Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, October 28, 1898, Image 5

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Under New Management.
A House for Commercial Travelem and the Public.
Board and Lodging $1 and 2 per week.
Fine Bath In connection with house.
ED SCHMEER, ""-'" Proprietor.
Even the glorious climate of Cal
ifornia cannot surpass today.
George Burch, proprietor of the
Felix Fremerey, the Portland j mind so often ye scrib would have
hemp expert, was in town the first a wedding to write up. And that
of the week making contracts with other couole that haveheen hmfcimr
Yaquina Bay Crabbery of Newport : our farmers for next year's acreage j sideways at each other for so long
is in the city today. jot hemp. We understand he se- might as well get married. Ye
Peter Schirmer of Wright Creek one hundred acres in this ' scribe spoke to the girl about it the
is in our city today on business. j vicinity, and we hope the matter of .other day and she said she was
Jack Rader, the very same Tack ' p growing may be of greatest going to live to be an old maid and
returned from the mines last even- i Vcllue 10 our Iarmers-
He wanted to tell us all about
yhen in Corvallis,
all and examine our line of $8.80 and
suits. They can't be beat in Ore
Thcy are made of Albany Woolen
lills' All Wool Cassimere. and made to
Also a complete line of BOYS' YOUTHS' and
Suits Made to Order.
F. L. MILLER, Corvallis, Ore.
teial attention given to mail orders.
didn't thank me for my advice.
Pro bono Publico.
Oct. 26, 1898
Born Saturday. October
that country but time wouli not ' 1898, tohe wife of Mr. Tav Dunn
.11 jt.j .. .. .. J J
auuw aim me description was post- a gin, weight 5 pou..ds. Grandpa
Pned- Dick says he caught Jay out back
The News is authority for the of the woodshed whispering"papa"
following: Mrs. Alice C. Peairs, to himself to see how it would
of Toledo. Or., has been appointed! sound, but as he was somewhat As they formerly resided here 'tis
matron 01 tne western bhoshone I excited himself, we cannot vouch
Waldport Items.
Mr. and Mrs. George Read and
Mrs. Daisy Hosford, of Siletz, are
visting in Waldport and vicinity.
8.80. t
Land Commissioner,
Jptclal attention given to filings and final
Correspondence solicited.
Lincoln county leader.
-W. L. DAVIS, Editor.
A woodland Rebuff. 5
Where are yon going, my pretty maid?"
I'm going a no ting, sir," she said.
Cu 1 go with you. my pretty maid?"
l can't stand your chestnuts, sir," she said.
Winter is most here.
Only 27 days till Thanksgiving.
B. F. Tones returned from Albany
t night.
Judge Stewart went to the Agency
iesdayon business.
jMartia Berry of Newport, was a
aesday visitor in Toledo.
!.he Ontario News, after six
nths of labor, has ceased.
J. H. Buov & Co. ATP nflrlrinp
" j o
'les for the 'Frisco market.
J. F. Turner came over from
Siletz agency yesterday after-
Jlrs. Renus Arnold returned
P her visit to Portland Fridav
Seal Gaither and wife soent Sun-
pith their son, J. S. Gaither,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Owen departed
.their Independence home yes
W morning.
juiomey Jones went to Albany
business Tuesday morning, to
osent several days.
Scandinavians living in this
?ny held religious services at
j Methodist church yesterday.
lmon fishing will soon be a
fgof the past. The run this
f was fast and furious, but short
Fs. Job Arnold and Al Waugh's
f girls returned from their visit
n8 friends at Eugene Friday
r- Needham, a nephew of Mrs.
r Gowell, arrived from Shedds
s1ay and will remain here this
"r restaurant will be opened
S(ky by J H. Crawford, who
Near Elk City. We wish him
you don't read The Leader ,
uon t get the news. $1.50.
Mrs. F. M. Wads worth who has
been visiting friends at Eugene for
a fortnight past, returned Saturday
Plowing and seeding are being
pushed zealously about Dallas these
days. Next years' acreage will be
a "cracker."
., Advertisers in the Leader do
the business. Judicious advertising
invariably bespeaks the rustling
business man.
John Daly who lived on King's
Slough, went to Salem last week to
accept a position at the State
Reform school.
Henry Gannon is raising the
sidetrack in town today, and that
part already done looks oh, so much
better than formerly.
San Francisco and Spokane were
connected by telephone last week.
Talk-was plainly heard the entire
distance of 1,300 miles.
Charley Emigh, mate on the
T. M. Richardson, fell last week,
striking on a cavel on the deck,
and broke two of his ribs.
