Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 30, 1893, Image 3

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Uo S. Government
Baking Powder Tests.
The report of the analyses of Baking Powders, made
by the U. S. Government (Chemical Division. Ag'l
Dep't), shows the Royal superior to all other powders,
and gives its leavening strength and the strength of each
of the other cream of tartar powders tested as follows:
ROYAL, Absolutely Pure,
TESTED are reported to con
tain both L'me and sulphuric
acid, and to be of the following
strengths respectively, . . .
Royal Baking Powder is absolutely pure, and of
greater leavening power than any other powder.
- Gmterua'a, Nicaragua and the Liber
als of Honduras are combining against
Oar readers will nerve tbemsolves by
noticing the remarkable offerings advertised
in anothor column by the Sherwood Hall
Nursery Co. t,f Jlenlo Turk and Sun Fran
dsen, who are leaders on the coast in f ur
uioiiiuy everything for tne farm and garden.
A new kind oi fla? nol Is palled "tramp flan
11." It shrlln-s from wiuhtllf.
Let us look into the force, moan
ing, rear-on the oft-repeatL-J line:
Cures Promptly and Permanently.
Pains Endured for 30 Years,
I 25 Years,
J 20 Years,
I 10 Years,
j Have been promptly Cured by
- By the use of:
Correspondence with Sufferers shows
ntiro permanence or cure up to this
time, In some cases covering
5 Years,
y 7 Years,
0 Years,
j ' - " 10 Years,
y.r.d co on, and W'frifyfwa bold,
ffw a wrrnf t..E"omAri rortibiio ortne
l". IV orr ' s lole.ajblaS Ens ltlnu." desrrintlve
rjnf KuiMitipi undi Grounds, beautifully illus.
5 '! tf. in wp cl"r elfc-'s, x ill bo s.'tit t
, i'iy u.iarraa Uion Teeipt Ot 1"''. ll P'lfitBlTO
: s'llllijn ly TlIK CHJLBLJ3 A. Vocslks Co,
4i;AUuio."c. Mo, .
My wife sufFei"". with indigestion
r nd dyspepsia fa.' years. Life be
jdame a burden -to her. Physicians
failed to give relief. After reading
one of your brve0-, I purchased a
J bottle of Aug -ob Flower. It worked
; like a charm. My wife received im
j mediate relief after taking the first
j dose. She was completely cured
now weighs 165 pounds, and can eat
anything she desires without any
l deleterious results as was formerly
thecase. C. H, Dear, Prop'rWash
! lagton House, Washington, Va. S
The Timothy Hopkins
Collection of Sweet Peas
niai'.iie twtntr-o., distinct varieties a larea
krt of e.ich forti.;, or a packet of the sauia
Y::enes, iriscd, for toccata.
2 Carnations durtactsneues . $1.00
2 Chrysanthemums $1.00
- Pelargoniums iiKtriMie) $1.00
3 RoSeS di.lmtt rarietie.) - $I.OO
' itrjnj, healthy, pot-grown plantt. fnt by moll.
lower Seeds--?"'1''0'"
'egetable Seeds ll0iizlaioa-
"in tuner 01 aoove Collection our hun'Jsomelv
Klraled i.o-pag.. catalogue it lent free. 'Um I,
milted to U a work of art, and contain! a reprcdi:c
i.w natural colors of the Iwemv.nne sarirtie. now
vrrtillv rrrocmird S. The Timnthv HnnL-lm
ollectlon ol Sweet Peat.
owosd hall Nursery Co.
f'SH BU&
ThUTrafl V.itlsnntliahest
a a- '
aeaeatwea and oaodIa
I who hare weak tacts or Astb-
I ma, soon Id use Puo'iCure for
0nonplino. It baa cored
Ikoa.aada. It tuf not Injur-f?.0"-
J1 " not tad ft tae
t, ItUUie beucoeihaTrun.
cow mrreatn.
. 'oemt
ij 'rat.
1 ri
J. r;l
f.P.S. 0. So, 4f6-8. F. N. U.No.68:
Per pent. Cubic in. per oz.
13.06 . . 160.6
12.58 . . . 151.1
11.13 . . . 133.6
10.26 . . . 123.2
1 9.53 . . . 114.
9.29 . . . 111.6
8.03 . . . 96.5
7.28 . . . 87.4
4.98 . . . 5.5
Needle Are Very Ancient.
