The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, December 01, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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niiy tlihiK y "tint In The Times
u nut columns. If it Isn't there ail
vcrtNo for It. The cost In small anil
(ho results will you.
yYYWII Kstnlillshed 1878
VOL AAAVII. g Tfw iCoil8t Mn!1
Din Through Brick Vault, Dy
namite Safe and Escape
With Big Loot.
Entrance Gainsd From Second
Story Loss Will Not Im
pair Bank.
(Special to tho Times).
MYRTLE POINT, Or., Dee. 1.
ii, i.- rnlitiei'u looted the lmnlt nf
Myrtle Point and mndo a wife not-1
,ay with nhout $12,000 in yoid and
currency. Tlio robbery was not dls-
covered until tills morning and whoth-
cr It occurred Inst night or Saturday
night Is uncertain, hut It Is believed,
to have occurred Sunday night.
There Is no elue nH to tlio Iduntltyi
of tlio robbers or how ninny partlci-j
paled in tho during thoft. .
president iiuiiHou aim insiiior
llnfkluff huvo sent outside for lotee-i
lives to como 0re nnd tnko up ho
case. Pond Hg their arrlvul, no hlng,
Is being disturbed so that nny ringer,
...l.ila .... f.tlwil nvlflntwi. tllnl nifii'1
have been left behind will not ho ills
....n . .y ""Y ,, ' i
turbt'tl until tho doteu'lves mivo an
opportunity to examine It.
Worked front Top.
Kntrance was gained through tho
second story
Tho burglars nindoi
their way Into tho law offices or Louis'
Itoherls and inovetl tho bookcase and
cut a noio uirojign 1110 noor. t no
hole wns about u root and u lralf,
square. Just lnrgo enough tor n man .
to gcr through. Then n holo was cut
through tho brick wall that formed
tho roof of tho vault. Tho wall was
comparatively thin and easily cut 1
through. Thou tVo burglars must
navo lowereu inoniseivea , into tuo
The Rafo way nn old fashioiicd one,
nut liatl been equipped with a fine,
tlmo lock, it Is presumed thnt tho
combination wns knocked orr with a
honvi' ulml itn ti it 1 4 lirt I im in I in
V? V.lint' till HiV IIUMIJIIJ
nltro-glycerlno used on tho Inner
doors. A ruso twolvo or rourteen
Inches long whs used In sotting off
tho clinrge.
Two Kviilosioiis.
dishler ICd Itncklcff auld that he
thought tliero must hnvo boon two
charges used In blowing open tho
safe. Thero wns no Indication of tho
safe having boon drilled.
As to whethor dynnmlto or nitro
glycerine wns used ho was not cer
tain, but when ho oponod the vault
door this morning there wns an nw
ful stench of powder.
Wits Well Done.
Tim safo blowers must have been
experts In tholr lino and timed tho
charges closely. It wan nocossnry Tor
them to lower thomsolves into tho
vault nnd nrrnimo tlm phnrtin nnd
llRht It nnd then got out through tho
i-i:.'i"CK tpillouortB- law orricea or,
r i n- ? 0X'""BI"" " , 1
wrcd. Tnoy could not roniuln In
.the vault or they would hnvo been
Killed by tho oxploslon.
Amount Not Certain.
Cashier Hnckleff said todny thnt
tnov were not cortnin Just how much
nan been takon us they had pot mol
ested tho vault nftor tho robbery wns
discovered. Thoy decided to leavo it
as It was so thnt nny finger prints
I'PI" lllllrlfa Hint mUhl nl,l I..
Orotl'er tlllirkn Hint rilirlif nlil In lilnn
'fj'lng the robbers could bn secured
rhe (lotee,,V08 "8 80011 ns t"oy nr-
I o said thnt the intorlor of tho
alt was covored with dobris nnd
sonio Bllver wns In ovldonco on tho
"opr. Pntll the vault Is gono through
and everything s checked up, It will
Z ""I'osslblo to ascertain tho exact
Curried Miicli'Ciisli.
