IBHNG fOR HUSBANDS AND fISH IS MUCH THE SAMf. THE BIG ONES GET AWAY dapfH THAT fficnm Wxm M ' BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS a PLEAN WHOLESOME A NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES GZTY EDJTJOK O'CLOCK, adSL ' 'H0w""V k$p Vol. No. XXXIX KILL COW - ii imniiiE WITH OBREGON Generals Funston and Scott to to Meet Mexican General In El Paso Tomorrow DRDERSJARE ISSUED Secretary of War Baker Tel egraphs Instructions to American Officers TO HOLD CONFERENCE fiencrnl Olnegon SlnrlH for .Inure, unit Generals Funston iiimI Scott, Iiiu for Kl l'', ' M'"'' .Mexican General IDf Aonflalf.l I'rrwi l t'H liar TIiiim.J KIj PASO, April 27. General Oavlra of Jmiross ro cclvcil a messago from Oli rcgon saying li would ur rlvo In Juaiez tomorrow. D AuofUlM l'lfM l Cooa Il)f Tlmra WASHINGTON', I). C April 27. Secretary linker toihiy tologruphcd flcncral Scott nml Funston to proceed froraS"n Antonio to El PftBO for n " " " '""' '"" tonferonco with fionornl Obrogon.'5'01 ,,cc" ma""' Ccnsul Rlllmnu at Sultlllo wired that (Jen. Obrogon left Torreon last night for Jiiarez, having changed plans to to to Kafilo Puss. WASIIIXOTON, I). C, April 27. TIio government Is delaying In send ing Henry P. Fletcher, now ambas sador lo Mexico, to Join Cairanza until conditions heconio moro set tled. It was suggested Flotcher might not proceed to Mexico until after tho expedition Is withdrawn. TD SCOTT, 1TXSTOX AND OUUIXSOX TO (lirr TWiKTHEIt Will Hold Conference nt El Paso or Juarez to Talk Ovv Present Mexican Crisis ID? AaxxUtrl rra la Coot liar TlmM.I SAN ANTONIO, April 27. A confer ence tetween Scott, Funston nnd Ob regon will tako placo at El Paao or Juarez, It was dofliiltoly nnuouncod at departmental headquartors today Scott and Funston expect to leave for El Paso tonight. SKXATOIt Hl'STIXO SAYS COXSTIT TENTS DE.MAND IT Want No More Munitions of War to Goto i:uroH Submits JOOO Let. 1 tet-s Showing Position PJ AuoclitM Prrai to coot Dr Tlme.J WASHINGTON, D. C-, April 27. Senator Iluatlug. domocrnt, told tho nato today that an American embar go conference conducted a campaign to Wisconsin to Induce lilm to sup fort (ho embargo resolution against "id shipment of war munitions to fcurope. Ho submitted 1000 lattors " vusconaln cltlzons which bo said nn emn..i . ., r, :..". teadntmrto ; 7, .'rJ !...,". M,b"l. "" "' ia ulBUIII&iUI ion. JURY HERE 10 MAKE IXYESTIGATION OF WSB IX MAHSHF1ELD 00 A'""ses Called i IVck-Perham cse Naliuo of Accusations 'ot Annoiinccil y718, Brand Jury adjourned lato jesierday t Coquillo after returning li. "J ,naiclme"ta nnd camo to ,reld. being In session lioroto- ln Attrney Llljeqvlsfs office. LiilCCrUng to "'strict Attorney the , 5 a I)robo ls be,Ils ,nn(la of nesse k"POrham caso aud CC wlt accn i beon 81"nioned. The Thi, n ls b0,nB kPt secret as yet. o ' ' Case w"1 take tho greater part Laird l U ,S BahL Dopuly shor,ff ltne to aorvo su,'loonaes on EDS EMBARGO 111HE D Established JH7H Ah TIio Const .Mull WESTERN l-xiox WIRES DOWN UNDER WIND Flit Tumble with Xcnl Line Experl- CllCI'd Tllllliy Associated CSS Delayed Tho Western Union exporlenceil Its first troublo with tho now lines today when both when to Portland mill Son Francisco went down under the1 high wind. The troublo dcltiyed tlu-l Associated Press' dispatches to Tho Times with tliu i.8ult that only nl pnrtlal press report Ih In today's first1 edition. E GREEK MAKES AFFIDAVIT TO OFFICERS IX EARLY DAWN I'ojlre nml Clly Attorney Investigate