The needle is one cf the most ancient
Implements or instruments of whicti we
have any record. The old time needles
were unlike the modern luxury, they hav
ing been made of wood, bronze, bone, etc.,
and without eyes, a circular depression at
the blunt end having been so fashioned as
to enable it to carry the thread. I'liuy de
serihp the rn,.lf. nf l.onTr. vvhich were
nsed by the ancient Greeks and Romans,
and since his daysimihir instruments have
been found in compurativeabundance both
at llerculanenm and Pompeii. The first
account of the manufacture of "white
iron," or steel needles, says that they were
made at Nuremberg, in HOO, and, while
the exact date is in doubt, they are said to
have been made in Uritain as early as IMS.
The account further adds that the first
needles manufactured in Kngland were
made by a Spanish negro, who died with
out having taught any one his art.
During the reign of Elizabeth the indus
try was revived, and, strange to say, also
by a foreigner a native of India. The
forerunner of the present great Kedditch
needle manufactory was established by
Christopher Greening and a .Mr. Darner in
1050. Jinny unsuccessful attempts were
made to bring out the "drilled eye" needle
before it was finally introduced in ISiO.
Two years laterthe"buinisliing machine,"
with which the eyes of needles are highly
polished, was completed.. In this ma
chine, which is very simple, the needles
lire all strung on a wire, which revolves
rapidly, thereby imparting a beautiful
finish to the eye. St. Louis Republic.
The EfFeet of Mimic on the Heart.
At the military parade a small boy from
the country, who had scarcely ever heard
martial music, turned suddenly, putting
his hand on his heart.
. "It makes me feel so queer here," he
said, the tears standing in Ids eyes.
"You are ill?" inouircd his anxious
"No. I think I like it," he gasped.
The untutored lisping of the boy of the
pleasure that is nigh akin to pain describes
the effect of music, frequently more seri
ous to impressionable people. A physician
has said that it is a question if on great
public occasions it is not the effect of
music, saying to the soul the things un
utterable, that is responsible for sudden
illness, faint ings, hysterics ami calls for
the ambulance. These physiological ef
fects he traces through theemotious. The
fountains of the deep get broken up. The
troubling of the emotions disturbs the se
cretions, there is an uneasy stir, it in
creases into an excitement, there is a call
for a policeman, the crowd presses right
and left to make way for t lie bearers of a
prostrate form, and it is all the fault of
the band. New York Evening Sun.
Animal Color.
In experiments on the influence of food
and surroundings on the color of animals,
Mr. K. ii. Pott I ton reared caterpillars of
the pepper moth under different condi
tions. Those confintd union; green leaves
and twigs became green, those having
black or brown twigs mingled with their
food were brown or black, and others were
turned light colored by white paper. With
artificial colors red and blue tended to
produce a dark coloration, though very
strangely, painted twigs had not the same
effect as those with the same natural tint.
It was shown that the sensory stimulus
producing the change did not act through
the eye, but through the skin, and con
sisted of the formation of a definite pig
ment, being therefore slower than in the
chameleon ami frog, and capable of modi
fying the color of a caterpillar only once
or twice in its lifetime. Ohio State Jour
nal. Firth Century Authors.
Herophlltts, one of the Alexandrian
school, wrote n treatise on the practice of
medicine, on obstetrics, on the eye, and on
the pulse, which he correctly referred to
the movements of the heart. He was
aware of the existence of the lacteals and
of their anatomical relations to the mesen
teric glands. Krasistratus his colleague
and a pupil of Theophrastus and Chrysip
pus was aware of the nature of the heart
and its connection with the veins and ar
teries, but he fell into the error that the
veins were fur the conveyance of air and
the arteries for that of blood. Otherwise
he anticipated Harvey's great discovery,
lie knew also that there were two kinds of
uerves those of motion and those of aetisa
tiou. Westminster Review.
Wuatltlg Medlrfiie.
Mr. Thrifty Doctor, I don't think much
of Hint cough medicine of yours.
Dr. C'tirem I am very sorry to hear that.
What Is the reason?
Thrifty Why, there is so much of it
lead waste.
Cureni Dead wast!
Thrifty Yes, I hadu't tnken more than
s quarter of the bottle when my cough had
entirely disappeared, and there is the other
three-quarters jut thrown away. Ex
:hange. A Joker Among Itlrda.