Mr. Hnekloff snld thnt tlio hnnlc
wrled nhout t 2,000 cash, kooplng
" larger amount recently on
flP.nii... a " ...I-
"-mi i me rnurond work ana of
-...i .einnniis for It In thnt section..
hrZ 1 " 1,1,8 wns n K0l- ln f'ct
'argo porcentngo of It. Thore wns
change and cons,derab,e Bmn11
ft8t of- tne B,(1 w8 In sacks hut
"WO wns Inner, r.. ii,n
the safe.
T. ao llurglur Insurance.
i. i ,nlc (,,d not carry nny burg
o 'durance and so the loss will fall
ulG nst'ttion. However, the
foi B.sck 18 ne'd by about trenty
Cnnnin th Jading men of tne upper
oqiilllo valley, so that the Institution
d'i! not be Impaired in the slightest
by tne ,088' The bank had a
dIIm m of 5000- which enn bo ap
hMl" ,tne 1088 nnd the balnnce will
holder"0 y made up by tho 8tock"
Away on Sunday.
. Pt Hi .. n ... ....
?. no. one havinc entered It since
th vShha,Utr,SatUrday ",Bht; EV, the
onl i L "umiuu mo vuiiu linn
Th , h.avo Indicated the robbery.
In fc nk.roon I8 kept lighted dur
dentu!ei,nlBht and the burglars eyl
ttoy tllou8nt It safer not to at-
. "Pl to Work from h hnnlr rnami
vn in .1 . . "" 1
- -v UUor or tne vault, but did
I iT
(Horn Smj WxmtB
(tied. In this they uro making a
i Tho city wntcr question Is still a
EXnloSive StnlPII I net Wool "lost 'nuiottnnt li-olIoni that this
Mnw Un d" ,? Sl , WeeK.yi'nrtj. No quest Ion Is settled until
mj iiuvc uuun UbtJU uy
Myrtle Point Robbers.
J11"1 "'V'?"1 w.lio broke into
rr $,'3i0M) nmy j,v HucMiro.l tlVuIr
explosives In Murshllold wltliln tlio
last ten davs. Is a nnssiiiiiiiv ,vi,ii,
Is being considered by Chief or Police
Carter, who states that several sticks
or dynamite were stolen rrom Por
hnni and (ildley's warehouse a short
tlmo ago.
Tho Ciller's attention was drawn
to tho presence or a box or dynnmlto
being round on (he street ut the In-
tersectlon of Ninth nnd Ingersoll.
who,.0 It WIlH f0U11(, , ,
j,oyH. ,t wnH , bought to have been
lort there bv contractors following u
I . . . . V" 11
"-" nun, which preventeti thorn
from continuing work nt tnnf nolnt.
On interviewing the contractors as
to the danger rrom tho exnloslves.
Chler Curler wns Informed thnt tho
dynnmllo hud not been used nt thnt
ntilnt he tlm i.i.ntiMw.t nvu find Mtttt Hm
,x 1IMj )00 (!,. nnov11 ,,,..
ties. The ract that nhout twentv-rivo
sticks of the dynamite, wns missing
Indlcalcd thnt It might bo put to no
good purpose. '
Provided tho bank was blown bv
dynnmlto. nnd not nitro-glycorino. It
is altogether nrnhnble Unit tlm mlna.
lug explosive was iiBed by tho robbers
nt .Myrtle Point, being secured by
them on passing through this city
i close watch will bo kont on all
outgoing vessels along Coos Hay for
suspicious-looking chnrncters lu the
ropo thnt tho bnnk rohbors may bo
headed orr.
tlie hole into the second
l.ouls lloborts did not go to his
orrico yestenlny nnd so there Is no
absolute cvldonro an to whoa tho
robbery occurred.
Open for lltisiiiess.
Discovery of the robbery cmised
oulto n flurry this morning, hut after
sizing the situation up, arrangements
wore made not to molest anything In
tho vault or around, but to continue
business without disturbing anything
there. Tho vault hns been closed.
