uwtm VOL L ASTOKIA, OKEGON. THUBNIUY HORN I NO. 8KPTEMBKU 7. J8!l! NO. 87 v MEN'S CLOTHING Our new line, Croua ft Brandtgtt'i make, hat Wn wlected not onlf with ili to th. durability of th. ttylt and pattern but alio on Moount uptrlor wearing qualltlt. of PHIL STOKES. fiONT CONDEHN 0fc Ec IJPSE ...Hardware Co. - i GRIFFIN Pacific Sheet MANUFACTURERS OF ...CANS... Salmon VeetaUe Fruit Lithographing on San Francisco. Cal. Astoria, Ore. . . i i Wrlta Vm for Prlaaa Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices .... ' RALSTON HEALTH P0UDS In great varlcti good things. . . , ROSS, HIGGINS & CO (leui Zealand pre Insaf aoee Go Of New Zealand. W. P. Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDERS. Subscribed Capital . .. $5,000,000 Paid-Up Capital 1,000,000 Assets 2,545,114 Assets in United States 300,000 Surplus to Policy Holders 1,718,792 Has been Underwriting on the Pacifio Coast over Twenty-two yearc. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agents, Astoria, Oregon MEN'S SHOES Our fall and Wlnttr itoeka of tht vary beat mak.t and vtry latest ityln hav bn received and for low prion and .io.ll.nt valuta cannot b equaled Cora, ft 12lh Streets, All stool ranges becaui you unfortunately bought a cheap one. Buy a ; t. "SUP-BRIOR" Tlicy arc warranted in wry twticular,' ,by a firm C2 years in the huHintm . . . . . . -BOB BOND STREET 1 Books... Blank and Miscellaneous, Paper... New CraDe and i " ; Type-Writing ! Waterman Fountain Pens acterlae as M. Labori'a "trick." He , Box Dcorat1 Paper!" ,nn bn w,ln n ""n and EnvelODoa-MOO A ,nv0,, ""r""lnn of ,n 0'rm,n ' and Ttallan snverelima and w4ed . appenrance of Ct-rnuvhl as his opnor- " .Hlla 4ul.lMa ,k- IIia .mla.lA. nt S REED Metal Works spice anl ' Syrop Tin a Specialty. Fairbaven, Wash. ( -frtsh from the mills, : . ' ' s AROMATIC SPICES guaranteed the finest; TILLMAXN'S kKE EXTRACTS, j CHASE SAXHORN'S COfTEES are un rlvollcd. Together with a host of other IT DEPENDS ON WILLIAM Dreyfus' Salvation Entirely In Hands of Emperor. j CHICAGO, Sept. 1-A apeclal to the mmm , Time-Herald from Washington, aayt: j At a reward for hit service In con- SCHWARTZOPPEN S EVIDENCE nectlun wltb the Santiago campaign, . Prealdent McKlnley propose to con i , , tlnue Major General Shatter In com Documiiti li III Posieuloa Will , Save tne Accost i -Trioivail . . War Rioft li Balance REN K EH, Brpt. t-Tbe salvation of feneral of the regular army. General Captain Dreyfu bang on a word from- MacArthur. who boldt the rank of lieu Emperor William. This It tht general Bn eoloiiel In the regular army, la ormion here tonight J the Kisr content! to allow Colonel B hwarjkop- I pen, the O-rman military attach at ; Parti In 154, to tettify befort the court ; martial, or to tend a deposition, or, what It romldered atlll more advlaable, , to allow a deposition to be accompan ied by actual document mendonod In the bordereau, then Iireyfua la aaved. If the emperor however. dclrtea that It It not In the Intereett of Oermany for Colonel Pchwarikoppen to Inter vene, ttv-n Preyfua" raae It boptett and hit condemnation It certain. Tonight the eyet of France are look ing ari-oM the frontier to Ftuttjtart hro the Knl r la alavlnk and MIX- in ualy awaiting hit rtrWMnn. At a late hour thl evening he had riven ! no atttn either war. nnd Frenchmen j are waiting with brelhle Inlcrett the nret Inill. atlon or hit will, to an ,n,,,nU r,,n"" fmr" W llUn? aian-ia many me arnurr or ini- inirrni r-ace of France, for everyone ahl.C ratea that King Humbert will follow hit lead. The antl-PivyfuMrla are e- tremely exnr-rated at what they rhar- j ..r ,.... ..... ... .T" . i , eTinrnce nr mis lorrinnrr juannru application regnrdlng Bchwarikoppen - and Panlsardl. APri.ES FOR GERM ANT. NEW TOTtK. Pept. .