The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, June 28, 1912, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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ni lilt Your lloal KsUt "III
the Market" Effectively!
. -in dui tho fact about your
It ' ? t, im of all "nnu.
r0perhrerB" tow11- And "
"".. nno of thorn who- ought to
: it, jo""
OInoa a
ou xxxv
UslJiliHslusl 111 187H
im Tho Const Mail
Will IffUttl 4l..t fntfttn fr.m YTj.W I
Fnrntslied Rooms fronx Lapabagt
YOU can really holp tlw family
revenues by renting a fow furnlahod
rooms and, It you know how and
whon to use the classified column,
you may keep that llttlo extra lncom
as "steady as a clock."
i Mi Hll'
I liflT 111 HI I Tin
m raws
A Consolidation of Times, Const .Mall o. 296
mm nn imy jluviTllKCr.
votes um ouuuiiw, ....
and FourthBallots.
RAW'" 10 ..D onn Mni
LAMouvcn tuu muvv
Ibtional Democratic Conven
tion Apparently Far From
MaKing uiuiuu.
. . ...&.t..A..AAAAAA
IBy Associated ProsB.) a
1,'i, Till! FIFTH HAL- a
inrTiii: national deaio-
HJiT,i. (O.WEXTION ad- o
outxi:i ixtmi no to-
' ... . 1 .1 fl U. A
339 V&
si attiring. Idaho
me Clark 8. Montnim Clnrlc 8,
- ii ll.-.,i 10 Vnulilti('tnn
lOrtfOB inlaw.. ' o
iCark 14.
Tillltl' is.iijs.wi.
Wilson ''
Underwood 1 1 I
llumon 1 ! o 14
E:ldttln 14
jirslmll " I
Ktrn 1
Bryan 1
Clark 43
Wilson .110 14
Underwood 112
Harmon HUMS
Baldwin 1
Marshall 31
Kern -
Jk . .A. A a .
Tin; first BALLOT.
Democratic Convention Did Not
Adjourn Until 6:30 This
l narN .
Wilson .-
i jiauuiu
Clako ..
Harmon .
Kern . . . .
.11!) 4
111 't
, 3t
(By Awuclntud l'ross) 4
Chump Clark wut not kept
nunke hint iiIkIiI by the ballot-
lug nt Hiiltlinoro. He romnlnod
up only a mile nast IiIh uumi a
n tiring hour and long before
Hie delegates were casting their
votes for him was home fast
(Ily Assoclntod Press.)
liALTIMOItK. .Mil., June 2S.
Tho result of tho first bnllot
on ProBldciit wns ns follows:
Clnrk, HO 14.
ItfM .
wimon, ii:: 1. - a
Underwood, 1 1 7 A . a
llnrinon, M8. " a
Mnrshnlt, 31. a
liiildwln, 22. a
Hulzor, 2. 4
Ilrynn, 1. o
Absent, 2.
NcCOSgnrv fur nlinliu ?'rt A
IIASIH OK im:piu:skxtatio.
w -
Champ Clark, of Missouri;
born Kentucky, 18C0; college
president nt 23; prosecuting at
torney; member of Congress
Blnco 1893; minority lender,
100S-11; Speaker since 1911.
Alnbnmn .
Alnskn . . .
Arizona . .
Arknnsns .
California .
Colorado ..
O Indlnna
Kansas . .
Mnlno 12 Ulnh
Mnrylnnd ..10 Vermont
.2 1 Nobrnskn . .10
. 0 Nevndn . . . . 0
1 N. llnmpshlro 8
IS New Jersey. 2 8
.20 Now Mexico. S
.12 Now York.. 90
.14 N. Cnrnlltin .24
u. ot coi'hla. fi N. Dakota.. 10
Delaware . . u Ohio IS
Florida ....1J Oklahomn ..20
tloorglu .. .2S Oregon 10
Hawaii . . . . C Pen'sylv'nln 70
Kiano s Philippines
AVoodrow Wilson, of Now
Jersey; born Virginia., 1S5C;
practiced law nt Atlanta; pro
fessor In Dryn Mnwr. Wesleynn
, and Princeton Colleges; presl-
dont Princeton, 1902-10; Qovcr-
i nor of New Jersoy since 1911.
