Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919, June 24, 1912, Image 1

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    Vn-sn Historical SocJely.
Governor Johnson of California Ire.
Hides at Meeting Great Enthusi
asm Greets Birth of the New
Chicago, June 24. Fulfilling what
they believed to be the will of the
majorities that lected them, the
Roosevelt delegates who are adher
ing to the colonel's attitude of non
participation in the republican na
tional convention met Saturday night
at Orchestra hall and there voted
Theodore Roosevelt their choice for
the presidency.
Because not all of the states of the
Union were represented the meeting
was not a ' convention" in the strict
sense of that word. It was merely
an expression of steadfast adherence
to a candidate whom they believed
had been forced out cf the race in
the republican convention by the
seating of illegal delegates. Anyway,
the meeting was preliminary to what
may later develop into a convention
of Colonel Roosevelt's new progress
ive party.
The meeting was held while the
crowds at the Coliseum were cheer
ing the nomination by the fifteenth
republican national convention of
Taft and Sherman.
Governor Johnson, California's
fighting chief executive, presided at
the noosevelt meeting. The colonel
himself was there and addressed the
Resolutions were adopted declar
ing that the legally elected republi
can delegates had struggled vainly to
accomplish their mission of electing
the ex-president in the regular con
vention, had failed through trickery
and therefore nominated him as "the
candidate of our party."
The same Roosevelt brand of en
thusiasm that has swept the Coliseum
during the past few days was mani
fest at Orchestra hall and the colonel,
in fighting trim, was plainly pleased
with the reception his supporters ac
corded him.
In accepting the nomination the
colonel appealed to the people of all
sections, regardless of party affilia
tions, to maud with the founders of
the new party. ,
Colonel Roosevelt thanked the del
egates for the nomination by what he
declared "the lawuflly elected dele- ;
gates to the republican convention,"
who represented the majority of the
voters who participated in the re
publican primaries and accepted,
subject to but one condition.
He advised the delegates to return
home and ascertain the sentiment of
the people and then reassemble and
formulate a platform. The only con
dition was that when reassembled
they would be entirely free to substi
tute someone else for him as their
candidate for president, declaring
that he would loyally support that
candidate, whoever he might be. The
colonel declared the convention "that
has just sat did not represent the
republicans of the country, but Was
only organized to carry out the, sin
ister purposes of political bosses"
He said the time had come when
all who believe not only in the pro
gressive policies but elementary prin
ciples of public morality should join
in one movement. He daclared in
this fight his principle should be
"Thou shalt not steal." It was im
material, he said, whether they stole
the nomination, stole in politics or
in business, or stole the birthright of
the people to rule themselves.
Oklahoma Editor Gains Possession of
Entire Plant.
J. S. Holden, editor and owner of
the Fort Gibson (Okla.) Post, has
purchased for $151 the type, plant
and fixtures of the old Cherokee Ad
vocate, the only newspaper publishedd
in the North American Indian tongue.
It will probably be placed in some
state institution, where it will be pre
served as the greatest Indian relic of
the commonwealth.
It was recently reported that this
outfit was to be sent to Washington,
D. C, and the printers of Oklahoma
will be glad to learn that it is to be
kept within the borders of the state.
In connection with the purchase it is
stated that the Cherokee alphabet is
the nearest perfect of any devised by
Equal Suffrage Meeting.
The W. C. T. U. hold an equal suf
frage meeting in the park Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. A fine pro
gram has been prepared, as follows:
Music by Madame Sylva's orchestra.
Invocation by Rev. Mr. Douglas.
Speeches by Mr. J. A. Lemery, Prof.
George Briscoe and Mr. C. B. Lam
kin. Solo by Miss Silsby. Other
features not yet positively decided
upon will enliven the afternoon. All
are welcome.
July 4th Dinner.
The Woman's Relief Corps will
serve dinner In the G. A. R. hall from
11:00 to 2:00 p. m. Price 25c.
A Shakespearean evening June 26
on the lawn at the East Side Inn, by
the Wednesday Afternoon Club.
Teachers' Examinations in Jackson
ville Last Wednesday.
