The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 04, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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    I 'JM C V ' "' I
vU l .mi i
Vigor Restored
Mrs Alice Terry Wood, 5i5
Highland Street, Helena Hon., writes:
"I can say to nil that I beliovo Pftino '1 CVlcry Compound a
great medicine. I should havo been in my grave if it hadn't boon
for that, and I can say to all that aro tired and run down to try it
and they will find relief at once.
"My trouble was general woakness, with no strength or appe
tite, and heart troublo. I have taken four bottles of it and feel like
a new person. Now I have a good appetite, do all my work, and
feel well."
Paine's Celery Compound will rein
force weakened and irritated nerves.
Nerve fibre is made and nerve force
increased. The liver, stomach and
kidneys are kept
The blood is maae mil 01 , nounsn-
ient. The body
haustion or wearing pains but is con
stantly sustained m nealm and
in healthy action.
does not suffer ex
Call For Bids fur FurnMilnj? Hie
Government a Quantit j f Supplies.
The Stuff to lie Delivered at Cither
Portlnnd, Seattle or San
Acting under Instruction from Quar
leniioster General Ludlngton, Assistant
QuartermuNtiT Itoblnson of Bun Fran
cisco hart Issued a call fur bid for fur
nlithln the government a quantity of .
forage and upplle for the Philippine, j
Including 3,000 ton of baled hay and
2,000 ton of the best quality white oat.
Simultaneously, bid were asked In Ban
Francisco, PwtUind and Taomua for
fumUhlng thm upplU. The bid wllj
bo opened Novomhef 1
Dock of the aiitiplo fact that Die gov
eminent la w-vklng tender for furnlnh
Ing theae iiipplle lie tho fact that a
teat U to be mode by Um quartermaster
general' ofice of the porta of the Pa
clflc i'oue with the lde of determining
beyond quedlxn which port or porta 1
or ant nut advontageou from which
to ship suppUe to Manila. Hay and
gruln are needed fjr the cavalry hre
and army pack mule In the Philip
pine, and the government ho unoer
tonled, t conalderable trouble and ex
(Kn. that ahlpmenta can be mode with
mor advantage and greater economy
of Hmo and money from the Pacific
count porta than from thoae of the At
luntlc. . ' .
According to th) adwrtlaement pub-
llithed by the quurlermaaler, bids will
Im aiiked for the oat and hay delivered
at either 8.ttle, Portland or Tacoma.
The bidder are requenta to atate their
prloe per 100 pound of oat and hay,
tho oat to be double Backed, each sock
containing 130 pound or thereabout,
the hay to be coin preened. The bidder
are alio requested to tate the amount
of cubic fevt per ton of hay which It
I proposed to evil to the government.
A vital polut In making the award of
the contract will be the question of
hay compremlon. Under the ordinary
method of baling hay, a tun In weight
flUi a apace of cubic fovt, or approx
imately three ton ipaoe, dead weight,
a currently estimated In determining
steamer transportation charge. A new ,
method of oonvreesliig bay 1 In vogue
In the East, by which the bulk of the
compressed article la greatly reduced
from former standards, being as low In
some Instances as SO cubic foet to the
Englund Purchasing In This Country
fur Smith Africa.
Ou Duard S. 8. Mixttx-xumo, New Or-l-ans,
Oct 21. Tomorrow morning this
ship will sail for Cape Town, South
Africa, with th largest carg.i ,f ;i'-e
stink that ever left this country, or fori
that matter any other. Among her car
go will be 2,029 mule destined tor the
use of the British troops in their cam
pnlgn against the Hoer. Five hundred;
daUd with standing room on the upper,
deck. Seven hundred and fifty morei
are quartered on the 'twwn deck, and
a like number win stew to aeatn on
the cattle deck.
In front of the Une of mulvs rung a.
hay rack and waUr trough, the formef
vi which us nu 11 a irom
gangway run
ning the whole kngth of the ship, while!
through the latter, except whin the
mules are eating from It their ration
ot grain, water Is continually running.
To the rear of the line runs, another
gangway used for cleaning and bed
ding. Each pen, which I nine feet feet
wide, contains five mule.
The dally ration for each mult Is
twelve pounds of hay, five pounds of
oat and an equal amount of corn bran
and 56 pounds of water. To Insure
sufficient supply of fodder the Monte.
uma carries thlity-elffht ears of fair
No 2 timothy hay, six cars of oats and
eight of bran. Their drink will be
Mississippi river water, 3.000 tons of
which are stiyyed In the thirteen water
tight compartments Into which the hold
is divided. This water also serves as
ballast to counteract the heavy deck
load, so as fast a the tank Is emptied
It will be refilled with sen. water In
order to keep the vtwel on an even keel.
