Thursday, Xbvemhrr 28, 1012. ASHLANT TmiXGS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS One cent per word, first insertion; '4 cent per word for each insertion thereafter; 30 words or less $1 per month. No advertisement inserted for less than 25 cents. Classified ads are cash with order expect to parties- having ledger accounts with the office. MISCELLANEOUS CHAIR DOCTOR It. H. Stanley, ex pert furniture repairer and up holsterer. Carpets beat, relaid and repaired, bed springs re stretched, chairs wired, rubber tires for baby buggies. 26 First avenue, opposite First National Bank. Phone 413-J. WANTED An experienced cook, at the Columbia Hotel. 50-tf WANTED Fat hens at the East Side Meat Market. Pay 12 cents a pound. 50-tf FOUND A blackandwhiteTpig with clipped ears. Mrs. W. Jeter, R. F. D., Box 105. 52-tf TAXIDERMISTS, FURRIERS AND TANNERS Natural Science Est., 10 Granite St. 38-tf READ THIS Any time you want the city carriage, see E. K Smith, 124 Morton St. Phone 464-J. VOICE CULTLKE, tone placing, ar tistic singing. Address Mr. Mac Murray, East Side Inn. Phone 183. "t( WANTED Gray squirrel skins. State the number you have and the price. Address H. H. Clarke, Ashland 50-4t VANTEDSmall agates to cut. Call and see my work, at 219 Mountain Ave., north of railroad crossing. Phone 251-L. 52-3t FOR EXCHANGE A"Densmore ball bearing typewriter in good condi tion for a second-nand Oliver type writer. Enquire at the Tidings of fice, tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT December 1, nicely fur nished cottage of five rooms, pan try, bath, gas range, yard, wood shed. Rent reasonable. Inquire at 64 Third St. or phone 309-J. 48-lmo FOR RENT Furnished sleeping rooms over Vaupel's store. Steam heat, hot and cold water. Rent by week or month. Inquire 63 North Main St. Office phone 16; resi dence pnone 289-J. 50-tf FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES, gas for cooking, electric light, bath, toilet, fine view, cen tral location, upstairs or down to suit. Apply at millinery store op posite East Side Inn. 27-tf BiuYCLES FOR RENT New and second-hand bicycles for sale cheap. Bicycle repairing, prompt service, good work, low prices. All kinds of tires and supplies at cut prices. Eastern Supply Co., 104 North Main. 77-tt FOR RENT Furnished apartments, Allen building, opposite motor sta tion. Gas, electric light, hot and cold water and bath. Best apart ments in city. Inquire 63 North Main St. Office phone 16; resi dence phone 289-J. 50-tf FOR SALE. FOR SALE Good piano In good con dition. L. L. Mulit. 6."4t FOR sale Hercuies stump puner, j good as new. A bargain. Phone 420-J. 51-tf FOR SALE Good family horse used to orchard work, $75; medium sad dle, $8; a small rig, $8. 447 Wal nut. St. 52-tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Five passenger Hudson automobile. In quire of J. A. Campbell, 523 North Main St. 51-tf FOR SALE Acreage located on the Boulevard, near railroad. Call on or address Mrs. C. W. McKlbben, Route 1. Ashland. 82-tf FOR SALE Orchard home; 4 acres choicest five-year-old orchard. Peaches, pears, apples and small fruits. $4,500 cash. 447 Walnut St. 52-tf TIDINGS WANT ADS are little real estate salesmen. A 50-cent want ad will put vyou in touch with somebody who wants the property you have for sale. Try it. FOR SALE Single Harness $7 and up; with collar and hames, $10. Made in Ashland; ouv own make. Don't buy factory made harness. Eastern Supply Co., 104 North Main. 77-tt FOR SALE," CHEAP Two fine lots, small house, also household goods. Ten Royal Ann cherry trees and other varieties of fruits in full bearing. Owner leaving city. 508 Palm Ave. 48-lmo FOR SALE Chickens. In "order to make room for new stock will sell at sacrifice thoroughbred R. C. R. I. Reds and Crystal White Orping tons. All fancy stock. 