County Superintendent Wells has
given out the full list of teachers who
took examinations at Jacksonville
last Wednesday. The number in
cludes eleven from Ashland, some of
whom were members of the 1912
graduating class at the high school.
The list follows:
Ashland Amy N". Stannard. Helen
E. Chappell, Nina O. Morris, G. Ver
non Blue, Minnie C. Larsen, Gussie
Updegraff, Jennie L. Hogue, Silva
Brown, Mrs. Jessie N. Stannard, Mrs.
Laura A. Grow, Olive G. Davis.
Medford Eva Richardson, Mabel
Everhard, Mrs. Blanche Canode,
Alma Gould, Agnes M. Salter, Lucile
Rader, Samuel M. Whorton, Myrtella
Z. Williams, Eleanor Maule, Grace P.
Smitn, Etta C. Whorton, Bertha B.
McCain, Theone E. Carkin, Dora L.
Smock, Charles R. Bowman, George
H. Grover.
Butte Falls Leta Peelor, L. Blos
som Morris, Enid E. Peelor, M. Ar
villa Patterson, Mrs. O. M. Goss, Miss
J. V. Sears.
Central Point Katherine Foley,
Myrtle 1. Dunten, Mae B. Nealon.
Gold Hill Bessie Xewton.
Sams Valley Mabel E. Marsh.
Phoenix Maud E. Miller.
Trail Eula Houston.
Rogue River Stella Hulen.
Tolo Jessie Webb, Gay Webb.
Jacksonville Grace V. Pearce.
Crater National Forest Gets $2,000
Less Tlian Last Year.
The shaving of the national forest
allotments that has come about 'by
the lack of a large enough appropria
tion by congress last year, has cur
tailed the appropriation of the Crater
national forest $2,000. This year
Supervisor M.' L. Erickson will have
but $28,000 to carry on the coming
year's work and as a consequence a
great deal of the important work
planned by the local office will have
to be laid aside until another year.
The allotment is divided into three
appropriations. For- salaries for the
38 men employed in the service, $12,
400. Fourteen of these men are re
tained the year around for adminis
trative work, the remaining 2 4 being
employed only through the fire sea
son as guards. The field and station
allotment is $3,200. The last item
is for timber reconnalsance and the
amount appropriated is $1,200.
The Crater national forest has
since its creation stood entirely alone
in the manner in which it has been
supervised. Thought the forest con
tains 1.080,500 acres of land and Js
one of the heaviest timbered on the
coast, the fire loss in this forest has
been reduced to a minimum, the best
protected against fire of any national
forest in the western division. Al
I though there are but 24 men provid
j ed for to protect the forest in time of
lire, supervisor Erickson has ar
ranged for the presence of 31 men.
Of this number 24 men will be regu
lar patrols covering an average of
34.834 acres constantly.
Though the curtailment of the al
lotment is but $2,200, the work that
will be stopped temporarily will
amount to a great deal, as the great
er part of the appropriation is used
for salaries. Directly this winter the
effect will be felt when the cruising
of the timber which has been carried
on in that season will be stopped for
lack of funds.
May Affect Maneuvers.
Washington. As the result of the
president's veto of the army appro
priation bill, the 1912 maneuver
camps of the regular army and the
national guard may be prevented.
Drills were ordered in most of the
states to take place before the middle
of July, and preparations have been
made for the encampment of north
western state troops, including Colo
rado, Washington and Idaho, begin
ning July 21 this year.
ine Din vetoed by the president
contained an appropriation of $1,
350,000 to pay in part the expenses
of the encampments. An effort is
being made to induce the president
to forward to congress a special mes
sage urging that the appropriation
for the encampments be authorized
so that it may not be necessary to
postpone them.
Just what effect the president's ac
tion will have in other states support
ing national guar Ismen, Is undecided,
but it is all the states will be
prevented from holding annual en
campments during 1912.
Accountant Finus County Hooks in
Excellent Condition.
Seth L. Roberts of Crandall &
Roberts, accountants of Portland, has
completed the work of checking up
receipts in the county clerk's office
for fishing and hunting licenses. He
is traveling over the state checking
up each county for the state fish and
game commission. Mr. Roberts states
that he found everything in this
county in excellent condition aside
from one or two clerical errors.
