dm AHTOklA. OJtEdON, Sa'H'HDAY. OCTOBEK 14. 18M NO. II VOL L ' I II sT MOVING In cxju'iiNivo, wo hud rutin low n littlo money on our .Sloven llian to move lliem. We Iiiivd it hig lot of lliem on hand, hought before the advnncu. We will Hell lliem elieiip until Nov. loth. ' Eclipse Hardware Co. mnm IJOND BTMEET BATTLE WITH BOES REPORTED AT NATAL Forces Under Sir George Stewart White Said to Hare Advanced on Enemy. Books... IAN AMERICAN CITIZEN MALTREATED Blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and Type-writing. i Waterman Fountain Pens Mux )ermc1 Paper Miifl Knvel(ipe"ioo Orange Free State Active In Seizing Trains and Preparing to Resist thi Brltisti Vryburg Believed to Be Very Weakly Defended. GRIFFIN & RBED Here Is a List OtBome High Grade Goods at moderate piim ; New luisU rn Bloater Mnekerol. Now Eastern ('oilfmli. New Crop Kvajoratod FruiU. CUT, ToA'N. hl. 12. (Pi-layeJ in tiuiiMiii-ion ) An Aim riiMii citizen lin worn to an uihMuvit lelre tin- Aiiu-ri-cii ii -eiin-iil ln'iN-, in whirli lie states that lie has hron sul) jt i ti .1 lis tin- liii! j;li i - i.f tin- Free State to great ill treatment. Hi- i i ii t Im-.ii- tn irk lio(rino the ell'ects of t lie trt-atineiit helm- ivei istd. withdrawal fr-m Pretoria of Conyng ham Greene, British diplomatic agent to the South African republic, and the existence of a tate of war between I rent Britain and that republic. Mr. Marrum. American consul at Pretoria, has accordingly bn Instructed to un dertake the rare of British Interests In that auction during the war. MANIFESTO ISSUED. Itoert Calling Upon all Africa to Wit neat the Justice of Their Cause. PRETORIA, Oct. 13. Via Lorenzo Marquee An official manifto has Just been address! to Afrikanders through out South Africa appealing Co then to resist the "unjust demands of Great Rrftaln," and accusing Lord Salisbury, Mr. Chamberlain and Sir Alfred Mil ner of treachery. It blames the queen for condoning what rt describes as 'Chp.mberlaln's criminal policy," and declares that "the clear (Wire and ob ject of -'.real Britain Is to deprive the Transvaal of Independence on account of g"ld mlrws of the Rand." The manifesto says Great Britain of fered two alternatives: "Five-year franchise or war," and then goes on to ay: "The difference between the two gov ernments of two years on the franchise question Is considered by her majesty's J government sufficient Justification forjj an endeavor to swallow two republics."!? MORE FILIPINO ATROCITIES HAVE BEEN DISCOVERED Bodies of Several American Prisoners Found Gagged and Shot. CHEATHAM ROUTES A NiTIVE FORCE Three Americans Killed aid Five Woaaded-Eartbqcake at Msnila Native Plot Frnstrated-Friars Concealing Arras. In conclusion, it reminds the Afrikan-! MANILA, Oct 13. Major Cheatham, with a scooting party, while proceeding along the, west shore of the lake yesterday encountered a force of rebels strongly entrenched at Mintinlupa. Major Cheatham rejorts that h(; drove the reb els from their jxisition and that in the engagement three Americans were killed and two were wounded. New Crop Nut, HigH, etc. Mince Meat und Pumpkin for Pio. l,UNlON, Oct. li An Edinburgh the occurence to the blowing up of the paper, the Honsrnan, this morning us- j C. S. battleship Maine in Ha-ana har ' rrrtN that a buttle lum tak.-n place be-! bor, but that e-ent occurred in times of ROSS, HIGGINS & CO The Silverfield Fur Manufacturing Co., 2H3-3MK Morrison Ht.. Portland, Or. To the Lndlcs of Astoria i W will lure you one-fourth on every garment you purohase from us. be ...l.pi n.,.ni.fa, tnr.m. an. I you will save the middleman Kur Nillnretl, fr in - H.? "I Hom, (rum '' " ' i(tle' Klne Tailor- Mad Hull. Iroui Il.-W UrtlK. Hue "allor Mu.liM-lutliJi el. Irom 4 VI up U.ll.' Klne rrni'h FIhiiiii'I SSkMk. trom.... II.TIS "J' AlakHelHkliiJiirkn.. M'Ud.m le, madp e(Hwillyi" order Irom...,. IISO.ou up KeiiiixInlliiK of Kur ( liirmniU Into the Latent Slylt at very low tlfiirei. , ., ., Hend fcir illu.tmteit catalogue, whu h we will gladly mall you. Highest t'rke I'ald for Raw Purs. Yours Respectfully. The Silverfleld Fur Manufacturing Co. tmn tii-m-ral Sir Cn-orge Stewart While, commanding the forces In Natal, and Boers who entered Natal by way of Van Keenans Pass. General White, the 8etman says, Is very sanguine nf the success of the British movements. The foregoing report Is considered to be correct. aj late last night the war oltliv nad news of . British advance from Ladysmlth and was hourly ex pecting further Intelligence. A dispatch to the Dally Telegraph from Its corres