Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 20, 1893, Image 4

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i. . HTKWAKl, Mltor and Proprietor.
ephliabe'l every Thurwlajr at Toledo, Lincoln.
(Guilty, Oreirmi.
SuliKcription Kates:
One year,
(Six months,
Three months,
AdvertUluK rate, made known on application
Snilnem In'ili will I Innerted In tbee col
umn, at live renin r line er week, and will
lm run until ordered dlteoutluued.
Every poatmaater in Lincoln county l authoriz
ed to act a aijem lor the UtMir.n.
KutereI at the pontonVe at Toiedo, Oregon, a
second claw mall mntter.
Well yes, it rained some.
Cy . Copeland lost a fine cow last
The Good Templars lodge of To
ledo, have 56 members at present.
Mrs. Kate Grady is visiting in
Benton county.
. If the Lkadkk is lacking in news
this week just lay it to the devil.
John Pitman, late of the steamer
Volanta now pulls the throttle on
the Benton.
A. h. Porter did some surveying
for the Depot Coal Co. on their
lands last week.
J. I,. McCulIucu, lite jeweler of
Yaquina City, has a full line of
Jewelry. Repairing a specialty.
The members of Toledo Iodge,
No 108 I. O. O. I', will go to New
port on the 26th.
Oscar Taylor living about two
miles from Toledo, killed a bear
out near his place last week.
J. O. Stearns is still in Benton
County looking after the interests
of Lincoln county,
R. Deilrick has finished work on
thel'. M. Stanton farm residence
and rclurneii to town.
B. V, Jones, this week shipped a
line jersey cow to A. J. Kay, ol
Capt, Blaky reports the roads be
tween Toledo and the SilcU as
being almost impassable
Capt. James Williams is expect
ing a brother here soon from Missou
ri, They have not met In 40 years
(frank Brldghaui will move back
' 1 Toledo, the object being to take
1 n lviiulagt of our splendid schools.
' .. Krei Stanton who has been living
the country for the past season,
rtved into hts city residence on
$ ivindny.
County tock Inspector K. 1).
' uug. "f .ittle Ml k reports a case
wo o' diseased sheep in that
AiJ. Willi
iinio came dowtl
the coal mines, on Tuesday
.1; reports work progressing favor
. 'I. 011 the tunnel.
Tie Odd Fellows of Newport in
:i to give a plily in that city on
,: jfith. entitled, The Ancient Or
i of Herculese.
i. W. Scott of this place went
; near Mlk Ciy last Sunday mid
1ght scveutysix trout In an hour
v.ty big catch for so early in the
, -it'll.
ti.ive received n fine line of
H find Shoes direct from Mast
I'titnufactui vrs. It will pay von
Id! and examine inv stock.
' irieu, Yaquina City.
ts. Win. Wade who has been
i I.;-; in this city for some time.
V'.l to her home last week mid
V.Mt quite sick ever since.
! H; was too much for her.
.'ditor of this paper left for
' ( a country on a voyage of dis-
for subscriliers the first
.; .vcek. We hope that the
' that country will treat him
! uul make due ullowance for
tvicities, lie's really not
after you get used to
Impulse to get a shot-
1 Wlifii liv f rvt luiil-.x
I . ce should never le
', I'. uy car passed through
ijduy, They paid off 43
!f .heir whole indebtedness.
;. vl news to tin jicople of
-. tnt . It shows that
otf a paying basis mid
ll- They were some
iT,itidtn ihcir wages,
paying basis and
. .tcd about $1,5110 among
Arthur StClair, of Chitwood
caught 150 trout in an afternoon's
fishing last Saturday.
It has been so dry in Kansas
this winter that fall grain hasn't
sprouted yet. Different here.
A full line of Window Shades and
Curtain Poles at L. Welker & Co.,
Superintendent Mulcahy passed
through Toledo this morning, on
his way to Corvallis.
The criminal docket for the May
term promises to be light as not a
single case has been filed to date.
For Wall Paper of all patterns
and latest styles go to L. Welker &
Co., Corvallis.
The O. P. has libeled the steam
schooner, Alice Blanchard for
$10,000. For pulling her off the
sand spit.
The late ruling of the Secretary
of the navy granting three ebb
tides each day on Yaquina Bay
will be a God send to clam diggers.
The largest stock of Undertaking
Goods 111 the Valley at L. Welker
& Co's. , Corvallis. Also a complete
stock of Furniture of all kinds
The Steamer Willamette Valley
arrived in Yaquina Moiyhy nouii
with 20 cabin and 15 steerage pas
sengers and a fair cargo
Sheriff Laudis collected $2300
taxes in Newport and Yaquina pre
cincts, in two days, A very good
showing for these hard times.
