The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, November 04, 1899, Page 4, Image 4

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gaily otcaiun,
, JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor.
Telephone Main ML
Bent by mail, per year
Bent by mail, per month
Served by curler, per month
thro, defeat would certainly not be
Inglorious to the defenders.
Ou Ih west the dlsnroportktn Is even
givivter. 'ronje, the lVr oommandtr.
has, !t I mlil. about 10.000 men, while
there are only ,000 British tiMv at
Kimbci'ky anJ Ra kMi-Powvll'a little
force Is less than 1.000. That Maf.klng
!ioull have been able to stand off the
Hoer attack at all Is matter for won
I Hut tills is only part of the story
.M.M The lkvrs have their rvserves within
J i much tH.i.T call than the British. If
.K ihf latter sh uld land reinforcements
a; Durban after a long sea Journey
they would ot ill be 1SJ mile, from La
lUsmith. On the other hand. It Is only
sumo thirty miles front Ladysmlth to
the Fn c tate frontier on the west,
sity niiles to the Transvaal rrontler
on the north.-!. And lens than 100
Bent by mail, per year. In advance $100
Postage free to subscriber-
All communications Intended for pub
lication should be directed to the edl-i n,n,, to the mountain pe of the ex
tor. Business communications of ajijtivr,,e n,)rlh. And while bughers from
kinds ajid remittances mut be address- j, ppUi,lc may pour over the vest
ed to '"The Astorian." frn borders of their states against
Kiniberley and M.if. king the bulk of
'the British aid must come from Cape
The Aatortani guarantee to Its ad-; Ton n. w hi -h !s 4T miles from the on
-ertlsera the largest circulation of any place and miles from the other,
newspaper published on the Columbia
Advertising rate can be had on ap
plication to the business manager.
With commendable public spirit, the
Topeka Capital," of Topeka, Kan., col
! lected money with which to purchase a
' s oni for gallant General Funston
! h he should return home from hi
General Miles Is now on the Sound briUiant campaign In the I'hillppmes.
I'poti the tlade of thii aw ol d hid been
engraved the general's reply :it the
battle of Catcooran when asked by Gen.
the Columbia soon. It behooves our; MaoArthur If he could ;.old hie part
representative men to see that he la of the line. 'Until my regiment Is mus
properly rec-ivi. A liute Judicious . uut
attention will do much toward securing
and It is practically certain that he will
visit the fortifications a the mouth of
M'heu the swrd .ias ready u story
was started to the effect that Oenera.1
favorable conaidr.Uon for those pro-: -,, ,, ecU-,, that ht, -ever
Jeets which Aatoria wishes the war de
partuient to execute.
made such a reply, and that he would
no, accept the present unless the in-
sxription was erased. The statement
was made with so much positlveness
Last war snowed nign water mart in thft, the ..cupw people wired Gen
the exports of roods of American man- eral Funston, who was at San Francis
ufaciure, the total value reaching co cn hU way home, and received the
. Kim For the nrst three-quarters of following spirne-J and caracu-rtsUc an-
ft the exports reached ii7..W.0OO. j ?an mnclseo. Cal.. Oct. !J. 18.
If this ratio Ls maintained until the end "Capital," Topeka, Kan.:
of the year, of which there U at ptem -torT
every indication, the exporu will reach ies regarding inscription originate w-tth
..., t , liars, knockers, cvpperheads and Jack-
Jo.O.OOO.uuo. The exports f.M- Septemb-?r IMimican!,. inscription historically
were $31.JTS.4 as again ;.O;0.O47 in correct. Publish this. FUNSTON.
September of last year, showing thnt 11 ma' thl lseho.d that
, 1' Is on a par with many others that
the ratio of increase is rising- as the eud . , . . . .
are sent from the Philippines by cor-
of the year approaches, and it would not . respondent of yellow journals, with
be surprising if the gain over Ut-L ytar this difference, that the Funston can
should reach very close to $10000,000. r,! w3 "fired in Its effects to on
n-an, while most of the other falsehood
are intended to shake the confidence
of the pejple at large In the govem-
headway in for-sn markets, and the m,m, and counteract the efforts of all
National Export Exposition should give those who are defending th flag at the
It is evident that goods of American
manufacture are making gratifying
this movement a marked impetus.
