TI1K X0RN1NQ ASTOKUk WKIWIWDA., NOVEMBER o, UK gaily SUimitm, JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main Ml. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Bent by mall, per year 110 j Hent by mall, per moath rved by carrier, per month SEMI-WEEKLY. j Bent by mall, per year. In advance 1100 Pontage free to subscriber. ' Uratlon should le directed to the edl tor. Pustne communications of all kinds and remittances must be address ed to "The Astorlan." The As'.orUn guarantee! to Ita ad Tertlserg the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising rates can be had on ap plication to the business manager. preparation. CapHal in pVonty, lv nnd outvie. ands rvudy to 'invest I" the? structure a evon a It I safe t do sm, The O. It. A N. Company would now crush out the altght.xu mnlft tUm f ch ont-rpriwv That mpii.v bus altvady killed tvdiff.ivut project to hip Vwt from the mouth of tin1 C" lumliiti river, urvd i lnum.t.we muoh pivvivaitve vf It opp-witloni than aIi nt ii!ttit. No nun who has h;d the thrift and bruin to aci-umu-Uto motvy Ik Kinit t put It Into siuh lnvw.sm.mts until V know It i .iife to ,1o The V K. N Company ami ; .11...1 iiiioivstn h.iw vwr to font' i ! " i any in.t.'i- n ! ni main buer r All communications Intended for pub- ! luus,. mm hk of imsinos. not only A-tvia but vIm.-w horrv Without fixed ( ;ud Iivm-lad asrvm.-nl with the i.il -j nad. imlli'tis mljrhl iii-ndervd ! in an endeavor :o v nan HV the pivwnt j i-oure of grain to thv .-alrl. T mikh money I Ivihk m;ul' under the) xisting unnatural conditions. I i; pottillf that the Timow-Mouivtaltuvr do.n't know that thv grain buyer of the three uu of California. Oregon and Wanhlnjrton have iomblnd to con trol t!w Northwest gram output and de.vrmlne tho piiie to be allow- ASTOP.IAS LACK OK POCKS AND,! tho farmer for it? Can't the WAREHOUSES. , Times-Mountaineer understand that i the superiority and I'tivhivn of A.:or. Vnder the caption "Help Yourxelf." i i.i as a grain markot would disrupt th. the rrrs-nt combination now Tho Palles Times-Mountaineer quotes j ,,,,,.1, anj ncsita,t a new the following paragraph frm the As- (Iea! a!, around. if t juj nx utterly ds torian: j lIVJ. anj. possibility of future m.iop- Whoat today -Wlver-d by the rail- j (lv Wt, M ,ure 4 ,-loser examina mads at the cheap port of Astoria. of wl Mliaf. ,h( right on the seaooast, and from three toseven days' closer ail to the market I Tlmes-Mi untaintvr that it i unless f Europe and the Orient, would j to expect any developments for the bring SO to 65 cents a bushel. With the i oare anj shipment of trrain at the gre. free port of Astoria established mow v Columbu rir umll the as a common point the quantity of i , . . ,, . . . . rai m-aJ? ar- forced by Hgilatlon or wheat delivered here in the course 0fi"""x"'- a few years, perhaps one year, would ! :her means to make a common rate make Astoria the greatest wheat mar-1 to that seai-oas; point with the Inland ket on the Pacific coast. The publica-' ' nJ lim, ,i,nrti .nre distant point. to tion ahnad of the fact. !.ng'-looked . . . . . , , . w hioh for hv foreicTl shin owners nn.l mji.tri that wheat can be tai.d at the! finls il ProfltaMe to fotve the grain f-r mouth f the Columbia river, wher evp-.v.:. r-ss'ls may le k'ldej unvexel by " towarre end port charges: where no ,e lay need cocur: where the hatehe may be battened .l.oii and the ship reuilt the c--n .K-a to take advantag? of the niist favorable weather wi.h.in one hour after I.