witffVlW)iP'V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1910 EVENING EDITION. !. ( I WP-' is HEM Many Cases to Come Up Circuit Court This Term. The docket of the September term t of thp Circuit Court is n heavy one. In addition to tho civil actions there will probably bo n good many crimi nal cases to try. However, nono of tho cases this term should tako long to try. In addition to the dlyorco ca8eo which have nlrcady been men tioned tho civil cases on tho .docket are ns follows: A. E. Seaman vs. Thomns Dutts ct nl., action at law (two cases). Hubert Fetter vs. Joseph Thomas, action nt law. . Central Trust Company of Califor nia vs. Illvcrton Lumber Company et nl, action at law. Dandon Manufacturing Company vs. E. S. Larscn & Company, action nt law. Ccntrnl Trust Company of Califor nia vs. Illvcrton Lumber Company, suit In equity. John Shahan vs. L. D. Kinney ct a), suit to forccloso mortgages. James Balnea vs. City of Marsh field and C. A. Smith Company, suit in equity. Martha S. Landrlth vs. Nolllo J. Coffolt et nl, suit In equity. II. A. Kent nnd James Fltzpatrlck vs. Espcr S. Lnrsen nnd Henry D. Larson, action at law. J. M. Thomas vs. Addison F. Cook ct al, suit to forccloso mortgage. In tho matter of D. I). Dobbins, do ing business ns Oregon Electrical Supply Company, assignment. L. I). Kinney nnd licit Lino Hall way vs. John K. Kollock as Individual nnd trustee, suit in equity. W. II. Murphy vs. Thomns W. Van ter et nl, nctlon nt law. J. C. Wilcox vs. E. M. Ward, action nt law. Bank of Dandon vs. J. II. Prlco et nl, suit to forccloso mortgnge. In ro J. Virgil Puglt et nl, In tho matter of n bill of review, suit In equity. Joseph Richards and Jnno Sehov clnltz vs. Ellen Sneddon, suit lit equity. K. L. C. Fnrrln and J. M. Upton vs. Holt' Lino 'Hallway et nl, suit in equity. Josopli L. Lapp vs. City of Mnreh flcld, suit for Injunction. Forbos Supply Company vs. Ore gon Klectrlc 8upply Co., ct nl, action nt law. cock vs. .May Pierce and to all persons unknown, etc., suit In equity. Hnttlo Bledsoe vs. 0. F. Rohrer and Mary Rohrcr, suit to forccloso mortgage. Thomas Coats as rond supervisor of K. D. No. 9, etc., vs. Art. Sargent, pe tition for writ of rovlow. Mary A. and Allco C. Oalllcr vs. In Coos County et al, notice to appeal from report of Biirvcy. Marlon J. McDonald and Allco Mc Donald vb, Horace I). Goodwin ct al, milt in equity. Harriet M. Robertson vs. Johanna Robertson nnd Coos County, suit In oqulty. J. W. Ingram vs. Sarah Wilson, ac tion at law. Marohall-WcllB Hardware Company vs. Ward Logging Company, action at law. Magglo Wall nnd John Wall vs. A. S. Taylor nnd Margaret Taylor, suit In. equity. Bolt Lino Railway Company vs. L. T. Matthows otal, suit in equity. Schmidt Hanson nnd Hans Hansen vs. Bononl and Roxis A. Hasklns, ac tion nt law. John Mnrsdcn vs. Robert Mnrsdcn, nctlon at law. Ward Logging Company vs. Simp son Lumber Company, action at law. Patrick Hennessey vs. Port of Coos liny and Henry Scngstnckon ct al, suit for Injunction. J. W. Qnrdlnor vs. Ward Logging Company, milt In equity. North Bend Hnrdwnro and Supply Company vs. L. D. Kinney ct nl, action at law. E. O. Hall vs. Eugene O'Connell, action nt law. Esther A. Snmpson vs. City of Co qullle, nctlon nt law. In tho matter of tho assignment of O. Wilson nnd Co,, assignment. In the mntter of tho assignment of 0. E. Mickey, nn