THE MOUSING ISTORUX VUVk M0KM50. SEP1KMBKU t, im Pally otodaiu JOH.X T. LICETEX. E- Trxplwa iUi C TXRJC3 Of C3aCElP7lOX OAO.T. Cm Irt Mr Tr . M! T a -: -7-atom fey cam, r Btu by u. par evae B." po:4i tra 'aj omniirnin-wrj fefeaaW far e cauoa M wrtB t th &v. Budmi cwiukattcs af a Had u4 mmttaaat aaat W aAiraaw I Th Asterse," Tb iiiu puwiM i t-- a tern UM .Aivaat OJiaiHI C Hnr aiatesbaa M lb O.aott BTr. AovrU nw aa a M ai. i oattaa to U aaacr. : , . . . . . . ' It baa bea lucr-sted that th toea MMtlx tarJac a JUn iay aot ba etaa after all, but corr boaodarr Irm iSow'.r.f ttax tb tnarta bar ; ,T - oaral ?haftr alo mak It arrt cp.-B aa amioao (tfiaxa of j , aw th tmltory oa oar autr pUAri, la a fcc I Art. baa rrrrytlut, V a .ay. j ! b waa ot o tb Wbetiwr th- Wra Utii Uk tbvry jfnra- a b haj oo boaiM that (h p-"V' of Vara bk to a ; tbr aa4 VMiid bare bora of no tt hljfvrr or tor or3r of civiiiaaUoe ; thre. fhaa the oa tarta ta. at court, a aat tT of OJdaioO, baard IliiuO Ixj-T jai tntcnata aod ecvlroccstat. Teater- (Uy'f OTtgaDML Tht CTrfijclaa ia wrotf. Tb Unti oo the anrfac of Van a. th r?3c- !ff"l!j aa4 frlvolooa. They bare roa4 tloa from thta rartb of tie division of ) bo iaiprraw spoc tateUifrat Atnert N'jrthtrm trrriv-ry ifrpl oa a'J j f ana. Th chap mi4aclty of to aa af.portioned iromd amotf the ratc- I satir.Bal pra cacaot oican th l.-n-lrj of the raiiro4 cocabiaati-ia. Put j portast farta vrblcb maie that ram la thij way, tb aiyt-ry r th p'.asn j lfi notable in the ibuj of warfar. Man bot&n b-A oaiy crr ta: ar:iy j ac i tb part whkh Oecfral Fhiftrr am) aatiifac-oriry Kiaii-. but tb j t'k W it !:! b aafe wl:h the Impartial Ores obUb i Oirt ai to th d-tre of j h Jt ortia. Clt'tlaaUoa f iitn' Ir.hAbitar.ti if biftij to a rrr pr flub: ir.'juiry Into tb aajsity of tb? anf rtuiat pr-Ouct-n and othr iirHjri to tb Co- iurubiaa baaia abo taaly aubtsit to oo of th nviH liV-tal aol lr.; eofnblnatloai in nrftniiA of tra that eiUta In Amrl a. Hen i an aatro Dooiicai and aotri-'itocica! obarraii'j hith tb Or- tti can pjnj at l'n rang ihaa th pianrtarr tJ-ltn.- Vice-Comol Kanauer. f"rt, baa trnrcittH to fr'.an Frack U atate df part.-nent extract tramiated from re cent report of German charnUn of comroerce, which are tbe arrpd aa of teml-offlcial character. Tb Prank fort chamber, la It r?pjrt, aaya that the cultivation of the trading fteid in the L'niled 8iaLa baa become tb grrateat of IbMr cmmLr anxit!. Tb Laiiit P-.a'."i lc-frj up aa the greateat prlucer of brirarUtuffi, and a factor of g'.jinuc dTeiupajat la metal production. It boldly taJo-a up the gauntlet of competition ia the Inter national irr.a. The Liiiry tari.'f haa aSMed i',-rmr. Jo-.poru liiunltiu'r. The lreden cbaraber aaya that the cvoipeiitloa of the I'aited Btatea, es pecially hi flnlahed Induotrlal prorJorta, atanda oat in told reliet Tb United State !; ivwer prk, tbough pay ing higher aages thao ita Europe rival. 