THK MORiNIM ISTOMAN .SlNl)A, DBCEMBLK , m. 5Hs-Cj--jKSHv$--$-hS - CULLISON&CO. Wheat and Stock Brokers 1 1 ciJ Quarters for Pry (iood on th l.owr Columbia ' Wilson Improved Air Tight Heaters DIRECT WIRES 10 ?itf"k E" FOR COAL. Trade I A Great Veiling Sale I I I jt jU. Veiling ol the 2&.fcHc and 0e line at l'.V varU. The Meshes arc 1 he Color arc Tuxedo, Malines, BroMt U, Black, Broan, Tan, Navy, Spider Web, riain or with Ivory, Wbit and Rlaek, Clienill IXt. 214-215 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. TUK PHILIPPINE QUESTION. Another Strong Statement ?rom Gen eral Wheeler of Actual Condi tion In th I.dands. WASHINGTON, Peo. 1-Gewrai Jo Wbeeler In a personal letter received her, dated at Angles, Lurm, says: "There are more than 20 different tribes in this Island and very few of them would submit to Aguinaldo's rule. Agutnaldo and hi gvnerals would like to arvern, because it would Rive them treat power and many of hi soldier like war because for the first time In their lives they have authority to tarry a sun. "They live by taking what they want from the people. Many of them are robbers who rob defenseless people of their money and sometimes murder them. If we should withdraw there wauld be warfare and anarchy In the island and the well-to-do would gt aom strong government to come and take control. "Agulnaldo publishes a paper which U filled with expreterione from people in the United States who are called anti- Imperialists and I think were it not for theee expressions the insurrection would be closed." TAYLOR'S ADVANCE GUARD. Are Supposed to Know Why they are "at Frankfort. KRANKFORT, Ky., Dec, 2. The first delegation of Taylor men who are ex pected here to watch the work of the board of election commissioners arriv ed today. There were about 60 of them. They say simply that they desire to ee that Taylor U "not robbed of hi rights." All of them, however, seem to have determined In advance just what are "Taylor" right" and any thing short of their estimate is likely to be resented. J. West, of Cathlamet. I in tow. Albert New, of Culln. is In the city. J. N. Jones, of Stvlla, I vlsitlrg As toria. G. P. Frower. of Chad well. In at th Parker. A. L Bratton, of Portland, is at the Occident. W. Johnson, of Wise, is ivgis.rej at the Tarker. L. J. Finn, of Port Town-nd, is at tre Parker. Ch. F. Woodcock, of Portliin-1, i at the Occident. M. A. Rice, of Jacksonville, is in the city on business. Fred Storm, of Spokane, is visiting friends tn Astoria. F. A. Wende. of Souih Rend, was in the city yesterday. W. D. Johnson and R. Higgins, f Portland are at the Parker. H. E. Cake and W. A. Ifcthun, if F'Tt SteveTis, were In the city yester day. Pilois R. Mcintosh, H. Emkins. B. Selhg. L. B. S-llig and J. H. Robert are registered at the Occident. A SURE CURE FOR CROUP. Twwnty-flv Years' Constant IV Without a Failure. The first Indlcnjiloit of croup is hoarsness, and tn a child subject to that' it may he taken as a sure sign of the apprvicn of an at tai k F vii,. ing this honrwncs ! a lvulinr roiiirh rough. If Chumbt r Win's Cough Remedy Is given as the child become hoarse, or even after the croupy cough apear, it will pre vent the ultack. It Is used In many tin .usictdx of homes in this broad l.vrd and never dtaitppoluis the anx ious mothers. We have yet to learn j of a single Inslantv in which It has m proved eff.vtu.'U. No other prepa-! ration can show such a record twiwy-flve years' constant us,- w-tth-i out a failure. For sale by t'harle : Rogers. Beautiful Millinery At prices within tlie rea li of nil. Call and ci.iinine the new hi tie. f . ; 1 '. MKS. ROSS. I.vl lltb Slice! rruwrowinvru miiuvuwiru rjD 2! Congress niiMn M.mday. The to. foot ' chanm-1 proj-vt will soon he under; consideration In tlu commlttiv rooms. ; Will STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINQ. Notice Is horeby given that the att meeting of the stockholder of til-? Columbia Rlvvr Packer association will be held ut the principal office of Ce association In the City of Astoria, Clatsop County. Oregon, on Monday, the 11th day of December, at the hour of 11 o'clock a. m.. for the pur pose cf electng directors and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meting Uy ordr of the board of directors. GEORGE H. GEORGE. Sc y. Astoria, December 1, 1SJ9. Election time cimt mi apace and public Interest still k-l at a hov ebb. Most of the