Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, April 20, 1893, Image 1

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Volume I.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, April 20, 1893.
Number 7.
Jolmt Senator
County Judg
Treasurer ...
School Superintendent
- C. B. Crosno
n. P. Blue
It. K. Jones
Geonre ltmiis
Henry Denllnirer
chas. Booth
Jos. Gideon
- T. E. l'arker
- Jas. Russell
J. O. Stearns
M. L. Trapp
Justice of the Peace
J. A. Hall
A. E. AUree
VMKST BAPTISTS. Meet every first Sundav
T in each month, a 11 a. m. aud also on the
tsaturdav preceding the above Sundav, at 2 p.
m., in the Toledo Public Hall. L. M. Butler,
Resident Pastor.
UT. JOHN'S CHURCH Protestent Episcopal.
iy Pevine service the third Sunday of every
month, at 11 a. ra. All are invited to attend.
Kev. ( has. Booth, Missionary. Residence,
Rectory," Newport, Or.
1o. o. R Toledo Lodtre, Xo. liw, Meet
every Friday evening at their hall in this
town. J. L. Lutz, N. G.; J. S. Gaither, Sec'y.
10. G. T. Meets every Thursday evening,
7:30 o'clock, in Grady's hall, this town, c
u. orouuu, c. i. ti. iiethers, (secretary.
Corvallis, Oregon
Toledo Meat Market,
Fresh and Cured Meats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Steamer Benton,
Ctipt. Jan. Robertson,
On and after April ist, will make
tegular daily trips between Toledo
and Newport and way landings.
Low Freights and Fares. See
time for leaving on Bulletin at
Copeland's corner.
T. J. Buford, Prop.
Charges Reasonable.
Repairing Neatly Done.
Yaquina, - - Oregon.
Justice of the Peace,
Tolfdo, Onon,
IVeds. Mortgages, and all kinds of leiral papers
tecnted with correctness, l areul attention
iven to all business entrusted to my care.
Notice to Taxpayers.
i V HI';'14H! The new law passed at the last Hes
'on of the Uifislature require that all taxes
i'iu ni me county seat; and. inasmuch as it
lH Oeetl Cnstomnrv fn tk. ft ... ..1.1. ...
t.M'l'k'V an'1, ,"kln into ' consideration the
. many irscms win not he aware ot the remenu of the ne law: therefore. I have
iifl1; ped to foiiw the old custom In collecting
i iiVS'l- ','.r.tne ls''-': "
I il, i . ' Gl K NOTICE, to all taxpavers tn
!;. ,.', 'l""umy. Oregon, that I will be at the
i, ,h Vnin" pWiof their respective precincts
Tuoer in iron or by deputy, for the purpose
t- .in K ,he Sllle n1 'ounty taxes of Lin
"unty, Oregon, for the year 18M, fol-
Tole.lo-Sa.ur.lar, Aprils. Iffltl.
"""-'"V'M-. April 15, lxtt
l ""'"'"-Monday. April 17. lwtl.
l er Alsea. North si.le-Tues.lay, April 18,
i 1 "'cl.H-lt to 5 o'clock p. m.
i ' "'''Po't-WednenUy, April 19,
Y nCm!C,r.;Th"r"da'r' April 20. from I o'clock
i , , ' 'lock in.. Frldav. April 21, 1893.
li Kit lkIr)e'l"!dy, April IS, 1993.
'?n k-rrl'laf. April 19. W
1.-.? 1 k .'" T,ln Turn and Snmmit
nTm'. hv," divided by the division of
. e, ?JU" nd the usual votina- rla.s are not
l uVit.Vi. 'n:ity' residing In those
Vhirh .K. i?1," W he places mentioned
.if , , , , , " 1 '""'venlent to them.
'.J1.'1 , ,ha " above-mentioned
li i"' ,.,he -"untv seat.
" I'" nnlM Jnne 4, 1605,
j ven under my hand this 30th day of March,
60.. , j. ChO. A. LAN Din,
In nd fot WbtoIb Ueun', Orwrt
Our New SHUNG STOCK is now arriving.
We will show this Season a much Larger
and more Attractive Stock than ever, be
fore! A full line of Men's and Boys' Fur
nishings, Shoes, Hats, and everything
worn by Men and Boys.
Big Bargains
We have Purchased at a Big Discount from a Local Merchant (who ha
has retired from the Clothing Business) his Entire Stock of MEN'S,
BOYS' YOUNG MEN and CHILDREN'S Clothing. We now of
fer the same to our Patrons at from Thirty-five to Fifty Per Cent,
below Regular Prices. They are the Biggest Bargains ever offered
in this Section f irst-class Clothing.
Here are a few
Men's 8 5.00 Suits for $3.50
Men's 7.50 Suits for 5.50
Men's 10.00 Suits for 7.50
Boys' 1.50 Suits-knee pants-for 81.00
Boys' 2.00 Suits-knee pants-for 1.50
Boys' 5.00 Suits-long pants-for 3.50
Boys' 7.50 Suits-long pants-for 5.50
All other finer grades at corresponding
Mien ijoa visit our Store ask
. . Suits at
FOR THE BOYS-With each
we will give free
Mail orders will receive prompt attention.