Insolvent debtor, assignment. Henry Scngstnckon vs. Scnport Land Company et nl, suit In equity. Holt Lino Railway Company vs. N. II. nnd Roso Welling, suit in equity. E. L. C. Fnrrln nnd Goorgo Fnrrln vs. Wllllnni'II. King, nctlon nt law. Margaret M. Cox vh. John E, Cox, suit for divorce. Eugono O'Connell vs. 12. O. Hall, cross bill In equity. L. I). Kinney vs. James M. Conro, action for damages. L. I). Kinney vs. W. Alex Smith et nl, suit In equity. In tho matter of tho nsslgnmout of tho Ilnysldu Pniut Company, as signment. Axol F. Johnson vs. Clara Johnson, suit for pnrtltlon. Merchant Land Company vs. J. II. Uarbour, suit In equity. W. Leo Rny vs. Coos County, John Emma Stutsmnn nnd Flanagan & Dennett Dank ct al, suit in equity to foreclose mortgage. Gcorgo Wltto vs. L. D. Kinney ot nl, action nt law. T. M. Hermann, Taylor Dement ct nl vs. Coqulllo Valley Tclephono Co. ct al, suit In equity. Flnnngan otsnte ct al vs Marshfleld Realty and Trading Co., suit in equity. Gcorgo Gehrig vs. L. Ansclmo nnd wife, nctlon nt law. I W. Stevens vs. A. W. Myors nnd A. W. Myers & Co., nctlon nt law, J. L. Thompson vs. W. C. Roso, nc tlon nt law. E. L ,C. Farrln and Gcorgo Fnrrln vs. C. A. Smith Timber Co., action at law. A. C. Burroughs vs. J. D. McNeil, executor of tho cstato of Carrlo Nns burg, nctlon nt Jaw. D. S. Stlrton vs. II. Nasburg and F. A. Austin, action at law, , Fred Holllster vs. Coos Day Rapid Transit Co., nctlon nt law. Frances U. Moon vs. Louisa F. nnd Charles J, Cotter, suit to forccloso mortgage. Gustaf Svonson, administrator vs. Gcorgo W. Moore Lumber Co., action nt law. Frances C. Urquhnrt ct nl vs. Da vid S. Rouso, nctlon nt law. Gcorgo E. Horn vs. John W. Ncg- thon, nctlon nt law. John Nasburg vs. J. D. McNeil, ex ecutor, et nl, nctlon nt law. Edward H. Jochnk vs. J. N. Hutch- ins, action nt lnw. Dcrt Rush vs. J. F. Weathcrly, suit for dissolution of partnership. V. E. IIccbo vs. Chnrles Jlrunor, action nt law. Dennett Trust Company vs. Ln Cross Park Association. An Exposition of Beauty OtuM3i'niul Fall Opeuhip begins tomorrow morning, September tho 15th. TCvfr lino is now compltA And such n showing of 'mnguifieoutly tailored garments, mn ing of Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits, Capes, Skirts and Dresses, GowiRi.j Waists, Corsets and Underwear and Hosiery, Hair Goods, Kid Gloves, Lacca Dress Trimmings, has never before been shown on Coos Bay. This vast showing of beauty and style to which we bid you welcome, is the f riiif 0 our untiring efforts to assemble, from the Fashion centers of tho globe, the best ojV. erything. No effort has been spared to bring to the women of Coos Bay gnim which, in style, fabric, workmanship and price, cannot bo excelled anywhere. We want every woman in this community to sec these beautiful Fall styles. It will be an education in itself. It is .just as important to tho woman- who wants to buy her garments later to attend this Grand Opening, as it is to the woman who is ready to buy now. So, we repeat, wc welcome every one to this, ORCHARD LAM) SOLI). F. II. Wnlto Dispose of 8,000 Am nt Ashland for Ijt I (),)(. SUTHERL1N, Ore., Sept. 13. An nouncement wnn mado tho first of the week of tho snlo of tho F. 11. Walto holdings on tho north slopo of Dear Crook Valley, near Ashland, to n syn dlcnto of Chicago and Portland capi talists. , Tho tract