Hiiiiliiit at Ladysmlth, datel at m"n Friday says: IH-ace. The Boers were doubtless with in their rights as belligrenu. If they are ivponltle for the destruction of the train. THE TRAIN CAPTURE. Further Details of the Attack on the Armored Traiu t'ngllsh Guns Taken. LONl-ON. Oct. 13. The war office has ders that "God will assuredly defend the right." The manifesto Is signed by RetUt. sec retary of state. A million copies will be printed In Dutch and English. t t w 1 ! MANII.A, Oct. 13. Rumors are In cir culation in Manila that Major Cheat 1 ham discovered three American pris- 1 oners jwho had been bound, gaged and POWELI BETWEEN TWO FIRES.!8001 DV the Insurgents. Theee rumors, however, are not confirmed. One San Much Anxiety Felt In London Over the dago, a native policeman, has been ar B,r Advance. ' rented and lodged in Jail, bis subordl LONDON, Oct. 13. A notable change nates having reported to the authorities In the poslton of affairs Is the presence that he was endeavoring (to enlist them of the Boers at Martiboga, 45 miles in a plot to turn the polioe against south of Mafeklng, which seems to in- Americans in the event of an uprising. dlcate that they are endeavoring to Reports having reached the provost get Colonel Baden Powell between two' marshal that arms were concealed at i fires. the headquarters of domlnican friars. they marched through roadless rios fields. The Fourth Infantry from Imua Joined General Schwan at Perel des Marinas. The Filipinos had deserted the town upn learning of the approach of the Americans leiving only women and children behind. Two strong shocks of earthquake lasting several seconds were felt In Manila at 10 o'clock this evening. M'KINLET AT FARGO. The President , Received With Demonstrations. ' Wild The gravity of the Bor advance can a large building adjoining the palace. I r.-civHi the following dispatch from j be better estimated when It is realised detachment of soldiers made a search ! the generul commanding the Cape for-jtha, tncy wil thereby cut the railway ,.f the building. They found a small j ce: I and telegraphic communication to the stock of rifles, revolvers and ammunl-, "Cape Town. Oct. 13.-1:40 p. m. An north. Isolating several British positions tlon. which vas confiscated desntte the! A strong mobile column under Sir . .rmored train from Mafeklng escorting! wnlcn mug, speedily relieved. Des- protests of the friars that the arms leorge Stewart White, accompanied by ,wo en-pounder guns sent from here! ,ll(e optimistic of the ability of were not Intended for unlawful use. , tleneral Sir Archibald Hunter, proceed-, to Ma.VKIng was attacked last night at; Mafeklng to repel a.ttack. the greatest id before daybreak this morning to- Knialpon. Aniarently a rail had been ,.n. h., flereral Schwan with infantry has FARGO. North Dakota, Oct. 13. Oyer 10.000 people greeted President McKin ley and his party when they arrived here tonight at 7:30. Entering carriage, the party was driven to the reviewing stand through a line of First Dakota volunteers, who recently returned from the Philippines. ! wants Action Homes for the purpose ; removed. The train left the track, and -.i,. i ,h . i. i k, ,h . reached Facoor- The tP0P" S"1" The president was received with wild . rx.mUSl, Having naa one ot tne demonstrations. At :30 o'clock the Cronje, who j captured the Jameson raiders, has the ... . , r ii'L . . .... .. - ... nv. . ...... ir.n.. u-ik.-ihi ..u- me noors nrea into it with artillery for I juubta ble commandant. i.,r1 un m 1 1 a Kn t- a a fp.,(tis n k..ttf U . 3 . i I v - " Mwt. " ; imn ttn ntiur anu rapt urea u. nml also to lest the mobility and effl. l- -Telegroiihlc communication with j strongest force yet put Into the field. en( y of his forces. ! Mafeklng Is Interrupted at Kraalpan. lth the exception of Commandant The Dally Mail's Cap,- Town corns- Women and children has-e been sent to',,! l.inwr. fne pondent. telegraphing Friilny e-enlng, cnpe Town. The guns belonged to the hardest marches of the campaign. From Malabon to Perex dee Marinas. presidential train departed for Aber deen, South Dakota. "I learn on good authority that the Colony. They are light and of old pat tern. We have no details as to cas- PORTLAND DENTAL, PARLORS Top floor Washington Building. Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest. Boer are attacking Mafeklng. They , unities." are reported to have already suffered i repuls.-, It I generally admitted hat Vryburg cannot stand strong Boer attack." T.ADYSMITH REINFORCED. DI'HRAN, Oct. 13.