'The opinion la prevalent that our export to the t'tiited State will aome day craae aiugether." Tb Hutu chan.ljer, ;Jiing iA lr-n aad Iteel maouft.turinij in i'.heniah Prua l, y that the ttralned condltlofi thaf no rxit ia thi branch are due to the c-jmpetitio-n of the L'nited Futea. The American have t-ly taken p.1-v-nni' n of the rr.arfctU in China, apan and Autra!ia hitnerto, mainly aupplM by Oerrriit.y. Ttie rVilr.uen chamber tuyt the cu!i-ry Induirtry of Hhenlfh Pruaaia ca.ncrt thrive owing , to the cloalng of the Arr.erVu.n market .i. i.. .. A.... now sappie.j o now: m'ja .ei.. .1 - I .-.i- CEN. BTIAPTER AND HIS TKLLOW CP.ITICB. In an ktwt SvA Vr-tr, diepav.b pub llnhed oin 4ay .igo by tb: Antortan frfireat wa m4e to a Mter of thanks sent ty rwiTri Khft-r to a t.'Iil'ago 'inifyman -ho df'-nded the gee-rat fro-n :he amaLijItn of th yellow jouma'.a that art atteruptlng to Utirlvi; bin, of th trt'Lt of the Ban tlago campaign. It wa the first time Bliafter bi'l n.vl aryy i'-iiiy to the ma licious tat-Hi-rit clrvulaled about blm, and In cor,jim tus: hi attracted rnuh attention on the part of r' Hpect able papi-ra throughout the country. Tb l-tt-r wa evlder.tly written wlih out Intention or ezptatl'n that It would be publlaiM and toe full Uxt l.a nol et f.,uivl ii way n the Chicago paper. It i vl4..nt however, fwaa rach "! as bar twa t" at, tfcat tit. tMtr nut tw e.vavr or Sure Jttatf 1 la fan aad will . go to tuk vp aa tsifvatAat part tV tra fr:or of :A S,-ieat!-ArBrVaa war. A.'Tflof h coach! la th phraatoaogy of a aoiJir. th Chicago Hau-Ira4 ar GtrJ Shaftrr Incorporate) la k i letter Kxae facta f r hi aartaaoav er critic to poadr crrr. Frora th extract pb;ishd ia tb Jitr'.J it ap- i wart that c a. atustioa to tb fact that tb opdiU.ti to Ainu ago w th oo,'y oe that rrer went frort a tttpra: soe to any of tlx j taCaa It of ta Caxlbb era which u tot aa abaoisl faiiart. with lb single rn-t?ioa af tb En" tub rr?-l!t!on to Mtrksa. la It la which tb EngKah Krt Br their nlir army, bat uc- rco4 la taking tb cHy. It moat aiaa b rrwaeecbered tkat tt ni tb aarall aaoi o ta yar ia Cab. Ia flfteew iy fr-sra ti Cm of lacding the. pa th army of 24.MB mm wr coerip!ld ta uxrBdr to oov amr of Ira thaa T.y tr.a aa4 the city of 8aatU-o aa ' taka. DorU that campaign." aayi Omrral aaftvr, ntrrr waa not for mn&t mtaa'.t a 4oTra worth of th -rotrty of Ui rnitd 8ut. Bar th a Amrtra aoldl. rtthr it! r xE. la th haeJa of th ra- Eut tb caspaifa of SaaUaxa Dd so Jfr&f. Tb f !b aad cartoon f tb yBow prea co6rmiCf ?haftr'i clrt of tb tainpaifa are for tb I olira hart aitc-i cstluucau aedto laiicl epea tbt-ae ll s3t! of pawftj and bomiiie u.