-vtdlng is completed, wuld bring such a flen to the Colum bia every year th.t natural competi tion would reiuce charter rates to p r. haps as low a figure as on the Atlantic ciiiist, from all the principal rts of which wheat Is carried to Liverpml for (1.65 a ton. Then why do not the wheat produc ers of the interior force the railroads to give them the option of shipping ineir w neai co Astona at ine gsim? rate ciargl to the more distant and ex pensive ports of Pugt sound? Why take up this lu-stlon and how the I lnf m fAtfc a to thtc illvrlmlnntiAn Vie tne larciai cnaracier ot me aiiempis ' of the commission ti) regulate rate has Just recejvej uniUalifid ronlirma tion from President Stii-kney of the make the following comment: Chicago ir-at Western railn ad. I'r--s- 'Sint e the Antoria.i has leen so free I id-ut Stickney g-- furth-r than mt Thousands of peo ple's lives have been saved by the use of Warner's Safe Cure. Thousands of men and women are kept in perfect health to dav bv the use of Warner's Safe Cure. So many others have been cured, there certainly is no reason why you should not be bene fitted by the use ot Warner's Safe Curt. (Ml sM BUSINESS POINTERS. Fresh cracked Care. crabs at th National Hire's root beer at th Spa candy factory. Durbauk potatoes, f 1 a sack, at Pat's Market. Jeffs la White cooks. 'the ouly" restaurant. Hist lS-cent meal, Rising Sun R'stau runt, ill Cotnmea-lal street. Cold lunch, ti'l'S, nhirll'l tlonal Cafe. pickled pigs' feet, pys tongue, ic, at th Na NOT A POISONOUS FACE BUA.CH Hut a 1'iie ln-.ititil'u i, Wmi tin otih ptc- , atatinn m1! utnlct a p '-itue kiu.it.imcc ol Jl.tHMl th.il it con,. II-. not a v;i mi or traction tlieuol o! p koiioc ir Ulctcii- oils M'li-,taiit'ev Indorsed lv the nio-t I i cclil't.itol ;iitt-tc ol th 1 lie .ind lt ; tlliilK' tui;e ; M'cointm iiilcd l i -i, uncut physician, mill jirunoiinced h.irtnU h j leading vlieuiists W1S0CM S FAMCUS RCBLRTINE. I 11 ithcoti! .irutiHthtn tu (.ilutiw,V J Uvlir u triirtn.il t" tntltn! U U -k I your tlriini4 tor it mm I tU mt )r mi)wtM lu Like ! MytbitkK clw ru iU t til i t Uill'.t NOROARD & PETTERSON, Merclinnt Tailors (iuty Ttcihlll Htrcrt lUtwrrs .lid sad 4ih, Portland, Oregon 'l'lllon (trvuaii lllxcU u t THE LOI'VKK. ! Strangers visiting in the city will liud .tho Louvre an attractive reort wherein to xnd the evening. Tho Am nw SiUrs i 1-adtes' Onihetra is still on tint bill ami can g-t real Idea of the various hop ( prttwnU iwUtiv , nil lir,UrBm o and plans of the nation. exeepttoual merit, Haudsome pool auJ The reference wn. of vur, to billiard rooms are a featurt iu evuiiection with the time. 1'alatable Intti hs will I served nt all ixmr ASTORIAN BARGAIN COLUMN it r.iv Vim To look up tha bargains I am offer ing in my crockery stock. Every thing Is included at great discount from regular price. Everything In plain and decorated ware; the fam ous I.ujtlc t rand. Knglish mako. II will pay you to look It over. CHA3. LARSON. 832 Commercial Street They're Popular Now STICKNKY '"'N TI1R IXTKUSTATK i ''"MMi:r..,K law. j '. h- Oiiili- l-n .ipo i.-'a:iie ii-: in.- -.1 th.it th" l'it.rstat romm"r. i.i. f ir is K. p.iw r lo prevent .lis-1 'rimiii.i:ion in railway r.tt I i -n-; c-r:,l. 