The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 28, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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mrc r
(Continued from rago Ono.)
high on freight that tlioro It not
very much loft for tho lumbar niaiiu
facturors. "Tlioro ltavo bcon mnny vcbbcIs
.bougii aiftt Sola., At present' wo hnvo
Discarded Clothing jt ml Shoos nnd
All KNo That. In nf Value Is
IMekcil Up
Ilj AMocUled I'rns to Ci Dr Tlmeu 1
April 1!S. Tho question of what
becomes of tho vast number of
broken lmnlemuntH of warfare, nnd
our8allfnB' Vcsnolb carrying UiirtUor lho ,Hcnri1c(l clothing nnd Bhoes
to CTiJnn anil tjils Is tho first tlmotlmt nro COmiiionly suppojed to
.for vo yoars that wo liavo uscil Btrew tl0 battlefields whore great
Bailing vossels JiV thnt trade Wo aro'nrlnC8 Hro operating, may bo un
doing, It becnuo wo win. ilso our 8tcam-8Wor,i( 8H fnr na lno mitlsli Ux
ors jnjoro probltably otherwise." Ipeditlotiary Korco Is coneutnod, by
Sold Hubert Dollar ,, visit to one of tlio luso3 of tho
Recently tho Dollar company rltlli army. ,All tlieso things,
Bold tho steamer Hobort Dollar. iflom ttl0 ,,g B,m wUch m 1)L,C
Wlien nsked If alio brought a Kol Hluittorcil by u shell, to tho stnull
prico Capt. Dollar Bald: CHl ,mrt 0f Tommy Atkln's person-
"Tlio price was nil right. It had ftl 0,,Mmont w,c, i,n8 been brok-
to bo or I would not nnvo soiu nor. cll or i0B. nro Kuilcrcii n,i ro.
turned to one of tho banes whore
(buy nro repaired If posalblo. If
they cannot bo mended mich parts
as are Intact nro used In roiuwlng
other Implements or articles of tho
samo kind, and In event that they
nro liopolcHsly broken or torn thoy
nro sold ns junk.
A corrospondont to tho Acsoclutod
Press was pormltted to visit ono
of these big ropalr depots. l)a
pnrttnentH of every description were
busily engaged In tho work of res
toration. In one building wan n
pllo of upwards of half u million
palM of worn bootH n vorltnblo
mountain of muddy foot gear.
Tlieso were bolnfc disinfected,
cleaned, resoled mil ropnlrcd In oth
er wuys nt tho rnt'u tif sovon thous
nnil pulra u week by a largo forco
of exportH. Ah fast as thov wero
flnljhcd they woio placed In Block
ready to go back to tho Ironchos
when tlioro should bo a call for
more bootH.
In othor shops pnrtH of broken
harness from thu o(iilimont of tlio
army lioraes wero being repaired,
saddles wero being mndo over, rl
flo3 worn being made whole, blr
guns wero In tlio proresH of ronow
nl, unlforniH nnd equipments were
Queries and Replies Covering Matters of
Importance to the Man Who Runs a Car
It wa3 tho finest vessel tfint wo had
and It was a good deal llko a man
Billing his wife. Tlio vessel Is to
bo delivered next week but thcro
Ib now n deal ponding whereby wo
may charter back too vcssoi lor
our buslncsa for a period of nine
months. A Japanese tlrni bought
tho Robert Dollar. Tho Jnps now
control tlio merchant tnnrlno of tho
Pacific. TJtcy .are, doing fully sev
enty per. cent of tlio business. An
othor vessel wo, aolil wo now hnvo
back oh 'charter. TJioro has bcon
many ships bought nnd sold. I
guess tho ship 6vnera nro trying
to ijrnko hay whllo tho sun alilnes.
j Freight. Ithtes' lllglt
"Tho frolght rates nro very hlgli.
Tho rate on our VqinaJH was, former
ly $0 a thousand for lumber nnd
now tho rate Is $30 n thousand vm
tho Balling vlmhoIs wlilcli wo nro us
ing lrl tho China tredo.
"Tho reported illsturbanco In
Clilna nro not imklng any dif
ference In our business. From
our offices In China tlioro comes
no roporta about It and wo would
bo Informed If It amounted to any
thing. I rather think that It must
bo a local affair and probably
much exaggerated. Wo liavo but
llttl) lumber In our yards at China
and nro way behind lit ordor.i bo
couao of tho high freight rates
whlfch hnvo' not pdrmlttrd tho u.iunl
amount of Hhlpplilg.
