The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 15, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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It Will luy V(M.
To look up th bargain I am otto
lug In my orockary lock. Bvery
tlilnit la Included a irwt diaouunt
(mill rvgular prloea. Klvarylhln; In
plain and decoraUHl want: th ram
oui Luallo trawl, English maka. It
will pay you to look It war.
IS3 Cotnniorclal Btrtet
Tlicy'iu I'opiilur Now
Hav you Man my aawortmeut of
bony bruahoaT They wrrt pur
oliaMd direct from Now Yotk. and
art vary popular. Am constantly
rrcalvluf new good. Coin and aao
0. W. SMITH.
Tha beading Jewelnr.
121 Commercial Htraat.
Who Duuh Vonr l.iiiindr)7
Wa olalm, and wa will prova to
vry ono, that wa hava tha beat
and mot up-to-date laundry on tha
CoaaL A trial order will oonvlnee
tha moat particular. If you want
tiat, pnmpt work, try tha
Sil Kranklln Avaoua.
Tha DAILY 4NTOHMM will he found
on Mia In 1'urlUixl at Ihe wtllkmiitB )
llunry huuw uM. V. lUmllny Co., Hill
Wlilu(iia Street. Urilere fur iltr
tUInt ii whh Uila Hnu will reoel
iruliil A ttulluu.
ruin today, C'ooUf,
along tha count.
15. Ortulonul
inlrtUo gaU'ii
Crawflah, rooked In wine, at tha Na
tional Cafe.
Captain 1Mim caiim up fnn Urn pout
on yi-an-nluy'a uftnioon train.
Mr. Daniel W'eli'li ami family pturnl
Utt nliiht from a trip to Port Ion.),
Drink K. Is. Cereal; Eat Nut butter
and Health Food a and be happy.
no othnr, Oeorg W, Sanborn, Agent.
Telei-hoti IM.
Androw ImMo, thn tailor, hn moved
hid IiUbIiwm from EZ2 Onmm-rclul
street to 6JB Conirwrdal, formerly oc
cunM ly A. It. Cyrus' real "ftiit'
Those v.ho have In charge the rxnr
clmti of Memorial Day of Qulnlln lodg
of I ; 1 k h am worklnii hard t' mnke thrtn
ii liiiprrmlvit an ih y have b"n hre
Take a Learner Bailer Oatiert of
Whit Collar Una for Portland and way
polnta. Fare, IS centa; room, 71 cent;
upper or lower berth, 50 centa; section
berth, IS oenta.
Yesterday In the police court a white
mini forfeited KO for ualiig opium.
Three ('hlnanvn w.-re ulao Included In
the mtinr rhnrire t'Ut wvrw allowed until
toduy for a hearing.
Our Spec In I HurxuliM
We hava aome broken Unea of tin
ware which we will ckwe out at bar
rain prloea. We are alao making
apeolal prloea on aome broken Unite
or canned frulta and reltahea, pick
eia, table delicacies and eauoea.
Theae are A No. 1 fooda, and oan
te naa at low prima.
Mr. rtcirri'im n, lunilmnnnii, came
from tVaslde yeaionlay afternoon.
Extra Hue I'liihrclhia
And at better than Portland pricea.
Il'e a fart. They are the celebrated
roiimer-tiofi make; handeomn,
durtble allk umbrella. Pn't make
the mistake of buying eleewhera.
The Jeweler.
MO Cjmmerrlal 8 treat.
Ilvttcr Hunt liver
The Pond Street Flah Market la
better than ever prepared to supply
freah and aalt flah of alt klmla.
Good a delivered to any part of the
city and aatlafactlon guaranteed.
ill Bond Ptreet
Millinery Nine It let
I desire to further call the atten
tion of tha ladlea to my handaome
atork of trimmed millinery. It com-
prlaea the latest creations of the
millinery art, and I am orfrrlnc re
duced rates for ths nert M days.
Mla atolllr Outer, tvho haa bn-n vlxll
ln In IVrtlnixl, has rxtumtnl home.