The bluejay is a practical joker. It Is
bis habit to conceal himself in a mass of
leaves near the spot where small birds are '
accustomed to gather, and when they are
icjoying themselves in their own fashion ;
will suddenly frighten them almost va
death bv screaming out like a hawk. Of
course they scatter in every direction, and ,
when they do so the mischievous rascal I
lie, vent, la a cackle that sounds very
1 much like a laugh. Yankee Blade.
Beyond the sunset he hath pone at last;
Palsied the pen. si'.ent the silver tongue.
Finished the tender, tearful songs he sung.
The martial note that like a bugle rung.
Whose echoes sound from ont a fading past.
O cruel years. O years that speed so fast.
Taking the choicest and the best of ours.
Stealing life's summers and its sweet heart's
Crushing the pearls that are before ns cast;
Thus from our century, ere we turn the page,
A spirit goeth. one who'moved our moods
From Crimean charges to the peace) which
O'er auulit meadows and in twilight woods
The altruistic genius of our ace.
Howard James in Kate Field's Washington.
Clever Cutehea.
A young lady was once talking with a
very young and very smart man, who was
inclined to air his knowledge of the lan
guages a little beyond what she felt that
modesty required. She therefore said to
him, with an air of deference to his supe
rior attainments:
"You ure a Latin scholar. I wish you
would tell me how to pronounce the word
'so-met-i-mes.' "
The youth, with an air of kindly patron
age, replied, "1 have not met the word in
my Latin rending, lint I should have no
hesitation in saying that it should be pro
nounced 'so-met-i-tnes'" (giving it in four
syllables, the accent on the second).
"Thank you for telling me," replied the
girl demurely. "I have always heard it
pronounced sometimes, but if you say the
other way, that must be riht."
This is similar to the perhaps familiar
catch of the pronunciation of "bac-kac-he,"
which will often surprise the uninitiated
by proving to be only backache. It also
reminds one of a question printed some
years since, as to the way of spelling
"need" to need bread. The average Dei
son will reply "k-n-e-a-d of course," but
the answer will be, "that is the way to
spell knead dough, but not to need bread."
..arpcr s uun People
The Wonder of All Wonders.
Sarah Jessop, of this place, was one of
the most wonderful of Georgia's many
natural freaks. She was a colored woman,
nnd when 1 saw her last had a 2-inch
iron cylinder passing through her breast.
When Sarah was very small thispassaue
appeared as a simple dent or cicatrice. At
the age of six years it was sufficiently large
to admit the thumb of an adult and ex
tended entirely through the child's body.
At a later period about the age of thir
teen, 1 believe a local physician inserted
a metal tube as a protection to the girl's
internal anatomy. When the size of the
cavity or passage increased the cylinders
loosened and dropped out, whereupon
larger ones were regularly inserted. When
Sarah died (from other causes), at the age
of twenty-three, the cylinder was a frac
tion over two inches iudiameterand passed
through her breast between the lungs,
coming out at the junction of the shoulder
blades. Augusta (Ua.) Cor. St. Iuis
A liig llliimler.
Some years ago Willie Blair, the "queen's
fiddler," was playing at a ball which the
Prince of Wales had given to the domes
tics connected witn Aliergeldie castle. The
dancers had been rather exacting in their
demands upon the musician, and Willie
was In no very amiable mood when the
prince himself entered the room unob
served by the fiddler, and stepping up be
hind him said, "Play up the 'Lock of For
far,!. Willie." The old itinn, without look
ing round, and thinking it was one of the
servants, growled in response, "Aye, an I
wish you were a' drooned in it!" The
prince laughed as heartily as anybody at
the mistake a good deal more so than the
fiddler. Scottish American.
The C hinese Way.
lu its war with Knghimi and France in
1859-tK) C'liiun was easily conquered nnd
forced to a liumiliutinu peace. The Peking
Gazette, the ofTiciiil organ of the govern
ment, however, reported the following con
cerning that treaty cf peace:
As the westerti barbarians have admit
ted their wrongs nnd humbly solicited for
pence, the emperor in his infinite goodness
has granted their prayer, and, moreover,
has made them a present of a large sum of
money (indemnity of war) to enable them
to begin an honest life, so that they may
not aain heilriven to murder nnd rnfiue.
Detroit Free Press.
White AiilinitU Anioiir the Japaneae.
