Lincoln Comity Leader. J. IT. ITIWiBT, JPMIh. TOLEDO 0KEG05 OCCIDENTAL NEWS. Astoria fanners Preparing for a Big Salmon Catch. SENSATIONAL MURDER TRIALS. Barns Beat the Record for High Jumpinir Sontajj and Evans Again Heard From. Carlisle' order discontinuing coinage at the Carson mint throws tliirty-iiinc employes out of work. A concession H King sought at the City of Mexico for a lottery ut Kiimi-ii-yada, Lower California. Astoria canncrs, are preparing for the biggest salmon catch of I tie vcar. 'i hi' present run in very heavy. A monHU;r fur-bearing, weighing , l,MO pounds, waH caught at Kilt Cree k, t Tillamook, Or., recently. Philip Koonco and Walter I. Iiough crty have been arrested at Ilailey, Idaho, and charged with mealing letters. Tlio fourth crop of green peas in now ready for the tahlu at Yuma, (in-en corn has l)eeii in Die market hiine M.iy 10. The Colorado. New and Carter rivers in Arizona are higher than had been known in yearn. 'Iho latter two are out oi liieir buukfi. Work on the construction of the tele phono line from rendietou toCanyon City htm begun, Thu line will be com pleted to 1'ilot Jtock in two weeka. The (iooil and McWhirtcr murder casei) at Fresno are becoming very much entangled with contradictions, and plots and counter-plots of a sensational acter. Judge JiuMrt of the Unites f-tateH Ii trict Court at lo Angeles has ruled in a water cant that anew coiiMtitiitioii can not abrogate eoutractH mailu previous to itM pannage. Idmliorger it Co., contractors and bllillllTH at I OH Allgl'IcH, Consisting of ti. J). ouliorger nud it. N. Kogers, mi l denly departed fioin 1js Angeleit, leav ing luuils-r bills and mechanics unpaid. The IlradMtreet Mercantile Agency re portH thirteen failures in the Pacific Coast Mutes and Territories fur the nifl Week, an compared w ith fifteen fur Hie previous week and lilteen lur the cone sjioiiding week of 1W2. Eleven Icnvcr young men danced sovciilecn hours uud thirty minutes, and only plopped when Hie Humane Hocicty and thu polico inlei ieicd. The ineu were allowed Hix lady partner apiece, w ho relieved each other at Mated intervalH. 'J'hu prize contented fur w an a f JuO medal. Thulium lliirns, who was with Ilia, k, the detective, at the time Isontag and J'Iviiiih tired on them, s.ud to a reporter: "Vou may hay, if you like, that 1 wan cared nut of my wis, Tliere was one obstruction in my way an 1 ran that miiHt have been sixteen feet high, but 1 cleared it at a leap." A petition in (o le forwarded to Ot tawa from the white lislici'iucii ol the r'rancr river in lintisli Columbia pro testing against the present law , w hich enahlen the .lapn and alciu to get natur al ue. I Hiid then procure fishing I ; 1 1 r-i-n . Thu Asiatics are taking the oath of al legiance hy thu score. The 1ki 8 in the State Reform School near Saicui are kept at work clearing land. Ahuul ten a. res w ill he ch are.l for the plow Huh mm. in, making a little more than 100 tillahle of the total cMatc of 377 acres. The scIhkiI lines between " . i)IJHirtT)1 iVKl cords of wood u year, and the cutting of it removes most of the limber from the tractH to he cleared. Health Ollicer Kcciicy and I'r. Kegcn burgcr of the San I-nuifisco ltoard of Health have sent to the iiesthouso Hub ert Jackson, a -M-year-oid iimk, whnui they decided wait a full-lie dgiil leper, Jackson said lie nai a native ut hnglund, and that he had b en in Honolulu lur dime time. Then he went to Victoria, nd three InontliH ago came to San I rau cisco. He thought he wan only nullcrilig from a alight akin disease. Clark 1'. Itoyce, a well-known lawyer of Sail I rani lm o, Inn Ken indicted by the grand jury fur cuilctlcinciit nl Jl'.i,' tXKI, the fundi of the Vouutville eter aim' Home, w bile acting an Tr iihiiit uf that inalitiitiou. lioyco waa luiiud m Ida room alajut a uioiith ago sutlcring from a bullet wound in the head, hut liuw hu came by it haa siiiiv remained a inyntcry, although generally K-heved it waa a caao of attempted suicide. The fact that he waa a detaultcr w aa discov ered noon after thia. The managera of the Eugene cannery re now planting corn at the rate ol hunt fifteen acrm a day on the I mi -! i -ncll farm north uf that Ion, Thev will plant a lm I seventy-live acres. They have fourteen horses and eight men at work and are running two lull ing cultivatora and have time men run ning the corn drop'rs. I lie gioiind is thoruiighly cultivated lad' ire planting, and great paina are King taken to have even thing juat right to iuauro it good crop. The reault of the investigation by the government inspector ol the recent collision N'lwceii Hie ateniuera Mate of Cahloruia and WhitcMairo ia male pulihc. The innpectota tind that I ap tain l.ieU'g of the WhitcaUirvi went ladow on the night of the accident, leaving the accoud male, an imluvne. titllcer, in charge, and it waa due to hi want of kuowlerlgu that the culliniiin took place. Captain l.lclag ia fouinl rulpuble lor having pineal audi an olli cer In charge, and hia liietiiH aa a in.ia ter and pilot la 'expended for thirl) tlava. Captain Ackh v of the State ol California ia exonerated Iiom all hlauie. IVaviil Starr Jonlan liaa n aigned the Presidency of the lA'land Stautord Jr. Vuivenuty. The n aignatiun la Mid to have leen made to inuor stanfonl personally and aupplemeiiti-d by a writU'll communication, which tin founder of the inalitiitiou haa accept, d. It i undcratoo.1 that at the en. id of tin cholaatic year rrcnidcul Jordan' con nectioll with tin) college w ill ceaao, 1 In reason given for the leaiguation ia thai Senator Stanford has lor mmie tune U'ct, rattier diaaatialled with the manlier in which Jordan haa managed the iimver ity atl'aira. W'Ueu he returned from abroad an weeka ag lie auiiunoiuii lie J'rwiidcnt to a conference at lua l'alo Alto rtjeideuoo. lie indicate I tin change he d wired, hut Jorlan rtentisl the Senatorial iiiterfervnv with lh oltlmaU rwault m itd. CHICAGO EXPOSITION. j At the entrance of the Colorado bnild ing at the World's Fair if a flagstone of red sandMone 2xfi fit and ten inch.