' . ;ll build Vcs-els
"Wo liavo sold n numbor of boatH
and wo hnvo picked up others under
chnrtcr to tnkn enro of our regular
buqlucss. Wo iniuit of i'ouru liavo
moro voasohVnnil Inter on 'when tha
hlcli ratos go down wo will have
built several vessels to tnko tlio place
of fhoso wo liavo sold and to carry
on our rogulnr business. The big
prices vfufo Jiulucoiijontn to soil Homo
of our lirfats but they will .have to
b roplacod."
In Kluo. Health
Cnpt. Dollar sajH that ho linn bonn
oust several times lately but has not
recently nindo a trip to China whuro
ho has yards nnd e.tenslvu business,
Although past 70 yearn of ngo Capt.
Dollar Htlll Is halo and hearty. He
looks Just tho samo as ho did a
numbor of yearn ago. In fact ho has
novpr appeared In bettor health In
recent years than ho does lio-v,
(apt. Dollar takes u keuu Interest
In all affnlrs or the country and.' lit
woddorfully 'well Informed -nil de
tails nnd 'when It comes to tho lumber
and shipping business his kunwledgi)
nnd oxporlonco Is probably
thnn nnyono on tho Pacific eonHt now
ullvo. Jlo Ik ono uf tho very oldest
of thu Bhlppera nnd lumbermen or
tho coast.
Capt. Dollnr was pltmnod to knw
that tho railroad to Coos county was
completed nnd said ho was going
to try to go out that way on his return.
being overhauled In fnct, ovory
Conceivable' sort of thing wnivn
flndH ubo In tlio army was bolng
ronovnted All unserviceable lilts
of inolal' wore bolng stored to aell
to fouudrlefl and even tho tattered
pieces of uniforms wero being
mndo ready1 ror the call or dcalora
who buy cloth or this description
for. various manufacturing purpos
es. "''
Can you tall me tho propor way to
find out If tho driving pinion has
sheared Its key?
If tho driving pinion has sheared Its
key tlili can bo readily determined by
tho fact that with the genrs In neutral
tho propeller shaft can be rotated by
menus of a plo wrench without mov
ing tho rear wheels.
Why do they make olght cylinder en
gines of the V typo nlnoty dogroos
apart and twelve oyllnders sixty do
greos? In the eight cylinder motor there nro
four explosions to each revolution. Di
viding 300 degrees, or n complete revo
lution, by four gives ninety degrees,
the necossnry nnglo between tho cylin
der blocks. With tho twclvo cylinder
motor there nre six explosions to a
revolution, nnd dividing 000 by six
gives sixty degrees as tho necessary
Would It be an ndvantago to liavo
somo hand control dovlco attaohod to
tho Intako manifold abovo tho car
burotor to make it possible to add an
extra supply of air to tho mlxturo whon
operating an automobllo7
Mnny drivers arc using such un at
tachment to great advantage.
extra nlr devices nro open when run
ning nt fairly high ratos of speed nud
cut down tho fuel consumption.
Will you kindly deicrlbo tho best way
to sot up connecting rod and main
bearings for casting? I rofor mainly
to bearings that ovorlap tho sides of
tho boaring cap as is common in die
cast boarings.
Tho common method of proccduro Is
to set up the connecting rods In n fix
ture, which Is (Itted with n mandrel n
little smaller than tho Inside of tho Mu
lshed bearing. This llxturo has a re
cess at tho top and bottom, which al
lows the metal to partially How over
the sides of thu connecting rod, form
lug thu llauges on the Mulshed bearing.
Tho babbitt Is poured through u holo hi
tho top plate. Upon removing the con
necting rod from thu fixture tho babbitt
lining Is found cast In place. A swedgo
Is then forced through thu bearing In
order to make sure that tho lining Is In
perfect contact with tho connecting
rod nt tho back. The bearings nro then
HcraiHul or reamed In tho usual man
ner for fitting bearings.
Suggestions regarding tho manner of
carrying out this work liavo been given
by ono of tho largo manufacturers of
babbitt ns follows.
First. Use nn absolutely clean ladlo
When running from twolvo to fifteon
miles my car Jumps or runs unevenly,
but works well when warmed up and
at higher speod. Tho ignition, gaso-
lino line and valvos are In good order.
What is tho matter?
1 If the car gees along well and then
, suddonly acts ns If tho brakes have
been put on, duo to the fact that the
' motor misses (Ire or explodes imovenly
nnd has to work against the comprcs.