-Amertrn ap ples are In such great demand In fler- I many thla year that shipments have- commenced one month earlier than usual. The flrst consignment left on Peaches... A splendid lot of tht celebrattd Southern Oregon peacht Juat ' received. '1 Other Fruit... M in abundance and of all vari tlea ' Vegetables... Tht mott complete Section in tht city and all fre.h and crl.p. Prompt delivery to nil pnrtHof the city . and outside points. Foard & Stokes Co. Your Wife I Will Ilk. It; to will tht cook. Star Estate Rangej Satlify all who u.t th.m. If your better halt does tht oooklng, that It an ari.lltt.nnl reaion whv there should be a Star Estate Range In your kitchen. The ue of them prav.nU worry and disappointment, W. J. 8CULLT. Agent. til Bond Street th steamship Labn waa from tbt Hud urn river dlatricl. Last year S2,U1 bar rel were ant abroad. Thl year It la expected tht shipment will retob 10, 000 barrel. OCNERAL 8HAPTER WILL RETAIN VOLUNTEER RANK. Will be Retired From Bervloe Septem ber 14 Mijor Lawton Buc ceedf Id Promotion. mand of tht department of tbt Pacific with bit preterit volunteer rank after tht lima reached for hit retirement on September 14, j With General Shatter' retirement, ! -.Major law ton, who bat only tbt rank of colonel In the regular establishment ' wilt It la expected, be mad a brigadier to get tne tame step wnen ungaoier .General Anderaon retlrea In January and Gvnerul Wbeaton, a colonel of In- funny, 1 booked for tht brigadier gcnvraJahlp on the retirement of Gen- ( era! Merrltt which will also open the , way for tbt appointment of a major . general In the regular army, FLURBHCHNKZ CONDUCT WILLBE INVESTIGATED, Conau, Hugh. Ordered to Tak. tbt ' i nevea at naamn.on. Fernando, and not one of them waa I killed In battle, 19 were wounded and CHICAGO, Sept .-A peclal to the nlne iled of dlM4aei , Tlmea-Herald from Washington, aaya: insurgenU continue to make Inttructlon were nt today by demonttrationa In the vl:'.V.ty .f I'u Thlrd Aatlatant Secretary of Slat and the xmertc,, outpoiltt vm Crldlcr to Consul Hughe, at Coburg. oWsti flrc npezlei rolleT3 iartng Genunny, to make an official Inveall- tne tnrM nKhu. gallon of the allegation madt by( t,harll, r- Al" rior-. chuets, VIC oepuiy consul ai mi Mme M tramimltted French war , tfc. nm a-overnment.' ,ing official paper and official envel- opes of the American consular service, Tnig actlon wa Uken by Secretary Hay aftet that officer had read tht re- markable ttory told by Bcnthelm In Atranta. ', The general dlapoaltoln at ,n. ,t.t, department It to. disbelieve rt ..... i l -U ., I. an M tli.l .'". now mil iney nave iwn aicu p. jiclty It la neceaaary to take official notice of them. Under the Inatructlona j tent to Mr. Hughe, he will call upon bis subordinate for an official explana tion of Itenthelm's allegations and , make In addition a thorough investlga- n flM-rmlne whether or not thorl the slightest foundation for . the charges which have been made. FUirschu.t ha an excellent record, but should it develop tnat ne nas ira- ( nronerlv used his position and the consular paper of thla government In behalf of Germany or any other gov- ,i h. will he Immediately re- rnment. he win be immediately re-. moved and proper representation m.de to the French government - I HANGS IN THE BALANCE, Issue of Peace or War Ret With FrI day' Cabinet Council. 1 LONDON. Sent l-Advlce. from , varlou. ,urce lndlcat. that the acuta , . naa Deen rerusing to grant a joint in tension In all part of Bouth Africa i " . continues, but. unlet the Boers take ' the Initiative, which at present I lm Drobable. It U pretty ofrtaln that tne iiruiMuiv. , . .v . h ' a a,.. ..vi., M,nMf .result , bene, public at tttitloa In centered more upon -the signs of the times as ex-, ,n .mv nrt dockvards ! the in' south Africa Itself, though news from there is eagerly awaited. STYINER... The F.Icctric Doctor. 