We are Agents for the JAMES MEANS 83 Fine Shoes, and
Gold and Silver White Shirts.
Clothing Made to Order.
One MjC
Price j 1rj
Corvallis, Oregon..
Headquarters for Men and Boys' Outfits.
For Bargains
Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town
Property in single I
can on b. T. JOKES 6c CO.,S?l
Twenty-two ywrs' retidenc on Ynuina
l 111NO '
in Clothing!!
of the Bargains!
to see our Men's All Wool
Suit worth J3 or more,
a ball and bat.
in Real Estate!!
ots or Blocks,
The novelist who described his
chosen village as lying 011 the banks
of a beautiful, silvery stream that
wended its laughing way to the
ocean, surrounded by the tree cov-
ered hills; where nature appeared
in us grainiest ana at t lie same tune,
I Iovehst moods, must have had the
clianning little village of Elk City. Graves' ranch. They say as to
Oregon, in his mind. climate we are a close second to
Situated on the banks of the Ya-1 California,
quina river aud Silver creek, it is! Krei, j0SSi of Beaverton) has
an ideal spot for a town. Nature movC(1 on his frtrm in this vicinil
has done all that could be asked for j We are glad to welcome him back,
the place, and in the balinv spri:ir n ti t . r ,
, it , . , I Khoads, proprietor of the Ona
time when the birds are warbhn-r in Li : 1 11 n
.1 t .. 1 1 ,
the trees, the fruit buds just burst -
..,., j., ...
ing into bloom, and thestmshini
Oil niC navel) WiUei , jusi eilougM ti '
cause the beautiful salmon trout to' , ks are SCrtrce but there are
voraciouslv seek for his dinner 5t plenty of hunters. Two of our
would seem, in fact that nature had !crack slM)rtsme cale in the other
left nothing undone. .levelling after a long day's hunt, with
So much for the location. In the 1 1'"6 SCared to dealh duck aud a
matter of resources nature has not jln,ngTy ,0ok 011 tl,eir faces
been niggardly by any means.! J-5Ia,llo rented the Oliver
Surrounding and adjacent to Elk ! f;lrm aml is K'"g to farm on a large
Citv are numerous vnlW nrmi
by prosperous ranchmen who are
making themselves magnificent
homes in these grand old hills. The
soil of these valleys and hillsides
cannot be overestimated as regards
fertility. Anything adapted to this
climate grows in wonderful profu
sion, and as a fruit country it is the
ideal one in every respect. Here
fruit reaches the most perfect
state of any country known,
not excluding famous California.
These valleys are the home of the
apple, and a wormy or blighted
one was never seen, while in
prunes, pears, plums, cherries, etc.,
it can hardly be excelled. Add to
this an open climate where stock
men needs to scarcely ever feed bis
stock during the winter and it will
be seen in this nature has nlsodone
her full part, and it only awaits the
hand of w illing labor to transform
these grand hills aud -ptllsys into
beautiful homes for a contented
people. . 1
Klk City, about which we start
ed to write, Is a village, of 1 $0 souls,
situated about nine miles from To
ledo, the county seat. It is what.
is known as the head of navigation
on Vaccina river, steamers of con
siderable draft being able to ascend
that far. It is also a station 011 the
Oregon Pacific lailroad, and one of
considerable importance, being the
second in the size of shipments be
tween the summit and Yaquina
The general me rchandise store of
the place is presided over by K. M.
Mays, who also handles the U. S.
mails for Undo Sam. He has a
well-assorted stock and enjoys a
good trade, drawing for miles above I
among the ranches. The village ' management at its present terra the
hotel is presided over by J. II. Van absence of two familiar officials is
Orden, who feeds the hungry way-1 strikingly noticable. li. W. Wil
farer on the fat of the laud, and, i so" who as clerk has "iclted con
this means something there, at a i t'"110")' for the past 30 years is
very reasonable figure. Dr. Carter i kePl away 1,1 this "Kl 'y M
looks after those who fall sick, a lie:ilth' r- I51air. who has reg
verv rare occurance. b- the wttv. i urly acted in the capacity of bail-
The town has a good school, which i ii oT the Past 33 y"i ' " al
closed a successful term of KCh0oi e"t being on a sojourn with rela
last Friday. Religious services are j tives in P-'nllet0,. Umatilla county,
regularly held, and the town has vallis Gazette,
all the other necessary adjuncts for! ' ;
a town of its size. ; The Jacksonville Times ays:
The town is situated across the 1 "Notwithstanding the "hard tlmou'
river from the railroad, but at pres-' Sheriff Pellon has done very well
ent an excellent ferry is running
for the accommodation of Use pub-
nrnong me otner improvements
which is contemplated for the tow n
j this spring is the building of a sub
'stantial bridge across the river.
j I Us safe to say that this charm
i ing town will make some material
' advancements this year. The plac-
I ing of the railroad onto a sulwtan-
! tial basis will hnve an equal bene-
: ficial ! effect . in settling up the county
and Elk City' will flmmslms n gri-tn
From (huu
J. w . urave ami wile, old resi
dents of this place, left last week
for Oakland, California, where they
intend making their future home.
