ME MORNING ASTORIAN FRIDAY, SEPTEtfBiCTl 89, 1899 TO AST0RIAN5. The ItAII.V ASTIIIIMN will It found oh wl In I'urlUHit l Ihs w.II-ruuwh tliiM.ry kuUM uf J. r, llauill.y l., VWI WmIiIhiiuh trt. Oxi.ra fr t!?r llalug I. II wit tkl. Uiut will r.l 4ruuit AII.MIiin. AROUND TOWN. TODAY'! W BATH I It I'tHlTLAND, W, I.-Wotrn Oregon; llirreasliif cloudiness (.1)0 iwiuabla rain, oooler, today. Inareaslii cluuilliiri ant probably rmln lu north ern portion, ovular. P. J. Ingalls, of Mulvllls, U In town. A. M. Klain, a mellun man, U In tuwn, H. Jay CuIwdII of Hvattl la lu rla on business. Captain A. L. Peas arrived down yesterday uiurnliif. , Mrs. Captain Lainblvy la Visiting friends across the bay. A. t. J.vnitlt and wife ot Vaneouv r, Wash., are In th oily. It U putcd I luil In (Wlilng aotiovu r Jvsal will put to as today. Mr. A. L. I'mm, ot I'urtland, la vU Itlng hr sister, Mrs, 1. Jordan, lu UUs city. Jtti'k Callahan hut removed to New Astoria b will engag In bust- UCM. W ar headquarter for aohool sup pllna and prices away down. Bhana hen's. Llyd Dlonliurt Itaa rvturtied from Kitappa, wliara he haa boeo visiting rluiida, llev. V. 8. Hbort and family returned yesterday from a wwk'i outing at 8a id. Mia. Oourg C. Flaval and aon r turnrd ymtorday from a short visit In J'urtland, ;j: Capt. Jam Talton and wlfa wr paasenevrs duwu on the train from I'ortlnnd last night. V hava Juat received the larfest Una of golf rapea, collarettes, mackintoshes, at lowest prima. Shanahan's. The fug ram rolling Into the town yesterday hmklng th two legged an nlnml In clothe ihlver a WL What doea the "O. II. F." mean? The Aatorlan only know that It la an ad vertisement Inserted In the paper. You can find over 10.000 tltlea of nov els at Hylatid Itro.' old bookstore.I'oct land. lrip In and get aome4hlng to read. ('. A. Iliwa, of Yaijulna. accompanied by hla wife and aon, la In the city on a vlalt with Mr. and Mr. F. J. Beheld nageU On account of carrying an Immense lot of freight, the steamer Bailey Oat aert did not arrive from Portland until 7:30 last night. Herman Wise offer a free trip to and fmm Aatnria to all who purchase $10 worth of good In hi fine large tore. Ttead hla ad. Herman Wis offer $1.50 to every person who buya a men' ault or over coat from him and 10 per cent oft on II the reat of nt fine stock. Mlaa Mabel Taylor and Mlia Minnie Lighter returned yeaterday from a vlalt with Mlaa Mabel' grand parent, Mr. and Mrs, Turney, at Fla vel. The Columbine with Dr. Picket of the United Plates goodotlc aurvey and Captain Fields and Langfltt on board, la making an Inspecting tour up the river. Tomcod are being caught In targe number on the aand and on the dock fronting th city. Boy are making from 78 cenla to $1.60 a day wiling tbem. Mr. P. Tr Woodford will give two lea on a week In ahorthand at her home, 1M Commercial street. $ a month. All Interested call Tuesday evening, Octo ber i, All our SO cent and 7! cent ahlrt walat to be cloaed out at 15 cent. All our $1.0. $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 shirt walat to be cloaed out at 50 cent. Bhana han's. Quite a large number of recruit were aboard the State last night, on their way to Vanoouver to Join the Thirty-fifth regiment soon to start for Manila. A. H. Rambo, of Wardner, Idaho, one of the members of the Idaho volunteers, Just returned from the Philippines, Is vlalting In this city with the family of W. K. Col. The county twinrd of equalisation ha made khiii correction of asses insula, by lowering two or three and raising a few, but th change have been i'olrimtlv0y unimportant. Itev. and Mr. W. Heymour Bhort have returned from a brief stay at Hvasld. Itev. Bhort' (later, Ml 'Hac Hhort return to her eastern Ikmii next weak. I, W. Harper's Nelson county, Ky,, wxiskey, A gnutleman's whiskey; a whiskey for