mmm trntt. VOLUME 11 TOLEDO, LINCOLN COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 2,1009. NUMBER 19 Married. At the Commercial hotel in this city, on Wednesday, June 30, 1909, Mr. L. F. Robbins and Miss Mamie Wakefield, both of Eddyville. Rev. C. R. Ellsworth officiating. The bride is one of the most pop ular young ladies in Lincoln county. She has taught school in different parts of the county during the past three or four years. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wakefield. The groom is one of the county's substantial young farmers, having lived at Eddyville for years. lie is most worthy young man. This paper joins the many friends of the young couple in extending congratulations and best wishes. A New Steamboat. George C. AValker, the shipbuilder has just laid the keel for a steamboat which he will run on the bay doing a general passenger and freight busi ness. The boat will be 55 feet long, 12 feet beam, and will have a long cabin to accommodate 50 passen gers. This boat will be about the size of the gasoline launch Ella May, which burned a year ago. Corvallii Ice Cream. A little bit better than the best on the Coast. Fireworks A large assortment at the Bon boniere. For Sale. Bay mare, 1000 lbs., 7 years old, sound and true make me an offer. See North at Toledo. I, R. Wishart visited Newport the first of the week. Hon. C. B. Crosno was a passen ger for the lower bay yesterday noon. S. H. Beatty of Chit wood was a county seat visitor the fore part of this week. Fern Hayden of the Leader visited in Portland and Oregon City from Saturday until Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Bailey and daughter, JSva, of Winant visited Mrs. Henry Gannon in this city Tuesday. W. II. Harrison, who has been confined to his home for several weeks, is again able to be out. C. E. Fielding and wife arrived Wednesday from Coos bay. They are looking this county over with a view to locating. Rev. Whittlesey, formerly of New Txrt but now of Eugene, preached a most interesting sermon on Odd fellowship at Odd Fellows hall here last Sunday. Superintendent R. P. Goin went to the Valley last Saturday to be in attendance at the Superintendents' meeting at Salem Monday and the Teachers' meeting at Albany the rest of the week . The ninth annual convention of the Oregon State Teachers' ' Associ ation is in session at Albany this week. 'Among the teachers attend ing from this place are Superinten dant and Mrs. R. P. Goin, Prof, and Mrs. E. E. Daring and Miss Mary Ewing. Zenas Copeland returned to To ledo Tuesday, after an absence of eight years. He has just recently disposed of his interests in a pine apple plantation at Honolulu. Zenas will probably remain .on the Bay. Yesterday he went to Salado to visit his father, J. S. Copeland. Grant Hait was down from Chit wood Monday night. Merchant Buxton of Newport had business in Toledo Monday. For bargains in real estate see O. G. Dalaba, the Elk City realty man. .. Corgan, the real estate man, re turned this week from an extended visit to the metropolis. Will exchange a good set of heavy work harness for a set of hack har ness. See North at Toledo. Benzoin and Almond creams for those chapped hands and faces at Toledo Drug Co. 25c per bottle. . Mrs. E. Ofstedahl left Wednes day morning for Portland, Seattle and other places, where she will spend the summerr Dr. Burgess lliut week, soli to Ferro marine engines. Joe Shermer bought a 3 h. p. Ferro Special, and Charles Cafahan a 7i h. p. Mr. and Mrs. John Margson of Winant were in the city Sunday to meet Mr. Margson's mother and other relatives, who are here for a visit. Mrs. C. G. Copeland and daughter Miss Esther returned last evening from a visit with their daughter and sister, Mrs. G. E. Davis, at Eureka, and Mrs. Tom Stratton left this morning for their home at Willapa, Washington, after a two weeks' visit with Mrs. Stratton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Hooker. The Circle, Women of Woodcraft, has just placed a beautiful monu ment to the memory of Vena Alex ander. B. N. Rounds, with W. W. Minar of Portland, furnishing the monument. Services next Sunday at St. Johns church. Holly communion and sermon at 11 a. m., evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Every body welcome. Rev. F. 0. Jones will officiate. Homestead relinquishment 1 Good house, i acre garden, well fenced, 100,000 ft fir timber, 250yards from county road, i mile to school, 11 miles from Elk City, $150. C. L. Knapp, Real Estate, Elk City. Mr. and Mre. W. E. Rich of Cor vallis came over on the excursion Sunday. Mrs. Rich stopped off here and spent the day with her sister, Mre. George