-t tart. M-n accurgrd thets telTe with wb:t r.4 h'A bob, and rabbeti . ianrar ia to tse woaad and tt hur Ci'U: cctt to their i rn OiTurd o-;ht ri owftar aura creel t"- aaacei SV-rLbto only ta a rUicrest and slot aertous manner thaa cf old- TVy c-r lect their health. aad atgleeted bealrk BMaas Bra- teal torture of the nil deieRtxioo- It mean alow surra- tJoa. Beca-ae a aa force food into a weak aad m paired (smack, it doea not foCow rhat be fcttii Bt body. The lifc gjriog eletaedf of the food Uiea into aa traparred nuraacb are not ammiiarted into Uc VinmA. iawtead, the Hapanriea of the Utruli lieei asd bovei arc take ap aad earned to aU pJV of the body. The coa aeqtwacc i that the WJy U not on!r Mrwd bat noawn. Tb Iwjraediar re ta;t t pbyMcal aaSrrisg fro-a whtth tkc old tiiac miUA wooM have draw back in bormr. Tbe' tral renlt i diee and deara. Dr. Pieree t Colda Medical Dia-r-reery k a adeoUBC remedy that acta ac tording to astartl law. It it sot a rwleat par to aarar or a Bier arriaoal arrprtiver. Itreatty, brly aad paiaaem!y. pro ax th aatoral jwocea i aetretjoa and exeretioo. It create appettt. aukr the ai-sfluoa of the food perfect, irrvig orate ta fewer and varif aad cariche the alood. tt baill araa, wiaaralar fteao. It care aenroa exbaartwo, debtl it. ip)Mci aad all th nli that fo&ftw a tkor ttawa, .Powad at air-awd-cuMatorea Acorpt a awkatUaU that auy Urepwnteda jJaowi-.',- r; . -1 nanBd Or. Plene't Gold- r. L-corery tmi fm-ut. re.O-' .a . tn ill I It waa Hinw ma ary irnM M. C CrU-r. Urn, ., tt Meaarf. HaSm Oi If. f dawi (tinmie. uw a.iiy pkyairtta 4m aeWag -w-l. - J V-ta OT yar pUdi-l tadkal Dfaeoerry aa ud caa wrk all Ay. aad y-htl yoar ' feUa Th average woman get about half her pleaaur la llf out of "mlaunder tJidJng', with pelo h Ukea- , TJKIVERfllTT OF OREGON. Tultioo' F"r--rirX ' term bagto rV-pte nOtr U, ISA Baotllent courae la tnutu aad madera laatruage. ctoc, uacbe-taUc, u Graduate from tb tenth rad and from all accreoileo J. vtrhout .aamlnatlon. TlV.r In tru KUIMU dtV hb SthOOl. . v,),- tnformaulOB viM-m ta r-raaiiaBi. or Hot i. i. WaU ton, Becr.-tv7, Eugene, Or. A well dressed woman look a If her clothes wr made l her,. but a well druaed man lo"k aa if he were made for hi clothe. ' - tV REWARD, UOO. ' Tfie reader of thl paper wfll b pleased to learn that ther it at leaat on dreaded dlaeaao that acienc baj ben able to cure In ail it tage and that I Catarrh. Hall' CaUrrh Cure la tha ml nncitlva cur now know- to tb medical fraternity. . Catarrh be ing a constitutional dlaea, require .. hi, , treatment. Hall Ca tarrh Cure is Uken Internally, acting directly Upon the Piooa ana mut.u. urfas of th system, thereby deuroy i.. .h. riinridtion of th disease, and giving tb patient strength by building up th consutuiion " - i. A,.inr ita work. The proprle- tr bar so much faith In It. curative powers, that they offer One Hun dred n,,liKra for any caa that It falls to cure. Bend for list otesorimi" laa... V 1 CHEN ET CO., Toledo, Ohio. Bold by Druggists, 75c Hall' Family Pill r U bt. -trw f -i 1 ate T J X ACTS GErmY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and' Bowels ruANSESTHE YSTEM VV rrrr-Tlll IV 1 UAU- .