Hocr losses, which are iuw wild to be
M killed and wounded, mostly vie
tlina of artillery shells, which have
wrought such grewt havoc Ihui It U
said General Joubvrt has written a kt-
t. r to General White, Hritlah cvmtntnd
er, prjitestlng against the use of 1yd
Accotdlng to all acvunts, the pros
iiw at Ladysmlth of long-range naval
guim and the splendid shooting of the
blue-Jackets have materially Improved
ihc position of the Brillwh. A tempo
niry nrniisttce was ihvliM Monday
evening, to alTow the collection of dead
and wounded.
A Cap Town dispatch n'lvirts th
repulse cf the lUvrs by the Prltlsh yiss-
List of Non-Commissioned Officers and
Men Killed and Wounded at
Farquhar Farm.
LOXION, Nov. J.-The llsn of casual
ties among the non-commissioned offi
cers and men at Furquhar farm shows
the Gloueesters lost 30. killed ami
wounded, the fusileers 10 kllle.J and 41
w .winded and the Tenth mountain bat
tery two wnu.Kled, before they surren
The eaptut-d. who are given under
the hd of missing, are divided as fol-
lows Gloucester, 19 officer and 330
men: Tenth mountain battery, S officers
and . men, fusileers, n yet re
Thirty-five battalions Ordered to Mobo-
lixe After November .
LONDON. Nov. I -An army order Is
sued this evening orders the authorities
to mo boll se the 35 battalions of militia
at their respective headquarters on v
rious dates after November 20.
when 51 girls will pin medal on the
men. The medal are given by the
city and cost 5 each. .Thursday even
ing a grand reception will be given the
IV Moines companies at the state
house, and following M the official ban
guot at the Savery hotel. Plnvty of
nol and firewvrk will accompany the
demomxratlons. The two local com
tanles and both the (1. A. It. po"ts will
take part In the parade on the arrival
of the boy.
Miist of the local reception will be
held Wednesday or Thursday, on ac
wunt f ekvtlon. and to give the bo
tim to see their families first Hun
nuets, im'diil and all sort of honor
will le showered upon the soldier. R-l
0.1k will spend t.0XH and Creston will
have a triumphal arch.
Whaling Hark Moikiwi ititurns with
Hlg 'argi of Oil end Ambergris.
whaling bark Charles
Nov. J Th
W. Morgan.
which has arrived here from the Ok
hotsk sea. during her year's cruise se
cured -l.tiio barrel of sperm oil, 3 00
pounds of bone and 6e pound of amber
gris. The Hitter was an especially
good find, as ft "111 bring from UM to
1)00 a pound. The ambergris was land
Hut true be intilicr, bclti.n the onlv ltri-
arstion oli uu.'.ci i ; lltve ijilarantec of
fl.lHKI that it coll'a;-'.-. net a K1"''11 "r
(ruction tlirrcot o: u i-otions or ilrleteri-
oiih aiilntancrs. inoore.: ny tnc iiiiim
crlflirntcil a: I! !ch o' the nc ami tlfa-
malic st.iijr : to. oiimiende-l oy ciniu. ht
;hvU'iaiK n I ;t -i hiiici il li.iriiio
c.i litiK civil'. !!
iMtlifr to I utititu! ,)ititN xl ( Ak I
nur tlrujnil it .tfi ' ! util i- uttltitTtl to lukt
aoythtutjt r At crul ft i Uitllc
Merchant Tailors
Portland, Oregon
200 1 Temhlll Mice!
(klkite Hrd tad 4th. ,.
Tleiliiiis Oreuon MlneU j.t
(inthcr tip TIltlMW.
You Imvo almiit your lumioi ami Imvo them iiihIii Into HaiiilsniiiK 1 U m k a.
Old book ndKiiiml and mails a goo na new. Ws nmko all kinds of
btHik siii 1 1 hnvo Ilic only llimk llindrry In Astoria.
