WW THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Ming Alley! 15 NORTH FRONT STREET Tuesday Evening cially for Ladies Rates for mdling Trunks haul trunks lint U'pnn nnv i la Marsliflelrt fnr tii n fnllnur. te8, deltverv In tin mml n In Ft stories of buildings: IUUUK t OR trunks no "ink l.rsn r Transfer and Storage Co. Levi Hclsner. pnes. 120-J: 49-L: 98-R. SSSIONAL DIRECTORY HARRY E. LEPPERT. 'no and Hnrniony PJl0' 7 N. Second Streot. WM1N OSTMNR, vuuiimj Engineer and Architect. ,03,J Miirshfl..i,i COXTRACTOIt AND pL.?.?"?8 Job guaran- 08TLIKl7 ' I order? lU l none oraere at W. R. nnne8 MuBlc PJ RILKV i.r, pIoVi3LSo- Broadww CHANDLEH, Architect. Morrow. i ! Office Phone 880. 8. TDRpe Mhfleid, Oregon. i . Z " "tl Parlor-. The Wild West Show At Marshfield KVHIIV FEATURE OF OLD TIMES PLAINSMEN'S SPOUT WILL lK SHOWN. RUCKING RHONCHOES, WILD STEERS AND FEATS OF HORSEMANSHIP NEVER SEEN 1IERE AIMUITH WIMj HE PROVIDED. Cree Street J) jl 1 ICC Entertainment711. Aug. 22 and 23 THE EVENT WIMj LAST TWO FULL DAYS AND WILL IN CLUDE RUNNING AND HARNESS HACKS IN WHICH LOCAL AND OUTSIDE HORSES WILL PARTICIPATE. S. S. NANN SMITH SAILS FROM SMITH MILL DOCK FOR SAN FRANCISCO THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, AT 12:30 P. M. San Francisco office, 805 Fifo Illdg., or Lombard St. Pier No. 27 .Inter-Oceanic Transportation Co., C. F. McGeorKc, Agt. Phono 11. STEAMER IAQUA SAILS FOR COOS BAY FROM SAN FRANCISCO WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. AND WILL SAIL FROM COOS BAY FOR SAN FRANCISCO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 23. FAST no AT; GOOD PASSENGER ACCOMMODATIONS AND GOOD SERVICE. A. E. DIMENT, Agent, Ocean Dock, Marshfield. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILING FROM PORTLAND AUGUST .1, 8, 18, 23 AND 28, AT 8 A. M. SAILING FROM COOS DAY AUGUST 5,' 12:!I0 P. M.J AuK. 10, 1 P. M.; AUG. IB, 12:30 P. M.J AUG. 20, 1 P. M.; AUG. 25, 1 P. M.J AUG. 30, 10.30 A. M. Tickets on sale to all Eastern points and information ns to routes and rates cheerfully furnished. Phone Main 85-L. J STERLING, Agent. S. S. ALLIANCE QUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND FRIDAY, AUGUST 22, AT 1 P. M. ROUND TRIP, $16.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44 F McGEORGE, Agent. First ClanWeaving Promptly done at Gardiner's Rag Carpet. Factory On Sherman avenue between Califor nia and Connecticut. Phone 174. North Bend. Or. All Kinds of Job Printing City Auto Service Good Can. Careful Drlrera and reasonable charges, Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stand Blanco Cigar Store. Day phone, 78. Night phone 139-X. TOM GOODALE. Proprietor. Done at The Times Office A Page From a Bachelor's Cook Book I ROAST CHICKEN To the Editor or tlio Coos Bay Times: Being at present head cook and Dlsli walloper of tlio rnncli force, for tlio benefit of cooks In general and bachelors In particular, I respect fully ask you to print. In tho columns of your valuable paper tlio following dliectlons and specifications of tho latest and most scientific method of preparing roast chicken for tho table. Thcso directions have been thorough ly tried out, and arc guaranteed to bo rellablo and harmless In every re spect. Very truly yours. BOY A. LANDR1TII, Coos River. After capturing tho. fowl, which feat Is usually accomplished by a gum shoo expedition to some neigh bor's chicken house at about 2 o'clock a. m., In tho morning. The first net on tho program Is to assassinate the bird. Hovcral methods of killing chickens have been advanced at dif ferent times, but the most sure and rellablo method Is by means of de capitation. Lay tlio fowl lengthwise along nn nnvll or block of wood, and after grasping It firmly by tho hind logs with one hand to hold It steady, sever tho head from the body by chopping off tlio lall at a point Just behind tho earn. If tho fowl Is a rooster, an axo or cleaver may bo used for this operation, but If It la a hen n buck saw should bo used. Tho head of tho bird may bo used for a watch charm or is feed for tho house cat, either proves success ful. Next tho feathers should bo re moved from tho fowl, nftor being sure that the bird Is entirely dead. Fasten tho remains securely In a vlso with the feet down. Then stnrt at tho gable end or tho bird and work nlovly and carefully along tho upper deck feathers with tho thumb nnd fingers of each hand. Cnro should bo taken to .ilwnyH work with tho grain. Tho