the aldoboard; a whiskey for the slik room. Bold by Foard A Mloke Company, Astoria, Oruaon. Contractor I'almberg haa cloaed a contract with the Clatsop Mill Com pany for th building of a warehouse. The building will be about 46x140 and wo. k "will be commenced tomorrow morning, In the circuit court yesterday an order wa made confirming th sal In the case of Laura A. Davis vs. I net E. Parker, executrls, et al. A decree In the case of May Wilson v. Mary A. Har vest et al, wa ordered. Th Idaho volunteer were well treat ed as they passed through the state. Portland ladies banqueted them. The Not lb. Dokotaa went through Portland yesterday and the Minnesota, boy will pas through nest week. The pilot schooner Ban Joe haa been laid up fr the winter and I berthed inside th O. IL N. dock. Th pullts er win be kept In aervlce by the pilot but th Ban Joaa will be In readiness to relieve her at any time If found nee- rsaary. Governor Ronsvvott, of New York, haa Issued a proclamation making Fri day and Hatunlay, fl-ptcmhcr 19 and 30, holiday to Ue observed throughout the Kate of New York as day ot gen eral thanksgiving In honor of th re turn (if Admiral (Jorge Dewey to the United Btatea. No order have been Issued for the sailing of the Thirty-fifth regiment. but II is rumored In Vancouver that It will leave Portland Sunday or Mon day If the transport arrive and are made ready In time. The regiment la to get two months' pay before It leaves an important Item to Portland bulne men. The government transport City of Itlo de Janeiro arrived off the river yes terduy. Hhe wa sighted by the lug Wallula at 4 o'clok In the afternoon and Pilot Ounderson was put on board. Captain Howe, of the Wallula. state that the weather was very thick out side and the transport was holding well oft slioie. If the weather I favor able she will arrive In this morning. Th Ilrltlh ship lllytheawood. 147 day from Liverpool, with a cargo of general merchandise, was reported off th river yeaterday. Pilot Matthews wss put on board from the pilot schoon er Wednesday last. A thick fog has prevailed off Ihe coast for th past few daya. Th lllytheawood will probably arrive In today should the weather clear up. Phe I consigned to Balfour, Guthrie A Co, A serious accident I reported yetr- day morning at Smith sawmill at rtanier. by which one of the employe, named John Frederlckson. broke both Icga, beside being otherwise seriously Iniured. Frederlckson was engaged In loading a lumber wagon when the load of lumber on th truck which he was usins- fell on him. He was taken to Portland on the night train and placed In the Good Samaritan hospital. A good, old hymn, with which every one la familiar, tells us to "make all our went and wUhea known." Thl Is good advice In every-day affair. If vou want boarder. If you want room er, If you want hired help, tell th public through the Astorian. Make your wlshea known. In builnes mat ter men who know how to properly us the column of a newspaper have huge advantage over those who don't A larce majority of those who seek recreation at the aea coast ml the prettiest and best weather. Usually he beach la at Us very finest in Sep tember and October, when the crowds are sone. But the beauty of the sea son does not altogether go to wate, for there are. many who enjoy Indian summer by the sounding ea, and every day now people are passing through Astoria to spend a few day at the beach. The "Vanity Fair" burlesque, musi cal, comedy and vaudeville company, which ooens at Fisher' opera house Monday vnlng, goe to Portland Tueaday morning and open at the Marquam Grand In the evening. This how that th company standing 1 flrst-clos. It ! composed of twenty five ladle and gentlemen and Fisher' should it crowded to th door Mon day night. Beat sat open Saturday morning at i o'clock