Will lis pleased to ulniill twllmate.
J. s. ii:lun;i:k.
(Uir. Miilti n n J Coiumcrclul Sta,
V:iyor Harrison of Chicago having
declared that the Dewey celebration
in New York wa cold and aixvlhetlc
a far at th people of that city were
concerned, now say the Chicago fall
festival, during which President Me
Klniey laid the corner stone of the office building, was simply a re
publican campaign meeting, but he
pr n:lw that "if IVwey com.s to
P. n. Sharpie's Cream Separators
Lnlit etiid Kent
ed In Japan, and ha already been sent ! Chicago" thing will tie different, i
to the owners of the vessel, J. and W. ,
R. Wing of New lied ford. I Wn fiisN'a Welfare
The Morgan caught In all 4 sperm j w,ttll- h,r own enm. ,--tet!
whales am) two right whale. On the; French medical triumph of this cen-
way home one of the tairk's bouts was tu,y 'or female Irregularities, I
ecked by a whale which had been rtkn'' C-'' blrt,"ln ,
n,arrl--d ladles. Call or write for
strcck. but all the men were wnl.jwW. Information. Inclose stamp.!
On September 3 the but k California wan i jji4 Wash. St.. Portland. Or. !
spoken. She then had i'i barrels of)
General 5upply
Mouse for
Family Groceries
Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, ShipChandlery, Etc.
Pacific Sheet Metal Works
whale oil, 900 barrels of spenn oil and
5.010 pounds of Nine.
M.irtin Coigrove. a
m-'mber of the
WI.en you are In Portland and want
a really good home meal, lust rive Mr. '
California's crew, who has well-to-do , l'row n a 10S Fourth St.. near Vftetittlt
Wasiilrgton. You will like It surely.'
This restaurant I open all night. Ffllt
rlaihvs in Indiana, u.ifl caught ! thv
rv-el which holds the line and dragged
overboard by a wluile in Jun. His
IkjiIj" was iii recovi'f.'d.
Lithographing on Tin a Soecialtv.
. i,,.-H Kim iu ruruuiu aiiu ami
, something especially fine In the way of.
i tailor-made suits will do well to remem- Csn FranckCf) fjl Atnrl fir
ber that they can be well fitted at I. D. Wl. ASlOria, UfC.
Write Usi for Price-
N ' vjT-t m i ruunn sireei, in ma x. at.
I. A. DUllillng.
The Oregonian's recent edKorial "A
Look at the Situation" was strictly a
double entendre. Some construe fe one
way and some another. It has created
widespread Interest. The Astorian has
no wish to raise a club to strike the, British governmenTTLord Roseb-ry and
Vnlon Paclffe system If there Is any common snse had corroborated his
chance for that nd to do right 'by j ient. He does explain why the
Coatinae4 fro Am sagaj
Portland, by Astoria and by itself." as
the Ure?itiian se"n to think is true.
Doini? lisht" by th-st means making
Ast iria a irrminal fur experts, at
k,uj! rates with Tdc.oma. with a inf
erential, if nerd be. in favi if Port
land because of Its ..hurter line on the
same water l"Vel as Astoria. If :h;it
i what the iregonian m-ans to sy
h believes the I'ninn Ha'lfi'.' i g-tting
ready to do in b-half of the watf-r
levels cf the Columbian basin. If this
Is to lie th- policy of tne 1'nl-m Puclfic,
then the Asu rian has no club to rais
against that system nor .ii;ainst any of
It Western nienitiers, which, in that
case, must be Astoria's warmest al
lies. Will the Oregonian explain Hf
double meaning editorial by saying
whether this Is the intention of the
Vnlon Pacific?
tlyit.g sUH'lron was ordered out.
