nery, . . . ftH 16 to l Ik... GRAND BRYAN RATIFICATION!! -AT- Toledo, Oregon, TUESDAY, SEPT. 15, 1896. FREE STEAMBOAT FROfl NEW PORT AND YAQUINA. TIio Steamer Richardson has been cliar- j tercd and will run free from Yaquina and Newport. Tliis event will be a Grand Ratification of the Silver forces of Lincoln County. Speaking Afternoon and Evening Among the prominent speakers who will be present are Hon. J. K. Weathcrford, Hon. H. L. Barkley, Hon. Harry Watkins, Hon. John Burnett, Hon. W. S. McFad deu, and many others. Everybody Come out and Ratify The Peoples' Choice. ? TOO LATE ! TOO LATE ! ! It is 1 10 late to get an Abstract of Title to a piece of Csj land after you have bought it and touitd out that there are judgements and tax liens against it. The proper thing to i do is to have the ! I LINCOLN COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, $ of Toledo, make you an Abstract of Title before investing I your money. A business man now days never buys real j estate without first obtaining; evidence of a good title. S We warrant our work to be absolutely correct. Address. Crosno & Peairs. BO0TH CASH - STORE Yaquina City, Oregon. Staple and Fancy Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Etc. Goods Sold at San Francisco Prices. J. S. BOOTH, Frop., YAQUINA CITY, OREGON. Notice for Publication. Land Office at Oregon Citv. Ore his into ntlon tamSi Tfln., p, VnVt 3 his c aim, and that said proof will be made be Toledo sOregon on September 11 18?"" inm V t P. NEAL, H.E. 11092. -i me BuuinwPHr . r th& .v . HenaniMtho l.nnt'n. . . i., : ",v 'v tuning vtiuiesses io prove h's continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Butter.of Toledo . Henry H. Curler and I trpinin ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Juu.annjonn Flynn, erry Banks, of Glen. Notice for Publication. Land Oillce at Oregon City, Oregon, v.i . v t , August 4, 1896. Hi1' iere 5'j?n thBt " foliowing-nam-eel settler has (ilea his intention of making lln al proof in sumiort of his plnim ,,, i.i Woof will be made before the County clerk of Lincoln i ounty, at Toledo, Oregon, on Sen- icinuenyin iNi, viz: JOHN II. YAKTIS, H. E. 8,161, for the north W of N E i,", 8E of N E of section 24, township 11 south, range 8 west. He nanies the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John L. Ilvde, of Toledo. iuriiuur, tii unrian, Oregon James Mulkey and Thos. Kelly, of Summit, Oregon. ' ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Notice for Publication. Land Ollice at Oregon City, Oregon, August 4, 18'.K). OTKT! I FFvnV VRV THAT THE followlne-nampri nattier ha. Hlorf nnnna i his intention to make llnal proof In tupixirt of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, on September in, 1S96, viz: ADKLUKttr 8. FELTOX, II. E. 8,4:16, for the east 14 of SE and E 'v, of SE w.section 4, township 10 south, range 8 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John V. Hnmar, James J. Bristow, Joseph W. l'rieeand Ilobertchainbers, all of Nashville, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. Notice for Publication. PUBLIC LAND SALE (ISOLATED LANDS.) Land Office at Oregon City, Oregon, August 4, 1SU6, Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of instructions from the eomlsslonerof the Gener al Laud Ollice, under authorttv vested in him by section 2.4iT, CniHd Stnles Revised Statute, as amended by the act of congress approved February 26, 1CJ5, wo will proceed to oiler at public sale at 10 o'clock a. in., on the 21st dav of Septemlier, next, at this ollice, the follow ing tract of land towit: N,E.'4ofS. W. ,' of Sec. SO, Twp 11 south, range 9 west, and E. of S. E. li of Sec. 24, twp II south, ranee 10 wst, Wil lamette Meridian, Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above described laud are advised to lile their claims in this ollice on or before the dav above designated for the commencement of said sale, otherwise their rights will be forfeited. liOBKRT A. MILLER, Register. VM. GALLOWAY, Receiver. Senator Mitchell On Silver. Senator J, H. Mitchell has taken the stump in Oregon for McKinley and the single gold standard. It is interesting to read Senator Mitchell's views of two years ago. On June 18, 1895, an interview with Senator Mitchell was published in the Portland Daily Sun. This interview concerned the question of free coinage, and was written out by Senator Mitchell himself. It is an able article and reads as follows: "Senator, do you still adhere to your views on the silver