Pioneer Itooinhij; House in I it. in. Gather Evidence At four o'clock this uinriiluK Chief Cartor, Offleor Hrockinueller and Ci ty Attorney J. T. Urand made an In- CUM mi vostlgatlon of tho Pioneer Rooinlng'Topcku, 0 miles away, with tho HotiHe, conducted on North Front 'tontlon of taking Fred Ulssoll from Btreet by Mrs. l.ola llaldwln. A. lis, u Greek, 3Wore In nn affidavit iTho mob accepted tho sheriff's of tbat ho purchased 25 bottles of for to permit any four men to iro beer fiom .Mrs. llaldwln. Other crlmlnatlng ovldenee was found. It Is said a grand Jury Investigation flltll lllk ttiwt.t V... Ha..li I.... TRUMP -IS KILLED! PICKED KIIOM r.DEU WIIECK ON UAILHOAD AT UOSEIUMtO Is ruldenlirkvl Chin Ale Demol ished anil Considerable Dam ago Is Done Today My Awoi IjIc-1 I'rrM lit Com Hay Tlinra, UOSEIIUHO, April 27. An unl- jdontlflod trump Is believed to he Killed, twolvo enrs wrecked, nine do juollshod, when a freight Train left tho trade ut Illco Hill this morning. TWO A HE HKTTUNED HY (HtAND .IL'UY Y EST EH DAY I'. S. Pilne Hail No Llcen.se to PraC' tleo Veterinary Surgery Tread gold Case Continues (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLE. April 27. Several In dictments wore returned yesterday by th6 grand Jury beforo It adjourned. U. S. Prlno was indicted for prac ticing veterinary surgory without n license. It was said ho filed somo of his horso'a teoth and performed minor operations. Dr. Mnsson was tho complainant. i C. Michael was Indicted for assault with a dangerous 'weapon upon James Hobnon. This took placo near Myrtle Point sovornl weoks ago, following nn argument regarding somo hay. On Monday, Albort II. Hrash, for merly managor of tho United .Meat company of North Hond, took out a jlconso to marry. Today ho was caught near Port Orford, taken on a charge 'nf inreonv of comnauy funds. It Is DClEftlTS T -..LI II.,. lu t.naalllllltv Hint II lllls.i'tlin f.irllf Ipfll IllllH 111 tllO CallUl ZOUO. .Oillll II1UIU I. (. IWM.,... .... .. . ,tnle bus been mado. Tboro were few now dovolopmonts hero today in tho Treadgold-Mltcholl eai.0. Jack Guyton. or .Marsuiiom. on tho stand told of how tho story was generally handled In a news way. A. It. O'Hrlen nlso testified that I his only Intorest In tho story was its ii a iv a fnnt ii rA. Mrs. Huby Noslor was put on tho stupd. Sho rolated the story or too diamond case and of alleged relit- tlons -with G. T,.Treadgold. It Is possible that tho caso vJll be completed tomorrow, or at least get to tho Jury, though the final argu ments will probably be very long. TO MAKE INYEST.fiATlOX According 'to tlio district attorney tho grand Jury will make Investiga tion of the charges brought by State Labor Commissioner Hoff against the C. A. Smith company and also tho Prosper Mill company that tho mou have been paying for medical treatment and havo not been recoiving what they declare should havo been received. 'Dance, Finnish Hull" Apr. 101U. Martin"- OrchebtiH. 