Oi'orgn Hill was a Nueiiavr mi yea
trnlny'a ufurvm train from 8iu"ll
Mra. II. C ThMiii r-tuni fnm
a vIkII to rortlund i n luat nlKht'a train.
Yiiu-rday a nianinjn llivruie Mas
Imiuml to Arvld llavju and Muthllda
B "A Romance of Coon Hollow'
at Klnln-r'a nra house tonlabt. TIiIh
la not a oolorl ahow, all the prlnc lixiln
U'lng well known ucu.ra aiul ariri-ea-s.
Heaia are now a-lllna; at Urlllln
C'rxik's drlvi-ra tnk hla neck In a run
away of hla t-am. The truth proved tn
be that the driver km nniluti. dnzwl
and connldt-ruhly shaken up by the cap
alilna; of hla lumlx-r wayai oaul. by
tha fractious dlnixml tlon of his team
hut was lutr able to attend to business.
All Aalorlans who visit Portland and
deal re ependlng a pleasant evening In
company with pollts people and In the
enjoyni'-nt of an unexcelled muitlcal
proaram, should go to tne rreaencaa
burr. Rraldra vocal and Instrumental
selections there sre many other at
tractions to delight the visitors. The
new management Is making the Fred.-r-
Ickaburg a well-merited euco-ss.
imOWN ic UllAMI, tTop
The Lewis and Clarke road will have
lo reniuln In It prniit condition until
another contnwt Is awarll for trans
porting the plunks and laying them.
W. W. Hule, who lust week was award
ed the cimtnurt for doing the work, dis
covered a flaw In the Instrument so that
he was obliged to withdraw In order to
prowl his Intiiveta. The committee
that has the mnit'T In hand will try
It again and -X-ts this lime to have
everything arranged satisfactory to all
Muster Joel Iieuhy, sisi of Mr. John
!eil:y. of this city, and the family
Kir enrdwood at 13 25 per cord long row are pretty gixnl frlenda all right,
and 3 M per oord auwwl ami delivered and It was pnlttbly a friendly mix
!)r, T. N. Hull
171 Commercial Street,
Over Sohlutsel'i Clothing Star.
Fln work at Popular Trlcea.
337 Washington Htreef,
Next Imperial Hotel
"A f(omuni4 of I'ooit Hollow" ul
FUiher's oie-a house this ivi)lng will
no doubt Im luncly atlnded.
Frm w ith eacn kuRe of II. t).
XI u id, 1 package of II. 0. Pancake
Flour, at A. V. Allen's,
II. F. Allen & Son ure selling 10m-
boaaed Wall Paper aa low as 10 cants
per roll; Imported English, 7tt oenta.
Ilenrlk llelnontni, a unlive i f Ituwlu,
wua )i-i.t l iy adinlllatl to all Ihe rlKhls
and prlvlli'gi-n of an AmerUuii cltiien.
It. M. WmMlen and (J tin, Oroiuwll, who
are rlrrulullnir tli X.imuiU ihKIIIom'
have secured b.twn 2w0 and 300 sign
A. TL Cyrua haa moved hla Real Ea-
tat and Inauranos offloa to 436 Com
mercial street, opposite the Astoiian
The ludles of the First M. E. church
will hold their annual fulr and dinner
on December 14. Pluoe will be an
nounced later.
Pur whlaky Harper Perfect whisky
Harper every bottle guaranteed Har
per. Sold by Ford A Stokea Company,
Astoria, Oregon.
Roalyn coal lasts longer, Is cleaner
and makes leas trouble with stoves and
chimney flues than any other. Oeorge
W. Sanborn. Agwnt Telephone MIL
RcIyn coal la tha best and moat eco
nomical coal for household use In As
toria. Try It onct and you will have
will be the pii at the Astoria Wood
Yard after Monday, November IS. Oak,
Aah, Hpruie limbs Vine maple, Hem
lock, Hlabwood and Klab bark alao, at
rensonalile ralea.
Clouds obscured AMotia'a aky liwt
night and the hoavenly flrwork wer
not observed by our cHlaens. The dis
play continue for a night or two long'T
and It la bur"ly rxalbl that some lift
will enable us to S"e ihf m'teors IIuhIi
snd dart abjve ua.