'v.L i faiv-. Th- puhlie is j fully aar of -h fact thnt the int-r-: t i- (.i.rni !n-i nmunwiiin i now ; nsetely a Matittt al In rvau Th sta-1 tiKtic hiih it ''oiiipil' ach y--.ir in I regard to railway mikajre. numlr-r "f employes an 1 aci 1 nt. are u.v ful aii.l interesting, but it can hardly te con-tend-Ml that th-Ke statistics are of enough importance to Justify th ex pense incident to the maintenance ,.f a salaried fleral commission f.r c.)ll.it- The public Impression In regard to transportation companies, and the rea son for It, to their farmer rvad-rs? ' On the stat nvnts the Dalle paper Washingt.m and the political!, but un fortuntely the politiclaiui are upt t ut somewhat lehlnd their constitu ent. We may Illustrate this fact by i-msulering another paseagv In Mr. H-vd'si ad dree. The oniior divw a historical compartsm to prove that It was rhiiracterlstlv- of new countries to demand a false curn rcy. As the K.isl ence had its wild cat day, so the West ha I c.nfuel niom-y with capital and sought the former in any culs rath.r than the latter. As a philosophical peri.-raili.uio-i that niay be allowed to stand, but It d.-s no: apply to recent events In this country, and was strikingly Ituipt as an uimlogy f t the West to the Kivst. though I: was undoubtedly the view of many . st, m vtliilt-ians In Washington. ISecatise a 'irial of a tra-lUlott on the stump, those m.n believed thai th- ir o.:itltu enrs d 'sired a cheap currency. S. m of then., republicans t.o. and from (hi-st.it-. u"iu so far as to disatv that i a gold platform was inpnlhPv Th. v i asrt..l a few months t--r. .r-- tiio m.-et-: l:u- of the St. Iioiiis nv.-tition th.it j -in h a platform would bring r.iin upon t'l :.uty which a.lptd I:. I'M' II i Iui.ms nave Moiiniye Hl.jIT plurality, ! .c.a K.ive th" Siim Ciildidat; a pUir ! aiity oi Mini;cta g.i.- him a ; t luiflitv "f and he had !:')!.' n:r- vote than his principal comp ! t i i. r lr. V.'isi'onsln. Kven that very w state. North Dakota, went sin-ugly I r-puMi. an. while South liakota wa 1st by the insignificant plurality or lvl. n th-- c.xist California an. I nivg.in were n'publii-an. Wnshi:flon demo cratic. The only westem slate wnii.li were correitly suagwl by the apos-tl-s of 'bin.etalliF'm" ""re Kansas and 1 Nebraska and the sllwr mlnlrg strong-' h .lils. which V(Kel for a local Industry1 rath-r than for a financial principle. Too many of the repres.-ni.uivs from Kxtn ,,inc l mhrell!t Po cu know ttnodgrasa makes Stamp I'hotosT Call and see them. The) are all the go. I'lvain Purs Ilye. Amrrlca's finest wlikey. The only pur good; gtiaran tee.l rich and mellow, John U Carlson, sola agent. Chill .-on ci rue and frljotlea al L Herring's National Cafe every day. I'ntll further notice the Astoria creamery will pay St1- cents for butter! fat. I ltuy Konlyn coal; th Ut coal fori lioatlng anj ctMklng purposes on the market. Oeorge W. Sanborn, Agent. Telephone 1SU. Visitors from Portland and Isewher will find the pleasantest rooms In As toria at the Hay City house, 179 Tenth street. Mrs. K. 8. Andrews, proprietress. Kelley's transfer wagons deliver bos wood to any part of th city on short notice. All order left at Zapf fur niture sti re, MO Commercial sxnset. will receive prompt attention. Telephone :nt. The following reduced rates are In steel via the O. K. A N. between Asto rli. Portland and Intermediate points I along the river: Fare. Si cents; section. cents; lower or upper berth, 40 cents each: stateroom, 7& cents. (lo lo the Columbia Rleclrlc and Re pair Company for