O. 1). Fanno, a former resident
f llns place but now located at
Chitwood, paid us a short visit the
former part of the week.
! Messrs Pow ell and Evans of
; San Francisco, have moved on the
1 IUUV.-U, mane a living trip
;. , . , ,T '
; to the alley last week, lie reports
: splendid prosiwN for rm
I S(-'ale tllls summer
George Ryan's new house
rapidly Hearing completion.
T. N. Combs started breaking
sod last week with the intention of
crowding the season, but was fro?
en out that night.
The grand jury adjourned Tues
day evening, without having found
n single indictment, and having is
sued but one grand jury subpoena.
This is an anomaly such as the
writer has no recollection of having
ever witnessed before in his obser
vations upon the work of grand
juries, and it is a fact to be hailed
with gratification by the taxpayers
ol IJenton county The case of
the Oregon Pacific road sale was
about one of the first things to
come up Monday, and was speedily
disposed of with an order to sell
tlji; road June 28th, without further
ro'servation . or delay. Corvallis
The old soldiers of Newport have
written to their comrades in Toledo,
that inasmuch as Memorial day ex
ercises have always been held at
New port, and the Toledo veterans
always attended, that they will be
;Pleased to have the services held at
loieno 1111s year 11 tue old soldiers
of this place desire it. All veterans
are requested to meet at the store
of T. P. Fish in Toledo, on .Satur
day April 22, at 2 p. 111., to consi
der the offer and to appoint the nec
cessary committees, etc. A gen
eral attendance is desired.
I'1 the personnel of circuit court
collecting taxes. Out of a total of
85.000 on the roll he collected al
j most $70,000, 1 which is indeed a
;iun,ls()inc smni This i)lciU(lc!1
nearly $2,000 collected for ttherifTii
assessments. Ex.
r t ,t, , ,
Judge C. H. Delllnger has been
apxdnted U. S. District judge to
fill the vacancy caused by thedeatli
of jUll ,Jca(1 Tbe apiX)itnK,lt
. .
1 1 n good wiie in tvery respeeti
Additional Local.
Circuit Court will meet on May
Dr. Rich had business in Corval
lis last Saturday.
Miss Etta Titman went to New
port Monday and returned Tuesday.
Chas. Pearse of Corvallis was in
Toledo last Monday.
J. L. McCulloch, of Yaquina, was
a caller last Saturday.
The steamer Richardson was at
the Toledo port last Tuesday.
Attorney Gordon, of Salem, was
in this city last Thursday and Fri
Jas. Russel of the firm of Peak &
Russel at Yaquina City, was in this
Burg the first of the week.
J. N. Stark, the furniture dealer
of Yaquina City was in this city
last Monday.
The Steamer Benton towed a
scow load of hay to Newport for S.
A. Logon on Monday last.
II. Fischer, proprietor of the
Corvallis flouring mills was regis
tered at the Hotel Lincoln last Mon
day. School Superintendent Booth,
made the Toledo school 0 visit last
Monday. We acknowledge a short
The dance last Saturday night
was reported to have been a glitter
ing success.
Notice the new advertisement of
McCulloch, the Yaquina jeweler,
in this week's issue.
The name of Siding One has been
changed to Storrs. Coc, up in the
Cascades, has been changed to De
troit. The Newport Times is agitating
the matter of a 4th of July celebra
tion. Nothing like being in the
field early. Here goes for a Christ
mas tree at Toledo.
J. McDonald of Chitwood was a
pleasant caller at this ofiice last
Tuesday, He will keep posted on
Lincoln county matters through
the colums of the Leader.
The Lkaukk will appear 111 the
form of a seven colum folio next
wel'k. This increase of size is war
ranted by our nd vertising patronage,
and will be continued as long art
such patronage warrants it.
Arbor day exercises at the school
house last Friday, were quite inter
esting. In addition to the literary
program as published last week, the
school planted two trees in th
school house yard, naming one of
them George Washington and the
other George Bcthers.
The O. P. has issued a new tlni
card. The east-bound passenger
train leaves Yaquina at 7:30, a. in.
arrives at Toledo at 7:55 and at AN
bany at 1 1 :4s. The west-bound
passenger leaves Albany at 12:33
and arrives In Yaquina about half
hour earlier than the old time.
The Newiort Times now has A
line of "furrin jargon" at the head
of its pajH-T. They may think they '
are the only fellows In Lincoln
county that knows anything but
cnglish. Just get onto thlsl Jah
bero pompety doodley wonk clotik
cobleree jam Ipse dixit.
The Volanta was taken up stream
last Friday and is now tied up tit
S. Ai Logan's wharf about sU
miles above Toledo. She will re
main tied up for some time. It In
rumored that she has lost money
for her stock holders since the first
day of her run.
Hon. C. B. Crosno has been nom
inated by State Suieriiitendent Mc"
Elray as an honorary member of
the Oregon Educational Executive
Committee of the World's fain
Senator Crosno is recognized asotiS
of the leading educational advocates
in the npjier house of the Oregon
legislature, and the nomination ll
it deserved tribute to hlWi
1 t .
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