forward deck niny bo swan ped off by reversing tho chicken nnd following tho same plan as glvo.i above. After the feathers are entirely removed tho carcass should then bo dipped In p. strong disinfectant, nnd hunt; for I wo days In a liaikened room. Then roniovo tlio fowl to n convenient operating table, and with n sharp edged knifo or razor, tut a gash in tho lower loft hnnd corner of tho bird, and through said gnsh or Incision enre fnlly roinovo tho appendix and other Internal orgnnr. Tho heart, liver and gizzard may bo utilized In tho Pictures & Framing Walker Studio New and Second Hand furniture sold on tho Installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLE A CO, 302 Front St. Phone 340-L Marshfield, Or. WANTED warcheB that won't keep timo. Dirty nnd rancid oil are tho ruination of your watch. Let mo handle It and preservo it perfectly for years to come, . C. BARKER 226 Front st. Marshfl Id. Or. Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYERS. CLEANERS, PRESSERS and HAT RENOVATORS Agent for Edward H. Strausa A Co., Fine Tailoring. Let ua make your next suit. S55 CENTRAL. Phone 2A0-X Have That Roof Fixed NOW I Bee CORTHELL PHON35 3171. NEW AUTO LINE TO PORTLAND. Marsbfield-Drain Auto Stage Line VIA ALLEGANY AND SCOTTSBURG PASSING GOLD AND SILVER FALLS From Marshfield to Portland in 16 Hours LEAVES MARSHFIELD EVERY MORNING. AT 5 A. M. ON STEAMER RAINBOW. FAIR TO DRAIN, $11. Phono BAMDON BY THE SEA THE fclTY OF THE FUTURE A FEW TEN ACRE TRACTS FOUR MILES SOUTH ON COUNTY ROAD $35 PER ACRE; $100 CASH, BALANCE TWO YEARS, NO INTEREST, NO TAXES, FINE SANDY LOAM, LEVEL BENCH LAND. Buy One It Will Make You Money Donald MacKintosh REAL ESTATE following manner, Grind thornnci ly through a coffon mill chopper and cook slowly over a slow Hie. Then serve hot as a sort of chuck-away commonly known as ciucuen gimlets. Before cooking the fowl If ahnnht bo stuffed. The following receipt for shilling a medium sized fowl If U3cd according to directions will provo successful. Two lbs. lnlsons. Hi , . . . , .-) 41 apples, two lbs. alfalfa meal, one cake cnsieoi soap, one lb. green goose to hncco, ono gal. buttermilk, and seven teen lrcsii eggs. Mix thoroughly In an earthen dish or stone stuff the chicken with tho same, a rolling pin or stove nok or 111 II V lm used for a tnmplng stick. Then after soldering tlio Incision In tho bird, be ing sure It Is air tliiht. nhirn In n baking pan, nnd cook until done. No specified tlmo can bo given as to the length of time to roant a chicken, as much depends on tho ago of the mm, a young fowl should bake ten der In about seven hours, lint nhi ones have been known to tnko seven inys. horvo hot on hot nlntes with jntiBtnrd entice, cooked a la chop suey stylo, at tho hour of twolvo g. m. by the third dog watch, so nn tn ,.ivo tho guests plenty of tlmo to rovivo it M irom uio eiiecis Doforo another roost or can bo captured. I. W. W. BUSY. From widely sepnrated points In isorth America como ronorts of la bor troubles nnd I. W. W. disturb ances. The most serious centers are the coal mines about Nanimo, Vancouver Island, nnd nt .MInot. North Dakota. In British Columbia tho strikers have driven out tho strike breakers and hnvo defied tho police. In MInot n street riot resulted In tho arrest of 27 more. Includinn a number of I. w.'s who had been lend out or town. In Salt Lako Cltv thn I. W. w contented themselves with throats to bring 10,000 men to fight for "free speech." In tho Michigan cop per fields a state of deadlock be tween the minors' union nnd tho operators continues. Lead miners of Missouri are dlssntlsfled with a preferred ralso of in cents a day, and are on strike Llbby COAL. Th kind YOU have . i , ' ujmvi. x-nono i&, raciilc Livery nnd Transfer Comnnny. T. if. SCAIFE. W. S. BROWN $ A. H. HODGINS Marshfield PAlNT m iTiaiamiKiu DEC0RAting CO. Estimates Furnished. Phono 187-L Mjit-Nhflcld. Ore, CLEAN "EM UP" SHOE SALE! Ladles' 3.50 white duck, wolt shoes at $2.50 Children's whito duck button shoes at 1.00 Ladles', misses' and children s pumps and oxfords at cost. Boys Elk skins, all sizes at cost. Get u bargain now nt Electric Shoe Store 180 South Broadway. A modern Bricn .uildlng, Blectrl: ugnt, Bteam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS O. A. MctBn, Prop. Rate: 50 cents a day and upward Cor. Rroadwar and Market St. Helens Hall Portland, Obcoon Resident and Day School for GirU In chnie of BUtera of Bt.Joho