Dc '--., P-rio, deals, M;t.',iiH..,,4c., Aru tor to bo Trrtrn Fnn Th It. . 0ft VOL L AHTOItlA, OKKUON, TL'KHDAY iKCKMlEK 6. IA99 M). 1 1 Now is the Time . . . WW'1 ? 1 111 II, soon. Hctter Iniy THE ECLIPSE 4---4h1--- IMPORTANT Yralmtay wo rece-Wed notliT from llir tuitilLbcr of the VIIKH KlitTIDN or TH KftVfi'MtrKPU flHITANNICA, tliMt .mil)!! lo the tt)iirmiui Inrreaso In (1m price of paper with In llm pfinl few wwkx, Ihey would shortly withdraw the.uli of thrir kiiryrloH'illa at I lit present prirt. Our contract with llii piillihrr Kimlilrd us lo make I he Mine libeial of fer as liiretolors. Thirty larue volume of Jim F.ncyrloie. din, on iftildti to ttvitemntlo Heading of lbi Ktiryoloptslia, One 1 rtfl)l (Ink tookrasit and Hue rgi' Wrlwlcr'i r li-cyr,Io-di fro of charge, All llm above will be ilrlivrred upon I In- urtmll pnytnrnt of ONI1 DOLI.AM Hulaiio in iniall moiillily imymi'lit. Call and look into tin niter. GRIFFIN it? Mure Ih it 1,11 of Hfeh Grade Goods at Moderate Prices: 14 f: Fancy ('if unicry Iluttcr in Keg ami Itolls. Strictly Fresh V.fm. Now Crop Maple Syrup. llm kwlicut ami (iri!illo Cuke Flour. I'm kunl t Smith' Fancy Ifiilian Prunes. Now Crop Nut, Kip,", Minci' Meal. t w li. II f I - If 1 1 Ralston 11 ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. We Rent Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL PARLORS Crown and llritliro Work, l.f)0 per tooth, gnarBtiteed. Ilext set Teeth. .i.0U fit Runratiteeil. llcHt l'MlliiiKX) Wi' up, KtiitrnnttMiil. VSyI All Work I'o.Hitlvcly ("tianinteed toclvo I'vi-fcct Mttlslactlon OR NO l'AY. WnHhinuton IlulKlinif, Fifth Floor, K00111.-47, 'Prions Orstfon, Brown 493. UK weather will be getting colder your STOVES now at HARDWARE CO. $ NOTICE r REED. I Breakfast Food, Pancake Flour. Whole Wheat Flour, Whole Wheat Crackins. ---)------M- New Typewriters. Mny New Improvements AiUed SKK Ol'K LATiT Smith Premier Typewriter NKW AKT CATAUXJtlt YMf- I.. At M. AI.KXANDKK CO., Phone Main S71 Exclusive 1'iiciuV Coast IVnlera. M Stark St. Portland Tiii Floor VVaahliiKliiii Hiillil- m Corner 4th ami Wualtingtnn St, 48, CO, 61, 62. Columbia a6o SLAUGHTER AT MODDER HILL Most Sustained Fire Ever Known In British Army Annals. ATROCITIES OF THE BOERS Ambulnik'c Wagons a Special Murk . for Dumdum llullcts No Ouir tcr Show a on Cither Side. London. Im. 4 -The Pally Cbron-j li I- iubliln thf following dintch, itiiun) Wi' ltifu'liiy rtiMrnUti, from Iti ( urr'i-)nti'ii at ih MOcJt rtvvr I'lllip. "Th mvwir. nirafomanl our col ij.iin hu In" I u ri'l im-tjuWy the v- vinw r ihc wholr rniplitn. f..iU'l l y.-i.-rlay mi li- linnkl Mxl il. r rl.-, Tt' Imltlr w wnifwl flic ly f ri.irty It hum. Tlie enrniy k . i u."l a MrxiiRly .nlr.-in'li. 'l p.MHJmi. th.ir rrMit .xtvixiliiK II Vf intliii ulonK lh- lunik nf tin- Mnm. Tli.y wit u. U uli-i with atill.-ry iiml f 'livi-,''l "Tli" liulIU- laM"-l ii liiylr-iik. our Kiiim nhi-lllni? Ih.- Ilint' l ft Tlv ' my r-'iilifl with artillery. llot hki m.. M.ixiiim. uii.l lix- mllll ry lu- l Mn. Iiiuiik Tlx n th re wan lin. f lull in tlm . t-iiiy' up r:iil"H , of li , liniio-'lliiirly Iim.k iilaniuK Tlw inf.intry iviuni acrx.r Ih.- I'laJu i.manU the rtv-r In two brlge. Thv KiiunU mi th- rttfht .. ni' t ty an awf.il hul of tuilWlH fnun the ii'iii)' fli.ii lln-("'ni. ti-'l i'I.xk' to t lut ilv.r oil llir ..i.mllr Ixuik. IHirx liU'l ll'i i.iwr ulmlrvi-r urul w.rr almply m 1 down It in-'ml Imiwifulljl.