Jud8on Harmon, of Ohio; 4
bom Ohfo, 1840; Judgo In two
courts; Attorney General Unit-
ed States, 1SU5-7; iirofossor of
law; receiver of two rnllronds:
? uovornor of Ohio alnco 1909.
Oscar W. Underwood, of Aln-
bnmn; born Kentucky. 1S02;
practiced Inw nt Illnnlnghnm;
helped Manic state constitution;
member of Congress alnco
1S95; majority lender uluco
Thomnn It. Mnrshall, of I."
illiinn: linrn Inillnnn. 1 KT.J
t . ,.."" :;... "...'....
i v lawyer ni uoiuniuia utiy; irus-
0 o.i lco wnuniu college; uovernor
r8 Pnitn IMpo.. fi of Indlnna slnco 1909.
. Itliorte IsdnmllO :'? ,
.20 s. Carolina.. IS Simoon E. Unldwln, of Con-
.20 H. Dakotn...l0 ueetlcut; born Connoctlcut,
.20 Ttniiesseo ..2 1 41 1810; professor ot Inw nt Ynloj
.20 Toxns jo a' chief Justlro stnto snprome
8 a court, i!u7-iu; (iovernor or
3 A Connecticut slnco 1911.
( I)y Airtorlatotl Pros to the Coos Day
UAl.Tt.MOIli:. Aid., .l.ino 28. - Aft.
or sitting all through tho night. fV
Democratic Natlonnl convention
reached lu first ballot on the presi
dential nomination shortly burorc 7
this morning. Ti.cie was no choli-r.
In fact all of the ohihIIiIiUhh were so
far nwny from the two-thlrds votoj
uecesxary to uomlnnte that tlio delo
gnles today looked forward to a Ion,;
hard fight. After tho first bnllot, :
convention nt 7: 10 n. in. took a recM
until I o'clock this nftornoon. lu the
meniitlmo thoio will be much study
ing ot flguros on the tost voto and
many conforenccH among tho londor.
As wns expected, Clnrlc led all oti.-
or candidates on the first ballot. He
Mnssftcmi ts 30 Vlrglnln ...21
.Michigan ...30 Washington 14 John nurke, of North Dnko-
Allnnesota ..21 W. Vlrglnln. 10 tn: born Iown. 1859: county
20 Wisconsin ..20 judge; member both Houses
30 Wyoming .. 0 44 Stnto Legislature: serving third
S . term ns Governor of North Dn-
i Mississippi
! Alontnnn
, '" ' ' ssssanTTssjiiiwi TrmmMMmmmnamtmnwmmt
Democrats Plan to Make Reso
lutions Strong Appeal to
(Dy Associated Press to Coos Day
TlniCH. i
DALTIMOItE, Aid., Juno 2S. I'n-
Contractors for 85 Miles of
Railway Expected Tomor
row or Sunday.
J. L. Bowman Sends News to
Geo. Rotnor and Dr.
Portor nrothcra who will build
nbout eighty miles of tho Cooa Ilny
Eugcno lino of tho Southorn Pacific
nro expoctoil to roach lioro tomorrow
or next dny nftcr n tour of Inspec
tion over mo route. Just who Is In
kempt nuil breukfnstlcss tho subcoin-, tho party hns not been nscortnlnod.
initteo on resolutions of tho National Tho pnrty loft Eugono yestorday
wiiiiutniiiu uuiiM-miun met lonny. nnu nro innicine n rnrofni inannniinn
Total ..1094 kotn.
W. J. Dryan wns Into In arriving nnd
until he put In nu nppenranco, little
work wns done. Apparently when
tho commltteo censed Its labors yos
terdny, tho plntform wns comploted,
but tho phraseological nnd other Im
perfections wore dlscovored nt evory
It linn boon practically decided Hint
of tho routo preliminary to brlnctncr
In tho construction gangs nnd cstnb-
nsiiing camps.