This is the first time that such
work has been undertaken by the
state officials. It Is calculated to
place the fishing and hunting funds
upon a more businesslike basis.
Fourth of July Hat Sacrifice.
I have still one hundred beautiful
hats which I will sacrifice from now
until the Fourth of July. Madame
Dilhan, 201 East Main street.
A final decree has been entered
dissolving the alleged powder trust.
Chicago, June 24. With 344 of
Roosevelt delegates declining to vote
and hastening away at adjournment
time to tender Colonel Roosevelt the
nomination of the new party, the
fifteenth republican national conven
tion, at the end of a long and tumult
uous session Saturday night, renomi
nated William H. Taft for president
and James S. Sherman for vice-president.
When Chairman Root declared
nominations for president of the
United States in order, Warren G.
Harding of Ohio took the floor to
re-nominate President Taft.
I The first mention of Taft's name
in Harding's nomination speech was
the signal for a wild demonstration
I'll the floor and galleries, which con
tinued for fifteen minutes. Later,
when Harding referred to Taft as the
greatest progressive of his time, the
demonstration threatened to break
out anew.
The Roosevelt supporters "heck
led" Harding throughout most of his
speech, hissing and booing his ora
tory, hurling taunting questions at
him during his pauses, meant to be
effectve in parts of his peroration.
A delegate in the back of the hall
tooted vigorously on a steam roller
whistle when Harding made refer
Recorder Adds $1,080.20 to the An
nual Income of the Wuter Depart
ment by Thorough Checking. .
Several weeks ago, at the sugges
tion of Recorder Hurt, the council
passed a resolution authorizing the
recorder to procure extra help and
proceed with a thorough checking of
the water users of the city. The
work now is practically finished and
the recorder presented his report to
the council last Thursday night.
The report in full follows:
Ashland, Ore.. June 17, 1912.
To Common Council of the City of
Gentlemen: In the matter of
I checking up cf the water users of
j the city of Ashland I report:
The residence portion of the town
I was checked by George W. Seager
and the business portion of the town,
was checked by A. L. Irwin, the irri
gation was also checked up by Mr.
Irwin, and we find that we have in
creased the irrigation 89' acres
twim irrigation checking not yet
j completed), making a gain in irriga
tion for the year of $71G.00. We
(also found 4 4 families and business
! houses that were not paying any wa-
ter rental, making a gain in the
I water collections, per year, of
$633.60. We also adjusted the rates
on 130 parties that were not paying
the full amount as provided by the
water rate ordinance, making anoth
er gain in the water collections for
the year of $336.60, which makes a
total gain in all for one year of
The above figures are based on the
regular monthly collections and do
not include the arrearages that are
due and owing the city for many
years back (in some instances),
amounting to several hundred dol
lars. I find that, with the exception of
two instances, the city is not at fault
for not having made the collections
of the great number of people that
we found were not paying water rent,
as the water ordinances are very
piain in this matter and cover very
Before any water user can use any
city water he must appear at the re
corder's office, state his case fullv
and pay his water rent in advance,
no matter whether the water is
turned on or off on the premises he
proposes to occupy, and it provides
further that any person using city
water and not paying for the same.
sucn water rentals shall be ulaced
against the property as a lien, and it
also provides that it is obligatory on
the part of the property owner'to pay
water rents where more than one
family or service is using off one tap,
and failure to comply is a violation
punishable in the recorder's office by
a fine. Imprisonment, or by both fine
and imprisonment. J. G. HURT.
Pacific & Eastern Depot in Medford
Relieved of $21.
A bold daylight burglary occurred
at the Pacific & Eastern depot in
Medford Wednesday between 11:30
and 12 o'clock noon, the thief break
ing open the till in the office and
escaping with $21 cash. No clue
was left.
The depot of the Pacific & East
ern has two stories. Downstairs the
ticket office is located, while upstairs
the clerks are gathered, one of them
being in the ticket offce below dur
ing the short periods before trains
pull out. This gave the thief an
opportunity to wrench the till loose
and take the money left in it.
