0 THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1911 EVENING EDITION. WHAT CONGRESS EXPECTS TO 00 WASHINGTON', D. C. Dec. 8. The committee hns In hand n hnlt dozen bills providing amendment to the Sherman nntl-trust law. The most recont bill wnB drafted by Rep resentative Henry of Texas, provid ing for penitentiary terms for viola tors of tho trust laws nnd designed to ellmlnnte from tho Shermnn law tho "rulo of reason" as Interpreted by tho Supremo Court. Some sort of bill 1b certain to come from tho committee bearing an this problem. In tho Sonato the trust question Is under consideration in the hearings boforo tho committee on Interstate Commerco which will continue for some time. In line with the trust question will bo the determination of the fate of tho IIoubo special committee of in quiry Into the United States Steal Corporation. Tho steel corporation has protested against continuation of tho hearing in view of the ruling of tho government against It. Tho question I3 certain to be brought up In tho Houso for settlement within t fow days and It will provoke n lively controversy Ab n part of tho trust legislative plan president Taft has suggested n federal incorporation act. Ho has stated his bellof that a statute might bo drawn, not ub an nmendment to tho nntl-trust law, to furnish pro tection which would induce compa nies engaged chiefly in interstate trado to agrco to govornmont super vision of tholr transactions. Tho Natlona. Monetary Commis sion will submit tho report of Us long and oxhaustlvo Inquiry by Janu ary 8. Tho Central rcsorvo bank plan advocated by former Scnntor Kelson W. Aldrlch, hns boon prac tically unanimously endorsed by tho American Cankers' Association. Cur rency reform, however, probably will dovolop many differing opinions beforo any legislation Is unacted. Of unusual interest in tho Sonato will bo tho contlnunnco of tho inquiry Into tho right of Senator Lorlmor of Illinois, to retain his scat. Hearings in the case which have been going on in Chicago since Octobor will bo resumed hero tomorrow, December fi. Conservation policies are to bo urgod on Congress. Included In this are water power, coal, phosphate oil nnd gns nnd other resources. Early In tho session tho National Wa terways Commission will report re commendations. A report also will be made by the securities commission relating to railways and bonds nnd tho special Postal ConunlsuUm which lias held sessions In Washington, Now York and Bt, Louis also will re port. Tho Employers Liability Com mission has formulated a report to uVmU t9 C9nb'r6B. Llvoly discussions nro expected In both houses on tho Immigration laws, tho abrogation of tho trenty of 1832 between tho Unltod States and Russia, campaign publicity, and a bill proposing loqls'ncl.'e powir to bo conferred upon tho Teriltory of Alaska. An effort also may bo inndo to abolish tho new court of com- (.Ministers nnd othcrB are request ed to hand tho Sunday church 110 Mces not Inter than Friday evening to Insuro Insertion Saturdoy.) . CIIUISTIAN SCIENCE. Christian Science hall, 327 Third street, North. Service Sunday at 11 a. m. Subject, "God tho Preserver of Man." Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday R p. m. EPISCOPAL Emmanuel Church Rov. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector . S o'clock Holy Communion. 11 o'clock Morning Service. 7:30 o'clock Even.ng Service. 3:30 o'clock Sorvlco nt North Bond. METHODIST EPISCOPAL H Rev. II. I. Rutledgo, Pastor. Sunday school nt 10 A. M. Morning service at 11 A. M. Epworth Lcaguo at 0:30. Evening servlco ut 7 30. Prayer meeting on 1hu,-8,,uy eve ning nt 7:30. Strangora welcome. MAHSHFIELI) CATHOLIC CHURCH. Rev. A. R. Munro. 4 Mass at 8 nnd 10 o'clock Sunday morning, tho Rev. Father Munro, col obrant. r 4 SEVENTH WAY AWVENT18TS Soventh Day Adventlst service aro conducted evory Saturday at tholr now church as follows: Sabbath school at 10 a. tu. preach ng servlco 10:46 a. m. You are ord lolly invited to attend. ) NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. Rev. A. G. L1ND, Pastor. Residence 471 Elrod Ave. Morning servlco, 10:30 In North Bond. . Evening servlco, 7:30 in Mnrsh flold. Sunday school each Sunday 10 A. M. MARSHFIELD K PHE8IIVTKRIAN CHURCH J. T. M. Knox, pastor. Morning servlco nt 11: A. M. Evening service nt 7:30 P. M. Sunday school nt 10:00 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M. All cordially Invited to nttend. 