- thick. It is reported that Count ToiMoi in tenda V) vinit the World's Fair and bring over w ith him a party of yom g Jijsian noble.-, who an; to investigate American agricultural nn.-tho'lH and the systeuia of irrigation in use in the West. A number of foreign commissioners who, w hen dissatisfied with the awards plan, withdrew their exhlhits from corn- petition have announced they have re- storeil them as the result of the settle nient of the much-discussed question. Henry C. Ive, le ad of the art depart ment ot tin: world s hair, tiaa haa a cl'i'h plaied over Ai.derm'a picture of " Woman Taken in Adulterv." w hich the committee had refuse.) permission to exhibit, but which the French exhibitors gave representation to in their collection of pictures. Heir Wermith, the Imperial 'ierman Commissioner, said the other da , refer ring to the reisrt in late dispatciics, that Emperor William bad linally decided to come to the fair, that he ha1 no official advice to that ell'ect, but would not be surprised if it came to pass, as the Em peror was a great traveler and had taken a deep interest in the fair. iJircctor Charted 11. Schwab of the World's Fair says that the exposition has cleared 2o0,(i() on May, and as a result of a general reduction of force to hegin soon, a better reult is confi dently anticipated for the month of .lime. Mr. Swab bsik a rosy view of ttie situation, and claimed that the linancial success of the Woild's Fair is already assured lie snvs the running expenses of the fair w ill he but $100. 000 a week for the present, and ibis w :'l lie cut down when the force an; re duced, us cannot now be afforded by the officials. Mr. Schwab says the rcc. ipts of the month of Mav averaged daily. it. is now positively known that the fir-fatned Oriental monarch, the Sultan of .(chore, is coming to the World's Fair. His Mai' slv cabled the fact of Ins inteinei vMit. to I'enuty Commis sioner V. W. I.akn, and directed Mr. J.ake to meet him in Carlsbad, Icr mariv, to accompany him to Chicago. Mr. Lake at once h ft for New V'oik, w hence he w ill sail for EuroKi on the Campania. He expect to return to Chicago before the end of the present, month. The Sultan is famous for hia great wealth, and is said to Imism-ss the finest collection of diamond and ruliicH and pearls in the world, lie w ill bring n retinue of ten servants and two English iilivsicintis, whom he carries with li i in to look after his health. The formal opening of the electricity building, which has lieen so long de ferred, t'nik place one night lat week. The feature of the display was tiie un veiling and lighting of the hig Ivllson tower erected by the t General Electric Company. This shaft is situate. I in the exact center of the building, and repre sents the liii-hest achievement, of the in candescent lamp. It extends into the grand arch formed by the intersection of the nave and transept, reaching a height of about 100 feet. 'I he methods Used in ii in -t ii li I i. Hi have resulted iii allowing n perfect column though the cnl ire shaft were hew n from one mii"sive block of stone, it springs from the nsif of a col onnade mi rounding the ba-e, and the entire interior is strewn with thousands of i ii i unde-cent lamps as many lined lis the Wc-tcrn sunset. The colors are ar ranged hy mechanical methods, capahle of heing Hashed in harmony wit Ii the strains of music. The column is crow tied with a ell-propoi t ioiicil replica of an Edison incaiidcacent lamp, foiuied from a mult it ude of piece, of prismatic crva tals. I'pward of .'!'. I'ln.i of these heacti lul jewels are strung on a frame, and are all lik'hte l from the i 1 1 i i r by a law number of mi audescetit lamps. '1 lie ef fect pioduced in marvelous, and can only In' appri dated n hen si en. Molilalia's famous solid silver statue of "Justice " was unveiled in the mines and mining building the other day. It is the statue for which the aches., Ada Ueh in, stoml ns a I, and hy so !. inv' created much contention among her sisters of the prof, s-ion. The unveiling of the statue was the event of the dav at the White City, and the great build ing in which the statue stands was thioliged w ith people eager to sec the magnificent work of art. While the crowd waa n-scmhliug, the Cincinnati baud played national tun. The open ing addresa was by Major Martin Mc Itiuiiisuf Montana, w ho spoke in flow ing term, of the luilliiint future I adore that State, of lu r untold wealth, of the enterprise of her citi.vns and her won derful natural resources. When he lln iilied, Mrs. billiards uf Montana stepped forward, and, taking up a small silken cord, g:ive it a gent le pull, an I the Stars and Stripes which enfo.ded tlie silver image of "Justice" (claw in and e'cd the Maine for the lirst time to public gac. 