- In llvo IIimhikIi th.- trrilbh- flrv, Imt tin- bravr f.-llnkMi Ui in( mr an (in h Th-ll'ii-r Mm a brrtbty iiniinit''. ami lh-y must havi- nuiiibvr) .it Irnixt 10,- ' T!i ' n. oin uarl nJajit i 0o yanln iM-foi thry wpiv flrl on. Thi n thry h.nl to ll. l'iwn to hmim. h- ilnully faillttj which litnt.il wtthoui Int'-imiit- too hmti(hoM th.i day. Thr llich-Innd.-r niiidt wv. ral (Ut.-inptit to forrr a paiiip of th,. rlwr. but th. y wviv ppir.t to niirh a murl.MMiiK, rnilliul Inu tlr' lliai ih.-y ImiI lo rlrc iift'T thy hi"! aufTiTrd trnlJy. Sill miit-i I. Iv ii luriy ..f thi' iruariU (.mi nwr ur.il hiM ill. 'I i own fir bourn .i ilifi vnllv tiip'-rlor firri'. ' Ti:.- Ki n Til niui.n ..f th.- Mull la il'ut tli'-r.' hut m-vi-r Ihxmi mi. h ,i uh- i inlo-'l ilr.- Hi tin- uiin.ilx of ihi- lirlilnh in my is ;h.' lr. h had to fmv y.nlcr dn. 'lur mrii f.-ll In dm.'iix whllf J trvli'K l riih th" brldiri. Annnt I Iho in.iny hfrh- iI-,'iIh, oih- i.f ih- iinint ! citimith n.kiiM u , ihi.i ..r I Lin.....!.! I'udinifMn. of tlw ('lldxtniini riiaiMii, ii nd '!iil!i S-'llhi'yn, of the gurvim l.unl iimiliiic.'tit, with h diid-n iiH'in-U-rx of ih" I'oblHtrfam Kiiiirtls. who Jtimped into th. rlwr and awuin mvirly to tin- .iih.-r aide In the fur of n ao ady fir'. but won- foiTvl to i'tlrp and. Joln- I ii K huiidx, MWHin Iwiik. two of Ih'ir number being nearly drown.il In the; ivtr-at. "The British ruiis k't up u heavy fliv all day nnd fearful havoc was wroiiK'llI on the It.wr pillloiix. the en emy U-tng forci-d to fly from llielr en ti'.'n. hni.ntx. Nltrht put nn i-nd to the tetrlble bl IxIimI. The Infantry bli- Ml" ax dreadfully rut up. The Ho rs imiv it-l at nUbt, t.iklnit ilo'lr riiux wild th'-m, and we nr.. now o. . upyli g their poKilionx. The etH'tny x Iiwm was llVlllellll.HIX." 1-ti.NlMiN. ,v. a, ni.-Tli.r.. is llnle furth.-r news from tlii- sen of war. Kven the accounts ,f the baltlo al Moililor rlvi-r fall to g-lvr an iit.'llig,-nl Idea of what happlied. TlD'ti' lx a feeling of ilisiipiullltMieiit mill I'ontlniiltiK anxiety r-KixtMiiig t b o il a 1 Lord Methueii. An AsMoclitti'd Piesx ilispalch from Durbin .iiys that IM-rxoiiH arilving ther)' fiMiu Pri'torla a.iMX'i); that th)' UrnM-s miv full of roiirl-ib-nci und aiv well pr'pare.1 for n xlx iiionths' selge of Pivtoi'la. Piitrlotld demonntrnt Ions In the thea ters iwid muxic hulls of London con tinue! unabated. There was n reiimik-ubl- w'iie at the Kmplre lawt evening, when Mrs. Hrown Potter noiti'd a po).in culled "tlrib'Dil to the Front,", with soldier and sailors grouped around her on the stiige. 1 On nidi side of Mrs. Potter nti.kl ft sailor, one cnirylng the Annrlcan and the other the RrMlnh Mag. When the curtain fell and rose ngiiin to nn en core she tied the two Hags together amid loud cheering, the witlre audlvlico rising and singing "Gml Save the Queen." I.tlNDON, Di-o. 4 A em rp undent of the Associated Prems with General Lord Methuen'a column, teleHrapbing frim Modder river last Thins.1ay, snys: "Ownlg to the terrllllc lire nobody on the plain was out of range. The stretcher bearer found It Impossible tn go forward and Hie wounded wvtv compelled, If possible, to crawl out to the tines. No quarter wems to lmve Ix-en given on edthsr side. I Tin. Ilrltloh iu) rt Uiat ainld lh- bul b'lM lb" umblll Hue wuxola ll t'I'i yrl tlo-lr IIiikx promlwoualy lo no adyvtn ; tiig'. Tlfix' wrr nix-airdly ii riven I buck nnd cMnin-lb')) lo takfl r fuic- out ! of nlfrtit. It U llK-d tluit tin: D-x-u I ux"d duiiiduma und mud.. p '- 1 1 tar I K-l of th hor- on tlu- plain In ih'r hop, of bltllnK tlHr r1dr. WMIi th.) Aricyll llluhland-rx vr piixltlnK acroxa ttif rlvw tl"y W)-r llnil upon from a houa Mid avtral fell. Thereupon tho fflifhlandcm morm it th.