----t prVMlNFNTlY PCTMANtNTlt ' 1 IvIAL ftvy rwt itHUiHl -ataHT o fcy lvRNUTGSwe rc a-vi: naaauaiMX BISinESS POINTERS. Jetra la Want cooka. "lb oory" rearaaraat B Uhmo CKaX RlaLng laa rwatao. raat, Ci Cmatrdai tKrL Our Ic oraaa 1 warraatoi to a aiad of pur cream. Tb Parlor, ftext to Joha Haaa'a. Breat and beat rseal at Drnver IC-tch-a oa Ninth r.rt- S casta. WTU cook. Try It Bwt Ca-atomi wis a est pr gal. ka Alx Oiioeet. o geot for Aa torla. Taiepboa O. Creva Pur Ry. Araenca' flnett wluakry- Tb only par g-toAg, guaraa. wed rich aad nU. Jooa L. Carlaoa, aol agat. Keiley matter wagoa dellvrr bo wood to any part of th city oo anon A, rden keft at ZapT furai- i tur ator. OO CoounerciaJ u wtil r. eeir, prxnpt attantioa. Tepfaooa HU. V i itemeiy and also om teaUmonlal VThin a woTian aayi "I alii be ready atatlng how aome wonderful cure bd in a minute" a man know that he haa n wrought by thla remedy. I deeld . , . . ed to try It. After taking a few door plenty of tlm. to get a .have and V fVa entirely well of that troubl. and haircut and then have to a ait fur her.' j wln (0 My further to my readera I and fellow ufferr that I am a bale Go to th Columbia Eloctrla A fU- j an(j heart r rnaa today aad feel a well pair Company for all Bid of new a I ever did lo my Ufe.-O. B- Moor, and repair work, from a cambric j 8ol1 bT Chariea Roger. teedle to a bicycle, boiler or acglh. Quick work and aatlafaetlon guaran teed. Logglog mac hi nary of all kind a specialty. 8 bop appoalt Rosa, Hlg gin Co. i .. - . ! Af thii aean parenu b-gln to f-el j bow pultively they are aa j compAred with that wonderful aggre- gatloli of "knowledge "the teach-r." Kodol Dyapepila Cure 1 a scientific j compound having tb endoraeroeot of I eminent physician and the medical ' prea. It "digest what you eat aad positively cures dyspepsia. M. A-Ket-ron, r.loorjniogJale, Ton., aay it cured blm of Indigestion of tn year', Und Ing. f Cbaa., Hog!. , Kom' women whose throat wr never anything but rraa'ny delight to lay Ike Mam on th fashionable high collar. Por'w'ounds, burn,' scald. Kirea, skin disease and alt Irritating erup tions, nothing so soothing and heating aa PeWltt's Witch Hazel Barve. Mr. Emma ' Bolle, Matron Englewood Nursery, Chlcig", says of It: "When all else fall In healing our bable. It win cure." Cha. 'Bogen. The Joy of finding a pwk-tbook In marred by the struggle we have with our conscience about alVertllng It. Chester H. Brown, Kalamaaoo, Mich., says: ."Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cured me of a severe case of Indiges tion: can strongly recommend It to all dyspeptics." Digests what you at without aid from the atomacn, ana cures dytppla. Cha. Roger We are always surpri-d when some one upon whom we haven't the slight est claim lot us a kindness. For many year science haa tudled liquor. Result the whole world uses whiskey. It has proven tb best slim, olant and does not Injure nerve and tissue like coca wine and other drug ged compounds. And Harper Whlakey 1 the Ideal whlnkey. Bold by Foard & Stoke Co., Astoria Oregon. How can persons have a singular air, the noun being distinctly plural, There' always hope while there's One Minute Cough