Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, November 25, 1912, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    Monday, November 25, 1012.
An Obied Lesson
For Your Boy f
' . -
Every father wants bis boy and
girl to learn the lesson of ha
bitual saving.
Do you know., fathers, that one
' of the best, ways to teach your
; children to gave regularly is to
.. have a savings account your
selves? Let that hoy of bring your savings
deposit to the bank as "regular
, as clockwork" and he will get
the habit himself he can't
help It.
Incidentally, a little nest egg will
be good for father, too.
Ashland, Oregon
Elder T. G. Bunch, who is assist
ing in Adventist meetings at Med
ford, came up home Saturday and
returned Sunday afternoon.
Don't overlook those fine tur
keys at the Fourth Street Billiard
We have a full car of drain tile.
Carson-Smith Lumber Co. ' 47-tf
Clif Payne makes skirt boxes.
Mrs. George V. Seager, who has
been critically ill at her home on
Granite street the past few days, is
reported much better today.
Cleasrnce sale of hats in velvet,
felt and children's hats at Miss Har
grove's. 49-tf
Get your gym and basketball
suits at Enders'. for $1.
"Remember that -the Tidings want
ads bring results.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant of
San Francisco spent a few days with
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Barrett, 126
Nursery street, returning home Sun
day evening.
Come in and get our city prices
on cut glass and art novelties of all
kinds. These prices will surprise
you. Enders' Big Cash Store.
Kellogg's biscuit, a new break
fast and Iiihch"dainty," 1 5c or two
lor 25c, at .Ashland Trading Co.
Ashland-Klamath Exchange will
buy all your empty sacks.
B. C. Hubbard has just completed
the erection of a fine bungalow on
the boulevard for George W. Mon
roe and is now at work on Roy Hos
ley's new bungalow on Third street.
The man who put the moose in
vamoose is not to be found, but the
man with the big lot of moose em
blems is Whited the Jeweler. Prices
75c and upwards.
Kobe silk makes very nice scarfs
and is very inexpensive. 27c per
yard for 35c grade at the Ashland
Trading Co. Phone 122.
Leave your measure now for
your Christmas suit or overcoat at
Orres' Tailoring Shop. .
Phone 420-J for dry block or
stove wood. Prompt delivery. 47-tf
Emil Peil has been having a rain
sewer put in to carry the water from
his big garage building into the old
flume running into Ashland creek.
Grand masquerade on skates at
Natatorium ring Thanksgiving night.
See the prizes at Whited's.
Get your gym and basketball
suits at Enders' for ?1.
I Great Destinies
jj are being founded every day
f uiMn small savings from slen-
der Incomes.
h A little savings account to-
jj day, increasing, steadily to a
? goodly one, eventually a work-
H ing capital, then investment
g directed 4with the good judg-
j ment which the saving habit
H inculcates thus destinies are
H wrought.
8 Start your .savings account
it We NOW while the matter is
tj fresh in your mind.
1 Citizens
Banking & Trust
Capital $30,000.00.
Surplus $5,000.00.
-The Bank That Helps the People.'
, Howard Hicks, "who has been
working for the Oregon-California
Power Company at Yreka, Cal., spent
,lastweek at home -and left Saturday
afterndbn for Fall Creek to resume
work for the same' Company.
Outing flannel time is here.
The best is 12 c per yard, any color.
We have a very good grade in dark
colors at 7c per yard. Ashland Trad
ing Co., phone 122.
A big turkey dinner will not dis
figure a Michaels-Stern suit. "They
fit you with all your turkey." End
ers' Big Store.
Velvet, felt and children's hats
at reduced prices at Miss Hargrove's.
The Tidings is for sale at W. M.
Poley's Drug Store. 17 East Main St.
J. L. Corbett came In from his
mine on Hungry creek Saturday af
ternoon. He reports the ore becom
ing richer and richer and is more
than satisfied with his purchase. He
has not yet fully decided whether or
not to return to the mine this fall.