Includes over 8,000 ncrcs, nnd tho consideration Is snld to have been over $100,000. Mr. Walto hns had n crew of ongincora In tho flold for sovornl weeks working on nn Irrl gntion schomo for tho property, and tho now owners nnnounco that tho work will bo continued nnd com pleted. Myers' Marshf ield Store Doors open at 9 o'clock - - Coos Building j Poultry Tonics & Foods j 8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8- -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-88 8 I 8 1 8 l 8 I 8 I 8 I 8 8 I 8 I 8 8 t 8 I 8 I 8 Stock Food Worm Powder Condition Powder Colic Cure and all other Medicines for Stock and Chickens. .. . . ..... ... ';".:; In tho mntter of tho assignment of I ' ""' " Ul "" "u"' ,B wu"Jr ,or ,n JUUVWUU, FOR THE QUEEN OF THE 1I.IY, CEE EASTS!!)!?. In 25c, 50c and $1.00 Packages? Poultry and Stock Foods in large pails, at inc. iuajiu oUl( U1 lrnltBr nr niulvlcnii. Velvet ninl Axmlnliicr on-tula ccrr room. Tour ttorlrt if mIH romtort Ha c riMuriM to: ilitjr, fiOi, ".'ic ml l do, wttk, U.W In .VO0. Alo n few limntlfi-plnmptrt-monln wltn km i-tingei, M.'.ft) tK-r month, t'rtt Lntlin. Take bu t depot. Mn. Hrldgt. pp Have that Roof Fixed Now See CORTHELL PHONE 100-Ti. HEAL ESTATE. I hnvo Bomo of tho best buys on tho Day. Can nrrnngo easy tcrmi. Houses nnd buildings for rent. AUGUST fri.een; C8 Central Ave. Marshfleld, Ore. I THE RED CROSS DRUG STORE! 8 8 -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-X1-H8 -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8 8 V 8 Don L. Orcon oto J. O. Stommlor, ns elgnmont. Ilorbort McFnrlln ot nl vs. Emily Ollvo Lewis et nl, suit in equity. Ella J. Morso vs. L. 1). Kinney, Seaport Land Co., E. M. Wnrd ot al, Biilt for Injunction, Nolllo I. Chandler vs. Henry Holm ct al, for continuation ot snlo, Josoph L. Lapp vs. City of Mnrsh- fleltl ot al, suit in equity. D. Madonna vs. L. O, Strommen, John W. Ounn ct nl, suit to foreclose lien. L. O. Strommoii vs. John W. Ounn nnd William Ounn, suit in equity. E. M. Ward vs. J. C. Wilcox, nc tlon nt lnw. L, A. Hobertson administrator of tho ostnto of Matilda A. .Mn rut ore vs. E. 8. Larson et nl, suit to foreclose mortgage, J, M, Arthur and Co. vs. Fred Meut. zel ot nl, action nt law. Kleeksteln, Mnyor Company vs. J. R. llorron, action nt law. Elecksteln, Mayor Company vs. J. C, Wilcox, nctlon nt law. A. J. Sherwood vs. Frank Fish ot nl, for continuation of sale. Fred Holllstor vs. E. M. Ward and J. W. Gardiner, action at law. Jacob Hockonverry vs. Oeorgo E. Peoples, action at law, Pnclllc Coast Elevator Company vs. L. Powthorer, suit In equity, Lily M. Matthews vs. W. 1). Mat thows, suit for dlvorco. Myrtle E. Johnson vs. Fraternal Union of Amorlca, motion for new trial. Western Oregon Trust Company vs. Uaudou Light and Power Company, suit In equity. Mnud Jncobn vs. L. A. Froy, C. S. Wlnsor, and L. J. Simpson, action at law. Jamos Tlerney vs. Poter Schneider, action nt law. Charles Dumgnrtnor et nl vs. Co qulllo Vnlley Telephone Company, suit for injunction, Andrees Andorson vs. Smlth-Pow-ors Logging Company et al, nctlon nt law 0 M Skeols vs. Sol Blumnur nnd Eugono I loch, petition to open decree. L. A. Llljeqvslt vs. J, L. Nelson, for conflrmntoln of sale. Fred B, Ilalght and Company vs, Sarah Johnson and Carl Johnson ot til, suit U equity, A, M, Hitchcock and Emma Hitch- Clay Oaroutto ot nl