'I he crowd gave vent to wild i let r-, Into the hand played "America." When the applause died nw ay, lion. I. M. tjuinn. editor of the Untie Miner, made the closing ad dress. ilesnikeol the statue as a work of art, of how it cam.' to be ma le, and how it represented the wealth, enterprise and artistic ta-te uf the citi'ens uf that Slate. At the close uf the exercise the Montana Commissioners entertained their friends and a l.irnc mouU rof e-ni-itioii ntlieials and the representatives uf foreign nations tit luncheon. June 1 dosed the I'nM month of the cHisitioii. Although the weather and the gciienil impiessiiin that the fair is not tlnislicd have infected the atteu.l aiuv, the average has in. t In-en as hidi as the governing olbcers of ihe lair cv (Hi tcd Is lore I'r. si, I, -ut Cleveland pressed (he button M l) I. 1 here in no ileiiving that tin' treasury department ot the fair la pressed for money, al though the bank", w hi. h are represented in the l.s al corpoiation, stand lead) to advance money at any time to tide the exposition ov cr ; but money isoaiutu the contiaciois mid i mplows, and tin former li'.d much dilli. ul v in e, Hi' quick and full pav inent of tie ir claim Treasurer Zeclvrgor in cunpeiled to rvsiet to a.! kinds of e u-cs tor puttinv the contrai tois oil, but some have Ihvi. wait'.ng twoiiionthn ii ft i r 'he iMntruct luive been ioiiip!e!ed and their vouchers as-od. Tliere vull In' a severe sdn y ol retrenchment in all department of tin fair lietfiiiniug next month. The di cliargeof '.'.iU'eiuplov e in i oii'cniisati.l and even Major Handy, who deals with the plena representative of the world, ia now a dea led statement .( p.i-"es given with a v :cw to a hcavv reduction ill the list. Fx l'r'sidcni I'l.ker of the eviMsi'ioii. w ho in of tin special coinuutt.e lev. ttcut 'ng tin pus matter, thinki that the pii'sa ol t'le isiiiulrv has done more b.iiin than gvsal to the (air and should not hi treated lila-rally. l (o!t the oocnitit the enthusiasts ivnm. ttsl with tlie I. ;i ta'.kisl a'sMil an aveiage daily attend nice of li'MM', but that liuiida r has only la-en readied twice the opvitinv lay and Mcm iual tlav. Special ft ti .lava and auigie-frx cxcursioua f-oie lstan, aintawi',l at II the crowds (oi the next f Mir mouth, but the Europeai patum .ge i not la ing re'iel on to nv iieat extent in fguni.g up lr..-p, t tivi rvat Ipta. For the montii of Slay it cat only l said that thy fair uot much loit than aid the t'pttuim uxpur. EASTERN MELANGE. P.ank Failures in the West Frighten Depositors. MR. Bl.'SHYH EAD STRICTLY IS IT. Moliaminedana to be Colonized Florida and Georgia by an American Convert. Erie, Pa., ia to have a Masonic Tem ple. It will cost 9-2ii,f). The total registration of Chinese un der tin; Oeary law is less than l.'!,'JJ0. Kansas I'opulists have Htarted a proj rs:t to build a railway by public subscrip tion. Several cases of smallpox have been found in a New York tenement on First street. Kansas miller:, fearful of a shortage in tin- wheat crop, are engaging for fu ture delivery. I'aderewski'M total receipts for his sixty-four concerts in the Lnited States amounted to f 170,000. Euialia admires "American rush," and wonders at the newspapers, whose pict ures please her greatly. The Farmers' and Mechanics' Lumber Company and the lsimis Coal Company at rl. liilis nave lauisi. Kentucky has a Parliament which won't adjourn. It has been iu session for eight months or more. The speed of the cruiser New York ac cording to the final computations was twenty-one knots an hour. The Missouri P.ailroad Commissioners have decided that a single horse must be accepted as freight, though unaccompa nied nj a pci sou Philadelphia has a gas plant of itsown, and I ist year it netted a revenue of over i 1,000.000 in addition to the free use of w hat w as needed for public puriiosea. New York expects less blockade mid quicker transit on Itroudway because of the cable cars, which have commenced tunning on that congested thoroughfare. It is now authoritatively stated that Ctirlyle W. Harris, the executed wife poisoner, came near cheating justice on the eve of of hia execution by taking sdson. The Michigan Legislature has legalized the use of the Myers voting machine in towns, villages and cities. The vote in tiie Senate sbsul lit to 4 ; iu the House 12 to :i. Imisville has offi-rcd 1 ,000,000 for the removal of the State aiiital of Kentucky from Frankfort to that city. The Legis lature, which is now in session, will set tle the question When the dispensary law goes into ef fect in South t arolina on Julv 1 ttiestati will leahe 1 1 profit on every gallon of liquor sold, and isexpecte-1 to clear foOO, Ooi) the lirst year. A Detroit distor, who undertook to pull a dislocated ankle into place, dislo cated the knee joint of his nutient. The hitter has entermj suit against the doctor lor 0,000 ilarnnges It is tin' opinion of the New York World that the revenue bill of the next Congress w ill contain a clause iinposniL' a tax immiii incomes over a certain amount say over i 10,000. In Chio after August 1 all wholcsal dealers in cigarettes must pay $.'100 and and all retailors HK) for license fees, and the prospect in that verv few of either wdl take out the napi'ircd license The first vessd with n green flag flying at her toji that ever entered Huston har Inir has mat arrived at that port. She is tiie four-mastml hark Cave Hill, built in llelfii.