. slon of the dead cylinders, It Is an en
tirely different feeling from that due
to first weal: nnd then strong explo
sion. Sometimes a slipping clutch will
cause an uneven sensation.
It l.s possible (hat the commutator Is
dirty or that the valves are In such
condition that they seat tightly eiiuugh
for higher speeds, but at low speed per
nilt a leakage of gas, and hence they
miss. Some of the units or contact
points on the coll vibrators might be
less than ono sixty-fourth Inch be
tween tho parts. When the gap hi le
wldo between the push rods anil vnlvi
stems noise will result. Knocks which
become audible with advanced Mpnrl.
usually oilglnato soinewheie In the pis
ton assembly and are probably due ti'
looso pistons, worn piston phi hush
lugs or to the condition of the heal lug
at the connecting rod end The con
ncctlng rod Itself may he out of align
incut or bent.
What Is tho bost way of finding a
missing cyllndor in an olght or twolvo
1 cyllndor motor?
Tho tiest method Is by short circuit
lug the plugs In each of the cylinders
Individually while the motor Is running
slowly. When n difference Is detected
ns soon as the plug Is short circuited It
Is evident that the motor was previous
ly tiling ea that cylinder.
Laws Would Do Away
With lie Pestiferous Fly
would appear, froi.i what we
know of the life history of the
common liousclly nnd rrom what
remedial experimentation has already
been carried on, that It is perfectly
feasible for cities and to.ns to so
gr-utly reduce the nunibjrs of these
niinoriinr nnd dancerous Insects ns to
budly worn or dirty nnd need cleaning i roli,,r tlum of comparatively Hllglit no-
ntlfl rwlllltit II I mi f Qntnnt Imnn t lti ttlld ' .... . ...
count. Mile ueaiiu uepanmeuiH
nud adjustment. Sometimes the mis
adjustment In these colls Is Just
enough to ho noticed at certain speeds.
At other times n short circuit In the
Ignition may give nn Irregular action,
nnd this can lie detected by tho buzz
ing of the coll unit continuously In
stead of Intermittently. Somo of the
reasons generally given ror the engine
running Irregularly at low speeds nro
tho following:
Close gap between spnrlc plug points.
Too great cleatanco between valve
stem nud push rod.
Weak exhaust valve spring.
Air leak In Intake manifold.
Coll vlbrntor improperly ndjustcd.
Spark plugs dirty.
Poor compression on nccouut or leaky
Gas mixture too rich or too lean.
Will a gasolino motor of either four
or six cylinders como to a standstill
with any of its pistons In tho top doad
ir the compression In all of tho cyl
inders l.s good and the bearings free
tho pistons will not stop nt dead cen
ter. The compression resistance will
prevent this.
health departments of
most or our cities have tho nuthorlty
to abate nuisances dangerous to health,
and It Is easy ror tho health authori
ties or nny city to forniuluto rules con
cerning the construction nud care or
stables and the keeping nud disposal
or manure which, ir enforced, will do
nway with the liousclly nuisance.
v53 4
IIDN I am clKbty-ouo or two-
Hum bo, tho KlcnmlnK linllyl
ttilnlt I'll Htnrt my Hro anow
or I'll be done with roily.
Who cmcH for work when work
Is done?
HcHhrcw nil questions wchihtyl
Wnko up, my hoartl 'TIs lime for fun
When ono lias como to elKhtyl
Aye, ono amy start ono'n llfo anew
At cluluy-ono or clchty-twol
When llfo's lonir voyage has reached Its
Shift ho, tho prnccful river!
Tlio dlstnnt waves a. nolo will scml
With sunbeams all n-qulvcr.
And from my liuvcn siiuk I'll fnv
I Now shl)H nnd men who sail thorn.
And will I envy theniT Not II
They'll cheer mo when I ball them.
For I'll hnvo seen all they will boo
, When 1 uni cljlity-two or tin cu.
WHEN you can keep your custom V
ers satisfied with the service you .
give, and at the same lime save money doinw '
it, you have taken two steps ahead. Now for
the third step.
The International Motor Truck is a Business Builder '
Horses can travel just so far every day, and the
distance is not great, tieyond that distance you
cannot do business profitably with horses.
An International motor truck travels three
times as fast and as far as a horse. It enables
you to reach out for business into territory you
cannot profitably touch with horses at nn
expense less than that of the two or more
horses you now have.
Build up your business to its limit reduce your
expenses below what they now arc by using an
International motor truck, the Medal of Honor
Winner at the San Francisco Exposition.