Sufficient cash to handle the busi
ness wns secured from other nenrby
banks and business is being carried
on as usual.
JIiiiiv Ate Interested.
Tho bank's stock is held by nhout
twenty-four men, nil of whom nro
prominent In Myrtle Point nnd oll-
tn - clo. Among thoin nro President
Ilcnsou. EtI Knckleff, Cecil Carter,
K. O. Carter. Oeo. V. Shelly, H. L.
Carl, .1. D. Carl. It, L. Morris, Frank
Morris, V. F. Sllngsby. A. It. Daven
port. M. O. Stomniler, C. M. Cnilth,
F. SmltlK W. Hartlo. .1. D. Clinton.
L. A. Roberts, K. C. Roliorts and non
McMulien. '
Was iniik Vault.
The vault or tho bunk was or brick.
thoro being no steel lining ns Is put
. ,. . . . . . II.
In tho nresent burglar proof vaults
Tho absence of this stool lining mndo
It compnratlveoly easy for tlio burg
lars to dig through tho brink roof.
Tho thoroughness nnd secrecy with
which tho work wns ci.rried out In
dicates thnt tho Job wns perfectly
planned. Tho burglars must hnvo
previously gained knowledgo of tho
vault's construction and tho safe.
.Munv Strangers There.
During tho past fow months thoro
hnvo been ninny strangers In nnd
around Myitlo Point, owing to tho
t ! .. .1 id .. T.i nniianniinnon
r'Ulll'IMI ,:,limi I III ili'll. Ill iiiiiflwiiiuitiw
tho laborors coming ana
going constantly, no pnrtlculnr atten
BOing constantly, nc
tion hns been paid to strnngo cnarac
ters seen nhout town. In consequence
no ono hero Is nblo to volunteer oven
n suspicion as to who the thieves
might have been.
Discovered Today.
Tho robbery was discovered nhout
8 o'clock this morning when Cash
ier Ed Rnckleff was getting rendy
to open for tho dny's business. Tlio
vault had been cioseu sinco tne obiik
closed Saturday afternoon and there
were no outward appearances oi
the robbery.
As soon as ho opened the door of
the vault. Mr. Rackleff saw the evi
dences of the explosion nnd robbery
and quickly summoned others.
Took ohl and Currency.
A hurried examination snowed
that the robbers had taken tho gold
nm! piirrencv from the safe. In
round figures, about $12,000 was
'1 IL"Tn,iJ,., L
' coon d 'to' ' They' opened
of Louis Robert's law of
cut o bole through tno uoor ami
then dug through tho brick top of
tbovnult and lowered themselves
tb . . . ,
Evident y nltro-giycerino was ugo
mi iinnnvvi mnmt
(Contln ed on Page Two.)
mkmhkk ok the
. r
HIE ELEMENT Hint Iiiib always
Jl n irM . V. x !' M,rB,!nol 'h ninklnu a determined fight
Inu- nf t fw 1 Wr ?ht V1'?". 11,1,1 elui,t "ckey" McKeown, son-in-
pnny a member of the City Council. The Times hoard some time ago
thnt tho 811 0011s wore helm? llnml .... l,,.i, f Ait.-......" ViV.i "J!.
1,1,1 ws lurtner proven Saturday when Mr. llennett's personal or
gun made the statement that Wilson should bo defented because, he Is
a prohibitionist,
.m,;MwI'. .v,, sox ,s XOT A I'lioiimiTioxisT. hi: has stated SO
The Times wishes to state, however, thnt If the saloons desire to
back .McKeown and elect him, they will find it the costliest vlctorv thnt
hey over achieved. The people of Mnrshrield have treated the sa
loons tolerantly, fairly nnd even liberally, but if they attempt to In
ject themselves Into city politics to the detriment or decency, they
will nrotise a resentment that will be certain to tlnd expression. Mr.