-t, Ireland. Her tonnage is J,b'i7. Philadelphia has never had such a thorough lioiise-to-hoitsesatiitarv inspec tion as that which is now la'ing made hv the Hoard of Health officials, whodiiriug ihe past week visited 3,oo houses and discovered M7,' nuisances. The recent failures in the West have alarmed hank depositors, and many are withdrawing their money and rcntoig -pace in deposit companies. The Safe l'eposit A ssociat ion at Chicago announces that UK) safes were rented Saturday. The first time Archbishop Corrigan ot New York had la-en in a Protestant church during a rcligioua serv ice was at the recent funeral of Mrs. Oliautiivv M. I'cpeiv. The presence of the prelate is said to have touched Mr. IVpevv verv d.eply. A Milwaukee brewer lias an option on an e-tate in Mexico, four ist ing uf iilnuit .'at7 squaie miles, at o0 cents per acre. The property is known as the Camotlan estate, and it lies in the State of Jalisco, north and west ol the city of tiuadala jara, the second city of Mexico. iuh) head, ex-chief of the Cherokee, has managed by the insertion of a clause in the Cherokee land lull passed by Con gress to select a quarter section of land la fore the tract ia thrown open to settle ment and establish a townsite. lie has been offered t s'.tHHl for his selection, but refues. liv a ruling of the Vnitcd States Cir cuit Com t of Appeals at St. Paul, Minn., :'. was hi id that a foreign subject who in qualiticd to become acitien of the I'nitcd -tatea under the Keviscd Statutes does not btvome such by tiling a declaration of intention to tlo so. He must comply with alt the provisions of the Federal sta'utcs. One of the Florida phosphate compa nies is shipping 1,.'h0 tonsaweck. Tliere ire now a do.'en companies thus engaged, .me of w Inch i formed by French capi talists, w ho ship phosphate to France. Europe now auniiallv consume", 7S 000 tons ol Florida phosphates. The capital nveste I ill these Fit lorida companies is oU.'.lnll.lW. The Salvation Army in New York ex pet ts to iniike a remarkable display in that i ity next fall, when tiencral lltKit'.i will visit thia country. Ctenmandei ballii.gtou I t.n. ill and hi wife will have ha-ge, and it is their purpose to bring to New Yoik at least hV.iMi mcin!erso! ihe aiiiiv.and that every State andeverv I rov nice in Canada w ill lu rcprv-ented. Mr. Frank C. IhuVon, alias Mr. Vmta F. ettnore, alias half a doen the- name, who was arrested in Pitts hunj recently at the instance of hci newest lathe r-in-law, Jacob Hatfon, ap is ars to is' the niot remarkable advcti ure- that has ever ocrated in tin I nited Statea. Her scheme was similar to that of Eva Maun, who recked and linally drove to suicide Kobvrt Kav I l.r.iillloii. Alexander K'.sell Webb, the I'nittsl ta:e Consul, w ho (our years ago em braced the ndigionot Mohanimtsl, ami ho rcnreeins the Mohauiimslana u he fluted State, haa Nvn atvuriiii and in Kloruia and Cicoryt for the pur sent" uf establishing colonic ol the f.i;th id in this tvuutry. He Ivlievc that itlun the yt thena will lx a'.ioiii .iM active," ablt-Ksliet.l Mu'.n'.an M'.livd ia ta ft rat wloay. PURELY PEESO.VAL. M. Pierre I'i has a penchar.t for ded icating his ixxAn to pfbminent hvlies. Mi-s Charlotte M. Yonze is now three score an ! ten, and has: c far more than the same number of book. She U-gan novel-writing when she xu 20. In Hpain the name " Infanta" is given to all daughters of the reigning King except the oldest w hen she is heire-a ap r.arei.t to the throne. The niacatine form, " Infante," is given to a" the sons except t.he oldest. When the wife and datuhter of the Chinese Minister to Er,.'lar. l were pre-s-'-nted to Queen Victoria they were al lowed to remain seated after their pre sentation, as their email f-.-et unfitted them for ion? standing. Lev. Fatle r Thomas E. Sherman, son of the lale General, is as aggressive and ou'-inokcn as hig di-tinzuis.iied father. In his serrno-is lie takes every-day mat ters as subjects, and in a recent dis course he poured hot shot into the .'cret s eieties. Mrs. Frances Ho'Igson Burnett is soon to h ave Washington for a year's sojourn abroad. M ich of her time w ill be spent in Imdon, where she is almost as well known in society as in New York, but in tiie autumn she will make a tour of Egypt and the Holy Land. Cardinal Ziglaria, who has just died t Home was persona gratisnirna at the Quirinal, and besides Is-ing a great favor ite of the present Pontilf he was gener ally regar.fe'l uv the (. atholic elergv throughout the world as destined to be come tlie successor ol 10 Alll. The roval family of England is said to be the most money-loving of thepnnceiy blood of i.urope. I lie Queen lias accu mulated avast fortune from her savings, and she .ays her servants less than they tan get in anv hrst-class hotel. Her daughter, the Princess Loui-e, inherit this parsimonious spirit. Wliat-ver the poverty of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, Lr. Taimage himself is not a pisjr man. He is credited with a for tune of i5oo,ofnj and an income of $:),- (on fruTii tnSiVa tiermori IcOiire nrel editorial work. TheTabernm-le's finances have la-en badly managed; otherwise the late sop of L!:! per cent to hungry credit- ors would not have been necessary. Colonel Bob IngersoII once visited the stokn hole of an American liner. After seeing all that was to be seen he drew a 45 bill from his pocket and said: "Boys, 1 don't believe in hell, but I guess you do. We won't let our beliefs enter into g si l fellowship: so here's something to drink to my health with." And then he went into his cabin and wrung out his clothes. Miss Jennie Young, thu American who recently built a railroad to the extensive salt deposits she owns in Chihuahua, has received from the Mexican government a valuable concession in the form of a privilege for the establishment of colo nies in the States of Chihuahua and Co ahuila. Miss Young has gone to England to make arrangements for bringing over several thousand English families to set tle upon the lands she has secured from the government. Ex-President Harrison is having a quiet life in IndianaMilis, and has not relietteil bllsill.. relation it'itti Iii nl.l iaw partners, ex-Attorney-tieiieral Mil- ler uud Mr. Elam. He has a desk in the office of Howard Cole, who studied law in Mr. Harrison's olfice, against the time when he takes up business acam. He does not propose to practice law generally, hut will con line himseli to tlie Federal and higher State courts. He does nut expect to do much law business until alter hi return from California, where In' goes in ( Moher to give a series of lect ures at Stanford I'nivcrsitv. FROM WASHINGTON CITY. The Star says that the President has intimated that he will probably call i Conures together aliout October li ; instead of the middle of September. I Tiie State Department has been ofli-j '.'iaHy iiolilicl of the elevation of the i 1 Italian h.