- houxu mid although thr Ilora j)trd a white fla4T. tw (U-mlon wti paid (o ll Mid mil the Boor w-r tfhot. JOUflERT AT COLENZO. fiOKKKZO. Marquei, Nor. M.-O.- rral JouUrt bwa rvtlrrd from Kitoourt ; and la now blowing up th Colento ! brldft. H brings a large berd of cu- IK anj Intlida V concrnr Ma forcej Around Ladyimlih. " " ONSIMHACr AOAIN8T BHTAN. ' t-upK-ni)- I'nurt Kxpbxl-s oiii of 111 ('ampulf i Thun.ItT by Kuoi klng Out the ilpc Trum. i WASiH.StJTo.V. I)--)-. 4. -In th Unit-i-d Miitca xuptviu.. jourt txlHy the Ad-ity-tom- pip.- cmd" wu .ni-d. TbU i -.. iiivolv)-)! ih- I'onatltuibuMllty of tb- ''ii-Minitkxi of pljw inmiiufacturrra ti miinufacfjr. plx-, wWch. It w i biux.-l. vi a a truxl. The dnHxItm waa luin.l-.! dii by Juxfico llxkham. iimI rn lulv !- to til;- combination. It ii thr'for.' In opposition U the trio I Tin- ..pinion coiiriud: ' It i" 4 1 ru Mt neillwh lo add I hilt do not hold (hat evrt-y private eti-t.-rprlM- which nmy he carrird on i l.liMv or In xut by m.-ana of liuer ii.ttc xlilinii'iita Ix ipUK lo br fvard.-d km ri'bitcd to Inl'-rx'ute ronumTc o ax to com)' wlihln the pguUtbig pow.-r 'f HK'r.-fX. HtD h -iiti-rprl- imiy u- of the samel tiiiiuro' n- tlw niiinufucturliig of rtfl:d mtjr.i r : that b". the pvirtb'X may be en-l K.iK'd ax iH,inufa';ur-r of a commod-l ly whbli lbT thcrvafter Intend at roii- time to a-ll and boxUhly do sHl i. I.. .. ..... ..... ........ ...I., u-a hu 1' ii ,in..'h) r xi ti)-; but nui'h mv we have s.lp i'dy held lx an incld' nt to und TV i he .lli-ot D-Kult of tlu- m.inufacture, mil ho x not th- rvKulatiou of or an ml.'i f.-n ii( e wlih Itu.-rntute rommi'tce. 'I'b" in iti.ipiil lx n4 tiff-te.! by any t - it h-r. In .bH-lded. Th-' l.-.'-Iti"!! ilr.iwx cli-ur d'stlnc ib'ii li-r.x'-n combliiiulniw aff.ctlng In- i ri )i- . nil iirT aim nil"- m'iij ..'f, '" "(",v ""'y 11 i"lm ut.a.,.'. v.ry Br,-,,t t - i ni i mi, iN'fji iixr ii tn i in ni opnnuu j n ih Mtili.tt 4f trum.- whti-h has Nvn' luih -n:.' Into ctnit prMiiiiiK'iic.'. TP: iTItKKNVY lill.1.. WASlllNi'.Tl'N. I.c. I.-The Piir-n-tny bill piN-p.iiMl by the senate flti n'i " cxiiitiiitt)')' dtflVrv somew hat from the bou.i' bill but a xtrong effort will probubly be made to aKre.' Uhi and nix the bill. FIRi: IN POKTLAN'n. 11M.TI.aND. Iev. 4-Tlk- store of t'los't't & Devon", wholsale coffee deal- ,!!) w-.ih Riittel by flr shortly f t-r mldi.ight. Insured. Th. bx w-.ui K'SOOO, fully AI.I5ANV TITV KI.KCTION. AI.IIANV. iv., l)ei'. I The olty i lec- Hon today r.-sult.il In the the elltiiv -)'ptlbliiiui tii ko.. ehHitliVl of iX.-ept two i-oiinellmi-ii. Iiy- a majority ranging' if his right. from M to fi. Dr. W. II IVivIs uas' '0 can a-wire Ihe gtMlUeman," an---el.oti.l mayor. j "weretl the spenker, "that he waives sione of his rights) by this course.' KI'KNK-it ItlllKN rhlllT A DllAW.ji NI.W YORK. IVe. I. The lii;ht K twoeii Knie .vml n'ltrli'ii was ibi-Kiii'il a d'luv nl the end of the HMh round. KSTIMATK fF KXIM'NSKS. Trvasuiy Statenii'iit of Appiopilatlons Tlenulred for 1 loviTiiment I'tirivMo-s. WASHINGTON. IVc. 4-The sro lary -if the treasury tixluy tinnsmlttrd to the house of ri'pn'sentatlves i-stl-inatrs of appropriations i'iiuitvd for the service of Ihe tlseal year ending June :V l!Wt. Thi! imyregate if th appniriutluiiHl OMllmiit.il Is JKll.OM.SiM. over th estlniat.'M for th. an mcie.