.McKeOWll S Supporters are llUSV Btutllli' thnt the wnti.r miimtl fill lu Ullf-
lul ""H ",,L 111 Bn H" seuteu ami
... v.miiiiiiiiiii. in unn mu nwii-in-iaw oi me man wno is most
largely and personally interested In this question to sit as a member
of the City Council. It should be rebuked bv the vote of everv loyal
citizen being east for .1. Wright Wilson In tomorrow's election. A sim
ple sense of Justice and fnir play demands It. Mr. Wilson did not seek
the nomination. Ho wnH urged and solicited bv business men who re
sented the trick and subtcrrugo by which McKeown was to be tho
only c.indltlnte for tho one-year term. Every lover of fair play and
civic pride should vote for Wilson.
F. 10. Allen, candidate for Mayor, nnd Duncan FergiiBon nnd 11.
A. Copplo for the City Council, have records lu the public service that
are well known. All these men stand for u clean, conservative busi
ness udmlnistrutlon nnd should ho elected. If you mark your ticket
like this tomorrow you will ninko no mistake:
Mark Betwesn the Number and the Name of Each Candi
date Voted For.
For Mayor. (Vote for One.)
13 X F, E. ALLEN Independent
For Councilman for-Three Years.
For Councilman for One Year.
For Recorder. (Vote for One.)
hi:ui: To.Moititow xiciit
C. A. Smith. Aruo Moreen nnd W.
S. Chnndler left Sun Francisco thh.
innrnlnir .... the Ailollim Rmltli foi-
moruliig on tho Adolluo Smith for
Coos liny and will nrrlvo here tomor
row night. Tho understanding Is that
the snlo of tho steam franchises of the
Tormina! Hallway to tho Southorn
Pacific and somo mutters conucctod
with It woro ngreed upon hoforo they
left, but whethor tho pnpors definite
ly closing tho deal were signed Is not
Tho bnsls Tor closing the deal Is not
known for n certainty. The C. A.
Smith company, beroro closing tho
deal for tho right of way through
the Alliance wnrohouso nnd retail
yards, Insisted on tho controversy bo-
tweon tho company and the Southern
Pnciric ovor "Firo Pit Acre and the
Intorest in tho Rnllrond Reservo be-
Ing adjusted
Keep Off Itrondwuy,
However, It Is understood tl-at tlio
deal nrovldos for a right of way
for tho Southern Pnciric ror tho stoma
lino on n direct continuation of Front
street so that It will not swing around
through tno Alliance wnrenouso in
Urondwny ns wns proposed. Tho plnn
Is snld to bo to leavo about 100 feet
between tho right of. wny through
tl:o rotnll yards and Alllunco ware-
houso and Uroadway, which will fur-
nlsh good spneo for business build-
ings. At mo same umo, uus wm 1)a8sngownys.
lenvo ample space east of tho tracks. Lopez took rofugo In tho mlno Frl
It Is snld, for ordinary docks nnd ,,.. niut witn n limited sunnly of
Francis Sayre and Ilrldo Take Steam
er for Kurojte.
(Hr AMo'litM rrrti to rooi V'J Time.)
NEW YORK. Dec. 1. Tho oluslvo
White House bridal couple, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis I). Sayre. avoiding tho
gaily decorated gangway and hunting,
bedecked pathway arranged for them, i
sl lined quietly a hoard tho liner
George Washington through tho sec
ond cabin today and sailed rway for
Piedmont Millionaires Organl.e Co
Operative GrK-t'ry.
(Br AiocltJ frew to Coot Uir Tlmei.J
OAKLAND, Cal.. Dec. 1. Million
aires, professional men and social i
leaders of Piedmont, the exclusive
residence district of this city, havo
combined to combat the high cost of
i o ovnillrn to hns been form-
ed to conduct a co-operatlvo grocery
store to be known as the Piedmont
Commercial Center. The list of dlr-
ectors contains some of tho wealthiest
and best known men of tho bay cities. (
associatkd pkkss.