If the lights seem dim these
long evenings it may be because your
eyes are failing. Better call around
at Whited's and have them tested.
Excellent, fully warranted glasses in
filled frames from $4 to $6. 50-3t
. Special cut prices on every arti
cle in the house. These sales are on
every day in the week. Whatever
the item, we will have it for less.
Warner Mercantile Co.
Strawberry, raspberry and black
berry plants in large and small quan
tities Apply at the Hotel Ashland
dining room. 50-tf
We buy direct from the manu
facturer. We buy for less. Big cut
price sale on this week at Warner's.
Get your gym and basketball
suits at Enders' for $1.
Mrs. Louis Schweln, 56 Church
street, was taken to the Granite City
Hospital Saturday night suffering
from gallstones. It was at first
thought that an operation might be
necessary, but she is getting along
nicely and it is hoped one can be
The , turkey will be properly
dressed, but how about you? That
old suit is hardly fitting for a holi
day. Be happy outside as well as in
side by wearing a Michaels-Stern suit
bought at Enders' Big Store.
. Your own negative printed and
mounted in one of our Christmas
calendars is a unique'gift. We do
the printing. Whited, jeweler ani
kodakist. 3 We do all kinds of kodalf
developing and printing.
C. C.Purkeypile, who Is now work
ing as a telegraph operator at Med
ford, was in the city betwen trains
on Saturday.
A petition is being circulated for
the candidacy of G. S. Butler as
councilman to succeed himself.
Get your Sealshipt oysters at
Rose Bros.'
Rare offerings of the season's
newest fabrics for suits and over
coats, such as imported English and
Scotch cheviots, velour cassimeres,
novelty Shannon tweeds, Shetland
and chinchilla pvercoatings, can be
Seen at Orres' Tailoring Shop. Prices
reasonable, too.
Dexter Cox and wife of Osseo,
Wis., are visiting at the home of his
father, Thomas Cox, on east Main
street. They are old friends of Mrs.
Susie L. Allen, who had not seen
them for 32 years, and she has en
joyed their visit almost as much as
their relatives.
Blanket sheets are warm and
easy to wash. Wool blankets are
warmer and lighter than comforts
The cheapest and largest selection
of blankets are now at the Ashland
Trading Co.
Mrs. J. N. Nisbet returned Satur
day evening from a business trip to
San Francisco.
Clyde Dean was a Medford visitor
Saturday evening.
Shirts made to order at Orres'
Tailoring Shop.
Dr. M. S. Cornish and wife of
Alton, Iowa, arrived in the city Fri
day afternoon to visit at the home
of Editor C. B Wolf for a few days.
They were friends and neighbors
when Brother Wolf was making the
Alton Democrat famous as the witti
est paper in Iowa.
W. D. Hodg3on has a fine wood
lot about 1 miles from city, for
merly ovned by Mr. Phipps, for sale
cheap. Two hundred acres in all,
and wood is estimated all the way
from 6,000 to 20,000 cords. Price
only $4,500. Easy payments. Soe
or phone him quick If you want a
winter's job. 52-2t '
' Spend a happy Thanksgiving in
a pair of John Kelly's up-to-date
shoes. Enders' Shoe Department.
J. W. Clark went to Edge wood,
Cal., a few days ago to open a branch
blacksmith shop. Mr. Clark Is a
member of the firm of Clark & Son
of this city. He went to Edgewood
at the solicitation of the people of
that town and is assured a generous
patronage. ;
Cut Glass
f ' I:
I Hand Painted!
and china of all descriptions i
There's nothing better
for Christmas presents
The Tidings has been informed
that it was Constable Irwin instead
of Chief Oien who assisted Sheriff
Howard to recover the diamonds at
the Imperial block. The Tidings
had its information from Sheriff
Howard that "the chief of police"
was with him. He may have thought
Mr. Irwin, who is also night officer
for the Southern Pacific railway, was
also chief. The Tidings has no de
sire to misrepresent any item, but in
formation supposed to be reliable is
not always so.
