rlif .HultNlNCI AtSTUKlAh. A'KDNESliA,, MARCH SI, MOO ..... . . . ; . JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Teleohone Main ML TOilMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAtLT. Beet br malt. per rev Seat br cneii, per month . JO Served br carrier, per month SEMl-WEEBXT. Seat br marl, r rear, In advance 1100 Postage free to subscriber AH communications Intended for pah cation ehjuld be directed to the edi tor. Business communications of all kinds and remittance muat be address ed te "The Aetortan." The Astorlaa guarantees to Its ad vertisers the I arrest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia rlTer. Advertising rate can be had on ap- sttcatloia to the business manager. THK (XT LOOK IN NATIONAL POLITICS. , RepubHcnns In Oregon who are so confident Or Indifferent as to the tre mendous Importance of holding the Pa cific coast In line with the republican party that they seek at this time to I rake over the embers of past personal uarrets. to the distraction of the party followers from the preparations of the enemy and the Jeopardy of party har money and discipline in the coming' mo mentous campaign, will do well to study the following outlook for national politics, printed in the Brooklyn Standard-Union, from its Washington corre spondent. Albert Halsteal. Mr. Hal stead saya: The moat remarkable feature of the I present political situation is the grow- tn -confidence of democrats in Wash- I ington that Bryan will be elected pre si- I dat next November. When the pres- I ent congressional session opened demo- I crats admitted in private that they re- I carded the election of Bryan as an im- I possibility. They said they did not see I Taow it would be possible to prevent I President McKinley re-election. The I prosperous( condition of the country, I the division among democrats over the I Snancial question and on imperialism, and the fact that President McKinley had supervised a successful war, all seemed to make a republican victory I American manufacturers are now con absolutely certain: and republican I tingent upon the ratification of this leaders were filled with confidence. Now the democrats are more than hopeful, and republicans admit in pri vate that they are at least anxious orer the outlook. The popular revolt against the Puer- to Rican tariff bill and the negotla- I tion of the Hay-Pauncefote treaty have caused the change of view. Re- publicans have been appalled by the newspaper opposition to the plan to Impose a tariff on Puerto Rican prod- acts, while democrats have rejoiced at the many evidences of popular dis- pleasure with that proposition and with the Hay-Pauncefote treaty. The indi- i catiors that so many Americans were friendly to the Boers and thought tha United 8tates should intervene to pre vent the annihilation of two republics- it matters not that they are not really republics, but are oligarchies have gladdened democrat hearts. If the house had it to do over again, there is no doubt but that the Puerto ' .j .... .v mean larui am wouia never go throusb. Quite a number of republi can congressmen are very apprehensive for fear they will lose their seats at the coming congressional election. They would rejoice to have the senate incor porate free trade in the Puerto Rican bill. If that were done it would go through the house with a whirl. Noth ing could stop it. Were it not for the fact that refusal to agree to any tariff rates for Puerto Rico, which the senate would provide would almost certainly prevent any legislation for Puerto Rico whatsoever, and leave the Dingley rates still due on Puerto Rican prod uct.?,' ft would seem as if the house would refuse until the end of the ses sion 1! necessary to agree to the senate rates. As It Is, the house must wait the senate's action, and rejoice If that body makes the rates on Puerto Rican goods lower than the house bill pro vided. It is, of course, early to make any prophecies as to the outcome of the presidential election, and there la 'still plenty of time for nutters to become brighter for the republican party, but the fact remains that even if McKin ley should be re-elected he will not have a walkover, by any means. The republican party is now suffering the pangs and anxieties and apprehensions, and is threatened with the dangers that always accompany legislative re sponsibility. For the first time since