-w, present lis-; rill year of J:!S.0,13.6H. and an im ivase, " , oyer th appropratons for the present; flsenl year of $n-l.2:;:.0:M Following, Is the total recapitulation by d.-yurt-l moms of the .Mtiniat.'s for next your, ' ci'lils oinllted. i Kntlm.it. s for I'.MH: Legislative. .,-, !l.':i.L'."7. executive, rJ'o.140; state de pai'liuent. $L' i:iri,2.S: treasury depart- J nietit. ?li.'. 171. -H2; war department. I 1 1 '.10. 11. '.sr. I ; 1111 vy departmimt. $7fi AtWK- . interior department, tli4.tin0.sil; pest olllce department. $t.."'Sl.liS.i; de part mi ni of agi'l ultliiv. $4.:!06.:,.')7: de imrtm.'in of lalr. $IT2.!irt; department o' Justice, $i.279.570. Grand total $t:ll,-OSUli-l. Apiu-'ipiiatlons for llWrt: legislative. $l0,4j:i.ir-: executive. $2iri.70fi; ntnto de partment. $.'4.il.'!li.filS: treasury depart ment. $liM.S1.410; war department, t"ontinmd from jieee thne. THE OPENING OFCONGRESS Reed Rules Adopted, Speaker Hen derson and Officers Elected. ROBERTS' HEARING IS TODAY L'tek Membtr CrtKot but Not Swori Ii oa Objecting of TaylorThe PIiidcIsI Bill latrodacel WASHINGTON, De. 4-4Vldom, If ever, have tuch enormous crowds warmed around the bouse to wiloeaa th opening scenes of the sesxton as tK' slcged the doors today. By 11 o'clock a brilliant gutlyrlng bad arambled. Th? galleries were bteck with p.-ole and through the swinging doors could b.k seen punhlng hundreds who were un able to gain ad mlneion. Entrance waa obtained by curd, for which tht-re Was an onormoua demand. The ladk' and membera' galleries were fll:e-l with brilliantly gowned imi, the wlv of member and helr friends. The ex ecutive gallery was filled wtth high dig nltarles of the governnvait and Uie dlp- lonrallc gallery 'ui mplnd-nt with Ihe repreaetitath'es of foretgn govern menta Scattered through the gai eries were people pi-omiiK-nt in the political, social and financial worlds. Hlclwrdson, of TVnnw. leader of the minority, came upon the fbwr early and was soon surrounded uy a group of democrats. Roberts came li:to the I hall shortly after 11 o'clock but b w-aa not generally recognised, and he rt-j tired to the cloakroom almost immedi-l tuc - ately. At 11:30 the shrtll-voiced cl :k directed those not entitled to the floor' to retire, ana me onioers ana pugv rapidly cleared out thuse already In. A the minute hand of the clock Ue ,he Wlk(;r. rostrum overtook! the hour hand at noon, the guvol of the; chief clerk of the la house. Major Mel DoweU. descended with a bang. Toe nielH-rs at once arose and the sp Ota-1 tur in the gallerl-s bowed their heada. In this stillness the voice of thv blind chaplain was elevated and Us prayer m ill.- the occasion reverent. Aftr the Invocation, the reading . , . ,,. ... i,Aiv..-.t clerk Ix-g.in calling tlie roll. KooertS I sat listening Intently for his name, and l vhi(( h wpwWi "Here" In a loud voice, but he looked. n-TVoux and 111 at ease. Tliere were no demonrtratluns during the ro -lcall. ' When It w is concluded, McDowell an- rouncevl thcid 3S2 meiiiber had ans wered to' their names, a quorum. 