Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 10, 1899, Image 5

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W. L. DAVIS, Editor.
FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1899.
Basket Social tonight.
Tatom, the Dentist, the 20th.
Buy a basket? Only 25 cents, j
Racket gloves are bargains. See
Joe Ewingwas visiting, his par-
! ents Sunday. . ,
j Will Ford carried the mail to
Siletz Tuesday.
I Ladies' hosiery, bargains, at the
I Racket. Just in.
I Typewriter paper and supplies on
hand at Krogstad's.. ;
i Ex-Sheriff Landis made a trip to
I Albany Tuesday on business.
The T. M. Richardson came
v this forenoon for a load of hay.
I Wm. Tullock of Alsea, was in
I our city on business yesterday.
J The very latest desiens in Wall
"' Paper just received at The Racket,
f A church debt can be paid in no
easier way than by helping the
X Ladies' Aid.
The creamery building is roofed
j and almost ready for the placing of
the machinery.
I Lester Waugh and family moved
J their new Yaquina Head home the
I first of the week.
'I A line of Ladies' Notions received
last night at The Racket. Up-to-
date and real bargains
j W. W. Bollen, it is reported, has
I resigned bis position at the Agency
I and will depart about the first of
j April. Thus the changes occur.
Samuel Center drove over from
I the Siletz Wednesday to bring
I Messrs. J. P. Huffman and DrJ
J Turner this far on their journey.
: Troy Mays came down from Elk
) City Wednesday and remained in
' our city the following day He
1 brought three fine saw logs ,to the
The Misses Lulu Burt and Elsie
Martin went to Newport last night
for a visit among friends a few days
. ; and to again fill their ears with the
j roar of the grand old Pacific.
X John P. Huffman of Corvallis,
(- the mechanic who has the, contract
: for building the hospital at thfe
; j j Agency, visited that place Wedf-
nesday to look after preliminaries'.
; I Arthur Rochester visited thii
- t city Wednesday. He doesn't meet
I I with the boys as often as formerly
f. 1 and they miss his presence. He is
J still making his home at Elk City,
j A letter received by B. F. Jones
; f from Wm. Mackey last night states
,x j that he had 250 pounds besides his
I blankets packed on a sled and was
f' jjust leaving for Atlin Lake. This
S is the latest.
I J Ben Jones departed for Albany
pearly this week and returned Tues
day night quite ill. He has not
.been at his office since. His
trouble is pneumonia or something
. jvery like it.
. Operator Bolles departed for
'Albany Wednesday morning, Mr.
and Mrs. Buoy arrived home the
evening previous. Mr. Bolles'
j injured limb needed better care
j than he could procure here.
I Mrs. H. Gannon and her two
I little daughters departed for Albany
I psterday morning, where they
wm visit among relatives and friends
for a few days. The change will
othem all good after the sickness
of the past winter.
1 Bring your invalid incisors and
; molars to Dr. Tatom. He will be
here the 20th and remain a week.
; l Mr. Raudall of Oregon City, is
on his way to Toledo with his
Cattle as arranged for by his wife
j . several weeks ago. ' It is thought
they will lease the Blower farm.
, The lady will arrive by train when
1 all matters are settled there.
! . ;
Bro. Mathews and R. A. Bensell
came to the capital on the T. M.
this morning.
Mrs. Kendall, matron of the
Siletz Boarding school, has resigned,
the work being too heavy for her.
It is more than her slight build ca
Stouy Wells and Lee . Wad
placed the creamery engine i
position yesteraay. it will soon b
belching forth steam and making
butter at no slow rate.
Wm. Wann, Co. B. Oregon
Volunteers, received his discharge
Monday. He spent most of the
winter at his Waldport home on a
sick leave-of-absence.
Oliver Altree has now'succeeded
in furnishing his mill 'on Drift with
sufficient power to run his saw in
good shape and vvill now proceed
to make cedar lumber galore.
'. Father Bucher was appointed
guardian for Fred Harney, of feble
mind, by the probate court this
week. The same court appointed
Charles Montgomery administrator
for the estate of Malissa Montgom
ery, deceased.
Dr. J. F. Turner, the Siletz
physician, departed yesterday morn
ing for Pitsburg, Pennsylvania, to
visit relatives. He will be absent
one month from his patients before
returning. The Leader wishes
him Bon Voyage. '
If you don't read The Leader
you don't get the news. $1.50.
Patronize home industry. Buy
Oregon City buots and shoes, made
of Oregon leather in an Oregon city
for Oregonians. T. P. Fish sells
them at lowest prices.