5th TALK. i The most powerful engine must stop If the tires are not fed. Man Is the most wonderful piece of machinery In the world, yet no matter how strong and well made his bodi ly fram maye be, if the Are of life within him Is not con stantly fed his limbs and mus cles become powerless and use loss. The reason men become helpless and diseased Is be cause the food they eat, th. water they drink and the air they breathe, which is the fuel of life, is not properly appro priated by the stomach, lungs and nutritive organs. It Is not completely transformed Into the strength and working power which Is to man what steam Is to the engine. The vital power and nerve force haa vanished from the system. Sickness la the result If we fall to restore this nerve energy we cannot ex pect health. If you have taken the "drug cure" you know the result. Call on me at my offlc. and let me explain my new svstem of applying electricity. 'Don't condemn It until you understand It. . TYNF.R, the Klectrlc Doctor, Mftln Street House, 159 9th St. Advice and Electrical Disease Reading Free. Hours: 10 to 4 and 7 to 8 dally. WILL SAIL FOR HOME Lucky lowans Soon Departnre From Manila. DID HARD OUTPOST DUTY But On Killed la Battle-Dato Moadl; Defeats lasarftats-Call For Aid Issued. """ MANILA. Sept. !-: p. m.-The Iowa regiment, the but of the volun- leer organisation on duty In tht 11- and of Luton haa been drawn from Calula to barrack at Caloocan, pre- paratory to departing for homo. The number who will aall la tOC Leaa than of tbt regiment were left oa duty at tht front when the order came for their relief, toe being on tht tick llat Thla regiment haa undergone hard Ha any power but congreaa the right outpoat duty for three month, during to turrender our right In the Phlllp whlch time It ha been very much ex- pines. poaed to rain. Seventy-five member Mat PrealdVnt Mi-Klnl nv riht llS' in nrhtinar iwtwMn VaintM a.n o.M Mall advice from Zamboanga report that the town baa been practically do - meriA ti fu.li .u-i fh. JbS ..!;. V?v. M'w?t0 lliurKent, attacke a vlllaa-e In Dato'a dominion on the noirhhoiinv laimuia kluln two of tne vmasert, msn ,ubwM,uently dpove off th, ,n. ,urfent of whom ,ev1!rm, were meii INSURGENTS NEED SUPPLIES. Call Issued to Property owner for Horses, Cattle and Army Carts. MANILA, Sept. t The recent issue of Filipino paper money amounts to , WO.OOO. The acceptance of this iss.ie Is made obligatory and bills are made Vuut.uama.Kla. In h-a. aat TKa. In.i,.. gents nave issuea a caw upon property owners in the Interior to supply gratis , to the Insurgents army carta, horses fcna cltUfc thivsvui. irifiina i utotcdt Much Secrecy Surround Secretary'a Office- Kruger's Many Political .... ' wnanges. NEW TORK. Sept 1-A despatch to IVIkiin.. Tnn. a.A. j The altered aspect of the Transvaal affair continues to be a mystery too. . uir iiiuuue iiwu ajuiiuuu. bib. . deep to be probed by any body outside of the chief secretary's room In the co ,onlal offlc: Kruger ha "WOeniy changed bis ..ground. He.Member, of a New York Mining Com qulry Into the precis, effects of the proposed political changes, but had n fV n sisi rl s flataa w.a v faaiiAKIu atnil In. , creased representation undr the condl- Uon that th Buseralnty should be He haa now withdrawn , .. . tcheme has accepted th. suggestion for a. conference of some kind.- The fact are In dispute, but this seems to be a ,. close approach to the truth. Why ha j Kruger changed froht so suddenly? That I the difficult question to an swer. His new attitude would be In telligible If he had received from Hr. Chamberlain in the last week or tht the week before a somewhat peremp tory Intimation that the patience of the British government was exhausted and that It could not wait any longer but must have an answer by the middle of this week. Reports respecting the ordering out of the reserves are again contradicted officially today but the situation has become grave, and almost critical, as Is shown by the presence of Mr. Cham berlain In London and the remarkable activity prevailing In military circles. There are no signs in the mining mark et that war Is close at hand, but finan ciers are not always well Informed