F6ur Models Four Low Prices '
MA, 1,000 lbs. capacity, air-cooled $600
M, 1 ,000 lbs. capacity, water-cooled 710 I
E, 1,500 lbs. capacity, water-cooled S50
F, 2,000 lbs. capacity, (chassis only) 1,500
All prices cash. f. o. b, Akron, O.
Add $30 to obove prices for pneumatic tires
International Harvester Company of America
Portland, Oregon
We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service
n!llili :-t Hlrt ti )!! I.. Ilili ,,.. I
, . i . :',.'"" nud pot. When tlio mctnllH hot cnoiiKli
1.1IOI wna IioIiik dono l.y Krondi loi,rownn plocoof unporor wlilto plno
in, mwioiiKii a mi-Ko torco or moii stick, ntlr thoroughly nnd ivmotu nuy
was roqiiircd for tho heavy work
nnd Biiuh duties as called for
Hltlllcd lalior.
An officer explained that "no
waHto" wan tho motto under which
tlio IlrltlHli foiccs wore working
and declared that tho remilt wan
tho saving of vast minis of money
for tho Kovurnnient.
suItnmliiKH caused by oxidation.
Second. llo Hiiro thu faces of boxed
nud mandrels arc clean and free from
urenHo or dampness.
Third. l'onr rapidly Into the box,
holding tho ladlo ns closely to tho worl:
iir posHlhto to avoid nlr bubbles until It
Is half full, then pour gradually until
filled, allowing largo enough gato to
take up slirlnkugo. When pouring
castings wllli wldo surface tiso hullo
with wldo Up.
Fourth. To Insure perfect boxes In
pouring largo bearings It Is ndrlsablo
to run rlmllc on mandrel or slmft nud
What Is considered a reatonablo eon
umptlon by a four cyllndor motor ! AnJ wl'cn my nun begins to nct
3?'a by 4a of light, medium nnd heavy ln.B l'0'1for "'0'? ,Dece"!JC,rI .
it. Hoi, i. iT. J.U -n.ii,j .,i i. ' w,,y, nil tlio rail Uns I'll furKOt
it? . u on,um,od1 ""' " , And nil tho gla.l remember,
dlfferont ways It can bo waited or lost? 8ncu every joyous HBl.t nnd sound
Three hundred tulles per gallon would J Is stored for tlio hereafter,
bo reasonable; WO would bo good. I r!' lu,vo ,h" children wither round
O.I Is consumed merely through burn- ATtXlT
lug In tile combustion space, livery , At clhty-thrro nr olelity-fuur.
time tho piston guns down It leaves tho . . . . .
nvllnilnr wnlln u-it wild ntt inni ,i,ia Am' m tlio evening brlKht and clear
cilluiler wnls et lth oil. nnd this . 8lt(f ,10i 10 i)0iiM nro u-rlnulnBl
Oil Is blinicd Off. Tills action OCCUrS I'll kit unon mv noreh nn.l honr
, ...... ,.,. n.1. - .li . ." . . .
iiiu mui-miiK uiru n-xinisiniT.
Mock on, you little ranenl Vouthl
I Bnim ami mocked at twenty,
Oreons Greatest Fishing Resort
And, splto of It, to trll tlio truth,
I'll loo you (rood mill plenty I
A man liCHt knows lio's been nllvo
At clBhty-four or cllity-ilvo.
-Orlf Aloxnmler.
Emphadiino a Faot.
There nro peculiarities. Idiosyncrasies
f expression, which emphasbe and nc- ' ,0 lmvo '"-' "inmlrel hot. Mandrel nnd
centuato facts. It Is not ennimh to snv ,)0X H"0UMI w ",,0Ul H,ll0 leinperature
"lio Is dear." Wo Invariably add "ns t
wst." It would appear HUlllclent to
ay "he Is blind." but we prefer In
Fifth. Do not keep babbitt metal at
tho melting point longer than absolute
ly necessary, as the chemical action of
r " ' " " 'i'VI III i . , - .
nearly all cases to admit of no contra. "". ''" "" oiuiiro a com
diction by announcing that he Is "stonu ,!,0", ""' 'slng deterioration, ills-
i -. . .. .... .. IMIMirpni IMft llilfllf liilt Ifk Ifj liKltt iitiAiij
wldur '"'mil. ro no "inwr snouiil su lice, " . " '" -'
ucau as a iioornnlr' cllnnhes tho facL i ; '. ' """"h "" i--
.(Ion nnnlltlcs.