all kind of new and ivixur work, from a cambric itee.ll to a bicycle, holler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaranteed. I 'fling machinery of all kind a specialty. Shop opposite Rom, lllggtn St Co. B1 .T.TJT.T5I Kodaks At Cut Rates s ; The Original and Genuine Eastman Kodaks f ' .i ii.l,. I I. .. ii ,... I. i...v i,n, II vo'i eve! wsnlii.l a rani.o lna is fA (he time lo secure the latent mihlel al a lion liial pure. Pi READ OUR PRICES. ftr n r i I r rrite cssimts iu, i I mis nunas t fli 1'iKlft hndak tssims No '-' hull -tsi Hnilii tisimss No. I riiblis fiKkn hodsk f stimt Nn. If fulilisi tikkrt Nodk. fISiS No. 4 fisll -f r hils fsstsias No, nlll Kodak faitniaa No. 4 Dallrl Kodak ... IS.lMI .IKI I0.IKI I1.IHI I'.'.IMI III IMI lAilil NEW BUSINESS LOCALS Oat I hi r f u. I :t 1 AM IVil5 tt(i5 In (Ml NIMI ioimi ne giiarsuleo . I' ... ....... f pferv llistrtlinetit we sell to Iw geuiiliiK aud til Hi lateat IUh. Mend for k j illuatrateil calttlogun (ree. Owing to tlio lirsvv driuaud made upon us fur ' ff, ih camerns since our price were announced muu dav ago, w advis inleinliiig purrlisaer lo order al mine and avoid delay and dipHilntiueiit. r.verythtiig in phoiogrspiiy at Hipuir pliers. ruurinsaii i or 11 anu i rhla llauarliuvnl 1 1.1 sntl 11 ruurlk sir!. All other F.Mslninn Kislnk st tlis ssme leduclioti. Woodard, Clarke It Co., Po you want n g.m.l me.il when you lUH l,.rl tnn.l tr a, i v., I.i lh.. I'mM. Have you seen my assortment of Ull,j reBtaUrant. 305 Washington street. I ebony brushes? They were pur-; i If you want any Health V I that your grocer il.x'S not have, write Ki npp Pros, i I :t I : h Kond Co., Kaat IVrtland. 1 Ve. chasol direct from New Yolk, and are very popular. Am constantly receiving new goods. Come and see them. Q. W. SMITH, The Leading Jeweler. iZ( Commercial Street. Who lhi 'our I .iuuJt' .' 'i i ; Itr.s Health F.h, Company, e .i i! I' a "an l. carry a full line of all i- I ..:. I frek Siinltarlum Health I 'o.is. P. TI. Sharpie's Cream Separators I.ntsml nml I lrt Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, ShipChandlery.Etc. Pacific Sheet Metal Works We claim, every one, and we will prove to that we have the best , I' II. one's i"af at IU Third street, I'ortlniid, Is regarded by ninny iienle and moitt up-to-date laundry on the a the leading restaurant In the Pa Coast. A trial order will convince clflc Northwest, the most particular. If you antj neat. Dromnt work, try the a '.neyclopedU Ilrlttanlca. ii vol Salmon Vegetable Fruit MANUFACTL'FtRS OF CANS spice and Syrop CITY STEAM LAUNDRY, Sit Franklin Avenue. R. SCHIMPKERMAN. Prop. Our Special ll.n n.iiii We have some broken lines of tin war Which we will close out at bar gain prices. W are also making special prices on some broken lines or canned fruits and relishes, pick ets, table delicacies and sauoea. These are A No. 1 goods, and can be had at tow prices. ROSS. HIOOINE t CO. , y where did m.t ivpivs-iit. i n hought they r" r-i.r-f-ntlnir. ;!: ij.i, and wlr.g ti u .niisitu i .rial timidity :h-y will stl. k to mi i.1. nbu- which tlmo h.as ani-ll'.n-l rath er than take up with unv nni. h-n e.