21). MARSHFIELD, OREGON, BIG IB WOULD HANGMURDFRFR Band of 200 Masked Men Surround Jail at Lawrence Kansas, Seeking Prisoner FINALLY HALTED Sheriff Shows Angry Mob That rreci msseii, supposed mur derer, Not In Jail HAD BEEN MOVED AWAY Under Older of Governor Capper Was Taken to Lansing Sup posed to Have Killed Young (ill I Dr MfirlitM rraa If Com Bar Tliiiaa I LAWRENCE, KaiiHas, April 27. The city Is quiet today after tho departure of a mob of marly 200 unumsked men who caino here from I.o-lthu conntv Jail nnd Ivnelilnir him. In-'through tho Jail In testimony. llls- sell was taken to Lansing on Clover- 'nor Cuppoi's ordeis. Later 2d mot- . or iuiiiu oi moo inciniinn camo up l" i" f"'1 " "oarcli. .MYltTLE POINT PltEPAItlCS l-'OU 111(1 IMIMtOYEMENT Tm'iity-rho lllocks Will Ho Until Surfaced Coming Season New Sewer System (Special to Tho Times) MYltTLE POINT, April 20. Ad veitlsQincuts have been posted In this City calling for bld3 on tho sower systom. At a meeting of tlio Common Council last evening romoustranrcs wcro considered and the supposed largo list of ronton stratorj failed to materialize only about u dozen names appearing on tho petition. Tho bids will be opened May 22nd. , Plans and specifications will be considered by tho City Council for tho proposod street paving next Monday evening. Tho amount of paving already doclded upon com prises 25 blocks. CLAIM IS A SP? 1C ;SECHECY 'V,)i;N'S;it(;!,A""IW1Itlvo. Thor aro said to correspond j AGAI.VSl (.KH.MAX w(vlu Uioho nnnounce,, roconltIy l8 Taken l-'ioni Steamer Colon on ,,.,.iVal In New York Author!- lies Have No Discussion (11, A.o. UtrJ l'rwa lo Com lla, Tlmra. NEW YORK, April 27. Govorn mont agents boarded the steamer Colon on Its arrival today from Chlstobal nnd took Into custody a passengor said to bo a Gorman. Tho Authorities declined to dismiss ru mors. Tho man ls.Bald to havo been arrested on suspicion of spying upon i..w .wa.".. NEW MAI TURKEY HESIGNATION OF IIEXUY MOH (JENTHAW IS ACCEPTED Abraham I. Bikini, a Uioiiilnent New Yoik iJiwjer Is Xaiueil as His Successor lUr AaorlaleJ Trew I Cooa IUr Tlmra.J WASHINGTON, D. C April 27. Formal announcement was made at the White House today that Henry Morgouthuu. American minister to Turkey, resigned and his reslgna-tioo-accopted. Abraham I. Elkus, a New York lawyer, will probably succeed him. NOTICE All members and sojourning brothers of Myrtle Lodgo No. 3, KnlghU of Pytlilas aro requested to meet ut tho Castlo Hall at 1.30 p. in. Friday, April 28, to attond the funeral of our lato brother, Jchn Snydr, Sr. 8, G. STECKEL, C. C. MKMUEIl OF THE ASSOCIATED THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1916EVENING EDITION OUST S. F. EX-MAYOIt SCHMIDT TO START PETITIONS OK HECALL To Allege Thai Mayor ltolf Guilty of Malfeasance of Office, Il legal Election Incompetence Illr AwiotUlfil l'rraa lo Cooa liar Tlmra. SAN FRANCISCO, April 27. Ku- geno 12. Schmltz, former ninyor or ,Sa Francisco, nnnounced today that ho will start petitions for tho recall of Mayor Holt on 11 charges, al leging malfeaBaneo In office, Illegal election and Incompetence. E TliAIXMEX'S DIFFICULTIES mav UK SETTLED IX JUNK Colon Heads and Railroad Officials Agree lo Meet. In Conference Ov er Eight Hour Day (llr AaaoilatrU l'rraa t Cooa liar Tlmra.l CHICAGO, April 27. RopiOBen tatlvca of tho railway brotherhoods, and managements of ratlroada ten- MAYOR m ARBITRAT In-jtatlvoly agreed today to begin a 'joint conference In New York, .luno 1, on trainmen's eight hour day. demands for an NEW MILL NOW IX SENATE I'ltO VIDES FOH .MI'S Claim New Issue Is Mel In Manner Agreeable lo .lapauvso i:pcct imiii oiiiiiutieo io I'.uoorso Illr AaaorlalrJ I'iraa to Cor liar Tlnu WASHINGTON, 1). C, April 27. Tho Japanese demands regarding the exclusion of laborers aro report ed to bo completely mot In tho am endment to tlie llurnett Immigration bill whlclr a majority senutu commtt tco Informally npprovod today. It Ih expected tho full commlttco will next week ratify today's