A striking peculiarity of the pir-setit
situation in South Afriia is thai it re
vel ses for the moment the relative posi
tions of the weak and of the strong
power. Much sympathy has N-i-n arous
ed fir the I! is-rs m the pl that they
have been foifed Into a war v.hh a
mighty enipli-f. but if a mr- disparity
in numbers jiis-tifi'.-s FUch a pla then
the syn-nthy and the admiration which "
go out to the man who fights against
wj'ls Imping of right to th-? British 1.
diers who have done such gallar.t ivoik pmntburB
nr.'jer '. n ial ns hue in .Natal ani un
der I:,ii-n-l'ovH at Maf-kinir.
In Judgi;ig this p-rsonal grallantry' Prolxibly such ha'
Humors fit Its Investment Not Believed
in London, IWa'ise Hailroad "
Is Not Cut
I.'INIh... Nov. 3.-Vhile th is a
habit here to assume that th- n-ws of
li'T ii'tori-s "manaUng from the con
ti'i.nt cannot b- true because of the
i. fiisorship. the fact is forgott-n that
f n-ign gov-rnnints are fully privi-l-g-,i
to send and p-eive cipher mes-."iig-Mi
to an I from th-lr representatives
It: South Africa.
While the wires to Ladysmlth are
int, the optimism of the war officials to
even lejevir that Lvlysmith was corn-pl-t.-;y
in vest ef or Colensc captur-d
appears to be justifi-il, as this morning
it was asserted that the iailroad Is still
open, though traffic has been conduct
ed with the greatest caution.
.i rat, r'ov-v-r. wis only a rumor
y. teril.iy evening, it s claimed may be
reality at any moment, as General
Joul-ert. v. ith his large and wonder
fully nicbi!- force, Ik expected to d"tach
a fore- of .--veral thousand no-n and
iimR' a dash at the r--.ll read. I'.ornors
of all kirj'iK are turrong up here. It is
ev-.-r, assert.-, that Genera White has
n compile. to fail bai-k on riter- his wounded be
their orl-
tryes Curopcao Intervention in B.--
ba If of the Transvaal liurijhcrs
to Knd the ur.
PARIS, Nov. J. The municipal coun
cil today passed resolutions offering its
entire sympathy to the Boers, who are
"struggling for Independence," ar.d ex
pressing regret thai the European pow
ers had not interfered tio prevent the
conflict and hoping that peace would
be speedily secured.
Cr-nt Trnile hs.s Grwn up Htwe
numum uno me ri.iniuui isianns. v..t .C k. . .
-v.,, uwv iiv m viril ity 1111-
class cutter for men's wear, but also
San Kraiii isio Chronli ie. one exclusively for ladles' work, and'
Shipiev and shlpmrner attribute th ' a" ' a"ure3 ' setting not only;
nuickened n(-tivy prev.U.Ing .. the tyXl
water front to the icy of cxponston. ! cloths. 1
Simv Hawuli has Ix-ciime a inirt of the' J
I riltid Slates a trade has grown' FINE OPENINO. !
up bitwivu this port and the islands.! j
although little more than a has Tn North Pacific Dental College,!
el since the annexation. And n-.w ttn,,1, Jvertlement appears In anoth
.. ,. , . . er column, opened Its doors October I,
the f ne fe,-t of sailing vessels ..wtvd by 75 students on Its roster. The col
Fluit A Co. if New York has been lege Is well equipped with every facil
trdiitifeired to Paiinc waters and will l,y " s"r.'duate student In all the late.
rlii.ii s.,n Fr.ii.-i. . ... ,1, .... h ... n"vledg3 of dentistry. A. R. Baker, 1
' r'-"" '-' then lw'" 1 d.D. 3.. Is demonitrator In charge, an
port ThU tl--i has been bought bv a 1 1 well qualified to Instruct all students1
local syndirate w l'h the avowed pur-' who at'- id this college. 1
pose of meeting the demand for tn Ight
sp.u e on Hon dulu Imund vessels. pu-
chic toast vessels have been taxed be
yond their rapacity by this Incr-ns-'d
Falrbaven. Wash.
and the skillful direction it enjoys, It -fin in recollections of the ominous si
makes no difTereno that the oil. Is will ; l,-nc, w hich precede, te evacuation of
be changed ultimately. The heroic of-1 ,,,, , ,.