Our special cut price sales the
past two weeks have doubled our
business. These low prices are for
CASH ONLY. 'Tis an experiment.
We are going to see if the people
are willing to pay cash for hardware,
when they can save $2.00 on a
$10.00 purchase. Warner Mercantile
E. J. Fenelo of Hornbrook came
over Saturday afternoon, returning
Sunday evening.
Sam Netherland was in Talent be
tween trains Saturday on business.
The big line of stamped goods
has arrived. Dirt cheap prices on
account of late arrival. Enders' Big
Is your table equipped with the
best of linens for "turkey day"? It
will be if you buy at Enders'.
O. H. Johnson and Tamily were in
Medford visiting friend3 Sunday.
Sealshiut oysters for rale at
Rose Bro3.'
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lane have re
turned from their visit to Mr. Kel
logg's Cove ranch.
R. P. Neil transacted business in
Medford Saturday.
Gold Hill News: Professor H.
Isaac is a frequent visitor in Gold
Hill nowadays, making this city the
center of his musical operations here,
in Sams Valley and at Antioch, in
all of which he is instructor to large
and flourishing classes of students in
vocal and instrumental culture. Al
though the professor's present resi
dence is at Ashland, the press of bus
iness which summons him so fre
quently to this point and compels
his absence from home the greater
part of the time is a strong induce
ment to his permanent removal to
Gold Hill, and it is authoritatively
stated that Mr. Isaac is even now
casting a speculative eye over the
local residences.
Fire, fire, fire. It may be you
next. Get insured. See Olif Payne
he will save you about 40 per cent
or the cost ot your fire insurance, tf
Phone No. 3 wnen in need of job
printing. Work and prices are right.
East Side Meat Market
where correct weights
by the' use ot Toledo
spring scales.
are assured
electric no-
395 East Main Street
M. McGrath, who went to Oregon
Cly'.tb attend the ceremonies con
nected with the laying of the corner
stone of the new Elks building at
Oregon city, and also attended the
Land Products Show at Portland, re
turned home Sunday.
All millinery reduced at Madame
Dilhan'B. A few fine velvet and
beaver shapes and some beautiful
pattern hats left. Prices cut to bot
tom to clean my shelves.
A. E. Roese, formerly of Hudson,
Wis., arrived in the city Friday even
ing accompanied by his family, and I
will make Ashland their future home. I
Mr. Roese was formerly a prominent ',
newspaper man in the Badger state.
Turkeys for Thanksgiving, de
livered at your home. Send In your
order early. Mrs.' F. W. Herrin,
phone 804-F-ll. 50-3t
Harry Roese, formerly of Hudson, !
Wis., who arrived last week, is a wel
come addition to the Ashland high
school football contingent, having j
been a star fullback- on the Hudson
high school team.
L. N. Adamson and son Frank have I
Just returned from a trip to Suther-
lin, Cottage Grove and Willamette
valley points, where they went last
week on business.
Twenty per cent reduction on all
millinery at Mrs. H. Simons'. Call
early and take advantage of this sale.
Miss Rossamond Welch, one of the
teachers of the East Side school, un
derwent an operation for bowel trou
ble Friday morning and is reported
as getting along nicely.
F. A. Korruan is again at the Gran
ite City hospital suffering from gall
stones and it is feared that an opera
tion will have to be performed. J
There is some little taik of candi
dates for the city election, but there !
do not seem to be many over-anxious
Dc-h't forget to get in your adver
tisements and news items at once for
next issue, as we go to press Wednes
day: ''
You can get hats at reduced
prices at Miss Hargrove's, in felt,
velvet and children's hats. 49-tf
The Natatoiium rink will be closed
Tuesday evening on account of the
high school entertainment.