1 Tlx? ceremony of admlniHterlng tliej with of office was then proceeded with until the nvtme of Mr. Roberts was, reached, when Mr. Taylor, of Ohio, of f"ivd the resolution pmtet1ng against l is admission. j T.tylor spvike cilmly and dlcpasalon.; tely. Mr. Roberts stood gating Intent-j I ly U him and nut once moved a muscle j througHont the protest. Rerem-ntative McRae, of Arkansas,;! j fullowed with a protest from the demo- ' cratle side, saying this issue was In- volMngr the sarredneas of the Arrferlcan! horn?, a sentiment that brought an out burst of applause. Speaker Henderson tlnin addresned Roberts, saying: "fri'.l ttie gentleman stand aside until the roll call Is completed?' "Br. Roberts assented, with the state. jmnt that. In so doing, he waived none Mr. KiMw-rts then ivsunud his s-at i nii tin- nu r.m jrcvx.ioe)i. ii was nRreed by unajiiniolls consent that the 'oiindenuion of Roberts' case should I jto ever U'ltll tomorrow, after the ivad j' nn -of the president's message. The ; cweHi'ing-ln of the remaining memhvrs Mi; Jhetl concllKled. TJIK I'OllKHTS RKSOLUTION. "VYAIItNilTOX. IVi. 4.-FoHovtne Is iht- text of Representative Taylor's reHiilntion for the upintmont of a! okh-K1 coinmlttee to Investigate the' 1 'lioterts case: Wh.iM'as, It is charged that Urlgham II. lioberts. rrnrS)Mitative elect to the' r!fr,..slKth nRr flvm ,ho ofJ VlllU (s lllen.jKlbl1 , j, , thl , . I ,, . rf . V. , . ' liesolM0. Ihat Ihe nuostioii of iirtmn1 f;l(,,(l of ,!li(.,ulm .tli to b" .sworn in as a repivsontwtlve be r-.ferivd to a spivlal committee of nine, m!ibers of the house, to le apxlnted by the sp.ukcr, ,it;d until such com-j niiltee shall report ii,.n wnd the house' d.iliV such itestli.n and right, saldf Hrisham II. Kolierts shall not be' sworn In or be jui'inltt.-d to mjoupy a s.-it In this ho'tN; a.n.1 said cominltteel i xhall hay,' pow r lo send tor p. rns : and papers nihl examine witnesses on ' oath in relation to ihe subject matter I of this resolution. REED nCI.ES ADOPTED. WASHINGTON. D. C. Dec. 4 Aside from a protest against Roberts taking his scat the only feature out of the ordinary was th rec-plW-n of the Kiv.,i rtil- as rulex f-.r the pr-swit ror.greiM. Th d-mKrat km-w It wai futiu- to mor than make a pr:A.-st agalnnt the' aloptt'm of these ruU-s, aft-r h. t'- publlran dfclHlon up'm tMs rour.- In ; caurux, and the depute upn the rtnf ' lut Inn to adopt thz-m wu very brk-f. They were adopted by a strict piny Vote. I'.OI.BKTH RHBAKS INTO CONrj::r83 WASHINGTON. D,.c. 4.-Although Roberts, of t'tah, was not sworn In to- I day, he s-eured a xKit by ac.ldit. Id! the seat drawing lottery no provision' hid been made for Roberts, but when) the drawing was completed two others ' as well as himself had not been provid ed with seats and the speaker asked and secured permission from the bouse1 for those members that did not draws eat to make nuoh selection as thyi could. Under this authority - Roberta got a mm In an obscure portion of the Prt AHva and the gunboats Villa Lots ball. t nd QtHos with the flpantah garrison j and civilians of the Carollr lalands PROTKST AGAINST CLARK. arrived here today. .Tl Spanish gun- boats will probably be offered for sals Charged That the Would-be Montana 10 "t'n1 8tsU" irovemment. The Spanish secretary, Benor Ben Senator Paid a High Prlo- For ' puete arrlve(, here wUn . Seat In the Senate. ! from Lieutenant CHImore to Ms stowr. ' Mrs. Major Price. He says he has been WASHINGTON, Dee 4. In the coum of the proceedings in th senate today. Carter, of MvXitana, prettented a mem orial from some members of the Mon tana legislature again! the validity of j the pretended eleotbrn of William A. Clark to the senate. The memorial recited that Clark did: "cure and procure votes in thin .