1 NORTH WEND .METHODIST CHURCH. Tho services Sunday will bo ns fol lows: Sunday school, 10 A. M. Preaching services, 11 A. M. Junior Lenguo, 3:30 P. M. Evening servlco nt 7:30 P. M. Tho morning thomo will bo "Tho Fulfilling Mission of Christ." In the ovenlngNthe Bcrmon subject "The Knock nt tho Door." UNITED KRETHREN CHURCH OF NORTH IIEND. Sunday School at 10 A. M. Christian Endeavor at 0:30 P. M. Preaching service nt 11 A. M. and 8 o'clock. NORTH REND CATHOLIC CHURC1L Rev. Father Sprlngor, Rector. 4 Mass at 8 and 10 o'clock Sunday morning, tho Rev. Father F. J. Sprln gor, celebrant. morco. Obedlnh Gnrdlnor, of Mnlno, suc ceeds tho Into Scnntor Fryo, In tho Bonnto, and Iloko Smith comes to tho Senate from Georgia. RcnowM of tho effort to olect n presldont pro tomporo of tho Sonato In plnco of Mr. Fryo will bo mndo. Senator Bacon was tho loading cnudldato of tho democrats and Scnntor Galllngcr, tho loader of tho regular republicans nt tho Inst session. Senator Clapp was tho cholco of tho insurgent re publicans. In the Houso nn lnteiestlng fen- turo of tho session In nil probability will bo tho abolition of tho secret ' caucus by tho democratic majority. Economy will continue to bo tho I democratic "watch word" In the Houso. In this connection nil tho in vestigations into govornmont depart ments by tho Houso committees on expenditures aro to bo continued and recommendations nro to bo made along Hues of economy for each de partment of the government. Economy It Is said also will guide tho appropriations committee, tho first domocrntlc committee In many years to got a "whack" nt tho big i appropriation supply bills including tho 80-cnlled "pork-bnrrols." Repre-' eontntlvo Fitzgerald of New York, Is tho chairman of tho committee which I will undortnko tho task of paring I down tho appropriations which for tho yoar of 1911-1912 amounted to $1,020,287,50!. SI. HIE LUTHERAN CHURCH. Cor. 3rd and Commercial Avo. Rer. B. F. Bengtson, pastor. 294 Highland Avenue Phono 94-R Sunday school 0:45. Communion servlco nt 11:00. Evening servlco nt 7:30. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. O. LoRoy Hall, Resldenco 592 Sixth street Phones: Resldenco 256. 4 Study, 289-L. 4 44444 44 444444444 4 Sunday. 10 A. M., Sunday School. Alva Doll nnd Wesley Smith, superinten dents. Preaching services at 11:30 nnd 7:30.' "Tho McNamarns nnd tholr crlmo" will bo tho topic which Rov. G. Lo Roy Hnll will discuss Sunday ovc nlng. 3 P. M. Boys and girls meeting Mrs. G. L. Hall in charge Young People's meeting at C:30. A cordial invltntlon Is extended to you. 4444444444-4 44444 4 CHURCH OF CHRIST 4 444444444444444 Rogulnr services e-iory Lord's day. I Sunday school, 10 o'clock A. M. Communion servlco 11 o'clock A.M.' Y. P. S. C. E. 6:30 o'clock P. M.I Prayer meeting Thursday evonlng each week 8 o'clock, 4444444444444444 4 NORTH BEND PRESBYTERIAN 4 Rov. McLEOD, Pastor. 4 444444444444444 Sunday school nt 10. Pronching service nt 11. Tho subject for tho morning will bo "Individual Anxiety" tho subject for tho evening, "Obscure Lives." Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Preaching sorvlco nt 7:30, pre ceded by song Borvlco. Coming! Coming! Raymond Teal Musical Comedy Company The Big Song Show Wait, For It Watch For It, Carload of Special Scenery and Electrical Effects Mostly Girls 30 O PLE MASONIC OPERA HOUSE 5 Nights Beginning Monday DEC 1 1 CASH KNIGHT Have Us Launder Your Underwear Wo wash tbeso garments cloanor nrul better than tho work can bo done olsowhero, nnd thoy aro not worn so much. Wo do not shrink thorn, ovon woolon garments nro returned the same slzo as when sent us. Wo Iron tho garments nicely, make ordinary repairs frco of charge and you hnvo fresh elenn, sweet under wear ready for each week's chnnge Bundlo