220 Gar field. Phone 222-R.' 52-6t FOR SALE One saddle, sewing ma chine; dresser, dining room chairs, 2 dining tables, sideboard, kitchen table, roll-top writing desk, carpet, bookcase, clock, 3 beds. Inquire Dr. Shaw, 108 First Ave. 52-2t FOR SALE $32 for White sewing machines. These machines are listed by the White Sewing Ma chine Company at $80. Easy pay ments if desired. Drop a card to C. W. Merrill and he will deliver you one. 48-lmo FORSALE Beautiful home-ofl 0 acres one mile west of Talent and high school. Bungalow; grand view; excellent location of bunga lows and prize apples; spring, well, best of water; engine, tank; eub-irrlgated; pears, apples and alfalfa; lawn, shade trees, shrub bery. $6,b00, including horse, wagon, ' buggy, hay, tools, etc. Brown Bros., Talent. tt FOR SALE Continued. FOR SALE. BY OWNER Large lot with small house, on Meade St., ten minutes' walk from the post office. Warranty deed and ab stract. Price $350. Address Mark Hebron, Gen. Deliv., Kansas City, Mo. 50-5t FOR SALE High-grade Rufus Red Belgians, all ages, for sale. Breed ing and bred does a specialty. No inbred stork. The only thorough bred Rufus Red Belgians In this section, direct from Conover, Ohio. Pedigree if desired. Prices with in reach of all. T. F. Smith, one mile north of Talent, on Medford road. . Phone 374-J-2. 51-tf-Th. Whiskey or Beer Habit RELIABLE HOME TREATMENT. Any wife or mother who wants to save her husband or son from "Drink" will be glad to know that she can purchase ORRINE, the stan dard liquor habit remedy, that we have sold for years, and If no benefit i3 obtained after a trial the money will be refunded. ORRINE is prepared in two forms: No. 1, secret treatment, a powder, absolutely tasteless and odorless, given secretly in food or drink; ORRINE No. 2, in pill form, i.i for those who desire to take volun tary treatment. ORRINE costs only $1.00 a box. Come in and get a free booklet about ORRINE. McNAIR BROS. Talent Meat Market F. T. Guyer, Prop. CHOICE MEATS Tel. 370-J. Ashland Billiard Parlor 10 East Main St. J. P. Saylc & Son Hotel Ashland EUROPEAN PLAN Hot and cold water in every room CLOSE TO MOTOR DEPOT STAR STEAM LAUNDRY And Dry Cleaning S. N. LINDSEY, Prop. Good Work Fair Trices Satisfaction Guaranteed PHONE 64- HOI SE OF COMFORT Hotel Manx Powell Street at O'Farrell SAN FRANCISCO Best located and most popular hotel In the city. Headquarters for Oregonians; commodious lob by; running Ice water In each room; metropolitan service. Bus at train. A la carte service. Ideal stopping place for ladies traveling alone. Management, . CHESTER W. KELLEY. 'Meet Me at the Manx." Beaver Realty Co. REAL ESTATE-LOANS-INSURANCE Now is a good time to Invest in a home in Ashland. Special bargains may be obtained in both city and country property. We will be pleased to show you around and to extend to you the courtesies of the town. 5-acre tracts just out of town, un improved, from $350 to $1,500. 5-acre tracts, improved, from $1,200 up to $5,000, and more, according to improvements, location, etc. 10-acre tracts from $1,100 up, near town. Small dairy ranch, near town, for sale cheap. City lots $75 each and up. Exchanges made on all kinds of real estate. Have places in Oregon, California, Washington and Middle West for Ashland property. 120 acres of land in southwest Texas, under ditch, no buildings, to trade for Ashland home. Wanted to list Good ranches, large and small, to trade for Ashland property. City property for sale; also farms, large and small, improved and unim proved. Easy terms. For particulars inquire of Beaver Realty Company ASHLAND. OREGON. 211 E. MAIN ST. Phones: Pacific 68. Home 3-L. Mining location blanks for sale at the Tidings office. THANKSGIVING IN THE WOODS URBANITES need not think tbey are the only poi sons who have a gutsi time ou Thanks giving day. for if tbey could but peep Into the activities of the peo ple ou the farms and we how they ob serve the holiday it would not be sur prising if just a tinge of envy should be Incurred. Thanksgiving day on the farm la a day of festivity and Jollification. It Is a genuine product of enjoyment, de pendent no (Betimes largely upon condi tions of the weather and upon the nat ural facilities provided for enjoyment, and it 1h entirely unadulterated with the more modern aand perhaps super ficial tat least from a ruralite's view point) contrivances for entertainment which tbe city affords. If a nation can be judged by the manner in which its national holidays are observed tbe character of the people who inhabit tbe