, . 1 Dundee. Ijut, on the other hand It N
fleers who were so conspicuous in the' 1, u 1.
brilliant charges up the heights at Dun- j f,!,"'-,!'1 (h" fondltlo.ig are altered, and
dee and Klandslaagte were the leaders I Jlritish guns seem more than equal
of the srnalkr army Just the name, and to the artillery of the Boers, thus en-
Kiiew wiai ineiv- was no proHixjct ornancing th.e difli.
large and Immediate reinforcements.
Th"its was the uphill struggle on every
With respect to numbers the various
estimates leave no room for doubt that
the Boers have an Immense advantagc
tliroughout Natal and Bechuanaland
too. The figures In Natal are given as
three to one, two to one, 12,000 to 5,000,
16,00 to 12,000 (London Telegraph), 30,
00 to 12,000 (London Times). Amid all
these differences the Boer superiority
is clear enough. Even If we accept the
smallest calculation, which Is four to
on tin
Hritish lines.
of any assault
Havoc of Hritish Shells Causes JoiiU-rt
to 'W rite to General White
B'ier Losses.
LONDON, Nov. 3.-Heiated dls
pathes frrm the British camp at Lady
smlth add little Information regarding
Monday's fight except estimates of the
! M -eting of VanderblR Pr.-si.lents f r
I Clowr L'nlon of System.
j NEW YORK, Nov. 3-The Tlmn
A meevlng of ail the Vanderbllt presl-d-nts
has been called for in this city
at uiiiv. It is b'-lieved that at this
meeting there will tie submitted by V.
K. Vanderbllt a plan for the closer uni
fication of the syrtteme so that thereby
the properties may be brought Into
more economical operating relations.
demand. Ev.-ry steamer that has sail
ed r-cctitly for Hawaiian ports has been
forced tc ivfii-e fr,-ght. Hut the Flint
vessels will r-ai-h .11 1 still further.
"Wc certainly ex-'1 to take our new
Yes they do and the style and finish
they give to me.i's suits, rank these j
gentlemen as expert practical mer- j
chant tailors. The material they uso j
Is ilso th very best and you will al
ways find them busy at 269'-4 Yamhill
St., Portland. Get your next suit there,'
and get It now. I
Mak-rs of Baking Powder Trying to
Sell Out to the Trust.
CHICAGO, Nov. 3. A special to the
Times-Herald from Indianapolis says
A number of Chicago men and several
representatives of other cities have
been here since Wednesday In consulta
tion with reference to forming nn anti
trust baking powder company, and it Is
announced that the detajls have been
completed and that one of the largest
baking powder plants In the country
will be established In Chicago.
Wh- n the conference closed last even
ir g. several- of the reprenerfiatlveg went
to Cincinnati' for the purpose of pur
chasing machinery to place Irt the new
Great Preparations Making to Give the
Volunteers Fitting Welcome.
CHI' AGO, Nov. 3. A special to the
Tines-Herald from Des Moines says:
Plans are now complete for the recep
tion of the Fifty-first regiment of Iowa
volunteers In all the towns that have
companies. The state reception will be
at Council Bluffs Monday afternoon and
ev'iry company is expected to reai h
home that night.
The Des Moines companies wilt be
given a brief reception on their arrival,
We know of only one book store In
PorMand where so complete a line of
novels can be obtained, on all the radl-!
ril subjects of the day under discussion
p.sessons to advance Immeasurably XTderitreVt.
within the next few years, and this! '
was one of the things we had in mind 1
as the pres.-nt trouble is settl.-d."
j ald William 10. Mlghell yesterday, the
I n-w managing owner of the Meet. "We
expect th- carrying trade to our n w
Nem Zealand Fire Insurance Go
Of New Zealand.
W. P ThomtiH, Mgr., Son PrnnclHco.
SubscrilioiK'ai.itnl $..,000,000
raid-Up Capital . - 1,000,000
Assets 2llH
Asset in United States . . .100,000
Surplus to Policy Holders 1,718,75)2
Has been Underwriting on the I'mit'ie CmiM over Twmtv-twn venn.