tl..; Hint httlf of the Harrison adminis tration, the republican party controls all branches of the government by sub- aUntt&l majorities. It has about fif teen majority In the house and about the Mme majority In the senate, and It has the prealdtMicy. The party must therefore legislate, it has new and wry grave problems before It. It can not satisfy all It supporters. There Is the greatest liability to mistakes, and Judging by tha treatment of the Puerto Rican business, one very crave mistake has been made. It la Inevitable that these di:Mculitea must accompany leg islative and executive responsibility, but nevertheless parties struggle tor supremacy, only to sweat and worry and b afraid when they succeed, and aro responsible for the government. tus RKcrmocrrY tp.katt. Our entrance upon an era of great commercial expansion would seem to be a most fitting time for removing all the trade barriers which It la possi ble to remove without seriously dis turbing our present fiscal system. How can we expand commercially through a policy of commercial restrlctlonT Acting under certain provisions of the Dlngley law. our government has negotiated reciprocal trade agreements sounds the alarm, that England is so or treaties with France and other for- ; e'y arming against the United clgn countries. The treaty with Prance Is deemed most Important because of the trade possibilities in that country for American Iron and ateel product and the remarkably liberal character of the concessions offered In exchange for reductions of duty upon certain Imports from France which present but slight competition with domestic I products. The duties upon various ar- ticies imported from France, princi pally hosiery, gloves, laces, embroider- lea, trimmings, cheap Jewelry, toys and fancy goods, fans, perfumery, soaps, toilet preparations, glassware, straw- hats and musical Instruments are to be reduced from 5 to 20 per cent In return for reductions of from 10 to 13 per cent upon all American agri cultural products, upon Iron, steel and machinery, upon all structural Iron, bridge as well as building, cutlery, tools, street cars, wagons, carriages, bicycles, rubber goods, furniture and many other articles of manufacture. This treaty is now pending in. the senate and Is being "held up," it is claimed, through the influence of New England manufactures of cheap Jew elry and "notions,' who hold their In- terests as paramount to the vast agrl cultural and iron and steel Interests of the country representing invest- ments aggregating hundreds of millions ot dollars. It is claimed, in fact, that the tilling of contracts for machinery, cars and agricultural implements amounting to millions of dollars to treaty. These treaties have been negotiated in good faith under the reciprocity clause of the Dingley bill. They have the unqualified Indorsement of the president Their defeat would be an affront to the nations which have en tered into them with full confidence in the ability and willngness of the party now In power to carry out its promises. The great manufacturing in- terests of the East and Middle West are urging the acceptance of these treaties. The Interests of commerce snd considerations of good politics unite to demand their ratification, CANADIAN COAST DEFENSES. Philadelphia Times. A correspondent who has been visit ing Esqulmault, on Vancouver Island, where the English have constructed a dockyard for the equipment of vessels When your throat and lungs are perfectly healthy you needn't worry about the germs of consumption. They don't attack healthy people. It's the weak, debilitated, in flamed membranes that are first affected. Hard coughs and colds weaken your throat and lungs and make con sumption more easy. If your lungj are weak scon's Emulsion b the best remedy you can take. It soothes and huts and jives tone and strength to these delicate mem branes. In this way you can prevent consumption. And you can cure it also if you haven't had it too long. Keep taking it until your lungs are strong and your weight restored. AtillanrrifUj ioc. andlioo. SCOTT A BOWKt, Ocmwi, N ew York, Hotisavorkis hard vwk without GoldDusr TO WASH COLORED TABLE CLOTHS r ar ptrsost whs llt sa hnes sea en M their sea vukitf, aetd nltti kbit ln to urt vMblif. Te keep tba leeilni ate tea mm Mist. Unit Cold Dust Wishing Powder la Ik eeftr, ni in la the staet. li U essiertal