action, TO HUITISU DEL1VEH ADMIILIrY OHDICUS TO STATE DEPT. Geiimiiiy Couleuds They Provide for Attacks on Subiiiarlues To Uo I'tibllshcil Jjiter nr AiiUIJ l'rraa lo Coo Da 7 Tlmea.j WASHINGTON, D. C, April 27. Copies of the Urltlsh admiralty or ders to merchant captains, which tho German government contends provide for attacks on submarines was delivered to tho stuto department toay by Urltlsh Ambassador Spring London and will ho published later. TO L , FENDING IMMIGRATION LAW NOT TO HE SO STRICT .TaiMiueso Muke Vigorous Protest lo Eliminate Ucrercnco to lU'slriellon of .lap laborers Ur Aa.o.latr.1 l'rraa to Cooa liar Tlmra,l WASHINGTON, I) C, April 27. The stuto Immigration committee to day agreed to modify tho Asiatic exclusion, section of tho pending Im j I migration bill to eliminate rereronco to Root-Tukahlra ugreemont restrict, ing tho Immigration of Japuueso la borers. MISS DUTTON SAYS GOOD-HYE Tomorrow will bo tho last day of J tlio' Heech-Nut demonstration, and wo take this" occasion to thank tho neonlo of Murshflold and particularly tho ladles for tholr liberal attend-1 ancn which has holned to make lineoli Nit week a snlendld success, If you have not as yet visited this ilmnnitr.itlnn ln not full to lake advantage of this last opportunity tomorrow. AL.nln wn Inln with Miss Hiiolon In thanking tho ladles for their kindly attendance. C. W. WOLCOTT'S GROCERY ATTENTION EAG LES You uro requested to attend a special meeting, without full. Sat urday Evening, April 29, 7 p. m. Hy order F. MAGNUSSEN W. P, DEMANDS IT SOW 0 MODIFY PRESS S WOULD STIFLE TRADE Claims Right to Interfere With Neutral Commerce and Reg ulatc Its Admission IT IS EXPECTED Causes Little Surprise in Lon donAssert Must Keep Goods From Enemy PRIZE COURTS ARE UPHELD Without Kuril Action Hellish Declare X'o Way lo Keep stufr Fiiun (let ting Into (ici'iimiiy nml Turkey (Ur AiMOclatist I'iraa In I'noa liar Tlmra.1 LONDON, Apr. 27.ContontH .of tho Prltlsh noto replying to tho American protest against Interfercnco with lieu- trnl trade, which assorts tho right of, Omit Hrltulu to regulate admission tc nontral country of goods evidently destined for tho enemy, caused lltl'o surpi'lHO here ns its conclusion h.id been dlucolinteil by leceut decisions of pul,e tribunals. Sends Another Nolo Hr Aaao. lalisl I'n-aa lu (Va liar Tlinra. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 27. Secretary LuiiBlng announced toduv that tho United Stutes had sent an other noto to Grout Hrltulu demand ing the rolease of 'AS AiiBtrlaus, Ger mans and Turks taken from tho Am clean steamer China, SHU Another Noto llr Ato.ial4 trraa I coot Uaf Tlinra.) IVEHLIN, April 27. CWIroloss via Sayvllle.) Ambassador Gerard will leave Ilorllu tonight for tho Gorman army headquarters, whero ho will bo rocolved by tho Gorman Emperor. Chancellor von Ilethmanu Ilollweg, who up to tho present litis been nt I (ho army headquarters, Is expected ' In nnmn In Itarlln tnnirirrmi' In tirA I" " '" " " paro Germany's answer to tho latest American noto. HUE IS PUZZLE GEHMANY'S ANSWKU TO UNITED STATES IS DELAYED Claim Will Ho Most Notable Answer Since Outbreak of Wur l're-l Must Ho Careful Illr Aai Ulfit l'rraa lo Cooa liar Tlmra.J AMSTERDAM, April 27. Semi-official telegram from Ilcrllu to tho Cologne Gazctto say3 tlio answer to tho American noto will bo given Jbofoio tho oud of tlio week as tho , decision to bo arrived at Is tho most difficult slnco tho outbreak of tho war. j Situation I'lichaiigeil j