vs. M. Rowan, action at lnw. Oeorgo Cox vs. Jnlto Sydnnm, nc tlon nt law. 0. E. Van Alstelu vs. C. B. Zook, action at law. Hubert E. Slilno vs. L. J. Simpson et nl, suit to foreclose mortgnge. Dennis Donovan vs. Lorenzo Ansel- mo et nl, suit to forocloso mortgngo. mo i-ress I'uunsniiig company vs. A. T. Monde! et nl, action nt law. W. C. Chnso vs. E. A. neckot, ac tion nt law, Wllllnni McKay vs. J. H. Prlco, action at law. Lewis Strong vs. Coos County, pe tition for writ of review. Mount Hood Browing Company vs. L. Auselmo, nctlon at law. J. A. Jncobson, ns North Bond Furniture Company, vs. Coos Bay Itapld Transit Company, notion nt lnw. M. P. Pondergrnss vs. tho Steamer Liberty, action nt law. MePhorson-Oliiser Co. vs. Fred Muetzol, action nt law. North Bend Hnrdwnro nnd Supply Co. vs. J. Virgil PilKh. nctlon nt lnw. Charles D. Lash vs. A. M, Boss, suit In equity. Hannah Beets vs. E. M. Ballard et nl, suit to foreclose mortgage. Chambers Estato s. William Utter et al, suit lu equity. Z, T, Johnson, executor, vs. E. P. Adams, action nt lnw. S. W. Warner vs. E. P. Adams, Milt In equity. Bennett Trust Company vs. Henry Songstnckon, suit In equity to fore close mortgage lieu. In tho mntter of the assignment of "Preys," u corporation, nsslgn mout. William Starblrd and Oeorgo Ma ple vs. L. Ansclmo, action nt law. J. F. Weatherly vs. Bert Rush, ac tion nt law. North Bond Mercantile Co. vs. Coos Bay Rapid Transit Co., nctlon nt law. Peter Logglo vs. Coos Bay Rapid Transit Co., nctlon at law. Bruno Agostlno vs. L. Ausolino, nctlon at law. W. P. Fuller & Co. vs. Pioneer Hardware Co., action at law. L. W. Kinder vs, Ina Holm, suit In equity, John R. Miller vs. A. H. Stutsman, !$& &&o- wmir-- c.. Za&p .'I j v For Strictly Fresh Butter Sterilized Cream Sterilized Milk Butter Milk Bean-Pot Cheese - - and Ice Coos Bay Ice & Cold Storage FREE DELIVERIES 8 A. SI. nnd 2 P. M. Phono 7.1-J. -U-8-8- 8 i 8 I 8 I 8 I 8- I 8- 8! I 8 1 8 I I 8; t 8: 8 I 8; 8-' 8. 8. ! ?" a- -8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-8-88 What You Want Is' UAu STEAMER ItEDONDO WILL SAIL- SEPTEMBER 18TH FOB SAN FRANCISCO. MAKE RESERVATION' FOR PASSAGE AND FR EIGHT. Intcr-Occnn Transportation Co. O. P. McGEORGE, Agent. BRAND Hams, Bacon, Lard They fcoar tlio United States Government stamp- u guuruiiLuu oj. wuoiesomeness and purity. In ad dition they have a superior flavor and delicacy," viuo lu tuo iuuhu mouern inotnods of curing. At Best Dealers, Hotels and Cafes UNION MKA.T COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON JfliMir Faektra o th PacMe Having bought tlio bankrupt stock of J. w. Preston, wo will liavo tblngJ nrrangod on Tuesday nftornoon to glvo you bnrjralns on flxtures cheaper thnn enn b0 bought nt manufacturer' prlcos, 0 COIE EAIA' AXD OCT T1IK REST BAROAIXS EVER OlTPlW' IX MARSHFIELD. This . materUt must go nt onco regardless of cost. TERMS CASH. Cods Bay Wiring Co. EXPERT ELECTRICIANS. Respectfully ask your patronage. PnONE 237-J. . Look For TRV MV VACUUS! CLEANED Don't make n drudKo of yourscll by beating rugs and carpets when y"j can hnvo It dono more cheaply and hotter with my vacuum cleaner. Plono 2 9 5-J. R. E. PINEGOR, Shop lu Rcnr of Owl Furniture Storft G. W.Dungan Undertaker Mnrshflchl, Oregon. Parlors. 1HO South 3d St., Tojephone, Day or Xlght, 10g Have your LBTXBR HEAiw BILL HEADS printed at THE TIM WL oSct.