-g- IfkUive assembly by payment therefor, , ' and by the promise of payment therv- i for of larRe of man,,. The petition names a number of mem- bers of the legislature with sums thry are alleged to have received opp- . h . nflnw- tn. .um, ' ,,flnn ' - " w -"" In addition to the sums alleged to have been paid by Senator Clark to rrwilber" tor tWr v Influence .A . . . . . I . - . . 1 am . u is asaercea irta ocimior umi on-rca various persons for their vote, or mluence rr--'ratlng 1175,0.0. Those ln ,he pcUUon- ' kJ atS IcUI-atL 3 Supplies n with many of our best patro ... For Instance . . . Dr. Kilmer's Swamprout is marked ami sold by mo.t ilrusgist.' lor Uhilc'ourlit-l'ricc is I cuvins a little remainder in pocket of 1 This isn't the only example; we sell respou'liug . i i ... . r. l I 111 k Mil 111 V.OI IIMJUUU. U - Jl. - Puine's Cclcrv . Sfotf KmulMon, TSc; mwtul ,oq Piciw's Goltlwi M- IVrce s PrwcnpUon, 69cr, satnd. Discovery, C9c. All these preparation, are mar . sa iadold by most .tores for $1.00. Woodard, -;cke & Co Owl-R Fourth and W Ixt US ! tL-Tjv. you V5l The Credit of Selling The Best Clothes in Oregon. That's what we've had for years, and Wro iiiiikino Steinbach clothes more jiopular every day. Our success is the resultant of our pains to sell first, last and all the time, clothes that have fit, Freshness of Fashion; Uv price and Satisfaction in 'em. ' Look to us for the right things in Clothes, Hats and Furnishings for Boys and Men. Men's Suits frcm $10 to $35. Men's Overcoats from $10 to $45. Boys' Suits and Reefers at $2.50, $3.50 $5.00 and up. A B STEINBACH 8 0. Mail Orders Solicited. Corner Fourth and Morrison GREETED WITH BRASS BiNDS General Yonnj's Jaded Troopers. Meet With Grand Welcome. ARE HAILED AS DELIVERERS Spanlsb Garrison from Caroline Is lands Arrive at .Mioila Riadocss Showa Gilmore by Natives. MANILA. Dec. 4.The fipwdsh traas- ill but Is now In fairly good health. The Spaniards befriended him and give him money and clothes. An Associated Prefix dlxptttch from Santa Crux, in the province of South Illos, forwarded by a courier to San Fabain, says that Gen. Toung wtth i three troops of the Third cavalry and " J ' . . . me inirty-tnira inianiry, amea ai Santa Crux today. Th Americans left Hamapean, in the province of Undou this morning except ing to have a fiirht at TBirudin In South JMoa bu, they f()Und on thf.r, tha under GefleraJ no had . .cuzted 2 hours before. deserUnc an - . ...... ... ' : impregname posmon. iwin of Tagudin rocetved the American out- side the town with a brass band. They had been robbed of almost everything hr the insunrmta and wtr glad t- 'welcome friendly and protecting troor I ... .... a. a flmlllar rewpuon awiceu Ycung at Santa Crux: Promlnoi' lxens, headed by a band, escor iContlnued on Third Pr it ..$1.00 per Kittle .. .f5 your all paten . ... . ..-) i oieilWiitres aud drngsat eof- pric Ii . 1 Cr sr- 8 M-rsaparilia, -off; ate DrugglstH, hlrigtoti S1h., Portland. our C'ut-Kate Catalogue. Hi Hi Hi) Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. mm erai X Cit jed the Hi