lr AaaotlateJ l'rraa tq Cooa liar Tlinra 1 WASHINGTON, I). C April 27. Soerotnry Lansing nnnouncod today I lu respouso to a question Unit tho situation between tllO United HtUtllS !'l Grmnny Is uncliaiiKod. FIGHT If EGYPT GERMANS FORCE WOUCHESTEIU SHIRE MEN TO RETIRE English Claim Were Attacked Uy Superior Numbers lu tho Des ert Now Cleared of Enemy (llr Awwlatr.l I'ivwi la Cooa liar Tlmra LONDON. Anrll 27. Further of- 'rinl..t . ,.F li.1iln. l.t l.irinf iii-iui uuiuuiiin ui tiriiii,.! n twi' on Easter Sunday, Buys Worcester "biro Yeomanry was attucked by sup- erjor IOICO, lllLIUUIIIg 1,000 (Join !'. t Qatlu village aud forced .. .il.. . miinliiH nf Vnnintm lm ,u "". " '" .v". MB CUptUIOlI. (Jliatla Oasl3 Is HOW cleared of tho enemy except ut Hlrel- bad. NOTICE TO EAGLES All membors of tho Murshflold Area No. 538, aro requested to as somblo ut the Aerlo Rooms Friday, 1 p. in. for tho purpose of attend ing the funeral of our lato brother John Snyder. J. U. SNEDDON, Sec. V Consolidation of Times, Const Mall and Coon Hay Advertiser. A IE GERMANS ANNOUNCE SINKING OF E-l!i! SUUMARINE Claim Large Hiltlsh (Yulser Also Hit by Torpedo from Teutonic Under Sen lloat (Ur Aaaodalisl l'rraa to Cova Ujr Tlinra, DKULIN, April 27, (Wireless via Sayvllle) Tho German admlrallty announced today that tho Urltlsh submarine K-22 wus viunk by tho German naval rorces. A lirltlsh erulaer of tlio Aretltusa class was hit by n torpedo from u German stibmarluc. Courimi lteNirt Dr AaaorlaloJ rnwi lo Coo. 17 Ttniia. IXJNDON, April 27. It was nn notiuccd officially hero today that tho lrrltish submarlno which wiib sunk was tho E-22, as reported by Ilcrllu. BLEW UP WARSHIP DUTCH PAPEIt CLAIMS ENGLISH DESTKOYED A HATTLKSIUP Paper In Amsterdam Pi tuts Report Says England lo Pay Damages News Kept Quiet (llr Aaaodalisl l'rraa to I'ooa liar Tlmra UERLIN, April 27. (Wireless to Snyvlllo) Tlio Ovor Seas news agency miytf there Is a report pub lished lu tho Dutch newspaper Do Tribune tlmt tho Urltlsh flunk n Dutch warship sovural weeks ago. According to this report, the crow of tho warship wero sent to India to conceal tho iiowh of tho affair, and Groat Hrltulu has promised to pay datuuges. E ANOTHER NORWEGIAN VESSEL COMES DOWN IN PIECES Htioninnes Sunk Off Danish Coast Crow Is Safely Ijinded In Ger many, Sajs Report (Ur AMOlatt I'ir.a to Cooa IUr Tlmra.7 COPENHAGEN, April 27. Tho Norwoglan Steamer Stromsanes, bound for Lttbock from Norway, was blown up nnd sunk off tho coast of Denmark. Tho crow landed nt Waon- muiido, Germany. NORWEGIAN UARIC REPORTED SUNK HY SUHMAUINB Is Hnld Wits DeslrojiMl by Gunfire From Teutonic Crnfl Llfo iltoat CapsUes Sr Aaao(lala4 Trtaa lo Cooa Par Tlmra. LONDON, April 27. Tho Norwo gluu bark Cnrmunluu was dostroyod by gunfire of a Got man submarine and a bout containing part of tho crow capsized. DITCH SHIP IS SUNK Strikes a Mine While Hound Fiom Ionilon to Rolleiilaui Ur Aaaorlatrl I'iraa lu I'ufai liar Tlmra.) ROTTERDAM, April 27. Tho Dutch Bteumor Munshuvou struck a mine yesterday while bound from London for this port. Tho tug cur rying ourvlvors arrived at Wator- weg toduy. S STILL HEAVY GERMAN ARTILLERY DOES DEADLY WORK AT VERDUN TwV Ruslaii lljilroplaues HcKi-(cd to Uat Raided Constantinople Renewed Activity lllf AaaorlalM l'rraa to Cva Oar Tlwi-a. HEHLIN, April 27.