Attorney C. E. Hawkins did
legal business in Albany Monday
and Tuesday. "Hawkey" is a
rustler and has a nice business.
Capt. Frank Plummer, who has
been absent for a month seeking
health in California, returned last
evening looking much improved.
From Jonesboro, Indiana, comes
a request for a Leader. Mr.
Pearson has traded for land here
and will come on in the near future.
Miss Julia Taylor departed Mon
day morning for the bedside of her
mother at Philomath. Mrs. Ed.
Stanton fills her position in the
Bushnell & Mahon, prune growers
of Lane county have plans made to
build a drier for next season's crop
tt, hold 1. 700 bushels of
prunes at once.
Mr. Olson, one of our solid
farmers, was a Tuesday caller at
this office. He is a wiae-waice
farmer and we were glad to make
his acquaintance.
Chester Dixon came down from
Elk City Wednesday on business
and while here made this office a
call and ordered the Leader to
Indian school, Nevada, at $500 per
Rev. Charles Booth and wife who
have spent a month at the front
among the grand Cascades as a
period of vacation returned Friday
and stopped over one day to visit
friends here.
Mr. Ed Owen and wife arrived
from Independence Saturday even
ing to visit for a few days with
Uncle Hop. Mr. Owen repot ts
business as having been excellent
in his town this fall.
We will buy all the apples that
are offered, in trade, at 25 ct. per
bushel. Yaq.. Bay Merc. Co.
If you want good bread go to
Fish's Store for your flour. He
has the leading brands, Perfection,
Golden Crown and Magnolia.
We would call the public's special
attention to the extra quality of our
shorts, chop and flour, if not better
than any other in the market we
would not say so.
Yaq. Bay Merc. Co.
Lester Waugh is improving very
rapidly now, sitting up about half
the day. His appetite is well its
astonishing, that's all. He has
been a very sick man, but we shall
have him again on our streets ere
An informal choir rehearsal was
held at the home of Mr., and Mrs.
J. F. Stewart last night and next
Friday evening the regular rehearsal
will be held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Buoy. All singets
are invited. ,
Mrs. Jack McCulIum of Newport,
put kindling on tQP of her stDve to
dry one night last week and awoke
later to find a miniature bonfire on
the stove and the house full of
smoke. A pail of water quickly
applied saved her house.
Our readers will be pleased to
learn that M. L. Trapp's family
has come to live among us again.
The family moved from the Chit
wood home Monday and is now
domiciled in the Huntsucker resi
dence just above Mr. Brazleton's.
W.J. Bilyeu and family, who
came here to conduct a restaurant
about a month ago, departed for
their old home near Aumsville
Wednesday morning. Mis. Bilyeu
was not able to do the necessary
work we understand. Sorry to
lose them so soon.
J. W. Flowers of Newport, de
pal ted for Lewiston, Maine, Mon
day morning. He goes to assist
in manufacturing some of his
patents which parties there are
about to purchase. He is a patera
maker and can facilitate the manu
facture by being on the ground and
making the patterns.
Wanted Estimates for sinking
a 100-foot shaft. Enquire of
B. F. Jones, Toledo, Or.
A complete stock of $8.80 and
$9.90 suits always on exhibition at
the Yaquina Bay Mercantile Co's
Hon. Thos. H. Tongue visited
his friends at Newport the last of
the week. Everybody in this part
of his district is much pleased to
see him as they appreciate the hard
work be did to properly and suc-
for him.
November first there will be no
saloon either in Lebanon or Harris-
burg. The Junction
adds this to the news:
villages above mentioned will now
be watched with some interest as
to whether their morals will be
improved and new churches built
or whether the towns will decay
and become burdened with mn,"
It is worth one's time to examine
the immense stock of goods now
piled up in the Yaquina Bay Mer-
cantile's wareroom and on their
shelves. To one not knowing the
volume of their business it would
seem enough to last them a year,
but really in ninety days more will
have to be ordered. When you
have a spare moment call and look
their stock over.
While Hon. T. H. Tongue was
in Toledo, Messrs. F. M. Wads-
wortn and n. K. turdevant gave
him an informal banquet at the
Toledo Hotel, after which timely
remarks were made by those present
upon subjects important to the
welfare of our town and county.
It was a very pleasant affair, and
seemingly much enjoyed by all
visit his home a year
Tav Van Cleve departed on tbe4cessfully lay our improvement de-
.,.,mM!ii.ara vesterdav for San mands before congress. At the
For Sale or Rent.
A farm of 50 acres between Toledo
and Newport on county road. For
price and terms apply to
R. F. Raines,
Toledo, Oregon.