-l reform. to ask questiois of the up country : commentators on the railway law. Ielun.l the cnmpilgn of ls! hiii cauiwi presH, e desire to ask om- questional ,.u ,nat th ittvv. Ur a inves-ithem to repair their thinking appara of It. Suppose the prudur-rs ..f the1 ,i . i n.i .i,.n. r m, iin-l Inu-rior wer? to force the railroads to! tigations and rr-Cons ar- cotJce,ned tus. As a rule is-liti-ians are in. I.n d giva the same rate on their wheat to ; is a roaring fan e." He also t., , i, ,iit the p-ople w ith less -iim-tl'a'i Astoria as given to the Sound or even wiln em.hais and tsld:s thitt to Portland, what would th-y do with . ,,,, t it after they got it there? hat fa. ill- , ' ties has Astoria for storing wheat?, maintain,-! by the r.nlp.a.ls. ar. 1 th y Is there a watvhou.se, ijm k or elevator . anr. be maintai'ied." there -apat.l- of taking in 1 I'niA.i'sM Th fr.,nk a.i,n!,.m gf a railroad bushels of wheat? Arv therv anv fa-; . , . , ,. cilities for handling the grain output ! 'h- 'il',v of the inland Empirv-. amounting to j violated, in fact '.radically :giKr-l. some ).'i.(S.twi r W.ooo.iXH) bushels? supplies proof of 'h- i.-ieffef tiv-iiei ,.f p-s Astora expe-t the farrn-rs of the I n- s.!lU. If ;,nv pr-f w-rv r. !d t.. Interior to go there with their wheat i " , , ami furnish stowaire facilities 1..,' c.nvini-e rongri ,.f ihe fart, pr Isn i; expec t up country tiie m to; 1- nt Stickney mak-s tio . -n.--:i ; sn-ra j advise farmers to ship their product j ,,j tl . ..mlitions tha now prevail in1 to a port where there are n, fai ilitj.-s ... t-, ,, ,, K , .i for handing them? , t,"? t,a' "; uh:' "' !" It cannot he denle.I that Astoria hrus ' '"'illi"n' n,I'k 11 f"r the best harbor .i tle (..st oiHsble Mate arn-s to cmplv "1'h -h- pro San Francisco hut it alsi h;is a lot of! visions of the law. ! niossha. ks that appear people of th- interior t. what they should d. Slme the Astorian h;is t us what we should do. would not lie IlladvKed to tell the As torian tthm to do. or at Van to ask it a few more questions First of all I wh' r you ifave Mr. Hammood your ni.lr.M.l t. Seasiile and donat 1 him a'. liberal fiortioii of vour vat-r f ' i: t . ' why did y . i not stipulate as ,t part of i th- consid"! allot: that his taiir.-ad; to want th ,h ,1UrS,in ,,f ta,.u Vj,,i,,n ,,f .1 i for them . , . ,, . th-ms-lve. : th" law the public is willing to a. . -it en lit to tell the p-stimony of I'l-.-sid-i.t .-:! kney. coiisid.-r it rVn though It cannot indorse his ra 11- INTKP.NAI. P.KVKNTK ltK 'KIITS. U'ASHIN'iJT' iN. Nov. .-i.'ornmiH--i,.'i.-r Wilson, of the Internal revenue bureau, in his r-p. ft to tin- s-cn-tary ..f th- treasury of the options of his ot'i e for tho fiscal year ending June : h'j, shows that th.- r-'eipts from all un s aggregat J $2TS.4t4.573. an ln- . i.-.u- over the pr-.-v.ling yar of M i,:T.'"i. The cnmlssioner t-stlinat.-s tha- th-- receipts for the pr-s-iit yar .i.ll .ipproximate K'SI.W.'siO. eal iev.-s regarding the right fed'-iai goveiT.inent to .-X'rn. control ov-r ih- bulti-ss . "I'jasi-pi.iMir i arrief ' oi je ia'lot. id.-nt S'l'kn-y be-' no: right 'f 'ingresy t, i'l-.-rf-r.- '' th' Sot.'ie he And at better than Portland prices. It's a fact. They ar the celebrated Poilmer-Clofs; make; handsome, durable silk umbrellas. Don't make the mistake of buying elsewher. H. EK8TR0M. Th Jeweler. MO Commercial Stmt Better llian Kur The Pond Street Fish Market Is better than ever prepared to supply fresh and salt fish of all kinds. Goods delivered to any part of the city and satisfaction guaranteed. BOND STREET FISH MARKET. t 41T Bond PtrC i Millinery Novelties I desire to further call the atten tion of the ladle to my handsome stock of trimmed millinery. It com prises the latert creation of the millinery art. and I am offering re duced rates for the neit 30 days. MISS McRAE. i Dr. T. N. Hull DENTIST. 