I tujc -mama A&f0nu." wedmhday soxutMa n w. 7 7 1T8 m I If you wish to be Ready Mmlc Clothing, Save $10 to Sj20 on your Suit or Overcoat well dressed in every particular Style Cloth -Lining, Work nianship-in fact everything that pertains to a perfect Suit orOvercoat at NO MORE EXPENSE than if you wore Then Ictus make your next Suit. Ti 1 j i Suits to fakr iiinku Miitn tu order from .1.00 lo $15 clic-nprr tliun liny otliiT liM-elawi tailoring establishment in 1'orlliunl. , . Uncalled for Garments at Half Price THE great rush of jicopli; to take ad vantage ol our extraordin ary offers in uncalled for suits and overcoats has been marvel ous from the very beginning. The popularity of these suits has become so great that we have been compiled to open corresoiidence with over one hundred of the largest Tailoring concerns throughout the country in order to get these suits f.tt enough to supply the enormous demand. These are not misfits, but suits made to order on which deposits have been paid and which for unkown reasons remained uncalled for. Such things hapjci) to every Tailoring establishment. It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits that they find it more advantageous to consign them to us than to attempt to dispose of them from their own establishments. $20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $25.00 Suits and Overcoats, $30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $35.00 Suits and Overcoats, $40.00 Suits and Overcoats, These garments are so tar superior in style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth ing that comparisons are odious. Call and examine them and see if we can fit you. $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $1750 $20.00 We are Tailors, Bear that in Mind. Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits is the price. Our suits have that style fit and finish about them that well dressed gentlemen appreciate. Astorians are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods whether they buy or not. fa rasuorth-Hera Tailoring Company, 250 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON GENERAL MILES ON iihmiK In warfare ilimlo. "(if coinm- tli "t will. Ii ir" Miik ' t win y , me m;rt:vT tuid, 1 IlIO IlVllt I 11X11 t phuultl t In mi rxi'Mii ..iniiii-iiKiir- J itto with tlir Mptititi ln tunl wtitltti! ami iIUii rf th' ifi'V.-riiuiftit. A i-.uilry Ilk-' Mclfi wmiM tml ii,ulr' j an mtny larw thiil "f i-i'iimny nr UiiKNia. Dur country In n-aily twtc. aa lut to n (IVrniutiy it Krntu- ,ml a.j iitiall furcv of ronuwimllvcly V , j II .-iliL iilixl. iralroM ulili.-m w u I J ' not only tic w f mxl Jiialliiniu liut j wi.ulil 1 In liii'ri'nt of Kifi 1111. 1 IEoikI mtinliilntratloii. i Tli- Ix-m lllUMinttlon nf illr Kiiilinir j Ihr iKH-oimlty aixl tile wvlfniv of A Da-j Moil III thin rfft I" 'tlna "Mill pw- j w-iMt'ii th Kiiitt'Ht population ami uu I Ih-hh r'H-nii'illy whlpixil "I"' I'v.nuii j an I plurtMl iiiul.-r linlininliy itnl In factj Imt vt-ry pxUt.-iioo I tlirvaton.M at pixfciit "Imply Imh'UU- hIip lu 1iiii.! U lllitloll f lln4l-a,Olnlltlllltl." ! Found 1'arille Coast Formications In : (inml Condition. 1 I MOKR AKTII.LK KISTS NRI'.DCD Country Needs n Standing Army ofi at Least 05.0110 Inttlllijcnt. Well ' Trained nnd 'cll-l'.ducntcd Men NKW YOIIK, Nov. IS -A ainvlal to tho ll-rnld from Waiililiiirtoii My: (ii'iU'i'iil Mllon, who turn Jiwt rxturnist from a lonir tour of liiHpvilan In th far Want iiinl HkiiiIi culil tonight: "Tli furllllralloiiH along tint riirlllo j Oi'iva-y Agiiln Says lu I nt a I'uiull-j carnal anil ili Oulf urn lit vtry gil WIl.I, THIS K.N'D IT? caiiiitllliin. Tli int!lni",tii luvvo tliiiv KimhI work. "Wlill 1lic IuuIhu'h .in) only partly lrttH'liil, It xvoulil not Ixi a fo for a liawrtlli' lialllrxlilii or llt ti ontor thrnt now, None of t ho harbors nre (omplil.