Tho following telegram nnnounc
Ing tholr coming was rocolvcd Into
yoslordny by Dr. McConuno from J,
L. Uowmnn of Portlnnd, proprietor
ot mo iMarHiiiioid wooion Mill storo:
, ' ...-. ..w ..... .. iuiiui nro. niivo ino contract
tho question of womnn suffrnKO. the, for olgty-Ilvo miles of Coos Hay rond
use of tho In tlatlvo and roforendum starting twonty-two mllos out of
...... iu ..... . uo M.,i in mo ins- ifiugono nml runn ng to bolow Gnrd-
crctlon ot tho Btntos. The committee' j0r. Thoy lonvo todny to no nvor
"n,!1" "r!,"" 8,"T0,ti U'o Hno and will bo In Marahnold
5RTS: SSSS KKVanSS'nieetS? T
SSrS, - 0I- thin,1'. 3
! jrucolved 14014 voIhn tn .12-1 for Wll-
3 AMoelatod Press to Tho Coos f "" nvni t m: . however .
Dny Tlmos ) ,cft tM" sl,fnlj1' Il0't 280 K of do
MLTIMOllB. Aid .,' Juno 28.-,l0??"!,rL lwo;iy.!:!!?-
U Drran't resolution disposed of Y..ri" -n ! i ini f .' . i . ,.
National Democratic convention ), H..H,? '' .'Jocl ,.??.? !' ,M; u
roceded to listen to tho nominating- """ """,;-ny"":u,,,, m 'Y'u
aliecondlng miPon.cH of cnndldnto ,,n "" "' J1 '"lo frmn the Ohio
i the presidential nomination. I ... .' ' ..l)t " x ' . '""., .,?I'L
iwwooa, no wns nomiiinioii uy ,.,., ...- ., ,,.i,i -i,. ,-
wan D. llnnkhcnd, wiih tho ilrut '.. ...... '.....' .. ..... ..... ...i'. V"
i At list. Following his nornlua- "V, " 'T,.. Z. .","" . .. VlT"
1 r .rinr-Tl'SSli" - t! o fl'LaHot did not dUco
U CUrk was'noni.nnted't S ' ,1'!!!V J"W .HH ...'' L". It. fc!
rJsmes A. Itcod nnd wna nt.-ord- ? ' " ." "" u ,"'. "f.V" "" " ..
l !' T. !!"t0!! .-' o ' nroMuU rne. C Wki Vto
7 ":J ?.h." . " T ":.. "" , was loss than his qnRor. have been
.inw nnoro .... i VAni."A.i V. i ... cln nilng ror mm. nut was iiiioui wnni
m j21 li "t'10'' rnndlilnttiH had conceded.
SS J.e?i0":1" l ",' .."'i V i Speaker Clnrk'n adherents wore do-
r2ioa was the next to bo nominated.
IttiW. Westcott bringing his nnnio
ore tne convention. Two domou
daring todny Hint ho would stoadlly
gain ns tho balloting of tho conven
tion progrcHsed and nt tne samo time
miln. ... . uon
K' i: " " ' Itl-cy nro busy with delegate- to see
"!l IWl.A In Oiinnl. '...1 .....!... .. ' "t
st arose to sneak, nnd another of
. , . .--
-a minutes nftor ho closed
uma .
rbfd near 7 o'clock In tho morn
thorn are no defections,
i Tie wnson iit'onio on ino uuiui
' ----- . . ... ji'
baud mnilo stHteuieniB inni now mo.
lu r.ivrnlln tn vllnnii lint thn nro-
...... .,io ..I, .,..., ...v.. ,,J , ( I ...,.... n.l . a nifnlmi linil nHT I ,n ,ii....m.v ,,......, -. .. ...- ...
Shlvelv. nnd iinrmnn who ' ,u "." " 'y'".." . . ..." . .. . i.. ..: tloiiiliintf ni: olcnicnt of CO votes Is for
nmlnalcd l.v M S, brvV" V0K" " "- "."""V",";: nnvone who hns a rcnRonnblc assur
ing s'lort .i;i,ion.irtlnnH?.on.ln"a:. ""... .'.."". .'"?, mice of carrying New York. Chnlr-
. fn.i,.... .;. '::.."r. '"..: .'i nu ir.ey woro mi . -i """": nm. T.,.na .ni.i i,inv ti.nt hr
. m mi: i. il iiiii. inn n.iiir linn ..... .1.1..... i.n....i ... , nun. j.i.v un..v o..... ..... i
to n second cnoir- iur ""F" '" vvwvwvws,wwvsrfs
Leaders Trying to Line-up to
Secure Illinois and 'Indiana
or New York With "Solid
South" in November Election
(Uy Assoclntod Press to Coos Day
IULTl.MOItE, Aid., Juuo 28.-
TIio bnllot curly this morning wiih
taken todny ns the starting point for
all speculation nbout tho Nnttonal
Democratic convention as to who
would be Its candidate for prenldonr.