673 Commercial Street, ' ASTORIA, ORE. i Over Schlussel's Clothing Store. neep. j. nest teachers lllble, now, c. ill Kylands Pros.' Hook Store, Portland. Pee advertisement A good meal with meats rich In flavor and one you will enjoy with a relish. Is Just what you get at (he Creamer! restaurant, 771 Washington street, nesr Third. Try It when you go to Portland. If you are going up to Portland and miss going lo the Creamerle Restau rant, ill Washington St., you may con sider that your trip will not be a suc cess, as others ntll tell you, who do nut miss It. Holmes' English and Ruslnesa Col lege at No. 411 Yamhill street. Portland, is prepar.-d to accommodate a large number of pupils this year. Already the classes are well crowded, a fact that Indicates the excellent character of the Institution. ti- Other , .Ai.,y mad should ma'K- "onn-etioiis -,vhh roads v. herebv Astoria would b a common p-i'i''.' Why. h- . .u i were plvnig so much away, didn't you git something in !'. urn? Why didn't j you d',.-.pl;iy a little bu-it!'-":- s -use , when it was in ...ur p.rA-r I i s.-r-ure' cone vliins'' And now tha' y.aj have ! m g let ted to h i y ur- if v, h-t' you1 ha I an oj por'unitv, vV, don't -.11 ad-! vise your p-ope t. .-i-i d ks. w are-1 mses i!"d " ! e .' a ' it 1 a 1 1 1 ! . 1 of ha'1'!-! line the wh-'i (" t'- I'll and Kmpir-j if it v ere off' r.-d y.iii? After this js i ticciiiid lish d why 1 ''! you i:.di:" wheat bny-rs to 'n.ik'-' A-t.oia their: hendUart.-rs and s.-n.l r-pr -s n t ;t i i out o i-r the int -ri ., p'lrch'is- g'- ir, I direi-t from the "arni"rs and piy a f-'.v , cents more a bush d f..r wh'-at In A-'- torla limn can ! t.ai 1 "nv Portland and' Sound buyers? Why don't you p-m-1 ft" 'e comn onstl.ite tl':, tb-C" . 'itch i'. ',iiat y u nt' th- he biisp l'.-s not favor g lie- n i'A"ta uf I. I'' e i..tftlltli'i'l.'; -Ii. ve that a ; dy ih" ipefjua!1 1- i. ll state about Astoria K-irig tb- highesi wh-at market mi tb- Noith Pacific coast? In short, why don't you quit grumbling at others and do something for yourself? Thef" are natural and p-rt'.i.. i.i lUetftlons. They have Iv-en asked and aiiswered I-fore. The Asiorian l.as no disposition or occasion to evade or Ignore them. They can be easily ts.-t-tled to the satisfaction of any intelli gent or unprejudiced mind. The rea son why A.sHoria has no belter ware houses or other arrangements to care for the crops of the Interior Is because . tha railroads have prevented tjuuh v.th ' a nl h-n of -lll.llgil st it- coin: .oeS 'l- 1 '.v.uld !--:t, ir.g cliaig iili '!i-:--' not in a i oa J' .illy cotin' re. t'ini i: ao t ifi- f a v.! will pern.i in. ngreeim tits to .r.alritjiiii r sli-ri ext-ti loii of 'c.V'i s to t i. te c)!iirnis.-:o ;Li a st'-. .,!.-, lia' i any roads. I r.dit.g' Th- pin: -rioti- Mi-. ,th le va y r,.:i.".-ti'e.s g..;,.fi! i ill'.vay oiri' iai-tini.'tm-.'.t of a . :!' e.,ir.j.al,..'-J ; !.: U ofi this; that : inr , wPh 'Tl - '."ith t! - law at ll.'lt" It. ll t ) till -II ri. I'Mi.rn wi. a no 1'irni.i' r ads 'ha: PINION 'bieag' TitiK-s-H-r aid. Thomas I;. Ile-d sigiialiZ'-d bis fir.-t public a.e arance a New Yorker by intiin.iiitig to his h.-aivrs that they .v-ie ,,n the fringe of a latg- country of who.