at kM s artnr ni akle cletk elll tt la trwhtttt mM tklt WU ni m lews' tapt 1st At ttat tj. "aSliMS lulu lia t.tiTfti.uK" I kwratMlk m a. a. raiaeaaa coo pant. on the Pacific, was very much scandal ised to learn that the fortifications had enlarged, with preparations for i modern guns, and tnat tne otnciai in charge would not allow him to go lu an1 Inspect the worka He accordingly State. ' W do not know whether an English correspondent, with no official creden- tlals. would be allowed to Inspect the defenses at Mare Island, but it aould ; be .u,le Pertinent for him to pro- claim them a menace against Canada j H " tt Esqulmault commands "o "rait leading in I'ugei sounu. on which are American ports, but It is also the entrance to Vancouver, the terminus of the Canadian Pacific and i the port of arrival and departure of the Japan steamers and other Import ant commerce. It is a very fit place for dockyards, and as they could not possibly be "neutralised," they ought to be properly defended. As a matter of coast defense, it would be equally proper for the United States to erect a fort on the other side ot the strait, but there is not the same neces sity for it We have strong stations on the Pacific lower down, beside control ling the coast farther north. Thia la practically the only maritime gateway of the Pritlsh possessions on the Pa cific, and In view of the Increasing Im portance of the Pacific as an interna- j tlonal field. It would be surprising if the need ot a naval station there were overlooked. Esqulmault is two or three hundred miles further north than Halifax; it Is about as fa from San Francisco as Hallax from Fort Monroe, and from the isthmus it is farther than Labra dor, so that the relation of this new station to a possible ship canal is rath er far fetched. The distance is not much greater to Japan or Vladivostok. If John Bull has anybody particularly In mind whom he may wish to keep out of these defenses, it Is not Nelgn bor Jonathan but rather his old rival in the East. une .Minute .ouKn cure is tne uest . lbh.u j a ti 1. 1 iui kuugiiB miu i colds. It is unequaled for whooping ! cnueh. Children all like it." writ H I N. Williams. Uentryvllle, Ind. Never i fails. It is the only harmless remedy ' that gives Immediate results. Cures coughs, colds, hoarseness, croup, pneu monie, bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. Its early use prevents consumption. Charles Rogers. PEACE DECLARED. Why devote all your time reading about the Boer war and the gold fields of Ataska? There are other matters of vital Importance; you may make a trip East, and will want to know how to travel. In order to have the best ser vice, use the Wisconsin Central Rail way, between St. Paul and Chicago. For rates and other Information write JAMES A. CLOCK, General Agent, Portland, Oregon. 1 TO PARIS IN 1900. The passenger department of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St, Paul railway has taken advantage of the current 'in terest in the Paris Exposition and has printed for free distribution one of the most charming books of the season, en titled, "Glimpses Across the Bea." Its contents describe a recent voyage across the Atlantic maIe by Sam T. Clover, journalist and author, and toA?A$"?g i,"uJt, ciuu.es nis uiversinea experiences in London and Paris. Thu Glimpses" are entertaining and instrucilve to t..e prospective western patrons of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Taul railway, who may be contemplating a trip to Europe. The enterprise -,l the railway company In augurating such a happy departure from the ordinary methoda of advertising Is commendable. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. Twenty-five Years' Constant Use Without a Failure. The first Indication of mum u hoarseness, and In a child subject to 1 JTT luen a a pure : sliTn of the approach of an attack. Fol- ; lowing this hoarseness If a peculiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough nemeoy is Riven as me cnua becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough appears, It will prevent the attack. It is used In many thousands of homes In this broad land and never disap points the anxious mothers. We have have yet to learn of a single Instance In hlch It has not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a record twenty-five years' constant use without a failure. For