ReHldent AgentB, Astorin, Oregon
when we bought the Flint vessels. The
demand of Pacific coast and Orb ntal
trade Justlil.-s a new fleet for this port.
Shippers are ulrendy experiencing the
stimulus of expansion and the shipping
Interests of this tate and city aie
bound to prosper."
True Is the observation of Confucioiis.
that we take greater pnlnsi to persunde
otheis that we are happy, than i-n-Jeavoring
to think so ourselves.
I seem i
Why at 'The Eastern,' of course. 170
Third St., Portland. Tou can get a
Rood layout for 15 cents here, which
will satisfy your hunger and bring you
back araln to the same plaoe. Remem
ber the Eastern.
j is m iwuu 111CU11.111C iur U1C w
3 baby that is thin and not v
1 well nourished and for the 2
4 mother whose milk does y
jj not nourish the baby.
y It is equally good for the
boy or flirl who is thin and
15 pale and not well nounshed y
W by their food; also for the K
"anamic or consumptive 2
adult that is losing flesh V
5 and strength.
'' In fact, for all conditions
of wasting, it is the food J
S medicine that will nourish
2 and build up the body and 2
w give new lire ana energy
J when all other means fail.
Should be taken In summer u
well cs winter.
5oc.rJti.oo,IIdnig(;litt, X
Like what la man, but like a sprouting
That grows and ripens but to cast Its
Among the thistles and the tares of life
An. I then to see It strangled In the
Or like the clouds that wander with the
And pass unnoticed from a life of ease?
Or like a mushroom, sprung to life,
To starve or strangle In the tangled
These Bre thoughts that are apt to
come to many people at times, espe
cially when tln-y are sick and have to
pay big prices for medlclms. Put there
Is one druir store In Oregon where you
can save from 10 to 25 per cent on
everything you buy, and that Is J. A. j
f'lemenson's Drug Store, at 227 Yarn-
hill street, Portland, Ore. At that store
you can get Hood's Sarsaparllla at 70oj
Vellen's Food, $1 sire, 55c; Ilromo Belt-
zer, il site, 70c, and everything else at
the same low rate. Tou can g-t r. d (X)HN &CO AeenU,
3j Telephone) No. .13
I Handles Only the Choicest Aleats
43 Commercial St.. next Pslaee R(saru.t.
Pacific N avigation Com pan y
I. P. Elmore
W. H. HnrrlHon
Contieciing nt A'toria with the Oreiton Railroad A NiivIkhHoii Oo. for
San Francisco, Portlnnd and all jiointB east. For freight and passun-
gor rates flp;'ly -
HomMcl Elmore & Co.
trading stamps there, and If you need!
tne Natural Body Brace, you can get It
8trnnuern visiting In the ciiv will fli.,1
the liOnvre an attractive resort wherein
to spend llio evening. Tim Amine Sisters
l.ndies' Urchest rn is still on the bills and
presents nilillyo musical proiriim of
except ional merit, llniiilsoini' pool nnd
liilliaril rooms Hf- a feature in cuiinection
with the hom-e. l'ulntiible hiri.-ln h wj
be served at nil notirs
tOOTT 4 BOWNR, Chtmi, Ntw York,
Headquarters for Cutters' Logging
Shoes and lyogpers' Outfits. THE RED
FRONT, 269 Morrison street, Portland,
Improved ranch, consisting of 120
acres, on Young's river. Apply to John
L. Hayseth, Wise, Or.
vnl Aitents, AHT01UA, ORE.
.Ilroiid Navigation Co.,
Normal School
Training School for Teackera.
New Buildings
New Departments.
Ungraded Country School Work,
Graduates Secure (lOoiljU'osllions.
8TRONG COURS E8-Wall equipped training departments, Normal eourse.
quickest and best way to State CertlflrMea.
Expenses for year from $130 to 1M; Board MM to U per week; Tultlom, K
per term of ten weeks. FaU term begins September Uth; Bummer term June If
to September L Tor catalogue address p, CAMPBELL, Presides.
i or r. A. WANN. Bee of Faculty.