-;.; diverse opinions they were not well informed. ThT" can te no iiiarieiing with this well-etabllshed truth, but the speaker and feX-Sf-aker was not ho convincing when he added that It Is only where the representa tives from everywhere meet that men! The Best Food for Infants Nature planned that infants should have only milk for at least the first year of life. But thin milk, skimmed milk, will not nourish. It's the milk that is rich in cream, or fat, that does the work. This is be cause fat is positively neces sary for the growing body. scon's Emulsion contains the best fat, in the form of Cod-Liver Oil, for all delicate children. They thrive greatly under its use. Soon they weigh more, eat more, play better and look better. It's Just the right addition to their regular food. The hypophosphitei of lime and loda in ft are necessary lo the growth and formation of bone and teeth. At ill dnimpiU; joe- nl SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemiiU, New York. SjfV -111 .aarayviASTA' I VIA Mr. N. n. ItrbUeii. lata of, th K.llla Prlntlnir Company of Potland. hn a- timed the manniretnent of the Afttorlnn Job prlntlnn department, and la pre pared to do all klm! of Mrt-claM, ac curate, up-to-date printing. All work promptly delivered. Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. Sn Francisco. Cat. Astoria, Ore. Falrbaven. Wistu Astoria, Ore. Write Um for Prleca (lem Zealand Fire InsiiFanee Go Of New Zealand. W. P ThomciH, Myr Son KrnnoiHco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDER .SiihscriW.1 Cajiitiil - . . $.f,000,0fi0 I'nitl-Up Cnjiitiil l.OOO.OOO AHMfta 2,545,11-1 AsHt-t in Unitcil Stntt-n . . 300,000 SurpluR to I'olirv Holders 1,718,792 TVV.,, I. Tl'- . . . , n .. aiiiriii s imuiuruni 111 run- . ,, . , , .. .. . , land patronizi'd by thnuaanda of ix-opia 1 1 as been Underwriting on Uic 1 hciIic ( (dint over 1 wentv-two venra. dally? Hlmply IxTBime t la the larireat. i . M, ,n, r. y-v-fcr- - Astorin, Oregon flnciit and bent equipped catlnf reinrt on tho Paclflf conat. Wntnon'i rcntau- mnl l,n .l.lu.nlnk, ..kit. l .. Its pay roll. Kememher th location, KeSltJent AgetltB, 19-11 Fourth atreet. All klinlM of rending! There la only on; place. e kno of In Portland when? you ran find nil the latest booka and phiimpletK on the moat advanced thoiiKbt of the day, many booka on aub-J.-clB of advanced up to date topic not to he found In othT book stores can be obtained h-n-. It Is worth your while to call when In Portland and s for yourself. Jones, 2'M Aider Portland. LEAVE I PORTLAND AftHIVi (OVKRLAND EX l PKKHH, for Balem, I Itoseliura. Ashland. 7:00 P.M.:HacrmenIo, OKden, 18:00 A. nan rancisco, wo- Iave, Loa Antrelea, il Paao, New Or leans and tha East. I k A. U Dally except Hunday f7: A. M M:W P. Ml Roseburg paasenf er 4:KI P. M Via Woodburn. for Mount Anl, Hll- Dally vsrion. want Hclo. ezcent Hrownvllle, Rnrlng- Hands; noi'j ana niuon,. corvsllls passenger tl:60 A. m Independence pass' tt:26 A M Dally, tDally except Hunaay. Connecting at San Franclaco with Osci dental & Oriental, Pacific Mall and Osa anlc steamship line for JAPAN, CHINA, AUSTRALIA, HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINE8. Rebate tickets on aala dally between Portland, Bacramento, and San Francis co. Net rates 117 flrat-claas, and 111 second-class, Inclifllng sleeDer. Rates and tickets to Eastern points ana Europe, Also Japan, China, Honolulu and Australia, Can bo obtained from