Cure. "An attack of pneumonia left my lungs In bad shape and I wa near the first stages of consumption. One Minute Cough Cure completely cured me." Writes H"ln McHenry, Blnmarck, N. D. Gives Instant relief. Cha. Itoger Lor ofta baa to b at Bnt aifbt, or It u!d nrrrr b aftcraard. Th roncwrt ball opn4 by CharU Wk at No. t3 Aator atr!, U th ooa and only popular rvaurt of Ita kind la that vicinity. Mr. Wlaa la doing aoro th!n aw amonc eoacvrt baila. Ha la n t only arlllnf a claaa of para liquor, but la airing hla plaea a tnanaf tmtot ahUb lrjara faUaiao!y AlUoUoa and trralmtat to bla pairona. Tb j .imn u aatunru mm in rm p!lmnia her mirror p) b-r uula thty ar ritrtod by tm man E. E. Tumr. Compton, Mo., tti eur d ot pl! by iwntt't Witch Hail galvr after atitfertnf rrota yrart and trjtr f or twenty remedtra, Ifhyaiclana and aurfona ndora IL II war of dan(roaa counterNlta. 'Chaa. Rofra. W alaa bar a anraklng fondm-a fur th prrn h laugh aa thouch b tvally ajiprwlatrd our )k -, "Thy ar airnpty perfect." wrltr Rob'L Mour. of Larayctt. Ind., of IveWltti Uttl Early Klaera. th "famou Ut'.l pllla for oonatipatloa and all Uvcr allmnt. Nver grip. Chaa. Roger. TV (V, I - J Mn.lariln la a nurikBt' h In at i . h " rfm f ! ffa I ik rikfrNr annt hrrr r TvWItfi XJtll Early RIaen perma- I neatly cur chronic contlpailn. bll loaaneaa. avrrouan and worn-out I feeling: clean aad regnlata th ca- jtlr ayitem- 8mall. pleaaant. arr : grip or alckea "faoioua little pllia." 1 Chaa. Roger. Mttny a perio find after a tat auon i hat work ta lb only real real after IL "I'est on th market for cough and colli an! all bronchial trouble; tor croup It ha no equal," write Henry TL Wbltford. South Canaan. Conn., of Cm Minute Cough Cur. Cbaa. KL-grra. Wh'n man ba a plec of bad luvk there la alaay frocne wurnan aruund to ay It la a Judtment. A WONDERFL'L CURE OP DIARRHOEA. i. - - A PROMINENT VIRGINIA EDITOR Hal Aloioat Given Up. but Wa I!njuht Hack to Perfect Health by Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. READ HIS EDITORIAL. FYom Ih Tim. Hll!tlll. Va. I unerel with diarrhoea tur a long time and thought I wa paat being eur- ed. I bad pent rouea time and money and luffered ao much mUery that I -P ; nollc,n. tb advertisement of Cham. , c0nc, cholera and Diarrhoea rppaiie aiwajf ailraot, That la ' ahy a pur man mmmk a rich airl in ' marriage. ' ' 1 A WORD TO MOTHERS. '-.(other 'if children Affected with croup or ,,'ver cold need not heal- lat to 'admlhlatef Chamberlains CougB Remedy, tl contain no opIaU n ' narcotic Id ant1 fofm'' anil may given ai confl4ehny 'ti a babe aa to an liilt. The great lUCcei that ba ,t'te'h'Jd ' It as In the' treatment of kold anil 'croup ha won for 1t th ap proval and praleIth- received throughout the United (?Utea and In many foreign land. For sal by Chaa. Roger. -' " The world isn't near aa pleasant now to live In a It wa In ancient time. In tho day tb woman used to have to kneel down and pray to tbelr husband every