As far tin comfort Is concerned, the
mules on1 the upper dock will have
much the best of their companions be
low, but their position, should the boat
encounter a bud storm, Is dangvrous,
for If no', washed overboard by heavy
seas thoy would probably be sacrificed
to Insure the safety of the ship, though
If the voyage Is a calm one fully 90 per
cent of these should be safely landed.
Those on the 'tween deck will get a
reasonable amount of air and will be
safe In heavy weather, so probably SO
per cent of them will live to trend
African soil. But though over fifty tons
ot sawdust has been used to Insulate
the boilers, the heat of tho cattle deck
when passing throuph the tropics will
be Intense, so It Is not probable that
over a third of its occupants will sur
vive the voyage.
Next to the Oceanic of the White
Star Line the Moulesuma is the largvat
ship afloat. This Is her maiden voyage,
Bst Fried
DIrti Worst Enemy
aa he only left the shipbuilder' hand
Bpt. 12 last. n0 ai oum on i:" union jinn n wit grouuu iner-
Clyde by that well-known Ann, Alex- ehnntmen unless oployd by the ffv
under Steven It Co. of Glasgow, and ernment) are led up below her.
In owned by Elder, Demster ft Co., llml-, Lack of tMHtilnal facllltle oblige all
. i . n,ntnil several Unite boat t, Ud at Bouthoort. the
' - ,.-.mghii. among other the'
j,r)l,h &nd Afrcan steam Navigation,
Company, on which line twenty-three
inr fn.lifhters are employod. The
African Steamship Company, which'
nndu occupation tor twenty-eight
bt t' the Cle IMtfe Maritime de Con-'
go on which four fine passeng-r boat
r)1y; the Deaver Mne, from Liverpool to
Montreal, arid th Brillsh Dominion
Line, which Dili from Bristol, England
t Montreal and Quebec In the aumrrU-r
and to New Organs In tho winter. .
t.., . f
,.. .tMmr Ur LonnaW
to handle U business, and the Moott-
t uma was built to !..! place of one
of them recently wrecked In the St.
Uwrenoe. which she doubtless will do
as soon as her charter by the British
government expire. Her dimension.
Tj.nh nr COO f4: beam. CO
feet, depth of lw.ld. Si feet; draft when
loaded, 2 fret; belpht of bridge from(
Water level wnen lotunj.w ie; carrx
Ing capacity, 11,000 tons dead welsht, or
30.00) bale of cotton. Her cattle and
'tween decks ar arranged to carry 1.000
head of cattle in comparative comfort.
When In regular service she will carry
none on the upper deck.
The Monteiuma is under the com
mand of Skipper V.'I'Uti-i Owen, one of
the oldest rarxalus In the company
mnliiu T Mlillnnfl nf th fil
mous Sixteenth Lancers is the military'
officer In charge, and Sfajor Palln, once
famous Irish steeple chaae rider, but
now a trusted veterinary surpeon in her
majesty's service, will endeavor to care
for the sick. His Job may prove no.
slniicure, for mules are never very good
trawler, and so overcrowded Is the
Montexuma that he la sure to
pl,Mlty of (ng.eared patient.
A hun-
drvd and twentyflve roustabouts have
bevn taken on board to look after the
live cargo. The terms on which these
....... V. I n 1 K . .v Ua rln nA
,r ,. ,
a free passage homo on any of the
company's boats soiling wtthln fourteen
days of their arrival in Cape Town.
Tl. Jlotnnnn fWvrt VnUT OlliWana in tflfat
" . - .I. , i .ZZ.h Vhl
port Is 7.ir0 irdle. and though the
ship's oiTlcers look forward to making
the run In twenty-elx day, they will
probably be lucky if they enter Sable
bay In thirty, so that 115 seems mighty
small pay for the round trip. Still no
dltllculty htis been found In securing
r.v)i i r r ! -nm'it-t.
though It would be safe to bet that
anyone who want to rid from Cape
Town to New Or!-uis wi" be able to
get a long ocean voyage and thirty,
days' board for a dollar or two, as
the Montezuma hav determined to
take a hand in the fighting, unless It
is all over when they arrive.