Bought to
statement that they know is false.
very live question and one of the
city must faco In the next few
it Hettled right. The city water
it is an liuposlilon on the people
(Vote for Two.)
(Vote for One.).
No Mercy to Be Shown Mur
derer of Six Now Being
Smoked Out of Mine.
Il7 AMoMntril I'rcn la Cou IK,' TIiwm )
III.NOIIA.M, I'tnh. Dee. 1. Smudg
es wore lit today In tho Utah Apex
mine, whore Ralph Lopez, a desperu-
" " " " V, stand It Is
18 V"'' ',,H...'nBl 8V.. .. 1 '
expected' tho fugitive will mnko a
break for liberty. A large amount or
dynnmlto Is stored In tho mine, and
knowing thnt Lope, could euslly blow
out tho biilk'iends. seven shorlffs
stationed n dozen deputies at each or
tho rirteen tunnel mouths with orders
to shoot Lopez on sight.
Tho ten thousand Inhanltauts or
tho ennyon-wnlled mining town, deep
In drifts of snow, wore waiting in
tense excitement for the denouement
of tho ninn-hiint thnt nlready has
ttnnt ulv llvnB
Tho mluo Is located
nonr tll0 , of n n, nclpltous wall and
from nnv 0 JtB f,rteL,n tunno, ni0ths
ono c0jd trow a stono that would
,jt.B,.t.n, nearly i000 reet beroro It
.-..,, iin,tom. Hei-o nnd there a
minor's cabin clings to tho nllff.
Smoking Out Miiitlcivi'.
Just hoforo noon Andy Tunnel was
stopped with a bulkhoad nnd tho
tlm mine tlirnmrh tho
fumes or a Biiipiinr smuugo were
o.)0nKi smudges of various compo- i
fition woro nlso sending poisonous
fUincs back Into overy tunnel. If
t,0oz not nttempt to break out
,t ,B ,,iaMned to continue the smudges
two (,nyB T10 pt,, 0f tho mine are
t different lovols, nnd it is estimnted
t)l0ro a totnl of thirty miles of
fond. Ho wns formerly u worker in
the mine, which' produces gold, sliver
and copper, nnd Is fumlllnr with overy
passageway. Miko Crnnovlch, who
sliot and seriously wounded his wife
I cnviiral davs nco. may also bo hiding
I I., tlm mine It was thoiicllt. Tho
,iHr.a r Instructed to allow him
to surr0nder himself peacefully If ho
noma nut nlntlO
jv0pez is to be shot on sight.
Tliotisnnd Suffrage Delegates d'athei-
Jit WHNlltlll'tOII.
JBj Aho-UU! rr to coo ti Tlme.)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Dec. 1.-
Tho forty-fifth annuul convention of
the National Women Suffrage Asso-
elation got under way toduy with Dr.
' Anna Howard presiding over nearly
a thousand delegates rrom an states.
ALBANY. N. Y.. Dec. 1. Tho at-
tornoys for former Police Lieutenant
fMinrleu Becker of New York, under
sentence of death for the murder of
Herman Rosenthal, the gumbler, are
here to make what may be tho last
fight for IiIb llfo lu tho Supreme
. ,
A Consolidation
and Coos
Majority of Pennsylvania's
Citias Choose Commission
Form of Government.
tny AMwIntM Vnn to Con nay Tlmm.J ' Said:
PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 1 Tho' "l the presence of death, destruc-
Coninilsslon form of government went "" U111 rn, the moment nppenra
Into effect In u majority or tho cities ,0 liave nrrlved when hiiinanltv nnd
or Pennsylvania today, the system or Kcnetnl interest' commands nil tho
common nnd select counclis going Powers to tnko concerted notion with
out of exlstonce. Horenfter the nr- 1,10 United States to compel nil pnr
ralrs or these municipalities will bo tleB ' Moxlco to lay down tholr arum
conducted by slnglo councils or five, nM 1,rl"B nn end to the intolernhlo
one of which is the Mnyor.