at Urlflln Reed'. WEST BIDE NEWS. A baby daughter gladdened th horn of J. II. liuumgarteu last week, Mr. Clara Parker and Mis Eva Parker spent Monday In Astoria. Mrs. Hiram Gray and daughter were shopping In Astoria Wednesday. Mr. Cyrus Carothera, who has been quite III, I reported, Improving. P. II. Halfarty baa closed hla clam cannery for th season. Miss Munson haa returned from l three weeks visit In the Willamette vat ley and Portland. . Telephone hav recently been placed In all business houses In Warren ton and Bklpanon. W. F. Waidoman and bride, Miss Blanche King, will , be "at home" In Warrenton aftr October 1. ' The Town Hall at Bklpanon has been newly painted and thoroughly reno vated. Rev. Oeorge O. Haley has been as signed to fill the pulpit at Warrenton and Hammond. Mlaa Fay Hill entertained her little friend last Saturday, It being her 11th birthday. (.. Dean and family hav gone to Wistport Wash., where they will re side In the future. Chaa. Newman has opened a dancing school at Warrenton which will be ap preciated by th young people during th winter. H. O. Wood and wife and Mr. Bwen ey have returned from an outing at Klk Creek. While there Mr. Wood ob tained Kima fine views. Mra Henry Harrison gsve a pleasant party SaturJay for her daughter, Miss Myrtle, and friends, It being the eight birthday ot the little miss. Letters received from The Dallea, state that Mrs. S. B. Smith and Grand ma Hill are much Improved since their arrival there. They will remain some time. Mr. Chaa. While and sister. Mis Carrie Townsend, hsve arrived at the home of their parent In Hutchison, Kan. Mrs. White will remain several month and It I hoped Mis Towneend will also roturn to Oregon. Itev. McPheron preached hla farewell ermon to hi congregation In War renton Tuesday evening. HI new par ish will be In Junction City. Mr. Mc pherson Is a great worker In hi church and the result of hla labor In thl vicinity la a new and handsome church, both at Seaside and Hammond. He will be greatly missed by hi many friends who all Join In wishing him every luc res In hi new field at Junction City. THE DISPLAY IS BEAUTIFUL (Continued from Fag One.) HOMK FUND CONTRIBUTIONS. WASHINGTON. Sept. I&.-Amlng to day' contribution to the Dewey home fund were, C. P. Huntington, $3,000 and the Chicago Tribune, $M0. ' Hampshire, headquarter of the naval malltla, where he held a reception. Shortly before noon, General Mvrrltt, romtnaillng th department of the Kost, left Governor' Island to pay his re spects to the admiral. General Merrtlt was ar;oompa(ittd by hi full staff. Dewey met Mnrrltt at th head of th gangway, and after a word or two of gntotlng, the different officer were pre sented. The call lusted shout half an hour, and a the army officer left th flagship a salute of 13 guns ws fired In honor of General Merritt. Preparation were mode at Governor's Island for a return of General Merritt' coll. Ad miral Dewey being expected later In the day. THE LADIES. Th pleaaant affect and perfect safe ly with which ladle may use Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get tbe troe and genuine article, look for th nam of th California Fig lyrop Co., print ed near tbe bottom of the package. For sal by all dru gists. NEW BUSINESS LOCALS Do you want a good meal when you visit Portland? If so, go to the Port bind restaurant, $01 Washington street A good meal with meats rich In flavor and on you wilt enjoy with a relish, I Just what you get at th Creamerle restaurant, $71 Washington street, near Third. Try It when you go to Portland. If you are going up to Portland and mlsa going to the Creamerle Restau rant, Til Washington St, you may con sider that your trip will not be a suc cess, as other will tell you, who do net mis It I Huliuoa' English and Dullness Col lege at No. 414 Yamhill street, Portland, j Is prepared to accommodate a large , number of pupils thl year. Already' the classes are well crowded, a fact. that Indicate the excellent character ot the institution. Why I Watson' restaurant In Port land patronised by thousands of people dally? Simply because It 1 the largest, finest and best equipped eating resort on the Paclfle coast. Watson's restau rant has sixty-right whit employes on its pay roll. Remember the location, 19-11 Fourth street. Smnkcn, read All 15 -cent cigar. 