The crew of th boat consists of only
seventy men all told, so did the mule
I ttndcrs proye refractory they might
W(, ,d when th,s
Pointed out to Mr. Mullens he smiling-1
Iv remarked: "Oh, yvs! but we have'
Pfty cabin passengers. There are some1
of them." pointing to a dozen tall,
bronied men with the true cavalry
swager who were pacing the deck. Of
curse, while In Uncle Sam's territory
tlieso troopon rcr-il1. ir. r.:::ftl, but once
on the high seas they will resume the
uniforms of the olu Siyu-cnth and pa
trol the decks both day and night.
The Montexuma is the second vessel
1 cienr from ithi port with mules for
the South stiuctm compuagn; the Prah
left with 670 1 week ago. Nor does the
Montezuma's mammoth cargo end the
r.winth nf the run-
,.,! t w mm.,,itin. o
, v , . 7" "
thousand hybrids, l lying with steam
up less than a quarter of a mile away
reaay to taKe tne Montezuma's pioc
the moment she casts loose from the
dock, whlla three more big freighters,
TT"". IT r i eV Q
Sold by Drugjlsta everywhere. J began Using PlSO'S Cure I3
7if 7 years ago, and believe it saved Six
LLLiUZw..?3 me from consumption. Mychild fcs
)J& liiwoiVa is subject to Croup. Piso'sCure
rVt ?f 'T . . b) , always relieves him.-Mrs. B.
1 "V''yr CRandell, Mannsville, Ky.,
Tho risotiinpnn.-.W:iir n, 1'u, July 9th, 1899. " Vif
all Hying the EnglUh transport enrtgn.
IlllnoU Central wharf eight mile above
New Orltan, and even the omnipotent
lVhlsh government, hungry as It seem
to be for mul.. cannot pursuade the
terminal company to give it wharfage
room for more than one vessel at a Urn..
To an American eye the mule shipped
on the Montexuma appear aomewhat
under-sized, fw of them welShlnf a
much as M pounds, while many Would
n cale more than 700. Moat of the
mule have been purchased In St. Louis
or the section lying between that cty
nl th" Prt- Only a few are coming
' from Illln"' 4n1 n"ne from Chicago.
thousand have already been con-
iraclei toT anJ a11 ot them P
10 " lnl c"y T w ol ln
week- A eMrii received last night
'auth"ri!1 n Purchase, and unless
ar tak " neP turn fully
" ' e required. The
'.000 already purchased coat consider. ,
bl'cr ,1-000'(00, " ' "
the Gambler Was Beaten by
"Green" Hand.
i He looked greed, but appearance are
often deceitful, as a certain card sharp
er found out In this particular ln
stance, says the Memphis Scimitar. The
Rreen-looklng Individual let a hint drop
where the card sharper could hear It
ih.l h. kn.l nAndltjMhlA mnnAtf In him
cioines. iiie simiprr dmcu iiiiu i
once, and went angling for the sucker.
He was not hard to land, and In less
than an hour the two were seated In
an up-town resort playing seven-up.
tfr?en man a bls ro'1, 411 the
sharper' eyes glistened as be calculat
ed to hlmelf what he was going to "do
with It when he gat It
In ordir to bait the green hand the
sharper let him w In a hand occasional-
f h(ur, ,
u . .. ... .
these winlnnga amounted to a goodly
sum. The sharper noticed that when
the grjn man lost he paid hie bets out
right trousere pockt but when
t . . .
he won the money went Into his other
pocket. He thought this was only a
precaution all farmers worked when
gumbling in the city, and said nothing
about it. Finally the green looking man
declared that he hs broke and the
pw en'.,'. ' ' '-st about $300,
aiiti the au.-pv-r to do the right thing.
called him up to the bar and ordered
a bottle of champagne. He threw out
one of the ne :y won $10 bills, and to
his astonishment It was returned
unterfelt He tried otherSj but the
were done the some way,
' "Well, omme pay for your cbam-
Ipngne," sold the green looking Indi
vidual. "You soe, I Just beat you at
your own gome, old man. Tou got all
counterfeit money and I got all
the good coin. See?"
Dental College
loth and Couch Sts Portland.
Member of National Association of
Dental Faculties.
Formerly Ta:oma College ,Jf
Dental Infirmary open dally from I
m. to 5 p. m. Free oral surgical cUnl
Saturday. 1:30 p. m. to 3 p. m. A R
Baker. D. D. S., Demonstrator li
students deslrlns Information, ad
,rtro Nnr,h Pac,flc rental College.
Fifteenth and Couch streets, Portland,
for Gnsumption
Fresh cracked crab at the National
gweot cream In any amount at
root beer at the Spa candy
Burbank potato, 11 a lack, at Pat'
jerr u
WhlU' cooks.
