesday and Thurs day, March 21 and 22, at Miss McRae'a. All the ladies are cordially invited. FOR SALE. Lot 4, block 2, Holliday Park, Seaside. Paid 2:5 for it In 1891; will take much less. Have not seen It Warranty deed; all taxea paid to present date. A. DOWNING. P. O. Box, 479, Seattle. CALL FOR WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given to all parties holding Clatsop county warrants en dorsed prior to February 25, 1898, to present the same to the county treas urer at hla office at 164 Tenth street. for payment Interest ceases after this date. H. C. THOMPSON. County Treasurer. Dated Astoria, Or., this 19th day of March, 1900. SOLFILINE. SolflUne! Solflllnel If you are sick and tired of rubbers, which protect your feet from wet or cold, and wish to gave continual re soling of your shoes; If you wish to stop greasing your harness and pro longing the title of same at least ntty per cent If you wish to save greasing your belts tn your manu factury, go to Peterson & Brown, at Astoria, and try a case of Soinune on your shoes and barneesv Buy roar shoes only of those who have that ad- Take no other. Address, PETERSON ft BROWN, General Agents. Astoria. Oregon. TO CURB A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. S3. W. Grove a sig nature is on each box. 2Sc Th. Frederikson PIANO TUNER INSTRUCTION ON 'CELLO AND VIOLIN Phone 2074. THE BEE Best Boat Specially Prepared fcr FlshlnS Beats bar ability Guaranteed FISHER BROS, Fancy and Staple Groceries IN ADDITION Feather and Paper Dusters, Market Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Telescopes, and Lunch Baskets. Brooms, Whisps, Scrub Brushes, etc, Crockery and Glass war?, A Ve ALLEN, Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure, The North Pacific Brewery, of which Bottled Deer for family trse or t UrJohn Kopp is propietor. makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery in for domestic and export trade. the city free. '.: - ; : ' florth Pacific Brewerg Golumbia EleGtrie & Repair Go Successor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Logging Engines Foundrymen Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufacturers of the Unsurpassed ... Harrison seciion" propeiior wneei ... Contractjrs for Electric Lights and Power Plants. W. R SCHEIBE, A lull IIIM Sff PIM. aa Sanksrs' Arti 4T4 Commercial Bt. wwwwwwwwwftw w ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND. ORE.. FRONT AND MORRISON STS. w European plan, Soc to tl.SO per day. American plan, L00 to $100 per Uy. WEDDING wedding cam VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Pacific N ay igation Company Steamers-"R. P. Elmore," "W. II. Harrison" Only line Astoria to Tillamook, Garibaldi, Bay City, Uobsonville. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R, for San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply t j Samuel Elmore & Co. General Agents, ASTORIA. ORE. COHN A CO Agents, TlLLAOlUUb.. Ure. IC3IQ3 urn mormon pmnopr rrum - - 7- 7- ' r Kum Caurcb ua u.t Mt.n ru&m'Ujr cure th wt CMt lb U ind y.n tri.iny fro) etfwtZ of tetf.ah.ne, dwtjwrioo, rtee-, rm cljirrw-vmrtiij. CUret LCSt potency, Lost Power. NtBtrrLotsca, Soarmntorrhoes Insomnia, '. In Back, I-ll Deilres, Seminal emissions,. I nm He, trvc, t blllty, Headaoh.,Unritn.a to Marry, Loosof frfi mt,Vifir.,r or Con.'lDntlon, Stopa Qulckn.t ,o Ola- trt 1 1 charge, St,,.,., ou Vwltchlni of frelldi. 'l""rij. Ilk 1 Ml,- , ,,...r. 3 M onua M Kil cenon. 50c nam, wufc t nana. Circuit ha Ad4ress HIVE The vary best gnaran- teed ihoe on the mar- jfj EjQ LADIES' PERCALE SHIRT WAISTS A fine line of 0O0 waists, tie, collars and new belts. THE I'LLLY BELT.-. 48c Paint IN THE ...MARKET Lowers Snrplies kept la Stock Built and Repaired Manufacturer of the Always Reliable) "La Belle Astoria" Cigar Scbeite's Opera Star Scheibe's Special And Otbar Brand. OSCAR ANDERSON, Manager- I J. C. PEN DEG AST, Chief Cler CARDS w ft SMITH M VI. Willi V WW. 1 ENGRAVERS, 22 ami 23 Wiuhinj;ton Bnildin?. 4th end Wsshington 8ts. over, LM's, PORTLAND, OREGON. Oregon Railroad A Navigntion Co., A. t U. iL tit Uo, tX)UiJUAM. Ore. rw vm uj 1 n wnw fwi"m. fc, s Blshoa Rtmedy Co.. San rranciw:n, , SoU r CHARLES ROGi. j.