10 cents: El Palencla, 10 cents; El Be lmont 10 cents; General Arthur, 10 rents; Leland Stanford, 10 cents; San chex Y. Hyas, 10 cents; All 6 cent ( tor 25 cents. J. F. Handley k Co.. cut rate cigar and newsdealer. Perkins hotel building, Portland, Or. A Present of 1.60 On every manB Suit or Overcoat if it is bought from ' HERMAN WISE. stfSarrVaS PORTLAND PRICES 1 Suit $15.00 1 roundtrip ticket, 1.00 Other erponses 2,00 Total. 18.00 HERMAN WISE'S PRICES 1 Suit $15.00 Discount off 1.60 Total. .13.50 1aV1MMaVf1WsrAW A Saving in favor of Astoria of $4.50 Besides allowing $1.50 Discount on every man's Suit and Overcoat, Herman Wise will allow 10 per cent reduction on the rest oi his stock for cash. HERMAN WISE, THE RELI ABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER -a.'. & - i OPEN DAY Established E. House's J Cafe, IIS Tsiri simt, Nrllni, reg. Extraordinary Sale Special for Tw,o Days Silks land Dress Goods 85c Taftota Silk for 72c $1.49 Black Crepon 11-00 All other goods in proportion McALLEN & HcDONNELL, 470 Commercial St. THE OLYMP1A SERENADED. NEW TOrtK. 8ept. 2S.-Twelve hun dred strong, th People Choral union, led by Frank Damrosch, paid tribute p song tonight to the see, heroes. They left the dock on the steamer Warwick and serenaded the Olympla, New Tork and Chicago. DEWET FOR PRESIDENT. MRMINQHAM, Ala., Sept. lS.-Ed-Itor Horace White, of the New Tork Evening Post, who Is here, Is of the the opinion that Admiral Dewey would not decline the nomination for pres ident If It were tendered him. He thlnka Iwey and Joe Weeler would be nominated. STOCK EXCHANGE AFFECTED. NEW TORK, Bept. St-On "of the biggest celebration ever held on the stock exchange took place Just before the closing hour this afternoon. The Seventh regiment band marched on the floor playing, and members abandoned business and closed the day In a tumult of enthusiasm over Admiral Dewey. ROOSKVELT'S WELCOME. Distinguished Civilian and Soldiers Pay Their Respect on Board the Flagship. NEW TORK. Sept. SS.-Admlral Dew ey and the officers and men on the Olympla were formally welcomed to the state of New York this afternoon by Governor Rooeevelt and the chief offic ers ot the National Guard of the state who went down the bay on General Greene's yacht, the Wild Duck. Be sides Governor Roosevelt, there were In the welcoming party other men whosa grasp of the admiral's hand were something more than formal. General Greene, who went with the governor, Is a Manila campaigner, s)id for the drat time lnoe the admiral left the harbor of Manila he shook hand with soma of the captain who com manded the vessels In his squadron at Manila, These wort Captains Wilder, of the Boston; Dyer, of the Baltimore; Wood, of tho Concord and Coghlan, of tho Kalelffh. Roosevelt was received with a Balute of 13 guns. He was met at the gangway by Admiral Dowey, who conducted him to hi cabin. When the governor left the Olympla, he was taken to the New The Pernln method of shorthand la being taught by Mr. H. W. Behnk In th Oregonlan building at Portland. The Pernln lyitem Is not only extreme ly legible after being written, but I 1 exceptlonably rapid. It Is said that! student under Mr. Behnke's direction attain success In one-half the time es sential with either Graham, Munson or Pitman methods. This school Is jptm