"the only" restaurant
Homo made' chocolates, 80 cents a
pound at the Parlor.
Be st 15-cent meal, Wslng Sun Restau
rant, 12 Commercial street.
We guarantee our Ice cream to be
made of pure cream. The Parlor.
Chili son came and frljolles at Lee
Herring's National Cafe every aay,
Pleasant furnished room for rent, M2
Fourteenth street In private family,
Until further notice the Astoria
creamery will pay 24V4 cent for butter
The latest In the confection line are
those delicate Ice Cream Chocolate at,
The Kpa. , . - -
Cold lunch, pickled pigs' feet, oys
ters, sheep's tongue, etc, at the Na
tional Cafe.
Do you know Bnodgr&sa make
Stamp Photos T Call and see them.
They are all the go.
Cream Pure Rye, America' finest
whiskey. The only pure goods; guaran
teed rich and mellow.' John L. Carlson,
sole agent. ,
For Rent Furnished rooms, with
first -class table board. Apply Mrs. E.
C. Holden', corner Ninth and Duane
Buy Tloslyn coal; the best coal for
heating and cooking purposes on tne
market. George W. Sanborn, Agent
Telephone 1311. .
Boquet de Cuba and Key West Gem
are the finest 5-oent cigars that ever
came to this market Henry Roe, op
posite brewery.
Roslyr) coal lasts longer, is cleaner
and makes less trouble with stores and
chimney flues than .any other. George
W. Sanborn, Agent Telephone 1311-
When In Astoria, transient guests can
secure unsurpassed accommodation at
the Astor House. Perfect cooking and
nice, clean rooms. Rates, $1 per day.
Visitor from Portland and elsewhere
will find the pleasanteet rooms In As
toria at the Bay City house, 179 Tenth
street Mrs. E. S. Andrews, proprietress.
Rofilyn coal la the best and most eco
nomical coal for household use in As
toria. Try It once and you will have
no other. George W. Sanborn, Agent
Telephone 131L
Kelley'a transfer wagons deliver box
wood to any part of the city on short
notice. All orders left at Zapfs fur
niture store. (30 Commercial street will
receive prompt attention. Telephone
The following reduced rate are In
effect via the O. R. N. between Asto
ria. Portland and Intermediate points
along the river: Fare. 25 cents; section,
25 cents: lower or upper berth, 50 cent
each: stateroom, 75 cent.
Go to the Columbia Electric and Re
pair Company for all kinds of new and
repair work, from a cambric needle to
a bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work
and satisfaction guaranteed. Logging
machinery of all kinds a specialty.
Shop opposite Ross, Hlgglns ft Co,
The concert hall opened by Charlie
Wise at No. 339 Astor street Is the one
and only popular resort of its kind In
tvu vicinity. Mr. t"'?:1 If df'ng o".e
thlng new among concert halls. He Is
not only selling a class of pure liquors,
but Is giving his place a management
which Insures gentlemanly attention
1 ah1 t mq r mnnt tn hla natmni. Tha mod
I music and the crowd will be tound at.
Charlie Wlee's place.
Do you want a good meal when you
visit Portland? If so. go to the Port
land restaurant. 305 Washington street
If you want any Health Food that
your grocer does not have, write Knapp
Bros. Health Food Co., East Portland,
KiiaiD riros. Health Food Company,
East Portland, carry a full line of all
th? Battle Creek Sanitarium Health
E. House's Cafe at 128 Third street,
Portland, is regarded by many people
as the leading restaurant in the fa'
clflc Northwest.
v:n cyclopedia Brtttantca, 28 vol.,
heep, $2S. Best teachers' Bible, now,
30c. at Kyland's Bros.' Book Store,
Portland. See advertisement
A good meal with meats rich In flavor
and one you will enjoy with a relish, is
just what you get at the Creamerle
restaurant. 2V1 Washington street, near
Third. Try It when you go to Portland.
If s you are going up to Portland and
miss going to the Creamerle Restau
rant, I'Tl Washington St.. you may con
sider that your trip will not be a uo
cess. as others will tell you, who do not
miss It.
Holmes' English and Business Col
lege at No. 414 Yamhill street. Portland,
Is prepared to accommodate a large
number of pupils this year. Already
the classes are well crowded, a fact
that Indicates the excellent character of
the Institution.
Mr. N. R. Bridges, late of the Ellis
Printing Company of Portland, has as
sumad the management of the Astorlan
Jcb printing department, and Is pre
pared to do all kinds of first-class, ac
curate, up-to-date printing. All work
promptly delivered.