A white fox is often mentioned In the
Japanese fables, and a white serpent ap
pears iu their pictures of Dcnten, the god
dess of fortune. Among the Japanese, as
among the ancient Greeks and Scythians,
white horses were dedicated to the gods,
and are still attached to the larger temples
of the country. The milk and butter of
white cows were formerly prized us a med
icine. London Globe.
Itreathing of Inaecte.
Insects generally breathe throttuh spe
cial pores in various parts of their body,
and if these pores are closed by oil they
are suffocated. Any one may test this by
dropping sweet oil on the thorax or hack
of a wasp. It very soon dies. For this rea
son oil has been found one of the best
things to use for the destruction of in
sects. London Tit-Iiits.
An Abbreviation Explained.
The origin of the symbol "cwt." for hun-
dredweirbt is as follows: C is the initial
letter of ihe Latin word "centum," mean
ing a hundred, and wt are the first and
lajtt letters of the word "weight" and are
used as a contraction for it. Brooklyn
Diphtheria and Himikers,
It may be not generally known that four
men in eury six use tobacco: yet a medi
cal man lit Vienna asserts that diphtheria
is thrice is prevalent among smokers as
those wn deny themselves the luxury of
the weed. -Chambers' Journal.
The Perls Jardln ties Plairtea owes its
origin tc a florist, who, In the time of
Henry IV grew all sorts of native and Im
ported p' u, to sell flowers as models to
the manifncturers of embroideries and
The ( gllrworm lays eggs which are
tbemsel'4 luminous; however, the young
batched lorn them are not possessed of
those pn Viar properties until after the
first trarjMLnnatiou.
Emphvsla laid upon the necessity of
watching ibjaely for the first fluttering of
the puis.! o diphtheria. Such a fluttering
predicts dtrgerous heart failure.
Ths crytf s young seal w hen wounded
or about u t attacked resembles that of
a child lndittreaa, and tears flow from its
eyes. i .
The kuCe. though very old, bsd Dotcoms
into comrtos use as a table utensil in the
Tenth ceiiur.
If nntnre Mi not uruitsle scainst d'.seano,
even iu weakly cnuatpuiloua. w.ft ludeed would
be the course of a malady to iu total termina
tion. W hiie nature thiu stri.g Ice let um lest
worse tela 11 us, aid her effoitawtih judicious
medicinal 1 ekt. txncrienc,. nin.t h
j in tattles uh di-ea e. and that "lnip to our
I Ie.t ' tudicati'S HoMeiter ' etomaeh Bitters as a
sate, hum and tton iisl Ml ot nature, li tne
blood le iuieeted w ith bll. , if the bowels aLd
stomach are inactive. II the kuuevs fail to ex
pel imparities of which thev are the tiatutal, a course oi the Bitters is the surest reli
ance ot the stirterer, one. moreover, that is sanc
tioned by PTolessiotial indorsement and ums (or
nearly hall a century. No Ameilcan or foreign
reme ly has earned greater dlstinctiou as a rem
edy lor and prevnittve of ehrouie liver com
plaint, n a' rlii, constipation, kidney aud rneu
mat c trouble aud dibt.ny.
''He e t cy are, my good man; tut I do not
know thst they will at you." iiaidl ek Yes,
this is ttie very suit of clothes I gave your hus
band six mouths ago."
I'KOOF or MKlilT.
The proof of the merits of a plaster i
thecuiesit effects, and the voluntary tes
timonials of those who have used Aia
coik's Porois Plastkrs during the past
thirty years is unimpeachable evidence of
their superiority and should convince the
most skeptical. Self-praise is no recom
mendation, but certilicates from those who
have used them are.
Beware of imitations and do not bn do.
ccived by misrepresentation. Ask for
coca s, aim let no solicitation or explana
tion induce you to accept a substitute.
Clttlcns 1 worder how Ik that so few women
stu.tertvheu they tslk? Wlttieus-l hey haven't
got t me.
State of Ohio, City or Tolkdo i
l.l'CAS t'Ot'S Y. '
Frank J. CHKNKY makH onth thnt he l the
eiiior partner of the tlrm ot F J. fit kk rv
Co., doing b'lslness in the city of Toledo, enmity
and Stftte Hfor.-NHbl, snd that sati llrm will liny
the sum of I'NK Hi NPKKK IHll.l.AUS tor each
and every case of calairu cannot bo cured
d, tne use oi hall s lata k mi i'i kk.