All oyoa centorod on New York, Illi
nois nnd Indiana.
Tho fooling Is general Hint tho
nominee of tho convention Is nssurod
of practically tho "Solid South" next
November nnd nil Its enorgles woro
bolug bont to ndd to this the addi
tional strongth of pivotal northon
states, notably Illinois and ludlnnu,
which would combine enough elec
toral votes from the north nnd soiit'i
to secure n victory.
element of Inhor In its strength that tho end of tho contest Is In sight nml
thnt Wilson will bo nominated on tin
fifth ballot.
On tho other hand National Com
mitteeman Clnrk IIowoll assorted
thnt Undorwoad bend thn ticket
believed there would bo no deadlock
when tho convention opened this aft
ernoon. He felt thnt tho pout-up
energies of tho shoutcrs had found
expression and from now on tho con
vention would keep on tho business nt
Thero nro conflicting Influence
oporntlng In tho convention. One is
n doslro to nomlnnto n cnndldnlo
whoso nppcnl to tho people generally
will bo flufflclcntly strong. Tho oth
er Is to nnnio n mnn who enn mnko an
npponl to Now York nnd tho south.
Whllo Murphy, Sullivan nnd Tnggnrt
nro ynko fellows for tho tlmo bolm,',
It Is folt thnt thoy nro soon likely to
como to n parting of tho ways. It la
not liuprnbnblo that Now York will
turn to Clnrk, whllo Illinois nnd In
illnnn may uway to Wilson. Dryan ns
tho ultimate cnndldnto Is llttlo dis
cussed, nlthough Bomo continue to, re
gard him as u possibility. Now Yo-lc
profora nrynn to WIIboii, whllo tho
south profors Wilson to Dryan.
Wilson's mnnngors do not liollov?
thero will bo n deadlock and Repre
sentative Gurloson, of Toxns, said
Btrongost, torcst words havo beflii
Cnncht In frmnlni nvun. t.lnulf 1..
tla. Ilinl tin nttn .n. .Iniil.t 1.A ...... '
... .....k in, unit LIU. UWIIUI 11IU JIIUJIUll.
to fulfill tho pledges.
Thero nlso Is an effort to frank tho
plntform to npponl to Ite-publlcnn
progressive? in the hopo thnt many
of thorn may bo won over. Indeed nil
tho pnrt of somo It Ib hopod thtiw
Iloo8ovolt mny bo Induced by tho plat
form declarations to nbnndon his fu.
thcr prcaldontinl nmhltlons nnd Join
tho Domocrnts In bringing about re
suits on which his vlows nro In nc-
Alcnim Early Work.
Tho trip Is taken to Indlcnto thnt
tho Portor nrothcra will put a Inrgo
forco to work on tho construction
nnd rush It through. Thoy havo
oniilpmont In rondlness for tho work.
It Ib understood thnt thoy havo
nrrnngod to hnvo n construction Iiob
pltal nt or nonr Floronro nnd will
put tholr own.Hurgoons In charge
lMnn Hcroptlon
Preliminary planH nro bolng mndo
todny for a big rcooptlon for tho
party nnd othor rnllrond contrnctorn
- mm 1 u I'llll'K 111 LIIO Illliril- . . .1 j
:r. FlrM,ii 0...".i" :."".; 1 gain in iniwo uiiiiiihu". . ...!-.-, - nnaaAnA inir nnimi sail a nil
'IDS Wng thn vnln.
Hson, 324.
riderwood. 11714.
wmon, us
Jfhall, 31. J '
5Mln, 32.
Bffsn. l. '
8'lzer, 2.
Absent. 2.
XllttV nf 1I .. ...-
?8' ork. which nt n cnncus
light for the nomination innr n selec
tion on tho first bnllot wns out of tha
Tho ballot this morning brought
thoso expectations to n realization.