-ly foi1ltlil. Tlio four tfirat I ilnto viiil Favors MrKlnl.-y's Uc-Kl'tKni. NKW YoKK. Nov. SS. -Ailnilral l'-w- ! cy him r'nitl hU fiirmtr n.s'r(lonf thnt ho nut a caiiillilat fr ifl pri'itliloiitliil noinlnaUon, wiyi a Wafh Ington ciHTi'tiponilviit of 1I1 llonilil. "1'iwlJt'irt MrKlnpy Is a k-o1 frt'nl hnrUini of thft l'iirlllp rnunt at which I of mln 11ml I Hope to m liiiii wvuro ilofotmlve wurkH um liolnK M"vtaJ ftPi' Putri-t iKinnit, tln mouth of tlio Colum Ma rlwr, San Krutu'lcco mul Hnn ni'to. "Thiro an only anoiiicli nrtllliTM ntationi'il on tho count to 1nko emv of tlio jruni not noiirh to man thfin. Tho K'ln r KtvaX pl'-ci of inarhln fry and rvuulro very Hklllitl iirtlllwlHtu to tnko caiv of thorn. Mori- orillh-ry In loilril alnnd tho witlro count uf 4,000 -niHoN, InrluilliiK tli Alliuitlc. Pat'lflti ami Kiilf. "Tho irnrrlMotiH wimv iwit mifflclMitly lroii(f ut tho pontH I vlnltoil. This In duo to tho fact that mimt of tho army la out of tho oounlry at invent. Con KrcMH authorl.od a regular army of 05, 000 and 35,000 men for tho exiting cniwgonry, For a good many yarg I have lMn In favor of on Holdler for every thoUHaud of our people. I think 05, OOt men Mhotild le Bktlle.1 In the mod em art of war and tho line of modern i appliance. That would bw a very i Thm- Heameiti have bom elm rleiiil by hijiiiII numlier u compaml with other the Pacific Mall company to replnf arniie of the wxirld but yet BUfflclnntly the Rio de Jaint-lro and City of P.kliiBT. large to keep abreast of the Improve-, now doing duty aa tnuuiporta. n necnid term," tho ndmlra.1 Mid. "I hope my f i le-nda will not eondnue J to talk of my being a cwulMitte, Th. Ani'M'tean peoplt have too imi-h nenne lu do anything it that kind. It neemnj to me that tho no-called hattle Mirretl lu-rov have nnwj P'r pw-nldeni. "I'reittdent MoKlnley l a btiuhI fii iui of mine ami I nhall never firg t ihopo llOllla', ClUVI'lllff llH'HSHgiH II.' ("Ill nio ut Manila. I haw prejw-rved them j all and uM keep them nn long an I live." 1 The nilmlnil fxpra'sw mucli cailffao llon with the nowi fmm tin" riilllp plnen. Ho coildir tho liiKunvoili n practically at n.n end. NKW ORIKNTAt. STICAMKllS., SAN I'TwNCI3('0, Nov. 2S.-Th nrltlnh trninp Bt earner On Sung, which has JuhI arrlvt'M from the Orient, with 4000 ton of frelRht, wlllsonn be fullow- ih by the AIrma, a 7000 ton vi'swl. Pears' What a luxury liars' soap is! The cheapest soap in all the world besides. 1 M-nJAnCiCTS" MOTllKR. I.itid lfir Ufv t Ifelplng Sullol-a All Ov.if th World. Mini Afc-nrti V-nton Is r NiHVlulInt ainmig philanthropist. Sh 1 a tun pi ift:.(v reformer, It true, but IVr Is applliHl ivinperanv, and applied In highly ii-clullil form to the nvnmert i f Iiit M.iJ. Bly, tJiiHM Victoria's imvy . Tor thirty ye,nn Uo ban, with V"lcf ami jt'fi. preach Ohrlstlanlty niul ti'Miii rain, e to the ltrliMi lluoJacket. Uui xl? has t1a:u iiumv than iiv,u l and teach. Sho has ty her eiTortu pn vlilid th'-in with Ihhik-si on shore wlilc.lt maki'S tha way of total abstinence easy. PrlKht, chvry. alniawt luxurious IhiIIiIIiik". to which Jack st vrs iui to a purt, and Miss W'.'oti has sl.wl their frlond, whenjxNT and wlHwer-thi-y iifi-t.ie-1 one aiul wviv willing ti acwpl hT help. Ph'e bos