yours up with next wcok'i tnundry bundlo. Marshfield Hand & Steam Laundry PIIO.V. 220-3 Aftor tho snow try a Turkish Ball Phono 3 14-J. When you feel dull; out of aorta, discouraged, half alok and everything aeoms to bo solas; wrong-, you can blorao it on your liver. It U torpid. You neod HERBINE A Mtdicln of Power In All Livsr Disorders. When tho liver Is torpid, It throws Impurities into tho system, which hamper every organ In tho body. Tho rosult Is that func tional processes aro not properly carried on. Impurities get lnto tho blood, tho stomach Is bilious, tho kidneys weak and tho bowels Irregular generally constipated. Hcrblne clears out ul theao Impurities, opens up tho obstructed channels, strengthen tho torpid Ilvor, cleanses tho blood, purfles and regulates tho bowels. After tho aystera has been thus overhauled, thcro Is an Immedlato Improvement Appetite returns, digestion is good, tho spirits rise, tho mind clears of gloomy forebodings and everything looks bright nnd cheerful, which moans, sound, healthy conditions every wheio In the body. Price 50c per Bottle. JUK T. UU1MO HWfMCTOH tT. IKHt, WO. To care Smarting; EycbnlK Sore V.yrm or Weak Sight, uae Mcpheua ISjo Halve. I'SolqAno RteOHMCNDIDBvl BED CROSS DRUG STORK Windows of Persuasion Twentieth Century merchandising methods count heavily on the SHOW WINDOW. Show windows arc nn index o mercantile character a certificate of the wares on counters and shelves. Properly lighted show windows ATTRACT POWE RF ULLY ; poorly -lighted windows repel customers. Good Lighting can add 50 per cent to tho value of show windows. OUR NEW BUSINESS DEPARTMENT IS COMPETENT TO ADVISE ON THE SUBJECT OF EFFECTIVE WINDOW ADVERTISING, AND TO PLAN PROFIT-MAKING LIGHTINO INSTALLATIONS. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. , Corner Central and Second Try The Times' Want Ads. Better fL Baking SljgB m with rjfflJB jLy tit's I I 4 1 I fm m descent lyfliPl m A Better tjjggBp m Baking Powder m City Auto Service Good Cnrs, Cnreful Drivers nnd i ' " renuonablo charges. Our motto: When you want a rollablo modl "WIU go nnywhoro nt any tlmo." clue for n cough or cold take Cham Rtnnds ninnco Hotel and ninnco berlaln's Cough Remedy. It can nl "Ignr Storo. Day Phones 7S and 4C. wnys bo depended upon nnd is pleas Ilght Phono 4C. 'nnt nnd safe to tnko. For salo by pAUicru , GnnnLK. Proprietor, all dealers. to . 'sjuiaTulSLuuwi twit " T J Olympic Flour Highest Quality Condensed Statement ' '' - of tho condition of '' The First National Bank OF COOS HAY '. , nt tho Closo of Business, Dec. 5, 1011. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts $220,329.87 Bonds, Warrants and Securities 73, 161. B0 U. S. Donds to securo circulation 25,000.00 Renl Kstnto, Furnlturo nnd Fixtures 81,472.94 Cash and Sight Exchango 141,13198 Total i $300,000.20 Liabilities. Cnpltnl stock paid In ?100,000.p0 Surplus nnd undivided profits 10,797.39 Circulation, outstanding . 25.000.0U Doposlts 414,298.90 Total 8350,000.20 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS. MARSHFIELD OREGON STATEMENT OF CONDITION Flanagan (8b Bennett Bank of MARSHFIELD, OREGON At tho closo of business, December 8, 1011. Resources. ' Loans nnd Discounts $422,312.68 Banking Houso ' 50,000.00 Cash nnd Exchanges 184,480.42 Totnl 8030,700.10 Liabilities. Capital Stock paid In $ 50,000.00 Surplus nnd Undivided Profits 58,531.57 Deposits ,.., 548,267.53 Total 8030,700.10 Let Riggs Frame Your Pictures In An Artistic Calend ar FOR A Christmas or New Years' Greeting A REDUCTION ON ALL PICTURES RIGGS STUDIO HOURS O TO 3 NORTn FRONT STREET Abstracts, Real Estate. Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. nENRY 8ENGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Office Phone 191 Marshfield Office 14-J. FarmB Timber Coal and Platting Lands a specialty. Gonaral Ageuts "EASTSIDE" DRESSMAKING GOWNS, SUITS AND REMODELLING. MRS. . BANDEL Unique Pantatonum DYEING, GLEANING, PnESSlKO AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OV HAT WORK. ItOSS & PINEGOR. Phone 19-J, Cor. 4th and Park Aye. 256 Central ayenue phone 2503 y-Y -