-.-atton hereto the rank of an j embassy, and that Banm de Fava, the in-sent .Minister, woind soon present ids credentials as an Ambassador. Secretary Lamont has asked Attorney General Oiney lor an opinion as to whether the acceptance bv Mcndell, llcurand Beiiv aid ot iisit!ons on the California Debris Commission will jeopardize their army rank or promo tion. Secretary Carlisle during the past few days ha received several telegrams con tinuing the newspaper dispatches as to a conspiracy on tlie extreme Northwest border to smuggle opium and Chinese it. to the country. They intimate that a number of government employes are implicated. The treasury statement showing the amount of gold and silver coin and cer tificates and of I'nitcd States notes and national bank notes in circulation June 1 ha been issued. It shows the total circulation is IcW, 151,001, a decrease during the month oi 2,87ii,4.'!4, and for the last twelve months of 2:t,S."S,;!28. The circulation er capita is 2.!.S8. Secretary (ircsham authorizes an em phatic denial of the statement that the Chinese Minister has not i lied the lie part incut of State that the Chinese government would retaliate if the Geary act is enforced. Grcsham declared that the recent interview K'tvveen himself and the Chinese Minister on the division of the Supreme Court on the Geary la was pleaant and friendly. Not a word nor an intimation of a threat wa lists! during the interview. No verbal or written statement fpun the Chinese government has Is-en received sinco tlie deci-i-m tti indicate that the Fmporcr proH.c retaliation. When asked if anv step had Nvn taken towards the enfort eiucnt of the law, Gresham replied that the matter wa in the hands o the Secretary of the Treasury. So far as he knew nothing had been' done. Although there has Kvn some talk since the new a lininistration came in ol reviewing the military divisions, it w ill probably lv allowed to rest until alter tlie next session of Congress. There is considerable talk now of reviving the rmk of Lit utenant-Geueral, and pro moting General S.holield. This would leave thice Maior-( ienerals to U left in tei'inand of the three large- division. At prvc:t army men think it would 1 inadvisable t re-estabbh the divisions, there wmild necessarily he three, nn-l .ouie Brig i.l't-r would In- assigned to the .so'uiu.ind of one of them. Two Major-i-eiu-r:is would each have one, and t he bird is in command of the army. It the rink of Lieutenant General should tc revived, it would ol ,M;ire mean a promotion of one of ti,,. present I'ricidicrs to M.Cor-Ger.crai. vid a General Schotield Wou'd retire i:V.:i two, there would Is.' one of ihepiestnt Ur g.idier-lienera's selected to succeed him, thus creating another vacancy among the lirigadif r. Tliest ba-igesar N'::;g pressed w.thallthc intltit ihv the Colonels cu bring to N ar. well s tlie higli otiiivrs, tccauv it iil ic.ean promotittii for a inmiNroi hem wl-.o think they are entithsi U a star. Tricrv" w ill W anotl-.vr thua ner.vl the ls.: of the vear !ivw.kv. to sutt-xHHl iiemral Carr, and jtrt'il a'.'lv the nun tight that wu mad mx lat vaoaBfT wdl o-mut. F0REIGN FLASHES. The Czar Has the Audacity to Tackle the Pontiff. BLACK SEA 5AYAL MA5EUTEES. Revival of the Napoleon Craze in Paris Empress An?nsta Vic toria Makes a Gift. Rassia has decided to use falcons in stead of pigeons to earrv army dispatches There is said to be fifty millions of money lvirc' unclaimed in the ftcotcn banks. Paris contains at present about 241,3-SO foreigners, including 38,000 Germans, 18,0J English and 3,000 American. A London grand jury has found a true bill anainst William" Townsend, who discharged a pistol at Mr. Gladstone. Mount Blanc Observatory. 15,781 feet above the sea level, will be completed next August. Its cost will be ?o0,000. It is said that forged notes oe the Bank of Brazil are " being circulatel among tiie Brazilian government troops In his recent address to workingmen Mr. Gladstone -aid lie rejoiced to see an increased number of labor representa tives in Parliament. Preparations at Odessa and Crimean ports for the naval maneuvers of tlie Russian Black Sea fleet on a huge scale are now in progress. Tlie preacher Spurgeon, whoso influ ence was so powerful in London, is re- ! memiajrcl with a monument lately un- veiled in Norwood Cemetery. The progress of ttieilliuiiinutionof the Park Continent is indicated bv the fact that 7'at) locomotives now cast the ravsof their headlights through the elooin. A statement recently published by the authorities at Munich gives some startling information as to the increased consumption in that city of dog flesh. A strong effort is being made in En gland for a law that all ships must carry enough nav igating officers to give them four hours on and eight hours oif duty. The London Statist says the liabilities of the