The police were notified at once
but have found no clue.
A man of principle doesn't always
drawn the most interest.
MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1912
ence to Taft's strength. The demon
stration was interrupted by a booing
and losing so bitter that Root came
to the rescue of Harding.
Another demonstration followed
Harding's conclusion, but Chairman
Root Hilled it at once. John Wana
maker of Philadelphia seconded the
nomination of Taft.
But a single ballot was necessary
and resulted as follows: Taft 5 CI,
Roosevelt 107. La Follette 41, Cum
mins 17, Hughes 2, not voting 344,
abseii! 5. The decision of Roosevelt
people, under direction of their lead
er, Im refrain from voting, left no
other candidate near the president.
The vote for vice-president was aa
follows: Sherman 597, Borah 21.
Merrium 20, Hadley 14, Beveridge 2,
Gillert 10, absent 71, present but not
vottiis 352. The conveniton, amid
mucli confusion, adjourned sine die.
At no time was there any indica
tion of a walkout of Roosevelt dele
gate. They expressed their revolt in
In the confusion just before ad
journment a resolution was adopted
giving the national committee power
to declare vacant the seat of any man
on the committee refusing to support
the nominees of the regular conven
tion of 1912.
Ladi.V Rooster Club Will Hold An
other Meeting Tonight Several
Lodges Will Enter Floats.
That the parade scheduled for the
Fourth of July Celebration will be
the tiggest thing of its kind ever
pulled off in southern Oregon is a
matter that admits of no discussion.
The Ladies' Booster Club has the
matter in hand and they report more
than usual Interest. Practically
every lodge in the city Is planning
to eiter the parade with some man
ner ( r loat, while business houses are
entering into the spirit of the rele
bratic n with unanimity. The ladies
have called another meeting for this
evening in the library rooms and a
lar'fee attendance is. desired. Other
features of the celebration are receiv
ing equally enthusiastic attention and
support. Ex-Congrtssman Reeder of
Kansas has been secured for the ora
tion of the day, which will be given
in the morning in the Chautauqua
building. Appropriate music will be
supplied and the exercises will not
be so long as to interfere with the
sports of the day.
As originally planned, there will
be something doing at every moment
of the day. The advertising force
has been constantly at work, both
north and south, and on every hand
conies assurance that the entire coun
try will flock to Ashland on the great
Greater Protection to I to Given Itirds
on Klamath Lake.
The bureau of biology survey, de
partment of agriculture, has let the
contract for a $1,200 launch to patrol
the water of the Klamath Lake bird
reserve, to take the place of the
launch Grebe, which is now up for
saif. The. new launch will be fast
and able to overtake anything on the
Klamath water at present. The new
launch is expected about July 1.
"The government is going to ex
pend more money and effort in the
future toward the protection and the
preservation of- all kinds of game,"
ciiiil Warden J. J. Furber. ."Parties
desiring to visit Bird Island or wish
ing to take parties down must apply
for jiermjssion from the warden. It
is not the' policy of the department to
keep people away from the islands,
but it is desired to know wlio and
how many visit them, and to prevent
the undue exciting of the young
"No firearms are allowed on the
reserve, and. all species of birds, both
water fowl and all other kinds, are
protected at all times of the year."
Public Warning.
The people of Ashland and vicinity
do not need any warning in regard
to where they should have their
clothes tailored, elenned and pressed.
L. J. Orres of this city is no amateur
at this game. He has had many
years experience at tailoring and dry
cleaning, and will fully guarantee all
his work. During June and July he
will dry clean men's suits for the low
price of $1.00. Ladles' garments
also reduced. Goods called for and
delivered. Phone 141.
Attention, Riders!
All persons who will ride horse
back on July 4, please report to Mrs.
C. H. Gillette at the Fast Side school
grounds Wednesday evening, June
2(1. to make plans, or phone 296-L.
Please report promptly at 7:30 p. m.
Chautauqua Tickets.
See Mr. Lager, 29 East Main street
(Gillette office), for Chautauqua
tickets. Reduced prices this week.