country and tbe city can be determined by the application of the same rule. Probably the majority of the men folks on tbe farm turn their thoughts to bunting on Thanksgiving day. Tbe instinct to go out on Thanksgiving morning and shoot a turkey for tbe holiday feast is still quite strong in the average rurnlite. although the birds have become few in number. There are comparatively few places now in (be United States where a bunt re sults in the capture of a turkey. Those good old days when people did not peed to consult tbe market price of tur key when planning tbeir Thanksgiving feast have goue by, and even ou the farm some thought Is given to tbe market price of the fine young gobbler before it is decided to serve blm up for tbe holiday dinner instead of ship ping him to tbe city market But tbe larder of tbe provident farm family Is generally well tilled, aud per haps less thought is directed to tbe Thanksgiving dinner s to the manner of sport and enjoyment that can be obtained out of the day. Fowls of some kind are always to be found in abundauce about tbe barnyard, and the preparations for tbe dinner re quire but little time once when a de cision Is made as to what the menu shall consist of. And "butchering time" has just passed, and in tbe cellar or the smoke bouse are plenty of possi bilities that would make tbe moutb of an urbanite water. So thoughts turn to the field and for est for a day's bunting. And it seems to be about the only day in the year when nearly every man and boy old enough to handle a gun goes bunting. The farmer will let the hunters from the city bang about all over his farm during the early- part of the season, when game is plenty if It ever is but be will keep right ahead busking bis corn, baling his bay, hauling in pump kins, etc.. until Thanksgiving day comes around. Then be gets the bunt ing fever. There is no work done on Thanksgiv ing. It would be almost a heathenish act not to "take the day off." no mat ter how urgent the farm work may be. If there Is snow on Thanksgiving it la a regular day In paradise for the imL- - NEARLY EVKRYONB HtHJTS ON THANKS U I VINO. men and boys, for then It Is quite an easy mutter to track Mr. Bunny to his hiding place and chase him out to be come a target for the hunters. The rabbit being about the only kind of game that cannot be exterminated, but sticks like the faithful dog wherever space U cleared away for a borne in the forest, it is the most common game that Is hunted on Thunksglving. Al though there is often about one hunter for every rabbit, this does not seem materially to diminish the sport, for after the day is over those who are short In their string of game take con solation Id the fact that they "bad a food time nnywny." Aside from rabbit hunting, there is other game to be found in most coun. try districts, such as phenaants and quail. But whether all this game has been killed earlier in the, season by professional hunters makes little dif ference to the people In the country, for they will have their annual hunt on Thanksgiving day at any rate. It is an annual custom with them, and the woods and fields constitute a sort of Mecca to which they make their vis its as regularly as the holiday comes. But with It all the Thanksgiving din ner In looked forward to with a sort of primary importance that indicates that tbe farmer aud the resident of, the city tire not so much unlike Id their holiday Inclinations after all All UNADULTERATED THANKSGIVING DINNER MR. SLYVER at the Ki past 1 o'el ERS presented himself Kranke home at half lock in the afternoon of Thauksglvlng day so hun gry that while be sat in the front room and talked blithely to his esteemed host he felt it would be only by the most heroic self restraint that he would re frain from leaping at the bright gilded ;age that swung in the window and jwallowlug the canary bird, feathers ind all, without suit or pepper. This savage attitude of Mr. Slyvcrs was due to tbe fact thut ho had gone Into rigorous training for tbe turkey barbecue at Mr. Kranke' s. "You come from out of doors," ob served Mr. Kranke. "probably rode on the street cars great carriers of dis ease, street cars. But never