sale by Charles Rogers. Jiln lip I . JUS I -i i I .'I HI '.ia i Karl's Clover Root Tea Rnmlfea th Cmnplnlon. Purlfwt tlx 'ol.iv Kli,Ur!kin. CiimCui MipalLto, lndijMioo, alHl all Kmixiont il skin. An tirm-nM Iiailv Xrr Tunic. Sold on aSuitut (uirauM by til fUMbUat DV..60C. .ikISI.OO. 8. C. WELL 4 CO., LMOV, N. V. toir opnTot Sold by CHARLES ROUER& Our strong passions break Into a thouaand purposes; women have but one. Their love is dangerous, but their bate is fatal. My son has been troubled for years with chronic diarrhoea Sometime apo I persuaded him to take some of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy. After using two bottles of the 2S-cent slxe he was curea. I give this testimonial hoping some one similarly afflicted may read ana oe benefited. THOMAS C, BOWER, Glencoe, O. For sale by inuxies nogers. Beauty can Inspire miracles. airs. rt. inurcntu. uerun. Vt.. sava: "Our baby was covered with running sores. DeWitt's Witch Hawl Salve cured her." A specific for piles and skin diseases. Bewarn of worthless counterfeits. Charles Rogers. Twilight makes us pensive; Aurora is the goddess of activity; despair curses at midnight; hope blesses at noon. J. B. Clark, Peoria. III., says: "Sur geons wanted to operate on me for piles put i cured tnem wan newitt's Witch Hasel Salve." It Is Infallible for piles ami sicin diseases, ueware of counter felts. Charles Rogers. Experience is a thing that all men praise M'8 Annie E. Gunning, Tyre, Mich., Bay- sunerea a long time from dys pep""; ioi nesn ana oecame very weak. Kodol dyspepsia cure complete ly cured idp." It digests what you eat ana cures all forms of stomach trouble. It never falls to give Immediate relief in tne worst cases. Charles Rogers, Fame has eagle wings, and yet she mounts not as nign as mun i desires. DeVitts Little Early Risers purify the blood, clean the liver, Invigorate the system. Famous little pills for con stipation and liver troubles. Charles Rogers. The enamoured are always delighted with what Is fanciful. Mr. J. Sheer. Sedalla. Mo., saved hit child's life by One Minute Cough Cure. Doctors had given her up to die with croup. Its an Infallible cure for coughs, colds, grippe, pneumonia, bron chitis and throat and lung troubles. Relieves at once. Charles Rogers. Where we do not respect, we soon tease to love; where we cease to love, virtue weeps and files. As a cure for rheumatism Cham berlain's Pfcln Halm Is gaining a wide reputation. D. Y Johnston, of Rich- sneaklne of It he says: "I never found anything mat would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's I'aln Balm. It acts like rmirlp with me. My foot was swollen and paining me very much, but one good application of Pain Halm relieved me. Tor sale by Charles Rogers. We make our fortunes and we call them fate. "I was nearly dead with dyspepsia, tried doctors, visited mineral springs, and grew worse. I used Kodol dys pepsia Cure. That cured me." It di gests what you eat. Cures Indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia. Charles Rogers. The past la for wisdom, the present tor action, but for Joy, the future, Tt takes but a minute to overcome tickling In the throat and to stop a cough by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. This remedy quickly cures all forms of throat and lung troubles. Harmless and pleasant to take. It pre vents consumption. A famous specific for grippe and Its after effects. Chas. Rogers. Night brings rest; night brings so lace; rest to the weary, solace to the sad, and to the desperate night brings despair. ' 4 NOT k POISM FACE BLEACH But a tme beau ti tier, being the only prep aration sold under a positive guarantee of II. (Km) that It contains not a grain or fraction thereof of poisonous or dcleteri out sulntancva. Indorsed by the most celebrated artistes of the lvnc and dra in tic stage; recommended by eminent physicians, and pronounced naruileaa by lending chemists WISDOM'S FAMOUS F08ERTIME. It Uthtoalv preparation now uanl hy faahtonahl lfelira to urrprluatt a brautltul com pinion Aik ynur itnuottat far tt nd do not be Indmtd to lakt taytauit tiar. mil nu crma ptr oouw. Dr. T. N. IUI1 DENTIST. 171 Commercial Strati. i ASTORIA. ORE. Over 8chlusset't Clothing Store. THE PROOF of rao puctdlag la In Um and rht proof of fcquors IS IN SAMPLING That's aa arrvunsM that's etulr a dttnoasuwuoav Ours will stand DM Mat, HUGHES & CO. THE Palace Cafe . w wiirrLE, rrtrY. Flint ttttairiitltrti f ttu Frtsrkt 2 PEN DAY NO NIGHT Attentive Service, KintUCIiiM Cuisine, t nva'e itoomi lor Ladioa. 