Australian banks that have failed nan oanKs inai nave iaueu : , , 01 , , v,, ;-., ' hiding those to sharehold-! va,0,r'21V M.ha. Yf- ! t the public, exceed o00,-: 2 ''"c; Arbnckle a and Lion 100 ' ' pound cases, 24 80-IOO0 per pound ; Co- this year, i lit era as w ell as (mow. Patti's voice is very badly worn. She no longer attempts to sing such florid passages as she did ten years ago, and she cannot get up to her former brilliant high notes at all. Prince Bargram and Prince Mustapha, memliers of the leading families in l'ag hestan, on the w ay to Moscow quarreled. Thev fought a duel in the provinco of Poltava. Both were killed. There are about eight times as many divorces granted in Japan as in the ("nited States, the proportion in the Mikado's realm amounting to 002 out of "o,oou in population. ' In the year 1870, 2(,7o8 passengers ! were carried through the Suez canal, in .. 1AO ruvt . 188il the number had risen to SLS.iHX), anil in 1K00 to 1 T." Hia t bile in th nnsl - - - - -- r '- year it auiountcsl to 183,912. In Belgium a stamp has been issued n it.i Mt.vioit; toe noma not to be delivered on SuiKlav," for the use of those Sabbatarians who object to Sun-1 dav opening of the postotlicts. it- :o T,.,,:t ., : , J with a label hearing the words not to M. Weill, irand Rabbi of Algiers, who had been collecting money for the relief of the sulfcrers from famine in that country, has receive! a donation of ?2, 000 from Baron tie liothschild of Paris. Emperor William of Germany has decided not to call the Prussian reserves under colors this year. He says that he does not w ish to keep the men from the sills next month or interfere with their harvesting. The champion long-distance walker ot France, Lar.leaux, has announced his intention to challenge two competitors I to want to 1 hicago hv way ot Siberia the ice field and Alaska, the winners purse to be 21,000 francs. The Brunswick (Germany) Hygiene Society has examined sixty samples of so-railed medical Tokay wines, "guar anteed pure or recommended bv phy sicians," and found that ti ft v of these samples were not pure w ines. The long-expected deathblow to the further propagation of Roman Cathol icism in Russia has at last been dealt bv the promulgation of a ukase bv the terms of winch all Roman Catholic schools, as such, are abolished. Empress Augusta Victoria has sent to rather I za l.uzi, librarian at the ati can, through 11 err von Bulow, Minister to tup atican. a costly ring, containing twenty-four diamonds and the imperial initials in brilliants and rubies. The drought in England is unusually prolonged. In Iondon it has continued tor nearly eighty days, the total amount of rainfall for the last eleven weeks be ing only .52 inch, or considerably less than one-seventh of the average. Tliere is just now a revival of the Na poleon crae in Paris, and the authors, playwrights and the makers of bronze souvenirs in the shape of images, ink stands and like objects are all occupied with the diminutive figure of "the first Bonaparte.'1 Seven large German fire companies are engage.! in surveying the American Held preliminary to entering it. Thev pro jxise to issue a joint olicy, guaranteeing jointly and severally, and not, a in American tire agencies, each company for itself. Funds aggregate UV,tO,00ii Emilio Castelar. the old Republican leader of Spain, has come to the con clusion that the Spaniards are not vet prepared for a Republic. While he' is still a Republican, he gives up the cm test against the monarchy under the conviction that it is the onlv practical form of government for Spain. The Prin.yss Miiv's trousseau will be ia. entirely of I'.rifisK T;i. ma.:e entirely ot l.ntish and lrib ,A gotsls. Shetticl.t "loyal Rritish working men " have resolved to think the Prin cts"(ortlie much-ncislts! example of having her work d-.r.e bv Englishmen and English women and their brothers s.nd tcrr; in Wales, Scotland and Ire land." There i in the world just one woman This is an F.i'f- 'raitivr ot racehorse. .1.-I1 woman. Mr. Challoner. i,a (.i.... and sister of well-kn.twn jtvkevs. When her husband .ittsl she knew heir to man age hi training establishment, and suc cessfully continued his luinc. n,.r ol-ltst son is a trainer, and the four younger ones are all good j- vkev s. Engineer fnuu Uvntlon are in tin luh'of Wales with tlie ohiect of pro isninding a huge.-heiiie for ;;p'.;ving the nictroix.lis ith water. The sche-n, wlucli fin is most favor is that bv wuich the ti'.per valley of the Is-e will 1 Oon verted into a lke nine miles long ti merging miles of country, togv ther with tlie whole of Pa!a t,vn," four gocd-tito vil'agej, i grave yards, five churches' trn chaps-.t and tlia BU PORTLAND MARKET. fbodcce, rRcrr, etc. Wheat Ouote: Valley, 1.20: Walla Walia, L10 per ecntal. Viorn Standard. W.J " ana nana. 3.40; graham, fS.W; eupernne, J.ou per barrel. , , , Ovts Choice, oCSCSc per bushel; rolled, in bags, d.25'36.50; barrels, 0.50'!6.7o; cases, .i.iO. Hay Best, flo'Si per ion; common, 10- 13. Millstuffs Bran, 19.00; shorts, 22.00; ground barley, 23 24; chop feed, $18 per ton; whole feed, barley. 80 1 85c per cental; middlings, 2:5ia28; per ton; brewing barley, y0iy5c per cental ; chicken wheat, 1.17,'j percental. Bcttek Oregon fancy creamery, 224 t25c; fancy dairy, i7K;;20c; fair to good, 15 ? loc : common, 12L2c per pound; California, 35 c44c per roil. Cheese Oregon, 11513c; Eastern Twins, 10c; Young American, 10c; Cal ifornia flats, 14c per pound. F:ggs Oregon, 14c per dozen. Pocltry Chickens, old, $4.00; broil ers, large, 3.505 4.50; small, 1.50 ? 