8wrn to before me and Mihscribid in invl
skal. A. W. lil.KAsOS,
, Aofurj I'ubliC.
Hall Catarrh Cure la tnken Intemallv, and
S"ts directly n the bloo and mnco a su'tfactl
of the Bystem. tH'iid for tct-timoniuls, free.
F. J. CIIKNEY ,! CO.. Toledo, 0.
aV Bold by druKgists; 76 cents.
"I'd think street ours would be built Jtut alike
at both enoa " "Wep, they ere." "Oh, no! Auy
rondiietor will tell uu i lure's always room up
We positively cure rupture, piles and all rec
tal diseases without puia or detention from busi
ness, No cure, no nay. Also all Primtt dis
eases. Address lor pamphlet Prs. Portertleid
Losey, 83b Market street, Sua Francisco.
A hoy soon learns that ho can got anvtliliiR
from his mother by asking (or It out I nd'lii his
i rayeii, Inn that he can't work his father that
The good reputation of " Brown's i?ron
chitil Troche" lor the relief of coughs, colds
and throat diseases has given thetn a favor
ah e notoriety.
Utile Pot-Oh, learl 1 wbb I wasn't n!rl
Teacher Yon do? w y? Little !ol 'Cause I
like to sit with the b ys.
Another lliir Wholesale tlnuse lteeenll
Ntarted There.
Mr. William M Jack, formerly In business at
Biute.Mont .Mr.M.Howanl lately eiiunei ted with
the National Tube Woiks (louip.uiv of CIiIciiko,
and Mr. II. It. 11 iviiton, until recently in elnirne
ol the buelness ot the VVehlern Tula- tJompimy nl
Kewauee, 111., on this const, have associated
themselves toitether under Hie stylo o( the W.
M. Jaea Conitiny, for tho purp isu of ciiitvIiik
on a johhlua business Iu the line of wroiiKlii'lroii
Ue, ll'liiiKs, valves snd etielts (or steaiti, wtiter
uud aas, si am piiinps, hose, Icaiher and rubber
Ih'IIiiik, stesniKhip, mill mi i emtilieers' siiiille.
Wiu tho a tvii'iliwe tht lonK experience in
these lines ttives, with ample capital and a thor
ouuh knowledKo of Ihureiililreinenlsi.l the trade
tributary to fortlinid, it would seem that the
company Is de-lined io becoino one ot the lead
ing jobbing houses nf I'oilhiuil. I he eoinpHtiy
occupies a IIHJ-Ieet from, lliree-storv, coiiiiiiihIi.
nils hilildluir, lit II nnd hi Front street, titled up
exprcEsly lor Its business.
For new and ol SACK, CIIIUAN (il'ANO,
etc., wnbj k Kariikli.. I'oitland. Or.
Try Oermka for breakfast.
I'se Kiinmellne .Stove l'ollsh; uo dust, no smell.
show Ii, if voii'rc a healthy
woman. They'll have a
beamy of tlicir own, no
matter what your features.
Perfect health, w ith its clear
skin, rosy chocks ant! bl ight
eyes, Is c-notijrli to make uny
vt oiniin nttruclive.
To pet perfect health, use
faithfully Dr. Pierces Fa
vorite Prescription. Hint
regulates ninl pioinolis all
Vl,., ,e,...H f......ilnna S ...
n-i.y, ......, , lull, IIUIIO VI r, V
mnnhooil, Impiovcs digcs
lion, eii' ii lics i ho blood, dis
pels aches nntl pains, brings
rci resiung sleep, auu restores
health, flesh ami .strength.
For periodical pains, prolapsus and
other displacements, bearing-down scn
satinus, anil "female complaints" gen
erally, it Is so I'il'eciive that it can be
guaruntrcd. It It doesn't benefit or cure,
you have your money back. Is anything
that isn't sold in this way likely to be
'just a good."
A Pure Norwegian
oil is the kind used
in the production
of Scott's Emul
sion Ilypophos
pliitesof Lime and
Soda are added
for their vital ef
fect upon nerve
and brain. No
mystery surrounds this formula
the only mystery is how quickly
it builds up flesh and brings back
strength to the weak of all ages.
Scott's Emulsion
will check Consumption and is
indispensable in all wasting dis
eases. Prspsrsil hvfteott Rowns H Y. AH il'nrsls'a.
From 1 0 to 40
r--.- - .