Wlt,h tho exception of Philadelphia,
Pittsburg. Scrnnton nnd three or
roiir iiinnlfltt!illHftu fiiinrntltur inntni,
special olinrters, nil cities or tho stnto
nro affected by the new commission
form enncted by the Inst leglBlnture.
Annapolis Weakens After the
Third Period and Final
Score is 29 to 9.
tn Ano.'litcl I'rrn to Coci nr Tlmrt.J
NUW PORK. Dec. 1 (Polo
Grounds) President Wilson and his
party arrived n row minutes lnte tor
the decisive football gamu between
tho crack teams of the army and
navy Saturday afternoon, and they,
1 nd no sooner tnken their plnces thnii , ngiilnst tho federals whom they do
tho giinio begnn, wlth-tho Navy taking rented Inst week In n bnttlo nenr Junr
tho hall back to the thlrty-rivo yard ecz. Piiiicho Villa personally super
line. " vised tlio londlng of tho troops. Ho'
After hnlf n dozen plays, Including expects to leavo about Tuesday. VII
ono run of forty yards, tho Navy put ln docs not know whether the fodor
tho ball on tlio Army fifteen ynrd lino, uls retreated to Chihuahua or hnvo
Nichols ninde ten yards, McReuvy nil- entrenched themselves south of Juar
ded two mid then West Point held for j uz. Ho linil hoard thnt engines haul
dowiis. Joiiett tool; Hodgson's plnco lug federal trains went dead for lack
and punted back from Army goal, of water nnd thnt the federals nro
The kick went only to tlio twenty
yard line, mid after n fuko piny hud
railed, Drown kicked a goal rrom
At the end or the second porlod
the score stood .'1 to 0 In Mvor or
tho Navy. Tho score wns tied nt
nine points in tho third period, but nf
tor that Annapolis begnn to weaken coninianuing tno untisii ships In Mox
nnd tho cadets scored seven more In lean wntors, ranks Renr Admiral
thnt peroiod nnti six more in tno,
Tho fliinl scoro was as fol-
Army, 22; Navy, 0.
Kleclilciil Workers' Strike May Knd
After Conference.
tilt Amoi'MKiI rr In Coo nr TlmM.l
SCH I'JNKCTA D V. N. Y., Dee. 1.
The conferees reached an agreement
for tho settlement of tho striko nt tho
(lenernl Electric company plant to
day. A copy of tho ngrceiiiont was
sent to tho Trades Alllunco for ap
proval. Tho agreement contemplates
tho reopening of the shops next Mon
day on either part or full time, as
the company sees fit.
Murderer of .Alts. Mildred Hevroitt io
Die on tho Gallows.
Illf Awltt l'r to I'ow TIimw.I
AURORA, III.. Dec. 1. Harry
Spencer, murdorer of Mrs. Mildred
Allison Roxroat, was soutoncod today
to bo hanged at Wheaton on Decom
hor 19. Spencer repudiated his con
fession and nrgtiod for a now trial
for hlmsolf, but was overruled.
Suit Filed in U. S. Court to Dlsolvo
nig Combine.
llf AModalwl I'm, lo Cot,. Illf Timet.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 1. Suit wns
Hied hero today In United States Dis
trict Court to dlssolvo tho American
Can company, or so-called tin-can
trust, which the Department' or Jus
tice alleges controls a largo porcent
of tho business of tho United States
In tin cans and pnekeages of tin.
Tho Anierlcan Sheot and Tin Plato
company was mndo defendant' be
cnuso of nn ngreonient It Is alleged
to have with the American company
to soil It tin for cans nt a prefer
ential rate.
(Or AuorUle.1 ! lo Cool Hr Tioin.l
AMHERST, Doe. 1. -Renr Admiral
John Howo Clark, former medical
director of the Navy, died toduy of
paralysis. He was seventy-Blx years i
of age, J
If jitu've lo.t something a three or
four line unnt adv. In Tlio Times
ulll bring It hark. The Times want
ads get results.
of Titties, foaM .Mall
Hay Advertiser.