question, as frequently expressed by you in your speeches in the senate and in various journalistic interviews?" "Most assuredly. So far from having become weakened in the faith, I have, by further careful study and investigation ' of the question, become more fully con vinced than ever that the views I have heretofore advocated on the monetary subject ate correct, end in line with the best interests of all classes of all the people and the real physical development and business prosperity of this country. I am unalterably opposed to the single cold standard. I, in the larguage of the last national re publican platform, 'demand,' not merely 'favor,' but 'demand the use of both gold and silver as standard money'; not gold merely as standard money, ana silver as lontn money or subsidiary coin, but both gold and silver as standard money, as stated in that platform. In other words, we must have no limit on the one metal either in respect to coinage, the legal tender function or debt-paying power, that is not imposed on the other, nor must any legislative recognition be withheld from one that is accorded the other, and. therefore, as the coinage of gold is free and unlimited, so must fact that the United States is the greatest silver-producing country in the world, and that both gold and silver were equally the money of the constitution from the begin ning of the republic, until the hostile legislation against silver, which unduly contracted the cir culating medium of the country; and recognizing that the great interests of the people demand more money for use in the channels of trade and commerce; therefore we declare ourselves in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver, and denounce any attempt to dis criminate against silver as unwise and unjust.' "Elected to the senate on that platform for the term I am now serving, there I stand faithful to its wise admonitions and instruc tions. I should consider myself false to my party and to the legisla ture which elected me if I did not." Notice for Publication. Land Ollice at Oregon City. Oregon, August 4, INMi. vnTTrif la Tii?nrnv fii-i.v tit it tiii: follow ing-namul settler has 111, d notice oi he the Poinrtp-a of silver. As Col.l his intention to nmke Dual proof in support o( j ... hisciaim, and that said proof win i.e made be- is by legislative enactment money fore tke County Clerk of Lincoln county, at i . Toledo, Oregon, on September 19, 18-.H1, viz: of ultimate redemption, SO, tOO, JOHN 1'. 1IAMAH, II. E. WfHii, . , , . , , for the southeast 'i of section 8, township 10 must silver be endowed by law biiuiii, muge o neni. He names the following witnesses to prove I tvi'h the like fut'ctiotl nis continuous residence uion ami cuiuvaiiou of said land, viz: Joseph V. Price, James J. ' coiliatre, however, lUUSt UrUrnn- A .1 ..1 Irfi ,r M roltnn a,i,1 11, .hurt I 1 Chambers, all of Nashville, Oregon. KOJEKX A. MIL-LK, Resistor This be at a ratio fixed by law the precise means by which such ratio has al ways been fixed not be commerce. But for the fact that it would necessitate the recoinage of all our I should ratio by jlaw at to i; as it is. however, Xotice for Publication. Land Ollice at Oregon City, Oreiron, Augu.sta, wm. Notice is hereby given that the followlng- to make final proof in support of hisciaim, and present silver dollars, Clerk of Lincoln County, at Toledo, Oregon, oil ' favor the fixing of that JAMES MULKEY. II. E. No. 7,730, .o ....... t .... 4, , .... 3 ... ji.. ... e -r northeast y. anu nortnwest ; oi S'.-utncnsi yt . i am oeciueiiiy 111 lavur oi ruuiii- jLAiuy Viiie itCiuS. I. F. Eddy has retired to private life. He has rented his store to J. P. Conroy, who will conduct it for a time. Mr. Conroy has a wife and eight children which will tie no drawback to our school. Mr. Welten has prepared fine ac commodations lor the travelers at his place, at the forks of the road. He has two big barns full of fee l, and has a good camping place. A good many of our people are going out to' the hop yards to make a raise. The hardest cyclone that ever struck Oregon was the bicycle. There is 6,000 now running in Portland, and other towns in pro portion. They will cost 011 an average $100 each, so you can see it takes out money. They ruin stages, steam boats, railroads, black smith shops, carriage factories and livery stables, but farmers get it worse of all. They can'i sell a horse nor horse feed. Then the cyclists have the gall to ask us to j build good roads for them. If I had the power I would make them pay a license of $10 n year. Tammany. September 8, 1856. and northwest 54 of southeast of section 22, township 11, south, ran-e 8, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culivatiou of said land, viz: John L. Hyde.of Toledo, Ore gon, Frank Hvde, of Eddyville, Oregon, John H. YantiBanu Henry mickics, 01 summit, ure- gon. ROBERT A. MILLER. Register. Notice for Publication. I and Office at Oregon City, Oregon, Notice is hereby given named settler has tiled notice of his iSentember 2. 