-The First and Second battalions of the- Manchester I rt-Kiuieiii, u.iutri L,it-uicutiiii wiuir-is I'UEE STATE BVRC.HER9 ACTIVE. J Outran and Ridley, have arrived at Cil.FWOE. Oct. 12. Evening. (De- j Ladysmith. layed In transmission.) It Is reported j that the Foers have crossed the border : ANOTHER GOOD SIEZURE. at Ingogn and that the Free State gov- l.ONDON. Oct. 13. Advices from Jo- Cronje's troops number between 9000 and 10,000 men. The position in Naital has not materially changed. HAVE THEIR "AUNTIES" TOO. j Objections In Canada to the Assistance' Offered the Mother Country. TORONTO, Ontario. Oct. 13. A spec-; iul from Ottawa to the Mall says: j The ministerial situation created by the Transvaal Incident has about re-1 solved Itself into this: That If the gov ernment, sends a Canadian contingent, ernmmt has taken possession or tne , ; to South Africa, J. Israel Taite will re other 25,000 ounces of gold. I railway to Van Reenan and seized the, Natal government train. Best work at our Prices, because we have the largest volume of Dental Work in Portland. Hest Crown and BrWue Work, 22 knrat Rolil nur tooth .() Set Tooth, fully Kiiiirntiteed rubber $5.00 Rest (fold Filling tfl.00 up BeHt Alloy Filling 'P Tooth extractod without pain fiOc tip We employ only the most modern methods and guarantee satisfaction. FIRST BLOODSHED. ! i Boers Wreck and Shell a Train, Killing Fifteen British Troops. ! LONDON, Oct. 13. The Evening j News publishes the following dispatch . i from Cape Town: "Armored train has been destroyed j louth of Mftfeklng. Fifteen British: troops killed. Boers shelled the wreck-1 age after the train was destroyed." j An ofllcial dispatch received at the colonial office says: j "Armored train was destroyed neari Kraalpan station while on the way to Mafeklng with guns." This disposes of the fear that many women and children were involved In the disaster. sign. The minister of public works has already made it pratty plain In his I MOVING ON NATAL. J newspaper publications and speeches I LONDON. Oct. 13,-The Boer forces j lnat he yarded the participation of, with artillery, according- to a dispatch Vnada in any one of England's for-, ;u received from Standerton. broke '8" entanglements, as he Is pleased; , c, v.torH.iv mnrntnff ,ern1 th" trouble, as a phase of Im- Delicious Hot and are moving In Natal. the direction of perlalism that Qubec liberals will not CHAMBERLAIN CHEERED. : train on the western border of the - Trunavnnl la ralrMl1fl.t.4l to brinir home Take elevator on V-hlnRtmi strwt. near Fourth, and flBk for the Portland , the realities Pentul Parlors, Top Floor. 1 of war. Attempts are made to liken Phone Oreon, Brown Columbia 5o. I tolerate. Today he spoke out In council to the same effect, and' with the result that another day's delay Is added to the Interest of British Public In Cablnat long period of government Inaction Meeting Vefy Keen. which Is creating discontent at home LONDON, Oct. 13. The cabinet met and disgust In the mother country. In council at noon today. Public Inter-, t, en. CONFESSED THE MURDER, est In decisions was very keen. Sails-; bury and Chamberlain, who are popular n Oregon Wretch Acknowledges His favorltles. -were cheered as they ar- ' Crime, rived. Although the latest phase of the PORTLAND, OrtTw.-S. C. Gillespie, situation In South Africa was consld- w erea tne Pnnu.,u u,., - Junctlon city on the charge of ments were made for the asaemonng or havlng rjbbed and Mrfl Ed, parliament next Tuesoay ana omer nearly 80 years old, at Gold preliminaries. Council adjourned at 2 h Cun.y county hag mftde a eon. 'clook- fesslon. Gillespie says he rompelled her to give up $11.75 and a pension check, and ment that Boers destroyed an armored : sta. nPPartmjnt Dlreots American then because she said she had no more Consuls to Take Care of British money he strangled her and poured Interests. coal oil over the body and set the house WASHINGTON. Oot. 13. State de- on tire. He Is now In Jail at Coqullle partment was today notified of the City. LONDON, Oct. 13.-A dispatch from Paris late this afternoon says the Boers, with twelve guns, are preparing to assault Mafeklng. LONDON, Oct. 13. The announce- LNITED STATES NOTIFIED. Are made with Royal Baking Powder, and are the most appe tizing, healthful and nutritions of foods. Hot biscuit made with im pure and adulterated baking powder are neither appetizing nor wholesome. It all depends upon the bak ing powder. Take every care to have your biscuit made with Royal, which is a pure cream of tartar baking powder, if you would avoid indigestion. . OYAl NO MtW YORK. I