The ri'gutnr monthly nwtlug of the
women's aiixllllnry will be held at th
rectory n (Jra'-e church this afternoon
al 3 o'clock for the purpc of inllon
nry reading. The subject will U "Our
Work In Alaska." All are earni-stly In.
vluM to Im priwnt.
The following did was yesterd iy HI
eil for record. Fr.n J. E. VllH4in to the
Astoria Company, for lots 2, and 4, of
seoiion 24, township 6 north, range in
west, and lot 4. S, 8. 9, and 11, aX'tlon
IH, township S north, range 10 went, con
sideration being S2000.
The A. F. C. football team la In
receipt of numerous challenges from
outside teams all of whom wish to piny
In Astoria. Th lultut Is the Oregon
College of Dentistry eleven and a game
will probably be amuigvd with the
tooth pullers for Hoiturduy, the 2Mh
up they had but H was a mix up never
theless with the result tha Josie's nose
was broken by coming In contact with
on of boaale'a horns. At the llmo the
Injury was received Us seriousness was
not fully reallied but later Invtwtlgutbsi
by a physician showed that the boy's
nose was brokfn. The physician states
however, that the member will grow
stmlKht ax formerly.
l l.odltAM AT KNAPPA.
The Knappa Temperance legion Is a
rrotvlnK liislllutlri organized under
the leadership "f Mrs. A. J. Hadcllffe.
with nn enrolled memb-nhlp of it
A pri'gram was rnlered at the
.Methodlcl church last we.-k by the
li'glun to a large attentive and appre-!
elate audleiici'. The children acquitted
themselves admirably, 1o the credit of
thenim-lve and their faithful Instruc
tor. The program was exteinslve too
lengthy to bo pubUshed, and consisted
of chuw work, recitations, readings
and aoii,a. A novelty was the "legion
yell' by 18 lusty lungwl members.
Mr. Frank H. Dow, who has beesi
spending the summer with friends, re
turns to U ston to cmgage In the ln
eurance buslnem.
Mr. Willis Mudd and family visited
relatives In Astoria during the session
of thu Institute. Mr, Mudd Is clerk In
Dlst. No. 2, New Astoria.
Mr. Haumgartlner Justly complains
of careleea hunters. He found four of
hla she-p shot while out on pasture,
and aeveral of his holfers are missing.
Mr and Mrs. Albert Allen celbratd
their wedding annlvenary Monday
evening, congratuUllons were received
and Nst wlshs expretwed for many
coming years.
Mis J, W. Munson, accompanied by
her daughter. sinnt tbe w-k in Port
land returning Hunday, They attended
the Joint social given by the Native and Native Daughters on the th
Mrs Clara E. Stewart, of Seaside
l Mrs. K. A. Mason, of Hklpanon, Miss
Judsori and Miss Iowell, of Warrenton,
Mr. Stupp and Miss Laura Preseott, of
KoStnond, and Mr. Frnch, of Clatsop,
attended the Institute held In Astrwia
lost week.
The remains of the Ute Dr. A. L.
Fulton. were luid to rjst In Ocean View
cemetery on Monday. AlUtough It was
an exceedingly stormy day, the
presence of many fronds showed the
high esteem In which the deceased was
held on this aide.
The W. C. T. U. gave a very pleasing
Irrtertalnment In Warrenton last Satur
day evening. Miss Emma Warren of
Antorla dellverd a very krU?resllng
address, and Mr. Terry McKean oq
casloned mucb laughter with his char
acter akeuh. Mr. A. M. Essfm gave a
reading, and music was Interspersed In
the program. Ice cream was dlsoiwwed
at 1'- cents a dish, but tha supply was
so bountiful that before the evening
was over two dishes could be had for
the aaklng.