Baptist (KplicoptK ColltiUtt. Actdtmle and Iltm.nUrr D.cirtmttiW, Hoilo, Art. Elocution. Domotjo Art, jmbiiUo Icl.o., Ufisaulaa. jTorcatuoaaduroH THE KI8TICK 8VPERIOII, Office 23 St. Heloua Hall Tickets on sale at Busy Corner 208. INSURANCE. NOME PIONEER NEWS. I (From the Coos Bny News, pub lished at Marshfield, August 18, 18S0. Slglln & Bennett, publish ers.) Atmosphere smoky Forest fires all around. Mr. Olyden's nrm was severely cut at tho stavo factory In Umpire City last Saturday. Dr. Golden has moved his drug store into the building adjoining tho I'alaco saloon, nenr tho steam boat landing. Last Wednesday tho Sunday school of this place made an excursion to Ilenryvillo. There were about IfiO excursionists, Tho Port Orford Post comes to us with over a column of olllclnl nds. It Is an ably-edited llttlo paper and wo are pleased to see It pros per. Forest fires about- tho bay aro very common about now. Wo havo not heard of much dnmngo yet, ex cept the destruction of much valua ble timber. Coos gained 195 per cent In pop ulation slnco 1870. Only ono coun ty, Clatsop, west of tho Const Kango that beats that figure. Curry comes next to Coos with 140 per cent. Mr. Cnnipboll Is experimenting with a drive-well on tho tldo land opposite town. We hopo he'll bo successful In obtaining fresh water nnd wo see no reason why ho should not. Dr. Smith nnd Eugeno O'Connoll caught over 200 poundB of trout in a few days' fishing on Coos Rlvor. They returned to his placo yester day and brought with them ono hundred trout, ono weighing 4 pounds, which was caught by Dr. Smith. Amos Nosler's dwolllng hotiso nt Coqullle City caught flro from a forest flro last week, and Is an en tire loss. Sir. Nosier removed nil tho furniture from tho hotiso, but not sufficiently far, and It caught flro and nil burned. Ho has already commenced tho construction of n new house. A now vessel 137 foot keel, 37 foot beam, 11 foot hold, is com menced at North Bend. Ono almost ns largo will bo ready to launch nt Marshfield In a few weeks. A uteam tug boat over a hundred feet long will bo commenced nt E. B. Denn & Company's shipyard in this plncc soon. Coos County builds more vessels than nil tho rest of Oregon, and sho furnishes cargoes for export nearly equal to tho bnl- anco of tho state. T. W. Wallaco pre-empted a piece of land in Section 33, Township 25, Ilaugo 12, In Coos County, filed his pre-emption papers, Improved tho lnnd, putting about $1500 worth of Improvements on it, m ado his final proof, paid his money, lived on tho land for about two years after having proved up, and not receiving a patent ho writes to tho Land Ofllco for a reason for tho delay, when ho Is cooly informed that tho land Is "road laud," not subject to sale by tho general Gov ernment. A I VERTISE 1 1 LETTERS. List of unclaimed lotters remain ing in tho Marshfield, Oregon, Post office for the week ending August 19, 1913. Persons calling for thn snmo will plenso say advertised and pay ono cent for each letter called for. Andorson, Jack; Andrews, C. M.; Angel, A. M. (2); Brown, Miss Helen; Brown, Mrs. Dolla; Berry, W. E. (3); Collins, Jim; Cox, F.; Fritsch, J. Homer; Forslund, Ernst; Frazler, Mrs. E, M.; Illnton, Miss Lucy; Grathwcll, S. W.; Gordon, Minnie; Hnnscom, Frank; Hansom, Mrs. D. A.; Harmon, John P.; Hay- nes, John; Ingloui, Lowoy; Jnrvls, Allen; Keller, Mrs. Mablo; Lafoco, Mrs. John; Lewis, Howard Phelps; Llndstrom, Chns.; Loo in Is, John, (2); Luco, C. F.; Luther, Arthur; McGovorn, A. J.; Minott, T. S.; Plorce, E. A.; Poroput, George; Ray wander, W. L.; Roborts, M. 0 M, D,; Roberts, Harry, Robinson, Ed.; Stybor, Walter; Schott, II. F.; Salsbury, John; Stevenson, R. L,; Sims, W. G. W. B. CURTIS, P. M. AUTOS IN CALIFORNIA. Citizens of State Have Invested $44,00(1,000 ill Machine. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Aug. 18. California's automobile investment for July Is figured nt $G,3G2,000, bringing tho total spent for motor cars for business ami pleasure pur poses to date this year up to $44, GGC.OOO, according to announcement made today by Superintendent J. G, Mansfield, of tho motor vehicle do pnrtment, A total of 2G81 now machines was registered for July, bringing tho grand totnl registered since the department was established In 1905 to 113,192. FISHERMEN, ATTENTIONS The Coos Bay It-o & Cold Sto rage Company will handle Chi nook Salmon and will pay 3 cents per pound at their dock for all brlglit fUh.