I Sixth. When necessary to peen t Id
An Excellent fUmon. i lost to conimenco up and down a eon-
One of the stories nlioiit the lnti Blr r ""f- oxtondlng blows right and left
Douglas Straight, the letcran Journal- a this lino until tightened In place.
1st. relates to one. uf itn early papers Sovpittli. Fliiiilly when you have n
ho was connected with. jK'0'' mi'lnl treat It ns such, and you
Ho was crossing Waterloo bridge onp vvi" ,mvo " occasion to complain of
day with n friend when he suddenly "10 result obtained.
inarched up to u couple of newsboys i
nnd soundly boxed their ears. t My motor runt well until I strike a
Ills friend, timiircil at this proceed ct0?P "'" and h,vo to Pen "'8 throttlo
Ha Uses the Safe and
Sure Thing at Home
Decision In I'lno Stieet ('use Stand
us It Is
Judgo Sklpwnrth In tho Pino street
aso, rofusod to modify tho decree
which ho liaudud down somo weeks
ago. Attorney J. W. Dennett after
tho decision was granted, petitioned
tho court to modlfy,)tho decreo In a
way 'Which would bo moro favorable
to his side of tho Judge Skip-
worth took tho mattor under advlso-
mont nijjl bus sont word that ho
would nut modify mid tho decroj
stands us It was first handed own.
Allllnn. I I. . I I I
Ing. naturally asked hlm what he !ftnI h?03" ThT'th? S ! or connectlno rod trouble. Can you tell
mennt by It. "They wero selllnn your . u?iPp."0 , ?w,1 ThB t,hrott 5, ,9 ' me tho cau6e?
paper." be polntisl out. iolhly when the throUlo'iclo.ed U ' the data ,u give It would
les, I know they were.' was tho , , not a question of mlxturo, at leatt i swm t,mt J'01' "tv leferilng to a valvo
reply, "but they weren't shouting It, when the throttle is not ooened much, i tup which possibly lesults from wurn
even when no smoke Is emitted. Oil
usually wears nut by continual pas
sago through benrlugs and becomes
dirty. It can bo restored by boiling,
screening, etc., but tho trouble Is moro
than tho oil Is worth.
The hi oh and Intormodloto near
shifting fork on my car woars out very
quickly. I havo had to put In threo In J
11,000 mllos. The machine has been
kept well oilod. Tho gears do not
causo any trouble when shlftlnn. What
la tho mutter? "
Tho cnuso of tho shifter forks wenr
Ing Is t lint tho control lever binds in
Its socket. This Is caused either by
lack of lubrication or by having tho
control lover dust enp which tits over
tho ball socket drawn up too tightly
against tho side.
Can you give mo a formula for a ce
ment for pipe connections and spark
plugs that will withstand heat and
compression and will dry without heat
Ordinary brown shellnc nnd graphlto
Is good. Mix to a pnsto and apply
when connection H mndo.
There Is a light tap in my motor which
. Is wery noticeable at all engine speeds,
both whon running under load and
1 when Idling. It sounds like a too far
advanced spark, but this is not the, nuo. Opposlta Chandler Hotol. Tolo
' cause. Neither is It caused by the pis- i phono 74.
ton striking the cyllndor head gasket.
The tap is regular and occurs in one
YOU can find all the modern conven
iences and comforts at the TEN
E. E. SMITH, Mgr.
Lakeside, Oregon
P. A. Kllrd, Conejo. C.illf.. writes ns
follows: "I liavo xold Koloy'M Money
and Tar Compound and alno other linos
of couch medicines for a number at
years, but novcr uko anything but
I'Qley's Ilonoy and Tnr Compound for
my family or myself, as I tlnd It pro
Uucoh tlio lioMt roHUlts, nlwiiys cures
sovero colds and xoro client nud dnon
not contain oplatos or other harmful
Unthlnkliif? nnd carolens people ner
jeet their ooTighs nnd colds, not reallz.
Iiib how thoy weaken tho ynti'in and
lower tho vltnl roslHtnnco to aueli urnvo
dlneasPH hh bronchitis, pleurisy and
even pneumonia.
For promptly nvertlnu serlotm ro.
siillH i from a eilhl, uho Koloy'H Honey
nnd Tnr i-pinpound. It spreads n honf.
Jug spothlni; lnilucni'o over raw hi.
Ilameil surfaces, oiihos tli;htness anil
soreness of chest, helps croup, whoop.
Ing coiiKh, stuffy wheezy brcithlnu.
l!Timci.,ll n,l l Krlppo coukIis. "
r Every usar la a, friend.