the California Fig Syrup Co. only, aod
old by all druggist. . . ',
Fisher's Opera House j:
i m ceiir. f.-... -a u .. . I
I,, I.. jl.liu. Min .1 vyi. j, I
The recent peace conference bring
the power of tha Cxar of Ruasla forci
bly to mind. HI subjects look to him
for food, shelter, raiment, even Ufa It
self, in no country I a monarch'
power more absolute. But far-reaching
as Its Influence Is it cannot be com
pared to that which the human stomach
haa over the moral and health of tha
average mortal. Hostetter' Stomach
Bitten cures constipation, dyspepsia,
blllousneas, nervousness and all dis
eases arising from an Inactive Mver or
weak kidney. Try It if yoa hare
stomach trouble of any sort, and sea
To maks H apparent to thousand,!
who think themselves UL that they are,
not afflicted with any disease, but that for yourself. It will bring ym back to
the syntem simply ned oleanslng. Is health and happiness. It will make yoa
to bring comfort hems to their hearts, tr"1f hy making your stomach atrong.
as a costive condition Is easlry cured by A private Revenue Stamp should cover
using Syrup of Fig. Manufaotered by the neck of the bottle.
W W sv -r"ir-r 5
m m A - 111
I 1 A iZD
With every Suit, even if the jBuit costs no more than '
Two Nights
VedotMJiy aid Tharsdiy, Nov. 15-16
lie Pig
Scenic i'ruductioo
A Romance of
Coon Hollow
(We have good Suits for this price)
lottery. Every One Treated Alike.
Boy also get a Hat with a 8uit, had we have good
Suit upwards from
The local football boy are certainly
not lucking In spirit. Not having tlmu
to spare from their work during the
day they have found K difficult to
practice on the field which I a Un
minutes walk from town. So last
night the boys donned their uniforms
and started out about nine o'clock to
practice by torch light.
Wild rumors wvre afloat yesterday
afternoon to the effect that one of
The Announcement That It Will
Put on the Route May be but
a Bluff.
k " A. , V
The building of a. new boat by the O.
R. . N.. do. "for AstorU-Portland
route" , la probably Incidentally in
tended, s a notice that that company
will stay in the rate contest until It
gets the bone whioh cause all the con
According to the published plans the
now itesmer Is to be very . fast and
very powerful and whon necessary she
can be used as a fug boat. Probably
the real intention is to use her for tow
ing and the announcement that ahe is
doetjned for the tnnsportutlon route la
made for "moral effect." .
The Ihreotened extension of the war
to the Portland-9s.n Francisco- route
. . , , , t . i r
j nas noi aeveiopeu ois i-vriuipn 10 ine
, (lllllculty In aec-uring suitable aunmers. I 6
ft Tk..M u.. I n ,1 ln 1 1, h,il.) that,
Ll ' th..u ...111 K.. kMtii.h .-n - InanviiMtA I
! Idyl of the
Tci octree Mills.
You buy the Suit, we give the Hat. The better the 8uit the better
the bat. o toy being giver, away, but something useful. HaviDg low
rent we can do tbi.
Dealer ia Mea' aid Boys' Clotbiag aad ririisbiag Coeds, aid Mei's Boy'.
Ladies' aid Childrei'i Shoes.
nn. M . .
HQ .Turnsoi street , s
LSTRICTIT A.I i.irmCAS ClOTIIIXC ST0BC fietweei Tirst nd Soeoid 5
The Torpedo Sensation,
The Riir Mtehmhniit Knee 1
The Cotton Press tragedy !
TfllRSDAT MGMT-A Complete
Sceaic rrodictio.
Fogg's ferry
A Dellsbtful Comedy Drama
Fresco Decorator:!
and Scenery Artist
Coon Hollow
I Serenade
t Singer, Buch an4 Wing
Dancers, Comedian, etc.
Latest Designs eo.,'r Wall Papers
J 27 First Street. Portland
PRICES-Reeerved Seats, 75c; f
Oallery, 8tte; Seat eale opens Y
Tueiay nioroing at Gnffia & J!
ltted'. ' f
m yy y y y m y m y wy jt
',- " ' - in i y " " '
0W liavo nn equal ojortuii
mnke their solt'ctions of Clt
Assorted stock.
ity with the citizons of I'ortlantl to
lothing from our Immense ami well
I on tne willumetie river ana vauey
! nnrchants are worrying, for a law
pojaenger" fare to Portland will spol'
tlH'lr Chrlvtmas traile, which Is always
depended in to compemiate Id a
nxNigure for the succeeding two munths
of dull business.