1896. that the following ntentlon to make llnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Lincoln county, at Toledo, Oregon, on October 22, WW. viz: LAFAYETTE F. PEPIN, H. E. 8,452, for the west Hot northwest lt and southeast U of northwest of section 82, township 10 south, range 9 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: II. N. Foster, E. W. Durkee, 1). J. Chttwood and J. E. Wilson, all of Chitwood, Oregon. ROBERT A. MILLER, Register. (( 5J The Steam Launch Tvr a err.rr'T'"T7! 1 f t k i v a i a-ij Commencing Monday, July 13th will make tri-weekly trips between Elk City and Newport, stopping at Toledo and Yaquina, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Fare between each town 25 cents. Par- jcels under 25 lbs. will be delivered ! at any business place in either city ! for 10 cts.; packages over 25 lbs. and under 50 lbs. for 15 cts. Ex cursions or other business attended to when not on regular run. A. B. CLARK, Master. C. WES0L0V5KI, Merchant Tailor. All kinds of tailor work done. All work done in first-class manner and satisfaction guaranteed. Al so all kinds of cleaning, dyeing and repairing done, At the Blake House. Toledo, Oregon. Some of the republican leaders of Marion county thought it would be the proper thing for Hon. II. L. Barkley to resign the office of representative to which he was tainingthe existing ratio of 16 elected last June as a republican, to 1. "Until the limitations now im posed by law on the coinage of silver, and which are not imposed on the coinage of gold, are removed. silver cannot be regarded for one moment as 'standard money.' Those persons, therefore, who are so vehemently insisting on the per petuity of the single gold standard, are the champions of a convention in direct flagrant antagonism of that clause in the Minneapolis national republican platform of 1892, which says: 'The American people from tradition and necessity favor bimetalistn, and the republi can party demands the use of both gol i and silver as standard money.' For one, I claim to stand squarely on that plank of the republican national platform when I insist that all distinctions between gold and silver as respects their coinage, their legal tender function, and their capacity as money of ultimate redemption, be forever swept away by legislation. "The more especially am I forti fied in my position by the tollowiug plank in the state platform of the republican party of Oregon, adopted unanimously by its state conven tion in 1890, and on which was elected the legislature which, in January, 1891, re-elected me to the senate, giving me the voles of every republican member of that legis lature. This plank reads as follows: " 'Sixth That, recognizing the inasmuch as he is now supporting Bryan on the Silver issue. Mr. Barkley expressed himself as willing, provided that Gov. Lord would give him a written agreement to immediately call a special election to fill the vacancy. He was willing to canvass the county on the silver issue. Up to date Mr. Barkley's offer has not been accepted. A Timely Reminder. Each season forces upon our con sideration its own peculiar perils to health. The advent of fall finds many reduced in strength and vigor, poorly prepared to continue the business of life. The stomach and bowels, the great highway of animal economy, is especially liable to dis order in the fall. The nervous system has also suffered in the struggle. Typhoid fever and mala ria in particular find in the fall that combination of air, earth an l water that mark this season as especially dangerous. The falling leaves, the decaying vegetables contribute their share of contamination. Hood's Sarsaparilla furnishes a most val uable safeguard at these important points, and should be used in the fall before serious sickness has laid you low. Notice. All parties indebted to me on ac count must come forwaid and make settlement. I have accommodated you and now I must have my money. Henry Lewis. Si -7