It wns because tho dologntas know tin
sltuntlon wns compllcntod that tluy
pntlontly snf through the night listen
ing to tho oratory and then ngreed tn
the test voto boforo Inking n reces
for sleep nnd conferoncos prior to re
...,i,, im KtniffL-le. Every one
in. , . "" "
r. Kwsatu early in tho evening "nll e ,0 )cnow how mntters stoo-l
St'TEl ' !f ''"""J!!0"8 " I nml the roll call gave a definite Idea
"IHVVMIUHl 11. Ill'Jt
k'l.. ..
ir.:?e.C01.lVPm'0n adjourned un-
'VLIIM'V Willi. .IA....
In " " uiiuriiuun,,1,",nK speechos woro
li,,: , " .".i.iih-b iiiiii 11111 Bts:iiii:-
lin ?.t0 flvo m,nut
r1 usenr w.
! 4 " A A A A
M..,.08ser ,,y tho nnmo ot
08. Wll-
mn, noml-
Underwood for
1 -. ti.n iii-niiiniiini'v llno-iin.
W. lliv ................ - -
Tte big tlounmii qiiunnij -tho
voto of Now York. That delega
tion nt n caucus last night gn.o lt
votos to llnrmou on the in unum
Nebraskan Irritated by Stories
Says He Voted for Clark
(Dy Associated Press to tho Coos Day
HALTIMORB, Aid., June 2S. W.
J. Ilrynn hud no word to sny todny on
the first presidential ballot at tho
National Domocrntlc convention.
After tho adjournment of tho all-
night session tho Nobrnskau hurrlol
to the hotel and rot I red for needel
Thero nrobnbly will be othor cuucusu ,.()gt. l0 indicated thnt tho delegates
llieiu iiinm ,j . i1.on,i,. B.mknn the r lnllllts
annliiBt I'ndorwood nnd Hnrnion and
n was killed In tho Con-
HJJ Logging Camp nt Lampa
Uiti Bnm over h' " ,0K"
L,.al"' ." lonio Is sup-
it I,. . , e m Nortl1 IJo' nl
."Snot knnwn ,..,. ...
'Urni.ti """" "iioniur no nun
, vi datives thero or not.
In the delegation ns the ballots prog
ress and thero Is n clinnce the bl4
'block of votes mny do thrown m -.y
lino to Clnik. Wilson or some other
a dldnto. There Is JjMI"-"
newed tnUe of the possibility of Dr-
nn's nomination and also talk of a
"XJT'm delegates, however
seemed content to lot tre . flrW " '
nlnnir throiiKh s x or seven hallo s
.n.Lf. S to reach SKieenienU
....... n.n nminGltlon force
bcpius today little chance of n ttuiv
, Ie(ic- . .
Anv attempt to
voto In f nvor of this resolution?"
"Thoro wero 23V4 votes for It nnd
one-half n votoagnlustit nnd Thomiw
F. Ryan was sitting In tho dologn
Hon. This resolution has made tho
delegates get In lino. Thoso who
nomlnntcd a reactionary after passing
this resolution would never dnro to
go homo If they lived west of tho Al
legheny Mountains. Tho convention
hns gono on record."
"An Inquiry ns to whether ho
would support n reactionary .candi
date seomed to nettlo Ilrynn nnd ho
gnvo no doflnlto nnswer.
"Air. nrynn, It hns been suggosto'l
among delegates thnt conditions
might nrlso that would cnuso you to
"I don't reply to overy roport thnt
Is started about mo," answered th.i
Nebraskan. "I don't think nny nui'i
hns tho right to ask ino that quea
t Ion. When this convention started,
could you tell whnt wns going to hnp-
of Seuteuco
nom'nate Dryau
lilinm resU'WDro
, ..-, -" -.-, Btatoi) In.
from come 01 ino . - -- , ,,,
-nil Morrison fi.... fitv would me with stubborn r'.
liico from come of tnesouu
ated PrB o nnna n. sfnicted for Underwooa
from th
h Asaoci
ni ' ......... . I, ia tnlouse and
rHeratin inson "'o Anierlcnn !"V
noM . l l'auor ,leaas. recently 8"UCD - iu ono vonr linil tilno
rtkiv!Si,.ecilvely' for contempt of
I..., 'B nied tnflnV nn onnnol f.nm
was uncomnilttal as to whetJier liU
choice was Clark or Wilson, nlthough
he added he had voted for Clnrk.