All tlie latest Novelties from the best manufacturers in Ameri
ca can be found on our shelves.
are making Special Efforts on
Overcoats and Suits
at $14.85.
jSatne aa aro sold elsewhere at $20 and ovo.
When visiting Portland yon aro invited to call and inspect our stock.
You will not be urged to buy. ,
Money cheerfully refunded if kooiI are not latin factory.
Th Popular Price Clothiers.
BEN SELLING, Manager. 3rd and Oak Streets, Portland H
Miss Mabel McGutre, of St'aside, la
visiting In Corvallla.
Mrs. K. A. Mason visited her family
In Woodlawn last week.
I .miss aiary ioomis visjieo ner sister
at Bklolnon lost week.
I Mr. A. E. Taylor and family wcrs
j Kucsta at FUivel on Sunday.
1 i,.ui..lf Klriiy Is visiting her
I bnvii' V. H. May In Astoria.
.M i. .l. hii Hoyce returned from Aa
! torla on 'the noon train Monday.
Omer Mason, of Portland, visited
: r'.vlpanou on Sunday.
Mrs. A. J. Oruhain and mother, Mrs. j
Young, went to Portloiid Wednesday.
Mr, and Mrs. Starr Smith and Miss
Nelly Abbott spent Thursday In As
toria, P. J. Halferty went to Portln.nd Fri
day evening and returned on Monday's
. A. B. Mauley, of Portland, spent
several days In this locality during Uie
'ra and aon Parnell
were visiting friends In Astoria Wed
Mrs. P. G. Moore, and Mrs. Herman
laoies were snopptng in Astoria on
II. Q.WiKid and wife spent part of the
week In Portland combining pleasure
with business.
C. F. Le3ter, accompanied by his wife
... Warren, spent several
days in Portland.
Hospital steward, R, A. Wood, of
'"e in Portlaau the
early part of the week.
Prof. Mai Stupp returned from As
toria on Sunday where he had been
attending the Institute.
Col. John Adair came down from
North Yakima early in the week and
Is looking after his Interests in this
WATSOX BROS., Fropr s,
roiilueted on the check Kvttem. ihere-
fore pairum pay for what ttiey order
0 and no mora.
Vt rial th ir.t rkiut Rt
lid Widest Sfrvir i'l tie SartWsU
We Hent New Typewriters.
Many New Improvement Added SEE OUR LATEST
Smith Premier Typewriter
L. & 31. ALEXANDER & CO., Phone 3Iain 574
Exclusive PaciSc Coast IValeta. 245 Stark St Port'and
JWand 111 Fourth St.
Open a.m to 8 p.m. PORTLAND
Hoefler's Bonbonniere
ftlnniMi Thonf it.
Where tbe Finest Candies i the State
ire Prepared aad Always in Stock
E. B
lOpried r.
Private Room fcr Liiiifs.
tun St , mstr 3th
Lailies' Tailor.
(rnls' Tailor.
I. D. Boyer,
RIerchant Tailor
Of Every Description Made to Order. Largs Line of Stock
Books for 1900. Attractive Prices.
17? Fourth St., PuRTHTD, ORE.
Y. M. 0. A. Build'g.
loose Leal Ledgers and Transfer Cases,
Order Blanks Hnldcrs and binders.
Commercial frioting in ill branches.
I XVLargeat EtUblUhmnnt In the Wett.
First and Salmon Sts., Pobtland.
(il -
Established 1
E. House's
12S Thirl Street, rortland, Oregon.
Tha Bent Cup of Coffee X
or tiooon ia the city.
Cream and Milk w
from our own ranch
Home made Plea aud cakes.
rC I V
Beoanse at onr lTouse
nor hot water handy.
we have neither a bathtub,
Then go to the Russian Bath at 217 Astor Su
25 centa ia ths price. Trivat apartments tor
ladies. Only the better class ct patronage is
catered to. Try one and you will come regularly.