day and night. A tailoring establishment of some pretentions, located on Washington street, Portland, claims to have made 47 suit for dressy Astorian during: th past six months. This statement la de nied by the firm of Povey It Birchall, at ill Washington street, near the Im perial hotel, who are) patronised by tbe great majority of outside customers. Povey tc Birchall make the swell suits for most of the stylish Port landers, and f-el that they are not excelled by any Portland Arm for out of town pat ronage. " v. it 'sKW6W.VsW& Til BaitCupolfoflee or Cocoa In Ihe city. Cream nd Milk (rum ur own rsoch Horn male Pie snd cakej. tnnx THE HARVEST FESTIVAL. "The Harvest Festival" exercises will tw held at the Salvation Army on Sat urday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday evenings next. On Saturday there will b a musical and literary program, and Ice cream and cake will be served dur ing the exercises. An auction sale of gnxls of different descriptions will be held during the evening, and business men or other citlien who desire to donate any little articles to further the cause will please notify the officers In charge, or send them to the barracks at .my time between this and Saturday evening. "The Harvest Festival" Is held yearly for the purpose of raising finances to keep up the social work of the army, and, while no large donations are expected, there ore always grounds for hope that a sufficient num ber of small sums can be realised to make up a substantial sum. Watson's Restaurant WATSOS BROS., Propr s, Conducted on the check Ttam. there fore pairoDB pay lor what Uiey ordsr snd no mor. Wi flita thi Urctit, CkriHit. Hi diktat ifeniri ii Ut Itrtkwnt. 10 and 111 Fourth St.' Opsata.m. tosp-m. PORTLAND fia)7 YAHHILLST. PUR. X V"u Lr SF .'! r BTT isr.a2Nd BREEDS. RALSTON HEALTH CLUB ClwiliTti H. The Portland Roataurotit e. i. riTTEUir, Proprieb r. rriTitt Isoii lirlsiin. SOS Waahlng toa SI , near Ma OREQON COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY Cor. Second and Morrison its., PORTLAND, OR. The regular annual session begins October I, 1399. Last day for entrance Is October 11. The course of Instruc tion In this college is In advance, or rather more extended, than are the requirements of the National Associa tion of Dental College facilities. For catalogues and further particulars, ap oly at the college bulldinv," or to DR. HERBERT C. MILLER, Dean, 809 Oregonlan Building. DR. B. B. WRIGHT, Secretary, SOS Dekum Building. Smokers, Read All ISC Cigars.... El Palsncla Kt Belmont..... Oen'l Arthur........... Leland BUnford Banohes Y. Hyas. AH 60 Cigars...... .........10e ..-..l0o lOc -.100 M..10C loe ...tor5c J. F. Handley & Co., Cut rate cigar and news dealer. Perkins Hotel DUUQing, rorxiana, urc. R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St., corner Fifth Opposite Ilotol Perkins Ladies Hair Dresring a Specialty Ladies entrance to batb on Fifth street PORTLAND, OREGON. Breakfast Food Select Bran ". . . Barley Food I Yeast, Cocoa Acme Gluten Farina, Acme Wheat Flakes and Standard Boiled Oats A. V. ALLEN'S qnmnruuuu n vrununAnnnjiisuvuwnjwirww PORTLAND PORTLAND, OR. i no vniy r su'viobb iiuibi in runianH h ouunnnnnwn awxnnswiiAAnnvinnnjwuvinnn ;?: Hr l ...The Esmond Hotel... PORTLAND, ORE. i FRONT AND MORRISON STS. mropesa plan, ooo w i,oo pr aar- usbun nnucniun, """i" w Amrtcaaplan,W.00to.04i)rday. J, C. PENDKG AST. Chief Clsrk. r P. fl. Sharpie's Cream Separators Latest and Beat. FISHER BROS. General Supply House for Family Groceries Builders' Heavy and Shelf Hardware, Ship Chandlery.Ete. CHAS. HEILBORN &S0N IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In all sizes and styles. We shall continue to sell Iron and Brass Bedsteads at the same Low Prices regardless of the rnise in the price of iron and brass