I Free Wig
Saved MyWife's Life
Weakness, Nervousness, Salt
Jo?ti ir. Jonca
Kalama, Wah.
"Of my own free w ill and accord, unbiased y
anyone, and wishing only to do good to the
aftllcted, 1 wish to tell of tho good qualities of
Hood's Sarsaparlll.t and Hood's Tills. I think
thero are no medicines equal to them, and have
proved their merit bv experience In niv own
family. My wife. liaehel. has been aftllcted
with weaknesi. nervousness, lnl,i 5at rheum. I
spent nearly all that 1 bad of tills world's goods
for doctor's bills and isrdlelne until we decided
to try Uood's Sirsaparllla. it undoubtedly
Saved My Wife From tho Crave.
The salt rheum has entirely healed and she Is
restored to sooil hrnlih. I have many
friend and ivl Hives In the east who will be
(dad to know that
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hns cured my wife," Jons V. Jovbs
halanu. Wash. Cet HOOD'S
HOOD'S PlLL8 are ths twst aftsntlnnsr Pills,
assist d".tton. cura headache. Try a box. tJo.
Wets., and rfC"
Viavper iiottie.
Ouo uvut a dose
Tma OrtEAT Cocnn t'tiau ptomptly citivs
whi-ro ull others fail, Couirhs, Croup, tore
Throat, Hoaraeneaa, VVhuopinfr Cou:;h nnd
Asthma. l'"or Consunipticn It bos no rival:
has cured thousands, end will f:uitH Ydit It
Inkrtiiu t'nio. Hold by Drnitglita on a guar
antee. I'or a I.nt'.io l'a. k or Ch-tit. lift)
ilnvo i t m Ciitfu fh V Tills rrmcilvlntninran-totUtuvui-oyou.
I'i'ico.UfLi, injucUTftuc
When npnllo! Into
tho noMtr.K will
HlmnrlH'il, fllW tunllj
rlimiNliiK the hi'Hil (if
(Htnrrliul viniH.riuiH.
1 1 1 UT lHtHlthy HiTitt
Hons. It lillityn in
llHtiiniftiif'ii, pntU'ctH
the lnuiubrHiio from
ph'ti'lyhunlmlioN n'
Hint rt'Mttircfi wiihu of
UiHWand mnuLl.
Try the Cure.
A roxticlo Ik Hi'plU'tl Into rnch tioMill, mul
RRnt.Hl)1o. I'rUf.iUrtMitNHtilnitfKlHtit'or by mull
KLY HUoniEKS,ti Wtiricn Hlrct-t, Ni vv York
illln rmiiiM)iilljr otinM in i liKltl vn. Wttfili'.'
llf.lOHll ItolHOI) fruill ttlUXVPllHIII, NillllliL tlHTrt vim
kivlt Im a rudirimf iiiuiiiist tiitii. Y'lUi' in hotruru il
it h u for tho dtiino prti-o mill timtrr the minitt
ifiiiituimn.ini t wuti thorn, whupn-h-r teiiiniti ro
u wiiitHHitifict io ciiru i in r ntlimil nil in .ne r
iMtl iiiy mil tru.xicisio r ,,i(r, r;tilri nut fiirn ami
'''! hill". If w t. ill in y-.u h-ivi) iakiu rm r
tirr. l(rtli(l!x.tni,iiMil aiiiI Iuivo m iin tnl ninn.
Vliirun I'liU'lnm In Mont ii, Hun 'i hroiil, J'liiii,?,,
'.iplii-M'ol.tioii Himuh. ricrrn onf pui ut thu
.'Kir. Hrttri.r KyubrnM f nlinuit. i h iinsynhil
.ho HI'khI I'filmjii tlutt wo ftimruntfe tn cum. Wii
llcit the iiidhi ohm inHfii cnfi't ak'I rhnili-tiud tht
vv'.rld fr a anno w am hot runt. 'J'liin .ictiiiHo tin
mwiirR hiitllt-d lh ult I I nf thu rxiFt t inini'iif t)nil
mm itt. A htuiil L'liitrtiiiti t tn 4'iint nr nl timl iimn.-y,
.hstilutu proof ut' n i HMnif.i fin iiiipii"Lilou. Aadroi
StaBonlo Temple. tlilraso III
Mnrnbfnn Ifuldt Cnrd In 10
( U flu v.. No jar mi cnrftU.