In a crisis. . M'KINLET A TRADES UNIONIST. Hb Ha Been elected a Member of the Bricklayer" Union. CHICAOO, Sept. . President Mc Klnley Is now a trades union man. He wa today- elected a member of the Bricklayers and Stonemasons Interna tional union. No. 21, of Chicago. President Dubbins, of the union, said today that since the chief executive was to lay the corner stone of the new post office It was necessary that the '; president Join the union bpfore he is ; allowed to handle a trowel In Cook county. A card of hononry member ship was made out for the president today, but It wUI not be forwarded to him, until tbt matter baa been further discussed. "W may have to take tht i ard away J from him," aald Secretary 8 tarn today. I "If Mr. McKlnley aeta a ttona prepared by nun union labor, which ttona Intend , j ed for the new poet office It, the nation- al organl cation will itrtke on any build tO Take in In any part of the United Bute at which be laya a corner ttona or doe any conatructlon work." OCR RIGHT TO PHILIPPINES. Five Question! on tht Subject by Sen ator Chandler. HAMPTON, N. H., Sept. . Before tht Rockingham county republican club, nator wuium a chandler du- jcuaeed national politic and declared ' bit ' aupport of the admlnlatratlon't j Philippine policy. He prOpoaed 1 que- tlont on tbt Philippine altuatlon for Senator William E. Maaon, of Ullnola, ' who la viaiting In tbla atate, to anawer. The drat eight of the queaUona apply to the naval and military operation, la tht lalanda Tht other follow: I Prealdent McKlnley bound to maintain the toverelgnty In our Wanda until otherwlte directed Ty law of congreat? Can any power but congreaa acting by law make the Philipplnea a colony of the United Bute? J'" " Haa President McKlnley any right to er direction towards making the Phil ippine a colony or surrendering them so that they cannot be made a colony If congreaa so decide? Do you think the United State should do anything to prevent the partition of China among the conti nental powers of Europe? ' ,., not the malntance of the United power In the Philippine esen- " rr tial to ...bl. u. to ..din prev.nUng the dismemberment of China? 1 amrmai 00 your affirmative Philippine STICKS TO HIS 6TORT. Benthiem Suggest a Pointed Question To be Put to Floracheuts. ATLANTA, Ga, Sept. Chaa F. Ben thelm today reiterated .to a representa tive of the Associated Press the abso lute truth of hi statement Involving Vive-Consul FlorscheuU In the German secret service work between Berlin and Pari. "AF A..nraA V1nr-uhllta .wilt dpnv thl. d Benthiem, "but It can be . . . . easily fastened upon him. The point In Investigation 1 really thls:.-; , "To inquire Into the right direction. , There la no use going to Florscheuts about this thing. He will naturally deny It and the rage of the tlermana wlu tttrn on jf piorfcheut denle hla connection wltl nis connection wun uiis mauer, iei his connection with this matter, this question be put to him. : "For what purpose did Florscheutx , hand over to m (Benthiem) a tnbney order calling for tWO marks signed by the emperor?" - SCIENTIFIC PROSPECTORS DIE A TORTURING DEATH. pany Die of Cold and Scurvy . in Copper River. " SEATTLE. Sept. 1 Otto Thews, of Primrose, Iowa, who has arrived Here from Copper river, Alaska, brings news confirming the reported deaths of sev erer members of a scientific prospect ing company of New York. The dead are Earheart Miller, Aller mann Schulti, Peter Slegel, Buttner and Baumgartner. tleorge Hooker, another member of the party, got. out. alive but la badly crippled with scurvy, which carried away the majority of his companions. Baumgartner went out hunting one day and was never seen again. The most affecting case was that of Butt ner, who was driven Insane by his suf ferings. His weak companions had to strap him down but even then they could not restrain him. One morning Tatws, whose camp was near, found Buttner sitting out In the Bnow with his clothes and hat off. The ther mometer was 45 degrees below sero. Buttner was taken Inside but he died in a few hours. BRTAN IN 'FRISCO. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 6. William J. Bryan was given an enthusiastic re ception at Woodward's pavilion to night. An Illuminated parade of the various democratic organisations pre ceded the mass meeting at wnicn were present more than 6,000 people. a,l s the feed rr.crs niufvu HOVAl MKNO 0.R.&N.WILL MEET TODAY Belief 7 bat U. P. Control Will Be Beneficial. ...... v.y N. P. TRLCF.' IS Tr.MPnJflRY CoBteatloa For Hew Territory Will Go b Uider Uie Xtw Directory. PORTLAND, Sept tTbt annual meeting of the stockholder of the a R. 4 N. Company to elect direct on will bt held tomorrow. In view of the fight between the O. R. A N. Company and the Northern Pacific over the occupa tion of territory east of Lewlston and of th. demand of the Northen Paclflo for trackage right down the Columbia river from Wallula to Portland, th meeting promise to b one of more than ordinary Importance, A truce be tween the two companies had been ar ranged to be effective from August last, but the truce will end long; before the next annual meeting and the board of directors to be elected tomorrow will manage the campaign after the truce shall have expired. The question which most Immediately and most deeply Interest Portland at thl time I whether the O. R. ft N. Company ttoJl In future retain it autonomy. While it I not possible... at this distance to say precisely what the capitalist In the east and la Europe propose to do lnthe matter, It may be safely set down that there Will be more harmonr &nd rynMiiianlv les friction between the O. R. A N. Company on the one hand and the Oregon 8hort lint and Union Faclfla on the other In the future than there ha been in the past There 1 small' chance that a hard-and-fast lease will ever be repeated. The consensus of opinion among welt Informed railroad men I that the O. R. ft N. Company will occupy the tarn strong position locally for the next Ave year that it ha for the last two years. TO,of I. will KlilM Mf..,lA.a f-a. traffic will justify; that Its relation 1 . TUL.J II , v A A V a "11. , U, MU V .,, W DUCU,U1QUCU -.'.V4 that there will be less friction between It. and Its eastern connection than ever before. Th're Is a deposition among all the owners to remove what ever friction exist between the three roads form ing the transcontinental line and the Northwestern, which is their principal connection to Chicago. It may be ex pected that there will be a harmony of management between the three roads after the coming annual election that has not prevailed up to this time; and that there will be a closer and more harmonious relation between the traffic department of the three line. -" ' l AMERICAN SENTENCED TO BE HUNO AT YOKOHAMA. a aaaaw Found Guilty of a Triple Murder The ' Bark Kitty Lost With Loss ot Life. "VICTORIA. B. C, Sept. 1-The steamer Glenogle, which arrived from Japan this morning, reports that Rob-' ert Miller, an American charged With the murder of H. N, Ward and two Japenese women, .was convicted and sentenced to be executed at Yokohama September 19. The case 'was notable owing to the fact that It was the flrst trial of a foreigner under the new treaties. The news was also brought that the bark Kitty was lost In a typhoon In the China sea. ' The captain, his wife and children and 11 of the crew were ' drowned. NOMINATE CANDIDATES OF THE PEOPLE'S CHOICE. Maryland Republicans Again Nominate Lloyd Lowndes for Governor. BALTIMORE, Sept. . The republi can state convention today re-affimed the will of the people a expressed In the primaries and nominated the fol lowing state ticket: Governor, Lloyd Lowndes, of Cum berland county. . Controller, Phillips Lee Goldsborough, of Dorchester county. Attorney general, ex-Congressman John V. L. Findlay, of Baltimore. delicious end wfio!esoe I DOWT CO., NfW YOO.