morning. . , TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab let. All druggist refund the immy If It fall to cur. E. W. Oror' 1g nature Is on each box. 26c. A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people ar contemplating tri whether on businea or plsur. th naturally want th best serrlc ob talnabl so far a speed, comfort a safety Is concerned. Employ of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL' LINEL sr. uald to serv tha publlo and our Iraln are operated so as to max cloa ea neetlons with diverging Hoe t ' luncvtlon oointa. Pullman Palace Bleeping and Chair Car on through train. Dining Car service unexcelled. Mrai. served a la cart. In order to obtain this Bst elass rvlr. ak tha ticket agent to sell you s tl k . over ...... TheWisconsin Central Lines. and you will make direct connection a Bt. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee SO' all point east For any further Information call on ticket airent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND. Gen. Paa. Agnt, or JAB A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis Genernl Agnt- Stark St.. rortiand Or. HF.PraelTransferCo. DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Coada aaipo ta Our Car WU1 lUroIra apMUl At aaa, Ma. m Duaa $U Aauna, Or. w. j. ceos. ua aa Tat. Ill Utum miiirii'i'iMi" A familiar aan for U Cblr MU waakao Ik. Pul Railway, kaoww all 0r th L'noo aa (b Onw Rai.way ruaolnc tb "Pvk Ltm:rd train vary day and c f 61 btwt Si. raid and CaloacA and Osar and CUoaa, i -fb only prt- train la th world." tjndarotaad: CoRMrtioo ar aiad with j all Traaauai:ntita! Lmm. imiwn at Baiinn th tm: rrK cnwa. Lua ' vrtoo :otrta lirt:. iani bt. of a rrita xiuid br b other tm thai your I !- reaitt via 'Th Mlinukn" wnn rln to any P! la tb I'nitvd or CanaJ. A.. tkt uU aaU taaca. rot ra. parophla. or xtwr af rna Uoa ulilnM. i. W. CAJKT. C 1 EDDT. -( JTra. r. At- 0era. oi, Pjrliaod. Ur. , . 4i)rilaB4. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. r-r PORTtAJfD Arrlru H iL"m.Portland Caion Dpo(. ll U ' C m. ttr Aaiorla ard lour. I w f at jali aolata I "J- ASTORIA. f t a. aviror" Por'kuid an.f "laTll M am. g p tnedr polat. lin.av EAffTD orvrsios p m 'a wi I : 01. p BV ...Attorta.... Ar ..Warroton...Ar) I ir I I .. a-a-ldf.. . l,r 111 IK l1nL i ii II S4 Ar 15 IJU U ' I ax l wAr BPECIAX. SEASIDE BCN'DAT TRATX Ler Axorla at I M a. m : arnra at Seaald I a. m. Paaaengen mar return oa any train taown oa K-h-Ju: oa am da:a AIX TRAIN'S to aad from Braid nia to Ftv! aad Nw Ajrurl via Warrto toa. AU traiet tik cloa ponMctloat at Oobl whh all Northern Pacific train to and frm ;b at or Bouad potnn i At Portland wim all Ira n leaving . I'nioa depot. ; At Aatoria with I RAN Co beat ; tml Urm t0 tni tnm i mteo ard j,-or,B !,: poin-.a THROCGH TICKETS on : at A- ' W SacramentJ. n Fran, a-o, all Ea-iera o.l Eurap-an polau. ; City ticket o(Bc Aatoru. Ui Comowr. naf ,-. " " J C WATO. .Oa I Tf aaav Pa Ageat. M,H.Hyf Irxt tiny Cspiulta V auptiwi to bUIum ot