ournnl thf title hy which the nallo:s have loartifal to know her, that of tho "Hluejiukoia Mother." Tho personality of Mlsa Weston ex plains th nucoiw of hfr work. Shehaf a kind, nympathetlo expiftmlon, wltlt a smile nevw far from ev or Hp, it. geiirruua allow inee of the nense whlclt Is culleU common, a Gud-glven nonoo of humor, tact amounting to genius, an enihiiplasm for her work and n (Imt belief In Owl thtwe qualities whlclt have male Miss Woxton's name iv hoiisi'hoUl word In the Kiullsh navy. Twenty-live yeun J'go Mi as Wwloit fouml'il the Tttiy.tl lii'Vonport, with a inonih. Kach cost tlcillars. Tho Bllwr ! Mini's' IteMt was celebrated this yiir aml a larjro lncinst made to the en dowment fund. Qu-.vn Victoria en dowed a cabin and conferred the tlllt? of royal. Ashro ami Afloat Is nn In-t-ivstlntc tiiaswlno publlsheil for ilio HJillow by Miss Ves'on; It has a emu lation of about 4f)0,ni"M, and Is M(-np-poillng. It Is olrouUvted by rotiucst of the American naval autlioiUte unions tULllors of the Vm.'rlcan as well as tht Ilrltlsh navy, am.utr merchant connieii. flhharmoiii and of ,U1 aorta and eondl tloin of men who down to the iiitt. In ships. Mlsa Weston's correpumlfnct?' Is Immense, for all Iver Uys are' en (iir.irtl in write to her, and, with the h-lp of 'it (t.-cf:rla-n, 'H the letters i uiv ansr-r-l. !I-r comvp.mdeiice b" j l.nki-el for ear -rly -ill over the world, l KI!.Ti:i!Xl.IN'5 A FT Kit THfcl PAT- tu:. liri'lsh .ml 1 !! Join In Caring for, the Wounded. j London M ai I. As th lighting did nrt finish until j after iilglr.fall. It vas mcessary fori the m-:l to blvviie on the Held. This; they did chvrfully, ojkI In on orderly i niiinn-'r, il.splto a sttaking downfall! and tlv chilli ntf cold. From the mo-1 merit of the "CVise rtrlnK." both rtrltlsh j and Ho 'in frtct cnhetl In the car of I tlu vtiiml"d. The stretchers were Sailors' rtest at branch nt lVirts a half million of weddlittf of tht found to he missing In the confusion ; necefs irlly e,wnHeiu:t on an attack j agiilns: moder.i wedinms, and great lalior was ex ivHenotHl In moving the: wounded unit from among and be hind the pivks nnd down the tdlpperyj hlllsialtn. Hut ever' r.-ite worked loy-1 ally, ail the staff In Iadysmlth labor-j nl so cfrvrilv-'l v thnt. though the first I doolli'S. or 'i.ttlve stretchers, only ar-' rlv(-l at ml In 1 ht, special trains werei ready thmtiuh t it the night to convey th- w iiniil.'.l tt the hospital, and with; the tlrst slriKi' of dawn suftltient iIooIIcm w.'iv awal'lng to convey every) man. The Tied Crs Wairkers attached to! the lteer fore ' were equally iidy, and It was plcisiitit to see- the mutual R'K'd failing. The Urltlsh soldiers; treated the Hevr waimded as 9Ilclt-l otisly as their own, and round one of! the few dump tires which were lighted I sn w fill the betit placstt occupied by; the enemy's wounded prisoners. Arm-1 e l liners evem aiipeaivtl with the ob- j Joet of SNiivhlng for their wounded. They were allowed to pass freely about ! the hill, and Rave no sign of any de-i sire ta almse the privilege. They talk-j ed freely and Kvod-tiWKredly with our soldiers", and then, having fullfllledl their mlssUi, dlsapinared In the daik- j nejs. Eczema! The Only Cure. Eoiema it marc than a skin ditssia, tnd no tkia ismediM an w fi. Ta ioctors ar unable to efn a mn, and theii tnsral mixurw ar damaging to the most powerful fitto. Tbe whole trouble ii In the blood, M Swift's Speeiflo ii the oily TAoaedT whioh oan retoh iuhdep-eetd blood diMMOS. leitaiii Srokt out on nr UuHur, sal