513 Cj.unercial Street, Astorli, mS i S i THE LOI'VKE. Strantfert visiting in the city will find toe Louvre su altraciivn resort wherein to spend the evening. The Amine Misters Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents ni(btly a inimic al program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in Connection with the houe. Palatable Itim het will be served at all ooura U LEBbCK Corpcnier and Builder General Contractor HOUSE RAISINU AND MOVIVI A SPECULTY H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 21. GRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Cars Will Receivs Special Attention. Mo. fill Duane St., Astoria, Or. W. J. COOK, MfT Rs. TaL 111. W. C. A. Pohl, rt in rK0!EL Undri;k r, Embalmer a r-'uneral Director. kfi i" : . r I Supplies ronstanl- " liaiKi, "ft in nune 8t, Astoria, Ore 1. a astabend, Generti I Contractor unci Builders m sul tare superiorl i or v.onaioa, (S) Oibehs or Injectionsand rIIRE IN 48 HOURS the tame diseases with, out ineonvsrorr. XoJtr all nmgltft. iMf i i.iLLAR UNI 'olumMa River and rutret Bound Navi gation Company, Bailey Oatxerf leaves Astoria dally. -xcept Hunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Bun- lay at 7 a. m. White Collar Una tickets and 0. IL A N. tlcKeta Interchangeable on Bailey latsert ana HaaaalO. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Act, II. B. SPOTT Telephone 111 President. 19) 0 owlilj TIMH scrtnmri.M fioiu torUsiid. PKPAKT Aaaivs Salt Ut. Inrr, ft. Worth. Omalia. Kan u City, su Luli, Clilcagu snii Kek rut Mall Ip, m. Put Mall Hpnkaii Fiver I Up. at, Wslla Walla. ikis.' Hmikn r. v . rir U IIIIhIui Bl .... I ....in. II, niiwNHIBV ('bleats aud Kut, lam. Frota Astoria I PCUAN STEAMSHIPS All tuning iwtwe nib Im-t to elimm. 1 j'ir Han Krattstieu-Hsll Coli'mbla River Htaamers To Kurt Una aa4 Way Landlnga 1 in Ki huikIh)' la m( Mu day Pwm Portld . f am Kx euiHr WIUAMKITI RiVKR if,7T.-j Oret.a t ltv, Nwbn, tUlMnA WUlll . j WllUawtU - Va , . 7 am. Tues.Thur klllKivsra k)rt.n Oily, Dayton, A m4' yrt. ud sat. Klparls lv illy I ais. m. 5aak Rl.r. .VsuTm" RIrllo Uwlstoa. i dully (am WII.I.AMKTIK llivr.lt 4: 0p.m. Tum. Thin tUlurUa; I iioiMiitt in .4r.sii. moo, WSil and way I Millings. VtUt O. W. LOUN8BERRT, Agent, Astoria, W. II. IIURLBURT, Oen. l'as. AgU Portland, Or. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS Whea people ar eoatamplatlac a trij waetnw oa ouauMas or piaasura, th naturally want tha best aarrlea oe. tataaMa so far as se4. oosaAirt ass safety Is eonoarsed. Kmployas of Ut WlUOONBlK CENTRAL LI NEC ars uald to asrrs the publlo and oar traiaa are oparatsd so aa la ataka stoss eoa aaotlooa with dlvarglag ia at aS JUBcvtloa aetata Puilaaaa Palaos Slaeptas aad Chair Car oa tnrougb tralra Dining car serrv asetesaed. Usala strvad a la carta la order la obtain this flat tUas barrio. ask U ticket agsnt to sail you a Uca.i The Wisconsin Central Lines. and yo wUl mats 6Vot eooaeetlons at t. raal for Chleaco, atuwankse aad all potata ease for any further hifonnatloa oall oa aai Uekat aceat. or oorr puud arrtk JAS. C. POND. Oea, Paea, Aaeot. or JAJ A CIOCK. UUwaakaa, Wla uiaaiai Axat 34 aHark aX. resttaaai Ore liuxuRious Travel THE "North.Wstsrn Limited" traiaa aUotrte lUrhted throughout, both In- side and out. and steam beatsd, are, without axoeptloa, the floest trains la the world. Tby embody the la last, newest and beat Idtas for oomrort. eonventeaoe and luxury, ever offered the travaliaa public, and altocether are the most oom. plate and splendid production of the ear bolldsra' art. These Spltndld Traias Connect with The Great Nortlicro The Northern Pacific aad The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the EAST. Na extra char re for these superior a a. commodatlons and all olaaees of ttcksts are available for passac oa the famous North-western Limited.' All trains oa this line are protect! by the Intetlockiat Block system. W. H. MEAD. r. C SAVAOl. Oea'l Afent, T. A. Portlaad Ore. I MIL!1 A famUlar name for tt Chloaco, UIU araukee St. Paul Railway, known all ever the Union as the Oreat Railway runnlnc the "Pioneer Limited" trains very day and night between St Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chioatro. The only