J. B. KIRKIAND, Ticket Agent. W Third at., H. KOEHLER, C. H. MARKJHAM, Manacei. O. V. , P. A. Thouah tickets iCsat for lowsst rates. C. J Trenenara. local aaeat, Waf.s Farto Comrienj' sffies. Aitcrta. A tallorliix eslalillunment of some prcti.ntloris, lorateil on WashlnRton 1 ctref, Portland, claims to have made, 47 suits for dresHy Astorlnns during tha past six months. This statement Is de- 1 nled by the firm of Povcy & lilrrha.l, at , 3V WaithlnKton alr"ct, near the Im-1 perlal hotel, who are patronized hy the Ki-eat innjorlty of outalde customers. I Povcy & Ulrchall make the swell suits' f(.r nioBt of the stylish Portlanders, and f.rel thitt they are not excelled by any, Portland firm for out of town pat-' ronage. TIIF H' AliKFF " A familiar name for the Chicago, Mil. waukee & St, Paul Railway, known all over the Union as the Oreat Railway Urunnlng the "Pioneer Limited" trains every day and night between Ht. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago, "The only perfect trains In the world." Understand: Connections are made with all Transcontinental Lines, assuring to pasxegenra the best service Known, Lux. urlous coaches, electric light, steam heat, of a verity equaled by no other Una. Bee that your ticket reads via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point In tfthe United States or Canada. All ticket igents sell them. For rates, pamphlets, or other Informa tion,, .address, J. W. CASEY, c. J. EDDT, Trav. Pass. Agt., General Agent, Portland, Or. Portland, O.r LOOK HERE, YOUNG MAN! Tour looka ull on rem. Pas ten It Mirei s while li.Ior ll'i . Jala (o and or rlia la this sis Smi tor. Ita hu ln u.ailni aiinri otiH for over ito vr, and la nrtxll rallabia. Kurnlthrt hll own s.aJ c'ne and lallt no lain. DR. KtSSLER Of tli old Si. lmla Madkal and Htirsi.'al itp,mary, 2.141 Vaml.lll trrt, Portland, Dr., poalllvely aur anter, to cuif. Thli d.ieior smraniMt to wir anf cnm. of Kyphllli. il.inorrhiN, (iirar n'rrturii rrrrpnea how Ions Handing. Huarmatorrioea, Imi rx MnhiHil i.r Msnll h.inU,lon. curtil perin.neiil- ly 'I ha lnim ,.r Htlf'Abu, rft. tually curad In a iiorl llui. YOllNfi VFN T,,ur "w and folllaa of vmh .an ha I uvnu n.ii ,),) ,na ln,, nM ,),,, wlll r)v, ou wh .if.oiii advira and fur you-niako yfju oarftotljr amns and l.'illMy You will ha ainate.l al hla iuii.o .n curlna -ii.rmjNirilinfa Hrmlnal Ixiawa, N : I 1 1 y ICinlaalona, anj oinir r(fcia. I'atlnnia tratwl In any pari of. the cotininr by his noma lyilim. U'rli full parllrulara, InH.M 10 2o ilamja. and ht mil ananar you promptly. Hundreda IraaUd at heme whs sit unablt lo com lo tat ally. PKIVATF. Pill J, READ THIS Take a alatr bottle al badtlm ana artasts a Ike antila. tat dilda and look al II In Ih morning. If It la ioudy or t.aa a rloudy iMtllnf la II, you hara aom kidney tt kUddtr llaaaw, and ahould b allandad U bafor you (t aa ;acae able Uuwase. u bundrada die rry rur traaa ikltJH a aUa ! Kidney. 'CUPIDENK- MAlsunnn DCOTnnrn mHnnuyu nco i uncUv?jffi&vAi: Hon ol a fsmoua t reneh pl.y.l. Im,, n nulckly cure v,i of ll n.'r Yuii or clw. ol the Bi-ii, tiiiiv.. (, a,.k ., Ti., mT, ,, "' , I-iaornnlr. l'..,,.l..ll,.lliili,H,,li,l "JJSXSfr Pirn ilea. llnUinew lo Mnrry, hinauaUi,. J)rln.. Vrlrnrl .,M - ; C " "-we-.i innnn l(, npmtit h.r r Imp., anil BCFORt ar. AFTER 1 tmnhled will) tUI0lrallD1.ini. prniai;cuiuri Addreu DA VOI. HEbIt'lNK lU.KO, Uoi m.Hn Frsncido, fal. , Hd,lu fr Ma tr CHARLES ROOM.