2.50; ducks, old, 16.00 ; young, 3.50 S 8.00; geese, ii.oo per dozen; turkeys, live, 17'? 18e ; dressed, 19 a 20c per pound., Cabbage, lJ4(2e per round: onions, 3 a-Jc per pound; po tatoes, 1.50ai.7o for Garnet Chilis; 1.75 ?2.00 for Burbanks; new, 3'jC per pound; new California onions, 2,'22'4c per pound; celerv, 80(5'j0c per dozen; asparagus, 2.00 per box ; radishes, 10(g 12 '2c per dozen; green Oregon onions. 10c per dozen; rhubarb, 3'j((i4c per pound; green peas, 1.90 per box; cu cumbers, OScrtjsl.OO per dozen; Oregon cucunibers,S1.25peruozen; string beans, 14c per pound. Frcits Sicily lemons, 5(55.50 per box; California new crop, 3.00;S4.50 per box; banaiias,1.50?S3.00perbunch; oranges, seedlings, $2 2.75 per box : na vels, 3.00(43.50; apples, 22.2.5 per box; strawberries, 1.75 per box; pine apples, H'-OO per dozen ; cherries, 1.25'S 1.50 per box; Baldwin apples, ijo.OOii 6.50 per barrel. STAPLE GROCERIES. Dried Fruits Petite prunes, ll(5;12c; silver, llerl4c; Italian, 13il5c; Ger man, ll'12c; plums, 8ial2e; evaporated ajiples, 10'; evaporated apricots, 15 17'2c; peaches, 12i.il4c; pears, 7(gllc per (Kiund. Honey Choice comb, 18c per pound; new Oregon, 16'20c; extract, 9cj 10c. Salt Liverpcxd, lWs, 15.00; 50s, 15.50; stock, 1 10.00m 11.00. Coffee Losta Kica, 22c; K10, 22i itimbia, fame, 24 80-100c Kice Island, 4.75-ir5.00;Japan,H.75; New Orleans, 4.50 per cental. Beans Small whites, 3'oc; pinks, 334c; bayos, Zlsc; butter, 4c; lima, 4c per pound. Syrup Eastern, in barrels, 40(255c; in half-barrels, 42'357c; in cases, 35 i 80c per gallon ; $2.2H per keg ; California, in barrels, 20'340c per gallon; 1.75 per keg. Sua.vR Xet prices: D, 5'18'c; Golden C, S'bc; extra C, 57Bc; confectioners' A, 6'-..c; drv cranulated, 65flc; cube. crushed and povvdered, 7 "'c per pound; 4c per pound discount on all grades lor ' nnimltt i".iwb rtinola ciimr ls..,?lll. nn. prompt cash; maple sugar, 15-.;ilt3o per pound. Canned Goods Table fruits, assorted, 1.75(5,2.00; peaches, 1.85(a2.10; Bart let t pears, 1.75;a2.00; plums, 1.371s3 1.50; strawberries, 2.25(42.45; cherries, 2.25'i2.40; blackberries, 1.85-rf2.0l); , . ... , . rt ... J'.. p. f h0 ; s n'i 1'" 2M , ,110 f,ru' '. L f )' fu'l!w' ,P 1.10(3 1.20 black Ijerries, 1.2o(a .1.40 1 0 a fruits, mil!, (S 1.40 ner dozen. lie traits, gallons, assorted, 3.15 3.50; peaches, 13.50-4.00; apri cots, 3.50044.00; plums, 1!.75'1S.00; blackberries, HSS'S 4.50. Meats Corned beef, Is, 1.50; 2s, 2.40; chipped, 2.55 5,4.00; lunch tongue, Is, 4; 2s, 0.75; deviled ham, 1.75 -'j 2.75 tier dozen. Fisii Sardines, ,'4s, 75c2.25; hjs, 2.15;ir4.50; lobsters, 2.30.a3.50; sal mon, tin 1-lb tails, l.25,r$1.50; fiats, 1.75; 2-lbs, 2.25 Ji2..50; J2-barrel, O.SO. LIVE AND DRESSED MEAT. Beef Prime steers, 3.85(34.25; choice steers, 3.75ut4.00; fair to good steers, d.OOta 3.50; good to choice cows, 3.1.)iit3.75; common to medium cows, 2.50(1(2.75; dressetl beef, 40.OOiu7.00. M t'TTON Choice mutton, 4.254.50; fair to good, 4.(Xl;.i4.50; dresst!, X.OO; lambs, 2.00((i2.50; dressed, 7.00la8.00; shearlings, 3 .to'jc, live weight. Hoik; Choice heavy, .50 i.0.75 ; me dium, 0.00; light aiid feeders, 0.00k 6.50 ; dressed, 8.00. Veal H.OOuiO.OO. Smoked Meat and Lard Hams, large, 17c? IHc per pound; hams, me dium, 16'4il7J4c; breakfast liacon, I'i l lHVjc; short clear sides, 14 t 15o; drv salt sides, loV'Uhjc; lard, compound, in tins, 12iil2S,c per pound; pure, in tins, 15r 10c; Oregon lard, ll'4isl2lsc. HOrS, WOOL AND HIDES. Hors 1017 ig'o per pound, according to ouality. AVool l'mpiua valley, 14!?15c; fall cup, i,i(iri4c; Ulamette vallev. 13 .2 14c, according to quality; Eastern Ore- gou . otuHc per pound, according to condition. II . T-t t , , ... iiiuks itv nines, selected prime, tea 8c; preen, seltvte.1, over 55 pounds, 4e; umler 55 pountls, 3c; sheep pelts, "ton nooi, on 11 00c; medium, WntsOc ong.OOe 1.25; shearlings, 10(S2tV"; tal low, good to choice, 335c per pound. MISCELLANEOUS. -. Tl"-Tt- Cl olulri'oal. 1-1x20, prime qual- it., jv-....i,.t;..w per tox; tor crosses ..Wtoi ..... I... . 1 S . . . ' re' 1. v.. cone plates, 14x2i prime quality, .oO-.iS OO per tsox; terne pi.tif, 1. v ., prune quality, ii.50(j7.0O. N mls Haso quotations: Iron. 2 25 .twl.12.35: wire.orkeg.' ' .J.R,,M-,?ar-2,4-" Per Pound; pig-iron. fj.e !..'. per ton. Steel Per pound, 10'sp. Lead Per pound, 4 V; bar, 6'c. .tviAi. .-sroKES-tiakum, ff4.50id5.00 per bale; resin, M.SOiS.OO ner 4sn oiiii.i": lar. fiocKtio 111. ti t no. r-. 111 ha 0.00 per barrel: nitch. Itt Oil barrel; turt-entine, 65c per ....... t...., ' gallon, 1 test iota BAGS AND BAOOINO. n..-i e . ... o-oiinco, mch. net cash, Oc; burW lOS-ounce, 40-inch, net fash ,c: bunaps, 12-otince, 45-inch, S-i . l'urlapM5nce, 00-inch, 12s,c: burlaps, 2i'-ounce, 70-inch,- 14c; whea bags, I alcutta. 23x30, .pot 6Uc-2-bushel oat bags, 7c. 4 ' Th Grand c l.niartfrlc. Man life Is popularly divided into seven ages, and formerly it was sup posed that seven and nine were callable of carting much subtle fa. fluent over men. the product of thew two numbers being parti.nUarlv powerful in thin rwpect m Thm.ixty.thrw years was ca:w c pram! climacteric, and that L9 considers . very im-vaan? Wh 1 T life' WriW on he other Land, were 6urrcoU to be .scepUble to th,iifiuen J FAEM AND GARDEN. The Dairy Benefited by the Application of Science. KEEP ANIMALS FREE OF WORRY. Breed and Feed for Practical .Use Rather Than for Show Short Pointers. The farmer who keeps a good dairy has a more constant source ot income "than one engaged in almost any other branch of fanning. Tlie trouble with a very large amount of dairy butter is a lack of skill and sys tem in its