toptiba-i Cubab or lnicUri no,vJ CURE IN 48 HOURSPyi th tarr d tea! with- I Out inCOninC. S all rnfi'ti The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPAEDIA BR1TANNICA Questions arcconstantly comingup every day inliteratureartarvj science which you vvihiyou knew1, birtr you don't. ake up your imiru uiai you are not going to Fbe cauuht this wayveryoftea; ;' Whenever k new subject is brought to your attention dig in to it and learn all you can about it, i The Encyclopaedia Brita mica kthe reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It -has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not mis the; opportunity, pi , securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash ind tb balance In small 'monthly payments. The rntlre Thirty (30) Volume with Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Cae will be deliv ered when the first payment Is made. Th Com plat Set (Thirty Lsrg 0tv Volum5)i No. . Nr S'yla bvkrim U'Ah. Martiled Ii4lf.a, I'ra Qujluy lli(li Machine Hn lih Book ftpr. 41 " fir ti (jya.Mil. Ona Oollar 'i i an! Threa , lnut I s'' If I month tin rjillrr. No. a. Hl( M-,f'Xto, Mrbll f lif, Rlra Ouaiii Hich Mailmif llnlth Hook Pif , $0m. ' Flrt rrir."it, T wi IiHart Him) and Four LMUra U"-) t"l i'i'h tlitraatW. Ke. i. bup, ln OM, MurUM VyM, (nit ( jmlUy Hili Mat Inn imbli book I'lr( I fiwnt, Tlirw Dolliri (Ji ,) and I ! h 'f 5 r' """I'h lira(tr. A itf't'i" i'i V" l'nt4 hy fylnir'ati wiUilo p i'i aim uurtcaljil lA Uia w"". For Hl- by 'Jrllfln L Reed. h tt THE PROOF i of rla paaUtn la t W and tb ar4 af ia.wu IS IN SAMPLING Thai' a argtaoMat that's diaaire-a Bam wiawrarjaav Our will at aad la taxst. HUGHES & CO. 1 ' Light )ur ' boua ' aad placw of bulBa) with Incandescent ' Vapor Gas Lamps lw-caaai powr at a ot of la for thr hur. Miller & Biroaberr., Agents ihtrwf AtoTkv' - ai-a. i .aa saw ar 1 Dyspepsia Curo. Digests what you eat. IttrtlfleUllj dlire-u th food ut. alda Katur to ilreDgthenlnf and rcooo iirtctiBiribw vtbaasted digest It or pni ItUthUtetd!C0TrldlrV ut ana tonic. No ot her preptvraUoe ro approach It in efficiency. Il !n ttotfr relltrraad per mtvnty eore rTipep!a, ndi.'rt!on, Ueartburo, Flatulence, Sour Stoitich. Nuea, Slrk !Ied'he,(,rtr'g1,Crrnp,aM aJl oUr ratiiiuof irnnrrrect diseatioa Prr bt E. C Ditt c. Cb rjICOfl for Bala by CHAILLI KOOBM NERVITA PILLS Inter Vlutlljr UtVl(f tad Mssboa. Cure Imnotrncy.NIf'btKmlaslontand WKtlnff dlncaac. all effect of self- abuse, or exec and Indis cretion. A taone tonlo said blood builder. Urine the ljwr restore the fire of youth. r -ny man ouc per dox, ooxc for $2J0; Hitti a written fiiaron- ttio to euro (tr relundi lue uuney. Send for clrtullr. AJJreas, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackaon 8ts CHICACO, IU. For Sal by Cbarla Itoavr. DruMtat. Aator'a. Orrgon. MOUNT ANGEL COLLEGE ('.(inducted hy the ncncdlctluc I'ulhcr. ....High-Crade College for Boys and Young Men.... . t -... 