The bright star in the constella
tion of flour brands is and has been
for years, the Red Crown brand.
We sell it. . Y. B. M. Co.
Patronize home enterprise and
home merchants. Don't you know
that we sell clothing cheaper than
traveling fakes? Y. B. M. Co.
Nortons Notes.
We'uus are all busy here at Nor
tons, digging potatoes, picking
apples, plowing, etc.
Jim Brown's gang of bridge
carpenters is working here this
week repairine C. & E. railroad
M. L. Glass has sold hs Big Elk
ranch, and bought 6ome land of
H. S. Porter.
E. H. Bryant, who had his arm
broken on the C. & E. last week is
at home. His arm doing nicely.
W. L. Price, a Kings Valley
stockman, bought a band of sheep
from H. S. Porter, N. F. Edward
and others last week. It takes
money to buy sheep these days.
Earl Sherk went to Chitwood last
week to teach school, but returned
home on account of the children
having the whooping cough.
J. W. Bryant took his wife visit
ing Sunday evening, (something he
hardly ever does,) and when be got
home the stairs were on fire and a
partition partjy burned out of the
house. It is Joe's nature to work
more for his own interests than for
others, so with hard work he got
the fire put out. If he had let his
house burn down ye scribe could
have written a half column item
telling how sorry we all are and
about Joe being a public spirited,
like "Auld lang Syne."
C. R. Evens returned from an
extended trip to Eastern Oregon.
Judging from the way the boys
City Times come meandering around the Alsea
'The two 1 country has as many attractions as
the balance of creation.
Messrs. Chas. and J. E. Allen
and families returned to their farms
from the Valley on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Goin and Mrs.
a. . . . ...
tttut cue ogatti cuy ic&iucms, unci
a summer tour on the banks of the
Postmaster C. L. Diven made a
flying trip to the Alsea flour mills
between last week and this.
Ex-Assessor Silas Howell was
over from his goat range on North
Fork of Yachats last week. The
goat men of that region brag that
it will raise more pounds of fleece
to the goat than e'er another range
on "God's green earth."
Rumor says the cannery is again
short on tin for cans. 'Tis an
algebraical problem, given; tin
"quantum suff." help in ratio, and
the desire to make a record, just
how many cases ot salmon could be
put up on the raging Alsea.
I. R. Gault of Tidewater, is suf
fering from a serious attack of
dropsy. His recovery is likely to
be a tedious matter.
R. Trenholm of Fall Creek, now
carries the U. S. mail from Alsea
postoffice to Tidewater.
Our recently received stock of
clothing which consists of a solid ton
of ready made clothes, is always on
exhibition. Y. B. M. Co.
Railroad Engineer
Testifies to Benefit Received From
Dr. Miles' Remedies.
Jill? v
THERE is no mors responsible position
on earth than that of a railroad engin
eer. On bla steady nerves, cloar brain,
bright eye and perfect self command, de
pend the safety of the train and the Urea
of Its passengers. Dr. Miles' Nervine and
other remedies are especially adapted to
keeping the nerves steady, the brain clear
and the mental faculties unimpaired.
Engineer F. W. McCoy, formerly of 1323
Broadway, Council Bluffs, but now residing
at Mil Humboldt St., Denver, writes that he
"suffered for years from constipation, caus
ing sick, nervous and bilious headaches and
was fully restored to health by Dr. Miles'
Nerve ft Liver Pills. I heartily recommend
Dr. Miles' Remedies."
Dr. Miles' Remedies
are sold by all drug
gists nnder a positive
guarantee, first bottle
benefits or money re
funded. Book on dis
eases of the heart and
nerves free. Address,
Restore j
DR. MILES MEDICAL 00,. Elkhart, Ind.
Tetter, 8altltheum and Eczciuu.
The Intense Itching and smarting, incl
dent to these diiieiiees, is instantly allay ed
bv annlvlnir Chamberlain's Eye and
Skfn Ointment. Many very bad cattea
hard working man, but he is not a SSSl
steamer ixav n.rt ,jm(. ftf h' election few thoueht he friend of lbe P"0" and we will t favorite remedy for sore nipples,
tftonr soo to visit his brother, Bert, time 01 nis election lew toougui ue . , hand., rhilhialns. frost hit
.,!, ic Ptnnloved bv a phonograph could secure this legislation, try he , no1 mention u. iraaUj 8ore evefl 25 ct8 per
company in that city. never so naru. 1 jw umu 1 tuauc u iviiu;v,u,iin1(nii Uggir.