A force of men is at work tearing
down the old Stephenson building,
recently damaged by fire.
D'Perozzi returned Sunday night
froth! Portland, where he bad been
attending the land show.
C. L. Cunningham and M. C. Edg
ington have returned from a trip up
the Siskiyou mountains.
E. D. Briggs has returned from
Salem and Portland, where he went
on business last week.
Fat hens wanted at the East
Side Meat Market. Pay 12 cents a
pound. 50-tf
Phone 804-F-ll for your Thanks
giving turkey. 50-3t
Dry block or stove wood. Phone
420-J. '' 47-tf
Do you know there Is a lur fac
tory in Ashland? Buy your furs at
the factory and save money. We
have the largest stock of ready-made
furs in Ashland and are selling them
at Chicago prices. Inspect our goods
before buying elsewhere. Furs al
tered, remodeled and repaired. Nat
ural Science Establishment, 10 Gran
ite street., two doors off of Main
street. 44-tf
Christine L. Tingling.
Christine L. Tingling, from Lon
don, England, will deliver an address
at the Christian church, Tuesday
night, November 26, at 7:30 p. m.
She is a charming speaker and will
give the English point of view of
many matters in our own land. The
lecture is free. Everyone invited.
II. A. Autiy.
We are authorized to announce
H. A. Autry as independent candi
date for the office of city recorder.
Paid adv.
News Stand Reopened.
I have re-opened the Fourth
Street News Stand and would be glad
to see all my old customers as well
as all others who want good confec
tionery, cigars, etc.
r,l-2t E. A. HILDRETII, JR.
Neat note paper, letter- heads and
envelopes printed for the, ladles or
gentlemen, with their names or in
itials thereon in any color desired,
for Christmas presents. Come In
and see samples and leave orders
early. tf
New . Apple Insect Test in France.
Apples In French orchards have
been Seriously Injured by an insect
which bores into the fruit and causes
it to wither and fall, bo that many
orchards are practically denuded.
Phone Job orders to the Tidings.
H t
Our Thanksgiving Bill of Fare
Cranberries Celery Plum Pudding
Currant Jelly Strawberry Jam
London Layer Raisins Nuts Poultry Seasoning
Sweet Potatoes Mince Meat
Lettuce Canned Goods Cauliflower
Chase cfc Sanborn's Teas and Coffees
Dill Pickles
Yellow Peaches
Minced Clams
Preferred Stock Crab Meat
Pork and Beans
Red Salmon
Canned Soups
Ground Chocolate
Boneless Chicken
Ideal Grocery Co.
388 E. Main
i i iti ill i Tin
in the art of
we lead, others follow The Tidings
rE don't furnish a
engraved, with every
4"!' 4'4"l' 'l"H 'H' 4"fr "fr fr 'fr 4' 'I1 'fr "? "l" fr 1 h 1 41 'fr
absolutely guarantee your perfect satisfaction, assuring
you that- our shoes mijst stanJ up under the tests of
reasonable wear.
j Whore a pair of shoes purchased from us docs not
wear as you think they should, then you. are in
vited to return the shoos for repair or for refund.
TA call will convince you that our guaranteed
shoes are the shoes for you to wear.
1 1 1 1 II II 1
1 1 nHMI
Underwood Deviled Ham
Lea & Perrin's Sauce
Curry Powder
Durkee's Salad Dressing
Pickles ;
Boiled Cider , . . . .
Prepared Mustard
Jlome-made Jelly
Home-made Quince Honey
Salad Oil .
Sliced Bacon . . ' .
Peanut Butter "
Tomato Chutney -i
Olive Oil -
Lemon and Vanilla Extracts
Phone 156
H H'H ft 14 I
guarantee bond, beautifully
pair of shoes, but we do
!i nil Doh-tw j
Sf'tiffV fin i " -"S G 35
1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M II 1 1 1 1 1 1 lt
l .r