mluiL Sit here for awhile. The atmosphere Is well filled with formic aldehyde, which I am vaporizing over the lamp, and uny disease germs you may hap pen to have about you will be de stroyed." Mrs. Kranke and her daughter glided in softly and shook hands with Mr. Slyvers In the same enthusiastic man ner in which they might be expected to pick up a deceased catfish by the tail. Don't be afraid to eat heartily," said Mr. Kranke genially. "You'll not get typhoid fever by eating these oys ters, as I know you fear, although you were too well bred to say so. These oysters are not taken from ocean wa ter filled with germs from the cities. In fact, they are not oysters at all. They are made from oyster plants raised on my father's farm down In the country." Next came the soup. No deadly hint of ptomaine poisoning lurked in that "I ALSO FIND OHTHOnVDTlOXY BRNZOIO A01D HAS BEEN PUT ON THIS TD11KEV." soup. Mr. Kranke said so himself. It bud been strained five times through a filter. "What kind of soup do you think it is?" asked Mr. Kranke, smiling at his guest "Baled hay" were the words on the tip of Mr. Slyvers' tongue, but he checked them and said, "Why, mulliga tawny, isn't it?" Mr. Kranke frowned as if to indi cate that if be ever knew of a mulliga tawny ruuulng around In his kitchen he would catch it in a steel trap and cut Its tail off close up behind its ears. "No." be replied; "this soup is made of four herbs that grow down ou our farm." The maid then reappeared, bearing a great brown Juicy turkey on an Im mense platter. Mr. Slyvers wanted to throw both arms around the turkey and lay his heud on Its shoulder and weep for sheer joy, but he contained himself with an effort and waited for Mr. Kranke to carve. But Instead of taking up the carving knife Mr. Kranke wuited until the maid came In with a little tray on which were three or four test tubes. Mr. Slyvers looked at the test tubes, and then his eyes rested fondly and regretfully on the turkey as he whis pered softly, "Goodby, Mr. Turkey." "The butcher sent us thla turkey yesterday," said Mr. Kranke, "and, fol lowing my usual custom, I took small Lll s of it and put them In these va rious solutions for Investigation." "Ua," said Mr. Kranke as he exam ined the first tube, "as 1 suspected. Mr. Slyvers. can you believe me when I say 1 also find orthohydroxy ben zoic acid has been put on this turkey?" "Well," said Mr. Slyvers nervously, "that's all right. I that Is to say, you know, I like orthohydraullc acid. Yes, at home we used to have it on the ta ble all the time. Of course some peo ple like chutney sauce best, but I" "Why, Mr. Slyvers." said Mr. Kranke. "you don't understand. 1 could not permit a guest at my table to eat poison. Take the turkey away, Maggie, at once." As the turkey went out the door Mrs. Kranke said she was sorry she fould offer her guest nothing to drink, because the test she had made that morning showed a large percentage of chicory In the coffee and that she had sent the milk into exile because It was suspected of harboring formalde hyde in its clothes. It was late in the afternoon, and the white garbed student In the bacterio logical laboratory at the medical col lege was getting ready to lock up and go home when Mr. Slyvers In a highly demoralized condition burst in. "Hey, barshen'erl" shouted Mr. Sly vers. "Make me a germ cocktail an' put a bashlllus In It" Chicago Tribune. IBJXE Absolutely-Pure From a series of elaborate chemical tests. Comparative digsstibility of food made with different baking powders. An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made with each of two kinds of baking powder cream of tartar and alum and submitted separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each for the same length of time. The percentage of the food digested is shown as follows : Broad made with Royal Cream of Tartar Powder; 99 Per Cent Digeited j Bread made with alum powder: 67 Per Cent Digeted Royal Baking Powder raised food is shown to be of greatly superior digestibility and healthfulness. T. It. Wants Pensions for Small Men. New York, Nov. 26. Discussing the plan of Andrew Carnegie to give an annual pension of $25,000 to fu