1 . . '. - .1 , Healthful and attractive location (M mtlr fro-a on Ih Boulh.rn Pa-dflo Sprlngtleld brarx)). Coroptt and iborough pranaratory, llt.rary, oin'jnc. classical. orml, oommeroi al eoura. BPBCt AL C0U1UE8 la mafioTiaittw. Bunreying. Drawl, Cl r Bervb . rroncft. 0rman. BpanlaB kalian, trhorthand. Typrwrrtlng, Tlgraphy, Mualc. Aradetnlo DT and Ta-hr' Sts: Ortlnat and Piptorp. Oof.frJd. Bend for catalogiw. AODR&M The President Mount Angel College, Alt. Angel, Oreg KOPP'S best 111 , Bl ' - f 1l .1l "a l.'.Hi .u dsi. bT :byH Tb North PaciHo IWwery, of which rtr Joho Kopiji u) projirielor, Bks brf fc.dllralandJportUa4e..,. ' .. W. F. S6HEIBE;riQHK ll Jin. af Plpaa, T -, aniuaiara' Artlcia. - - - - ' tt Cottiniarclal . - f ' 1 J-i- j m Seventh and SHASTA MIXEKAlT WATEK, VEfl'EK, NOBLE, ' " 1 ,; HICKOKY AXD SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL' OTHEK LIQUORS, WINES, UEEK ANIX CIGAKS Served Day nnd Nlaht. iUGUST-KRATZ, Manoger MANHOOD RESTORED f linn of a faniuu. French rjhv.l.'lnii. will n..i,.i.lw Vuua or flUU'KAfa rmai arrrR an iiieiiiirriirn.iimimtnr'r. t'Ii;tirlwuuwaUiiUvri UK aruna marun k.nvailll IhollrlliarvuriralilnlallluiiiurlUu rrpm?RS atranathanaanU lanU.mtHmall w.ak nnruim. Tha r.aaon i)fTr.rr. ar nut currrt br Jinrinra In bM-xur nlnaty par rani ar ttouhloit with. . roiallt1a. rlll'IliKKKIl th. miiknuwn rrmiy torurawMluiut an Mwrillluil. Muxitimlmfinl.' " all. A written siiarantr-aelTaBari'l nmnry ruinriivil if an Iku.h dra not auwil a Miruuu.('Uiou(a i40aboi,a!x fiir tuu. hy mail. Hnainr VhaaL-lrculiiraixl ifiiiluionlala. KMrewDAVOL CO., P.O. Iloi79,Han Frauctaroral. For Unit by CIIARU ROOKR8. 4U Conaisrclal Bt. Thos who har dly4 buying. Hummer I'oolwonp ar fortunata! Tky an MYt Bt tut a third on th usual eot of high grad shoe Ws ar closing out all of uf summer tan how at a great wluoUoa. W hv lhm f mn, womaa aad children, which should bring vryon to tb stor. ,Thf Bt itfW goods which bav ovrtayd thttr tlm. Consider the flgtir. Petersen & Brown. J. A. Fastabend Gene ml Contractor nnd Hullder HotiwvinovinK Tool fur Rent. Andrew Lake 511COMMRHCIAL, HTi ...Merchant Tailor... I'crfcct Pit CiDaraatccd. Low I'rKcs. Repairing aad Cleaning Neatly Don. L LB BECK Carpenter nnd Hullctcr Cioncrnl Contrnvior MOUSH KAI5lN(l AM) MOVINd A SI'I'CIALTV A Delicious and Patfitable Drink Absolutely Pure - :J Bottled oeet for family use, or keg J Beer PPplif4 )7.,'m 4"Tr 1 4 font frt.... r l..,'V v"..-' of labia "La Belle Astoria" Clear Schflbe'a Opera Star ' ' Scnelbe'i Special r. j . Aait Qrie rtrmt 1 Astor Street 1 ,..i- "CUPIDENK" Thin Croat Vra.tatila IVlL.lluir.thMnr.uu-rliw LOUVRE ucinoi pnyu inii,wiii quickly our. mi or all rn-r. tit til. ai'lii-rutiv. firimn.. .iif-h m. f.1.1,Ui.l. r Inanmirla.rniiialnUiallurkfeininal KrnUakirv Nurviui, tn-tillity. y l-implen, I'ulliriina l Marry, KiliaiinUiia; Iimlna, Vartrnri'la and . , t .iiiniiiunn. 1 1 auii'K an umai'ii ny nay ut niiiiit. ri wmiin jiiii-a-v Ba orili iiiinr, Wlilch II iiutrhrnitrri Irnirlii Ut Hpafmiilorrliiini and