Celebrate the Fourth In Ashland.
Henry Kofeldt is Named as Assistant
The Ashland Fruit and Produce
Association held a special meeting
last Friday evening to elect an assist
ant manager. The action of the as
sociation was made necessary by the
prospect that Mr. Lininger will soon
er or later retire from active work
In connection with the institution, he
having recently purchased an interest
In the Ashland Preserving Works,
which will require his personal atten
tion. Mr. Kofeldt will begin work at
once and learn the business under
the guidance of Mr. Lininger and will
succeed to the position of manager
upon the retiring of Mr. Lininger.
The Ashland association is at pres
ent the best managed and the best
paying institution of its kind in this
valley. Mr. Lininger has had active
charge of the institution for about
six years, during which time the rep
utation of the association for hand
ling the best of fruits In the bet
manner has steadily grown and today
Its output is In demand all over the
coast, and even at this date several
carloads of peaches are already sold.
The retirement of Mr. Lininger will
be a matter of universal regret in the
light of these facts, for to him is
largely due the present standing of
the association.
Mr. Kofeldt brings to the work his
wonderful energy and unlimited ca
pacity for work. He came here two
and a half years ago and bought the
Messenger place on Granite street,
which he has improved to such an
extent that it is now one of the finest
placeB of its size to be found in the
vicinity. It is his intention and de
sire to put into the new work the
same energy that made possible the
transformation in.hls home. Mr.
Kofeldt states that he will do all In
his power to keep up the present high
standard of excellence of the associa
Globe Trotter Sees Lake Almost
Loses Life.
John Grieve, pioneer of the Pros
pect country and well-known citizen
of Central Point, came down from
the upper country last Tuesday with
a story of more than ordinary inter
est, having to do with a young Chi
cago man who recently started from
the Windy City on a tour of the
world, traveling west.
E. W. Brown is his name and his
main object in making the trip is to
study the poultry business in the vari
ous parts of the globe and to see the
many points of interest en route.
Since leaving Chicago Mr. Brown vis
ited Yellowstone Park and portions
of California. Starting north, he felt
the call of Crater Lake, and although
too early in the season for a safe at
tack, he attempted to storm the cita
dals of that silent land alone. He
made the rim of the larke all right
but was unable to make the descent
to the water line. After safely ne
gotiating the trip back to the govern
ment camp he tried to take the trail
for Prospect. Eight feet of snow,
however, made trail finding difficult
and for three days and nights the
young man struggled through the
slush and snow without food' or fire.
Finally when almost ready to lie
down and die he was found by a party
of cattlemen who were returning
from Klamath and by them was
brought to the Grieve Hotel at Pros
pect, where he wns given every atten
tion. Brown was crazed by his awful
experience and it was only after two
or three days of careful nursing and
attention that he was able to tell his
story. He will continue his globe
tour as soon as he is fully rested, but
does not expect to encounter any
more strenuous experience than that
which came to him on the upper
reaches of the Rogue between Crater
Lake and Prospect.
Naturalization Case In Taconia
Causes Considerable Interest.
Taconia. United States Judge
Hanford has denied a motion for re
hearing in the case of Leonard Ols
son, the socialist, whose naturaliza
tion papers were revoked on the
ground that they were obtained by
fraud. Olsson's motion was support
ed by District Attorney McLaren on
orders of the attorney general.
The case figured prominently In
the charges preferred by Representa
tive Berger in making congress begin
impeachment proceedings against
Hanford ruled that the facts stated
in the petition were not sufficient
for the reopening of the case. He
set forth that the supreme court of
the United States had, in what he
styled the Johansen case, held it was
the power and duty of the courts to
revoke citizenship papers where
fraud was practiced upon the court
at the time of issuance of the papers.
He declared evidence of such fraud
existed in the Olsson case.
As Good as a Pension,
II. H. Leavltt, 440 Chestnut street,
has a Royal Ann tree full of cher
ries, which he says Is a sight to look
at. He estimates that there are 500
pounds of cherries on the tree. With
cherries selling at 10 .cents a pound
or more, who would object to owning
a cherry orchard?