Why Is Watson's restaurant in Port
land patronized by thousands of people
dally? simply Decause it is tne largest,
finest and best equipped eating resort
on the Paclfle coast. Watson's restau
rant has plxty-elt?ht white employes on
Its pay roll. Remember the location,
I0U-11 Fourth street.
AH kinds of rending! Ther Is only
one place we know of In Portland
where you can find all the latest books
and phamplets on the most advanced,
thnimht of the day. many books on sub.
Jecta of advanced up to dnt toplcv s-t
to be fount in otner mwn "
be obtained here. It l worm your
while to call when In Portland and
for yourself. Jone. 231 Aider St.,
A taltorlng establishment nf sum
pretentions, located on Washington
street, Portland, claim to have mads
47 suits for dressy Astorlnns during the
past six months. This statement Is de
nid by the firm of Povey ft Birchail, at
1ST Washington street, near the Im
perial hotel, who are patronised by the
Kreat majority of outside cuntotners.
Povey ft Birchail make the swell suit
for most of the stylish Portlanders, and
t-.t that they are not excelled by any
Portland firm for out of town pat
. -
Railroads Am Acceding to Demand Ot
Middle Classes Who Want Better
Sleeptng-Car Service.
In response to the demands of the
times the O. R. ft N. and it connec
tions are placing In operation a much
better grade of tourist sleeper for Pa
cini coet service than at any prevlou
time. The largely Increased traffic to
Ihl section of the country ha demand
ed all the Improvements of latter-day
transportation, and In consideration of
thl the railroads are establishing a
service which Is excellent In every par
ticular, Not only are the wishee ot
first -does passenger served, but those
who are traveling to and from the East
on second-claw tickets are splendidly
cared for. There wa a time when a
tourist sleeper appealed to a limited
number of people who were traveling
on the "cheap" order, in every meaning
of the term. Now, however, there ha
been a radical change. With the bet
ter tourist sleeper in operation thr
class of passengers has been Improved,
and one may now travel upon them
and enjoy all the privilege of a first
class sleeper at a great el y reduced rate.
Dally, on the O. R. ft N. east-bound
fast mail, Is attached one of these lat
eat Improved tourist sleeper, a model
of beauty and handsome appointment.
The new cars are almost an exact
counterpart of the finrt-claaa sleeper, i
One noticeable feature of the new
tourist car Is th absence of a smoking
apartment The new car being built
bv the Pullman Company are not pro
vided with smoking apartments. Thl
new departure has been taken because
of the fact that imet through train
are provided with composite cars, which
provide a smoker for the sleeping-car
(:00 a. m.
7:00 p. m.
Portland Union Depot,ll:lS am.
ot. 111:15 t
enj 1:40
for Astoria and Intenj : p.m.
mediate points.
7.45 am.
For Portland ft In-Ill :30 a.m.
8 10 p.m.
termedlate point l:Mi.m.
p. m.
S:23i 11:561 AT
5:50!12:lS;Lv '
1:391 l:00Ar
a. m. I p.m.
7: 4:00
7:S :
Ari 1:52
Leaves Astoria at : a. m.; arrive at
Seaside 1:45 a. m.
Passengers may return en any train
shown on schedule on some data
ALL TRAINS to and from .Seaside run
ot Flavel and Hammond Tift Warren-
All train make close connections at
Goble wtth all Northern Paelflo train
to and from the east or Sound points.
At Portland with all trains leaving
Union depot
At Astoria with L R. ft N. Co.'s boat
and rail line to and from Ilwaco and
North Beach points.
tri for Sacramento, 8:n rr-rcisco, all
a:era sua point.
City ticket offioe Astoria. 524 Commer.
Hal street J. C. MATO.
Gen'l FVt and Faa. AgenC
J. A. Fastabend
and Builder
House-moving Tools lor Kent
H -
Carpenter and Builder
General Contractor
fisfff TICKETS
IflTKfltf. to all
Through palace and tourist sleeper,
dining and library observation cars.
No. 4 United leaves Portland at 1:10
p. m.
No. S Limited arrives Portland at 3:3
a. m.
For rates, etc., call or aaaress
Agent 0. R. A N.. Astoria.
C. P. & T. A., Portland Ore
Columbia River and Puiret '?und Navi
gation Company.
Bailey Gatzert leave Astoria dally,
except Sunday, at 7 p. m.
Leaves Portland daily except Sun
day at 7 a. m.
White Collar line tickets and O. It
& N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey
Clatzert and Hassalo,
A. J. Taylor, Aslivta Aft,
U. B. SCOTT. Telephone lit
j .