Monroe Butler, who has been
living at Monmouth for the past
two years, but formerly lived at
Toledo, is visiting among friends
here today. ,He is working now
for Harry Fant on the Newport
Waldport mail route.
Ed Sullivan departed for his!
possessions near Dawson, Alaska,
Wednesday morning. He intends
wnrkin, them as mM, no.cihiJ
w. , ,. . rheumatism1, was advised to try
this summer and disposing of them Chamberlain's . Pain Balm. He
before returning in the fall. May says: "A few applications of this
Success be his fellow traveler. .liniment proved of great service to
Dr. Fred Vincent, mayor of
Pendleton, and son of pur well
known Mrs. Vincent, arrived Wed
nesday evening, called here by the
illness of his mother. He was de
layed enroute but finds her much
better to his great pleasure. His
stav will be brief.
In Clothing, we have the biggest
drive of the season. A good solid
woolen suit for $5.00, better grades
$6, $7.50 and $10.
Yaq. Bay Merc. Co.
Staytou shorts, flour and chop at
Yaq.. Bay Merc. Co,
For Sale.
I own and wish to sell the "Old
Cannon Rauch" 2 miles up hay
from Toledo. Make me an offer.
WThat have you in Minnesota or
Dakota to trade for it.
m3-4t J. H. Griffin,
Grand Forks, N. D.
Mrs. J. T. Vincent, better known
as Mother Vincent about this town,
because of her many kindnesses to
the sick and others in time of need,
suffered a slight stroke of paralysis
Saturday. The Leader is pleased
to note that she is rapidly recover
The city council met in regular
session Monday, night. Marshal
Horning resigned and Stonewall
Wells, the newly married, was
appointed to fill his unexpired term.
Stony wears the honors very grace
fully and will make an efficient
officer. .
The Leader acknowledges a
pleasant call from Father Bucher
yesterday. He is on our roll 6f
honor now, having subscribed
while here. Father is a cultivated
gentleman, speaking several lan
guages and is also a musician of
more than mediocre talent.. He is
doing much good among the Indians
as is evidenced by all those fre
quently visiting the Agency.
Dock Wakefield, the other one,
was' a Wednesday visitor from
Eddyville. He was, as usual, sell
ing produce to our merchants.
Doc always finds about what our
merchants need about the time it is
needed, which is riot a bad scheme
for the rancher in general.
We are pleased to chronicle the
news that the babe of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Lewis, after a winter's suf
fering from teething, bronchitis,
whooping cough and one or two
other complications, is now con
valescing nicely. It has a wonder
ful tenacity to life else it would
have succumed ere this
Bring Back the Jars.
To those who have oysteT jars
belonging to Al Taylor, he would
suggest that they be at once returned
to the store of Henry Lewis. Don't
forget it or put it off.
Be kind lo vour friends; teii them
to read The Leader, sure.
For Sale.--I have now on
band plenty of good baled hay for
sale. Those in need will know
where to buy.
T. P. Fish.
Many of our readers will regret
greatly the death of Claude Warren
at Wallowa, Oregon, the first of
this week, of typhoid fever. He
was a brother of Dr. E. Warren, of
Newport, and well and favorably
known to the people of Nashville,
Corvallis and in fact this entire
region of Oregon.
M. T. Whitney of Chitvvood, has
invented and is manufacturing the
Magic Vapor Bath. He was in
Toledo Saturday. His bath is a
fine thing and should be in every
home. Its cost is very low, too,
something like $4.50. Later on he
will canvass our city and doubtless
! leave mauy here.
Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the
English Baptist Church at Miners-
111 .: T" 1 . -
v,,ie- ra- wnen sintering wit n
rue. . It subdued the inflammation
and relieved the pain. Should any
sufferer profit by giving Pain Balm
a trial it will please me." For sale
by Otto O. Krogstad, druggist.
Hit 1 '
For first-class, honest dental
work, see Dr. Tatom at Hotel
the 20 and a few days following.
Mrs. Dobson. while planting
flowers Monday had the misfortune
to fall and break the upper end of
ine tnigu uone. ur. .Darnell was
called and reduced the fracture,
but it is doubtful if it heals for a
long time. She is C. Wooding's
mother-in-law and makes her home
with him.
I have beeu afflicted with rheu
matism for fourteen years and noth
ing seemed to give any relief. I
was able to be around all the time,
but constantly suffering. I had
tried everything I could hear of
and at last was told to try Cham
berlain's Pain Balm, which I did,
and was immediately relieved and
in a short time cured. I am happy
to say that it has not since returned.
Josh. Edgar, Germantown, Cal.
For sale by Otto O. Krogstad,
I . . .