For fine repairing of your watches
and clocks give J. L. McCulloch
of Yaquina City, a call. Anything
left at J. II. McNeil's drug store
will be attended to without extra
charges. 4t
Graham Glass, of the firm of
Glass & Pudhomme of Portland,
stopped at Toledo Mondy and Tues
day, on his way from San Fran
Some one poisened Senator Cros
Hnos dog Charley. The dog was a
very valuable one, and will be
missed very much by the hunting
fraternity, as Mr. Crosno never
went hunting without inviting his
neighbors to take part in the sport.
S. N. Wilkin, sucessorto Philip
Weber, tlesires to say to the citizens
of Lincoln county, when in need
of b uruiture, Carpets, Matting, Oil
cloth, Lambrequins, Window
Shades, ' Cornice Poles, Portieres
Wall Paper, Brackets, Picture
Frames, etc., that lie is prepared
to show you the largest stock of
New Spring goods ever shown in
Corvallis, Oregon, Freight paid to
your station on the O. P, rilroad.
A man has to le pretty well cov
ered with moss not to be a regular
advertiser. Here is another case
of the value of advertising
family down In Florida lost one of
their children. After fuilimr
find it for two days, they tint a
twenty-five ceut notice In the paper
and the next morning they were
surprised to see an alligator upon
the doorstep, where he had disirore-
etl the child alive, and then died
himself. They sold the alligator's
hide for $5, and the parents are ex
hibitmg the child in a dime museum
r . - . - - , ...
10 r j.50 per weeK. 1 tie story lllus-
trates the value of advertising. It
also illustrates the writer as a care
ful and painstaking liar.
A Good O. P. Item. A Boise
City dispatch reads: Some time a?o
K. W. Hadley, receiver of the Ore
gon Pacific, wrote to Mayor Pinnev
of Boise, for maps and other infer
mation regarding this section of
the State. 1 he request was com
plied with. In a letter acknowlede
ing the receipt of the documents,
Mr. Hadley says of the Oregon Pa
cific: "During all its vicissitudes, I
don't think it was ever so near con
struction ami extension toward the
promised land of Eastern Oreeou
and Boise it is at the present
moment, and I feel sure if we all
put our shoulders to the wheel with
a long pull and a pull altogether,
we shall 'ere long be making the
dirt fly in your direction." The
fact that such a statement Is made
by the receiver Is thoitght to indi
cate that strong parties are prepar
ing to take hold of the road with
a view of pushing it eastward to a
connection with the Burlington; or
lme other trunk liu.e. Ex.
Waldport Wads.
C. A. Jorgenson was in from Ya
hats yesterday.
Dr. Jennings and family have
gone to their new cottage at New
port for the summer.
Ep. Emmett and wife at the Cape,
have a new son.
Walter Hosford and Mattie Ruble
were married last week. Judge
Bishop of Tidewater tied the knot.
We miss Judge Steams from our
neighborhood. We didn't know
when we loaned him the new
county that they would monopolize
his time, but we do believe that he
will get in some good work for Lin
coln County.
The steam tug "Robarts" came
in last Saturday with a stock of gen
eral merchandise for our merchants
and left 011 Sunday with six Wald
port passengers on board.
Messrs. Depew and Fry of San
Francisco are taking contracts for
cedar Rail Road ties delivered at
the Dock of A. H. Diven & Son,
for shipment to San Francisco.
Jottiners From Yaquina.
The oldest inhabitant says he has
never seen such a spring as this.
The tug Resolute hauled the
stranded steamer Alice Blanchard
off of the sand spit last Monday
night. She now lies at the docks.
The Willamette came in from San
Francisco last Monday.
Prof. Smith and W. A. Peek
will soon visit the gold fields of
Southern Oregon. The Professor
is an expert miner.
Nasby has been doing the move
act. The change improves the
looks of the office.
Yaquina's live merchant, Luke
O'Brien went to Newport Saturday
and returned on Monday.
Sheriff Landis was here Monday.
He had J. W. Ball along to hold
the sack.
J. II. Russell went to the County
seat last Tuesday.
Judge Blue spent Sunday with
his family here.
Lafe Manning came home 011 the
last Steamer.
Agricultural College Notes.
The Chapel wall is adorned by
another beautiful picture, present
ed by the preparatory societies,
The Websterian and Ciceronian
societies lav selected students
c 1 r x. , . . .
from each of thei, soceties to take
part in the contest for the cold me
dal, the middle of June. The fol
lowing were selected from the Web
sterians! For essay-Miss Edna
Mi..i m, r . i to .
I'uily, Mr. C. likens. or Read-
ing Miss Mary Smith. For dec
lamationMr. J. F, Allen. For
Miss Lillian Hamilton and
B. F, Burnett. From the Cicer
onians weret For essay Mr. E
Emmett and W. W, Smith. Read
ing Miss Effie Handy. Declama
nion Miss Hattie Bronson. For
debate 'Miss Lois Stewart and Mr.
The ball nine is again organized
ami practice when the weather will
permit. They expect to play the
College nine of Albany before long.