perfect trains In the world." Understand: Connections are made with Transcontinental Lmes, assuring- to pasMgenrs the best servioe Known. Lux urlous ooaohes, elsotrto light, steam beat, of a verity equaled br no other line. See that your ticket reaas via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In the United States or Canada. All ticket tgent sell them. For rates, pamphlets, or oUier latorma- Oon, i address, W. CASET, C. J. EDDT, Trar. Paea. Agt., General Agent, Portland. Or. Portland, O.r rofAT TICKETS VlL POINTS EAST Through palaos and tourist sleepers. dining and library observation ears. KLiEUANT VESTIBULE TRAINS. No. I, "Flyer" leaves Portland at 45 p. m. m. No. t. "Fiver." arrives Portland at 8:00 a. m. For rates, eta,, call or address O. W. L0UNS3ERRT, Agent O. R. A N., Astoria, or A. B. C. DENNISTON, C. P. T. A, Portland, Ore, oilU mi m r Depot Fifth aad I Htrsets. Overland ttxpreaa Trains for ttalsm, Roanburg, Ash land, Haorantxnto, tigdnn. Haa Kian Cisco, aloiav. Los Angles, hi Paso, New Urlsana and the East At Woodbarm (daily axcapt Sun day), morning train connects with train for Mt, An gl. BlUerton. urownavlll. Hprlnifiald, and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver ton. Corvallls paaaen tr. Sheridan paasen gr Leave Arrivt 7:30 p.m I; 11 I'M a.m. 7:M p.n IT:30 a.i.j ll:IOp.m lll:a.m l:M p.m Dally. ! Dally asorpi Sunday. Rflbata tl. kala nn Kl- n--. land, Sacranibnto and Han Franolsoa, Net rates 17 first claas and 111 seoona class, Im ludlng sloaprr, Rates and tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China, lions. lulu and Australia. Can be obtained from J. It. KlrkUiut ti.,i... a ..... . ... Third ilrttl " S YAMHILL DIVISION, Iaaaengtr depot fo-t of Jefferson St Iavs for Oswego dally at 7:10. t:0 m.1 13.30. I.5. 3 !4. i:l6. I.I 3:04. 11:10 B. HI aattrl fl IM .M ai.tJ only. Arrive at Portland dally at t 34 in iia ia - m .... . T I T 7:10. 10.00 p. rn.; 13 40 a. m. daily ax- reit iliiinlav in 1,4 in ia . M . ' aw.w mt III. VB Bundaya only. Leave for l'alns dally, except Sua d"v. P. '. Arrive at Portland at 3 34 a. m. Passenger train leaves' Dallaa for Airlift Mitmlava WmAnmmA m-A VAmI days at 3:46 p. m. Returns Tuesdays. Thursdays and Huturdaya IL KOEHI.ER, Manager. C. II. MARKHAU. Oen. Frt. and 1'asa Aft Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Cittern Points. OWes eJwtce of two favorite imHaa. na the Union Paotne Fast MaU Uae, er the Rio Orande Boenle Lines, LOOK AT TUB T1M1 1J Du.vs to Salt Like '2 Days to Denver 3J Dnys to Chicngo 4J Pays to New York. Free reclining ohalrs, opholstered ter 1st ateeplosT oara aad Pullman altwpsrs, operate oa an trains. ror runner Informatloa, apply to Astoria. Oman. Or C a TERRY, W. B. OOMA34, Trav. Pass Agt Oea. Ageat. Ut Third Bt.. Portland. Or. O. W. LOUNS'IBIIRT, Agvnt. a It. N, ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. ive. PORTLAND. 'Arrive: 00 a. m. :M p. m. iPortland Union Dpot,iU:ll am? iur Aiwni ana inter) :o p,m. mediate points. f ASTORLC T. 45 a.m. For Portland A In-Ill :M am, termedlate points (lt:Mp.m. 110 p.m SEASIDE DIVISION. . m.la. m. :00lll:jLv t:Ull:UAr S:M)13:HtLv ' l:30 l:Q0Ar lam.ip.av ...Astoria.... Ar T:40 4:03 7:1) I U I M l:M :U 1:39 .Warrsnton... ...BKaalds,.,, Lv flPBCIAL 6RASIDB SUNDAY TRAIN Leaves Astoria at 3:30 a m.i irrtm at Seaside 1:41 a m. Passengers may return en an tnki shown on sohedule oa same data ALL TRAINS to aad from tVwaVU rua ot Flaval and Hammond via Warrety um. All trains make eloae oonnaetiaM evt Ooble wKh all Northern ptetflo trwtna to and from the east or Sonad pofMa At fortland with all train btrlM Union depot At Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.'. at and rail Una to and from Ilwaoa and North Reach points. THROW TICKETS on sate at As. torla for ' .amento, Saa FraAolaoo, all Eastern and European point. City ticket oflloo Astoria, 134 Commer. ttal street J. C. MAYO. uea'l Frt and rs. Ago. Through Tickets EAST AND SOUTHEAST PULLMAN PALACH SLEEPERS, TOURISTS SLEEPERS aad FREB RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- Salt Lake, Denver, Omaha, Chicago, Kansas City and other Eastern allies. Bf'Ma ehscked rnroore to oaatlnaaoa. n"7"i7,r"r. nne, lowest rates, Plntsah llht in aii .... Fo! rates and otber lnrormatloa oaU aa O. W. L0UN9BBRRT, Agent. O. R. A tt. CO. or J, H, LOTHROP, 0 im inira di, or. Aider, PorOand. Or, liisl