- -Signs of In- croaslug activity along, virtually Uio eutlro hattlo front lu the west, notably on tho southorn oud of Line down to Voskcs, Tho great struggb tit Verdun Is bolng continued with tho German hcuvy guns almost con tinually In pluy. ln Lorraine, tho Gormaus aro feeing out the Frouuh positions. Two Russian hydropluues aro roported from Athens to havu raldod Constantinople. Episcopal Ladles' cooked salo Kutunhiy at Wolcott's eery, M..X Gros I SI SUBMAR STEAM 1 0 ANOTHER AGE No. 234 1 m IN ELAND More Trouble Reported In Dub lin and Stringent Measures Are Adopted F Asquith Makes Announcement Saying Government Has Sit uation Well In Hand ENGLAND HAS TROUBLES Many Public Hulldlugs In Hand of HebelH Promliicnt Urltlsh Gen- eral Is Glieu Plenary Powers In Em'rnld Islo (llr Aaamlalril 1'trM la Cool IUf Tlmr, LONDON, April 27. Martial law has been declared throughout all of Ireland. Premier Asquith announc ed In tho HotiBo of Commons today that Oio rebols continue to hold Im portant public bulldlngB lu Dublin nnd stroet encounters aro still In prop.'BB. To Quell Rioters Asquith announced that Major General Maxwell, formerly com mander of the Ilrltlah forces In Egy pt, Is leaving thlj afternoon for Ire- laud. The General Is given plenary pow- orn, under mnrtiai law, ovor tno whole country. Royal proclamation susponillng lu Ireland section one: defeusu of realm amendment, act of II) Id, which gives to Itrltlsli sub jects charged with offoiuo under act, right to bo tried by civil court was p-iid upon tho steps of tho royal ex change this morning according to hlstorlo custom, More Serious Today I llf Aaaot'taliM lYra lu Coo liar Tina, LONDON, April 27. Asquith told tho House that tho Irish situation still presonted a serious foaluro today and :h"ro were Indications of a spread of tho movement to other parts of Ireland especially In tho west. CONSCRIITION NECESSAKY lr AavxIatM frrna to Com 'liar Tlrn.J LONDON, April 27. Tlio Pro- mlor said there would bo a search- ing Investigation Into tho cauao and responsibility of tho outbreak, Up added It wus obviously necessary to utorclso mllltury censorship 'while martial law prevailed lu Ireland. lie niild troops In Ireland nro being strongly reinforced and tho govern,- ment Is satisfied tho force dispatched Is adequate to deal with tho situa tion. Ur Atautlalisl I'n-aa u Cooa liar Tlmra. DRODGIIEDA, Ireland, April 27, DlBturhuucoj In Dublin uro being quelled effectually, Only In Isolated places Is there any disorder. YTO To Quell Riots of Irish EnglUh Ph. pel's Asset t Men of Dvlaud UurkN waul lu Volunteering II; Aaaoclitad l'rraa lo Ctfoa liar Tlnaa, I.ONDON, April 27. A contingent of Urltlsh troop Is eurouto to Dublin from Wales, lu commenting upon tho situation In Ireland, newspapers HtuU'd that although Irolaud had nearly half u million mou of military uge, only ninety thousand Irishmen volunteered for Bervlco. Express Sympathy (llr Aa.o.lala.1 Trtaa to Cooa Car Tina, NEW YORK, April 27. The Unit ed Irish societies hold a mass meet ing Sunday to oxpress sympathy for Irish liberal itBplratlons. SHAKESPEARE PROGRAM Tho students of the high school at eight o'clock tomorrow ovenlng In the nuditoilum will givo acenee and selections from Shakespeare, )u commemoration of tho 300th ann)- lu.iorsury of his birth. The public la cordially Invited. I. O. O. V. Mombers of Sunset Lodgo No. 5, I, O. O. F. are hereby requested to moot at I. O. O. F. Hall, Friday, at 1 o'clock p. m. to attend tho funer al of our late Urother John Snyder, member of Coquillo Lodgo No. 03, Sojourning Urot1ior3 Invited, FRED ORJNOLD, N. q. Hy 1. Lando, Bee, HOLD DRTS ADM IRELAND V