Bethers, and Mr. Rich spent the day at Newport. William Tando, a professional chimney sweep, arrived here last Friday and has been busy sweeping the chimneys of the town. He will open up a Bhop here where he will do a general repair .business, also polish shoes ladies and gents'. -, Newton & Nye, Toledo's enter prising hardware men, are always doing things different from other firms. This time it is in stoves and ranges. Instead of receiving a few at a time they have just received a big lot, a car load or more They now have all kinds of stoves and ranges to suit all kin'ds of people. They are the best brands, too. W. Linderman was up from Win ant Satnrday. Mr. Linderman was some fifteen years ago a resident of YaquinaBay, but for the several years past has been living in Cali fornia, where the family is yet. Mr. Linderman has always had a desire to be backon the Bay ever since leaving, and as he is here again says he will soon 4iave his family with him and that here is where they will remain, Ona The crops in this section are un usually good this season. The re cent rain has been of great benefit'., . . , ii rp. , j these mountains and are fitting up to all crops. The farmers are very busy preparing for hay harvest, which will begin immediately after the Fourth. 0 ; L. M. Commons is building a large barn on his farm on North Beaver. j Mr. Hill has just completed a wire fence around the southern part of his farm. "The family of J. L. Rexford de parted for the Willamette Valley, where they will make their home in the future. Ir. Rexford will join them when he has settled up some business here. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hewett of Ona, June 24, 1909, a daughter. Mother and child both doing nicely. Misses Pearl and Jessie Dodge, who have been visiting with their brother, Walter Dodge, of this place the past two weeks, departed Mon day for their home in Eureka, California. " . Rev. Brown of Yaquina held ser vices in the Baptist church last Sunday. A. H. Phelps has been hauling lumber from Bay View for the past week. The Ladies' Hewing Club met with Mrs. Their last Friday after- noon. All report a very pleasant time." The following program was ren dered by the Ona school last Thurs day afternoon : March Memory Gems ; Song Reading Recitation Tableau School School J School ' ci n Neta Phelns Three Little Girls Kecitation Song, Tfo r,r Clifford Phelps, Violet Gwynn, Myrtle Gwynn Friday evening from Winlock, receive sealed bids for 300,000 feet of Laura Gwynn Washington, and will remain in "ret class rough lumber 3 inches thick, Myrtle Gwvnn this county, making their home " inc!'es wi?e and 8 feet B u"Bih fr juyiwe uwynn j . t county road purposes on the Toledo-Si-Jesse G wynn with their father on the homestead iet2-Depoe road ; also for bids to furnish . Earl Denny t Siletz. and place on said road crushed rock, the Recitation Reading Recitation Essay Model Reading Class, Flag Exercises Third Grade Till' AO P.irla The parents who were in atten- dance report a very pleasant after- noon. The people of Upper North Beaver 1 , 1 j 1 ti , . are preparing to celebrate the Fourth ui juijr wiui a piumc aim oaroecue. T..1 Hi. 111 Olalla These are haDDv davs to the ranchers around here. Tho our .wood's real estate office, city friends think they would not After waiting, working and fight care to live out here in the moun- lng for seven long years, S. A. tains, yet we may be sure that bur "fresh air and scenery" will be fully appreciated by them during the warm months.- Our delightful climate makes up for a multitude of drawbacks. It is fine sport for our city cousins to come about haying IV Ilk IU ( IVft VI Jlal lltV VUG 7 til V J1 "Maud Muller'' in 'the hay field, and, by the way, help the old folks along. Miss Carrie Day arrived the 25th from Portland and will make an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Day Mrs. Seth Row expects to meet a niece from near Eugene July 3. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Dickinson have moved to their homestead, and have a pretty place with their cot tage near a babbling brook. Mr Cummins from Toledo is helping Mr. Dickinson get his homestead fixed up comforcable. Vo... : s deserted places, and will make things more Bchoo.'houses lively and no doubt. fill our a3. A. Seits of Denzer, this county, was in Toledo Saturday W. E. Kisor of Newport has been a Toledo visitor this week. A. T. Peterson was a Portland visitor the first of the week. County Clerk Ira Wade was a visitor to the Valley this week. A. W. Morgan went to Portland Sunday returning home Tuesday. E. H. Vader, the Norton's mer chant, woo a CorvUi3 visitor Satur day. William Towner returned Wed nesday evening from a visit to Coos county. Fine bay team 3000 lbs., good and true, 10 and 12 years old. A snap at $300. See North at Toledo. Mrs. John Larson and children arrived from Portland Tuesday even ing for a visit with her mother Mrs. J. G. Johnson'. R. J. Davis of Siletz had business in the county seat Tuesday. He visited Elk City Wedn esday return ing to Siletz yesterday. John Peterson went to Albany j u"u"' w tm Tuepday to take the examination T. Tf. ? ' ! 