ture retiring presidents, Colonel Theodore Roosevelt said today: "As it does not apply to nie, I have nothing to say ou that side of it. In any event, my interest is not in pensions for former presidents, but for the small man who has no chance to save and who faces direct poverty when he becomes superannuated. "I think the small government em ploye who gives years of faithful ser vice at a small emolument should be pensioned upon retirement. I be lieve we must work out some system of insurance and pensions, relieving the ordinary workman from the haunting dread of extreme poverty in old age." Phone No. 39 when In need of job printing. Work and prices are right. KXECITOU'S FINAL NOTICE. In the County Court of Oregon for Jackson County. In the matter of the estate of Mar tin Van Buren Soule, deceased. Executor's final notice. .Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executof of the estate of Martin Van Buren Soule, de ceased, has filed in the above enti tled court his final account of his doings as such executor and the court has fixed" Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1912, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of said day, at the court room of said court in the county court house in Jacksonville, Jackson coun ty, Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of said final account. All persons interested are hereby notified to make or file their objec tions to said final account with said court on or before said time, if any they have. D. LEIINERS, Executor of the Estate of Martin Van Buren Soule, deceased. Thurs. 45-5t "Our Personal to all We have been In business In this town for Home time, and we are looking to build up trade by always advising our patrons right. So when we toll you that wo havo found the eczema remedy and that we Bianu uuck or It with the manufacturer h iron clad guarantee, backed by ourselves you can depend upon it that we kIvo our advice not In order to sell a few bottles of medicine to skin sufferers, but be cause we know how It will help our business If we help our patrons. We keep in stock and sell, all the well known skin remedies. Hut we will say this: If you are suffering from any kind of skin trouble, eczema, psoriasis, rash or tetter, we want you to try a full size bottle of 1). L. t. Prescription. And, If it does not do the work, this McNair Bros., Druggists Do you need Drainage or Irrigating Tile? Increase the yield of your land 25 to 50 per cent. WRITE US FOR INFORMATION Jacksonville Brick and Tile Co. JACKSONVILLE, OREGON fl EM Couldn't Get u Kelieiirsal. An actor, being unable to find work on the stage and needing his meals, finally obtained the promise of a conductor's job on a street car line. "When do I report?" "At 4 a. in. sharp," said the man ager. "Shades of Booth!" exclaimed the Thespian. "I couldn't stand such hours. The fines would offset the Salary. Why, I'd be late for rehears al every day!" Louisville Courier- Journal. La Follette's Weekly Magazine and the Tidings one year for $2.50. LIGHT AND BEAUTY Light and beauty give zest to life. Light is beauty-if it's Electric Light. Good illumination adds joy to every social function. The dance, the dinner, thecard party, all are more enjoy able when proper illum ination is used. Perfect light Electric Light lends itself to any desired effect. Send for our representative and let him prove it. Ashland Electric Power and Light Company Guarantee Skin Sufferers" McNAIR EROS. bottle will cost you nothing. Tou alone to Judge. Again and ayain we have seen how a fdw drops of . tills simple wash applied to the skin, takes away the Itch, in stantly. And the cures all seem to too pel muiH'llt. J). D. 1. Prescription made by the I". D. 1). Laboratories of Chicago, in composed of thymol, glycerine, oil of wlntergroen and other healing, soothing, ronllng ingredients. And if you are Just crazy with Itch, you will feel soothed and cooled, the itch absolutely washed awny the mo.uent you applied this 1). P. V. We have made fait friend! of mora than one family by recommending this remedy to a skin sufferer here and there and we want you to try it now on our positive no-pay tuaruntee. sip iiii!