1 Of all kinds neatly and promptly
fc; exeeutod. I'rlces reasonable and all
' work satisfactory. Z
We make a specialty of printing
PatnphletB, Catalotrnei). Legal Blanks,
letter Heads, Hill Heads, Btatementiv Z2
Envelopes, Etc., Ktc, Etc.
! Prices and Estlmatoi furnished on
I m all klndsof printing.
I Toledo, Oregon. ?
fcaueato Tour HoweU With t'aHcareu.
fajT SWnne ytr2 conrt,f,ltlon forever
I c.S0c. If C. 0.0. fall, druKKlau refund money
M. M. Davis, visited his prune
orchard at Nashville Tuesday and
upon examination found the entire
orchard in fine condition and not at
all injured by the late cold weather.
His company will realize nicely
from this year's crop. Doc jour
neyed to Corvallis Wednesday to be
absent during the week.
Reese L. Weatherford of Albany,
was in our city Friday night. He
filed several suits with our county
clerk, for the settlement of the
Briggs estate. These suits were
against W. P. Stilt, J. T. Cahil,
Stitt & Cahil and Geo. Bethers and
wife, with Joe Briggs and Mrs.
Nellie Campbell, executors, as
plaintiffs. Reese returned the fol
lowing morning.
Plant an ad. in these columns.
Biliousness, dyspepsia, loss of appetite,
djsturbed sleep, nervousness, headache,
giddiness and drowsiness, wind and pain
or fullness of the stomach after meals, cold
chills and flushings of heat, shortness of
breath these are' the blank cheques of
physical bankruptcy. Take them to a
physician and he will fill- them up with the .
name of some more or less serious disease.
Every time that you carry one of them to
him you draw out some of your funds in
the Bank of Health. Keep it up, and there
will soon be no funds in the treasury.
The man who suffers from these dis
orders and ncglect3 them will soon be in
the relentless pjrasp of some fatal disease.
If he is naturally narrow chested and shal
low lunged, it will probably be consump
tion; if his father or mother died of par
alysis or some nervous trouble, it will
probably be nervous exhaustion or prostra
tion, or even insanity ; if there is a taint in
the family blood, it will be blood, or skin
disease; if h- lives in a new or alow,
swampy country, it will be malaria; if he
lives a life of exposure, it may be rhi-u-matism.
There is just one safe course for
a man to follow who finds himself out of
sorts and Buffering- from the symptoms
described. It is to resort to Dr" Pk-rce's
Golden Medical Discovery. This medicine
makes the appetite keen, corrects all dis
orders of the digestion, renders assimila
tion perfect, invigorates the liver, purifies
and enriches the blood and builds firm,
healthy flesh and nerve tissue, it cures
almost all diseases that result from insuf
ficientor improper nourishment of the
brain and ne-ves. Bronchial, throat, and
even lungr affections, when not too far ad
vanced, readily yield to it.
" I took Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
for Eczema." writes J. W. Barulmrt. of No. 446
De Witt Street, Buffalo, N. Y., "and it com-
plctely cured me." , 1
NewISTo. 2 and 3STo. 3, 1898
1 ;',
Direct Inh'iny, '
Uneqimled Speed,
Strictly Visible Wrltiny,
Strongest Manifolding,
Set aside for the Ladies. Only Invited
guests allowed to attend..
C. W. BOGUE, PropV.
Attorn ey-at-La w,
Notary Public.
Will practice in all the courts of
Oregon. Five and one-half years
' clerk, of Probate and Circuit
courts. Has complete up-to-date
Abstract of Lincoln County.
Ona, Lincoln County, Oregon.
Manufacturers of all kinds ot
Prices given on applicatian.
Notary Public.
4 tin Y-n n-xr n
.niviutj M iiUllj
Land Titles and Land Office Busi
ness a Specialty
Will ssiy to my numerous customers
in various parts of Lincoln county, that
I will try to make it possible for you to
obtain part of your drug wants through
the mails, and will pay part or all the
postage on dry articles, especially of the
more concentrated or costly kinds. "Will
pay the postage on pills, plasters, salves,
tablets, rubher nipples, violin strings,
and many other kinds of drugs. Postage
stamps taken in any amount. Will pay
one-half the express on all dollar pur
chases of patentmedicines or othergoods.
I will endeavor to supply all your wants
in goods in my line. I am after your
trade and will try to merit it.
Expense of maintaining, com
paratively nothing. ' ,
. Prints like, a Press.
No ribbon machine can approach
Portability, .
Positive Aliynmen t,
No Lifting of Carrmye,
Krogsiid-The . Druggist