Hryun bellovos ho has nehiovod a
groat moral victory in obtaining tho
Hoa-n, nf his AIorgnn-Rysn-Uelniont
.Hnii.tinn which was hurlod Into tie n0n? A man's course of nctlon mut
convention like a bombshell las. ;i)0 determined ns tho circumstance.
n'glit. Oor tho breakfast table Dry- nrlso."
o loitPii froolv of the resolution. nrynn's friends say the passage of
Than ' vskod what Its offoct would be, he re- the "Bombshell" resolution has
Illled' YOU Wnil lorn , nw isuuwn wio rouimy 111111. 1 inn 10 u
nevor has been such nn alignment of j progressive convention nnd thnt a
a political party against an Inter!, progressive must be named."
lust see the voto thnt wns cafct fori
.1 ..resolution." ' SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE on
',,.,, ,k .w.oltitl-miiiilllned b.v f. SEPIA PICTTItES, 10 x 25 Inches.
hn nilml' atlon of the Inst clnuee. d- REPRODUCTIONS of Fiiiuouh Pnlnt
nandlnl' the withdrawal of any del'.-lings, YOUNG MOTHER subjects nnl
gates epresentlng tho Morgan-uyi'n
Ilelmcnt Interests.?"
'No replied uryiiu. wim cm-uif
turn wiui uii'ir own. -., "... "' ...: " .".."
With theso purposcB In mind old- i"," '"."'. ,, " l ..1,ny l,
time Domocrntlc doctrine nro ex- !" E" " ,,, l,,0?1n11iit,i,ll.ri sPork
tendod so an to cover many Holds. .u " ?" ,,,1p,,',1,,Ib"n,,I1It,,l,B10I,J
This has lod to tho making of n long" "f ' ?"?&" rroJmlily will bo l.o d
Platform, but the length will bo foun I " Ll nn' "mt?nC, !! '' fT'' ,,nt,
duo to the vnrloly of subjects rather ' l'1 'I0'.0"'1 on, n, thno of tl10 nrr
thnn to the elaboration of nny pnr-nl or l'")llpnrt.i . ..
tlculnr plnnk. Thoro linB boon a con- rnrr "l?') ,ro "p ""J ...
slstont effort to ollmlnnto unnecos-L "J"? ""tnor rocolvod n lettor
sary words. from J- ' Uowmnn In which ho anyu
When for Instnnco Snniuol Gomfi-I'.'1 "vo icen out for tho pnst fow
era npponred In tho Intorest of lnbor.i '"" xtl1 JohnBton Portor or Prtttor
im un nain. i.v n,v.n v.i.ii, - n. i DroB., tho rnllwny contmclora. and
Donvor lnbor plnnk wns not sntlsfnc- ,,1 t0 lH n, tm h nr,.n ''? J"B5
tory. "It wns," replied Gompors. "'f"0'1 " n ontrnrt for building 8fi
"Reaffirm It and wo will bo Balls- !n,l.os of Ul Cor8 I,n' rnllrond, that
fled." "Wrlto tho plnnk." declared " rommcnrinR -ii tuiiob out or
nrynn, "but put It In hnlf tho worda J'-ugono wlioro Twohy IlroB. loft off,
nnd mnko ench of them brlstlo." """. "HnR 10 unrillnor. Tho En-
hiihii ruiuriiruiig nnu, wuo win opor
nto nut of Mnrnhflnld nro tn build tho
2R mllos of rond botwoen Mnrshdold
nnd Gnrdlnor. Mr. Portor tolls mo.
that tho work on tholr contract will
begin Just nn noon nn thoy can got
thn construction equipment on tho
ground which will bo In nbout thirty
days. I nm not suro thnt thin news
linn boon glvon out nt Mnrahfleld but
1 nm satlHlled It Is positive"
Secures Passage of Resolution!
Attacking Privilege
Seeking Class.
tionists and 100 of Fol
lowers Slain.