For Sale.
Alfalfa hay. Close In. Phone
259-Y. O. J. Rathbun. 6-3t
The Big Horn river in Wyoming Is
out of ts banks and the Colorado
Suuthern rallroud Is blockaded.
Fight Hears Similarity to "Chicano
Struggle With Conservatives Win
niiiK Initial Steps X Candidate
Has Sufficient Votes.
With the closing of the Chicago
convention, the scene of activity in
political circles has shifted to Balti
nifire, wjiere the democratic conven
tion assembles tomorrow. William
J. Bryan, the peerless leader of de
mocracy for the past sixteen years,
left Chicago, where he has been for
the past ten days an interested spec
tator of the acts of the republicans,
early Sunday morning and is now
bending every effort to make the
progressive wing of the democratic;
party the controling element of the
convention. Mr. Biyan, as a control
ing force in democracy, is a problem
for the conservative forces, and hia
elimination is being made the object
of the strongest endeavor on the part
of the conservatives, as championed
by Charles F. Murphy of Tammany
Hall and Judge Alton H. Parker, who
has been successful In securing the
appointment as temporary chairman
of the convention. Mr. Bryan has
given vent to his feelings against the
selection of Parker and the fight be
tween the two factions of the -party
promises to take very much the same
course as that in the republican con
vention. The 'present standing of the vari
ous candidates presents a perplexing
problem, not one of the half dozen
aspirants having the required two
thirds delegates pledged. Champ.
Clark, who leads, has but 4 06, while
Governor Woodrow Wilson Is his
nearest competitor with 315. Har
mon and Underwood are contenders
for the honors, but neither can boast
a hundred delegates, while a few
scattering votes will be accorded
other candidates. With 728 votes
necessary for choice, Rn early settle
ment of the nomination is hardly
possible. Conjectures us to the out
come seem to favor a dark horse, and
above all candidates for this role
stands William J. Bryan. Mayor
Gaynor of New York is also being
put forward by hi friends. But Mr,
Uryan may be found too progressive
for the delegates, and in this centera
the light.
, Medford Council Unable to Deter.
I ininei Course With Market.
The public market in Medford
while a irrent huccpuu (a hurH
keep up with as the standing of the
leuins in tne Aorthwost League,
the liresent time th i-ltv
worrying over the meat question
They consumed over an hour of
Thursday afternoon's council meeting
in a heated debate over the merits of
the question. Mitchell seemed to bo
the obdurate one. as Mavor Canon
said, "the Roosevelt of the council."
Medford butchers state that the
council Is granting special privilege
to one man In allowing him to sell
meats. They are of the opinion that
the council should allow them to have
a stall In the market, where, away
from rents and other expenses, they
claim that they can furnish meat as
cheap as any one. The councilnien
are not wholly opposed to this, but
declare that they wish to afford the
farmer an opportunity to sell his
meats direct.
At the liresent time the" council
claims that the farmers, being too
busy in haying, will not bring In
meats, and the long line of people)
who gather in the market must bo
kept supplied with the staple of food.
At the next meeting of the council
some action will be taken which
members hope will settle the question
to a finality.
No Road Around Rirn of Crater Laka
This Year.
The friends of Crater Lake have
lost their fight for an appropriation
to build roads and make other Im
provements in Crater Lake National
Park for the present at least.
This news is' contained in the fol
lowing Washington dispatch:
"The house has rejected Congress
man Hawley's amendment to the
sundry civil bill for $50,000 for Cra
ter Lake Park. The amount carried
for the park is $3,000 only."
This means that no money will be
available during the present term of
congress for building the. road
around the rim of Crater Lake or for
other roads projected in the park.
The bill has passed the senate but
the house turned it. down. The
$3,000 mentioned in the regular ap
propriation for the park will barely
cover the running expenses of the
superintendent and no improvement
can be made this year.
One Dollar u Pair.
We have on sale for this week one
hundred pairs misses' and children's
oxfords and pumps In black aud tan
at $1.00 a pair at the Hub.
Germany is again borrowing money;
in the New York markets.