manufacture; hence the qual ity is often variable. A cow is a good cow simply because she has an increased capacity for turning raw material into the kind of product the dairyman wants. Breed and feed for practical use rather than for show. The time will come when practical points will be more appreciated tnan mere snow points. Have plows, harrows and all tools ready for use a little paint will not hurt some of them when you have the bolts all in and nuts tightened. The quality of milk that a cow can produce depends upon her breed and in dividuality, and in this sense there is more in the breed than feed. Try and keep the brightest of the bovs on the farm. It wiil afford plenty of ex ercise for his brains and for all the knowledge that he can accumulate. One of the principal advantages that the creamery has over the dairy is that as soon as tlie milk or cream reaches the creamery it is in the hands of skilled workmen. Kesutts are the products of causes. If von see better stock in your neighbor's fields than are in vourown, vou mav be pretty sure that he is a mbre careful breeder and feeder. Dairying is by the demands of the market divided into three branches milk, butter and cheese and in buying cows you must get the right kind of a cow for your business. At present relative prices wheat is per haps a cheaper food for stock than oats or corn. Test it, and if you find this true, do not let a mere matter of senti ment stand in the way of feeding it. "Quick turns" in cattle-growing mean " large profits;" at least, larger than can be had in any other way. Don't keep on feeding a pig or a steer until there is danger that it will die from old age. Do you appreciate the value of wheat bran for feeding young stock? At pres ent prices we doubt if tliere is anything that can be used to better advantage to supplement the pastures and make rapid glow LU, Keep all animals free from worry if you want them to thrive. The horse" iu order to work well; the cow that she may give much milk; the hog and the steer, if you expect to fatten them cheaply. There has been no branch of agricult ure more directly benefited bv tlie appli cation of science than the dairy. Con sequently there is no branch that gives a better reward to the intelligent and studious farmer. There are a number of things about the dairy that we see termed " first es sentials." Vou all know the list. But in our opinion the one essential is a good dairyman. Given that, and all else fol lows in due course. The interest manifested in dairy schools wherever thev have been held is a reason why increased eilbrt should be made to atlbrd instruction in this line. Better dairy products will result and a better income from the farm. A prime article of milk is necessary as a preliminary to the manufacture of good butter. To secure this there must be (food cows, good feed and good care. Don't imagine that you can neglect one of these things and have complete suc cess. There are seventy-eight butter and cheese factories in New Zealand. Farm ers receive about 2 cents a gallon for milk, and the butter is forwardod to En gland. The freight clmrge for the entire distance of 12,000 miles is about 3 cents a pound. RAISINO CALVES BV HAND. Getting calves well started and taught to drink is an important point. There i s a di tference of opin ion as to tlie met hod of procedure. If taken awav from the cow at once, they are more easily taught to drink, and cows are probahlv'less dis turbed than when they are allowed to suck for a few or several davs before feeding by hand is begun, for" thev are then much stronger and are less inclined to take kindly to feeding from the pail. Calves need the colostrum or first milk to put their digestive system in ir.,.! condition, as it acts as a physic and cleans the fetal matter from tlie intes tines. It should alwavs be given to calves fed by hand. Young cows with their first calf often fret hadlv, and hold" their milk when the 'calf is taken away after having been allowed to suck for a time. Removing them at once ih open to this objection. "Thev must be fed often for a few davs. This takes time, at a season when it cannot be well spans! from other work, while if thev are allowed to run with the cow thev re quire little attention until taken awav, w hen they can wait half-dav intervals and be fed noons and " chore times." Warm their milk to blood heat until thev are two to four months old, and it is better if it is warmed for the large ones also. Put some linseed meal or linseed-meal gruel, made bv Killing or steeping it in water, into their milk to make up for the cream which has Kvn skimmed off. Later a little wheat bran can K added, and when thev are cood stfed calves some comment in addition . will prove beneficial. Increase the quan tity of grain added as thev grow larger. Provide a good pasture of clover or mixed grasses for them, and do not pasture it too closely. When thev are old enough to wean they can be gradually changed to a grain ration, and their growth will not lie checked. Calves raised bv hand can le made to do as well as those al lowed with the cow, but it requires much work, careful attention and regular feel ing to aecompijeh it. Time Knuucb Vet. Mrs. Binro Do Voll knntr that rnnf drese suit hasn't come from thu tnilor'a. nd he promised it faithfully. (Wildly.) uow can you co to tha dnnc irith tns without it? Bingo Give him tlm. haven't begun to put your gloves on yet -..oiiuer ana r nrmsher. An old fanner in western N'eir fork told his pator he didn't know that bs Wanted to go to heaven if ha must "fit nd iig halleluiah through ail ttr-