No. 113
Publication Declares Civiliza
tion Demands End of Law
lessness in Mexico. '
Believes Constitutionalists Will
be Able to Eliminate Huerta
And His Followers.
tlly AMncl.ilrJ PrcH to Coon Mar TlniM, f
PAltlS, Prance. Dec. 1. -The l'nrtn
i Temps published today n vigorous odl
I torlal on "Anarchy in Mexico." Tho
' newsnaner. In eouclmlltii' tlm m-iiMn
IHr AMocltr, r-rrM in Coon nr TMniw.)
JUAREZ, Doc. 1 Vllln's ndvnnco
nrniy or :ir,il(i rebels which Is moving
to nttnek Chlhiinhiia City, 225 miles
south of .1 uni-Gir., reached n point 0.1
miles from tho border todny.. Thoy
were forced to detrain there bei'auso
of the destruction "or tho railroad.
Preparations were mndo to march ov
erland. Another train wns mndo
ready for the Journoy south, with
1000 rebels aboard. Vllln snld thnt
beroro reaching Clilhiinhuu ho expects
to bo reinforced by troops ndvnnelng
from Torreon. Unless theso nro In
terrupted ho snld ho hoped to rally
7000 to nttnek th'o 5000 federals gar
risoned In the capital. Tho Inst re
ports .from Chlhunhiin, which ha
been under slego tor two weeks, wore
thnt tho cathedral had been converted
Into a fort.
H Aix-llM I'rrt. a ru pr Tlmm.)
JUAHIM. Dec. I. Nearly 1000
rebel soldiers had loft Juarez at noon
today for tho south, udvnnclinr
, uwaiuug bis men nt Villa In Humndn,
eelghty-three miles south of Juarez.
fllr Aiwn'Ulpil I'rin. In Conn lUr Time)
WASHINGTON. I), C, Doc. 1.
Although It cur Admiral Craddock.
rteicnor ny viriuo or seniorny, tno
British commander has notified tho
American admiral that- ho wishes to
subordinate himself In co-oporatlng
with tho United States forces. Any
developments In the Mexican situation
scorned to bo moving under tho sur
race. Thero appeared to be no chango
lu the diplomatic situation, nnd no In
dication thnt the Amorlcnu govern
ment wns deviating from Its uttltudo
or careful watching and patient wait
ing for tho elimination of Hiiortn.
fllr A'u-tel rrftf to Coo (Ut TIitim. J
SALT LAKE, Dec. 1. Tho 20th
United States Infantry marched
through the city today and entrained
for El Paso.
f My A nH a tril I'riM to l'ro liar Tlmo.
MEXICO CITY, Dee. 1.- -Adherents
of tho rebel lcmlor, Xnpnm, fired on
a pnssonger train toduy near AJusco,
n town a fow miles south of Mexico
City. Tho casualties were Insignifi
cant. Tho rebel band wub ono of
small scouting parties which again
have begun to appear lu the federal
nr AanftrUtM l'rri In (Vww liar Tlmej.)
MEXICO CITY, Dec. 1. Tho Jour
noy to Vera Cruz of Mnuuol Mndoro,
uuclo of the late President Mudero,
and who wns said to hnvo loft lust
night undor guard, was deferred un
til todny. He had boon confined In
the penitentiary hero on tho chnrgo
of sedition and, it Is believed, is to
be Imprisoned In tho fortress of San
J imn do I'lloa.
Ilr Ano.-lilfl Pr to Coot Paj Time.
VERA CRl'SC. Dec 1 Major Do
Ln Cardeuu and Lieutenant Do Ln
Pcna, Governor nnd Commander of
the guard of Santiago prK.on In Moxl
co City, arrived hero todny In chnrgo
of a Btrong detail of soldiers of tlio
presidential guard, nnd worn taken
on board the gunboat Vera Cruz,
(Continued on Taws Two.)