IfKtUng rir.if for all i
unnaiurai dinrrrcfl j ilau,a nf mmm
cnriftinrur lot tb tft
Ulllif WUkPM
to won.!
I m . t ' ipuwniWUlOO'ilia
aTH.bMWtJ'llfl In rM?oma.aadl U
Mr si Ml sM t -
A i BT0NER.ll D ,0fCiTt(i
Old O.ild and Hll n...i,ht; snfia sour 014 tVil
hllw so lha old aii4 rvlishw b'Siss of 4
.Isman, l Third strsat. Nan Kranolsvi; I IU ass,d b.
r 'urn Dial! Um nash, aonra-dlna so aossa: If lha aisoua
ts .lotssUsra, , sold "TO"
A 'Jrt rss In X i
w Q ... .. K.I..
Piloore's Revealed Remedv.
M(kikk H KKVKAI.K'li It km pi
' . w " ' " aK,""r?i"n io Bell tho fit(liiiK
Ma M N Da.
Dirt Mi IN US.
Or., la
Sole lu porter
Rare Jewels
I lie Sower
llaa nc ncontf chanccw The
Ural KiipplifH hia iittHis If he
tukus iw wist prvcuutlou of
pi tuning '
Ferry's Seed
t coitutittHtui ttif ittUM mul o-!i '
Inlormutlon altoui tuuh'i. uikI
(hinltMititK. It Is a nMiiilwd
authority. Kvtry planter (thou Id
have it. H'nt lrfoii rvoueaL
r D. M. FEKKY Jb CO., Urtrolt, Mlck.!
Pulsometer Steam
Bent mid chrartt wnter ovtor
known. L. A. PORTER, Mgr
l.fwlton, Idaho.
H filial tn lutri f, linuullsiA (s.s.....A W-l-
I miHMi'iitely, stating lowest I'tish pneo. to BO.K
I'll. Pftrllun.l lass
Hercules Gas Enninu
Otiio USB1I1.1 ti.)
Mad. for Power or Pumping Purpose.
Tbe Clieaest Reliable Oaa Kliglu,
on the Murkeu
Out op Enoini anb
Pur Rlmpllnlty it Iloats tlia sVoria.
ii oil Itself n-om a Knaarrnlr,
No t'nrliuri.lor to ret out of orilor.
Mo Itatturli., i Ulnotrlo Hiiark.
It rmiswIinaC'lieiii-r (irmliortlaaolln than anf
u.uvi .1.HHH,,.,
ALMER & REY, Manufacturirs,
405 Sansonio Slmt. San Francisco, CaL
rllleesssur nf the
"Ilia bruised."
Ten yoara siient In
nivluhur. 1IU1 ...II,
einployi'il, mom than
ijuu.uuu exHiuuou.
A Grand Edueator
Abreaitorthe Timet
A library In Itself
Invnlnnlile In the
linnscliolil.amlto the
U-neher, irofi.sslonal
man, eelf-etlueator.
Aukyuur Vookurllrr to show It toyou.
riiiiii.hni h
(1 O.MF.IIRI M l'o.,Hrsis,,,nln.MABs.,V..A.
tTrSsnd fur frra pmiwttis rnnfalnlnv ,Mu.ln..K
pilSf.. lllllSII-KllllllS, IsslllllOlllslS. fit!.
I FT-Iki mil t-i rsiimiu of andrnt sitltlons.
jto rte,eta fsiatoout-Ttu.1 Tow Ml movt
a -a l . . . . M
Mseev.M BunDim -PormANn Qr,rrnJ
Best in th World! n II T A O T
v"T, . i.V,.i W'V "h ,'?","r bjr the n-e of
WMaSrl?&, Or.
It you want a
any price
$10 ,o 11,000
us for
lowest prices.
I Ths 8peclflo A No. 1.
Car, all l, on- (all, all raw nf j,,arsv H
Iiipis and Ulswt, o mallsr of li.,sT tuna 1
H su.iiil .,, I'ivnitsstrli l,irn,llll,,a,, In" B
M "'"? ,"VmJ'. ' " wiimi voryUiliia Am
W has fnilisl. H.,ld hv all DriisKlsla. I
I Maiiiifmtiir.iraiTha A HrliiM-nhsa. MMMlis I
ijl rrlrr, M.1X1. Co.. Han Jnv, Cal. B
a - 1 - ' ' 4 fj -
4 r