For salo by Owl Proscription Phar
macy. Frank D Cohan, Central Avo-
Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings made
like new
Koontz Garage
Phone 180-J. North Front Street
1 1
i i I, rw. . mm w M ii
loud enough!" London Globe.
Tho contract for driving tho piling
for tho Golny building was lot today
to Noblo Ilrothors.
for I have tried different adjustments ' pitsh roils or valvo stems. In which
of tne mixture needed. What is tho ense the parts should be replaced and
A Case In Point. matter? Illtoil wltb the proper gap of not mure
Johnnlo," snll n teacher In n physb Von aro not getting enough nlr nt Jian one thirty secou.l Inch and not
oiogy cinss, -can you give a rnmiiinr ( '"" mionio opening, ami you biunnu
Vxnmplo of tho human body ns t,cliiiiigo tho carburetor adjuhtment to
udapta Itself to changed coudltlonsr' . torrect this fault.
"VcsBiim," snld Johnnie; "my aunt
KUlneil llfty pounds In u year nnd her ' In grinding valves some say to turn
ukiu novcr itiickcu.
Nor. I, nth. Young Pooplo's
Society social at tho (JJerdrum
Kensington Club with Mrs.
Jl. W. Olson.
Milllcoina Ladles Auxiliary
dance ut ululi rooms.
All warrants drawn agaluut tho
Gouoral Fund of tho City or Marsh
field, Coos County, Oregon, and en
dorsed by tlio City Troasuror prior
lo January 1, 1IJ1C, will bo paid up
on presentation ut my office. In
terest ceases upon nil said wurrunts Cliuutllci Hotel H o'clock.
April 28th, 101G. Dated tlila -'5th
'them all the way around and keop on
, that way, occasionally putting on moro
grinding compound, and others state
i that the valves should not be turned
over one-quarter way around, thus ro
tating back and forth. Others claim
about halfway around and thus rotate
them backwaid and forward. Which
is tho correct way?
When gi liullng talves tho valvo
bliould not bo turned to n complete ro
tntlon nt any time, but should bo
worked backward and forward to one
Nice Spring Lamb
and Chicken
Xont Is the Time, to (Jet Hid uf
I'Kly Spots
Spring Lamb and Chickens
and all the best in meat
at the
Palace Meat Market
X, l. OS WA 1,11.
Phono -MO. J.
Centrsl At.
Thoro's po longor tho
m-uii in leoiing nsnnineit of you
freckles, as tho prescription othlno'
double strength Is guaranteed to
remove theso homely spots.
Simply get an ounce of othlno
Moublo strongth from nny drug-
ipinrter the circumference. After this 'BtHt l lIly a llttlo of It night and
bus been done several times tho valves '''""""Ing and you should booh boo
bhould be lifted fice of the Bent and I that ovon (ho worst freckles liavo be-
luriieu n instance or about one-third enn tn iiiimnnnn.. .i.n n. h.u.
I-...-., nt .CnpliTnTday nigh, ' SSl 'SriSS !? SaU, """ I""03 "r vnnlshed'ont.roly, It I." sel-
by ImdleV Dancing Club. Cars lt.iii' - ,""""""' ,1,oro tllnn n olI"co Is need
i'u t ciimpieioiy clear tut skin and
day 'of April, 191C.
City Treasurer
lCplscopal Ladle
WEAVING All kindS a Spe0-,Bn,n n ueiult,r"1 cloar complexion
Hn Riirn In nair r- l.n .in..l.iA i
M'opal LailleV cookad f.i.iV Solti. M Uf in m on " ,or luo 0","
SiUiwluy nt Wolcott'H (i,. Ialty' MfS W . NaSOn, 680 strength othlue as this Is sold under
12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R
guarnntoo of mnnoy back If It falls
and every other day
at the
No inferior quality or
"bargain meats," one
grade only THE BEST.
J. E. FORD & CO.
Complete cold storage system. .j.fnnS
Our meats are kept under the most sanitary conaiwi
possible. , ,np!S
Our motto is to please our customers with prompt
and fair dealings. L .. anj
Our steaks, chops, cutlets, rib roasts, pot roasts aiw
boils are all from prime animals. . . f are
Our sausages, wienies, bologna, veal and beet iwi a
all made by an expert, kept for that line of work oniy.
uur iara is pure and clean, none ueuer. ifl
174 S. BROADWAY 2 PHONES No. 58 and NO
ta romovo freckles.
W WmWmmmm VmUmmmmmmm
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