(By Associated Press to tho Coos Bay.
nALTIMORE, Aid., Juno 2S - nBmB,,i, ,,, D,ln,
wiiiinm j. nryan led tho National ' Commander of Cuban Revolu-
Domocrntlc convention last night into
a declaration of progrosslvonoss un
heard of In polltlcnl history. Dy n
vote of 889 to 190 tho convention
ndopted n resolution Introduced by
him declaring tho convention opposed
to nny cnndldnto under obligation to
J. P. Alorgnn, Thomns F. Ryan, Au
gust Ilolmont and any other mombor
of tho "PrlvIlego-seokliiR clnss."
As orlKlnnlly Introduced tho reso
lution had nn additional paragraph
which read, "Bo it furtfior resolved.
(Dy Assoclntod Press to Tho
Hay Times.)
SANTIAGO, Juno 28. Gonornl
Evaristo Estouoz, tho robot londor,
nnd ouo hundrod InsurgontH, woro
killed In n bnttlo nt Vogn Ilollaco, six
mllos from Mlcnrn, by tho govern
ment troops yestorday. Tho dead ln
cjudo probnbly nlso Gonornl Podro
....-. .--.. . ...... . t
That wo doinnnd tho withdrawal j ivouoi wmisu uuuy mmuvur w u-.
from this convontlon of nny delegate ( lounu.
or dologntos constituting or ropro-. ,,.,, . . ,,
sontliiR tho above named intorosts." HAVANA, Juno 28-Gonoral Mon.
Tho Introduction of tho resolution toagudo, commiindor-ln-chlof of tho
.. i,.. .... l... 'Vnt'Arnmnnt f.ip.i.u Inlnfrnnrinil InflflV
crenieii n iiirur, oiiuui.uiy wuuh ui", "'""""" ...,....-,...., ... -,
BlKnlflcnnco of Its flnnl pnrngrnpl
becamo fully appreciated. SovornI
delegates, Including Flood, of Vir
ginia, former Governor McCorblos of
West Virginia, and othors, denounced
the resolution.
nryan finally decided to withdraw
tho Inst paragraph or ms resolution
principally because of
that tho death or Estenoz, tho .robot
loader, puts an end to tho rebellion.
sis, "TiV last olnuse was merely put-
i. "'tenm ,n . . na in mniiy )
'ttUf. i. r 'ujf un uiincai irom v"iv . - .,-..,. i,.a
Uir.nr8ht's decision and cave were aboui oiu.u .-
i. " ino . a. w -
irturcsque Session
The nil nlsht 810n ""r,,1";,; r i effect the flrfct clnui-i1.
' ' ...nan Ifl HI! L11CIU llttfl ., .
M " .... t.-- i ir Pftni'nnnnn mivt
of oratory ,wnen oeioio ... .., -",;
I ...... i J .... Itilnlr nt Vlrlflnlll'S
Saturday sale PRICE IRc.
Comnlote lino of rntEWORKS nnd
Hpve your calling carda printed al
The Times' office.
.May Change Style It la llkoly thnt
tho pompnilour will go out of stylo
on Coos nay nftor July 1 whon tho
local harbors' now schodulo of prlcos
koob Into effect. At n mooting this
a quostlou wook, thoy doildod thnt llfty cents
whother It did not violate the rlght3 wns only n rensonnblo chargo for
of sovereign states to solqct tho'r a pompadour bnlr-ciit becnuso It
own jldusnte8- Tho withdrawal of takes nenrly doublo tho tlmo of nn
that portion of the resolution mod1-, ordinary trimming. This will bo
lied many of thoso who opposed It l.i , hard on n numbor of tho collogo
the former state, and nftor a iIIscmb-i hoys who aro hero for tho vacation.
slon which was marked with disturb-; it was nlso decided to chnrgo rty
anco throughout Its three hours
duration It was passed.
rents for honing razors. This Is a
doublo blow at tho man who ahaves
himself, tho other bolng n chnrgo of
thirty-five conts for hnlr-cuta whoro
tho patron does not got a snavo ai
tho same tlmo.
" atIi Btullon or t,lo sentence
J (Continued on Page Two.)
"WIlUl U" J"' l"" "" -