candidates them selves appear uiuiiiivrnil. Altlkiugh nj one has a wnl to say ag:ilnt tlie camlidates on the de-nivnulo or non- partlsan ticket, a general republiiim; victory is exite!. Iltut's What Wc arc tryuif to Jo- calch tlie eye u( tlie pulilic. We hre doing it, too. This is sliosn ly the tiumlier of the publio who come lo sv usaUmt their individ ual ryea Skill, care n.l liomstv is a combiiiatioti that must win. r -i 1. a( Ih is li'i'iilcr is ehffill v nlnltil ftr ntft rtnil mnl liquid'. Tlit Imtlv is iiiihIc l' polished hIccI. Mktrii livavy sliiikin mnl liiiiiiii; jrat'. Kin1 't t'Xtrit lit'avy willi larpi ii.Ii . Hum a nii ki l tun, nil ki I iiaiiio lati ami two uit kvl plattil font I'nik Tlio hot lla-t ilraft is siMniistnit tcil that 1 1 1 t-s-t'Hi'inj; louses art' all coiiMiiunl, lii-)t inukcs a it at saving in (lie i'oiiMiiutioii of fuel. i ;i Price, $12 to if2B. All Varieties of Hood Air TUhts at FOARD & STOKES. ! I I Northwest Optical Co., I'lie I.ntO.e lllitu., 8fCuml mikI Wnalilnutun Mil IIIKTLtM), OKKIitlX. lAAAAAAAi AAAAAAAAAAtAi vaa? O:)positk to the timiiuuion of i C jr.gressman Tongue is manifesting ! itself In the first district, but the cp-j psiticn svmj scattervd. EAGLES ATTENTION. All member of Astoria Arie, No. IT. F. O. E., are requested to be at their hall this afternoon at 2 o'clork. C. J. CURTIS, Worthy Preeldem. A. LEF-ERMAN, Worthy Secretary. My son has b-n tniuliled for years with ctmmie dlarrhoi'a. Sometime ago I persuaded him to take some of thamtTlain's Colic. Chil-ra and lXarrh)a remedy. After usli two Dtles of the 23-eent sire he was cuivd. I give this lwtlinonial hoping some on? similarly atrllct.'.l may read It and be benetlted.-THMAS C. I ROWER. Gl IM'.-. O. For s.ile by Charles Rogers. I THE i: Palace Cafe TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let. All druggtit refund the money If It fails to cure. E. W. Grove' sig nature Is on each box. ZSc. THE MODERN MOTHER Has found that her little ones are Im proved more by the plea.sant Syrup of Fiss. when in need of the laxative effect of a gentl? remedy, than by any other. ChiMi-n enjoy It and It t--ne-flu them. The true remedy. Syrup of Figs. Is manufactured by the t'al for nla Ft? Syrup Co. only. W. K. WHirriK. rr.rr. Flint Irttiinit Urlk f Ui Fraariw his mothers! BREAD He was always so light and well baked. Well there Is a knack In mak ing It. Dut don't forget the kind of stove or rang used make a difference. HI mother used a Star Kstnte Untile OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Attentive Service Kirst-Clas Canine Priva'e lioorng (or ne, j- K18 Commercial Street, Astoria. . i ! 4 ftnrH.t sl Urn ih-Wkw; RAILROAD FARE FREE TO PORTLAND AMD RETURN. Jones, He Pays tbe Freight! Jones. He Pays the Farel If ihi ilon't an! lo pout to J'orllsiiil, mail your order and $vl til iciii allow imw lor Is re. Oidera must Hinoiliit l I'." or nvir. .No freight paid on Hour, Irrd or potnliH Krritild id lo all station on railroad ho Iween I'orlUnd and rirside. Also all rl?er polmt risclistl y I'orlUnd lta Hnul (or Die "lUijrrs' tioidr," 'i page ol low priors. JONES' CASH STORE, X I f f f T i V ion sml no I niMl sirs.i. farilasd, rin. W. J. 8CU1J.T. Agnt, Ul Bond street. J. 0. Glllcn 8 Co., Dealers, Manufacturers m d Contractors, Ol AHbcHtoH Boiler find Pipe CovcritiKH Stron.1 si. I'oKTI.ANl. oi;i:. Ui Kir? r? T7 r? II LI U i Lrj M Dufl M ii 1 ) I 3 f" - i j t "w--rfr---j"AS ,1,.. '.ihT'4 ,i i f ua I If,.- ii V "' 1 1 ii !'., ... 'f'-... ,.'' .1 v .cv -'A-cs-- rr-i :j;-"v ' ' 'V-'-.- ' :-':'y: yo y-.A 'f;;aS$ )! y0mp , t, .... . ,,v ( , -l,-: ; V.J L .. . i 1 ' V. f. E L- . . ' " Portland Warerooms Marquam Building. T "" N " '.V.X-JrA'V' A .. A :WV, N N S-Vv V.N N N N N V N N N Piano and Pianola TOGETHER. We will sell at very low figure a fine Upright Piano together with Pianola. Piano can be seen at Occident Hotel, fasy terms if desired. y.V.N.N N N N N N N. N.N.N N - N ' N .N N N N . NN .V .N- N ,N ...N N . N Portland Warerooms Marquam Buildinr- The Wonderful Pianola. M. B. WELLS, Sole Agent for Oregon. ' Portland Warerooms Marquam Building. Representing The Aeolian Co., S The Largest Manufacturers of Musical Instruments in the World. I'oi tland Warerooms, 3.15 Horrlson St., ftrtinm BI4'c New York, 18 West 23n! H. Loudon, 2'2T) Rcgont 8k. Paiii, 32 Avenue dc L'Opera. Factories at McriuVn, Ctitin., Worucstpr, Mutia., Detroit, Mich,