Unufd to iprMd Mill sr bssd tu tanior MTervd. Bht was WMd by HTsraJ fu4 Aclrt, kul afrtv von, aad djMtlful m tfttti ukaa tt tw saleeivMe if bMltb (pttasjs, kl rf NMMtaHl ku; pataat mMw m Mktn, bit wllhsat n salt, nui tWM m tn 4. . ,tl ky lh u Un Sim konl mi ifiiaktal. kr htttd te na te ImI. A H mi tottUs tnrti ka com pkMly Wikoatn furttcilj bmOi k Ii imw MxtMa ftmrt old. Wat Iim a afnin-ot rrowlfc at kur. Wat Hfll ( A Orndfal 3itMM kM otsc Mturatd. H. T. oil. IKt Uou kr. st. Lovis, Ma. Don't expect local atipUoakioiit ol opi and salvee to eurt Esia. , Tbej rsaeh only the tarfase, whUo the di imm comet from within. 8wiflt 8peolfle SSSBlood U the only euro sad will reach the most fcsv'MU ease. It is far ahead of til similar tecaodiss, basauee H euree eases wtisasse beyond their roaah. B.B. t.k ikfhr refotabie, and la tha on) Mead iissnly gTaaranteod te eon tain no pot ash, msrey or ethar minaral. oaks BmaUKd tree by Swift SpeoiiU Oimtaay. Atlaata, Georgia. 1(9 wii. r U'wtt ? PALACE BBLt Open Day and Night. W. W. Whlpple.ProprictC r Finest Restaurant North of San Francisco ATTE.VnVB BERVXCB.... firstla8S cmaxm.. PRIYATS ROOUS TOM LADICbv 5 .Commercial St. Astoria. Oregon mm WHITE COLLAR UNI Eunka Hsmeuia Oil Is thlbvst B jj preservative of new leather C J and the heat renovator ol old leather. It oilK, softens, black- .us anal protects, use Columbia River and rucet Sund Navi gation Company. 1'Hlley Gataert leaves Astoria dally,, except Sunday, at 7 p. m. I Leaves Portland dally except JSun-j dnv at 7 a. m. i White Collar line ticked and O. Rj & N. tickets interchangeable on Bailey, Oiitaert and llassalo. A. J. Taylor, Astoria Art : U. B. SCOTT. Telephone 11L President I Eureka Harness Oil on your bt harness, your old hr Dns. and vour i-mrrittttetop. and thf jr will not only look Wttr but wtr totttcer. SoldfVfrywhenMn cu all 1ms from lutlf pints to Hve KstUoua. Madf y BtAMUiHD OIL 10, 1 WW, KcDatila rrrns uf a mrchnnlral or InventlTO mind VsIHuk trlpiothe l'nri KxpoiiKluu. wlLbguod at... ....... nt.l uli.iii l.l eafllrf Xhe I'AlhN t JU UED. JUaltliuort Mi mum i&iiiyrs These tin Capsules tre superior to Balsam ot Copaiba, t Cubebs or Injections and Mimv CURE IN 43 H0URSP' the sama diseases with t inconvenience. ' all ftrucHltt. J. 0. Gilien 8 Co., Dealers, Manufacturers am Contractors Of Asbestos Boiler and Pipe Coverings 220 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE. 1 DO YOU BATHE? I NO. I WHY? (2) im) Because at onr Louse we bave neither a bathtub, nor hot water handy. . . . Then go to the Russian Batbs at 217 Aslor St. 2.) cents is the price. Private apartments for ladies. Only the better class of patronage Is catered to. Try one and you will come regularly. The Silver, ielil Fur Manufacturing Co., 283-28S Morrison St., Portland, Ore. To the Ladies of Astoriot We will save you one-fourth on every nHrment you puroliuse from us, be caime we are direct niiinufiu turerg, ami yon will save the middleman's pro tit. Fur Culliirwtt's, rmni S4.UU up KiirNick Kmis. frutii 7.V up lollies' Kliii-'Jullor . Mmlc SnltKfrum 12.on uu I.iiiIIi'k' Fine I Hilur .Miiilt' ('loth .liii kt-tH, from C V) up IjiiIIok' KIiip Kronch Kliiniifl WiilntM, triiin j 1.7ft up AliiskH Si'iil Hklu Jiu-kiMs. I.oniloii Hyp, nimle esppciiill.v tu onlor liinn... Sl.'iO.OO up Homixli llni: of Fur Garments Into tho Latest Style at very low Usurps. Semt lair illii.-irati'd a-atiilogue, wlilvli we will gladly mall you. Highest Price Paid for Kaw Purs. Yours Respectfully, The Silverf ield Fur Manufacturing Co,