1,10 .p091" at cumuiit. Jim J. Derby of Siletz made final prool on his homestead before I County Clerk Ira Wade Monday. ' Jesse Reeder and Clayton Pond were his witnesses. W. F. Wakefield, Miss Lillie ; luuicr miu iuis unice j;avis were i nr:n j r- .. n ' in the clty " ednesday to attend the "c"ul,,e r- A1189 Mamie, to Mr. L. F. Rabbins. I Fret and Jesse Taylor arrived ! L. J. Richards returned this week frrm on nrtnAA iuif in !. I,of He will go over to his homestead on Siletz. Mr. Richards expresses him- j self glad to get back to Lincoln ' county. 1 . , Manager R. E. Gaar of the Lin-'1, I coin umnty Telephone Uimpany, i has moved the central olllcc into the Schenck building, in the room recently vacated by II. M. Chit- Pruett received his patent to his homestead on the Siletz last day evening. This is indeed good , for Mr. Pruett, who was entitled to 1 his land a long time ago, it is also . encouraging news to many home-1 sreaders on the Siletz, as it shows ; LUO VCI tllllVillU ID 11 1 111 I I U IY1I lf up and taking action on these claims Mrs. K. Raybum arrived last Sat urday evening from Corvullis for a visit with her son, George Bethers, ! and family The Misses Ball returned home Tuesday from a visit to there old home at Kernville. John Finley returned Wednesday afternoon from Waldport where he had been working for L. South worth for the past two months. Elk City 16; Siletz 8. . Elk City and Siletz baseball team$ had another round on the Toledo grounds last Sunday. Elk City carried off the game by the mag nificent score of 16 to 8. It began to rain before the game started and the speed and number of the rain drops increased as the game pro gressed. The boys did will consid ering the wet ball and the mud. Lost. Black and tan hound, 6 years old, : answers to the name of Buck . Was last sten at the head of Carns creek June 10. $10 reward for inform.!-' tion leading to his recovery. F. J. Carns, Alsea, Or. . For Sale. Pure bred Jersey .lull and flock of Cotswold sheep, cheap if taken soon. G. Daiil, Toledo, Or. Remember. , The Ladies of St. John's Guil l will serve refreshments during tho three days of the Lincoln County Fair. ,. For Sale. 10 Bhares of United Wireless pre ferred stock for $20 per share. Company is selling tame for 30. A. A. McNary, Independence, Or. -- For Sale Two milch cows soon fresh; two, , 2 year old heifers ; two, 2 year old steers; also six small hogs. Have I al8Q a trained ox wight about lm I Will either sell or buv a mate. Titun Kurtit'luitiov, Chitwood, Or. - i e It's Luck to Smoke Puck The Better than 5c Cigar .r The Cigar in the Green Box Notice to Bidders. Court of Lincoln county, Oregon, will 8ame to be 6 inches deeP cept on fills where the 8ame sha11 at least 8 indie form and manner as is usualin building such roads, the same to be so placed to ' width of 8 feet on said road. Said bids I be filed br Ju,y 7th. 1909 and the Ciurt reserves the right to reject any or bitls. Bv or(lpr 1 th. rLr!J ' iitA Wadb, County Clerk. Dated June 24th, 1909 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. Land Cilice, Portland, Oregon, June 26, 1900 Notice In hereby given that Walter O. Bliar. man. of Toledo, Oregon, who, on May 22. 1908, mado homeatuari entry No. 16968. serial No 0," " nwandn of w, ectiou TvJ! k flmii three year proor, to Mtabiinh claim XiZ day of August, iik icZTL. . Wi Harrinon, George c. nitty, ail of Toiodo.ore. Al.OKHNON S. lllKSflKR, RogUter. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Onlce, Portland, Orogon. June 28, 1900. Notice la hereby given that Albort Wilt, of Rocca, Oregon, who, on. 13th of una, Idol, made homestead entry No. 18736. aerial No. (W0, for w!i, leotlon It, townthlp B aomh. range 9 west, Wlllamettu Meridian, ha Hied notice of Intention to make final three yi-ar proof, to eatabllxh claim to the land above described, before IiaWade, County Clerk, at Tolutlo, Oration, on the 6th day of August, 1909. Claimant namt-i m wltnemea: (ieorge It. Hampton, Rowel Burnett, Jan e H-rrlKn, Nltl Britt. of Koeca, Oregon: Hint Olron.of Toledo, Oregon ; Frank Morrison, of Rxllm. Oregon. I . Alqkknon 8. Dkksskk. Register.