O. A. C.
Commadore John Lucas of Gran-
itville, says his chance for U. S.
udiau Agent are gOod. He says If
he does knock the persimmons, he
will require all applicants for under
positions to pass a strict examina1
tion as to qualification for the posi
tion to which they aspire.
The rrineville News ys:
udge Summer is in receipt of it
letter from the O. P. Cot in which
he Is asked to make an estimate of
the business our com: ty would lie
likely to furnish the roadi Looks
now as if the O. P. wero "beginning
to noticei"
We incidentally hea'd that Mr
hill Kiior has traded his ranch for
Toledo properly and will become a
resident of Lincoln County W
would give the pun. '.lasers name
but we HH pell it. Corvallis
Marine Notes.
The steam schooner Alice Blanch
ard is afloat all safe without much
straining. Capt. Hollard, agent
for the Underwriter, superintending
the work.
She will make some repairs to
her machinery and proceed to San
Francisco in a few days.
All Yaquina Bay retr.iires now is
a dry dock and we would have the
best port on the coast. We will
recommend this as a port of refuge
for vessels in need of anything,
even several capable masters to
navigate them if such an article is
We see by the Oregoniart of the
20th. that the "old snlu" ,, Vo.
quiua Bay predicted that the Alice
Blanchard would never come off
the sand where she drifted with the
tide a few days ago. Who ever
made that asertion never was pick
led very long or else the rainy
weather has soaked him fresh.
The vessel went on with the falling
tides and any person that knows
anything about the tides could plain
ly see that with the snrW HiW the
ship would come off herself if left
aione. Jvmpioy a marine reporter
Mr. Scott. VOU live too far from
salt water or your peporler does not
Know neap-tide trom spring-tide.
The Alice Blanchard never was
in a dangerous position while on
the sand in Yaquina Bay, when she
laid on the sand spit.
Capt. L. E. Davis binds tp.nnie
and passengers through the summer
iiiuiiuis ui tow iioe irora 111s side
Lheel ferry boat and theydon't get
monuis at low tide trom his side
their shoes soiled.
It seems that the Varminn Rnv
must have a large number of enetu
f """f P6" U f a r,a,,ch?r
happens to run aground on the tide
iaIlll in the fog the entrance to the
gets a
black eye. Visit
some other ports ton the globe then
y,oU W1" say "quitm Bay is far
annvp t n a n noro rrn
For Salo. A well improved
ranch of twenty acres, situated
about halfway between Toledo and
Yaquina, about half tide land; has
good frame house of 6 rooms, good
barn, and other outside improve
ments. Good orchard of over 100
trees just in bearing, good garden
laud, well cultivated. Will be sold
at a decided bargain, and on good
terms. For further particulars call
at or address this office.
inniKii; MTH'L
In the lltrict IVim In and for (he County ol
l.inraln. sii of 1 !,, u
i;rg Itamtunl, I'laditit, Action
V. ( ....
S.Jr.""'' IVfrMant S blvnrr.
Tllh STATE OF OkKiiOS lo Mary V. liamfoM.
Yi.n an. hnoh. .tn.(t.A.I .k.. k .
ttnl In ih IMitrii-ii vurt of Lincoln i onuty
Slal. of Ormt. h i;....m u.n.... ai.
nam plaintiff, awl thai hi. iwiitlo'n i. ..... ...
ilia tn tbe above-name.! court; ami that the
braver ol taut petition In thai a..l ..rt -r.,.,
, 'V'TO ."' ""'' t ""vl i.eorve Bamfor.1.
plaliiilff. fn.ia you U.ry v. .e(nj-
mi, tor oewrtion.
Yon ara thn.r.. ... .... : . . .
tilicn on or brfot the ith Jav of Vav, wja, r
iwtltlon will i taken a. true ami a'.l.vre of
rttron- r.ndere.1 there,.,, in ,,k
the ura.erot wul iiti,.n
" f.alntiff
ir. r. sitKr.UiiK
Restdeitce. Stanford, Oicgon.
Husine-isln anv court in Lincoln!
1. ........ 1 . ..1 I
I leWIM Hi-
This is the watch-case that
Father Time uses to bowl out
opposition. Fahys cases are
for sale by J. L. McCulloch,
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
Yaquina City,
R.. 1XL. ADZ; & CO.,
Corvallis, - Oregon,
fg All Orders will Receive Prompt Attention
I have just received direct from New York
Manufacturers an assorted line of Novelty
Dress Goods, comprising the Latest Patterns
and Designs in Dress Goods. Call and see
them; they are something extra.
C. G. COPELAND, Tooerdegon
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothing.
Yaquina City, Oregon.
Men's, Boys' and Youth's
Ladies' and Men's Furnishings,
All at Portland Prices.
lotting Made to Order,
pSi jE O'BRIEN'S s5oiS.
-. .
Purtios .urc-,i.ik(ij Mo worth or more will
o siv en a romd-trip ticket free on steam-
1 : t